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Bill Simpich's State Secret

William Kelly

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Question: To whom do you think Win Scott was referring when he said in his cable to J.C. King that the man in the photos was "a certain person who is known to you"?

Oswald? Moskalev? Or was it just an "inside joke"?



--Tommy :sun


J.C. King
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J. C. King Joseph Caldwell King (1900–1977) was the Chief of the Western Hemisphere Division of the CIA in the 1950s and 1960s. He was also known by his CIA code name of Oliver G. Galbond and as Colonel J.C. King.

King graduated from the U.S. Military Academy at West Point in 1923[citation needed]. King then became a vice-president at Johnson and Johnson in charge of Brazil and Argentina. After this, he joined Nelson Rockefeller's Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs (CIAA), also known as the Rockefeller Office. He was stationed in Argentina from 1941 to 1945, where he was engaged in feeding deceptive information to Japanese agents (see Thaddeus Holt,The Deceivers), and Guatemala from 1952 to 1953. King is believed to have advocated assassination of Che Guevara and Fidel and Raul Castro as early as December 11, 1959[citation needed]. He is also believed to be the CIA point man of the overthrow of João Goulart, President of Brazil, in 1964[citation needed]. King officially retired from the CIA in 1967, but soon came back as a CIA consultant. He was CEO of the Amazon Natural Drug Company, known as a front for the CIA[citation needed]. King's health was deteriorating at that time due to a combination of his age and Parkinson's disease and he died in January 1977.


Great Southwest Corporation

a joined venture with the Rockefellers and the Wynnes, that owned the hotel marina Oswald was secured after the assassination. Another important British-connected company was Empire Trust. This company was controlled by the Rothschilds via Kohn and Loeb. Jack Crichton was part of Empire Trust. Crichton was the one who sent a translator to the Dallas police station to aid the police in their interrogation of Marina Oswald. The translator, Illya Mamantov, used the opportunity to implicate Oswald as the assassin. The British-connected Great Southwest Corporation had control of Marina following the assassination. To paraphrase Peter Dale Scott, the Great Southwest provided Marina with a manager, an attorney, and a hideaway. Her manager was James Martin. The lawyer was William Mackenzie, and the hideaway was the Six Flags Hotel. The Great Southwest was made up of British interests, including Loeb Rhoades, and Anglophiles William Zeckendorf, the Rockefellers, and the Murchison family. A little known fact about the Murchisons is that they had dealing with the Suez Canal Company, which was controlled by the British government.

........So Doyle Smith and Doyle ( Freeport Sulfur law firm) ***** was an extremely British-oriented law firm. It had Gulf States Land and Industries which was owned by Mr. Zeckendorf, who had many land deals with the Rothschild-connected Empire Trust. He also had connections to KMT trucking, which indicates a narcotics connection. KMT drugs were often shipped by means of trucks. Zeckendorf had business dealing with Arthur Rubloff, who had investments with Lansky’s casino operations in the Bahamas. Rubloff was also invested in the Great Southwest Corporation. A member of his board on Gulf States Land and Industries was a James R. Stanley. Mr. Stanley worked with D.H. Byrd at Alpha Omega Finance, and he was also a member of Wallace Investments in Dallas.

...... Yet the elites were definitely involved, as can be seen through Oswald’s friend, Alexander Bouhe, who was an employee of Lewis McNaughton. McNaughton was part of Empire Trust, a firm which we mentioned earlier was connected to the British and the Rothschilds. McNaughton controlled the Republican National Bank Building. Dresser Industries was there in the building, which was directed by Neil Mallon, a Skull and Bones man. McNaughton had de Mohrenschildt in that building. His (McNaughton) partner was deGolyer. Degolyer was dead by 1963, but before then deGolyer worked and set up the largest independent firm of oil analysts of all time. DeGolyer worked under Lord Cordray, or (AKA) Lord Pearson, who was at Amarata before it was Amarata Hess. Now I recently learned that the British government owned a large chunk of Amarata. Lord Pearson was one of the richest British men that ever lived. He owned Mexican oil, and sold it out in 1938, just at the right time, amazingly, before it was nationalized by the Mexican government. He owned railroads in Brazil and the like. That would indicate that deGolyer had many British connections. The odd thing is that McNaughton tried to get my uncle to work for him.

Now let us go into my uncle; I can talk about him now, for he is deceased. He worked in gemology, but he also worked in oil. He told his family, myself among them, that he worked for the CIA in a number of adventures. (SO McNaughton was elite spy and/or MI 6 ????????? )


***** http://www.realhistoryarchives.com/collections/hidden/freeport-cuba.htm

BTW Mr. Ford had worked for McNaughton see Marina living with Ford's



Please go somewhere else.

--Tommy :sun

Edited by Thomas Graves
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Gene, you nailed it when you said Oswald was a firewall. I had been searching for the right way to gedet that idea across. It's more than just the blackmail or the complex legend.

He heightens the compartmentalization that already existed. For example, I don't think John Whitten had any idea that Oswald was being used for a molehunt, even though his subordinate Charlotte Bustos may have had a clue.

Tilton had a propaganda job answering to Seymour Bolten during Harvey's tenure. In 63, Tilton worked with the SAS' Maritime Operations Branch. An anti-FPCC operation was easy for him. Tilton was a tough guy, but why would he want to be involved in an assassination attempt while he's all over the FPCC paperwork? Makes no sense to me.

Anderson is tougher to figure out. He only had the FPCC file between August 1 to Oct 15. He monitored LHO's NO time very closely. On Sept 13, he got the memo from Hosty saying Oswald had an FPCC card and a subscription to the Daily Worker. Two weeks later, the Oswald character is at the Cuban consulate displaying an FPCC card and a CPUSA card. That's more than simple coincidence.

Right after Anderson convinced Gheesling to dim the lights on Oct 9, Anderson got a copy of the Oct 10 memo saying that Oswald called the Soviet consulate on Oct 1. All indications are that was a call by the Oswald impersonator. That would mean that Anderson got wind of the news that someone used the legend to piggy-back on his operation. That would mean that the FBI knew something was wrong. Anderson passed on the FPCC file to another colleague on Oct 15. Anderson may have known that the Oswald character was, but may have known no more than that. Was that a good reason to be complacent and not have Oswald on any kind of security? It doesn't seem like it, even if they trusted Oswald himself.

No evidence that Harvey was physically in MC during this period, but he had access to the Staff D wiretap traffic until at least Oct 11.

His former subordinate Alex MacMillan was running Staff D at this time. A specialist known as "Paul Levister" visited MC between Sept 21-Oct 1 and wrote a fifty page memo about the two wiretap systems in Mexico City. So Harvey had intimate access to many aspects of the MC station.

Your point is well taken that Harvey understood the internal workings of the FBI hierarchy as well as the CIA. Morales brought similar knowledge about the internal workings of the AMOTs and military intelligence.


A few things that you've pointed out are striking: "Anderson convinced Gheesling to dim the lights". That's pretty striking right there. Then there's John Whitten, who "didn't have any idea that Oswald was being used for a molehunt". Whitten shows up after the assasination, and if I'm remembering my facts, initially runs the CIA investigation before being replaced by Angleton. I am sensitive to Whitten because my sense is that he testified truthfully plus he died in a nursing home recently not too far from where I live. Then, when I go back and revisit my notes from Armstrong and Newman, this all starts to gel. Mexico City is clearly a key that unlocks doors to the plot and intelligence interests. Its also the centerpiece and rationale for the cover-up and formation of the Warren Commission. Your focus on MC is appropriate. After the big event, there is serious world-class CYA going on inside both FBI and CIA... and we can just visualize Harvey and certain JMWave principals sitting back and enjoying the blowback. To quote an old saw: they had the means, motive and opportunity.



What I like is that you help us make sense out of the confusing "Mexico City Mystery Man" situation.

Thank you for showing us that MCMM was photographed on 10/02/63, one day after an imposter had called the Russian Embassy and identified himself as O-S-W-A-L-D, and that Anne Goodpasture, needing a photo right away of any American-looking man in order to conduct a viable Mexico City-Based Mole hunt (in an effort to find out who had penetrated LI/ENVOY and impersonated Oswald on the phone), chose MCMM's photograph simply because he looked more American than the other men captured on film around 10/01/63.

Question: To whom do you think Win Scott was referring when he said in his cable to J.C. King that the man in the photos was "a certain person who is known to you"?

Oswald? Moskalev? Or was it just an "inside joke"?



--Tommy :sun

Bumped for Bill Simpich.

Edited by Thomas Graves
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Tommy, I think Win Scott was referring to Moskalev as someone that both he and JC King knew, in this private note between Scott and JC. In his other communmications, Scott denied knowing who the Mystery Man was. I don't think Scott believed his letter to King would ever be made public.

I should add that my previous post contained a typo -

it should have said "Anderson may have known that the Oswald character was Impersonated, but may have known no more than that."


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Please go somewhere else.

--Tommy :sun


No thanks :angel

Hey Steven,

I have a good idea. Why don't you go start a "J.C. King and the Illuminati" thread!


--Tommy :sun

So the CIA doesnt do things that financially helps the elites ???

No Steven, only Vladimir Putin would do such a horrible thing...

Anyway, what bearing does that have on Bill Simpich's fine book (which happens to be the topic of this thread)?

Edited by Thomas Graves
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So the CIA doesnt do things that financially helps the elites ??? (Gaal)

No Steven, only Vladimir Putin would do such a horrible thing...(GRAVES)

Anyway, what bearing does that have on Bill Simpich's fine book (which happens to be the topic of this thread)? (GRAVES)


GEE DAP and JC KING are part of his book. (GAAL)

No Steven, only Vladimir Putin would do such a horrible thing...(Graves)

Mr. Graves your reponse is totally juvenile. (Gaal)

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So the CIA doesn't do things that financially helps the elites ??? (Gaal)

What does that have to do with Bill Simpich's fine book (which happens to be the topic of this thread)? (GRAVES)

DAP and JC KING are part of his book. (GAAL)


I guess I should have been a little more specific. Let me try again:

What does what you posted in post #44 have to do with the question I asked Bill Simpich in post #43?

(You didn't think that the Mexico City photos of "a certain person who is known to you" might have been of David Rockefeller or Clint Murchison, did you? How about Henry Crown?)

--Tommy :sun

Edited by Thomas Graves
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Please go somewhere else. --Tommy


Hey Steven,

I have a good idea. Why don't you go start a "J.C. King and the Illuminati" thread!

http://en.wikipedia....wiki/Illuminati (GRAVES)


So the CIA doesnt do things that financially helps the elites ??? (GAAL)

No Steven, only Vladimir Putin would do such a horrible thing... (GRAVES)



I guess I should have been a little more specific. Let me try again:

What does what you posted in post #44 have to do with the question I asked Bill Simpich in post #43?

(You didn't think that the Mexico City photos of "a certain person who is known to you" might have been of David Rockefeller or Clint Murchison, did you? How about Henry Crown?) (GRAVES)


You said soooooooo many things and then finally said (GAAL)

What does what you posted in post #44 have to do with the question I asked Bill Simpich in post #43? (GRAVES)

Sir I thought you were just plain rude, but no you actually had a question. (GAAL)
JC KING is mentioned in post # 32 . JC KING is part of the Rockefeller constellation so to speak ( SEE POST # 44 this thread) and was so was the the GREAT SOUTHWEST CORPORATION
(see Deep Politics and the Death of JFK,Scott). Two witnesses of Oswald at the rifle range were employees of the Great Southwest Corporation. ((Charles Camplen and James F. Dale, Great Southwest Warehouse, 26 WH 371-72.)).To paraphrase Peter Dale Scott, the Great Southwest provided Marina with a manager, an attorney, and a hideaway. Her manager was James Martin. The lawyer was William Mackenzie, and the hideaway was the Six Flags Hotel. Everything Simpich says may be good and true but it must be put in context with
The Kennedy Assassination Cover-up by Donald Gibson. Professor Gibson (who I talked to twice) who has a more elite/British analysis than you seem not to acknowledge.

Edited by Steven Gaal
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Tommy, I think Win Scott was referring to Moskalev as someone that both he and JC King knew, in this private note between Scott and JC. In his other communmications, Scott denied knowing who the Mystery Man was. I don't think Scott believed his letter to King would ever be made public.

I should add that my previous post contained a typo -

it should have said "Anderson may have known that the Oswald character was Impersonated, but may have known no more than that."


Thanks for all the work you did on this Bill S., you're the best!

I can't think of anyone else who could have done what you did, and make a very complicated situation much more clear.

I will be reviewing it again and writing about it soon.

Bill Kelly

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Please go somewhere else. --Tommy


Hey Steven,

I have a good idea. Why don't you go start a "J.C. King and the Illuminati" thread!

http://en.wikipedia....wiki/Illuminati (GRAVES)


So the CIA doesnt do things that financially helps the elites ??? (GAAL)

No Steven, only Vladimir Putin would do such a horrible thing... (GRAVES)



I guess I should have been a little more specific. Let me try again:

What does what you posted in post #44 have to do with the question I asked Bill Simpich in post #43?

(You didn't think that the Mexico City photos of "a certain person who is known to you" might have been of David Rockefeller or Clint Murchison, did you? How about Henry Crown?) (GRAVES)


You said soooooooo many things and then finally said (GAAL)

What does what you posted in post #44 have to do with the question I asked Bill Simpich in post #43? (GRAVES)

Sir I thought you were just plan rude, but no you actually had a question. (GAAL)
JC KING is mentioned in post # 32 . JC KING is part of the Rockefeller constellation so to speak ( SEE POST # 44 this thread) and was so was the the GREAT SOUTHWEST CORPORATION
(see Deep Politics and the Death of JFK,Scott). Two witnesses of Oswald at the rifle range were employees of the Great Southwest Corporation. ((Charles Camplen and James F. Dale, Great Southwest Warehouse, 26 WH 371-72.)).To paraphrase Peter Dale Scott, the Great Southwest provided Marina with a manager, an attorney, and a hideaway. Her manager was James Martin. The lawyer was William Mackenzie, and the hideaway was the Six Flags Hotel. Everything Simpich says may be good and true but it must be put in context with
The Kennedy Assassination Cover-up by Donald Gibson. Professor Gibson (who I talked to twice) who has a more elite/British analysis than you seem not to acknowledge.


So what?

I'm not denying the possibility / probability that J.C. King and his buddies in the CIA were bad, bad men, and killed a lot of innocent people and helped their filthy rich friends get even richer. I mean, that's "a given," right?

But what does any of this have to do with the possibility that J.C.King knew the identity of the Mexico City Mystery Man whose photo was being used as a "marked card" by Anne Goodpasture in her attempt to find out who had impersonated Oswald on the phone?

That was the question, Steven.

But apparently the very mentioning of the name J.C. King in my question to author Bill Simpich about MCMM motivated you to post all that fascinating "interconnected" stuff about J.C. King and all of his evil friends and colleagues and their former and present employers and benefactors, and all of their suspicious and evil connections!

Which I'm not necessarily denying, anyway.


--Tommy :sun

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To: Bill Simpich, one last thing.....I am a little skewed in posting this because I don't have access to my files. But I saw a Warren Commission Document.....pretty sure it was CD 1084, page 48; thought it dovetailed nicely with the whole post-assassination confusion, but in the sense of being like a scene from Stone's JFK that should have been in the movie. It is a story about a Mexican Border Patrol agent talking to a U.S. Army soldier named "QUIROGA." The border between Texas and Mexico has been sealed for at least awhile, [this is November 22, 1963, of course] and QUIROGA tells the border patrol agent, that he had been in Dallas the night before the assassination of JFK where "a spy had been arrested." The wording of the document is phrased in such a way, that the border patrol agent says that "QUIROGA" knew in advance that JFK was going to be assassinated.

I did some searching around all the JFK documents......and found several other QUIROGA's in the documents, besides the quite obvious Carlos Quiroga.......To paraphrase, the document seemed to be one [CD 1084 around page 48]....that all

the 60's researchers missed.....Even if the story is one of those disinformation tales Sturgis and others are so fond of telling; something significant might be gleaned. IMO

Anyway.....regarding your book.....thought at first glance it might be the most thorough account of the whole Mexico City conundrum, Ever......

That is about the highest compliment I can pay. Sincerely.....

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Hi Robert,

I see the discussion re Ramon Quiroga at CD 27, pages 6-8. Don't know what to make of it.

Thanks for your kind words about the Mexico story. I do think the story is coming together.


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Sorry about the incorrect document reference.

Here is the correct page


As best as I can tell, [you know how all these persons are scattered throughout various Warren Commission

documents] in CD 27 the only name reference is the soldier named "QUIROGA." But in other documents

there is, apparently "in investigating" the possible identity of "QUIROGA" at the border the day of the

assassination, attention is directed to a soldier at Fort Bragg, named ANTHONY MICHAEL QUIROGA.

At Fort Bragg, investigation is made that Anthony Michael Quiroga was accounted for his whereabouts

on the day of the assassination. Hence, end of story. I don't believe this area is any kind of rosetta stone

or anything like that, but as I said earlier. Even disinformation stories, can be illuminating when they

can be traced back to whose laying the false trail.

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