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Evan Burton

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Everything posted by Evan Burton

  1. Hi Geno - welcome to the Forum. Any relatives in Australia? I know a Kate Munari...
  2. David, you may be right. I lose patience with 'Moon Hoaxers' and such-like.
  3. I saw a good post that relates to this: "I'll never understand the mentality of people that hate the US government so much that they will believe they are capable of such evil whilst simultaneously denying that there are people out there are people that hate the US government so much that [they] will attack the US because they believe the US government is evil."
  4. I do hate how many on the CT side of the shop insist on blaming every tragedy on "deep politics". A maniac shoots up a mall - it is MK Ultra. A madman commits 'suicide by cop' - it's a CIA plot. Overseas radical groups commit mass murder - it's a link to finacial dealings. These people make me sick... and I think they, themselves, need to seriously look at their own mental health because IMO it is pretty poor.
  5. An excellent little podcast which in this episode talks about a new group of "flat Earthers" and what they really believe. https://skeptoid.com/episodes/4521 If you don't want to listen to the podcast, you can read the transcript on that same page.
  6. I'm sorry but I always have to laugh about this. Fuel at USD$2.00 per US gallon. USD$2.00 = AUD$2.66 (Australian dollar) US GAL = 3.7854 Litres That means you are paying about AUD$0.70 per litre. In NSW we are paying about AUD$1.24 per litre and that is relatively cheap. We were down to AUD$0.94 per litre a few months ago and everyone was saying how cheap fuel was... The difference between countries, I guess.
  7. As you know, I don't get involved in the JFK debate but very sorry to hear of the passing of one of our Forum members.
  8. From the website: The first part of Moon Hoax: Debunked! begins with Race for the Moon, a quick primer on the historical background of the Moon race, followed by How We Went to the Moon, a description of the hardware and the events of a typical Apollo Moon mission. Then there's a chapter that provides a detailed explanation of the best evidence of the Moon landings and a chapter covering the origins and popularity of the various hoax theories. The rest of the book is dedicated to a point-by-point debunking of the main “moon hoax” claims and common misconceptions regarding the Moon landings, divided by category: alleged anomalies in photographs and in video and film footage, technological and physical anomalies, and other miscellaneous claims. There’s also a chapter on how to argue with a Moon hoax believer, one covering the various UFO claims and one with a list of questions that will befuddle any hoax believer by pointing out the contradictions of his or her claims. Finally, you will find a chapter that shows how the Apollo missions don't need conspiracy theories to be a fascinating story. For example, did you know how close to failure each flight actually came? Did you know that pictures of Playmates were smuggled to the Moon to prank the astronauts? Or that there was a secret Soviet plan to land a Russian on the Moon before the US? The book is also an opportunity to explore the technology of the space race: not only the rocketry but also the analog photography, film and television technology used to provide the visual record of the Moon missions. You can download the book for free at http://www.moonhoaxdebunked.com/
  9. I believe there was to be a second season? Might be wrong but that is what I thought.
  10. I've really enjoyed it. I particularly like the concept that you always return to 'real time' three seconds after you left, and that you always start from the moment when you 'travel'. It also addressed some of the aspects that a 'time traveller' would have to think about. I look forward to next season.
  11. Hi Rob - welcome to the Forum!
  12. There are many people who would disagree. Likewise MIC. Are they right? Are they wrong? That's what this Forum discusses.
  13. The system varies from country to country, but here is a general guide. Something becomes classified when its unauthorised release can damage the government. The level of damage determines the level of classification. Anything that is not classified is unclassified. The general classifications, in increasing order, are: RESTRICTED CONFIDENTIAL SECRET TOP SECRET Sometimes there is need for additional details regarding the handling of the material. For example, there is Special Compartmentalised Information (SCI). This is a codeword that refers to a project, system or activity. The codeword normally changes between classifications. For example, lets say that there is a programme where submarines go out and specifically get close to foreign military establishments in order to do electronic eavesdropping. A report that contains details of where a submarine went, who it listen to, what it found, etc, might be be classified TOP SECRET BICYCLE, where BICYCLE is the SCI codeword. Now, just because I have a Top Secret clearance does not mean I can read the report. I must have the Need To Know. If I do have that then the classifying authority will 'brief me in'. I'll be given a general overview applicable to that classification, told about restrictions associated with the codeword (e.g. may not travel to Russia without written permission), etc. If I am briefed in at the TS level then I will automatically be included in the lower levels. For example, a report that talks about the surveillance equipment used on the submarine but does not mention any detail about where it gets used or the information gathered might be classified CONFIDENTIAL APPLE. The report itself is only CONFIDENTIAL but APPLE refers to the same programme that BICYCLE referred to. Each classification uses a different codeword. What this means that even if I only know the classification of an item (e.g. TOP SECRET BICYCLE) I know that the item is related to a programme (submarine eavesdropping). Another special handling caveat, mentioned by Greg, is NOFORN or No Foreign Nationals. Regardless of the classification, if it says NOFORN then no foreign national is permitted to see the material without specific authority. I think that when they are saying "Well, there's 'classified' and then there's CLASSIFIED." they could be referring to codeword / SCI.
  14. If Trump does get the nomination you can place bets on when he'll be assassinated. The most disturbing thing is that he makes Cruz look moderate.
  15. Scott, Don't talk about silly wagers. If you have something which proves Greg wrong then provide it so everyone can read it and make up their own minds. If Greg is making an unsupported claim, ask him to provide the evidence to support the claim. Once again, readers can make up their own minds.
  16. It turned out that it was interference between the VHF radios in the two spacecraft. They reported that it was only heard when the spacecraft were in visual range. Good story, though!
  17. That has to be a spoof, right? No-one is actually that whacked-out... are they?
  18. True, but when they all agree upon aspects of a story then you have some level of confidence that it is somewhat accurate.
  19. It's true; you are posting pretty much only news releases from a single source and one which is in no way independent. I know the releases are biased and that adds a certain balance to other news sources we see however they cannot be relied upon.
  20. Hi Richard - welcome to the Forum.
  21. I'm really disappointed by this. The very first record I ever bought was one of Bill Cosby's stand up albums. I loved his comedy and thought he was a role model for (USA) parents. To find out his failings are this bad makes me wonder about everyone.
  22. G'day Wade, You mention that the use of wood will become obsolete. As an energy source I can agree but wood has a variety of uses. I can see its use being reduced to a sustainable level but completely stopped? Or am I misinterpreting your point? I have not read all posts & links but rather just skimmed through rapidly. Don't have a lot of time to read except before bed!
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