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Wade Frazier

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Everything posted by Wade Frazier

  1. Hi: I doubt that I can overemphasize that people cannot wake up with my work, or any body of work. People can only awaken through experience. As I work on my Uncle Ed bio project, in which I am also carrying Noam’s spears, of all people, I think of my many years of digesting their work, and I know that if I had not already had my rude awakening on how the world really works, if I ever encountered their work, I wonder what I would have made of it. I had to be made ready for their work before I encountered it. Otherwise, it probably would not have meant much to me. And my work is vastly more radical than theirs is, so much so that I had to come up with a new term for it: epochal. Theirs are the last spears that I plan to carry in this lifetime. Not only have I done enough of that, there is nobody left in my life that I am willing to carry them for (other than my wife’s :) ). Uncle Ed’s death marks the end of an era for me. I carried Mr. Mentor’s, Dennis’s (with Mr. Professor), then Brian’s, (even Ralph’s a little) and now Ed and Noam’s. That is enough spear-carrying for one lifetime, and I can’t think of people more deserving of having their spears carried. What a blessing to have done that. There might be one last person whose spears I would consider carrying, Peter Ward’s, whose work had a bit to do with how I wrote my big essay. I could not seek a more informed opinion on the first half of my big essay than his, and it was a delightful surprise to have him spend the day reading it, and it told me that I was on the right track. But as much as I would like to help him on his noble mission, I have to work on building that choir. Ed’s bio project has been a detour on that, but it is a labor of love and an honor. I am constantly approached by the unawakened, who think that they are awake as they drag their baggage to me. IMO, they should not read my work, but search elsewhere. When the unawakened encounter my work, there are a number of possible reactions, but waking up is not one of them. I often see the opposite, as it drives them further asleep, as they build a bunker around their awareness, to more heavily entrench it, as they see their very survival at stake. The sleeping cannot achieve the epochal perspective needed for my approach to work. These are lessons that I learned the hard way over many years, and they have been teaching me patience, as I walk my own journey. All that I am interested in anymore is for the people I seek to do the work to hit the notes, my big essay is the hymnal, and I am here to help them. I know that I seek needles in haystacks, but they are out there. However, they are not going to be found by chatting up one’s social circles. It won’t work that way. Best, Wade
  2. Hi: This post will be about what a heavy lift my Uncle Ed bio project is. I will beef up that Wikiquote page before I write the article on Noam and Ed’s first books that were not censored. Then I will make changes to the Manufacturing Consent and propaganda model articles before I take on Ed’s bio. I have had my fair share of “fun” with Wikipedia’s “editors,” and look at this article on one of Wikipedia’s “editors,” who is also the most prolific editor of the hack bio on Ed. Once I read that article on him, his edits to that CRV article confirmed my suspicions. It was an artful bit of deception, quoting a publication far removed from the issue, to provide spin that made the censorship seem more reasonable. I am going to have my work cut out for me. Dealing with the “editors” will be a heavy lift in itself, but the material is a heavy lift. I am currently rereading the “constructive bloodbath” chapter of The Washington Connection, and what grim subject matter. The genocide in East Timor was a “benign bloodbath,” while the simultaneous one in Cambodia was a nefarious one. Closely comparable genocides, which happened at the same time, were treated entirely differently by the media, depending on their political-economic utility. The slaughter in East Timor was perpetrated by an ally, using American weapons and diplomatic support, so when the slaughter reached genocidal levels (at a far higher proportion - the greatest since World War II - than happened in Cambodia), American media coverage actually fell to zero, while the media had a constant drumbeat on the Cambodian slaughter. Those kinds of behaviors inspired Ed to coin a new term to describe the performance: chutzpah. The genocide as Suharto came to power was a “constructive bloodbath,” as it made for an attractive investment environment for American interests. The media literally treated that genocide in “constructive” terms, calling it a “gleam of light” and other approving terms. In their chapter on “constructive terror,” Noam and Ed showed that far from an unintended consequence, torturing dissidents to the neocolonial order was the essence of the endeavor. You can’t enslave entire nations without resistance, so torture was part of the array of strategies to keep the populace cowed. Torture and kill enough prominent dissidents, and the rest will fall into fear and apathy. Noam and Ed devoted sections of their constructive terror chapter to Indonesia, Thailand, and the Philippines, and they also covered the trends in Latin America before Reagan was elected and the rise of butcher-dictatorships in places such as El Salvador and Guatemala, which they covered in Manufacturing Consent. I want to cover the Philippines in particular. It was one of the USA’s first colonies, the USA’s actions there inspired Kipling’s White Man’s Burden, and the Marcos regime was notable. Noam and Ed wrote about Trinidad Herrera, a community leader of a slum in Manila who openly defied Marcos’s martial law. She was seized and tortured, including electrodes to her nipples, which was one of their specialties (genital torture was also one of their neat tricks). Her seizure and torture was so high-profile that even the USA had to say something (when goaded into it by global outcry), so she was released (but unable to speak for days). Marcos’s torture victims living to speak out about their treatment was a PR problem, so Marcos’s goons then just began disappearing people. When people are “disappeared,” they don’t get to tell about their treatment. Noam and Ed discussed a similar situation in Thailand, where the authorities disappeared people (protesting students were one of the Thai government’s favorite targets) by incinerating them (while still alive), to remove the evidence. They were writing about the exact situation that Ralph McGehee encountered in Thailand, as he crafted a “gentler” strategy to keep the communists at bay. Ralph did not publish his book until several years after Noam and Ed’s books were published, he contributed an article to Lies of Our Times (LOOT), and it was an ad in LOOT where I discovered Ralph’s book. A close friend has visited the Philippines a few times and has friends there. He asked one of them what the best times were in the Philippines, and the reply was during the Marcos era. The rationale was that under Marcos, the Philippines made the global news regularly. It was the Philippines’s day in the sun. My friend was stunned by that reply. Today, the Philippines has a leader as colorful as Marcos was. In the 1980s, before I met Dennis, I recall reading about children assassins in the shanty towns of Latin America, who would murder somebody for as little as $5. My friend told me that in the Philippines today, under the “drug war” and other initiatives by the Philippines’s president, hit men working for the government are paid $50 a pop. Maybe that is inflation at work, but also those are grown men who have to feed their families. As I stated, this is going to be a very heavy lift, to finish Ed’s bio project, not the least of which is the subject matter. Time to start my busy week. Best, Wade
  3. Hi: I have a little time to write this weekend, and want to cover a topic near and dear to me. Making that Wikiquote page for Uncle Ed is just a prelude to some substantial Ed work that I will do at the Wikis. My first effort was on the censorship of Ed and Noam’s first work together, and a lot more is coming. I am finishing my Ian Morris detour, and getting back to Ed and Noam, and I needed a break from it – it is harrowing stuff. While making Ed’s Wikiquote page, I looked at Noam’s. The quotes about him were largely about American hacks defending their imperial turf. Here is an example, from Daniel Flynn’s Intellectual Morons: “Chomsky blasts the United States for having supported (post WWII) internal movements to liberate Eastern Europe from Soviet totalitarianism. "These operations included a 'secret army' under U.S.-Nazi auspices that sought to provide agents and military supplies to armies that had been established by and which were still operating inside the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe through the early 1950s." This U.S.-Nazi army is so "secret" that only Chomsky knows of it, and he has thus far kept the documentation of it to himself, lest his secret get out.” Chomsky was referring to the well-known Operation Gladio, Christopher Simpson’s Blowback has a chapter on the “Guerillas for World War III,” the Gehlen Org was deeply involved in those events, and so on. Some secret that only Chomsky knows about. Brad DeLong has long been one of Chomsky’s chief assailants, and he wrote: “PUH-LEEAAZE! Chomsky did not write that Faurisson was a Nazi sympathizer whose right to free speech needed to be defended on Voltairean principles. Chomsky wrote that Faurisson seemed to be "a relatively apolitical liberal" who was being smeared by zionists who--for ideological reasons--did not like his "findings." Herman then repeats the lie by claiming that Faurisson's critics were "unable to provide any credible evidence of anti-Semitism or neo-Naziism." Feh!” Of course, it is easy to see what Chomsky actually wrote and compare it to DeLong’s characterization of it. Chomsky wrote long on the issue, which, along with the Cambodia fabrications, was his biggest source of grief as a public intellectual. Ed wrote on DeLong’s smears of Noam. It is really something to study for writing Ed’s biography and being struck by how clear Ed and Noam’s work is, to see how the hacks misrepresent it while attacking it. I almost wonder who put up those quotes, Chomsky’s supporters or attackers. If it was the attackers, what a statement, to publish such easily disproven, even libelous, attacks. If it was his defenders, they had to be showing how credible the attacks on Noam were. Those attackers fail on the integrity or sentience issues, or both. As Orwell said, the biggest violators against clear thinking and common sense are usually “intellectuals.” It is really amazing how the most irrational writings often come from the “smart.” The attacks on those great men strongly remind me of the attacks that I have seen on Dennis over the years, as his critics vie to tell the biggest lies about him, which easily dupe the credulous and, to be frank, the credulous lap it up because it aligns with what they want to believe. As I look back at my life, carrying the spears for Dennis, Brian, Ed, and the like have been among my life’s greatest honors, greater than I could have imagined when I met Dennis. Those are some of the greatest humans to walk the Earth, and I was able to carry their spears, for a task that can help right humanity’s ship, and quickly. On one hand, it has been anything but an easy ride, but on the other, I don’t know of a higher calling. That damned voice knew what it was doing. Best, Wade
  4. Hi: Some odds and ends from recent reading… I recently read The Rise and Fall of the Dinosaurs, and I am going to compare it to another book I have been reading, Gaining Ground, on the migration of fish to land. Both are fine books in their own ways, but both are difficult to recommend for what I am doing. I have seen Gaining Ground described as popularized science, but it really isn’t. It is highly technical, suitable for graduate students. The Rise and Fall of the Dinosaurs has kind of the opposite problem. It is popularized science, but almost too much so for what I am doing. It is written by a young scientist in the field, and is written almost like a “Dear Diary” account of his career so far, as he breezily describes his adventures (which admittedly are pretty amazing for a man in his mid-30s). That book has no footnotes, but has sources at the book’s end. I like notes, and rarely recommend books without them. The author of Gaining Ground actually helped coin the term Romer’s Gap, and her recent findings are closing that gap. She also takes on Peter Ward’s ideas of oxygen’s role in evolution, particularly at the Devonian Extinction, as her evidence does not show an oxygen-drop event associated with it, although it likely was a low-oxygen time on Earth. Fascinating material, but her work is not really popularized science. The Rise and Fall of the Dinosaurs covers interesting recent findings (that author wrote an article that is the cover story for the current issue of Scientific American, which is why I got his book), but the book is almost more about his journey than it is the findings. For the record, the two key takeaways from his book (and recent article) for me are that dinosaurs evolved in moist temperate lands and were confined there as relatively marginal beasts, to only conquer Earth when its competitors died off in a mass extinction and Earth got a lot wetter, and that it was definitely a bolide event that did them in. There are still many lively controversies about dinosaurs, and many will outlive me, but there is going to be a very high hurdle for those who argue that the bolide event did not wipe the dinosaurs out. Mammals were never going to rise and overtake them. Rats and raccoons were never going to displace T-Rexes without that bolide event that wiped the slate clean. Dinosaurs were doing fine until the very end. I have also been diving into that great controversy in anthropology: the Hobbes versus Rousseau views of early humans. It looks like that controversy will not stop anytime soon. That controversy is part of Uncle Ed’s work on Pinker’s imperial apologetics, and I found myself rereading books in my library, such as Demonic Males, the Anthropology of War, War Before Civilization, and other works, as well as plenty of Internet surfing and Douglas Fry’s Rousseauian work, which Frans de Waal wrote the foreword to. Richard Wrangham and de Waal are the most prominent chimp researchers in the West, after Jane Goodall, and both say that for human traits found in chimps, the rebuttable presumption has to be that those traits were passed down the human-line split from chimps. It did not have to be that way, but that is what likely happened, such as chimps’ kissing and their politics, which are crude versions of human politics. After a career spent studying chimps and bonobos, de Wall put chimp social intelligence on par with humanity’s, which is an amazing statement. Only two animal species have patrilocal, male-bonded territorial dynamics that launch lethal raids on their neighbors, to steal territory and females: chimps and humans. They also have a direct evolutionary relationship, and Rousseauian theorists have a big task ahead of them, to make the case that the human line lost that trait, to re-evolve it later. It is far more theoretically economical to argue that the human line never lost those traits. There is some evidence that maybe the human line became matrilocal again, like monkeys are, and reduced incisors in Ardi’s species is some evidence of it, but for what it is worth, while I definitely promote the bonobo way of life, it was economically conditioned by their food supply’s doubling (the human journey was economically conditioned the entire way, to today), and I think that Hobbes is still the victor. But I also make it very clear that the human journey had many golden ages, which were always about the early days of exploiting a new energy source. Then it was peace and plenty, for a time. In those early days of Earth’s conquest, and when Homo erectus lightly populated Eurasia and Africa, it was likely fairly peaceful, as territorial disputes were easily resolved by simply moving to the next river valley. It did not start getting violent again until the easy meat ran out, and the human line became fiercely territorial again. The Fifth Epoch would likely mean a permanent golden age, as the free energy technology that I am aware of won’t lead to exhaustion of the energy source, at least not anytime soon, and likely never. Time to begin my busy weekend. Best, Wade
  5. Hi: Before I leave Ian Morris’s work behind for now, some odds and ends. First and foremost, the human journey has been all about plundering one energy source after another, to exhaustion, and then plundering the next one, with collapses attending the inability to tap the next source, as the societies ran into energy-capture ceilings. Morris got that part right, but very lightly touched on what the environmental costs are for that undertaking. I found it odd that Morris used a lot of Jared Diamond’s work, and Diamond blurbed Morris’s books, and Diamond is big on environmental collapse while Morris really did not deal with the subject much. Morris linked societal collapses to climate change, which almost always was about droughts, but not how human energy practices contributed to it. The Mediterranean used to be ringed by lush forests (hippos lived on islands which are deserts today), which are all gone, as it has been all turned to desert and semi-desert, all the way to Afghanistan. That contributed in a big way to the aridity that has collapsed civilizations, along with soil loss, etc. Several times, Morris remarked on how what was once a breadbasket of farms is now a desert, such as what was Carthage. The human impact turned it into a desert. But Morris at least got it right that energy capture trumped all, for human social development. What he also got right, kind of, was that what is coming, if humanity survives the transition, is so mind-bogging that he could barely imagine any of it. Of course, he was completely trapped in conventionality, as only a Stanford professor can be (Brian sipped that sherry, before he woke up), and could not seem to imagine any energy sources beyond nuclear and solar, and he really could not seem to understand the transformative effects of absolute abundance, as he just saw novel war technologies, not an elimination of the very reasons for warfare. And very ironically for me, the energy technologies to usher in that hard-to-imagine future are older than I am. A lot of the development and organized suppression of independent efforts to develop such technologies happened in California, where Morris lives, for another rich irony. To be fair to Morris, his work is more about Eurasian dynamics than global ones, and his tome is devoted to why the West is more developed than the East…for now. What he also gets right is that while geography had plenty to do with explaining the West’s ascendance, today’s conceptions of geography will become meaningless in the Fifth Epoch. Morris is big into Kurzweil’s Singularity, but I am not a big fan of it. My vision for the future is along the lines of hewing toward this world, not some Borg-like human-machine hybrid. Territorial constructs such as nations will vanish in the Fifth Epoch, as will cities, races, and other aspects of the human journey that will pass into the dustbin of history. Morris does get some of that right, to his credit, and I suppose that for a college professor, when he is not doing imperial bootlicking, his work is not bad. I’ll use some of it in my big essay, mostly around Third Epoch societies, which is really the focus of Morris’s work, as he professionally excavated some of their ruins. Best, Wade
  6. Hi: As I have written, I’ll write more about Ian Morris’s work later, and I’ll use some of his work in mine, but I wanted to note something that he and others have long written about. In his view of the vast sweep of the human journey, he states that the primary motivations of humanity have always been: Greed Laziness Fear Not only that, he makes the case that psychopaths have made the world safer, as their “productive” wars brought more people under their rule, and enslaving humanity and skimming the cream is the most productive elite activity; dead subjects can’t be skimmed from. Those are literally the foundations of his arguments. I am not going to say that he is necessarily wrong, but that is not exactly a prescription for a future that I want to be part of. Adam Smith wrote similarly, arguing that only self-interest has made this world a better place, and all benevolent intent has been futile. How inspiring. Of course, that the GCs are psychopathy on a global scale, and capitalism on steroids, is something that Morris can’t even imagine. There is a path out of this mess, and it has to be based on love, not playing to the deadly sins and calling them virtues. I admit that until scarcity ends, greed and fear will generally be the primary motivations of humanity, but once scarcity ends, a lot can change, in ways that we have a hard time imagining. Uncle Bucky wrote Utopia or Oblivion, Morris’s theme for the future is Singularity or Nightfall, and I write of the Fifth Epochal event or the Sixth Mass Extinction. Morris’s prescription is supporting the American Empire until Singularity arrives. Again, not too inspiring, and for a Brit working in the USA, that is quite a conflict of interest. Best, Wade
  7. Hi: To Krishna’s observation that his peers are not interested in understanding how the world works, it took him years of dismay to finally understand, and that is normal. For those who awaken, it is a standard process. For those with a love of the truth and a desire to make the world a better place, and are willing to do something about it, it can be agonizing to discover that virtually nobody in their social circles cares in the slightest. They only care about their immediate self-interest, and by extension, their in-group’s welfare. This is just where the human animal is, in these days of scarcity and fear. Only extraordinary people are willing and able to break free of their conditioning and widen their circle of caring. That is just what it is, and I gave up judging the situation long ago, and the unawake challenge my work, with spectacular failures of logic and integrity. I found that it takes that realization for somebody to finally become useful for what I am doing. Again, my best students nearly always rush out and proselytize to their social circles, to get a very rude awakening, as they are ostracized and even actively attacked. People are social animals for reasons of survival and fear, not love and a desire to make life better for all. As I look at my site today, the 2002 version was largely about helping my readers get past their conditioning, so that they stop dragging around their baggage, because they can’t pursue the truth while dragging around that stuff. Only when freed from that ball-and-chain can they begin to truly understand how our world really works, not the Establishment version, which is based on lies, secrecy, and other elite-serving factors, none of which are about pursuing the truth, but are designed to keep humanity the exploitable herd that it is today. Ever since I found Uncle Bucky’s work, my work has been consciously comprehensive. The theme ever since has been developing a comprehensive understanding of how our world really works, and my big essay is the capstone of that idea and the hymnal for the choir. I’ll keep updating that essay until I can’t anymore. With a comprehensive perspective, people can distinguish the forest from the trees, stop hacking at branches, and aim for the root, which always has been and always will be the energy issue, particularly in our world of scarcity and fear. Next to the energy issue, everything else happening on Earth today is noise. But very few people understand that fact, and scientific literacy goes a long way toward understanding that issue, but the student has to beware of being seduced by the ideological baggage that can attend becoming scientifically literate. It is not an easy road to walk, but for those I seek, it is a requirement. But they don’t need to aspire to any more scientific literacy than is needed to digest my big essay, and it is not really a heavy intellectual lift. It is nearly all popularized science. People don’t need to be professional scientists to understand. They don’t need IQs of 160 to hit the notes. Best, Wade
  8. Hi: My Uncle Ed project marches on. I just put up a quotation page at Wikiquote. It is a start…. Best, Wade
  9. Hi: To be fair to Ian Morris and his social development scale, urbanism is a proxy for organizational ability, which is going to radically change. Coercion or threats of it are not going to be how it works. Many channeled/mystical ideas became a lot clearer as I pondered the nuts and bolts of the Fifth Epoch over the years. Coercion, violence, warfare – these will become obsolete in the Fifth Epoch, which Morris hints at in his work, but he does not quite see the big picture, either, as he licks imperial boots and is trapped in his Epoch in ways, with the thought that he needs (such as materialism). Best, Wade
  10. Hi: To Krishna’s observation on the Scots-Irish, empires have always recruited the underclasses to do the dirty work, and my ancestors were used to populate the newly stolen continent. Those people were previously used to colonize Ireland. The English used the Gurkhas in India, the French and Americans used the Montagnards in Cambodia (they were used on that Special Forces mission that Dennis was on, and part of his job was injecting them with heroin, as part of their pay), the Nazis used kapos in the death camps, the Tutsis were used against the Hutus (already elevated somewhat, to be promoted to overseeing sub-elites) to the present day by various imperial players in equatorial Africa, and so on. As Ian Morris wrote about “people getting the thought they need,” the path to manhood in redneck America was becoming an imperial Stormtrooper. I was raised that way, and nearly went to the Air Force Academy, until my mother prevailed on my father to talk me out of it. Two years later, I was a confirmed pacifist, through my spiritual studies. The irony is not lost on me that I nearly became a military pilot, raining death onto our imperial targets. Best, Wade
  11. Hi: To Krishna’s observation about Stallman and understanding my essay, I’ll say this… Like Gates, Stallman is a lot smarter than me. He is another near-1600 on the SAT, and 800 on the math, of course, which puts him well above 160 on the IQ scale. Watching Stallman and Gates go at it over the Free Software Movement is watching two titans at work. If you think about it, their arguments are all about the exchange game, with the world’s richest man denigrating the movement that challenges his empire. In the Fifth Epoch, exchange becomes meaningless. The problem, as I see it, is that neither man can even imagine the Fifth Epoch, which is normal, for all of their “intelligence.” As far as Stallman coming to understand my big essay, it is certainly no heavy intellectual lift for somebody like him. The problem that Stallman had with my work and experiences was that it was contrary to his belief system. Stallman is a materialist, as is Gates, and materialism is a great burden that prevents understanding how our world really works. It also hampered Uncle Noam’s ability to understand, and he and Stallman were relatively gracious with me. These are some of the greatest minds on Earth, and they did not understand. For the record, Mr. Mentor’s mind was greater. He was an inventive genius, similar to Tesla, and Gates and Stallman are not. When I write about interacting with some of the greatest minds on Earth, I am not kidding. But I found that intelligence was far from enough, to be able to hit the notes. None of those great minds can. With Stallman, and I am writing from experience here, free energy was too wild a concept to credit, without somebody delivering free energy devices for scientists to study, and the suppression of free energy was an untenable “conspiracy theory.” Those are classic Level 3 responses, and it took me many years to understand what I was seeing. It was not until I began studying to write my big essay that the reason for the “conspiracy theory” objection to organized suppression became crystal clear, and it is a matter of faith and naïveté, not reason. The very way that today’s science is structured focuses on material realities. The best scientists say that today’s science has nothing to say about non-material realities, or any intent behind the creation of our physical universe. That has been twisted, however, by materialists, to turn that approach into a form of religion called materialism, which avers that the material universe is all that exists, or multi-dimensional variations of them. There is no role for consciousness to play, other than some epiphenomenon of brain activity. History’s greatest scientists did not buy that, and called it an error of logic to think that way, but people such as Stallman, Hawking, and the like have, and it turned the process and findings of science into a religion. And I know that it is a false religion, little different from the other organized religions. My experiences informed me otherwise, when I was still a teenager. My fellow travelers that I most respected also had those experiences, which made us different, leading us down different paths than what the Gateses, Stallmans, and Chomskys of our world traveled. Mark’s adventures blow Stallman and Gates out of the water, as do Dennis’s, Brian’s, mine, etc. The idea that powerful groups are consciously manipulating the world economy is anathema to people such as Gates and Stallman. If Gates is unaware of them, he is highly naïve, especially for somebody in his position. Gates praises imperial tripe and pals around with the greatest mass murderer alive and other war criminals, and it has nothing to do with intelligence, and everything to do with integrity. Gates can’t tie Noam’s and Ed’s shoes on the integrity scale, but Noam’s structuralism prevents his understanding of how and why Jack Kennedy died, for instance. Ed actually entertained the idea of Gary’s reporting, and one of LOOT’s issues dealt with the backyard photos and how they were likely forged. That is one of many reasons why he was Uncle Ed to me, but I tried to introduce Ed to Brian several times, to no avail. Even Ed had his limits. So, Stallman would have no trouble reading my big essay, and he would undoubtedly learn something new from it, but when the subject came to the GCs, Sparky Sweet’s adventures, and the like, I would lose him, as it would veer into “conspiracy theory” and “contrary to the laws of physics” land. The demographic transition should not be hard for Stallman to understand, but his ideology gets in the way. Stallman has yet to awaken, and that is normal and OK, and being asleep or awake has nothing to do with “intelligence.” Best, Wade
  12. Hi: Again, I’ll do more reporting on Ian Morris’s work one day soon, but a few items regarding it… He created a social development scale, which has four factors: Level of energy capture Level of urbanism Level of information technology Level of war-making ability To his credit, Morris admitted that energy capture trumped everything else by a long ways, and he almost apologized for war-making ability, but there it is. I won’t really argue with his factors for looking at the past, but in the Fifth Epoch, urbanism will likely vanish, as will war-making ability, as they won’t make sense any more. In a world of abundance, violently conquering one’s neighbors to enslave them won’t make any sense, will be seen as similar to playing Russian Roulette, and mining Earth and raping its ecosystems will be seen the same way. Territorial constructs such as nations will vanish. I doubt that humanity is that stupid, to keep playing those games when the economic reasons for them vanish. As with the other Epochs, humanity will be able to afford a new level of conscience. The level of energy capture in the Fifth Epoch will dwarf all that went before it, and the level of information technology will also be unprecedented. The reproduction of intelligence is in its infancy, and the level of information that all people will have available will skyrocket far more than we see today, and it will be meaningful information, not the propaganda, disinformation, and twisted data that we see today, as the social control game is played. Morris got plenty of heat for coming up with this social development scale, but I see nothing necessarily wrong with it, if its limitations are acknowledged, which he does, to a degree. One of his prominent ideas is that “people get the thought they need,” which he admitted were delusions that justified their places in the social order, such as God-kings ruling early Third-Epoch societies, that men were naturally superior to women, and that some people were natural slaves. He admitted that leading thought in the Fourth Epoch was not necessarily any more enlightened, such as thinking that capitalism was superior to socialism, when it was really all about the level of energy capture in Fourth Epoch societies, not the way that they sliced up the loaf of relative abundance that fossil fuels made possible. Morris is accused of being a materialist, and I can see why, but I also see no problem with emphasizing the material realities of each Epoch, and how they constrained human thought. They did, just as they do today, with the coming Epoch unimaginable to the vast majority of humanity today, as they are addicted to “the thought they need.” All coming Epochs were unimaginable to the people living just before them. Heck, the Fourth Epoch was more than a century old before anybody suspected that it was a new Epoch. The recognition of the Fifth Epoch will happen much faster. Time to start my busy week. Best, Wade
  13. Thanks Krishna: Yes, Bill Gates is going to be as honest about The Free Software Movement as the GCs are about free energy. Both know that it would be Game Over for them. Yes, overcoming our in-group conditioning is far from easy, but hardly anybody wants to, as it feeds them. This is the integrity issue, once again. Their unconsciousness is largely a chosen one. I’ll agree that Morris is not as bad as Pinker, but Morris liberally used Pinker’s work in his, and similarly minimized the carnage that his adoptive nation has caused, which invalidated the point that he was trying to make. That is what hacks do. We can call him asleep, if that can get him off the hook a little, but that sleepiness is what makes his work very pedestrian, in the end. Yes, he does nice comparisons of Axial Age thinkers, Eastern and Western Third Epoch societies, and other topics, and that is fine, as far as it goes, and I’ll use some of his work in mine, but his conflicts of interest in writing about today’s world are grotesque. He literally came across as an embedded reporter when writing about drones and the other toys that our military uses on “terrorists.” I am sure that Ed could have torn Morris a new one, but laying Pinker’s propaganda bare was enough for a man who was 87 at the time. It was like how Ed tore Human Rights Watch a new one in his work long ago, but would not touch Amnesty International (even after I asked him to). Ed later gave Amnesty the ignominy it deserves, even calling their participation in imperial crimes “ugly,” to my delight. For me, what is highly ironic about Morris’s speculations about the near-future is that he is an academic in California, the heart of “progressives” (with Boston being the heart on the East Coast), and he is completely oblivious of what really happens there. He is not unique by any means, but his failures in that department are spectacular, for somebody who is trying to think big and be a “visionary.” California is the heart of darkness. From how it was “settled” to Mark’s adventures to Gary Wean’s to Rodney Stich’s to Sparky Sweet’s to Brian’s to ours to those alternative cancer treatment doctors, the record is long and grim, with literal gangsters sitting on federal benches. If free energy, the GCs, and any number of vitally important issues that he is oblivious to came onto his radar, most of his speculations would evaporate almost instantly. The golden ages of life on Earth and the human journey were due to energy windfalls, and free energy would dwarf all that went before it. Instead of ever-increasing wars, nobody would see the point, just like nobody would see the point of living in cities. That stuff is not too hard to see, once the blinders drop away. As with almost all of humanity, Morris will not begin to wake up until free energy is delivered to him. And that is OK. But when his final message in his war book was, “The USA needs to keep invading nations in order to save the world!”, Rush Limbaugh could not have said it better. Morris had to follow a pretty tortured logic to get there, and his obvious conflicts of interest helped him get there. As I have stated many times, people can justify anything, and Morris did what people like him do: lick the hand that feeds him. So, I’ll rob what I can from Morris’s work, while realizing his limitations, which are so great that he has no business playing the visionary game. Hi Paul: Yes indeed, most of what people ”know” is what they are fed, and if what they are fed provides enough material rewards and egocentric strokes, then it works for them, even if they have to turn a very blind eye to many things (such as the outgroup’s annihilation), to keep the cognitive dissonance at bay. Only when it stops working (providing those benefits) will they dare to begin thinking for themselves on those issues (there are some “freaks,” but they are few and far between). And the so-called “smart” are often the most entrenched of all, as Brian O discovered during his ride as the Paul Revere of Free Energy, so much so that he began openly wondering if humanity is a sentient species. Language in the Second Epoch, and literacy in the Third, were indeed great ways to “ratchet” humanity’s collective knowledge, and we would not be where we are today without it. Going with the flow is the path of least resistance, and “works,” at least until the herd stampedes off the cliff, which humanity as a whole is rushing toward. But the good news is that it won’t take many to right the ship. The bad news is that there are not many who are qualified, and it starts in the heart. One of my favorite movie quotes is from Kevin Spacey’s character in K-PAX, when asked about ethics on K-PAX, and his reply was that everybody on K-PAX knew the difference between right and wrong. It really is pretty simple, and is just The Golden Rule. It is not new. Yes, the current infatuation with AI is a bit misplaced, but understandable. In the heavenly Roads world, that “Singularity” that Kurzweil hypothesizes about and Morris writes about is nowhere in evidence. Thanks for writing, Wade
  14. Hi: A few days ago, Russia celebrated the end of World War II. Back in the summer of 1999, studying World War II and the Holocaust damaged me and my marriage, and I quit drinking the next year, inspired by my experience of that summer, just as my midlife crisis arrived. If I had been drinking during my monster of a midlife crisis, I might not be here today. It is not like I had not studied holocausts and genocides before, but that summer was a concentrated version of it, and it took its toll. As I look back, writing my war essay was partly a reaction to the flag-waving Saving Private Ryan, somebody else wrote a similar book at the same time, and he was amazed at how similar his book was to my essay. What brings up this post is that I just read an article on the Russian role in World War II, and how the West and Hollywood did its best to write Russia out of that war’s history. That is what Hollywood and the media do, as they invert reality. Russia is demonized to this day, as it has been for a century, which Uncle Ed wrote about plenty. I just read the end of Ian Morris’s War! What is it good for?, and he literally ended the book with an exhortation to the American people to keep supporting the American Empire (he literally encouraged Americans to keep supporting our evil intervention in Syria), as a way to save the world, as the alternative was worse. What an imperial hack, and it is fitting that he is a Brit working at Stanford. His work is the 21st century version of Kipling’s The White Man’s Burden, and it makes Morris’s embracement of Pinker’s imperial tripe (a Canadian working at Harvard) understandable. Again, this situation goes back to my journey’s primary lesson, of how “intelligence” has little to do with our predicament. A Brit and Canadian move to the USA, getting cushy jobs at the leading universities, and churn out ideologically informed “analyses” that minimize the imperial violence of their adoptive countries and exhort Americans to maintain the Empire, as only darkness will follow if they don’t. Geez! It makes me wary of everything in Morris’s books, but I’ll still finish them. You can perform all of the magisterial study in the world, but if your heart is not in the right place, the result of all of that work will be dubious indeed. For all of Morris’s obvious intelligence and seemingly wide view, he still has the White Scholar’s Disease. I almost hate to say it, but just reading the blurbs often give me all that I need to know about books such as Morris’s, as the blurbs are from The Economist, the Washington Post, and the New York Times - the usual suspects of Empire. There were no blurbs of any kind on Ed and Noam’s Manufacturing Consent, and quite the opposite of blurbs, their work was very actively censored. Another day in the land of imperial scholarship. Best, Wade
  15. Hi: As a continuation of the previous post, I’ll widen the lens and get a little mystical. The organized religions are all priesthood-distorted teachings of spiritual masters, both infinite and transcendental. In a world of scarcity and fear, even the most enlightened teachings can be twisted into means of social control and justifications for violence, oppression, and evil. Christians are history’s most murderous people, on an absolute scale, as they allegedly followed the teachings of Jesus, whose primary message was love. Back in the days of the Crusades and Inquisition, the Catholic Church became the polar opposite of Jesus’s teachings. As Gandhi said, Christians are so unlike their Christ. Discovering that the most dominant member of the GCs today is an organization within a Christian sect was no big surprise. In Michael’s parlance, organized religion is for Baby Souls. Young Souls engage in materialism, Mature Souls begin the inward journey back to the Source, and Old Souls know that it is all about love. The Fifth Epoch will not have religion as we know it. I was reading just this week about a child who was about to become an organ donor, but miraculously awoke from his coma and described his visit to heaven, AKA the astral plane. He had a standard NDE experience (1, 2). NDEs confound both religious fanatics and materialists, as the trappings of conventional heavens are not in evidence and oblivion obviously did not await (although debunkers try to make that case, very unsuccessfully), but one of the most common themes is the life review, when NDE experiencers see their entire lives, every moment of them, and they also get to experience the impact of their lives on those around them. Dannion Brinkley’s first life review is a classic instance. The bottom line is that we all answer for our actions in our lives. What we think is important, what we say more so, but our actions are all-important, and our motivation for our actions is the name of the game here. We are all accountable for our actions and motives, and everything that we do to another, we ultimately do to ourselves. Just as people are all accountable, so are groups of them, from families to bands to tribes to nations to empires. As Thomas Jefferson the deist wrote, “Indeed I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just, that his justice cannot sleep forever.” It does not matter how oblivious a person is, watching the tube, reading the tabloids, etc. – all Americans own a piece of what the American Empire does in their name. If they remain oblivious today, but are happy beneficiaries of the carnage, they are merely digging a big hole for their soul to eventually crawl out of, and that is a valid path, too. Karma is real. Bringing free energy to humanity and initiating the Fifth Epoch would be the greatest act of creating positive karma that can be had on Earth, the crowning moment of any soul’s journey on Earth, and Americans are actually best positioned to do it. However, they are fast asleep, history’s most brainwashed people, and have not been my target audience since 2004, the same year that Brian fled to South America, to live out the rest of his days in exile. Since I only write in English, about half of the traffic to my site comes from the USA, and my little choir is mostly American, but I don’t expect it to continue that way. This has to be a global effort. That said, much of my site is to help Americans leave their conditioning behind, but not many Americans can read much of my site without their heads exploding, such as this section. I have watched “progressives” fly into irrational tirades after reading it, as they deny their responsibility for what happens in their names. They are just digging their holes when they do that, and I have no interest in making people’s heads explode, so sections like that are to dissuade the sleeping from reading my work, while providing plenty of meat for the awakened. But if an American knows that the greatest force of evil on Earth is the American military, and that there is little, if anything, to cheer about regarding American nationalism, and they understand that all big industries and professions are, to one degree or another, rackets, then they can skip straight to the end and digest my big essay, which can’t be done in anything less than years of study. Some readers will already be most of the way there, but I doubt that I’ll ever meet a person who would not learn something new in that essay. There is more to come, but it is time to begin my busy weekend. Best, Wade
  16. Hi: This will be a post on a subject that Krishna brought up, on the subtler forms of violence that people such as Pinker fail to see. This is a subject that I have long written about, and I’ll cover a few aspects of it. No life form likes being coerced. In the human line, sociality could be very violent and coercive, and chimp raids on their neighbors could be genocidal. Gorilla mating tactics have been observed to be coercive, young males constantly try to overthrow the patriarch, and successful “revolutions” mean the death of the infants. Only bonobos found peace. Just how violent early humans were is a huge political football these days, but the evidence shows that late-Stone-Age humans were very violent, with about a third of the men dying violently, and stealing women was a primary occupation. Strange men in a neighboring band’s territory could be killed on sight, as the assumption was that they were there to steal women. There were golden ages of relative energy abundance, such as the Golden Age of the Hunter Gatherer and the Neolithic Expansion, but they were short-lived, and soon it was back to the grind, which was when life could become very violent. While proportionally, agrarian societies were less violent than hunter-gatherer ones, agrarian economies could support orders of magnitude more people, so the absolute numbers that died violently rose dramatically, while the relative numbers declined. But as Krishna noted, other forms of violence and coercion appeared, such as slavery. A primary point that Morris makes in his war book is that in agrarian societies, it made more economic sense to enslave and tax people rather than slaughter them, kind of like pastoral people learning to milk cattle rather than slaughter them, which provided five times the calories as raising them for meat did. So, agrarian peoples learned low-intensity means of coercion and exploitation, but the threat of violence was always what made it work. When Europe learned to sail the oceans and conquer humanity, those games were carried to unprecedented levels. If we leave aside driving our cousin species to extinction, what happened in the Western Hemisphere between Columbus’s first “discovery” and the founding of Jamestown was the greatest genocide in the human journey, as most of a hemisphere was killed off. The genocide in the Caribbean, where Columbus first “settled,” is a subject of great controversy today. Were there “only” a million people in the Caribbean when Columbus landed, or were there several million? The Bahamas, where Columbus first made landfall, was completely depopulated by the Spaniards, as the abducted natives lived short lives of slavery on Española, and remained uninhabited for more than a century, until the English began “settling” it. The debate is fierce over how many Caribbean natives survived the experience. It wasn’t many, and was mainly the women who served as concubines for the Spaniards. But Spain’s infliction of the genocide on the Western Hemisphere’s natives was not “intentional,” per se, and Columbus was the first to lament the wanton slaughter and genocide, noting that dead slaves can’t get any work done. The Spanish practice of feeding native infants to their dogs was a waste of slave potential. But if we go with the high-counter estimates of the pre-Columbian population, 70 million or more natives died in the first century of the Western Hemisphere’s invasion, which was around 90% of the population. Did 70 million die through violence? No. The massacres were relatively few, and were generally performed as part of the path to conquest and creating a pliant slave population. The Spaniards did not necessarily intend to commit genocide. Most natives died from disease, the rigors of slavery, and other traumas, not Spanish swords. So, how many deaths were the Spaniards responsible for? All of them. Uncle Ed often quoted the primary ruling from Nuremberg – that the supreme crime that the Nazis committed was invading other nations – which the USA has been doing without impediment ever since World War II, as we took over where the Nazis left off, even outperforming them at times, but we are somehow the beacon of light to the world. The Anglo-American invasion and “settling” of North America, which was an intentional genocide, actually inspired Hitler, who formed a similar plan for Eastern Europe. When the English conquered India, they did it in phases, and their first conquest suffered the worst. In the subsequent two centuries, nearly two billion people died early deaths because of the English presence. How many of those nearly two billion died violently? A tiny fraction, but the English are responsible for all of those deaths, just as I am partly responsible for the numerous genocides committed and abetted by the USA in my lifetime. So, an imperial hack like Pinker can point out how bloodshed has declined, at least relatively, but that grim death toll of slavery and exploitation, and their awesome suffering, does not make it onto his tally. That is how ideologues work. This is a big and important subject, but you won’t find much discussion of it in the West, as repeated genocides are how white people came to populate several continents. Best, Wade
  17. Hi: Back to choir-building. The qualities needed, and their ranking, will never change much, not for the task I have in mind. Nothing less has a chance of working. I have seen enough failure in my life, of the life-ending and life-wrecking kind. I know the paths of failure for this pursuit intimately, and have no desire to witness or live through any more reruns. The time is long past for a different approach. I am constantly approached by people who advocate the social approach. Been there, done that, too many times. It won’t work for very good reasons that it took me many years to finally understand. Sociality has nothing to do with integrity and sentience, which are the required qualities. Sociality is based on fear and survival, not love. That said, the choir will not be an anti-social place to be, or a nerd-only venue. My best students eventually meet me, on Skype or in person, and I do my best to make my journey as real as I can for them. The terrain that I crossed can’t be viewed from the cubicle or by surfing the Internet, and I do what I can. They hear, in quite a bit of detail, of events that I am not at liberty to publicly disclose right now, and some I will never be free to. Much of it is available for those who do only a little digging. I provide a great deal of documentation on my site (1, 2, 3, etc.), and when I hear people say that my work is not credible, they have no credibility with me, as I have yet to see one of them leave their armchairs, unless they were disinformation specialists, such as Mr. Skeptic, as he and his pals easily duped the credulous. A lot of the documentation is available on the Internet, such as patents and programs sponsored by the federal government, but a lot can only be adduced by digging into the archives in university libraries, courthouses, etc. But only a day or two of digging, the kind that I regularly did as I researched for my site, would be plenty to dig up many impressive documents. There are also the events that I witnessed or those close to me did, such as my pal’s underground technology show, another pal’s visit with Sparky Sweet, my close relative’s secret life working for the CIA, Mark’s harsh awakening, hearing Brian tell about Sparky’s last days and Brian’s own brush with death, in an incident that shortened his life, and many other events that people do not want disclosed publicly, which comes with the territory. Brian was afraid of retaliation from the military goons and spooks who nearly killed him, if he publicly disclosed the details of the event, and I ruefully understood his public reticence and why he fled to South America, to live out the rest of his days. If Dennis’s life’s story was ever fully told, almost nobody would believe it. His deadly adventures in Southeast Asia comprised only a small chapter of his incredible journey. A voice in my head leading me into those events is merely a fun fact, or my moment of truth on the witness stand, when I finally understood, although I don’t know of anybody else on Earth who can tell such a tale. Our journeys were so preposterous that being asked/ordered to go to Mars was only an amusing footnote. Those in the choir have to be able to “ground” such information in their awareness, for a few reasons, and one is to help them understand how the world really works, not the Establishment version, which is all about social control. They have to already be awakened to begin their journey with me. Reading can’t do it, or a received teaching, but people can only wake up through experience. Doing something never attempted before, to help manifest the biggest event in the human journey, is no easy trick. I have made it up as I went, through the trial-and-error of my journey, trading notes with people such as Brian O, encountering influential work such as Uncle Bucky’s, Ed and Noam’s, etc. This new approach may not make a dent in my lifetime, but it is establishing the approach that is important, not whether I live to see it bear fruit, and for those I seek, they will understand. Brian and Dennis immediately knew that it was something different, and it really is difficult to understand, even for the “smart.” People usually have to completely change their orientation, and few are willing or able to do that. All of those early levels of the free energy onion, everything before Level 12, reflects deficits in experience, integrity, or sentience, and it does not matter how “smart” somebody is. On the free energy issue, the vast majority of the “smart” end up in Level 3, which is an emotional/religious level, not based on rationality. Arriving at a productive understanding of these issues is infinitely more a matter of the heart than the head, so much so that if a person’ s heart is not in the right place, the rest simply won’t matter. Time for my busy day. Best, Wade
  18. Hi: As I have written, I’ll report on Ian Morris’s books before long, I want to provide an example of his imperial bootlicking, and how it undermines his work. It is the same situation that I wrote about here, in that Steven Pinker showed himself to be an imperial hack, and Morris echoed him. The Lancet study was the only peer-reviewed and statistically valid study on post-invasion violent deaths in Iraq. Iraq’s population was estimated at 25 million in 2003, and a million violent deaths equals 4% of the population. About 10% of the Sunni population was killed off by the American invasion and occupation. That qualifies as genocide. But on page 351 of War! What is it good for?, Morris stated that only 0.3% of Iraqis died violently during the American occupation. So, he was an order of magnitude off in his presentation. Of course, Morris’s “error” is in favor of the invaders, whom he works for. Those kinds of “errors” in his work make me wary of it. As I stated, not bad for a white guy, but his internalized imperial biases pop out in numbers like that. Ironically, that estimate was used by Morris to show how much gentler the Americans were in Iraq as compared to the UK’s Boer War, which killed “one South African in thirty.” So, the USA arguably had a higher killing rate (one in 25) than the UK did in its “barbarous” war against South Africa. In Morris’s laudatory version of the American invasion and occupation of Iraq (it was also cheaper in relative terms to the UK’s Boer War, at about half of the GDP cost), incidents such as Fallujah don’t appear. That is the problem with white guys. Morris should have used more Noam and Ed and less Pinker, but Noam was never mentioned in any of Morris’s books, when Noam is easily the most prominent American critic of American imperialism, but just as the media does, Morris ignores Noam in favor of the imperial bromides of people such as Pinker. That is very telling, but typical of mainstream American scholarship, when writing about the American Empire. Best, Wade
  19. Hi Krishna: You are reading about my people! I have cited Bageant’s work before. My family name has been traced back to Scotland, and my ancestors took full advantage of the dispossession of the American Indian. My father’s parents were driven from Kansas by the Dust Bowl and migrated for years, Grapes of Wrath style, before ending up in Washington, where my parents were born. Dennis was raised as a migrant farmworker, back when white people still did that. My father’s mother’s side is where most of my redneck side hails from, and one whole branch of distant cousins never graduated from high school, the girls were all pregnant by 16 or so, the men often ended up in prison, and one redneck cousin murdered his infant son in what was likely a crystal meth haze. My father is a redneck, and one brother joined the Ku Klux Klan, so I know the mentality all too well. I was fortunate to escape that mentality after I left home, but it can hang around one’s neck like an albatross. Awakening to the racism and bigotry that I was raised with was one of my “warm-up” awakenings, to prepare me for my ride with Dennis, and I put that racism and bigotry behind me just before I began asking my Easter Bunny questions. In the postwar boom, many of those poor rural whites escaped the farms and poverty, such as Dennis, my father, Mr. Professor, and Joe Bageant. It was Third Epoch meets Fourth. My grandfather lived in a sod hit, his son helped put men on the Moon, and his son pursued the Fifth Epoch. It is one reason why I think that the transition to the Fifth Epoch won’t take that long. Getting used to abundance won’t be too hard to do. But once the USA’s cheap energy ran out, it has been a long decline that I have lived to see, and history’s greatest middle class has been under siege for nearly 50 years. I’ll report on Ian Morris’s books one day, and will use them in my essay update. One of Morris’s ideas is that people “get the thought they need,” which I see as mostly just another way of saying that people can justify anything, even eating their own children, if that is what it takes to survive. In the Third Epoch, slavery was a hallowed institution, and was never challenged on universal grounds until the Fourth Epoch arrived. Yes, each Epoch had its self-serving ideologies that justified the social order, and it is no different today, with capitalist ideology. As long as you were not at the bottom of the food chain, life could be worse, so people echoed those elite ideologies, as they alternately reviled and revered the elite. If Morris was even capable of admitting that the GCs exist, I am not sure where he would place them in his framework, and Morris only gives vague hints of what the Fifth Epoch might look like. That said, there is plenty to chew on in his work, and I am glad that you made me aware of it. Morris made the Fourth Epoch seem inevitable, stating that if England didn’t do it, France might have. I am not so sure that it was inevitable, just like the Fifth is not inevitable, even though the technology for it is already here. We can crash and burn, and according to Michael, a third of ensouled species in our position today don’t make it, but wipe themselves out. It does not take much imagination to see that happening. Today is the ultimate test of humanity’s integrity and sentience, and so far, almost nobody is home, trapped in egocentrism and “the thought they need.” All it will take to turn the corner is for a tiny fraction of humanity to raise their games just a little. I am not asking for much, not really. Only then will humanity begin to awaken to the new epoch. I constantly get people advocating the social approach, which means that they don’t understand, and I receive their dismay when they encounter Level 2s and 3s at “progressive” institutions (who have gotten the thought they need ). Brian already played that game, and if he could not make a dent, I have no candidates in mind who I think can. I get those kinds of responses to this day, of dismayed Level 10s. Sociality is grounded in fear and survival, not integrity and sentience. Time to begin my busy week. Best, Wade
  20. Hi: This will be a current events post, sort of. Living where I do, especially across the street from Microsoft’s headquarters, I interact daily with immigrants from all over the world, but particularly from Asia, especially the Pacific Rim. My company has offices and factories all over the world, and I had to take over the accounting for a company in South Korea that we bought a couple of years ago. My father was in the Korean War, and as Korea is in the headlines daily of late, I found myself digging into my library to read up. I reread a chapter on the Korean War in William Blum’s Killing Hope, which Uncle Noam has called, “Far and away the best book on the topic.” Killing Hope is about American imperial interventions since World War II, from CIA covert action to outright genocidal invasions. If I had been a few years older, I might have been drafted for the Vietnam War, so these topics are near and dear to me. I grew up in the Vietnam Era, but did not really begin to understand the issues until after my radicalization, getting Lies of Times, reading Ralph McGehee’s memoirs, reading Manufacturing Consent, etc. Last year, as I studied for writing Uncle Ed’s biography, I obtained his earliest political writings, which were on Vietnam. Rereading Blum’s chapter on Korea was reminiscent of reading Ed’s books on Vietnam. The South Korean government in the war days was led, like South Vietnam was, by an American puppet, a murderous thug that slaughtered his own people on behalf of the ruling class, who were subservient to the imperial overlords. As Ralph discovered the hard way, “anticommunist” was just an Orwellian euphemism for “imperialist.” Any attempts by the world’s peoples to escape the Western imperial system were rubber-stamped “communist,” and then the genocides began. It was not just the USA’s napalming cities and villages into oblivion, as it had done in Japan and would do in Vietnam, but the puppet in South Korea also had villages slaughtered en masse, such as Kŏch'ang Incident, which was just like the My Lai Massacre. But you will not find the writings listed above in any mainstream media treatments of events in Korea today, as Korea “threatens” to unify, as Vietnam eventually did, as Germany eventually did, no thanks to the USA. We will see how it goes, but the American media will be no help, as usual. Best, Wade
  21. Hi: As an addendum to my previous post, how conscious anything’s behavior is is a big bone of contention among scientists, with “lean” and “rich” interpretations of behavior competing against each other. Giraffes can only get a bite or two of acacia leaves before the acacia will not only produce defensive chemicals to dissuade the giraffes (the first bite is the sweetest, with apologies to Rod Stewart), but will produce chemicals that alert the neighboring acacias, and the typical giraffe’s feeding routine is taking a few bites, moving upwind a hundred yards, taking a few bites, and so on. How conscious are the giraffes and the acacias in that little dance? Are the giraffes programmed to “take two bites, move upwind a hundred yards, repeat”? What is happening in the plants? Anything like consciousness? Seth said so. Chimps in societies with larger territories are bigger and have more offspring. They also perform genocide on their neighbors, sneaking into their neighbors’ territory, to catch lone males, which they then gang up on and kill. When the males are all slaughtered, they take the remaining fertile females (infants are always murdered), and then they take the neighboring society’s territory. So, expanding their energy supply (territory) is the name of the chimp’s game. Do they understand what they are doing? Or, did evolution simply favor chimps that slaughtered their neighbors and took their territory, so we have some kind of “hardwired” and evolutionarily favored behavior? If you could ask the winning chimps why they did it, would they just say something like, “It’s fun?” Or, did they know that sweet fruit trees were in their neighbor’s territory, and in order to get at them, they had to murder their neighbors? In Ian Morris’s books, he raises similar questions about humans, as have other scientists. Societies that played the energy game the best thrived, while those who didn’t lost out, even going extinct. How much did they understand the issues? Civilizations rose and fell on the energy issue long before scientists even knew what energy was. Cities have always been situated on low-energy transportation lanes, which expanded their effective hinterland. Morris wrote about maritime societies and the “stimulation” that being a maritime society provided, but it was really just that low-energy transportation lanes expanded the effective hinterland and ultimately, the energy capture, of those societies. Europe turned the global ocean into a low energy transportation lane and thereby conquered humanity. The science of energy was centuries into the future. Western Europe had been riding an energy wave for centuries as it began conquering humanity, with its watermills and other innovations, such as the horse-drawn plow. I consider it likely that Morris’s “common sense” played out in those situations. The benefits of those behaviors and inventions became evident in serving people’s immediate self-interest, so they were adopted, even if the people did not have a scientist’s understanding of what was happening. Morris invoked those dynamics many times, such as for the spread of agriculture. Farming could produce more people, even if increasingly unhealthy, compared to their hunter-gatherer ancestors. More energy meant more people, and those who did not use those energy methods became marginalized or extinct. Going big, for plants and animals, was surely a less conscious act than a hunter-gatherer choosing to farm, or chimps going on a murder raid, but what role did consciousness play? Today’s mainstream science can’t answer that question. Brian O’s experience with the world’s “smartest” people on the free energy issue led him to openly wondering if humanity was a sentient species. It is a fair question. Best, Wade
  22. Hi Ernie: Great questions, and I’ll try to do them justice. To get into consciousness a little, I doubt that any organism consciously directs its evolution like we would normally think of it (“l think I’ll grow a bigger ‘fill in the blank’”), but consciousness is involved somehow. I remember one comedian stating that while his big sister slept when he was a child, he “laid awake and grew,” in order to overtake her. When Barbara McClintock picked up her Nobel Prize, her acceptance speech included the challenge for scientists to discover how life directs its own evolution. With the rise of epigenetics, that question is back on the table, and has given rise to fierce controversy, as some scientists try to keep the specter of “intelligent design” at bay. I’ll say this: science has barely scratched the surface of these issues, and until science recognizes consciousness as more than just an epiphenomenon of brain activity, it will be playing a small game. Look at this current article in Scientific American that makes the case that science may be on the verge of a paradigm shift, because of the findings of quantum physics. The technologies that exist on the planet today will destroy the current corpus of mainstream physics if/when they finally come into the open. Science in the Fifth Epoch won’t resemble today’s very much. That heavenly Roads world shows what a loving science is capable of. On dinosaur size, hypotheses rise and fall with each new finding. That is how science ideally works. I made a post on how to read scientific papers, and I was planning to make a post on an article in the current issue of Scientific American, on dinosaurs. The author has been making the case for a decade that dinosaurs just got lucky (a surprisingly common explanation that scientists invoke), and in the article, he showed how the novel reshuffling of the dinosaur clade last year is being challenged by other specialists, as they get into the details of the new interpretation. Those challenging scientists went deep on the data, which is commonly laid out in the “materials and methods” section of papers. That debate will rage on. Scientists don’t really know why dinosaurs grew to be so large, they are not sure how warm-blooded they were, if at all, and other issues. But fascinating findings keep being adduced. We now can tell what color their feathers were. We know that at least some bird behaviors were dinosaur behaviors, such as brooding their eggs. Dinosaurs had rookeries, tended their young, and some were quite intelligent. If not for that asteroid that hit Earth all those years ago, Earth might host spacefaring dinosaurs and mammals would still be living in burrows. There definitely are issues of what frames can support, such as arthropod exoskeletons limited their size, especially on land, and internal skeletons can put more “meat on the bones,” so to speak, but the limitations on size are also related to metabolisms, predation, climate, etc., so when a fossil shows a bigger animal than was thought possible, then it is time to junk the hypothesis. That is how science ideally progresses. Size is a key area of controversy, for all life forms. Why are they the size they are? It goes back to bacteria. Whales are a keen area of interest for me. Dolphins are telepaths, but Suzana Herculano-Houzel’s work makes me wonder today just how sentient they may be, as they really don’t have that many neurons in their brains, due to their evolutionary journey. Why aquatic mammals could grow larger than archosaurs (until the next big fossil is unearthed ) is a very interesting question, and I have not seen any hypotheses on why that is, and with all of the other uncertainty, my guess is that scientists are far from sure. It is going to be an energy issue, however, with the tradeoffs between metabolism, heat loss, diet, predation, etc. One hypothesis could well be that in the hot oceans of the Mesozoic, archosaurs did not need to be warm-blooded, but whales did, and getting bigger is a heat-conservation tactic. That could explain it, but that is certainly off-the-cuff. I just looked up this article, which is related to your question, and it credits ice age dynamics for the latest increase in whale size. I’ll buy that. Ironically, they likely became whales to beat the heat of the Eocene, but got really big because it got cold. Paradoxes abound. To your initial observation, yes, in the end, what worked determined what thrived, what was marginalized, and what went extinct. And it was always the energy game. So, size was a successful strategy, at least until humans came along, and megafauna and trees were sources of energy that humans learned to tap. Humans then inflicted awesome destruction as they plundered those energy sources. So, from an evolutionary perspective, growing large worked for 600 million years or so, until humans came along. Then large size was a one-way ticket to extinction. Whales suffered for their size, too, as they were annihilated for their energy stores. Thanks for the questions. Best, Wade
  23. Hi: When you develop a comprehensive perspective, you develop tools for thinking about situations and can perform your own assessments. Usually not to the level of a specialist, but generalists can see things that specialists can’t, as they can get lost in the weeds. An example is the megafauna extinctions, and it goes far beyond examining stone spear points and cuts on bones. Why did plants and animals become big? This issue goes back to the Cambrian Explosion. Bigger meant more likely to survive. For trees, it meant that their leaves had a better chance of capturing sunlight (and less chance of being browsed, and a better chance of spreading their seeds), and for animals it meant a reduced chance of predation, often meant heat conservation, and for predators, a better chance of killing a meal. It has been called complex life’s arms race. It happened in the ocean, and when life colonized land, it happened again. Plants went big and became trees. Animals went big. Arthropods became gigantic, aided by record oxygen levels. The biggest freshwater fish ever lived in those high-oxygen times. As vertebrates migrated to land, they began their own arms race, and amphibians and amniotes became huge, which culminated in dinosaurs, that most iconic of megafauna. Scientists still debate how they became so huge, but there is no doubt that they did. As amphibians gave way to amniotes, as archosaurs rose to dominance, to become too dominant and vulnerable to a mass extinction, which gave mammals their opportunity, the same basic games were played, of gaining enough energy and staying alive long enough to reproduce. The similarities across ecosystems and organisms gave rise to the concept of guilds, as different kinds of animals developed similar solutions for living (reefs had them, too). As soon as mammals had the chance, they grew toward dinosaur size, and by 40 million years ago, they reached the maximum size that terrestrial mammals in the current plant ecosystem could support. They stayed that way on all continents until a bipedal ape arrived on the scene. When humans arrived, in Africa, and to a lesser extent, Eurasia, animals that evolved alongside humans learned to avoid them and that megafauna largely survived. But on continents (and islands) that had never seen humans, Australia and the Americas in particular, it was a holocaust, as all of the easy meat quickly went extinct, during the short-lived Golden Age of the Hunter-Gatherer. Even in Eurasia, megafauna went extinct with the arrival of behaviorally modern humans, such as mammoths, which lived in environments too harsh for early humans to exploit. Before the arrival of humans on the evolutionary scene, the elephant family was the most successful land mammal ever, and it went completely extinct in the Americas soon after humans arrived. And there is an entire cottage industry that strenuously argues that humans had nothing to do with it! As I performed my studies over the years, not only did the picture of the history of life on Earth become clearer, but so did the impact of the rise of humanity. It was far more than large animals that went extinct under the human onslaught; all of our cousin species also went extinct, right around the time that behaviorally modern humans arrived. What a coincidence! There is a group of scientists in Australia that churns out endless papers that argue that climate change, not humans, drove the Australian megafauna to extinction. It took me some time to understand what I was seeing. The Australian megafauna had been adapted to icehouse Earth conditions for 35 million years, and had survived just fine through more than a dozen ice intervals in our current ice age, to suddenly all go extinct when humans arrived, and climate change did it? But those scientists doggedly publish paper after paper that “proves” that climate change did it, and not people. It took me some time to realize that they were defending their in-group, humanity, and for the megafauna extinctions in the Western Hemisphere in particular, there is a misplaced solidarity with Native Americans. The thinking seems to be that to acknowledge that the ancestors of the indigenous peoples of Australia and the Americas wiped out the megafauna hurts their efforts to recover from the genocide that Europeans inflicted on them. While I can appreciate the sentiment, it has no place in a pursuit of the truth, which is what science ideally is. I can’t get inside the head of every scientist that advocates climate change for the megafauna extinctions, but I have yet to see a disinterested scientist examine the evidence and not conclude that they were likely human-inflicted extinctions. That should not be hard to understand, and a comprehensive perspective makes the picture far clearer. I almost hesitate to do it, and Uncle Ed might not approve, as he would say that we cannot get inside each other’s heads, but I found obvious parallels between those scientists and those pundits who defended the Establishment at every turn, with “logic” that beggared belief. Ed often stated that those pundits were simply incapable of understanding how irrational their work was, as they had sold their souls so completely (similar to those hydrocarbon lobby shills who deny climate change). That may seem to absolve those interest-conflicted pundits of their responsibility, but it brings up that question of whether humans are really a sentient species. These are big issues, and go a long way toward explaining why humanity is in its current predicament. My point is not to get on the case of the sleeping and judging them, but helping the awake manifest the biggest event in the human journey (only then will the masses begin to awaken to the new Epoch) and a comprehensive perspective is a key to being able to see the forest from the trees, winnow the wheat from the chaff, and go for the root instead of hack at branches. There are many topics like this in my work, which cuts across disciplinary lines to pursue a comprehensive view. Of course, caution is always warranted, as the devil is in the details, but the generalist view is critical for seeing the big picture, and science and scholarship has been recovering from its overspecialization (which Uncle Bucky thought was a ruling class tactic to keep scientists in the weeds, never seeing the bigger picture), and interdisciplinary efforts are fast becoming the norm. Best, Wade
  24. Hi: I have written many times that integrity and sentience are going to be the keys. Sentience and “intelligence” are not the same thing, but related. It was after Brian’s ride as the Paul Revere of Free Energy, after interacting with the very tops of Earth’s scientific, academic, and progressive institutions, that he began openly wondering whether humanity was a sentient species, as all that he received were crazed reactions of fear and denial, from some of Earth’s “smartest” people. IMO, they could not give up their religion, and a mystical awakening is one cure for that false belief system known as materialism, which is the religion of our Epoch. I am not sure that it is required, but I know that without it, so-called “smart” people can be trapped by the seductions of their faith. If a choir member can hit the notes via materialism, more power to him/her. But most of what is needed to hit the notes really does not have much to do, if anything, with a mystical perspective, and I will explore some of those issues in these posts. My big essay only lightly touches on mystical ideas. I’ll present some examples of the kinds of comprehensive thought that the choir will aspire to. Some of my favorite chapters of my big essay are early ones, such as when complex life migrated to land. Autotrophs had to migrate first, or else the heterotrophs would have not had anything to eat. So, plants made it first, and had land to themselves for 40 million years or so. The first plants were moss-like. Later, plants evolved features that made land-based ecosystems possible, such as roots, leaves, water-conserving cuticles, the polymer lignin, which allowed plants to grow large and tall, and other features. Evolution is a one-way process, and once plants had solved its land-living problems with those features, they never fundamentally changed. Later, seeds solved the problem of living in dryer environments, and trees eventually appeared. Later, animals made a similar migration, and they had to solve their own problems in order to migrate, but most animal phyla never accomplished it and remain denizens of the ocean. Plants adapted to animals by growing bark and developing chemical strategies to keep from being eaten. I share the fascination of paleobiologists, who investigate ancient life, imagining what it was like. Great controversies are still to be settled, such as the role of oxygen. My essay update will deal with the latest evidence. It looks like the success of early trees, and the inability of anything to digest lignin, led to the highest-oxygen period in the eon of complex life, which reduced the atmospheric carbon dioxide so much that it brought on an ice age, which precipitated a major mass extinction. That undecayed lignin formed the coal beds that humanity used to industrialize. That interplay of life, energy, chemistry, geology, and other dynamics is fascinating. A comprehensive perspective takes it all in, seeing the connections, the dynamics of interplay, and what resulted from it. The very process of grappling to understand those times can shed light on today’s world. Paleobiologists and climate scientists see eerie parallels with past extinction events and what humanity is doing to Earth today. Studying the past is far from an arcane exercise with no importance to today’s world, but can help illuminate today’s dynamics, and understanding those issues can help with understanding what the Fifth Epoch portends. One criticism that I have seen of my work on the Fifth Epoch, and it is by no means confined to my work, is that the Fifth Epoch will have no positive transformative effects at all, that people will just get greedier, strip-mine Earth with free energy technology, and have the war that will truly end all wars, as humanity exterminates itself. Brian O made similar comments, such as people arguing that free energy would mean more pollution and environmental destruction, not less. I am finishing Ian Morris’s Forager, Farmers, and Fossil Fuels, and as I have written, not bad for a white guy, but his continual quoting of Steven Pinker, and not somebody such as Noam Chomsky, is telling. Pinker is an imperial hack and can’t tie Noam’s shoes, academically. That said, Morris echoes Chomsky’s “common sense” observations about humanity, in that people have rational faculties and use them, and Morris makes the case that blaming elites for the structure of Third and Fourth Epoch societies is missing important dynamics. I agree. The Left and Right tend to make elites the root of our ills, which is the victim’s view of the world. Morris rightfully gives the rest of us “credit” for the structure of our societies. People make decisions based on what works for them, and elites have been alternately cursed and revered for the entirety of civilization. Morris strongly makes the case that human societies have never strayed far from the constraints of each society’s energy capture methods. Morris makes the case that energy capture methods have largely determined the social organization of every society since the dawn of humanity. I agree. To understand the role of energy is to understand the rise and fall of societies, and how the energy issue has shaped all societies for all time. Slavery made economic sense in agrarian societies, but stopped making sense in industrial societies. It was not some bout of conscience out of nowhere that ended slavery as a hallowed institution. With that “flexible” human conscience, that justifies eating one’s children in hard times, people grew consciences because they could afford to. In the Fifth Epoch, when absolute abundance is everybody’s birthright and we become a spacefaring species, none of today’s ideologies will survive. Warfare is born of scarcity, and will quickly become obsolete in the Fifth Epoch. When one asteroid can provide all of humanity’s metal needs for the next million years or so, why would we mine Earth to get them? We won’t. Mining Earth will make about as much sense as playing Russian roulette. I doubt that humanity is that stupid. However, I also learned that no Epochal Event was anticipated by those living immediately before it. For the most recent event, the Industrial Revolution was more than a century old before anybody suspected that it was a revolution. That is a primary reason why free energy talk with one’s social circles is a loser. Very few people can even imagine the Fifth Epoch today, nor are they interested. They are just trying to survive their daily lives. But once free energy becomes a daily reality, then they will begin to wake up and adapt to the new energetic reality, and I expect that it will take a couple of generations for humanity to finally “get it.” And what a transformation that will be. We’ll see if I will live to see the beginning of it. If so, it will be Mission Accomplished. But I don’t kid myself: the people who can imagine the Fifth Epoch before it arrives, as a way to help it manifest, are going to be one in thousands, maybe even one-in-a-million, but I can even work with those numbers. But it takes a comprehensive perspective to truly understand. Otherwise, people get tunnel vision, disappear down the rabbit holes, proselytize to their social circles, make all the wrong moves, and the rest of that unproductive activity. Understanding the past, in comprehensive fashion, helps understand today’s world and what tomorrow’s can look like, particularly under a radically new energy regime. Best, Wade
  25. Hi: To continue from my previous post, unless people’s hearts are in the right place and they have been awakened, they are not going to be useful for my effort. That is not a judgment of those who aren’t; it is like saying that you need to learn arithmetic before algebra, and algebra before calculus. A kindergartener cannot play in the NFL. In today’s world of scarcity and fear, almost nobody is willing or able to break free of their conditioning. They cherish their in-group status, kneel at the altars of the dominant ideologies, and can’t pass integrity tests of any significance. I am regularly challenged on that reality, but by the unawakened, low-integrity individuals defending their in-group delusions, etc. I do not recommend getting awakened how I did. The high road to free energy is one heck of a place to get awakened, but it is also not easy to survive those lessons. I have witnessed many casualties. I have patience issues, and what some think looks like judgment is actually my horrified reaction when free energy newcomers rush out onto that battlefield, like immortal 18-year-olds, thinking that in a few weeks or months of effort, chatting up their social circles and charging at the ramparts, they are going to make free energy happen, as they make all the wrong moves. I am so tired of watching that suicidal show. I am doing something radically different, so different that almost nobody can comprehend it. Waking up means realizing that one’s conditioning is conditioning. That conditioning has nothing to do with pursuing the truth, making the world a better place, or any of those lofty ideals, but is about making people dutiful members of the herd, who can then be exploited. I have witnessed people embrace certain death instead of question their conditioning. Everybody considers themselves to be awake and with integrity, but that is relative. That former friend who could not stop parroting the TV news is fast asleep, chastised me for not being an obedient member of the herd, and thinks that he is awake and with high integrity, even after committing criminal acts against me. My mother never came close to waking up, believing everything that was in the newspapers, even when they libeled her son. I have seen sociopaths claim their high integrity, before they committed murder. In their minds, they had it, but their victims sure did not feel that way. The people that I respected the most all woke up the hard way, after drinking the Kool-Aid of their conditioning. Does it have to be the hard way, to be useful for what I am doing? If so, then the choir is going to be tiny, maybe too tiny to make a dent. I think that people can awaken without going through the meat grinder. However, what I have noticed is that people with their hearts in the right place, who did not go through the meat grinder, often end up in another layer of the onion, like becoming a liberal rather than a radical, to borrow the Left’s terminology. I eventually learned that the “radical” left was not really all that radical, and I had to come up with a new term for the perspective needed for my effort: epochal. So, waking up to the degree required, without going through the meat grinder, is not an easy task. An epochal perspective is not easy to accomplish, but that is what anybody in the choir has to achieve. I am not asking people to go out and risk their lives or chat up their social circles. That is not what the choir is about. It is about hitting the notes in chorus. It is about glimpsing the Fifth Epoch from here, which in of itself is unprecedented in the human journey. It is about understanding that free energy is far from precluded by orthodox physics, the more worldly will accept that the technology is already here and what its potential is, they will understand the rudiments of how organized suppression works, enough to know what walking into the lion’s den looks like, and they will understand the power of combined positive intention, engaged in by the awake and committed. They will understand the role that energy plays in our world, and the role that it has always played. They will have an Indian guide like me, who has been on the battlefield and knows where to tiptoe. But for those that I seek, they won’t need to be on a leash, to prevent them from running into the meat grinder (and dragging those around them in with them), in their naïve enthusiasm. That is where people in the choir have to get to, and that cannot be achieved by anything less than hard work. I have seen people study my work for many years and still not understand. Heck, it took me many years myself to get there. I began my journey extremely talented, groomed to be what I became, although I became something that my parents could not recognize, and it took me some time to shed the racism and bigotry that I was raised with. I had my mystical and cultural awakenings in the same year that my energy dreams began, a voice in my head led me onto a path that I could not imagine, and after several years of idealism and disillusionment, the voice spoke up a second time, again when I asked for it, and landed me in the middle of the greatest effort yet made to bring alternative energy to the American marketplace, in which the world’s best heating system was put on people’s homes for free, in the most brilliant business effort that I ever witnessed or heard of. Then my real education began. If you had told me what lay in store for me when I met Dennis, I would not have believed any of it. Four years later, my life was shattered and I was radicalized. My life’s greatest lessons had been learned by age 30. The rest has been the small stuff. Even so, I then resumed my studies, which have not stopped in the ensuing 30 years. But I did so in my radicalized state, and without that radicalization, I doubt that I would have ever had much worth saying. I was a comprehensivist-in-training, but did not know that I was, and not until one of Uncle Bucky’s pupils had me read some of Bucky’s work did the lightbulb finally go on, and my writings have been consciously comprehensive ever since. But I first had to come out the other end of my monster of a midlife crisis, sent to the darkest part by burying Mr. Professor, when that voice popped up, unbidden that time, and those years of pain did not begin to end until Dennis showed up at my home to invite me to the White House. Only when the clouds began to break was I fit for my next task, of performing the study that resulted in my big essay, which was intended to be the hymnal for the choir. I’ll be updating that essay, like a college textbook, until I can’t do it anymore, and my most recent revision is two years overdue, while I got sidetracked by resuming my career, working on Uncle Ed’s bio, and the like. If I am lucky, I will publish the next version within a year, and it will be significant. The thrust of the essay will not change, but I will be putting more meat on the bones. For those in the choir, it will be quite a chore to gain the perspective that I think is needed to make a dent, and we won’t be singing for the benefit of the masses. Anybody is welcome to listen, but the people I seek will have been pining for that song for their entire lives, and they will know it when they hear it. The love and enlightenment path to Epochal change has never been tried before. Those people are going to be needles in haystacks, and that is OK. I do not expect less, and this is a great way for me to learn patience, mounting a project that may not bear obvious fruit until after I am dead. In the next post, I am going to get into the details a little on what learning to hit the notes can be like. There is more than one way to get there, but the destination will be the same. Best, Wade
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