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Henry Luce and Operation Mockingbird

John Simkin

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Part 1

Thought it might be worth discussing the role of Henry Luce and Operation Mockingbird. When he was at Yale he was a member of the Skull and Bones. After graduating in 1920 Luce spent a year at Oxford University. During this period he contributed to the Chicago Daily News. In December 1921, Luce joined his friend, Briton Hadden at The Baltimore News.

The two friends discussed the possibility of starting up their own magazine. After raising $86,000 the first edition of Time Magazine was published on 3rd March, 1923. Luce later recalled: "Somehow, despite the greatest differences in temperaments and even in interests, we had to work together. We were an organization. At the center of our lives - our job, our function - at that point everything we had belonged to each other."

It was the first weekly news magazine in the United States. The magazine, with its short articles summarizing important events and issues, was a great success and by 1927 was selling over 175,000 copies a week. Hadden's idea was to tell the news through people. Some critics claimed that it was too light for serious news and spent too much time on celebrities and the entertainment industry. Luce served as business manager while Hadden was editor-in-chief.

Briton Hadden became seriously ill and died of heart failure on 27th February, 1929. According to Alexandra Robbins, the author of Secrets of the Tomb: Skull and Bones, the Ivy League, and the Hidden Paths of Power (2002), Hadden left all of his stock in Time Inc. to his mother and forbade his family from selling those shares for 49 years. Within a year of Hadden's death, Luce formed a syndicate, which succeeded in gaining hold of Hadden's stock.

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Guest Tom Scully

Excuse me, John. I don't think the stock consolidation by Luce after Hadden's death was as your source described.

I did a quick search after reading your post and I found that in 1930, Crowell Hadden, III was a Time, Inc. director. He died five years later. Note that his first cousin was a Time editor in 1935. I would expect more bitterness between the Hadden and the Luce families if there had been a disagreeable stock transfer from the Hadden estate to Luce in 1930.

(Please delete this if it interrupts your sequence of planned posts.)

Briton Hadden, Crowell Hadden, Crowell Hadden III - Haddens On A ...


Oct 14, 2011 – From left, American future journalist and co-founder of Time magazine Briton Hadden (1898 - 1929), his grandfather Crowell Hadden (1840 - 1930), and his...


NY Times 15 October, 1935


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Part II

With the success of Time Magazine, Luce decided to expand his publishing interests. In 1929 he brought out the business magazine Fortune. He also recruited Charles Douglas Jackson to help him run his growing media empire. Luce also produced The March of Time for radio (1931) and for the cinema (1935). In November, 1935, Henry married Clare Booth Luce, the former managing editor of Vanity Fair. The followed year he began publishing the picture magazine, Life.

In April 1939 Whittaker Chambers joined Time Magazine as a book and film reviewer. According to Jonathan P. Herzog, the author of The Spiritual-Industrial Complex: America's Religious Battle Against Communism in the Early Cold War (2011): "Chambers slowly climbed through the ranks of Time, Inc. and had entered the inner circle of advisers that Luce depended on for business and editorial decisions. In 1944 Luce made Chambers the head of Time's Foreign News. Predictably, Chambers moulded Time into an anti-Communist mouth-piece."

Warren Hinckle has argued: "Henry Luce believed that a morally slanted press was a responsible press... Life, the flagship picture book of the Luce fleet, afforded photojournalism some of its finest moments, while the text accompanying the pictures that were worth thousands of words was slanted with an ideological warp sufficient to stir Caxton in his grave." The cartoonist, Herbert Block, was equally critical: "Luce's unique contribution to American journalism... is that he placed into the hands of the people yesterday's newspaper and today's garbage homogenized into one neat package."

Luce was a supporter of the Republican Party. His wife, Clare Booth Luce, who shared his right-wing views, was elected to Congress in 1942 and represented Connecticut for the next four years. In her maiden speech she launched a savage attack on the internationalism of Vice President Henry A. Wallace and as a result received a warm response from the isolationists. In February, 1945, he began a campaign for a permanent Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC).

David Halberstam has pointed out in The Powers That Be (1979): "Luce's politics hardened in the postwar years and Time had become increasingly Republican in its tone. He had been stunned by Truman's defeat of Dewey in 1948. Then in the fall of 1949 China had fallen, the Democratic administration had failed to save Chiang, and that was too much; Truman, and even more Acheson, would have to pay the price. Time was now committed and politicized, an almost totally partisan instrument. The smell of blood was in the air. There was a hunger now in Luce to put a Republican back in power. It was as if Luce, between elections, stood as the leader of the opposition, a kingmaker who had failed to produce a king. The fall of China and the rise of a post-war anti-Communist mood had produced the essential issue to use against the Democrats: softness on Communism."

Henry Luce used his media empire to get Dwight D. Eisenhower elected as president. In 1953 Eisenhower appointed Clare Booth Luce ambassador to Italy; the first American woman ambassador to a major country. Claudio Accogli, a Italian historian, argues that luce was heavily involved in covert anti-communist activities with local cia personnel. Larry Hancock adds: "With no-holds barred political activism and heavy spending (including the support of the SIFAR/Italian Army Secret Service), Luce and the CIA managed to block the probable takeover of the center-left governments, an alliance between Christian Democrats (DC) and the Socialist Democratic Party (PSI)."

In 1959 Eisenhower appointed her as ambassador to Brazil. The opposition to her appointment in Congress was led by Wayne Morse of Oregon. Clare commented Morse's actions were the result of him being "kicked in the head by a horse." This remark proved so controversial that Clare resigned the ambassadorship a few days later.

According to Carl Bernstein, Luce's close friend Charles Douglas Jackson, the publisher of Life Magazine, was "Henry Luce's personal emissary to the CIA". He also claimed that in the 1950s Jackson had arranged for CIA employees to travel with Time-Life credentials as cover. Drew Pearson supported this view. In his diary he wrote: "Life magazine is always pulling chestnuts out of the fire for the CIA; and I recall that C. D. Jackson of the Life-Time empire was the man who arranged for the CIA to finance the Freedom Balloons. C. D. Jackson, Harold Stassen and the other boys who went with me to Germany spent money like money while I paid my own way. I always was suspicious that a lot of dough was coming from unexplained quarters and didn't learn until sometime later that the CIA was footing the bill."


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first on the cover was J G Cannon whos right hand man was J E Watson, a KKK member according to W M Rogers.

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Guest Tom Scully


Wilner lays it out in detail here, available to read online, and the information makes a strong case for Luce betraying the Hadden family to further enrich himself and his friends:


The man time forgot: a tale of genius, betrayal, and the creation ... - Page 237

books.google.comIsaiah Wilner - 2006 - 342 pages - Google eBook - Preview

Convincing the Hadden family to give up its voice in Time's affairs would be a tricky matter. No mother would be inclined to break her son's final wish. Crowell Hadden knew the value of his mother's property and Mrs. Pool was not ....




- New York Times - Dec 30, 1930

Hla will requested his half-Mother, whom he named executor, to hold his stock in the magazine until--forty nine years after his death....


- New York Times - Mar 8, 1929

Briton Hadden, an editor and founder of the new magazine Time, left his estate of ... fnc., and ' not to sell it until forty-nine years after his death. ...


Edited by Tom Scully
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Part III

Jonathan P. Herzog has argued that Luce was motivated by his religious faith: "While he counted anti-Communists like Mundt, Cardinal Spellman, and Chambers as allies, he viewed the Communist threat differently. In his view, it was a symptom and not a disease. Like his wife, Clare, he understood faith as a psychological imperative sought by all people. If religious faith waned, other dogmas would take its place. The success of Communism, then, was not attributable to its message but rather to the fact that it offered people the spiritual certainty they no longer found in Christianity. All the shocking anti-Communist propaganda and shopworn tributes to democracy that America could muster would fail to arrest the Marxian surge. But if Americans filled the spiritual vacuum, if they made religious faith commensurate with military and economic power, then Communism would dissipate."

Henry Luce and Clare Booth Luce were strong opponents of Fidel Castro and his revolutionary government in Cuba. They joined forces with Hal Hendrix, Paul Bethel, Virginia Prewitt, Dickey Chapelle, Edward Teller, Arleigh Burke, Dickey Chapelle, Leo Cherne, Ernest Cuneo, Sidney Hook, Hans Morgenthau and Frank Tannenbaum to form the Citizens Committee to Free Cuba (CCFC). On 25th March, 1963, the CCFC issued a statement: "The Committee is nonpartisan. It believes that Cuba is an issue that transcends party differences, and that its solution requires the kind of national unity we have always manifested at moments of great crisis. This belief is reflected in the broad and representative membership of the Committee."

The Luce family also funded Alpha 66. In 1962 Alpha 66 launched several raids on Cuba. This included attacks on port installations and foreign shipping. The authors of Deadly Secrets: The CIA-Mafia War Against Castro and the Assassination of JFK (1981) argues that Clare Boothe Luce paid for one of the boats used in these raids: "The anti-communist blonde took a maternal interest in the three-man crew she adopted... She brought them to New York three times to mother them."

The Luce media empire led a campaign against the presidency of John F. Kennedy. As Richard D. Mahoney has pointed out: "The cause of liberating Cuba from Castro had become the grail of the Republican right. Life Magazine editorially adopted the cause of the exiles as its own, with photo essays on the raids.... Life's full-throttle opposition to Kennedy... was a problem for the administration. Along with Time, also published by Luce, it was one of the two or three most influential magazines in the country. In April, the president had invited the publisher and his very political wife to lunch at the White House. The Kennedy charm did nothing to deter or otherwise disarm them. The Luces walked out of the lunch to protest the president's warning to cool it on Cuba."

When Kennedy was assassinated, Charles Douglas Jackson purchased the Zapruder Film on behalf of Luce. David Lifton points out in The Great Zapruder Film Hoax (2004) that: "Abraham Zapruder in fact sold the film to Time-Life for the sum of $150,000 - about $900,000 dollars in today's money... Moreover, although Life had a copy of the film, it did little to maximize the return on its extraordinary investment. Specifically, it did not sell this unique property - as a film - to any broadcast media or permit it to be seen in motion, the logical way to maximize the financial return on its investment... A closer look revealed something else. The film wasn't just sold to Life - the person whose name was on the agreement was C. D. Jackson." Luce published individual frames of Zapruder's film but did not allow the film to be screened in its entirety.

Soon after the assassination Charles Douglas Jackson also successfully negotiated with Marina Oswald the exclusive rights to her story. Peter Dale Scott argues in his book Deep Politics and the Death of JFK (1996) that Jackson, on the urging of Allen Dulles, employed Isaac Don Levine, a veteran CIA publicist, to ghost-write Marina's story. This story never appeared in print.

Henry Luce remained active in right-wing politics and in 1964, campaigned for Barry Goldwater of Arizona, the Republican candidate for president. Later that year Henry and Clare Booth Luce retired to their home in Phoenix. He died there on on 28th February, 1967.

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Part IV

In 1975 Senator Richard Schweiker, a member of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, began investigating the assassination of John F. Kennedy. Two years later the House Select Committee on Assassinations was established. Soon afterwards Schweiker was visited by Vera Glaser, a syndicated Washington columnist. Glaser told him she had just interviewed Luce and that he had given her some information relating to the assassination. According to Gaeton Fonzi, who worked for Schweiker: "Schweiker immediately called Luce and she, quite cooperatively and in detail, confirmed the story she had told Glaser."

In his book, The Last Investigation (1993), Fonzi points out that during the campaign against Fidel Castro in 1963 the captain of one of the boats they were using, was approached by Lee Harvey Oswald who offered his services as a potential Castro assassin. "He said his group didn't believe Oswald, suspected he was really a Communist and decided to keep tabs on him. Fernandez said they found that Oswald was, indeed, a Communist, and they eventually penetrated his cell and tape-recorded his talks, including his bragging that he could shoot anyone". Fernandez also told Luce that Oswald then suddenly came into money and went to Mexico City and then Dallas.

In 1981 President Ronald Reagan appointed Clare to the President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board. With that, she moved from Honolulu to an apartment in the Watergate complex in Washington. She served on the board until 1983, the year Reagan awarded her the Presidential Medal of Freedom.

Clare Boothe Luce died of a brain tumor on 9th October, 1987, and was buried at Mepkin Abbey, in South Carolina. A large sum of money was used to establish the Clare Boothe Luce Program. It has been claimed that the organization has given grants of more than $120 million to support over 1,550 women studying science, mathematics and engineering.

The Clare Boothe Luce Award, established in 1991 by the Heritage Foundation, for distinguished contributions to the conservative movement. Winners have included Ronald Reagan, Margaret Thatcher, William F. Buckley, Shelby Cullom Davis, Kathryn Wasserman Davis, Richard B. Cheney, Milton Friedman, James L. Buckley and Richard DeVos.


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Excuse me, John. I don't think the stock consolidation by Luce after Hadden's death was as your source described.

I did a quick search after reading your post and I found that in 1930, Crowell Hadden, III was a Time, Inc. director. He died five years later. Note that his first cousin was a Time editor in 1935. I would expect more bitterness between the Hadden and the Luce families if there had been a disagreeable stock transfer from the Hadden estate to Luce in 1930.

Isaiah Wilner, the author of The Man Time Forgot (2006), provides information about what happened. Wilner explains the Luce-Hadden relationship in the book: "Luce called Hadden an original and was deeply influenced by his ideas. Throughout their many battles, whether for the editorship of the school paper or for creative control of Time, it was Hadden who won. Luce, who couldn't stand to lose, had been forced to content himself with second place for more than a decade. He had worked as Hadden's deputy in both prep school and college... Luce had continued to live in Hadden's shadow ever since."

In 1928 the two men argued about business matters. Henry Luce was keen to publish a second magazine that he wanted to call Fortune. Hadden was opposed to the idea of publishing a journal devoted to promoting the capitalist system. He considered the "business world to be vapid and morally bankrupt". Together, Hadden and Luce owned more than half of the voting stock and were able to retain control of the company. However, Luce was unable to publish a new magazine without the agreement of his partner.

In December 1928 Briton Hadden became so ill he was unable to go into the office. Doctors diagnosed him with an infection of streptococcus. Hadden believed he had contracted the illness by picking up a wandering tomcat and taking it home to feed it. The ungrateful cat attacked and scratched Hadden. Another possibility was that he had been infected when he had a tooth removed. The following month he was taken to Brooklyn Hospital. Doctors now feared that the bacteria had spread through his blood-stream to reach his heart.

Luce visited Hadden in hospital and tried to buy his shares in the company. Nurses reported that these conversations ended up in shouting matches. One nurse recalled that Hadden and Luce had yelled at each other so loudly that they could be heard from behind the closed door. Doctors believed that Hadden was wasting his precious energies in these arguments and it was partly responsible for his deteriorating condition.

On 28th January, 1929, Hadden contacted his lawyer, William J. Carr and asked him to draw up a new will. In the document, Hadden left his entire estate to his mother. However, he added that he forbade her from selling the stock in Time Incorporated for forty-nine years. His main objective was to prevent Luce from gaining control of the company they had founded together.

Henry Luce visited Hadden every day. He later recalled: "The last time or two that I was there, I guess I knew he was dying and maybe he did. It seemed to me that he knew and every now and again was wanting to say something, whatever it might be he wanted to say in the way of parting words or something. But he never did, so that there was never any open recognition between him and me that he was dying."

Briton Hadden died of heart failure on 27th February, 1929. The following week Hadden's name was removed from Time's masthead as the joint founder of the magazine. Luce also approached Hadden's mother about buying her stock in Time Incorporated. She refused but her other son, Crowell Hadden, accepted his offer to join the board of directors. Crowell agreed to try and persuade his mother to change her mind and in September 1929, she agreed to sell her stock to a syndicate under Luce's control for just over a million dollars. This gave him a controlling interest in the company. Soon after Hadden's death, Luce began publishing Fortune magazine.

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Guest Tom Scully

It seems Briton Hadden's half brother, Crowell, and his first cousin, Time's managing editor John Martin, were able to overlook Henry Luce's incredible betrayal of his friend and partner, Briton Hadden, or they were keeping enemy Luce close for practical reasons.

Henry Luce also brought his own family into Time, Inc., in this example, a Mr. Moore, the husband of Luce's sister, Elizabeth :

"...Mr. Moore was associated with the firm (the law firm with which McCloy had spent fifteen years, the prestigious Cravath, Swaine & Moore (earlier known as Cravath, Henderson, Leffingwell and de Gersdorff)) from 1920 to 1967 and became presiding partner in 1963.

Cravath, Swaine & Moore became counsel for Time Inc. after the corporation moved its headquarters back to New York from Cleveland in 1927. The magazine was founded by Mr. Moore's brother-in-law, Henry Luce, in 1923..."



- New York Times - Nov 19, 1963

...The session brought out that ,Mr. Gilpatric was influential in j Continued on Page 17, Column 3 GILPATRIC S ROLE ON TFX QUERIED Continued From Page 1, Col. 2 bringing the General Dynamics account to his law firm, that Maurice Moore, senior partner of the firm, was named to the General Dynamics board of directors one month after the TFX contract was awarded to the company. -Gilpatric's former law firm was named counsel for General Dynamics at the same time. -Gilpatric acknowledged that he spent about onefourth of his time as a lawyer during 2i4 years in the late 1950's handling General Dynamics matters, and GD paid his firm $111000 in legal fees during this same period....."

The hearing described above was held on 18 November, four days later President Kennedy was cut down in Dallas, and just three weeks later, :


TFX Inquiry Seems Ended as McClellan Delays Hearings...

- New York Times - Dec 15, 1963

It now appears likely that Senator McClellan may end the investigation with one or ... Dynamics plans to do most o! the TFX production work) at its Convair .

(Quote) http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=15323&st=0&p=180439entry180439

...Rozwell Gilpatric, JFK assistant secretary of defense implicated in the $6.8 billion TFX contract award to Crown's General Dynamics, was recommended to JFK by Bush Harriman partner and chair of the committee that designed the CIA, Robert Lovett.

According to this, Gilpatric helped Henry Crown unload Material Service Corp. onto General Dynamics, without noticing,, as Harry Booth did in his October, 1963 suit, that most of MSC's "holdings" and it's long time revenue stream had been appropriated from the people of Chicago, and then sometimes sold back to them, although they owned the assets sitting on top of the land leased to Crown's MSC.


Lions in the street: the inside story of the great Wall Street law firms‎ - Page 14

Paul Hoffman - Law - 1973 - 244 pages

Gilpatric himself had an office in General Dynamics' headquarters in Rockefeller Center and had advised the company on its acquisition of Material Services ...


Captive city‎ - Page 216

Ovid Demaris - Social Science - 1969 - 366 pages

16 Attorney Harry Booth is Chicago's most formidable dragon slayer. Frail,

myopic, rumpled and no taller or heavier than a jockey, his favorite mount is a monolithic public utility. The bigger they are, the faster they run when the diminutive attorney gets that riding gleam behind his thick-lensed spectacles.

In the past forty years, he has filed more suits in behalf of consumers of natural gas, electricity, telephone, water and transit than all other lawyers in Chicago combined....(/Quote)

Maurice T. "Tex" Moore was married to Luce's sister and had a history I could not have done a better job of using as background for an important suspect in a mystery novel, but instead, his background details are coincidental and would only be significant if he was Lee Harvey Oswald, according to this "rule".:


Federal bar news: Volume 13

Federal Bar Association - 1966 - Snippet view

In his address, Mr. Jenner stated that a series of extraordinary coincidences made it seem most likely that the assassination of President Kennedy was the work of one man — Lee Harvey Oswald....

quote http://www.google.com/search?tbs=bks%3A1&tbo=1&q=TFX+contract+investigation%3A+Hearings+before+the+Permanent+Subcommittee+gilpatric+leave+of+absence&btnG=Search+Books#hl=en&ds=bo&sugexp=ldymls&xhr=t&q=The+subcommittee+also+brought+out+that+Gilpatric+personally+chose+Maurice+T.+Moore&cp=220&qe=VGhlIHN1YmNvbW1pdHRlZSBhbHNvIGJyb3VnaHQgb3V0IHRoYXQgR2lscGF0cmljIHBlcnNvbmFsbHkgY2hvc2UgTWF1cmljZSBULiBNb29yZQ&qesig=uiAgXBppSl78XpcefDrlyA&pkc=AFgZ2tlxJUrrGENHt3WzsahUemretG6oG8EqVFcmirJvGdX0X2BX3nmG6q045IXe3Xe8ht5QDd1VKrSjWfQy_dSlVk9F0N5Htg&pf=p&sclient=psy&safe=off&tbs=bks:1&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&oq=The+subcommittee+also+brought+out+that+Gilpatric+personally+chose+Maurice+T.+Moore&pbx=1&fp=211449ec20a1000f

Business week: Issues 1783-1790

1963 -

The subcommittee also brought out that Gilpatric personally chose Maurice T. Moore to take over the General Dynamics account when he left the law firm. Moore became a director of General Dynamics shortly after the TFX contract was...


Claim Gilpatric Should Have Disqualified Self The Telegraph-Herald - Nov 18, 1963

...When Gilpatric, deputy sec-retary of defense claimed that attorney general Robert F. Kennedy's Justice Department said he was not involved in a violation of the law, McClellan snapped: "They cleared Korth, too." unquote

"Mission" accomplished?...Or, move along, people....nothing to see, here!


TFX Inquiry Seems Ended as McClellan Delays Hearings...

- New York Times - Dec 15, 1963

It now appears likely that Senator McClellan may end the investigation with one or ... Dynamics plans to do most o! the TFX production work) at its Convair .


November 18, 1996|By JONATHAN MARSHALL

...A postscript for assassination buffs: No individual stood to lose more from the TFX scandal than Chicago investor Henry Crown, who owned 20 percent of General Dynamics. His personal attorney, Albert Jenner, became a senior staff attorney on the Warren Commission, in charge of investigating the possibility of a conspiracy....

.... http://hosted.ap.org/specials/interactives/wdc/documents/ford/ford03.PDF

Ford reported to DeLoach that at a top-secret meeting of the commission held on December 16, 1963 the commission’s general counsel, J.Lee Rankin, had been empowered to retain to “so-called technicians.” The two who were under consideration were Francis W.H. Adams, a former New York City police commissioner, and Albert E. Jenner, Jr., a Chicago lawyer. Ford, the documents disclose, could only remember the last names of the two men. The FBI then began an investigation to determine who “Adams” and “Jenner” were. DeLoach, who was the number three man in the FBI, ranking just uner Hoover and his friende Clyde Tolson, reported, “I told Congressman Ford in strict confidence that apparently Chief Justice Warren was quite close to Drew Pearson (a leading syndicated columnist) and obviously used Pearson from time to time to get his thoughts across as the percentage of the facts in the articles that were absolutely false.”


Daily Herald: Ex-farmer, judge Crown remembered as 'wise, fair'

- Daily Herald - NewsBank - Mar 8, 1997

Crown clerked for US Supreme Court Justice Tom Clark from 1956 to 1959 and ... law at the Chicago firm of Jenner and Block, where he became a partner. ...


The Kennedy assassination cover-up

By Donald Gibson page -96

...Two of Jenner's references were mentioned by name. Tom Clark, former Attorney General of the U.S.....


Daytona Beach Morning Journal - Oct 26, 1963 pg. 8

Murder Of A Chicago Gambler . Washington Merry Go Round

By Drew Pearson

...I took the story back to Washington and Atty. Gen. Tom Clark authorized a dozen or so FBI men to check on Ragen's facts. A couple of weeks later, they reported that they were true. They also reported that control of the underworld reached into very high places. Some of the rulers of the underworld had become supposedly respected businessmen and politicians whose names were household words in Chicago. Some of them, it was stated, had reformed. Yet they still controlled the mob...


Diaries, 1949-1959: Volume 1

Drew Pearson, Tyler Abell - 1974 - 592 pages - Snippet view

Tom Clark told me afterward that it led to very high places. J. Edgar Hoover intimated the same thing. He said the people Ragen pointed to had now reformed. I learned later that it pointed to the Hilton hotel chain, Henry Crown, ..

I've stumbled upon Henry Luce's brother-in-law, Maurice T. Moore, and I've written about him on the Albert E. Jenner, ...Coincidences thread.:



‎- New York Times - Nov 19, 1963

Mr. Gilpat,tic immediately answered that his participation in the controversial ... that Maurice Moore, senior partner of the firm, was named to the General ...



Evidence Implies Order Expected by Dynamics

Pay-Per-View - Hartford Courant - Nov 21, 1963

The company still is counsel! to General Dynamics. Its senior, partner, Maurice T. Moore, is a General Dynamics director. Gilpatric told the subcommit-i lee ...

McClellan, Gilpatric Clash in TFX...‎ - Chicago Tribune (Pay-Per-View)

all 26 news articles »


New Director Named By General Dynamics

$3.95 - New York Times - Jan 7, 1963

Maurice T. Moore, special counsel to the executive committee of the General Dynamics Corporation's board of directors, has been elected a director of tha ...

TFX Inquiry Gets Hotter

Pay-Per-View - Wall Street Journal - Mar 21, 1963

In the case of General Dynamics. for example, the Cravath tom advises on certain ... Maurice T. Moore of the taw firm said Mr. Gilpatnc hadn't any financial ...


The corporate director: a critical evaluation: Volume 222

Stanley C. Vance - 1968 - 261 pages - Snippet view

allegation of collusive action by pointing out that one of Gilpat- rick's former law partners, Maurice T. Moore, became a director of General Dynamics a month after the Defense Department gave the TFX contract to the corporation...


Editors: Last Testament

Friday, Mar. 17, 1967

....Luce left 149,465 shares of Time Inc. common stock, which closed the week at $108 a share, to the foundation. Another 540,000 shares, owned by a trust created in 1961, were vested in the foundation on Luce's death. Since the foundation already owned 191,029 shares, it will, with a total of 880,494 shares, control 12.7% of the common stock and constitute the largest single voting block. Its members include Luce's two sons, Henry III, who is president, and Peter Paul; Luce's sister, Elisabeth Luce Moore, and her husband Maurice T. Moore, a member of the Time Inc. board of directors and a partner in the Manhattan law firm of Cravath, Swaine & Moore; and two early associates of Luce's: Roy E. Larsen, chairman of the executive committee of Time Inc., and Charles L. Stillman, chairman of the finance committee.

Looks like LBJ appointed the WC Commissioners with the deliberate intention of leaving them to "investigate" themselves!


The Kennedy assassination cover-up revisited

Donald Gibson - 2005 - 294 pages -

McCloy was a friend of Time, Inc.'s President, James A. Linen, and of Time director Paul Hoffman.21 Another of the members of Time's board of directors and another of McCloy's friends was Maurice T. Moore.

Moore was married to Henry Luce's sister and he was a member for decades of the law firm with which McCloy had spent fifteen years, the prestigious Cravath, Swaine & Moore (earlier known as Cravath, Henderson, Leffingwell and de Gersdorff).22 Another member of that firm and a friend and mentor to McCloy was Russell C. Leffingwell,23 who succeeded Thomas Lamont,...




‎ - Chicago Tribune - Apr 25, 1949

Dulles a Wall st lawyer is a director of the Rockefeller Foun dationEHis ... the advice and counsel of Maurice T Moore Wall st lawyer who had reorganized ...


Memories of Henry Luce, His Life and Time

- Los Angeles Times - Mar 5, 1967

They drove furiously back to the driver s quarters where Luce read the storySaid announcement was made by Rockefeller's lawyer Maurice T Moore Tex Moore My .

quote http://www.nytimes.com/1986/06/24/obituaries/maurice-t-moorre-dies-at-90-ex-cravath-swaine-partner.html


By JOAN COOK (The New York Times); Obituary

June 24, 1986, Tuesday

Maurice T. Moore, a former presiding partner in the New York law firm of Cravath, Swaine & Moore, died Sunday at his apartment in Manhattan. He was 90 years old and also lived in Weston, Conn.

Mr. Moore was associated with the firm from 1920 to 1967 and became presiding partner in 1963.

Cravath, Swaine & Moore became counsel for Time Inc. after the corporation moved its headquarters back to New York from Cleveland in 1927. The magazine was founded by Mr. Moore's brother-in-law, Henry Luce, in 1923.

Mr. Moore was elected to the Time board of directors in 1939 and remained on it until 1970. He was chairman from 1942 to 1960. Trustee of Many Organizations

In 1958, he assisted Paul G. Hoffman in organizing and staffing the Marshall Plan.

Mr. Moore was on the board of the Young Men's Christian Association for many years and was on the board of trustees of the Y.M.C.A. of Greater New York until 1982.

He had been a member of the board of trustees of Columbia University since 1952 and was its chairman from 1955 to 1967. He was also a trustee of Trinity University in San Antonio and the Brick Presbyterian Church in Manhattan.

Mr. Moore was a director of the General Dynamics Corporation from 1962 to 1972; a director of the Chemical Bank from 1949 to 1968, and an advisory director from 1968 to 1973; a director of the Pennsylvania Glass Sand Corporation from 1927 to 1968, and a director of the Studebaker-Packard Corporation from 1935 to 1958.

He was born in Deport, Tex. Mr. Moore was an alumnus of Trinity at its original campus in Waxahachie, Tex. He earned an M.A. from Columbia and an LL.B. from the Columbia Law School.

During World War I, he served as a first lieutenant in the infantry.

Surviving are his wife, the former Elizabeth Luce; two sons, Maurice Jr., of Provincetown, Mass., and Michael, of Saratoga Springs, N.Y. unquote



Monday, May. 02, 1960

For TIME INC., publishers of TIME, LIFE, FORTUNE, SPORTS ILLUSTRATED, ARCHITECTURAL FORUM and HOUSE & HOME magazines, 1959 was a year of unprecedented growth. Its magazines registered a total circulation gain of 605,436 to 11,485,901 and, together with other TIME INC. properties, produced a record-breaking revenue of $271,373,088. But if 1959 was a year of growth, 1960 is a year of change with an eye to the future. Last week the board of directors of TIME INC. approved the election of a new top-management team. Said Editor-in-Chief Henry R. Luce and President Roy E. Larsen in announcing the changes: "Younger men of proven ability take over positions of leadership."

To succeed Maurice T. Moore, 64, TIME INC. board chairman since 1942, the board elected Andrew Heiskell, 44, publisher of LIFE for the past 14 years. Named president of TIME INC., replacing Larsen as the company's operating head: James A. Linen III, 47, who has been TIME'S publisher since 1945. Larsen, 61, who joined TIME as circulation manager in November, 1922, just before its first issue, and was LIFE'S publisher for ten years after its launching in 1936, becomes chairman of the executive committee of the board of directors; Moore continues as the company's chief counsel and a member of the board. In their new positions at TIME'S top, Linen and Heiskell will work closely with Larsen and with TIME'S founder and principal stockholder, Editor-in-Chief Luce.

The new publisher of TIME, succeeding Linen, is Bernhard M. Auer, 44 (see A LETTER FROM THE PUBLISHER). LIFE'S new publisher: C. D. Jackson, 58, publisher of FORTUNE from 1949 to 1953 and onetime (1953-54) special assistant to President Eisenhower.

The changes voted by the board also affect the youngest member of TIME INC.'S family, SPORTS ILLUSTRATED. Sidney L. James, 53, SI's managing editor since 1954, its first year of publication, succeeds Publisher Arthur R. Murphy, 44, who was elected a vice president of TIME INC. with the assignment of director of production. Assistant Managing Editor Andre Laguerre, 45, moves up to managing editor.

The board also named David W. Brumbaugh, 51, now TIME INC. administrative vice president and secretary, to be executive vice president, treasurer, and a member of the board. Charles Stillman, 56, becomes chairman of the board's finance committee, and Howard Black, 63, becomes senior vice president.

The shifts are part of a management-reorganization program that in recent months has included the appointment of Hedley Donovan, managing editor of FORTUNE from 1953 to 1959, as editorial director of TIME INC.; of Otto Fuerbringer as TIME'S managing editor, succeeding Roy Alexander, now editor; and of Duncan Norton-Taylor as FORTUNE'S managing editor. The changes, said Editor-in-Chief Luce, give TIME INC. "a management which will match the great opportunities of the future."


Edited by Tom Scully
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Guest Tom Scully



- Hartford Courant - Nov 28, 1926

RALPH McALLISTER INGERSOLL Mrs. Ingersoll who was formerly Miss Mary Elizabeth Carden, ... Her husband is a son of Colin McRae Ingersoll of Salisbury. ... Roland M. Hooker of this city was an usher at the wedding, which was one of the prominent .... Tho ribbon bearers were Miss Margaret Bent, cousin of the bride, ...



By Lester Bernstein; Lester Bernstein was formerly editor of Newsweek.

Published: November 17, 1985

RALPH INGERSOLL A Biography. By Roy Hoopes

....Ralph McAllister Ingersoll brought odd credentials to his left-wing tabloid. He was a product of Hotchkiss school and Yale University. His great-uncle Ward McAllister coined the phrase ''the 400'' to quantify the social elite that could fit into Mrs. John Jacob Astor's ballroom. He spent most of the first five years of The New Yorker's life at the right hand of Harold Ross, its founding editor, where he worked on the Talk of the Town department and helped to set the magazine on its successful course. He took over as top editor of Fortune during its infancy and made the romance of big business so appealing that his boss and friend Henry R. Luce promoted him to general manager of Time Inc. and publisher of Time. A steamrolling power player, hiring and firing profligately, treating managing editors like office boys, he made so many enemies, including Clare Boothe Luce and ultimately Luce himself, that Time Inc.'s official history gives him little credit of any kind; but Ingersoll also became the prime mover in the launching of Life. ...


Ralph Ingersoll Dies, Publisher, Pm Founder .

Schenectady Gazette - Mar 9, 1985

Ingersoll became vice president of Time Inc. He was promoted to publisher of Time in 1937 He left the Luce organization to set up PM and served as that ....


William Vincent Griffin, Scroll & Keys 1912

William V. Griffin of New Haven, chairman of the Yale News, was tapped for Scroll & Keys. (Surprises at Yale 'Tap' Day. Boston Daily Globe, May 19, 1911.) He was one of the original investors in Time Inc. He was the business manager for James Cox Brady, the son of Anthony N. Brady, the largest stockholder in the American Tobacco Company; and president of the Brady Security and Realty Corp. Anthony Brady's original financiers and mentors had been Frederick P. Olcott, President of the Central Trust Company of Albany, N.Y., and his successor, James N. Wallace.

Griffin married Isabel Carden, daughter of Dallas banker George A. Carden. His ushers were Louis Connick, Charles Parson, and Dr. Louis H. Levy of New York, Leone Monichetti of Florence, Italy, A.A. Green and G.W.F. Green of Dallas; and Charles B. Waller of Wilkes-Barre, Pa. was best man. (Wm. V. Griffin to Wed in Dallas. New York Times, June 21, 1914.) Griffin's sister-in-law, Caroline Burns Carden, married Captain Gerald C. Maxwell, of the staff of the British Air Ministry (Captain Maxwell Weds Miss Carden. New York Times, March 9, 1920.) His sister-in-law, Mary Elizabeth Carden, married Ralph McAllister Ingersoll, the managing editor of The New Yorker. (Miss Carden Bride of R.M. Ingersoll. New York Times, Nov. 19, 1926.) Ingersoll was later the general manager of Time, Inc. publications. They were divorced in 1938 (Mrs. R.M. Ingersoll Gets Reno Divorce. New York Times, Mar. 20, 1938; Mrs. Mary E. Ingersoll Is Dead; Was Partner in Literary Agency. New York Times, Dec. 26, 1964.) Griffin's brother-in-law, Dr. George Alexander Carden Jr., Yale 1931, married Mary Robinson Lambert, granddaughter of Dr. & Mrs. Adrian V.S. Lambert, Skull & Bones 1893. They were married by the Rev. Henry Sloan Coffin, S&B 1897. (Mary R. Lambert Bride in Garden. New York Times, Aug. 18, 1940.) She died two years later at the age of 34. (Mrs. G.A. Carden Jr., A Welfare Worker. New York Times, Apr. 29, 1942.)....


Ralph Ingersoll: a biography

books.google.com Roy Hoopes - 1985 - 441 pages - Snippet view

had ever seen her before — but she was good-looking. The grand tour was spent almost entirely in pursuit of Betty Holland, who was traveling to Rome with her mother. The chase took them first to Paris, then, in a dramatic airplane ....

DeMohrenschildt's brother married the actress who Ingersoll referred to as Betty Holland. Edward Hooker would not have been born if Ingersoll had not agreed to accompany Roland Hooker to Europe in 1922.


MRS. W.C.H.HOOKER HAS HOME WEDDING; Russian Orthodox Ceremony Unites Her to Dimitri S. von Mohrenschildt.

January 20, 1937, Wednesday

The marriage of Mrs. Winifred Cartwright Holhan Hooker, daughter of Mrs. Francis Holhan of 950 Park Avenue, to Dimitri Sergius von Mohrenschildt took place yesterday afternoon at the home of the bride's mother.


David Berns

May 24, 1946, Friday

Section: Amusements, Page 13, 318 words

The marriage of Miss Marion Therese Butler, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Bryant Butler of Riverdale, to Edward Gordon Hooker, son of Mrs. Dimitri S. de Mohrenachildt of New York and of Roland Mather Hooker of Miami Beach, Fla., took place yesterday morning in the rectory of St. Patrick's Cathedral.


MARION T. BUTLER BECOMES A BRIDE; She Is Wed to Edward Gordon Hooker,...

- New York Times - May 24, 1946

... to Edward Gordon Hooker, son of Mrs. Dimitri S. de Mohrenachildt of New York ... The ushers were George Herbert Walker Bush of Greenwich, Conn. and John ...



- New York Times - Mar 30, 1967

Edward Gordon Hooker, a stockbroker formerly with E.F. Hutton Co., died yesterday in his home at 1160 Park Avenue, apparently of a heart attack. ...



New York Times - Mar 30, 1967

Beloved husband of Marian (Bub by) Hooker, loving father of Mergarlt C. end Suzanne B., devoted son of Wlnifred Carfwright Hooker end the lele Roland Mother


Miss Suzanne B. Hooker Married to Ames Braga

- New York Times - Sep 14, 1973

... a daughter of Mrs. Edward-Gordon Hooker of New York and the late Mr. Hooker, ... The bridegroom s parents are Mr. and Mrs. B . Rionda Braga of Alpine, ...


Miss Suzanne B. Hooker Married to Ames Braga

- New York Times - Sep 14, 1973

George H. W. Bush, chair of the Republican National Committee, escorted the bride, who-had her sister, Mrs. Alberto Mejia, as matron of honor and Miss Susan ...

George de Mohrenschildt was actually brought to the U.S. by his much older brother Dimitri, who was at the time married to a former film star, Winifred Holhan Hooker aka Betty. Betty Hooker had previously been married to Roland Mather Hooker, whose father had been an insurance executive and also mayor of Hartford, CT. from a very old family which actually founded the state before 1776. Betty's family on her mother's side were Irish but settled more recently in North Carolina. Her mother had married a New York man, the son of politician in the city who didn't recognize their marriage, which didn't last long.

Betty's mother then took her to live in Connecticut, where she possibly became acquainted with her husband Roland, whose sister Rosalie married first William C. Welling in 1915, then the next year married his cousin, an artist named Francis Stilwell Dixon. The wedding announcement read:

Hartford.—Senator E. W. Hooker

announced August 12 his daughter,

Rosalie Turner Hooker, would be

married this month in San Francisco

to Francis Stilwell Dixon, a New

York artist, son of T. J. W. Dixon of

241 Franklin place, Flushing, L. I.

Dixon was best man at the marriage

of his cousin, Professor William C.

Welling, and Miss Hooker. She divorced

him at Boise, Idaho, several

months ago.

Welling was a mathematics professor at Trinity college (also director of the bureau of vital statistics of the state department of health, Hartford) and married to Rosalie in 1911. She was divorced from Dixon in Paris in October 1925.

Then in April 1926 she was married in the American Church in Paris to Prince Levan Melikov from the southern part of Russia(Somhetie province in Georgia), a colonel in the Georgian army. He died in New York in 1928.

The prince had earlier been married to Alexandra Herzogin von Leuchtenburg , who was the daughter of Nicholas Herzog von Leuchtenburg and Countess Maria Grabbe(members of the extended Russian Imperial Family), but they divorced in 1922. Prince Levan was mentioned in a list of men who died young, a result of the so-called "Romanov Curse":

  • January 26, 1928 - Prince Levan Melikov, first and former husband of Duchess Alexandra Nikolaievna of Leuchtenberg, whose paternal grandfather was a son of Grand Duchess Maria Nikolaievna of Russia, daughter of Emperor Nicholas I of Russia, died in New York City at age 34.


Prince Levan was married to Rosalie Hooker, the sister of Betty Hooker's husband, at the time of his death in 1928.

She married Carleton Alsop twice, divorcing him the second time in 1940 in order to marry Wilbur F. Stutz of Los Angeles.

Cholly Knickerbocker's Newspaper column that appeared in Feb. 1951:

Carlton [sic], who numbers among

his wives Film Stars Sylvia Sidney

and Martha Scott and Society

heiress Rosalie Hooker (whom

he married twice), is no stranger

to the Miami beachcombers. When he was married to Rosalie

they were known under the palm

trees as "the battling Alsops'

and could always be relied upon

to keep things bombastic. When

they weren't raising cain they

raised Great Danes. And when

Carlton and Rosalie started to bark

at each other the dogs

would join in. Often it made the

neighbors wish they had settled

in some quiet place like a boiler


Her name also appeared in other columns by Cholly, as well as in gossip column of Maury Paul.


The term "café society" had been invented by Maury Paul, [igor] Cassini's predecessor as "Cholly Knickerbocker" at the New York Journal American.

The column was syndicated by the Hearst-owned paper to other papers around the country.

George DeMohrenschildt and his brother, Dimitri had to be acquainted with Carleton W. Alsop, as Dimitri had

married Rosalie Hooker's former sister-in-law, Betty Holhan Hooker, in 1937.


Carleton W. Alsop certainly was a CIA agent. Saunders stated that he was a member

of the CIA’s Psychological Warfare Workshop and had been sent by the agency to

secure the film rights to Animal Farm from Orwell’s widow in 1950 [5]. Even the Los

Angeles Times referred to him in a 1966 article as an ‘ex-employee of the Central

Intelligence Agency’ and noted that he had been working for the agency at the time of

his marriage in 1954 [6]. However, there is no direct evidence that he was working

inside Hollywood and the correspondence was evidently written by someone well-

placed at Paramount Studios in early 1953....


When the CIA Was the NEA

Michael P. Rogin

May 25, 2000 This article appeared in the June 12, 2000 edition of The Nation.

In June 1948 George Kennan, director of the State Department's policy planning staff, drafted National Security Directive NSC-10/2. It set up an Office of Policy Coordination that would direct covert government operations "so planned and executed that any U.S. government responsibility for them is not evident to unauthorized persons, and that if uncovered the U.S. government can plausibly disclaim any responsibility for them." A Psychological Warfare Workshop was set up within the OPC; Howard Hunt, later to continue his vocation as one of the Watergate plumbers, directed it. Among Hunt's assets was CIA agent Carleton Alsop, working undercover at Paramount Studios. Shortly after George Orwell died in 1950, Hunt sent Alsop to acquire the film rights to Animal Farm from Orwell's widow, Sonia. It was Hunt who chose Louis de Rochemont to produce the feature animation. (Given the clandestine CIA control, how appropriate that de Rochemont, under whom Hunt had worked on the March of Time newsreel documentaries, had already made a film about secret identity, Lost Boundaries, in which a black doctor's decision to pass as white is blamed on the hostility he encounters not in the white community but among blacks.)...

Edited by Tom Scully
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