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Wade Frazier

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Everything posted by Wade Frazier

  1. Hi Billy: Great question, and I have to give credit to an exercise that I first saw Richard Heinberg suggest. He said to just sit and look around at your life, at the objects and activities, and think of the role that energy plays in them. Living in Australia, that can be quite an exercise, and not just because of the harm that your industrialized existence causes, but my essay draws a good picture of Australia’s amazing past. Australia was once part of a landmass called Gondwana today, which South America, Africa, and Antarctica also used to be part of, and they had a long history of independent evolution from the northern continents, going back to before there were dinosaurs. My essay covers some of those differences. Gondwana itself seems to have been responsible for mass extinctions (1, 2, 3). When that bolide destroyed the dinosaurs (except for birds), it set the stage for the rise of mammals, but New Zealand, for instance, was entirely repopulated by birds and stayed that way until the Maori arrived. They drove the big birds to extinction in less than a century, but it was just the latest in a series of human-caused extinctions, and the invasion of Australia was humanity’s first big one. Because of fleet-footed kangaroos, Australian aborigines never gave up big game hunting, and according to a fascinating hypothesis, that prevented them from ever adopting agriculture, and they remained in about 600 mutually hostile patrilineal societies until the British invaded. Like the Spanish in Mexico, the British invaders quickly destroyed the ecosystems of southeast Australia while driving the local inhabitants to extinction. So, depending who was on the wrong side of the bolide event, human invasion, or British invasion, Australia has seen many catastrophic events, with only the last two big ones being human induced, and the latest was human-on-human. England’s industrialization had coal to thank, and more for metal smelting in the beginning rather than the power it could provide in steam engines. That rise of England had everything to do with its imperial dominance and invasion of Australia. After the American Revolution, Britain could no longer dump its “criminals” in North America, so it chose Australia as its next dumping ground. Australia was kind of unique in the West, as it was an arid continent without the energy resources that Britain and North America had, so it developed as kind of a rump state in the West. Today, Australia exports a lot of coal to Asia, and mining metals has always been a big part of the Australian economy. But Australia never had much oil, and it conspired with the Indonesian genocide in East Timor in order to exploit the oil in Timor Gap. So, today’s Australians have blood on their hands, too, but far less than the rest of the West. On the energy front, you enjoy the energy that comes from burning fossil fuels, and that is almost solely responsible for your industrialized lifestyle, including interacting with me on the Internet, getting your food, and obtaining the material goods in your life, particularly energy guzzling machines such as trucks, airplanes, cars, and electric appliances. As far as energy consumption per capita, Australia is relatively modest compared to the USA, at 78% of American consumption, but is still three times higher than China’s, for instance, which is the greatest energy using nation on Earth, but because there are so many people there, they are relatively poor compared to the West. The “good news” about fossil fuel consumption is that the West is not razing forests to get their urban energy, like agrarian civilizations did. But burning those hydrocarbons is warming Earth’s atmosphere, which might help cause another mass extinction by turning Earth from icehouse to greenhouse conditions in a few centuries. That last transition like that coincided with the largest mass extinction in the history of complex life, and we don’t want to see how it might turn out this time. The rise of the West was largely based on learning to turn Earth’s ocean into a low-energy transportation lane, its mastery of violence, exploiting fossil fuels, and invading Earth’s continents and enslaving humanity. You and I both benefit from that heritage. It is easy to close one’s eyes to that awesome toll and revel in our “bounty” (while simultaneously justifying the impoverished state of the rest of humanity), but that is not the path of integrity and sentience. The West owes an awesome debt to humanity and Earth, and ushering in the Fifth Epoch may be able to pay for it all. Making the Fifth Epoch happen is largely an opportunity that the West has (peasants are not going to do it), but people blinded in their egocentrism cannot help. It will take caring and awakened people for that task, and not many exist anywhere on Earth, much less in the West. Looking for needles in haystacks… Best, Wade
  2. Hi Chris: After I wrote that post, I thought of whom I left out. For some, like Peter Ward and Uncles Ed and Noam, I have a great deal of their work. I have ten of Ward’s books, an entire overflowing Noam shelf, and I have almost all of Ed’s books, and maybe even all of them, at least for his political work. Others were “only” seminal to me, such as Zinn, Stannard, Béchamp, and Naessens, as their work hit me early in my studies. From Zinn I got the first inkling that the Columbus story that I was told might have been a little awry. Stannard’s masterwork was my big wakeup call on the American Holocaust, and the first time that I read about the real story of Saint Serra. Béchamp and Naessens were my introduction to a different view of subcellular microbiology, and it is mind-boggling that Rife’s and Naessens’s microscopes have been so universally ignored and derided by orthodoxy. It is as if the Wright brothers flew for an entire century while being ignored by earthbound humanity. Similar to how the technologies that I am aware of upend the physics textbooks, I firmly believe that the entire corpus of Western medicine will eventually be overturned by a number of “discoveries” that are currently suppressed in the name of power and profit. I doubt that the vaccination concept will survive the shift, along with many other interventions such as fluoridation. Some that I did not mention in that post had seminal effects on me, and encountering Bucky Fuller’s work was one of the most important events of my scholar’s journey. If I had to put a label on my work, I might choose “neo-Fullerian,” and I think that if he was alive today, his approach would likely resemble mine. But even Richard Heinberg deserves some credit, as I encountered the Peak Oilers and scholars such as Tainter through him. That book published by Shell Oil helped me develop my epochal framework. Even though the closest thing to “free energy” that has been on the market is Dennis’s marketing program, I have to give credit to Richard Stallman’s Free Software Movement ideas with my finally deciding that giving away free energy is really the only way with a chance. My early studies of spirituality, especially The Aquarian Gospel, Richard Bach’s work, and the collected bodies of work of Seth, Ra, and Michael, were also highly influential and helped me put my feet on the straight and narrow for my adventures. I am going to briefly revisit some of the JFK milieu, inspired by your post. That Parkland doctor’s recently public work hits a common chord among the witnesses, when he described his intimidating pre-testimony interview with Arlen Specter. If you dive into the literature, you will encounter many times when witnesses were intimidated by agents of the Warren Commission, in order to have their testimony dovetail with the Lone Nut hypothesis. Any other testimony was blocked, altered, the witnesses were pressured to change their testimony, plenty of witnesses came to untimely ends, and one recent summary is The Hit List, which was predictably panned by McAdams. I am not endorsing all the deaths in that book being “clean up” operations, but most of them may well have been related to such, and that brings me to another subject that I will discuss for the first time. While writing this lessons learned thread, I saw that Dennis mentioned the incident in The Alternative, page 147, when he wrote, “I killed in Vietnam as a night fighter for these crooks?” Let’s see what I can say, nearly 50 years after the events. After Dennis was kicked out of high school for getting caught sleeping in the janitor’s closet, he did what most redneck American men did (and I nearly did, influenced by my redneck father) and joined the military as a flag-waving patriot. He was a paratrooping medic who was stationed in Germany for nearly his entire three-year stint – all except for the last month. He got his orders and got into the plane that paratroopers jump from, and was in the air for an entire day. When he was allowed to read his orders, they opened the door that he was to jump from, and below him was the jungle of Cambodia. He was called on to “clean up” an operation gone bad, to keep the Big Lie alive that the USA was not engaging in the secret war in Cambodia. It was not secret to the Cambodians, but Dennis’s medical skills were used to not only “clean up” an operation gone bad (I’ll forego the gruesome details), but the Special Forces personnel that he was thrown in with had him use his medical knowledge to also kill people. He was discharged immediately after the operation, which I believe is still classified or was an “off the books” operation that will never be made public. Some years later, when Nixon admitted the Cambodia war, Brian was one of the most prominent protestors. I know way too much about such kinds of operations, but you will find debunkers such as the Stolen Valor folks denying that such operations even existed. The USA’s acts in Southeast Asia rival anything that the Nazis did. My pals who were part of such operations never saw anything valorous about them and tried to forget them, between their nightmares. “Cleaning up” the JFK witness list is standard operating procedure in the USA. Don’t think that they would not dare. They killed the head of state. What wouldn’t they do? Best, Wade
  3. Hi: Before I get into more of the context of the JFK hit, I want to distinguish what I learned from the journey and work of others from what my strategy is. They are not the same. I learned more from my journey with Dennis than any other event of my life, and everything else pales to insignificance. Without my journey with Dennis, I would likely not have anything worth saying. Sure, I was trained to be a scientist since I was knee-high, and my mystical awakening was critical to my path, leading to that voice in my head, explorations, and the like, but without those years with Dennis, I would have been unawakened and naïve, reading the newspaper and thinking that I was getting the news. I cannot overemphasize how critical my years with Dennis were. I regularly encounter people who remind me of what I might have turned out like if I had not met Dennis. I can’t regret any of my journey, as it brought me to where I am today. In the free energy milieu, I learned some after my first stint with Dennis, but it was largely confirmatory information that aligned with my own journey, not all that much that was new to me, from the journeys of the following people: Brian O’Leary Adam Trombly Steven Greer Tom Bearden Mark Comings Sparky Sweet My pal who got the underground technology show We all came to the same general vicinity of understanding, and all of us got there the hard way. I am privy to a great deal of information from and about those people that the public does not have access to, and to the extent I could reveal it, I have. I have had numerous other encounters with people in the milieu, but those names above were the most influential for me. I greatly respect what they learned in the crucible of experience, and many like them did not survive the experience. After my harsh awakening in Ventura, when I began hitting the books in earnest, I read countless works by some amazing scholars, but the following authors were deeply influential to me: Noam Chomsky Ed Herman Ralph McGehee Howard Zinn David Stannard Ward Churchill While I read well more than 100 popular science books while preparing to write my big essay, the following scientists have been particularly influential to my work: Antoine Béchamp Gaston Naessens Royal Rife Ralph Moss Peter Ward Nick Lane Richard Wrangham Frans de Waal Brian Fagan There are also heroes of my life, such as Gary Wean, Mr. Professor, and even Mr. Mentor, who had a lot to do with launching me on my journey. They all receive credit, to one degree or another, for helping me come to my views today. But I am also doing something different. Brian realized it, as did Dennis, and all of those influences played their part. Best, Wade
  4. Hi: Getting at the why of the JFK hit is as controversial as the other aspects. There have been plenty of efforts to dismiss the whys, as a way to dismiss the idea that it was not a Lone Nut assassination. On the Left, the most famous instance is Uncle Noam’s Rethinking Camelot, which made the case that the CIA was a subservient tool of the presidency, to dismiss the idea that they were in on it. Mike Parenti wrote a rebuttal to it, stating that the Left had a conspiracy-phobia. Uncle Mike convincingly made the case that while JFK may not have been far enough to the Left to please leftists, he was not nearly far enough to the right to please the oligarchy, and they are the ones who call the shots, not structural analysts and leftist protestors. JFK’s “failure” to invade Cuba, to launch idealist projects such as the Peace Corps and Alliance for Progress, while balking at an outright invasion of Vietnam, not to mention openly battling industries such as the steel industry, was beyond the pale and he had to go. Those exchanges in the Left happened more than 20 years ago, and helped me understand the ideological conflicts. After 9/11, the Left made its ideology explicit: it denied the very existence of the global elite, because to even acknowledge their existence and machinations was to give up all hope. Well, I bore the brunt of their machinations, have not given up hope, and am still at it. I regard that elite-machination-denying stance to be like pulling the sheets over your head so that the monsters under your bed can’t get you. But while the Left is in denial, conspiracists err in the other direction, seeing a conspiracy under every bush, in their paranoia. What both stances have in common is fear and seeing the world through a victim’s lens, not a creator’s. Structuralists have an ideological aversion to the idea of anybody’s surreptitiously pulling the strings, while that is all that conspiracists can see. Both are lopsided perspectives, which I will deal with later. In my coming essay update, I will deal with the origins of human morality and capital punishment in hunter-gatherer societies. When a man got too big for his britches and threatened the well-being of the band, the first strategy was to coerce him back into line, but recalcitrant ones were killed for the good of the band. His danger to the in-group was evident to all. There was not a sufficient energy surplus in hunter-gatherer societies to support any elites, and any man who tried to become a “big man” was destined for censure or death. Elites only arose with agriculture, as there was an energy surplus to support them, and they were always men, of course. For the entirety of the human journey, all out-groups have been fair game. JFK was a political outsider, an Irishman from a nouveau riche family, a Catholic in WASP country, and in the Eastern Oligarchy’s eyes, JFK was either a member of the out-group or he betrayed the in-group. Whichever way one wants to view it, JFK’s actions made him expendable, as far as how the people who really run things thought. If somebody is part of an out-group, their expendability is obvious and needs no justification. Hardly one-in-a-hundred Americans knows or cares about the millions of people, mostly children, who have died under our imperial boot in the past generation. That is standard behavior. But for those who considered JFK part of their in-group, then they had to conceive of some in-group betrayal to justify his murder, and that leads us to Hunt’s admission to Douglas Caddy, that JFK was about to betray state secrets to the enemy, the Soviet Union, and namely, evidence that Earth is being visited by extraterrestrial civilizations. That was JFK’s unforgivable crime. That was a Big Lie for a few reasons, and not that there are no ETs, because there are. But ETs have never posed a threat to humanity. If they wanted to, they could conquer all of humanity’s collective military might in minutes, and if they wanted to exterminate us, it would take one of their scout ships maybe the better part of a day to do that. No, the ETs do not pose an existential threat to humanity. What they do present, however, is a threat to world domination by the global elite, and the global elite know it. Along with the acknowledgment of the ET presence will be the technologies that they used to get here, with free energy and antigravity (AKA electrogravity) chief among them. If that happened, the global elite would quickly become obsolete. That is what the elite are fighting against, not some existential threat that ETs pose, and this is a subject that I am very familiar with. I am an astronaut’s biographer, and he had his life shortened when he began snooping into the UFO issue, courtesy of the American military. Ed Mitchell knew the milieu, too, and ascribed the ET cover-up to the usual human motivations of greed, power, etc. One of the Big Lies of Hunt’s confession was that the Soviet Union’s elites knew plenty about ETs themselves, but they are playing the same game as other elites, and know that their reign is over if ETs were allowed to openly interact with humanity. So, we have history’s greatest cover-up, which is conjoined with the organized suppression of those disruptive technologies. I am not saying that Hunt did not believe what he told Caddy, but that it was a half-truth that he was fed, and people like Hunt needed to believe that JFK was killed for a good reason, even if he was a chump in the operation that got JFK killed, and betraying his nation, or even thinking about it, was justification enough. JFK’s murder sent a clear message to those with the eyes and ears to comprehend it: American presidents are expendable, and every president since JFK knew it, but the job comes with some impressive perks, for those who properly play their role. Sitting American presidents are puppets and they know it, and they do not make any of the important decisions on Earth. Best, Wade
  5. Hi: This will be short, as I just realized that I have an 8:00 AM meeting to attend. As far as the why of JFK’s murder, too many people in high places decided that he had to go, and the general gist of it was that JFK was not servile enough to Wall Street and the imperial war machine. The imperial apparatus thought that he could be goaded into an outright invasion of Cuba during the Bay of Pigs operation, and thought that he could be goaded into military action over the Cuba Missile Crisis, and Hunt’s plan attempted to goad JFK into invading Cuba once again, and that time with a fake attempt on his life. JFK’s campaign against the American steel industry has not been attempted since, and his support of economic development in Latin America and African decolonization was wildly at variance with what the imperial class, led by David Rockefeller, wanted. Those continents were supposed to provide cheap resources and labor to the imperial class, and JFK threatened to wreck that. Within a few years after JFK’s death, the Alliance for Progress became a joke and Rockefeller tool, and the USA began overthrowing elected Latin American governments at will, and they installed death squad regimes that specialized in torture, as taught by their American paymasters. After the Cuban Missile Crisis, JFK attempted to end the Cold War, with backdoor diplomacy with Khrushchev, and he proposed a joint mission to the Moon with the Soviet Union, not a Space Race. What Hunt told Doug Caddy may seem to come from outer space ( ), but it is not so strange in my circles, and I will cover that territory soon. Best, Wade
  6. Hi: Once the who of the JFK hit is solved, then the why becomes easier to understand. Of course, if there is dispute over who and how, then the why will not be agreed on. Warren Commission apologists labor heavily to support the Lone Nut hypothesis and thereby exonerate the entire system, and can even blame communism’s influence for JFK’s murder. There are also bifurcations along the who and why connection, and I will get into some of them. I think that it can be very helpful to pull back and take in JFK, the man and president. He was the richest man to become president since George Washington, and he inherited it. He also served in World War II and became cynical about war’s rationales. He was also of Irish heritage, and Ireland was the first stepping stone to England’s rise to global empire, after Scotland was incorporated. JFK’s heritage was rich with living under the imperial boot, and it influenced him. He supported postwar decolonization, and was a reluctant imperialist. The USA ventured into outright imperialism after stealing temperate North America, but was an early practitioner of neo-colonialism, which was colonialism in everything but the name. JFK was certainly an anticommunist, but he preferred the carrot over the stick with the colonized world and Latin America. He mounted efforts such as the Alliance for Progress and Peace Corps, and was friendly with African leaders and encouraged Africa’s development, which was in sharp contrast to Eisenhower, who privately called African diplomats “niggers” and did not want them visiting the White House. The Congo’s first elected leader, Patrice Lumumba, was murdered with CIA help just before JFK took office (Eisenhower even ordered his murder), after JFK made positive statements about Lumumba after he was elected, and was devastated by Lumumba’s murder. Internationally, JFK represented a sharp break with Eisenhower’s administration. He was lured into the Bay of Pigs operation when he became president, and refused to be goaded by his military advisers into calling in open American air support of that CIA operation, and soon fired Allen Dulles, who was its author. The next year, JFK once again overrode his military advisers and did not escalate the Cuban Missile Crisis, which we now know would have likely led to a nuclear holocaust. JFK tried to end the Cold War after the Cuban Missile Crisis, using backdoor diplomacy with Khrushchev, who openly wept when he got news of JFK’s murder, and staggered around in a daze for several days afterward. Domestically, JFK was not a fast friend of Wall Street, and his campaign against U.S. Steel after they betrayed his efforts to manage the economy, has never been done since. David Rockefeller publicly led the Wall Street campaign against JFK’s domestic policies, and Time-Life was a CIA asset that campaigned against JFK in print. However, JFK’s policies led to a period of unprecedented American prosperity, which was the high point of the postwar boom, which was the most prosperous period in the human journey. JFK’s actions made many enemies amongst the wise men on Wall Street and in the MIC. There is quite a list to choose from, as far as who wanted JFK dead and why, and the Mob must be included on such a list, as Jack Ruby’s involvement shows their hand. I will soon explore the various possible whys. Best, Wade
  7. Hi: Even leaving aside Gary’s conversation with Tower, the impression is unavoidable that Oswald had an intelligence background, despite Allen Dulles’s efforts to erase it, which eliminates all “Lone Nut” theorizing. Bobby Kennedy did his own investigation after the assassination, and Jack Ruby’s phone before he murdered Oswald was in constant communication with the USA’s leading mobsters. Even leaving aside Gary’s encounters with Ruby, Ruby’s Mob connections were quite evident. The underworld of CIA contract agents, mobsters, and intelligence officials is well known (I have a personal connection to that milieu). Charles de Gaulle knew that realm well, and the year before the JFK hit, he was almost killed the same way, by CIA-friendly snipers, the year after a CIA-assisted coup attempt failed. Many different interests wanted JFK dead, from Wall Street to mobsters to right-wingers to military to intelligence. Those recorded conversations that Rodney Stich was privy to, between Hoover and Rockefeller (apparently Nelson), in which the JFK hit was discussed before it happened (Hoover’s line was tapped), and Dulles, Bush, and Johnson’s being mentioned as “doing their part,” aligns nicely with the most persuasive hypotheses about who was involved. And Johnson’s getting a friendly wink as he was sworn in does nothing to dispel the idea that he was in on it. Tower was in on the retail operation, but not the one that got JFK killed, and his pursuit of it decades later may have led to his untimely death. Gary thought that “Magic Bullet” Arlen Specter monitored Hunt’s grand plan in order to interpose it, although I do not know what Gary’s evidence was. I lean toward the idea that those conversations between Rockefeller and Hoover form the nexus of the JFK hit. Rockefeller ordered it, and the others were only too happy to be involved. Johnson was the immediate beneficiary, Dulles had been a Rockefeller fixer for his entire career, and was only too happy to help, getting vengeance on the man who ended his career. Hoover’s and Bush’s involvement would have been no surprise at all. Hoover was likely involved with the Martin Luther King, Jr., hit, too, after years of trying to destroy him. We had a number of encounters with the Rockefellers during our energy efforts, and none of them were pleasant. If Nelson (or David) Rockefeller gave the order, he was also doing so on behalf of a larger circle of interests, as their “chairman,” and we can loosely refer to them as the forces of capitalism, and the MIC in particular was involved, and not just as the chumps who signed on for the retail plan, as Tower stated. If you want to say “Eastern Oligarchy,” I am OK with that, too. They all overlap. I’ll say this, however, that I doubt that the plot originated at the global level, but was more national in character, even though the USA was Earth’s greatest imperial power. That is just my sense of it, and I certainly cannot prove it. Unless somebody such as David Rockefeller confesses on his deathbed, I doubt that the crime will be definitely solved. There has been a great deal of attention on the shooters and mobsters, and CIA contract agents are often invoked, along with some “confessions,” but I doubt that it is very important just who the triggermen were. However, Ruby’s involvement sure points at Mob shooters being involved. But they were just the muscle, not masterminds. And they sure were not in any position to cover-up the crime, especially influencing the Warren Commission’s fraudulent performance. With the post-Watergate attention on the JFK hit, leading to the HSCA investigation, mobsters who were suspected of being involved suddenly began dying like flies, such as Nicoletti, Roselli, and Giancana. They did not have Dulles covering for them anymore. I am confident that the who and how of the JFK hit hails from that milieu, and my next post will deal with why. Best, Wade
  8. Hi: Briefly, before I begin another busy day, I want to address one phenomenon that will arise repeatedly in the coming posts, in which JFK’s murder or cover-up gets justified as serving some higher cause, often to protect the American people, protect some ethnic group, or save the world. Howard Zinn pointed this out long ago. This is a standard tactic, often enough invoked by those who committed the crimes (once their crimes are exposed), but more often by those defending the system. Again, it is always the system that must be defended, in the end, as that is what feeds people. When people do that, they only defend their self-interest, usually by defending their in-group. Since a primary purpose of my work is showing why the system is not worth defending, it leads to odd juxtapositions. Those system defenders cannot seem to imagine anybody having corrupt motivation, which is standard in imperial apologetics, even though they display it themselves when they do that. It is true that the complicit and deluded often invoke such rubbish, to protect their consciences as they drink themselves to death, but once in a while, you can hear retired mobsters or CIA officials admit some of their sins at life’s end, as Angleton did. I am not too interested in arguments that murdering JFK or covering it up had a noble purpose behind it. It didn’t, but there is no end to such arguments. Best, Wade
  9. Hi: Before I get too much into looking at the bigger JFK picture, what do I think happened in Dallas on that fateful day and the days immediately afterward? For what it is worth, I think that it happened something like this… The retail plan happened like Tower said it did, in that Oswald was ready to play his role, acting like a fake assassin with a fake trail to Cuba, and he planned to lay low until the conquest of Cuba was over. Hunt was ready to roll with the fake plan, redeem himself for Bay of Pigs, and finally goad JFK into military action against Cuba. That was a thoroughly insane plan, of course, but the CIA was used to getting its way. All was in readiness, and then JFK got murdered in front of hundreds of witnesses. The real assassins deftly interposed Hunt’s grand plan. It did not take Oswald long to realize that he had been had, and he tried to escape. The triggermen for the real assassins were likely Mob and CIA contract agent types, and Jack Ruby was part of the real hit. Whether it was Ruby or somebody else, Oswald was supposed to be quickly killed, but he eluded the killers, who likely killed policeman Tippit, who may have been in the wrong place at the wrong time. The real assassins did not have to work all that hard to frame Oswald, as he was already the fake assassin. A few well-placed items were all that was needed to turn the fake assassin into the patsy that Oswald said he was. The rifle, Magic Bullet, backyard photos, and camera were enough to link Oswald with the murder weapon. Whether the autopsy evidence, Zapruder film, and the like were altered is kind of an open question for me, but there is plenty that does not add up about them. The hit men were probably comprised of two or three shooter teams, with at least one in front and one behind, and the venue was carefully chosen, where the car was moving slowly and a crossfire could be set up. There were killer teams in Chicago and Miami earlier in the month, and Oswald was just one of the patsies that were set up. The real assassins had several contingency plans. JFK was hit by at least one bullet from the front (the throat), at least one from the back (his back), and at least one bullet hit his head, and if it was more than one, they came from two directions and hit almost simultaneously. At least one other bullet hit Connally. That qualifies as a hail of bullets, and includes the one that hit James Tague. To think that three bullets did all of that damage is nonsensical. Oswald escaped being murdered, to end up in custody, but he knew way too much, and had to be silenced. I consider it likely that Ruby or his team was supposed to kill Oswald immediately after the JFK hit, and missed his chance. He was then ordered to finish the job or else, and Mob “or elses” in a situation like that were surely compelling, and Ruby was a long-time mobster, so what he did was not really all that unusual, and he almost certainly had help from the inside. Those in on the retail plan were stupefied, and surely did not feel much differently than Oswald did, although the ramifications took longer to settle in with them than it did Oswald. The Establishment began moving into cover-up mode almost immediately. The system can never be culpable; it always has to be just a bad apple or two, and a head can be put on a platter to placate the masses, and then it is business as usual once again. Within a month, the bureaucracies at the Pentagon, CIA, and FBI all eagerly participated in the cover-up, and that bureaucratic imperative remains in place today. But the message to all subsequent presidents was loud and clear: you are expendable. Best, Wade
  10. Hi: What Gary did, stirring up things and unmasking conspirators, in Washington D.C., was insanely dangerous, and may well have cost those Senators their lives. That kind of activism in D.C. drastically shortens one’s life expectancy. You won’t see me trying to stir things up there. Paul Wellstone’s untimely death was another tragic “accident.” Plane crashes are a favored way to take out people like that. Gary saw it happen in Ventura County plenty, and his prime suspect for a bunch of them was arrested with John DeLorean, but he killed people on behalf of Ventura County’s judges, so they whisked him away and he never testified. The cloak-and-dagger world is not for the faint of heart, and the most incongruous appointment to the Warren Commission was Allen Dulles, who became the de facto leader of the “investigation”, and the only member who devoted himself full-time to the strenuous task. When heads of state heard that Dulles was on the commission, they knew that the fix was in. Ghana’s president, Kwame Nkrumah, considered JFK an important ally, and when he was handed the Warren Report by the American ambassador to Ghana, he opened the report, pointed to Dulles’s name, and handed it back to the ambassador while uttering one word, “Whitewash.” Dulles led the faction that included Gerald Ford and John McCloy. McCloy was another Rockefeller toady who was the chairman of Chase Manhattan Bank. McCloy was a shameless war profiteer in World War II and his subterfuge was instrumental in interning American citizens of Japanese ancestry. McCloy was convinced that Oswald was the Lone Nut after his good friend Dulles convinced him of it at the beginning of the Warren Commission’s deliberations, and Ford authored the Magic Bullet theory under Arlen Specter’s tutelage. Ford was eventually awarded the presidency for his efforts, with Nelson Rockefeller as his VP, who was never on a ballot. Ford’s brushes with “Lone Nut” assassins likely sobered him up to the fact that he was also expendable. Mere days after Dulles’s Bay of Pigs fiasco, which led to JFK’s firing him, there was an attempted coup to overthrow the French government. French Prime Minister Charles de Gaulle’s administration openly called it a CIA intervention while it was happening. JFK was his staunch ally during it, and when he visited de Gaulle the next month, de Gaulle was openly dazzled by the French-speaking Jackie. The next year, de Gaulle narrowly avoided an assassination by a shooter team (which was friendly with the CIA), in a scenario that is eerily close to what likely happened in Dealey Plaza on that fateful day. Prime Minister de Gaulle attended JFK’s funeral, and on the way back to France, he told his information minister what really happened to JFK, and it aligns with what most independent researchers think today. The man who was going to be framed by the retail plan, Castro, noted the day after JFK’s death that Oswald’s defection to the Soviet Union and easy return to the USA was a most curious set of circumstances. World leaders who had been on the receiving end of the CIA’s ministrations instantly suspected their involvement, and when Dulles ended up running the Warren Commission, all doubt was removed. A few weeks before JFK’s death, a plot in Chicago was foiled, which looked just like what happened in Dallas, with a shooter team and ready-made patsy. After that, a rumored shooter team in Miami apparently caused the cancellation of JFK’s planned motorcade in Miami. JFK died in Dallas a few days later. Dulles had been a completely amoral fixer for Rockefeller interests for his entire life, and had been betraying the presidents he served since Franklin Roosevelt. Negotiating the surrender of Nazi troops in Italy with Karl Wolff had been expressly against Roosevelt’s “unconditional surrender” orders, and Dulles later tried to make that intrigue into a Hollywood movie, but portraying a man who helped keep the death camps running smoothly as a hero was beyond even the ability of Hollywood to accomplish. Dulles hated the man who fired him, and stunned a listener two years after JFK’s death with, “That little Kennedy...he thought he was a god.” As Dulles observed JFK’s blood-stained clothing with the other Warren Commission members (who became queasy), he joked about JFK’s tie, which the Parkland doctors had cut off to get at his throat wound, saying, “By George, the president wore a clip-on tie.” Warren Commission apologists have explained away Dulles’s participation with a number of arguments, none of which have been convincing in the slightest. Investigating the death of the man who ended your career is about as blatant a conflict of interest as I can think of, and what all knowledgeable observers strongly believe is that Dulles was primarily there to cover-up Oswald’s deep intelligence connections and lead the trail away from the real assassins. Oswald’s “defection” to the Soviet Union was likely part of a fake defector program, and his easy return from the Soviet Union is mind-boggling. It was as if Edward Snowden came back to the USA, was welcomed with open arms, and even given government assistance to help him settle back into the USA. But Warren Commission defenders can’t seem to find anything incongruous about that situation. Richard Schweiker was on the Church Committee, which attempted to lift the lid on the CIA a little, and Schweiker called for a new investigation into JFK’s murder, which helped lead to the HSCA. Schweiker summed up Oswald’s life with, “Everywhere you look at him, there are the fingerprints of intelligence.” William Colby ran the CIA during the Church Committee hearings, and when Ralph McGehee watched Colby testify, Ralph knew that Colby (whom he once worked for) was lying, and Ralph said that Colby’s talent for lying, while appearing like an honest farmer, was a “remarkable talent.” As James Jesus Angleton admitted at his life’s end, the key qualifications for rising high in the CIA were pathological lying and a willingness to betray people, and Allen Dulles was the grandmaster of it. Ralph never once saw a CIA official tell the truth to the American public. They always lied. Lying to the American public is one of the CIA’s primary functions. So, knowing that all of the Warren Commission’s “evidence” previously passed through the hands of the FBI and CIA should make anybody’s eyebrows rise, as far as how much truth was going to come from the “investigation.” Before the Warren Commission even convened, Dulles sent the other members a book on history’s “lone nut” assassins, steering the “investigation” away from any other conclusion from the very beginning. The Devil’s Chessboard and JFK and the Unspeakable are fine recent efforts that explore Dulles’s involvement in the Warren Commission. Robert Kennedy Junior specifically praised JFK and the Unspeakable, and finally broke the Kennedy family’s silence on the JFK assassination in 2013, stating that Bobby Kennedy never believed the Warren Commission’s findings and called the report a “shoddy piece of craftsmanship.” The Kennedy family obviously never believed the official verdict on Bobby’s murder, either. Even leaving aside Gary’s conversation with John Tower, Oswald’s background screams out “intelligence background,” and having Allen Dulles run the Warren Commission removed any doubt that worldly observers might have. JFK was definitely taken out by the spooks, and Oswald was merely one of many expendable assets used for the task. Such people are disposable, like my CIA contract agent relative was. That is just how that world works. The system presents a suave façade, such as Dulles’s affable pipe-smoking demeanor, but it is just an elaborate cover. Dulles once stated that he was the only person in Washington who had what it took to send people to their deaths, and sacrificing innocent people for “the cause” came easily to him, such as how he used the Field family. Nobody is going to ever convince me that Oswald was not a disposable intelligence asset. Dulles’s involvement with the Warren Commission sealed the deal for all knowledgeable observers who did not have some Establishment-defending agenda, but the spooks work for somebody. They aren’t spooks just for the sake of it, and that is where taking in the bigger picture helps put the context around JFK’s murder, and I will explore that territory in coming posts. Best, Wade
  11. Hi: To start pulling back on the JFK hit and taking in the bigger picture, I will once again begin with Gary’s conversation with John Tower. There certainly can be a wide variation of interpretation of the Tower conversation, as far as who was involved in the retail operation and the real one that got JFK killed. On the retail side, John Tower lost the Senate race to Johnson in the 1960 election. When Johnson became the vice president, his seat was vacated and Tower won next year’s election, and was a Senator for the next quarter-century, until he retired. He was the first republican Senator from Texas in a century. He lived in Wichita Falls, which has Dallas as its nearest big city. The story that Tower told Gary put him right in the middle of situations that George Bush the First would have certainly been involved with. Bush’s oil company was involved in the Bay of Pigs operation. Bush and the CIA go way back, and a week after the JFK hit, J. Edgar Hoover wrote a memo that mentioned briefing George Bush of the CIA. When that memo came to light in the 1980s, what happened next was amusing and unprecedented. The CIA never confirms or denies questions about who worked for them, but they made an exception and stated that it was another George Bush that the CIA referred to in that memo. There was another George Bush at the CIA, a George W. Bush, who was a low-level night clerk, who then made a public statement that he was certainly never in position to receive an FBI briefing on the JFK assassination. As far as Bill Decker’s involvement, he was one the most famous and connected lawmen in the USA, he presided over Audie Murphy’s wedding to a Hollywood starlet, and Audie was from Texas. The connections to Hunt, Tower, Murphy, and Decker are sure not hard to understand. Gary was one of Murphy’s best friends and moonlighted as his bodyguard. Gary later wrote that he was working with both Tower and John Heinz, to blow the lid off of JFK and related issues, and progress was being made, until both men were killed in separate plane crashes one day apart (1, 2). What a “coincidence.” The spooks can play hardball, and don’t flinch at taking out planeloads of innocent people to get their targets. E. Howard Hunt may found that out the hard way a decade later. The Tower conversation clearly brings in the CIA, Cuba, Texas, military, and oilman connections, with all being prominent in JFK assassination lore. It would be no great surprise to find Tower in the midst of that milieu. Gary’s knowledge of Jack Ruby brings in the Mob connection, and Gary pursued the Jewish connection, which has gotten him called a Nazi and other epithets, but the Jewish Mob angle deserves to be taken seriously. Ruby was a Jewish mobster, Gary named Arlen Specter as the man who monitored Hunt’s operation, in order to interpose it to turn it into a real assassination, and Specter authored the Magic Bullet theory. For those who try to conflate Gary’s Jewish theories with the Tower conversation, to dismiss it all, please note that Jews do not come up at all in the Tower conversation. There is also a connection that can fit all of them under one umbrella, which is the military-industrial complex (“MIC”) connection, as all of those connections are also MIC connections, and understanding that can be very helpful to gaining a more comprehensive view of the situation. The MIC is exactly what Eisenhower warned against when he left office, and I think that it is what got JFK killed, but his murder was just the beginning of such events, which arguably lead to the present day, and this will take some posts to sketch. Again, this is just my interpretation. Best, Wade
  12. Hi: Before I go to the fatal head shot, I’ll finish the Magic Bullet’s tale by noting that the only man to live after supposedly being hit with it was certain that the Magic Bullet did not cause both JFK’s neck wound and his wounds. Connally was a good soldier, however, and still embraced the Warren’s Commission’s findings, even though his testimony was a fatal blow to its conclusion. If the Magic Bullet did not make both sets of wounds, then Oswald was not a Lone Nut and there was more than one shooter. Nobody denies that logic. Weirdly, the Warren Commission’s author of the Magic Bullet theory, Gerald Ford, told the French president back in 1976 that JFK was killed by a conspiracy. Arlen Specter concocted the Magic Bullet theory, and Ford was the Warren Commission’s member who promoted it. The fatal head shot has been the focus of more attention and dispute than any other aspect of the assassination, and a recent event can help illuminate the issue and the dynamics surrounding it. One doctor at Parkland who attended JFK recently went public with his disquiet. He quietly disputed the Warren Commission’s findings in the 1990s, but began speaking publicly about the issue around the 50th anniversary of the assassination. Don Curtis was in his residency at Parkland in 1963 and one of three initial doctors who attended to JFK, and he states today that JFK had the back of his head blown out. He was far from the only medical witness that stated it, and what he has to say today is far more telling: Warren Commission witnesses began dying like flies and the day after Oswald’s murder (Oswald also died at Parkland), Parkland’s doctors who attended JFK met and jointly decided to stay as silent as possible about what they witnessed. It was obvious even then that what they saw contradicted the Lone Nut hypothesis, and the Lone Nut silenced in a surreal banana republic way (Eisenhower described it that way) kept them quiet. Most telling of all is Curtis’s account of his pre-testimony meeting with Warren Commission lawyer Arlen Specter, who Curtis said tried to intimidate him and alter his testimony to conform to the official version of events. Also telling is how aggressive the dean of Warren Commission apologists, John McAdams, is. He comes across as witty and urbane, as he debunks anything that does not align with the Warren Commission’s findings, and words such as “buffs” and “factoids” come easily to him. He appeared on the scene soon after Oliver Stone’s JFK came out, similar to Mr. Skeptic’s setting up shop the day after Dennis’s Philadelphia show. There are involved discussions of the evidence, which also bring attention to the JFK researcher milieu. Several Parkland doctors were clear on where the big wound was, but the impression is also received that the independent JFK researcher community is also suspect. For me, whether the fatal shot came from the front or not is relatively unimportant. The Magic Bullet’s fantastic tale is enough for me. Nevertheless, the evidence that JFK’s throat wound came from the front is enough to establish the idea that JFK was shot from at least two directions, and the slow turn and drive through Dealey Plaza was the ideal situation for a sniper team to take out JFK from multiple angles. That said, there is plenty of evidence that the head shot blew out the back of JFK’s head, and if so, then the autopsy evidence, including the report, photographs, and X-rays, were altered or forged, which also brings up the most famous evidence of the entire JFK affair, which is the Zapruder film. Was it altered? There is plenty of evidence to make me think so, but as with many areas of the evidence, the debates are heated, the evidence uneven, and I find it curious that Time-Life almost immediately acquired it. Time-Life led the campaign against JFK while he was in office (see Battling Wall Street, for instance), and it was deeply entwined with the CIA. For the famous film to immediately be acquired by a spook-related outfit that campaigned against JFK raises my eyebrows. I don’t want to go too far down the head shot rabbit hole, but I’ll say that a head shot from the front certainly rules out the Lone Nut hypothesis, but it is not essential to do that. When the HSCA’s deeply compromised investigation concluded, rather weakly, that Oswald was likely not a Lone Nut, Washington Post weighed in with the most preposterous hypothesis of all: maybe there were multiple shooters in Dealey Plaza that day, but they were unrelated shooters who happened to be shooting at the same time. I kid you not. The hypotheses are numerous, and some are the height of nuttiness. When I still allowed the public easy access to me, I was approached by somebody who argued that JFK staged his own fake death so that he could escape the limelight and its pressures and live out his remaining years in obscurity, and so that Jackie could be with her great love Ari Onassis, who fathered John Junior. Nobody needs to convince me about the bizarre theories out there. It is nice to see some mainstream media calls for a reinvestigation, but it is not going to happen, just like the USA is never going to own up to the real reasons for dropping atom bombs on Japan. That is not what empires do. As I stated earlier, about the tension between specialists and generalists, I am going to cover, in some depth, the second great piece of evidence that framed Oswald: the backyard photos. There are a vast number of anomalies regarding the backyard photos, with one of the earliest being that Oswald was asked about them before they were officially discovered. That was quite a trick. Also, the Dallas PD obviously possessed at least a third backyard photo back in 1963, but it did not become public knowledge until a Dallas cop’s widow ended up with it. In one of the many “it’s a small world” “coincidences” of the JFK affair, that cop, Roscoe White, was a fellow Marine of Oswald’s, in the same outfit and was even on the same ship to Asia that Oswald was on, and worked at the same U-2 base that Oswald did. They served together on several different bases. White’s widow said that Roscoe had a diary that confessed his role in the JFK hit and the killing of officer Tippit, but the diary supposedly disappeared, taken by the FBI. Whether it was more cover-up activity or the three-ring circus of people trying to cash in, it added to the sound and fury. When Oswald was shown the photos, he said that they were fakes, with his head pasted onto somebody else’s body. There are numerous anomalies with the backyard photos, one of which is that the newspapers that Oswald holds up are at variance with his militant stance. That arguably the greatest Marine defector ever was welcomed back to the USA strains credulity, and was remarked on by Castro the day after the assassination. Oswald appears to have been part of a fake defector program. His “fascination” with communism began as a teenager about the time that he was supervised by David Ferrie. Ferrie vociferously denied ever meeting Oswald, but then a picture emerged with them together, and John McAdams dismissed the photograph as proving nothing related to the JFK hit. The garage where the backyard photos allegedly emerged from was nothing special; it was a standard two-car garage for a suburban home. I lived in one in Texas a few years later. You could not hide much in a garage like that, but in the initial search, in which cameras and other items were taken, no backyard photos and no camera that took them. But Oswald was asked about the photos before they were “discovered” the next day. Hmmm. The camera itself was not discovered by the police or FBI in their searches, but by Oswald’s brother a couple of weeks after the assassination. Some very strange events happened in that garage. With at least one disappearing photo (that surfaced more than a decade later, and there may have been another missing photo), one missing negative, and evidence appearing in subsequent searches, with the camera itself eluding several law enforcement teams, those pictures and camera sure seem like the Magic Bullet does, as planted incriminatory evidence. The provenance of the murder weapon is also highly dubious. There are several anomalies regarding the backyard photographs themselves that render Oswald’s pronouncement of them being fake persuasive, but I will just focus on one, the subject’s chin. The chin of the man in the photos is a big, square chin, and not what the man arrested in Dallas had. It has been speculated, with some evidence, that it is Roscoe White’s chin that we see. By the time of the HSCA investigation, Jack White and others had raised numerous issues regarding those photographs. HSCA expert Calvin McCamy gave it the college try to explain away the photographic anomalies, but his performance was woeful. He introduced other photos of Oswald (or his double), with the square chin, but did not convince Congressman Fithian of the issue. It turned out that the square chin matched up perfectly with what appeared to be a crop line that indeed provided evidence of exactly what Oswald said, that his head had been pasted on somebody else’s body. McCamy explained it away as water spots. The problem with that explanation is that water spots are just that, spots, and they don’t run in lines. McCamy looked like somebody just throwing enough crap on the wall to see what stuck, to dupe the gullible and provide some kind of explanation, however weak. The HSCA also produced a Penrose study, which compared the backyard photo heads to known pictures of Oswald, which concluded that the backyard photo heads were indeed Oswald’s, but if you look at the data, they omitted it on the chin, which was the primary bone of contention. In ways, the HSCA's investigation was worse than the Warren Commission’s. The rifle, bullet, photographs, and camera all appear to have been planted to frame Oswald, which means that some very powerful interests were in on it from the beginning. Some have argued that it was all Dallas PD, for instance, and there may be merit in that position, but I strongly doubt that it was all Dallas PD for the real plan, and that the CIA, FBI, and military were the chumps who bought into the retail plan, who would eagerly participate in the cover-up. Gary thought that Arlen Specter was the person monitoring Hunt’s plan on behalf of the real assassins, but I don’t know what his evidence was. Gary was big on Jewish mobster lawyers, and Specter may well have been one. Ruby took out Oswald as a Mob hit. He was no two-bit hustler. That is enough detail for the JFK hit. I know that Oswald was not a lone nut, and the official explanations are definitely wanting, but now I will step back and take in the larger picture, in generalist fashion. Best, Wade
  13. Hi: As I descend into the JFK evidence, I need to make it clear this is merely my interpretation, and people have spent their entire lives assessing the JFK evidence. I am posting to what is arguably the best forum on the Internet on the subject, so I doubt that I will have a great deal to add to the discussion. My primary contribution is lending credibility to Gary’s account of his meeting with John Tower. The evidence is an absolute minefield, for various reasons, and the CIA is probably the greatest player in muddying the waters, but conspiracists of various stripes have also done their fair share to make the situation even murkier. As with presenting the official version of the crime, I’ll start with the crime itself. Oswald supposedly got off three shots in several seconds, probably less than ten, vastly improving his aim each time, ending with the head shot. He supposedly used a Carcano rifle. However, three law enforcement officials described it as a Mauser on the day of the shooting. They later recanted their testimony, which was one of many witness anomalies. A much bigger problem is there is strong evidence that there are two Carcano rifles in evidence, with one being a clever forgery, but not clever enough. Furthermore, the alleged murder weapon does not match what Oswald supposedly ordered, and the Warren Commission switched ads to force the rifle in evidence with an ad, but it was not the ad that Oswald would have ordered from. Surf the Internet, and you will see vociferous discussions of these issues, with Warren Commission apologists calling Warren Commission challengers ”buffs,” their evidence “factoids,” and the like. One thing is for sure, with recanted testimony, switched evidence, and many other anomalies, Warren Commission apologists certainly have their hands full, trying to prove that it all happened like the Warren Commission said it did. When the Warren Commission’s experts began to try to reproduce Oswald’s amazing feat, they found that the sight was misaligned, which makes Oswald’s feat all the more dubious. Oswald’s supposedly missing so badly that he completely missed JFK and the limo, we will put aside for now, but a popular Warren Commission apologist hypothesis is that a traffic light got in the way, and the bullet ricocheted off of it. Another explanation is that Oswald purposely missed on his first shot, to “zero” the rifle, so that his next shots would be accurate. Diagrams make it very clear that the bullet (or fragment) that made JFK’s back wound could not have exited his throat without passing through his spine. Passing through his spine would have been a bigger “feat” than passing through JFK’s skull, so right there, the bullet should have shattered, like the head shot bullet did, not continue on its flight almost perfectly intact. Right there, the Magic Bullet theory gets very shaky. But it gets worse. The attending Parkland doctors primarily testified that the throat wound looked like an entrance wound, not an exit wound. Furthermore, at the autopsy, the back wound was not probed to connect it with the throat wound, and the man in charge of the autopsy burned his notes afterward, which is one of many curious aspects of the JFK case. The Magic Bullet supposedly then traveled into John Connally, making five wounds and breaking two bones, before lodging in this thigh. Then it gets truly strange. The bullet was found on a stretcher in Parkland Hospital, as it rolled out from behind a flap on a stretcher that was likely not used for Connally, according to the orderly who found the bullet. Even more magically, the bullet had no trace of blood or tissue on it, even when examined under a microscope. Everybody involved in the JFK issue all agrees that if the Magic Bullet hypothesis does not stand, then neither does the Lone Nut hypothesis. To make matters worse, the official that the orderly gave the bullet to initially described the bullet as being very different from the Magic Bullet that we know today. There are so many anomalies with that bullet that the official story verges on pure fantasy. The Magic Bullet gets my vote for the first “discovered” “evidence” used to frame Oswald. According to Gary’s reporting of the Tower conversation, there were two plots: one to frame Castro with a phony attempt (the retail plan), and the one to kill JFK (the real plan). Whoever interposed the retail plan was active in framing Oswald immediately after the assassination, and they were powerful interests that Tower was unaware of when he talked with Gary, three weeks after the assassination. Lyndon Johnson began ducking in his car before the first shot rang out. At Parkland Hospital, he ordered the limo cleaned out (which would forensically compromise the crime scene), and while Johnson was being sworn into office, next to a blood-spattered Jackie, one of his supporters, a Congressman, winked at him while wearing a wry little grin. We’ll leave Johnson, the biggest immediate beneficiary of JFK’s murder, alone for now. The first two bullets allegedly fired at JFK have engendered fantastic explanations to support the official narrative, and so does the third and fatal one, which is coming. Best, Wade
  14. Hi: I have a preamble, before I get into what I think happened with the JFK hit and aftermath. First and foremost, I consider Gary’s report of his conversation with John Tower to be fact. I have seen Gary disparaged and dismissed for many years, often by anonymous cowards or others who seized on his right-wing views as a way to dismiss his testimony, but Gary was a policeman and investigator, trained to recall events, and I strongly doubt that what he wrote, about a decade after the events, is not very close to what really happened. Gary came through for me, and big, in my life’s darkest hour, and his help was instrumental in my rescuing of my partner, in the biggest miracle that I ever witnessed. Gary was not some hyperventilating conspiracist, spinning grand yarns with flimsy evidence, but he tirelessly waged lawsuits to get the evidence on the record, even as the legal system literally erased his testimony. Not long before he died, one of Gary’s assistants served a subpoena on Tower, regarding events that Gary was trying to bring to light, and when he was served, Tower looked like he had just swallowed his shoe. There are so many dark and evil aspects of the American system that they will likely never all be brought to light. As Steven Greer has stated, to even hear about some of what the psychopaths at the top do is to risk one’s sanity. Although I had no doubt that Gary was reporting events that he witnessed as best he could, I spent the next dozen years looking into the JFK evidence before I made any public statements on it. I approached the issue as a scientist or scholar would. If I ever saw a convincing piece of evidence falsify Gary’s story, then the entire story would be up for questioning, but I never saw anything that remotely falsified Gary’s tale, and far more impressively, as more evidence came to light over the years, it further supported Gary’s account, such as the Operation Northwoods documents. Today, Gary’s account of the Tower story is right at the nexus of the most impressive lines of JFK evidence (CIA connection, Texas connection, Cuba connection, Mob connection, MIC connection), and the Tower conversation is far from Gary’s only connection to the JFK hit. Gary met Jack Ruby in 1947, who was a high-ranking mobster, not the small-time nightclub owner that the Warren Commission portrayed him as. Gary put Mick Cohen under surveillance as part of his job duties, and encountering Mick at the race track and boxing arena just came with the territory, as Cohen was a boxer when young and helped set up the race wire. Cohen magnanimously showed Gary how the horse races were rigged. Cohen was an arms dealer for the fledgling Israeli state, and Gary once surveilled a meeting between Cohen and Menachem Begin, and the conversation was all about JFK. Gary tailed them to Melvin Belli’s house for a meeting that Cap Weinberger also attended. Belli became Ruby’s attorney after he shot Oswald, as a service to the Mob. A Jewish lawyer who Gary saw meet with Cohen eventually made Gary’s life miserable, helping to wreck it, and that man is a federal judge today. We literally have gangsters as judges in the USA. Gary has many such connections to the skullduggery. Gary surveilled the party at which JFK was introduced to Marilyn Monroe, at Peter Lawford’s Malibu home. She was being used as the world’s highest-class hooker, and stumbling into that milieu cost her her life. Gary’s career and life saw him involved in many such larger-than-life events. Gary went off the deep end on Jews before his life ended, for good reason. At the end of 1988, I considered policemen, investigators, lawyers, and judges to be among the lowest forms of life on Earth, and I can easily see how Gary overgeneralized about the Jewish people after he suffered so greatly at the hands of Jewish gangsters. I also want to discuss something that I write about in my big essay, on the tension between specialists and generalists in science. I am a polymath comprehensivist who tries to go deep on the details when I can, I am a professional specialist, but I also strive for the big picture awareness of the generalist, which is where the big picture “ahas” come from. While the nitty gritty of the details is vitally important, it is also important to not get trapped in those rabbit holes and pull back for a larger view. I have encountered JFK researchers who derive their theories, think that they solved the crime and that there was no high-level conspiracy, but know almost nothing at all about the RFK hit and think it is unrelated. That exemplifies the tunnel vision that specialists can suffer from. The Kennedy family is certain that they are related. I approach such issues as scientists do when studying the fossil record, for instance, as there are varying levels of confidence in the interpretation. I have written what I think are the most important subjects that I deal with and what my confidence levels are. I am certain that Oswald was not a Lone Nut, but the entire issue of the conspiratorial and structural ways to view events and dynamics is of mid-tier of importance in my work. There are issues vastly more important than getting to the bottom of JFK’s murder, and I doubt that it can be done today. I am certainly not minimizing the JFK hit and its aftermath, but I am trying to save the world by helping manifest the biggest event in the human journey. That is plenty to have on one man’s plate. So, with that preamble out of the way, here goes… Best, Wade
  15. Hi: I will now present the particulars of the crime, and present the official position. Oswald, with dubious credentials as a marksman, with an inferior bolt-action rifle with a misaligned sight, made three shots from the book depository window. The first shot, which was made the closest to JFK, completely missed JFK and the limousine that he was riding in, and it kicked up pavement that injured a bystander. A few seconds later, Oswald recovered from his wild miss and put a bullet in JFK’s back, followed a few seconds later by one in his head. It all happened within about ten seconds. The official story is that with each shot, Oswald worked the bolt-action rifle, which ejected the casing of one bullet, put another bullet in the chamber, and improved his aim with each shot, at a target that was steadily moving away from his assassin’s perch. It was an amazing feat that arms experts across the USA deemed “impossible” within days of the assassination, but the Warren Commission, and the later HSCA investigation, pronounced that Oswald had indeed accomplished that incredible feat, although the HSCA admitted that Oswald likely had help, which Warren Commission defenders have attacked and dismissed ever since. The alleged two shots that hit JFK have a great deal about them that strains credulity, but I’ll again state the official position. The first bullet supposedly hit JFK in the back. It somehow curved around his spine to emerge from the center of his throat, and the exit wound, which can be partially seen in autopsy photographs, looks for all the world like an entrance wound, which attending doctors identified it as (the wound was widened to make a tracheotomy). That was just the beginning of the bullet’s incredible journey. JFK reacted to the throat wound by clutching at this throat. According to the official story, the bullet did not hit any bones while passing through JFK’s back and neck (otherwise it would have shattered, like the head shot bullet did), emerged nearly intact, and continued traveling on its path. It hit Texas Governor John Connally, which caused several wounds. For the record, Connally went to his grave adamant that the first bullet that hit JFK did not hit him. The bullet that hit Connally caused several wounds and shattered bones, while leaving numerous fragments in Connally’s body, which his family refused to allow to be retrieved and examined when he eventually died. While that bullet made seven wounds in both men and shattered bones, it somehow emerged in nearly pristine condition. Bizarrely, the bullet was not removed from Connally, but was discovered on a stretcher at Parkland Hospital where JFK and Connally were taken, near an elevator, about an hour after JFK and Connally arrived. The orderly who found the bullet made it clear that the bullet was not found on the stretcher that Connally was carried on. The official story is that after that bullet caused all of those wounds, it gently rolled out of Connally’s body, to be somehow trapped in his clothing, to amazingly roll out and onto that stretcher. As with many aspects of the official position, specific testimony that contradicted the official position was dismissed, such as that orderly’s testimony of finding it on an unused stretcher. That fantastic journey is what caused that bullet to be dubbed the “magic bullet,” and I’ll refer to it that way for the rest of these posts. The last shot, according to the official story, entered the back of JFK’s head and blew his brains out of the front-right of his head. The Zapruder film, however, shows the head shot violently flinging JFK back in his seat, with his brains splattering the rear hatch of the limousine, which Jackie leapt onto, to retrieve part of her husband’s brain. The official story is that Oswald the assassin then fled his assassin’s perch and killed a policeman as he fled, and was soon apprehended. Unlike many other assassins in history, who proudly proclaimed their feats, Oswald maintained his innocence from the beginning, stating that he was being framed for the crime, as a “patsy.” During interrogation, Oswald was shown the infamous backyard photos and stated that the photos were forged, with his head pasted onto somebody else’s body, and that he would be able to prove it. The only thing that he proved was his mortality, as the next day he was murdered by Jack Ruby, a nightclub operator who used to work for Al Capone. Oswald was murdered as he was being transferred from the Dallas City jail to the Dallas County jail, which Bill Decker ran as Dallas County’s sheriff. Ruby, for his part, strangely said that he murdered Oswald to spare JFK’s widow the trauma of having a trial. Like something out of a gangster movie, Ruby called Oswald a “rat” as he shot him. Although Ruby had extensive ties to organized crime, the Warren Commission portrayed him as a small-time nightclub owner, and the HSCA did little to dispel the notion. When Oswald’s death was announced, the announcer, Dallas Police chief Jesse Currie, literally said that the JFK case was then closed, and until this day, the official verdict has never wavered from Oswald the Lone Nut doing the deed, by himself. Ruby soon died in prison. The official story of the murders of JFK and Oswald have never wavered to any significant degree (similar to its atom bomb position), and the American media has staunchly defended the official story ever since. The dean of the official position is John McAdams. That is the official story. Now comes the unofficial one, and what I think happened. Best, Wade
  16. Hi: On conspiratorial behavior and conspiracism and structuralism, I am going to do something that I have not done before, and get into a bit of detail on the official story of the JFK hit and what informed people have to swallow to believe the official version. Then I will tell the version that best fits the facts, as far as I know them. Here is the official story…. Lee Harvey Oswald associated with a rabidly anticommunist CIA contract agent as a teenager, but somehow became enamored with communism. But being enamored with communism did not stop him from becoming a Marine with a security clearance, working at the military base where the U-2 flights originated from, which was a highly sensitive program. After his Marine days, in 1959, he made a theatrical display of defecting to the Soviet Union, while announcing that he planned to reveal U-2 secrets to the Soviet Union, and the next year, one of the most memorable events of the Cold War happened, when a U-2 was shot down, and the pilot later stated that Oswald betrayed him. What Oswald did, at the height of the Cold War, was an order of magnitude greater than what Edward Snowden did. But unlike Snowden, who may face the death penalty for treason for his acts if he ever returns to the USA, Oswald was welcomed back to the USA with open arms a couple of years after that U-2 was shot down. Oswald the fervent commie quickly became associated with more right-wing anticommunists, such as George de Mohrenschildt, but kept on with his pro-communist activities, even while operating out of the same building as rabid anticommunists. Those were very strange associations for such a commie. The Warren Commission’s most formidable task was finding a motive for Oswald, as he greatly admired JFK. The official narrative has Oswald’s wife taken in by the wife of a man working on classified projects, when Oswald’s marriage became troubled, and that woman also got Oswald the job at the book depository. One of the many odd “coincidences” of Oswald’s tale is that that woman was well-known to the longtime head of the CIA, Allen Dulles, who became the de facto leader of the Warren Commission, after being fired by JFK for the Bay of Pigs fiasco. Warren Commission apologists can’t seem to find anything incongruous about that situation. In early 1963, while using an alias that an intelligence agent also used, Oswald mail ordered an Italian rifle. However, the rifle in evidence today is not the same version as the ad that Oswald allegedly used to order the rifle, which was a bolt-action rifle of World War II vintage that Italian soldiers cursed, and when that rifle was later used to try to recreate Oswald’s epic shots, the sight had to be realigned, to hit what it was aimed at. Nobody has ever reproduced Oswald’s remarkable feat of marksmanship, even with an aligned sight. Soon after receiving his rifle, Oswald had his wife photograph him holding that rifle, along with some communist newspapers. There were two wings of communism in those days; one was a militant revolutionary wing, while the other was parliamentary and did not advocate a global communist revolution, but peaceful co-existence with the West. The newspapers that Oswald held up were from the peaceful co-existence arm of communism. An American analogy would be an American “patriot” in camo fatigues, holding up his assault rifle, while brandishing copies of Time and The New York Times. Again, Warren Commission apologists cannot seem to find anything odd about that. Oswald the commie had his lucky day when JFK’s motorcade passed right by the building where he worked. Then he got off three shots in several seconds, and murdered JFK. I am going to get into the official story a bit more, before I present what I think the evidence fits far better. Best, Wade
  17. Hi: Well, another singer has stepped up, that was quite a tune to listen to, and he is just getting started. I’ll be asking more questions about Chris’s journey soon, but wanted to expand a little on some of Chris’s observations. There have been many Golden Ages for lucky organisms, and some lasted quite some time. But they always ended, and it was always an energy scarcity dynamic that ended it, whether it was breeding to the environment’s carrying capacity, energy competition with other species, or hostile environmental conditions, often created by life itself. Plants beat animals to land by 40 million years or so, so that was their Golden Age. When animals came onto land and began eating plants, plants developed many defensive strategies to avoid being eaten, but about 160 million years ago, some plants decided to bait animals into helping them reproduce, which resulted in a symbiosis that led to humans. When monkeys appeared, they soon became dimorphic, which is a result of how females chose their mates. Males became soldiers that defended the territorial perimeter, and the bigger and stronger males got enhanced mating privileges. So, this ideal of the big, strong, heroic, protective man being a female ideal is baked very deeply into the human animal. Men and women coevolved into their respective roles, and shaking them has not been easy. Monkeys are matrilocal, with males leaving their natal groups to mate, but somehow apes reversed that. For all great apes, females leave their natal groups to mate, and males became even more dimorphic. Then it got brutal. Male gorillas and chimps will kill infants that they did not sire (the average female gorilla will lose one infant in her lifetime that way), and non-dominant orangutan males (unflanged) will rape any female that they can, and the flanged ones engage in epic battles over dominance that can leave them disfigured or dead. Patriarchal gorillas constantly fend off gangs of males without harems, who try to unseat the patriarch. Successful upstarts will then kill all infants of the former patriarch, so that the females will then quickly mate with them. Chimps have ruling gangs that constantly vie for power, and genocide of their neighbors, taking the females as war booty, and killing their infants so that they will mate with the killers, is standard chimp behavior. As thoughtful scientists have noted, evolution has plenty to answer for. What an evolutionary legacy to inherit, and humans are deeply marked by that heritage, which can be seen in people today, and Chris honestly described his struggles with those “ideals” that came with his conditioning of growing up. Societies exploit those “heroic” proclivities, as young men make the ideal cannon fodder. In the West, the hero archetype is several thousand years old, and it is not easy to shake. There were some brief Golden Ages of the human journey, too, such as the Golden Age of the Hunter-Gatherer, which lasted until all the easy meat was extinct. And then it was territorial warring over scarce resources. Australians never overcame that dynamic, until the British invaded and drove them to the brink of extinction, as peoples of an earlier Epoch never stood a chance when peoples of later epochs invaded (the Neolithic Expansion is another example). Those so-called human golden ages almost always rode on the backs of other organisms and humans which were often driven to extinction to support those so-called golden ages (the English/American expansion across North America is another example). The closest thing to that elusive human golden age that Chris hoped for was likely in matrilineal horticultural villages. Those people became matrilineal because the easy meat in the area was hunted to extinction and women then began bringing in more calories than the men, and where the environment was conducive to it, plants were domesticated. That broke up the ruling male gangs, and the rise of all pristine civilizations was peaceful. But when there was an energy surplus (provided by food, in this instance), men began to play political games with it, rose to dominance once again, and women’s status universally declined with the rise of civilization, as the men dominated, with their physical strength, often psychopathic cunning, and violence. But each successive epoch saw increasingly humane societies, because they could afford to be, with their rising energy surpluses. The energy of fossil fuels powered the Industrial Revolution, which liberated women and slaves and led to the demographic transition. In our evolutionary line, we can also see what rising energy surpluses can do. During one of the glacial phases of this ice age (about a million years ago), gorillas left the region south of the Congo and never returned. The chimps there suddenly had their food supply double, which led to larger and stable foraging parties, females and non-dominant males ended the rule of violent of male gangs, and bonobo societies are more peaceful than any human society has ever been. The new energy subsidy allowed chimps to reengineer their societies. The Fifth Epoch, like all of the previous ones, will ride on the back of an increasing energy surplus, but unlike the previous ones, this one promises to achieve true and sustainable abundance for the first time ever. I’ll buy a ticket to see what can happen then. In a nutshell, that is what I am attempting, and as Chris noted, the hero’s journey is not going to get it done. But a choir can help, and might just be the critical missing piece. If nothing else, trying out the choir approach should be fun. Best, Wade
  18. Hi: On the conspiratorial end of things, after my baptism by fire, I was very open to the idea of conspiracies, cover-ups, skullduggery and the spy game, etc. I was studying the work of Noam, Ed, Howard and other lefties while reading The Spotlight, Covert Action, studying the medical racket, a pile of channeled material, and so on. I went through my Tibet phase in those days, and heard the Dalai Lama speak in Kentucky (at Berea College), while I worked 60 hours a week at my day job. Ah, youth! Because of my space brat background (it was 50 years ago this month when my father handed me his Gemini 12 security badge), I was always interested in space exploration, and obtained Moongate in those days. It had me going for a while, before I did some diving and found that the foundation of its hypothesis was flimsy. I gradually got sucked into the faked Moon landings issue, and finally got to the bottom of it in 2001. I found that the entire corpus of faked Moon landing evidence was wanting, and much was appallingly bad. Although I satisfied myself that the Moon landings happened as popularly presented, as far as conventional rocketry being used to land on and return from the Moon, to this day, I am approached by people who argue for faked Moon landings. However, they never really have much familiarity with the evidence and generally recycle disinformation and long-discredited “evidence” that does not amount to anything. For instance, the faked Moon landings camp that argues that the astronauts never left Earth orbit seems totally unfamiliar with the many photographs of the Apollo craft on the way to the Moon, taken from many observatories. I was sadly never able to get Brian over the hump on the Moon landings issue. If he had done his homework, he would have. Brian’s brush with death over the UFO issue made him very open to ideas such as faked Moon landings. Both camps on the Moon landings are highly polarized. Because of Gary’s account of his meeting with John Tower, I began studying the JFK assassination evidence. I am 100% certain that Oswald was not a Lone Nut. I studied the JFK evidence for a dozen years before I went public with my views, and the evidence arising since then only further reinforced my views. For me, the lesson is not so much who did it (although it was almost certainly the MIC, likely acting on behalf of the USA’s oligarchy), but that it was all covered up. Its cover-up was so successful, with the media and other institutions providing the propaganda to support the official position, that murdering political figures, while serving up a “Lone Nut” scapegoat each time, with the official “investigations” being complete shams, became official policy for a generation, up to the Reagan attempt. I have yet to see a USA government “investigation” of such possibly conspiratorial events that was very credible. They were always far more cover-ups than investigations. In The Devil’s Chessboard, which chronicled Allen Dulles’s evil career, the author summarized a book by Charles de Gaulle’s information minister. M. de Gaulle was nearly overthrown in a coup attempt mere days after The Bay of Pigs operation, which cost Dulles his job. The coup attempt had the earmarks of a CIA operation, and de Gaulle’s administration publicly asserted as much, while it was happening. The next year, de Gaulle narrowly escaped an assassination attempt by a team of CIA-friendly snipers, which was almost identical to the situation that killed JFK a year later. While returning from JFK’s funeral, de Gaulle told his information minister what he thought really happened, which the information minister published posthumously, and de Gaulle’s view was almost exactly what the main view among JFK researchers is today (and my views). But de Gaulle’s full remarks have never been published in the USA, as usual, as the American media provides its brainwashing duties. I recommend that all serious truth-seekers go down at least one conspiratorial rabbit hole, to understand the process and learn how to extricate themselves, but people have to have both feet firmly on the ground to do so, as those realms are not for the faint of heart. Many in those milieus have gone off the deep end, into paranoia and other mental problems. I have watched people go psychotic by just faintly brushing up against some of these issues. Also, if you ever get close to unmasking conspirators, your life expectancy can drastically decline. I do not recommend going that far. I am going to cover some situations in which conspiracists have gone overboard, especially in recent years. Some of them are likely agent provocateurs, to keep the three-ring-circus aspect the situations alive and well, which Ed Mitchell admitted regarding the UFO/ET situation. Best, Wade
  19. Hi: As I have written, my first real alternative media exposure was to the right-wing literature that began piling up at our office in Ventura. Then, we were taken out by a definite conspiracy of international character, with the “final offer” being delivered by a CIA man who represented “European interests,” just before they lowered the boom on us. Just whom the deputies stole our technical material for we will likely never know. Dennis has a conspiracist orientation, for good reason. Some of the smaller players involved were the Rockefellers, Rothschilds, and sitting American presidents. Did that stolen material end up in the Global Controllers’ files? That would not surprise me. The Global Controllers sicced professional psychopaths on us (1, 2, 3), set up elaborate frame jobs to ensnare us, others were likely not who they presented themselves as, such as Mr. Skeptic, and prison officials actively tried to murder Dennis after he was kangarooed into prison, with rulings that regularly left attorneys on the national stage with their jaws hanging open, in disbelief. Rodney Stich was an FAA investigator who got sucked far more deeply into the spook world than he could have even imagined, and the same courts that railroaded us railroaded him, with rulings that seemed to come from another planet, as literal gangsters are judges in California. Brian O had his life shortened, courtesy of the USA’s military, when he snooped into the UFO situation, at the same time that he was getting his feet wet in the free energy issue, and he stumbled into history’s greatest cover-up, as the UFO/ET and free energy issues are conjoined, as Steven Greer also discovered, and he almost did not live to tell about it. So, when I began to hit the books, I dove into conspiratorial literature, too. I have Epperson’s The Unseen Hand, Mullins’s The Secrets of the Federal Reserve, I subscribed to The Spotlight for several years, Gary’s book is very conspiratorial in nature, and he did not shy away from naming names. I have a bunch more conspiratorial literature, but the above should provide an overview. A close relative was a CIA contract agent, his secretive double life ruined his life, and he drank himself to death. I have pals who were in Special Forces and “off the books” operations, murdering the innocent on behalf of the Empire. Ralph got his hands bloody, too, but more from the civil service side of the house. While the Left has an ideological aversion to the idea of conspiracies, in what Michael Parenti called a conspiracy-phobia, the Right generally adopts a conspiracist orientation that focuses on conspiratorial machinations to the exclusion of almost all else, such as how we all have a hand in the situation, not just a few “bad guys” who ruin it for everybody. I think that there is very good “deep state” work out there, and Peter Dale Scott and Michel Chossudovsky come to mind. A recent work on Allen Dulles gets into the dirty world of American spy craft. Dulles led the “investigation” of the murder of the man who fired him, and Dulles was one of the prime suspects. The Kennedy family never believed the official verdicts on JFK’s and RFK’s murders, for good reason. So, there is plenty out there, on the conspiratorial scale. Conspiracies are merely coordinated crimes, with the criminals plotting in secrecy and committing crimes that are not easy to trace to them. What is unusual about that? Six Roman emperors in a row were deposed, usually violently, by Senate conspiracies, so the conspiracy phobia on the Left is kind of bizarre, as they live in denial. But conspiracists go overboard in the other direction, and both camps think like victims instead of creators. It took me many years to understand the structuralist and conspiracists camps, and how both have lopsided perspectives. Love is the answer, not fear. This will take more than one post to cover. Best, Wade
  20. Thanks Paul: I consider Gary’s rendition of the John Tower conversation to be fact, and I have a hard time believing that Tower was making something up to frame the CIA for the “retail” plan, and according to Tower, Oswald was central to the retail plot. The Tower conversation unmistakably implicates the CIA, with Hunt running the retail operation. Tower was definitely not implicating some local plotters, and with Tower’s connections to Bush and others, it sure seems like the retail plot arose at the national-level, not a local plot. I am very convinced that Oswald was a military intelligence asset who got entangled into the CIA’s machinations, as are most who look very deeply into the matter. Although Bill Decker said that he was not aware of any plot in the Dallas PD or sheriff’s department, I am very willing to consider that some there were part of the operation, either the retail or real one, such as Roscoe White. I know that some implicate Decker in the plot, and God knows that most people in Dealey Plaza that fateful day have been implicated as “being in on it,” in one theory or another, but I think that a mere handful of people had to interpose Hunt’s little operation to turn a fake assassination into a real one. However, it will be interesting to see what might be released next year. I doubt that my views on this issue will change much in the near future, barring some sensational piece of incontrovertible evidence. Best, Wade
  21. Hi: As I have written, it took about two years before I understood Uncle Noam’s message, and there is always something new to learn from his work. In the autumn of 1992, the documentary Manufacturing Consent was released, and my wife and I saw it at Ohio State, in Columbus, where I worked at the time. It was the most popular documentary in Canadian history, but has never played on the American mainstream media. The year 1992 was also the 500th celebration of Columbus’s feat, and the city mounted a celebration that lasted the entire year. I had already read Uncle Howard’s revisionist look at Columbus, David Stannard’s American Holocaust came out in 1992 (I read Ralph McGehee’s book in late 1990), and I subscribed to Z Magazine and Covert Action, among other periodicals, so I was deeply in those early days of study. The year before, I wrote a letter/diary of my days with Dennis, as part of my therapy, and in late 1992, in December as I seem to recall, I was driven from my sleep to write a 17-page letter to Noam. Other than a letter to the editor the previous year, that letter to Noam was my first attempt to interact with the public as a writer. The letter was about my adventures, and I asked Noam why the situation of technology suppression was so marginalized in the USA. Poor Noam, getting that 17-page letter from me. He must have been bombarded with correspondence in the wake of that movie, but a couple of weeks later, I received a letter from him. He wrote that he was “tantalized” by the information in my letter, but was no expert, and advised me to seek elsewhere for an expert opinion. What did our exchange teach me? For one thing, it told me that Noam was the real deal, graciously responding to something like that out of the blue. We corresponded a few more times, and I sent him my second “book” before our correspondence ended. Several years later, I sent my first email to Uncle Ed, and we still correspond. Uncle Ed is quite witty and a better writer than Noam, IMO, but that is like comparing Babe Ruth to Ted Williams, arguing who was the better hitter. Those men are giants, intellectually and ethically, and they are going to leave some huge shoes behind to fill when they are gone. I mentioned this to Ed a few years ago, and his reply was “Those shoes aren’t empty yet!” Ed has actually signed some emails to me as “Uncle Ed.” But I was never able to get any Lefty to seriously consider the free energy issue. I can appreciate that Noam and Ed had their hands full already, and that they are active, with age 85 in their rearview mirror, is awe-inspiring. Uncle Howard died at age 87 in the middle of a speaking tour. While Ed read my JFK stuff and was intrigued (one of the few Lefties who does not shrink from considering that JFK’s murder was something other than a Lone Nut incident), I could not get him to think about the energy issue much, even though one of his hobbies is astronomy. I offered to introduce him to Brian O more than once, but Ed never took me up on it. In Brian’s last years, he saw his role and mine as interesting “progressives” in free energy, but my interactions and Noam and Ed were the high point of my interaction with progressives, and it was all downhill from there. It took more than a decade for me to understand what the problems of progressives were related to free energy, and I did not formally articulate it for 15 years after first contacting Noam, when I did so in the essay that brought Brian back into my life after the NEM fiasco and after my midlife crisis ended. The progressives’ barriers to comprehension were two-fold. Almost none of them were physical scientists, and the “laws of physics” objection was the most common one that I encountered on the science end. The other one was that tales of organized suppression seemed too much like a “conspiracy theory” and progressives have a phobia regarding conspiracies. In the final analysis, those progressives were naïve about the realities of science and technology, which mirrored what I finally realized was their religion: materialism. Their stance amounted to a faith, and was bereft of experience or study. The realities of the free energy pursuit ran into the brick wall of progressive “faith.” The most sophisticated deniers among “progressives,” academics, and scientists I eventually called Level 3s. It generally was a stance that betrayed fear, denial, and naïveté, such as expecting a fully-elucidated and peer-reviewed physics that could explain why Sparky Sweet’s device worked. That has almost never been the case for breakthrough technologies. The Wright brothers were ignored and ridiculed for five years after they first flew, while theorists decried powered flight as “impossible.” The Michelson-Morley experiment preceded Einstein’s relativity by a generation. Even the term “laws of physics” betrays the religious aspect of mainstream science. There are no “laws of physics,” only theories, but the term “law” gives a quasi-religious certitude to the corpus of mainstream science. What my friend witnessed, or Greer witnessed, or my pal witnessed, when he saw Sparky’s gizmo in action, blows the “laws of physics” out of the water, and turns today’s physics textbooks into doorstops. It wasn’t until I read Bucky’s work that the paradigmatic lightbulb finally went on for me, and in the next year, my bizarre encounter with Richard Heinberg’s work finally made it clear to me what was happening: people were addicted to scarcity, or more accurately, they were addicted to their survival mechanisms to survive in a world of scarcity. And the addictions of the “smart” were the most invincible and most vociferously defended. Heinberg was Velikovsky’s assistant, was on-board with the idea that 9/11 was an inside job, but fell back on the “laws of physics,” after refusing a very friendly invitation to learn more about free energy situations that he wrote about, including my offer to introduce him to Brian, and Heinberg could not seem to imagine such a thing as organized suppression of what would be history’s most lucrative technology. I still can’t fathom how Heinberg can keep all of those glaring contradictions in his head. His cognitive dissonance must be extreme. My Heinberg encounter was merely the capstone of more than a decade of contacting progressives, trying to interest them in the idea of free energy, and all that I received, after the gracious dismissal by Uncle Noam and friends, were strange combinations of denial, fear, apathy, and the like. The most “positive” “progressive” responses were along the lines of: “Wake me up when you can deliver free energy to my home.” I stopped trying to interest “progressives” in free energy about a decade ago, after I had a month-long exchange with Richard Stallman, who was a typical Level 3, and I made one last attempt to interest the Left, to no avail. It was about then that I realized that there was no group on Earth who was going to warm to the idea of free energy, other than the small and insular free energy milieu, which is in arrested development, and I began studying for writing what became my big essay. I have to build my own group. Best, Wade
  22. Hi: To return to a moment to the end, which is where I am today, the Left generally believes in The People, and Dennis did, too, and still kind of does. But even from the Left can come refreshing admissions of who The People really are. The truth can dismay, hurt, enrage, etc., but it can also liberate. Anybody thinking that they can create some sort of stampede toward free energy and a healed planet has some hard lessons ahead of them, if they ever actually try to do something. Even the least intelligent among us does not have to be around the idea of free energy to begin to grasp its magnitude. For the masses, if they ever get in an active position around the issue, greed, delusions of grandeur, and other defects come to the fore, and before you know it, they can transform into Gollum or Boromir lusting after the One Ring. I watched that happen many times. To take the LOTR analogy further, the choir has to have Faramir’s motivation. Without people like that¸ any free energy effort will self-destruct before Godzilla (or Sauron, to keep with the analogy) even needs to roll out of bed, as it turns into an Orc fight like what happened at Cirith Ungol. That is why I have carefully designed what I am doing, have been very particular about who can join up, and am in no rush to go out and “do something,” which would be suicidal at this stage. The only “do something” that I am interested in at this stage is building that choir. That will be plenty for one man’s life, and anything after that will be gravy. What I constantly encounter is people trying to water down my work so that it can be fit for mass consumption, but that is the last thing that I want. I know that such efforts are doomed, because it is playing to lowest-common-denominator thinking (AKA herd “thinking”). I have had people try to turn my work into cartoons and Hollywood productions, but I have no interest in any of that. None of that is going to help the epochal event manifest, and if you want to meet the world’s social managers, just try to go those routes. I have watched Dennis get libeled and smeared since the day that I met him. I know how the game is played. One problem that I constantly encounter is people failing to understand free energy’s epochal significance. Almost nothing of today’s societies will survive for long in the Fifth Epoch. Each Epoch was radically different than what came before, and was firmly rooted in the energy issue. I see people try to paste today’s world onto the Fifth Epoch, and completely fail to understand the transformative effects that will accompany it. As an analogy, imagine being a Second Epoch hunter-gatherer, and somebody told you about having a stand of grain to harvest. For starters, you would not really understand what they were referring to, but once you were shown a field of grain, do you think that you would have immediately grasped that it meant that your band could become sedentary? Being sedentary was an alien idea, and none of your existence was built around that. Do you think that you could have even imagined villages, then cities, then civilization, writing, metallurgy, and so on? It would have been so far beyond your comprehension that you could not have imagined any of it. You would not have even understood that hunter-gatherers harvesting fields of grain would end the Epoch of hunter-gatherers. The world would end as you knew it. Maybe your initial idea was that when the grain was ripe, the band would have an easy week or two, but the idea of staying in one place and cultivating the grain, storing it, and the like, would have been beyond your comprehension, as would the changes it would bring to your society. Humanity’s first matrilocal societies came from those early days of horticulture, and that alone was unprecedented an unimaginable to those hunter-gatherers before that change happened. Although we have shows such as Star Trek or visions such as Roads’s to provide some idea of what the Fifth Epoch might be like, even that (or my work) can barely scratch the surface. There are not going to be Starbucks, airplanes, roads, poverty, races, nations, soldiers, bankers, or cities as we know them in the Fifth Epoch. And that is just for starters. Trying to project features of the current Epoch onto the next one is pure folly. For the vast majority of humanity, their heads explode after only a few seconds of thinking about the Fifth Epoch, and they are not going to begin to understand until they can experience it, and that is normal. Humanity is not going to be talked, herded, hoodwinked, and the like into manifesting the Fifth Epoch. It is going to take a relatively small group of high integrity and high sentience to do it, and that group does not yet exist on Earth. Best, Wade
  23. Hi: Here are a couple of examples of Dennis’s fallible memory, where he recalled the facts incorrectly years later. When his company in Seattle was stolen, Dennis privately was pleased. He was willing to fight the hopeless battle in Seattle, but when the company was stolen amidst the cheers of the very people that Dennis was trying to save, he felt liberated. He gave his best efforts, and the thieves had let him off the hook. In Dennis’s words (My Quest, p. 175), he wrote: “I smiled outside and believe it or not I smiled inside as well. I was relieved. They chose a phony Barabbas and although they thought that they were crucifying me, I was really set free. I was off the hook for these people. I would have stayed for a fight with the Securities Exchange and the 303 [phony bankruptcy suit – Ed.] and God only knows how many more takeover attempts and end runs because if they wanted to come, I knew where we were going. I would have worked to protect their interests and investments as if they were my own. I would have tried to take a spoon full of coal and power a whole trainload of riders with me pushing all the way. I was free! Although I was sad for the people, I was happy for myself. I knew by what had happened that I was set free from the burden of this war to start again with the new knowledge I had attained. I felt like Lincoln had just liberated me. I knew that rebuilding would be hard, but not as hard as carrying all that history and dead weight.” More than a dozen years after Dennis wrote that from his jail cell, I publicly wrote it (I don’t think that it is on my site anymore, and I think that I wrote it in 2001, but it could have been a year later), and I asked Dennis to look at it and see if I was writing it accurately, and to my “Dennis was relieved when the Seattle company was stolen,” Dennis replied with, “I never thought that or said that!” I referred him to his own book, to refresh his memory. He was likely recalling how he felt before the company was stolen, not immediately afterward. Another instance was when he was nearly killed in prison, after the prison officials and others had set him up. In the midst of the situation, Dennis begged a sympathetic prison official to get him moved out of the dorm where his death sentence had been announced if he stayed there, and he told the official that dying because he failed to file a form was a pretty stiff sentence. He wrote that in The Alternative, p. 141. Two pages later, he wrote of his surprise visit from the commissioner of the Little Hoover Commission, which Alison’s tireless efforts made happen. The commissioner’s appearance spooked the prison officials, and Dennis was soon transferred to the Club Fed-type prison, where he served out the remainder of his time. When I saw Dennis in 2013, he recalled that his begging for his life was done with the Little Hoover Commissioner, not that sympathetic prison official. When I got home from that Bucket List road trip, I looked up the situation in The Alternative, and saw again where Dennis was not quite recalling it accurately. It was nearly 20 years later, so a little misremembering was understandable, and on that same road trip, I visited Dennis’s most trusted assistant since Mr. Professor and me, and we talked a little about how Dennis’s memory could be a little creative. We saw it numerous times. Dennis would not lose the gist of his memories, but would sometimes scramble the facts a little. They were really minor misremembrances, and my memory is far from perfect, either, although I only know one person whose memory is better than mine. Because Dennis’s journey is so much larger than life, those little lapses in memory were understandable, and I am happy that he wrote his books, as I can see how he thought soon after the events, not many years later, and his books were also chocked full of documentation, and I have reproduced many key documents on my site (1, 2, 3), along with some memorabilia (1, 2). I never saw Dennis recall something that was far off-base or that missed the gist of the situation as I saw it. Also, when Dennis was playing pitchman, he would gild the lily a bit. He was trying to impress his audience and do it in a few seconds, and in doing so, he would garble or overstate the facts, and I let him know it more than once. The straight truth was plenty spectacular enough, and did not need to be embellished. Fortunately, his books are conservative renderings of the events, and backed up with many key documents. The fact that Dennis thought that he needed to overstate things to impress his audience spoke volumes about the audience that he was trying to attract. As I have written, I slowly came to see that such an audience would not be very helpful in manifesting the biggest event in the human journey. It will take people far more committed, discerning, and savvy to do that, not a crowd that is there for the spectacle or to serve their self-interest. I sometimes don’t remember things accurately, and when I find those mistakes in my public writings on my site, I’ll fix them. Also, I can cite sources that turn out to be inaccurate, and when I find that, I’ll fix it, too, and will let my readers know, as I did here. We are all fallible humans and make mistakes, but striving to get it accurate is a key goal of any worthy scholar. Dennis almost always gets it close, but sometimes gets the details wrong. Best, Wade
  24. Hi: Before I get back to my lessons learned posts, a little on current events and reading. I recently finished This is Your Brain on Parasites, The Serengeti Rules, and I am in the middle of Frans de Waal’s Are We Smart Enough to Know How Smart Animals Are?, and have a few observations. They will all go into my big essay update. This is Your Brain on Parasites got a little carried away at the end on the influence of parasites, seeing everything in the world through a parasite prism. That said, it was a fascinating and kind of eerie read, and emphasizes the idea that there is no morality in evolution. But I have a hard time buying a purely materialistic explanation of how a wasp developed a way to perform brain surgery on a cockroach, to rob it of its free will, so that it becomes a food cache for the wasp younglings that the wasp will bury with the cockroach, which amiably ambles to its doom. You might want to avoid cats for the rest of your life after reading the book. The toxoplasma from cats may have created the disease known as schizophrenia. The books hews closely to the evolutionary aspects, such as the role that disgust has played in the human journey (it keeps us away from unhealthy situations), and it was no surprise to find out that political conservatives are much more fearful and prone to violence than liberals are. The Serengeti Rules is about how similar dynamics regulate organisms and ecosystems. It has nice vignettes on some important scientific discoveries, such as the first time that food chains and gene regulation were described. What I noticed about those books, and it extends to most popular science books, and I have read a more than a hundred of them over the past several years, is that they often repeat Establishment myths that lie outside of the area that they write about. So, I often take parts of such books with a big grain of salt, and one of them is the faith that the authors have about using drugs, chemicals, and surgeries to achieve health. The knives and drugs paradigm is buried so deeply that I see authors fail to even question it, thinking that all the answers will be found with the right drug or surgery. After reading The Serengeti Rules, I found myself reading up on smallpox again, and the history of the smallpox vaccine is anything but an unequivocal success. I found myself reading Sherri Tenpenny’s work again. It looks like she was recently silenced after a successful effort to wreck her speaking tour in Australia. There are quite a few flies in the ointment of smallpox vaccination’s being God’s (or interventional medicine’s) gift to humanity (1, 2, 3), and that goes for vaccination in general. I am willing to admit that vaccination is some great medical intervention, if all the evidence was weighed, but it isn’t. Read up online about vaccination proponents’ dealing with vaccination’s critics and you will see a holy war being waged, which vividly reminds me of how the “skeptics” operate. Nowhere in the arguments of vaccination proponents will you find a hint of the great conflicts of interest that saturate medical science, which are so great that Lancet’s editor recently stated that up to half of all medical research is worthless, because of those conflicts of interest. Capitalism and medicine make for poor bedfellows, and also when it is wedded to the national security state, as it is today in the USA. Speaking of being silenced, the recent “fake news” assault on the alternative media in the USA is something to behold. The Snowden journalist launched into them, and one of the “fake news” blogs aptly showed why the USA’s imperial press is always pro-war. We are literally seeing the return of McCarthyism in the USA, in which all dissidents are being branded Russian propagandists, “terrorists,” and the like. We will see how it goes. I am not worried for my personal safety at the moment, but that could change. Crazy times. De Waal’s book is a blessed antidote to the egocentric delusions that plague science, particularly when scientists and academics feverishly try to establish humanity’s unique magnificence. De Wall has long been one of best voices on the subject of non-human cognition and, dare I say it, sentience. Best, Wade
  25. Hi: I am going to go quiet for a few days, but first, back to what I am doing and what makes it unique. I did not really know what I was doing in those early days of study, as far as articulating my goal. As I look back, after many scholarly and scientific years, I was deconstructing the in-group ideologies that I had been raised with, and I found them all to be based on lies, often big ones. They were all based on scarcity and fear, and all had an egocentric appeal, as adhering to those in-group ideologies provided material benefits and egocentric strokes. I realized that appealing to any in-group ideology was only going to attract self-interested people, and self-interested people are going to be no help whatsoever for making the Fifth Epoch happen. They are easily manipulated by the carrots and sticks of organized suppression, and do quite well at destroying efforts before any organized suppression even needs to be applied. Since personal integrity is the world’s scarcest commodity, I know that I seek very rare individuals, but this new tool called the Internet gives me a global reach, and I have devoted the rest of my life’s “spare” time to this task. When I wrote about Castro’s death yesterday, and my great nation’s contribution to the Cuban situation, as well as my European heritage, I was once again taking my in-group to task (my nation, the West), which is the highest ethical social position that one can take. I am trying to provide an example for those I seek, of what we need to do in order to be productive for this epochal task, which is to leave all in-group ideologies behind. They are all egocentric barriers to comprehension. The highest mystical understanding attainable is that all of creation is one. That understanding was behind Jesus’s “Love the enemy.” People need to deconstruct their own in-group ideologies and see them for what they are. I am just showing what it was like for me, and those I seek will recognize my journey in theirs, as they already woke up. As I trod my scholarly/scientific path, a less lofty understanding, but along the same wavelength, is that we are all behaviorally modern humans, with far more in common than we have differences. Love is indeed the answer, but achieving it in a world of scarcity and fear is no easy task. Readers of my public interactions can see how I regularly encounter people who arrive with completely impractical New Age or conspiracist advice, who really don’t understand how the world works. They seize on one aspect of it and think that they understand it all. They decidedly lack a comprehensive perspective. The advent of free energy will be the biggest event in the human journey, dwarfing all that came before it, as humanity becomes a Type 1 civilization. Humanity is not going to suddenly wake up for no good reason, or because more of humanity might be praying or meditating. That is not how it ever worked. The evil institution of slavery ended only because rising standards of living made it obsolete, and industrialization did that, not some bout of conscience out of nowhere or a prayer circle. The hero archetype is several thousand years old in the West, and Dennis, Brian, and Greer walked the hero’s path. I happily carried Dennis’s and Brian’s spears for them, but eventually realized that the hero’s path won’t work. Indiana Jones cannot save the world by himself. If I had to characterize what I am attempting to mount, it will be a stampede of sentience lambs that are not operating from in-group motivation but because they are pursuing a common goal. There is not going to be anything in it for them, from a worldly perspective, so hardly anybody on Earth is going to be interested. The horizon of awareness for nearly all of humanity is the limit of their immediate self-interest. Those lambs will merely get a chance to help the biggest event in the human journey manifest, which will simultaneously save humanity and Earth. That is enough “psychic income” for anybody, and helping the biggest event in the human journey manifest will be the crowning moment of any soul’s journey, at least that is planet-bound. Galactic or truly universal events are another matter, but we need to take care of our backyard, first, grow up as a species, and become truly sentient. Only then will we be off for bigger game. Best, Wade
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