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Steven Gaal

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Posts posted by Steven Gaal

  1. I believe Van Wynsberghe is right. The idea was too keep her occupied for years with a writer the CIA could control.

    As per her reason, I think it was the money. Which, as you quoted, she seemed disappointed in.

    BTW, did you know she was also being funneled money during her WC testimony?

    JOhn Armstrong discovered it. It was phony Hollywood company called Tex-Italia.


    To understand 11/22 ,the best method is the "Ye old negative template".

    On June 5, 1964 Hoover wrote a letter to J. Lee Rankin of the Warren Commission and advised:

    "For your information, this Bureau is conducting no investigation regarding the commercial ventures or contract negotiations of Marina Oswald in connection with our investigation of Lee Harvey Oswald."


    Of note the TSBD power outage is another exlample of Hoover not investigating.


    In both cases Hoover would have normally used a score of agents.


  2. .++++++++++ SEE http://www.nature.com/news/2010/100708/full/news.2010.343.html RE TORPEDO

    %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Now the matter at hand

    Is it to hard to follow several posts in a thread and get the point ? Steve said,"...slowly the India shift begins..","... to be encircled."

    It is just a start,a shift.

    Here is a link to understand the word.



    I believe Ive already posted on Blue Tulsi on this forum.. You seemed to follow me at JFK Research when you talked about BATMAN here on this forum.

    Well to give you a small synopsis-the sufi with the most followers is out of Turkey and is possibly a Western asset. He has caused problems in China. Threaten DEBT default.

    Cause internal problems,then......

    Surround the opponent. Afgahanistan,making Pakistan a client state,put India on your side,increase Korean capabilities, and militarize Japan. :lol: THATS HOW TO PLAY GEOPOLITICS>

    WHAT ARE SMALL MISSLES TODAY WILL BE REPLACED WITH MORE POTENT ONES. Really Len your insights border on......well I dont want to flame ................


    Japan has already purchased Aegis missile frigates and increased and accelerated its participation in U.S. global anti-ballistic defense program. [something unthinkable merely 5 years ago].





    When they begin This is a good sign that one of the US high-ranking diplomats says that Washington is ready to cooperate with Russia on such sensitive issue. But what is causing doubts is the announcement about analysis of potential missile risks and creation of anti-missile defense system going hand in hand. If there is no threat, what’s the use of anti-missiles? Besides, certain arms are needed to repel real threats. Moreover, such kind of cooperation requires transparency and logic from both sides.

    Russia is concerned over the recent deployment of the Patriot system in Poland. Moscow has criticized the move and wondered why Washington chose the area just 60 km away from the Russian border. The US says its anti-missile shield in Europe is intended to protect against threats from Iran, but there is no need explaining that the Patriot system has nothing to do with it. Ellen Tauscher said the Patriot system aims to intercept surface-to-surface missiles but, as we know, there are no objects of military infrastructure in the area that should be protected from anyone.

    It is strange that the US has proceeded with the move despite strong objections from Russia and after the signing of the new strategic arms reduction treaty. This all reminds of Bush`s policy, and, of course, does not increase trust between the two countries. Of course, several batteries of Patriot-type missiles are currently posing no threat to Russia but we know that the US also plans to deploy SM-3 anti-ballistic missiles, and this will bring serious changes to the strategic balance in Europe, challenging Russia to take adequate response measures. Washington says that with Russia or without, it will build a global anti-missile system, and this also cannot but evoke concerns in Moscow. see video


    IRAN....LOL !!!!!!!!! Golly gee thats a good one !!!!!

    with Russia or without, it will build a global anti-missile system, and this also cannot but evoke concerns in Moscow.

    Golly Len,thats GLOBAL MISSILE DEFENSE.......China in the GLOBE ?? I'll see if I can check that map.


    the beguine

    it brings back the sound

    of music so tender

    it brings back a night

    of tropical splendor

    it brings back a memory of green

    I'm with you once more

    under the stars

    and down by the shore

    an orchestras playing

    and even the palms

    seem to be swaying

    when they begin

    the beguine

    to live it again

    is past all endeavor

    except when that tune

    clutches my heart

    and there we are swearing to love forever

    and promising never

    never to part

    a moments divine

    what rapture serene

    to clouds came along

    to disperse the joys we had tasted

    and now when I hear people curse the chance that was wasted

    I know but too well what they mean

    so dont let them begin the beguine

    let the love that was once a fire

    remain an ember

    let it sleep like the dead desire I only remember

    when they begin the beguine

    oh yes let them begin the beguine

    make them play

    til the stars that were there before

    return above you

    till you whisper to me

    once more darling I love you

    and we suddenly know what heaven we're in

    when they begin

    the beguine

  3. You really need to look at a map.


    http://english.hani.co.kr/arti/english_edition/e_northkorea/432232.html not torpedo

    Len , guess Russian military needs to learn to read map too... :rolleyes:

    China will strengthen strategic nuclear offensive capability to counter the United States in the global deployment of missile defense systems. Chinese military experts DAI Xu-25 In an interview with "Global Times" interview, said that while China faces the U.S. anti-missile of the C-shaped encirclement, but the Chinese did not need to fully mimic Russia to strengthen nuclear weapons "to attack on defense."

    ************* see encirclement used 7 times below,just as I used term.......


  4. Another sign of the times. The "Empire" is grabbing control of commodities and raw materials. Their system is doomed.


    OMG!! A Brit bought 7% of this years cocoa production (much less then what Europe consumes)and for now at least has taken a loss. The Evil Empire is going to come crashing down any days now.


    7% production of coca beans is "much less than what Europe consumes"? Thanks for that news alert :lol:

    Are you suggesting that these losses by Anthony Ward negate my thesis? If not thats fine, but it seems this is your position.

    Keep in mind, Anthony Ward is not some outsider making a bet with his own money. He is part of the same British cartel companies controling the production and distribution of cocoa and derivative products. They set the price for commodities through a network of financial institutions that manipulate the "futures market.

    These British/Swiss food cartel companies control the necessities of life and set the terms for their availability. Yes, food can be used as a weapon. Recall the famines in India set off by the British.

    Anthony Ward is no dummy, and he has access to exactly the same market intelligence(and other intelligence) as Cargill, Nestles, ADM, Unilever et.al.

    Taking a huge position (and yes 7% is very large)in cocoa like Ward has just done will make available to the hedge funds and traders at companies like Cargill, Nestle, et.al. with an opportunity to "short" Ward's bet and crash the future markets for cocoa.

    The British Empire cartel companies will buy up cocoa supplies for a dime on the dollar. And all of it possible because Anthony Ward made the big bet and took a position that will alow these financial slime molds to "short" the market crashing the price of cocoa beans to all time record lows.

    A good question, is where did Anthony Ward get $1 billion to make his bet? I bet the answer would surprise even you.

    This scenario reminds me of 1992 when George Soros was credited with breaking the Bank of England and the British pound sterling. Only suckers believe that story.


    Dear Terry Mauro,

    Quigely is alive and well,quoted in a recent article. This has the fuller quote that mentions the BIS, the APEX of the bank "conspiracy" . THANKS Steve Gaal


    The following gave me concern when I first read it many years ago and something for you to think about:

    "...the powers of financial capitalism had another far-reaching aim, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole. This system was to be controlled in a feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert, by secret agreements arrived at in frequent private meetings and conferences. The apex of the system was to be the Bank for International Settlements in Basel, Switzerland, a private bank owned and controlled by the world's central banks which were themselves private corporations."

    Professor Carroll Quigley

    Tragedy and Hope: A History of the World in Our Time (1966)

    President Bill Clinton’s Georgetown Professor

  5. http://www1.voanews.com/english/news/-UN-Command-North-Korea-Trade-Demands-in-Border-Talks-99114054.html

    North Korea Threatens 'Sacred War' Against US, S. Korea

    Doubts surface on North Korea's role in ship sinking

    Los Angeles Times - ‎1 hour ago‎Some in South Korea dispute the official version of events: that a North Korean torpedo ripped apart the Cheonan.

    How is it possible for a modern warship to be sunk by a submarine, but they take two full months to decide that it was an act of war, after all?

    And now that determination is called into serious question at a time when North Korea

    threatens to use nukes if the South Korea and USA engage in naval maneuvers?

    Doubts surface about North Korea's role in sinking of South Korean warship.



    Dear Bill, Sorry havent read your particular link yet. (have read similar about sinking) Bill of note,for some strange reason, SEA MINES ARE PLACED BY ONI !! Sinking linked by some to sea mine. THANKS SG ONI ! BTW Japan USA bases in flux,not only Whale hunting change by Obama,this incident had Japan politics effect,and no real movement by DOT against runaway Toyotas ...makes u think....ONI

  6. :blink: PART ONE


    My my my I'm once bitten twice shy baby

    My my my I'm once bitten twice shy

    My my my I'm once bitten twice shy baby


    BP ! BP ! BP ! BP! BP!

    But give some credit to the FBI, despite the "Wall" put in by neo-con Jamie Gorelick. This "Wall" allowed the intelligence agencies to conceal information from law enforcement agencies such as the FBI. Before 9-11, many of the 9-11 hijackers were investigated by FBI agents. These investigations were stopped by FBI supervisors who even punished the agents doing the investigating. Gorelick is now working for British Petroleum, whose oil volcano is currently destroying the Gulf of Mexico. Gorelick previously received $25 million for assisting the $9 billion fraud by "Fannie Mae". This is a pattern, where the neo-cons in the secret government receive rewards for their treason. Gorelick was also on the 9-11 Commission, protecting that coverup by concealing information such as her own conflict of interest when she protected Al Qaeda terrorists.


    :blink: PART TWO


    NATO is in South and Central Asia to stay. In Afghanistan, in Pakistan and in the former Soviet republics of Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan, with Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan following suit and India next in line. (The chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff, Admiral Michael Mullen, began a two-day visit to India on July 23, and pledged a continued "commitment" to South and Central Asia.)

  7. =====================

    Michael Moore recommends that the American people demand:

    Each of the 50 states must create a state-owned public bank like they have in North Dakota. Then congress MUST reinstate all the strict pre-Reagan regulations on all commercial banks, investment firms, insurance companies -- and all the other industries that have been savaged by deregulation: Airlines, the food industry, pharmaceutical companies -- you name it. If a company's primary motive to exist is to make a profit, then it needs a set of stringent rules to live by -- and the first rule is "Do no harm." The second rule: The question must always be asked -- "Is this for the common good?" (Click here for some info about the state-owned Bank of North Dakota.)



  8. How would Morgan and the "elites" benefit from detonating the economy till 2020? Colby Question. Start of answer to Colby.

    The thesis is an intellectual proposition. ++ Creation of Debt Backed money by individual central banks

    The antithesis is simply the negation of the thesis, a reaction to the proposition. ++ Debt Crisis (detonate economy)

    The synthesis solves the conflict between the thesis and antithesis by reconciling their common truths, and forming a new proposition. ++ central banks working in concert

    FULLER ANSWER TO COLBY QUESTION +++ CREATE CRISIS to create ....(below)(the synthesis)

    "[The aim of the international bankers was] nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole. This system was to be controlled in a feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert, by secret agreements arrived at in frequent private meetings and conferences."

    - Professor Carroll Quigley, 'Tragedy & Hope', p. 324. Oh yes FYI, I have read and own said book.

    On the radio I heard a press report given midway at the last G20 meeting "W" had at the National Museum,"the group is working on a plan to create a federation of central banks." Boy,my eyes got wide. Thats darn close to, "central banks of the world acting in concert"


    Sometimes Morgan tries to weaken USA,but it dosent work. Its not all powerful but it IMHO keeps on trying to hurt the USA. NOT A USA COMPANY. When I think of Ford ,I think of the good'ole USA and the middle class families that Ford help to create. You as an EXPAT might not have the feeling.


  9. EIR Economics Director John Hoefle weighs in on JP Morgan, Glass-Steagall, and the British imperial system in this 15 minute video titled "Alan Greenspan's 1984 Pamphlet".



    Terry, Nenner ia a very solid guy RE predictions.. No economic recovery till 2020. USA KAPUT !! Morgan group to elites "OUR MISSION ACCOMPLISHED !!"

    Charles Nenner, who prior to founding the Charles Nenner Research Institute served as a technical analyst for Goldman for about 10 years, has been looking at charts and not seeing much to write home about. In his interview with the TechTicker, Nenner says “I expect the bear market rally to continue for 4 more years, with big upswings like in Japan before coming down again. I don’t expect the market to totally fall out of bed. It is going to be very difficult few years to make some money. We will test the lows of 2009 to be tested over the next couple of years. I don’t expect the economy to pick up until 2020.” How charts can give him macroeconomic perspective with a 10 year bogey, we are not too sure. As to trading, he believes that as long as the S&P does not close below 1,085, the market will continue bouncing, and if 1,085 is taken out “it should be all over.” For longer-term investors, Nenner suggests to wait until the Dow goes below its trendline average, with a Dow target of around 5,000. Of course, whether Brian Sack will allow stocks to drop that low is a different matter altogether. :angry:

  10. Video link below ( click the YOU TUBE LOGO then at You tube click below video to see English transcript)


    NAZARETH // The contents of a secretly recorded video threaten to gravely embarrass not only Benjamin Netanyahu, the Israeli prime minister but also the US administration of Barack Obama.

    The film was shot, apparently without Mr Netanyahus knowledge, nine years ago, when the government of Ariel Sharon had started reinvading the main cities of the West Bank to crush Palestinian resistance in the early stages of the second intifada.

    At the time Mr Netanyahu had taken a short break from politics but was soon to join Mr Sharons government as finance minister.

    On a visit to a home in the settlement of Ofra in the West Bank to pay condolences to the family of a man killed in a Palestinian shooting attack, he makes a series of unguarded admissions about his first period as prime minister, from 1996 to 1999.

    Seated on a sofa in the house, he tells the family that he deceived the US president of the time, Bill Clinton, into believing he was helping implement the Oslo accords, the US-sponsored peace process between Israel and the Palestinians, by making minor withdrawals from the West Bank while actually entrenching the occupation. He boasts that he thereby destroyed the Oslo process.

    He dismisses the US as easily moved to the right direction and calls high levels of popular American support for Israel absurd.

    He also suggests that, far from being defensive, Israels harsh military repression of the Palestinian uprising was designed chiefly to crush the Palestinian Authority led by Yasser Arafat so that it could be made more pliable for Israeli diktats.

    All of these claims have obvious parallels with the current situation, when Mr Netanyahu is again Israels prime minister facing off with a White House trying to draw him into a peace process that runs counter to his political agenda.

    As before, he has ostensibly made public concessions to the US administration chiefly by agreeing in principle to the creation of a Palestinian state, consenting to indirect talks with the Palestinian leadership in Ramallah, and implementing a temporary freeze on settlement building.

    But he has also enlisted the powerful pro-Israel lobby to exert pressure on the White House, which appears to have relented on its most important stipulations.

    The contemptuous view of Washington Mr Netanyahu demonstrates in the film will confirm the suspicions of many observers including Palestinian leaders that his current professions of good faith should not be taken seriously.

    Critics have already pointed out that his gestures have been extracted only after heavy arm-twisting from the US administration.

    More significantly, he has so far avoided engaging meaningfully in the limited talks the White House is promoting with the Palestinians while the pace of settlement building in the West Bank has been barely affected by the 10-month freeze, due to end in September.

    In the meantime, planning officials have repeatedly approved large new housing projects in East Jerusalem and the West Bank that have undercut the negotiations and will make the establishment of a Palestinian state viable or otherwise far less likely.

    Writing in the liberal Haaretz newspaper, the columnist Gideon Levy called the video outrageous. He said it proved that Mr Netanyahu was a con artist … who thinks that Washington is in his pocket and that he can pull the wool over its eyes. He added that the prime minister had not reformed in the intervening period: Such a crooked way of thinking does not change over the years.

    In the film, Mr Netanyahu says Israel must inflict blows [on the Palestinians] that are so painful the price will be too heavy to be borne … A broad attack on the Palestinian Authority, to bring them to the point of being afraid that everything is collapsing.

    When asked if the US will object, he responds: America is something that can be easily moved. Moved to the right direction … They wont get in our way … Eighty per cent of the Americans support us. Its absurd.

    He then recounts how he dealt with President Clinton, whom he refers to as extremely pro-Palestinian. I wasnt afraid to manoeuvre there. I was not afraid to clash with Clinton.

    His approach to White House demands to withdraw from Palestinian territory under the Oslo accords, he says, drew on his grandfathers philosophy: It would be better to give two per cent than to give 100 per cent.

    He therefore signed the 1997 agreement to pull the Israeli army back from much of Hebron, the last Palestinian city under direct occupation, as a way to avoid conceding more territory.

    The trick, he says, is not to be there [in the occupied territories] and be broken; the trick is to be there and pay a minimal price.

    The trick that stopped further withdrawals, Mr Netanyahu adds, was to redefine what parts of the occupied territories counted as a specified military site under the Oslo accords. He wanted the White House to approve in writing the classification of the Jordan Valley, a large area of the West Bank, as such a military site.

    Now, they did not want to give me that letter, so I did not give [them] the Hebron Agreement. I stopped the government meeting, I said: Im not signing. Only when the letter came … did I sign the Hebron Agreement. Why does this matter? Because at that moment I actually stopped the Oslo accord.

    Last week, after meeting Mr Obama in Washington, the Israeli prime minister gave an interview to Fox News in which he appeared to be in no hurry to make concessions: Can we have a negotiated peace? Yes. Can it be implemented by 2012? I think its going to take longer than that, he said.


  11. ALMOST Abbey Road

    Album: Abbey Road


    Oh yeah, all right

    Are you going to be in my nightmares







    And in the end

    The money the bankers take

    Is equal to the money you make. :o


    Album: Abbey Road


    Her Majesty's a pretty nice girl,

    but she doesn't have a lot to say

    Her Majesty's a pretty nice girl

    but she changes from day to day

    I want to tell her that I love her a lot

    But I gotta get a bellyful of wine

    Her Majesty's a pretty nice girl

    Someday I'm going to make her mine, oh yeh,

    someday I'm going to make her mine.

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