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Edgar Eugene Bradley

Jean Body

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Hello all. First post here. I have been reading this forum for a little while now and am always impressed with the high level of discourse here.

My topic is Edgar Eugene Bradley, and to see if anyone out there has any information on him. His bio is remarkably thin for someone who had spent a fair amount of time in the news...

I've found out a few things about him but there are a lot of gaps. There is one report in particular that is kind of bizarre, in light of his extreme right-wing organization affiliations (Minutemen, John Birch, CDL), kind of a pot-calling-the-kettle-black thing. In this intelligence report dated 1-19-68 (unsure if it is a police department or FBI), he claims the following:

BRADLEY interviewed 1-19-68, 8:30AM. He stated that his investigations are proving that JIM GARRISON, New Orleans District Attorney, is attempting to line up people in Los Angeles to testify that CLAY SHAW (under indictment in New Orleans) visited BRADLEY in BRADLEY'S North Hollywood home on many occasions prior to KENNEDY’s assassination. Of course, BRADLEY denies this.

BRADLEY said that persons close to DR. WESLEY SWIFT, including CAROL and ARTHUR AYDELOTTE, NATALIE NITTLE (mother of CAROL), TOM THORNHILL, JR., ROBERT McWHIRTER and DENNIS MOWER may be among those attempting to back this allegation. BRADLEY said the above mentioned are all "right-wing kooks" and MOWER is now SWIFT'S chauffeur. The only reason BRADLEY can give for these local people being against him is due to MOWER’s arrest in 1964 tor C.C.W., and MOWER to this day is accusing BRADLEY of informing the police of the weapon. DR. SWIFT is now preaching to his congregations that BRADLEY is a double agent and trying to alienate any support that BRADLEY might receive from right-wing groups.

Copy of report attached.

I would like to know if anyone has info on him re. his being OSS in WWII and then CIA, as a few believed. Or any biographical info at all.

Thank you,



Bradley report 1_19_68.pdf

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I do not recognize the name of Edgar Eugene Bradley and know nothing of what is described in your attached intelligence report. However, it was well known that Dr. Wesley Swift was a close associate of Gerald L. K. Smith, a notoriously vocal anti-Semite. Both, of course, are deceased.



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At first, I thought your diary topic was Eugene Hale Brading AKA Jim Braden, who was in Dallas on 11-22-63.

I've read something somewhere about Eugene Edgar Bradley but can't remember what or where other than that the writer viewed him suspiciously. Which doesn't mean anything.

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Hi Douglas and Jon,

Thank you for responding. The context for Edgar Eugene Bradley is the Clay Shaw trial: Jim Garrison indicted Bradley with conspiracy to assassinate JFK. The indictment required Bradley to be extradicted from California but Governor Ronald Reagan refused the order.


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Thank you Douglas. I checked out the Harold Weisburg archive at Hood College and came up with some interesting stuff. Here is an amazing memo from Bill Turner to Jim Garrison all about Bradley.


I have linked it here in case anyone else is searching for info on Bradley. He is one slippery customer.

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At first, I thought your diary topic was Eugene Hale Brading AKA Jim Braden, who was in Dallas on 11-22-63.

I've read something somewhere about Eugene Edgar Bradley but can't remember what or where other than that the writer viewed him suspiciously. Which doesn't mean anything.

Oh yes, there has apparently been some confusion between Eugene Hale Brading/"Jim Braden," and Edgar Eugene "Gene" Bradley.

Gene Bradley was also placed in Dallas on 11/22/63.

Edited by Jean Body
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Here is the supplement to Bill Turner's memorandum on Edgar Eugene Bradley to Jim Garrison, dated February 16, 1968, from Bill Boxley. More CIA connections noted for Bradley. Rev. and Mrs. Wesley Brice place him in Dallas 11/22/63.


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Hi Jean - I could be wrong, but my I think the info that Turner dug up on Edgar Eugene Bradley was planted on him. For one thing, there is simply too much detail and too many recalled names. Is there any proof that he was in Dallas on Nov 22 1963? So many false leads appeared, and Garrison in particular was fed a steady diet of them. I think Jon is right about mistaken identity with a similar name - Eugene Hale Brading, aka Jim Braden.

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  • 7 months later...

Hi Jean… see below.

From Roger Craig’s When They Kill A President:

PG. 1

At approximately 12:40 p.m., Deputy Craig was standing on the south side of Elm Street when he heard a shrill whistle coming from the north side of Elm and turned to see a man—wearing faded blue trousers and a long sleeved work shirt made of some type of grainy material—come running down the grassy knoll from the direction of the TSBD. He saw a light green Rambler station wagon coming slowly west on Elm Street, pull over to the north curb and pick up the man coming down the hill. By this time the traffic was too heavy for him to be able to reach them before the car drove away going west on Elm.

After witnessing the above scene, Deputy Craig ran to the command post at Elm and Houston to report the incident to the authorities. When he got there and asked who was involved in the investigation, a man turned to him and said “I‘m with the Secret Service.” Craig recounted what he had just seen. This “Secret Service” man showed little interest in Craig‘s description of the people leaving, but seemed extremely interested in the description of the Rambler to the degree [that] this was the only part of the recounting that he wrote down. (On 12/22/67, Roger Craig learned from Jim Garrison that this man‘s name was Edgar Eugene Bradley, a right wing preacher from North Hollywood, California and part-time assistant to Carl McIntire, the fundamentalist minister who had founded the American Counsel of Christian Churches. Then-governor Ronald Reagan refused to grant the extradition request from Garrison for the indictment of Bradley during the New Orleans probe.)

PG. 13

I learned nothing of this “Secret Service Agent‘s” identity until December 22, 1967 while we were living in New Orleans. The television was on as I came home from work one night and there on the screen was a picture of this man. I did not know what it was all about until my wife told me that Jim Garrison had charged him with being a part of the assassination plot. I called Jim Garrison then and told him that this was the man I had seen in Dallas on November 22, 1963. Jim then sent one of his investigators to see me with a better picture which I identified. I then learned that this man‘s name was Edgar Eugene Bradley. It was a relief to me to know his name for I had been bothered by the fact that I had failed to get his name when he had told me he was a Secret Service Agent and I had given him my information. On the night of the assassination when I had come home and discussed the day with my wife I had, of course, told her of this encounter and my failure to get his name.

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