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the somerville ausitorium

John Dolva

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is arguably a jewel in the perth cultural scene. Those in the know are there up to 2 hours early to line up while sitting chatting with others in the knows to grab a deck chair or a piece of lawn then sipping champagne or going to have dinner or whatever knowing that the position is taken and marked with pillows and blankets, a perfect place for afters. It's an open air cinema that runs through the balmy summer nights till early end of summer beginning of winter showing movies from around the world, usually non english but award winners that otherwise woukld not be available on the wide screen.

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On the other hand it typifies a particular social heierachy prevalent in this area. From when I knew it as a student in the late 70's these sort of places dotted throughout the University had a strong equality theme. Nowadays they are places made available to a more and more exclusive set, and the poorer sections of society stand less chance of getting a good seat as the hoi polloi buy their tickets, stake out a seat or a piece of comfy ground with pillows hats blankets then off to dinner, or something, knowing that they'll have the box office seat ready when they choose to return thus kind of making a nonsense of the first come first served policy they proclaim to adhere to. Sure I'd do the same, if I could and I am one of the mass of unwashed who just happens to simetimes want to go and see a quality movie in a beatuful arena.

But, nah, why bother even trying?

Because it's fun and sometimes it works, fm!

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