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Lessons learned from my journey with Dennis

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Getting at the why of the JFK hit is as controversial as the other aspects.  There have been plenty of efforts to dismiss the whys, as a way to dismiss the idea that it was not a Lone Nut assassination.  On the Left, the most famous instance is Uncle Noam’s Rethinking Camelot, which made the case that the CIA was a subservient tool of the presidency, to dismiss the idea that they were in on it.  Mike Parenti wrote a rebuttal to it, stating that the Left had a conspiracy-phobia.  Uncle Mike convincingly made the case that while JFK may not have been far enough to the Left to please leftists, he was not nearly far enough to the right to please the oligarchy, and they are the ones who call the shots, not structural analysts and leftist protestors. JFK’s “failure” to invade Cuba, to launch idealist projects such as the Peace Corps and Alliance for Progress, while balking at an outright invasion of Vietnam, not to mention openly battling industries such as the steel industry, was beyond the pale and he had to go.

Those exchanges in the Left happened more than 20 years ago, and helped me understand the ideological conflicts.  After 9/11, the Left made its ideology explicit: it denied the very existence of the global elite, because to even acknowledge their existence and machinations was to give up all hope.  Well, I bore the brunt of their machinations, have not given up hope, and am still at it.  I regard that elite-machination-denying stance to be like pulling the sheets over your head so that the monsters under your bed can’t get you.

But while the Left is in denial, conspiracists err in the other direction, seeing a conspiracy under every bush, in their paranoia.  What both stances have in common is fear and seeing the world through a victim’s lens, not a creator’s.  Structuralists have an ideological aversion to the idea of anybody’s surreptitiously pulling the strings, while that is all that conspiracists can see.  Both are lopsided perspectives, which I will deal with later.  

In my coming essay update, I will deal with the origins of human morality and capital punishment in hunter-gatherer societies.  When a man got too big for his britches and threatened the well-being of the band, the first strategy was to coerce him back into line, but recalcitrant ones were killed for the good of the band.  His danger to the in-group was evident to all.  There was not a sufficient energy surplus in hunter-gatherer societies to support any elites, and any man who tried to become a “big man” was destined for censure or death.  Elites only arose with agriculture, as there was an energy surplus to support them, and they were always men, of course.  For the entirety of the human journey, all out-groups have been fair game.

JFK was a political outsider, an Irishman from a nouveau riche family, a Catholic in WASP country, and in the Eastern Oligarchy’s eyes, JFK was either a member of the out-group or he betrayed the in-group.  Whichever way one wants to view it, JFK’s actions made him expendable, as far as how the people who really run things thought.  If somebody is part of an out-group, their expendability is obvious and needs no justification.  Hardly one-in-a-hundred Americans knows or cares about the millions of people, mostly children, who have died under our imperial boot in the past generation.  That is standard behavior.  

But for those who considered JFK part of their in-group, then they had to conceive of some in-group betrayal to justify his murder, and that leads us to Hunt’s admission to Douglas Caddy, that JFK was about to betray state secrets to the enemy, the Soviet Union, and namely, evidence that Earth is being visited by extraterrestrial civilizations.  That was JFK’s unforgivable crime.  That was a Big Lie for a few reasons, and not that there are no ETs, because there are.  But ETs have never posed a threat to humanity.  If they wanted to, they could conquer all of humanity’s collective military might in minutes, and if they wanted to exterminate us, it would take one of their scout ships maybe the better part of a day to do that.  No, the ETs do not pose an existential threat to humanity.  What they do present, however, is a threat to world domination by the global elite, and the global elite know it.  Along with the acknowledgment of the ET presence will be the technologies that they used to get here, with free energy and antigravity (AKA electrogravity) chief among them.  If that happened, the global elite would quickly become obsoleteThat is what the elite are fighting against, not some existential threat that ETs pose, and this is a subject that I am very familiar with.  

I am an astronaut’s biographer, and he had his life shortened when he began snooping into the UFO issue, courtesy of the American military.  Ed Mitchell knew the milieu, too, and ascribed the ET cover-up to the usual human motivations of greed, power, etc.  One of the Big Lies of Hunt’s confession was that the Soviet Union’s elites knew plenty about ETs themselves, but they are playing the same game as other elites, and know that their reign is over if ETs were allowed to openly interact with humanity.  So, we have history’s greatest cover-up, which is conjoined with the organized suppression of those disruptive technologies.

I am not saying that Hunt did not believe what he told Caddy, but that it was a half-truth that he was fed, and people like Hunt needed to believe that JFK was killed for a good reason, even if he was a chump in the operation that got JFK killed, and betraying his nation, or even thinking about it, was justification enough.  JFK’s murder sent a clear message to those with the eyes and ears to comprehend it: American presidents are expendable, and every president since JFK knew it, but the job comes with some impressive perks, for those who properly play their role.  Sitting American presidents are puppets and they know it, and they do not make any of the important decisions on Earth.  



Edited by Wade Frazier
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Before I get into more of the context of the JFK hit, I want to distinguish what I learned from the journey and work of others from what my strategy is.  They are not the same.  I learned more from my journey with Dennis than any other event of my life, and everything else pales to insignificance.  Without my journey with Dennis, I would likely not have anything worth saying.  Sure, I was trained to be a scientist since I was knee-high, and my mystical awakening was critical to my path, leading to that voice in my head, explorations, and the like, but without those years with Dennis, I would have been unawakened and naïve, reading the newspaper and thinking that I was getting the news.  I cannot overemphasize how critical my years with Dennis were.  I regularly encounter people who remind me of what I might have turned out like if I had not met Dennis.  I can’t regret any of my journey, as it brought me to where I am today.  

In the free energy milieu, I learned some after my first stint with Dennis, but it was largely confirmatory information that aligned with my own journey, not all that much that was new to me, from the journeys of the following people:

We all came to the same general vicinity of understanding, and all of us got there the hard way.  I am privy to a great deal of information from and about those people that the public does not have access to, and to the extent I could reveal it, I have.  I have had numerous other encounters with people in the milieu, but those names above were the most influential for me.  I greatly respect what they learned in the crucible of experience, and many like them did not survive the experience.  

After my harsh awakening in Ventura, when I began hitting the books in earnest, I read countless works by some amazing scholars, but the following authors were deeply influential to me:

While I read well more than 100 popular science books while preparing to write my big essay, the following scientists have been particularly influential to my work:

There are also heroes of my life, such as Gary Wean, Mr. Professor, and even Mr. Mentor, who had a lot to do with launching me on my journey.  

They all receive credit, to one degree or another, for helping me come to my views today.  But I am also doing something different.  Brian realized it, as did Dennis, and all of those influences played their part.  



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Hi Chris:

After I wrote that post, I thought of whom I left out.  For some, like Peter Ward and Uncles Ed and Noam, I have a great deal of their work.  I have ten of Ward’s books, an entire overflowing Noam shelf, and I have almost all of Ed’s books, and maybe even all of them, at least for his political work.  Others were “only” seminal to me, such as Zinn, Stannard, Béchamp, and Naessens, as their work hit me early in my studies.  From Zinn I got the first inkling that the Columbus story that I was told might have been a little awry.  Stannard’s masterwork was my big wakeup call on the American Holocaust, and the first time that I read about the real story of Saint Serra.  

Béchamp and Naessens were my introduction to a different view of subcellular microbiology, and it is mind-boggling that Rife’s and Naessens’s microscopes have been so universally ignored and derided by orthodoxy.  It is as if the Wright brothers flew for an entire century while being ignored by earthbound humanity.  Similar to how the technologies that I am aware of upend the physics textbooks, I firmly believe that the entire corpus of Western medicine will eventually be overturned by a number of “discoveries” that are currently suppressed in the name of power and profit.  I doubt that the vaccination concept will survive the shift, along with many other interventions such as fluoridation.  

Some that I did not mention in that post had seminal effects on me, and encountering Bucky Fuller’s work was one of the most important events of my scholar’s journey.  If I had to put a label on my work, I might choose “neo-Fullerian,” and I think that if he was alive today, his approach would likely resemble mine.  But even Richard Heinberg deserves some credit, as I encountered the Peak Oilers and scholars such as Tainter through him.  That book published by Shell Oil helped me develop my epochal framework.  Even though the closest thing to “free energy” that has been on the market is Dennis’s marketing program, I have to give credit to Richard Stallman’s Free Software Movement ideas with my finally deciding that giving away free energy is really the only way with a chance.

My early studies of spirituality, especially The Aquarian Gospel, Richard Bach’s work, and the collected bodies of work of Seth, Ra, and Michael, were also highly influential and helped me put my feet on the straight and narrow for my adventures.  

I am going to briefly revisit some of the JFK milieu, inspired by your post.  That Parkland doctor’s recently public work hits a common chord among the witnesses, when he described his intimidating pre-testimony interview with Arlen Specter.  If you dive into the literature, you will encounter many times when witnesses were intimidated by agents of the Warren Commission, in order to have their testimony dovetail with the Lone Nut hypothesis.  Any other testimony was blocked, altered, the witnesses were pressured to change their testimony, plenty of witnesses came to untimely ends, and one recent summary is The Hit List, which was predictably panned by McAdams.  I am not endorsing all the deaths in that book being “clean up” operations, but most of them may well have been related to such, and that brings me to another subject that I will discuss for the first time.

While writing this lessons learned thread, I saw that Dennis mentioned the incident in The Alternative, page 147, when he wrote, “I killed in Vietnam as a night fighter for these crooks?”  Let’s see what I can say, nearly 50 years after the events.  After Dennis was kicked out of high school for getting caught sleeping in the janitor’s closet, he did what most redneck American men did (and I nearly did, influenced by my redneck father) and joined the military as a flag-waving patriot.  He was a paratrooping medic who was stationed in Germany for nearly his entire three-year stint – all except for the last month.  He got his orders and got into the plane that paratroopers jump from, and was in the air for an entire day.  When he was allowed to read his orders, they opened the door that he was to jump from, and below him was the jungle of Cambodia.  He was called on to “clean up” an operation gone bad, to keep the Big Lie alive that the USA was not engaging in the secret war in Cambodia.  It was not secret to the Cambodians, but Dennis’s medical skills were used to not only “clean up” an operation gone bad (I’ll forego the gruesome details), but the Special Forces personnel that he was thrown in with had him use his medical knowledge to also kill people.  He was discharged immediately after the operation, which I believe is still classified or was an “off the books” operation that will never be made public.  Some years later, when Nixon admitted the Cambodia war, Brian was one of the most prominent protestors.

I know way too much about such kinds of operations, but you will find debunkers such as the Stolen Valor folks denying that such operations even existed.  The USA’s acts in Southeast Asia rival anything that the Nazis did.  My pals who were part of such operations never saw anything valorous about them and tried to forget them, between their nightmares.  “Cleaning up” the JFK witness list is standard operating procedure in the USA.  Don’t think that they would not dare.  They killed the head of state.  What wouldn’t they do?



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I have written my take on the why of the JFK hit and won’t belabor it.  I’ll just note that I recently saw where the leading defender of the Warren Commission for the past generation was suspended for bullying a fellow faculty member, has a long-time association with right-wing venues such as Fox News and organizations funded by the notorious Koch brothers, and his stance on Global Warming is no great surprise (he is in good company), nor are the serial university incidents (which probably should have been acted on earlier), or his false claims of being censored.  He also had a close association with the CIA.  I am almost tempted to say, “Case Closed!”  :)

JFK was not acting like an emperor should, and uplifting the West’s imperial victims, instead of continuing their enslavement and exploitation, was at odds with the imperial class that really ran the show, so just like a string of Roman emperors, JFK was violently taken out.  As with the efforts to depose or kill Charles de Gaulle, mobsters and contract agents were involved, and Jack Ruby’s involvement in the JFK hit removed all doubt with informed observers.  According to those tapes which contents Rodney Stich was privy to, Dulles, Hoover, and Johnson were involved in the JFK hit, and all three men almost immediately began promoting the Lone Nut scenario.  Hoover wrote a memo suggesting such on the day of the assassination.  The Lone Nut hypothesis heavily rests on the slim shoulders of the Magic Bullet hypothesis, and the Warren Commission’s members not in the Dulles clique (Dulles, McCloy, and Ford) did not believe the Magic Bullet hypothesis.  

I’ll leave the JFK hit behind for now and don a generalist’s hat.  I have witnessed JFK researchers dive deep into the minutia and develop their hypotheses (which can exonerate the cover-up in one way or another), but who can’t seem to find any connection to the RFK hit, as if they were completely independent events.  I don’t care whom people finger as the assassins or those involved in the cover-up; any rational person who thinks that JFK was killed in a conspiracy has to strongly suspect that RFK’s murder also was a conspiratorial event.  But I have witnessed people arguing that Oswald was not a Lone Nut, but that Sirhan probably was (or that different conspiratorial interests took out Bobby).  That demonstrates the tunnel vision that can afflict specialists.  The Kennedy family believes that the JFK and RFK assassinations are related, and it takes no great imagination to understand their stance.  In fact, it takes great imagination to deny it.  If one was due to a conspiracy, the other is virtually certain, especially as RFK was eager to mount another investigation into his brother’s murder.

A dynamic with similar features is the megafauna extinctions.  The elephant family was the most successful land mammal ever, before the rise of humans.  A prudent scientist will take each proboscidean extinction that happened coincident with the arrival of humans as a separate case, at least initially.  It is not guaranteed that if humans drove Eurasian mammoths to extinction and North American mammoths later (along with almost all of the rest of the megafauna, while mammoths who lived in island refugia lived undisturbed for thousands of years afterward, at least until humans arrived), that South American proboscideans died the same way, but anybody not wearing blinders has to strongly suspect it.

However, I have seen scholars deny that South American proboscideans died via human agency, with some strained interpretation of the evidence.  Some academics have made careers out of denying human agency in the megafauna extinctions.  The clique that does so for the Australian extinctions has the most formidable task of all, as they mightily strive to attribute it all to climate change, when Australia’s megafauna did fine for tens of millions of years, thrived through 16 different glacial episodes in the current ice age (and no ice sheets formed in Australia, South America, or Africa), to suddenly all die off, “coincidentally” when behaviorally modern humans arrived, who, for the first time in Earth’s history, would have had the means, motive, and opportunity to kill off that continent’s easy meat, and such killings fueled the human conquest of Earth.  In my opinion, those academics arguing against human agency are defending their in-groups: either humanity as a whole or defending the indigenous peoples of the Americas and Australia, or at least their ancestors, quite possibly to help keep the peaceful savage or ecological savage memes intact.  It also may not be all that conscious on the part of the deniers of human agency, which is also typical.  They can’t afford to be conscious of their bias, or else their consciences would assail them.  

Similarly, when I see researchers finger one or another group in the JFK hit, if they aren’t defending the Lone Nut hypothesis, but fail to see or even suspect any connection to RFK’s murder, the tunnel vision of specialists is evident to me.

I think that the people who effected JFK’s death and cover-up were so successful with it (even though most Americans today don’t buy the Lone Nut scenario) that it became a policy tool for a generation, from Martin Luther King, Jr. to Bobby Kennedy, George Wallace, Gerald Ford, Ronald Reagan and even John Lennon.  Reagan’s and Lennon’s assailants both worked for the same CIA front organization, and Reagan’s assailant was the son of that organization’s chairman, who was longtime pals with George Bush the First.  The novel Catcher in the Rye was sitting on Hinkley’s coffee table when he shot Reagan, and immediately after shooting Lennon, the assassin calmly sat down, pulled out Catcher in the Rye, and began reading it, in Manchurian Candidate style.  What an amazing series of coincidences!   Conspiracy researchers go back beyond that series of “coincidences” to note J.D. Salinger’s wartime intelligence experiences and CIA connections.  Nothing in that realm would surprise me.  Is there a little too much dot-connecting going on there?  That is likely, but many of those dots likely do connect, even some of the most outrageous of them.

For every one of those assassinations and attempts, it was a Lone Nut with intelligence connections, and in every instance, the officials almost instantly announced “no conspiracy,” and in the case of MLK’s murder, that announcement came before there were even any suspects.  I wonder if there has been a truly Lone Nut assassin in American history.  Uncle Mike also performed impressive work that supported the idea that Zachary Taylor was poisoned, and that his assassins had to poison him more than once, with arsenic.  This kind of behavior likely goes way back.  

In that shadowy world, a great deal of evidence is never going to officially come to light, such as Dennis’s “clean up” mission in Cambodia.  Scholars who mine the archives for their books on the CIA and covert ops are not playing with a full deck of evidence.  Heck, there is no surviving documentation regarding Hitler’s ordering of the Final Solution, but does anybody sane and informed think that he was not its primary author?  Historians have to connect the dots in such situations.  

After the 1980s, the Waco, Oklahoma City, and 9/11 events likely had far more than meets the eye to them.  If you watch The Rules of Engagement, you can see Joe Biden saying that those murdered people committed suicide.  But in recent years, conspiracists have gone overboard the other way, as the Boston Marathon bombings, Sandy Hook massacre and other violent actions have “false flag” appended to them by conspiracists, often within hours of the events.  I have seen prominent JFK voices join in that fray, which makes me wonder if they are on special assignment, to muddy the waters.  It got so disgusting that conspiracists argued that the Boston Marathon and Sandy Hook incidents did not even happen.  What a hideous disservice to the victims.  For the record, a pal had a relative at Sandy Hook when it happened, but the kid was in the upper grades, on the other side of the school.  That mass murder definitely happened.  If events are truly false flags, that assessment should only be made after long-time studying of the available evidence, not after a few hours or days of amateur “image analysis” and other shoot-from-the-hip theorizing, but that kind of hyperventilating happens after almost every mass shooting in the USA these days.  The USA is a gun-nut nation and extremely violent to people abroad, who did nothing to deserve it but sit on oil that we wanted or were an imperial obstacle.  How hard is it to understand that our exceedingly violent ways have come back to haunt us?  Violence begets violence, always.  

I have plenty more to write on this subject.  



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I don’t know of an official investigation into the assassinations over that generation which really tried to get to the bottom of it.  They all seemed to be more cover-ups than investigations.  I had a pal who lived in Manhattan on 9/11, and she was skeptical of the “inside job” allegations about the deeds until Bush nominated Henry Kissinger, AKA Mr. Cloak and Dagger, to head the 9/11 commission.  Then she was onboard with the idea that it was somehow an inside job, and just as Warren Commission members never believed the Magic Bullet, and hence, Lone Nut hypotheses about JFK’s murder, the co-commissioners of the 9/11 investigation believed that it was set up to fail.  The anomalies in the investigation were numerous.  

For me, the lesson of the JFK hit is not the murder, but the cover-up and subsequent murders and cover-ups likely carried out by the same interests.  The cover-ups speak to the legitimacy of the USA’s system.  The system is simply not worth believing in, and is based on violence, secrecy, and deception.  This series of posts is about what I learned during my journey, and letting go of the in-group ideologies that I was raised with was perhaps my journey’s most important achievement.  I was raised in a racist and bigoted household in history’s most racist as well as richest and most powerful nation, at the peak of its wealth and power, and I am a member of history’s most privileged demographic group.  As such, the inducements were powerful for me to play along and submit to my conditioning, and I have to credit my journey with Dennis for waking me up.  In ways, my “peers” are Earth’s least likely people to wake up, which is why they usually blow a gasket only a few pages into my work, such as here.  

Although I could not articulate it at the time, partly because my paradigm was still crystallizing (and did not really do so until I encountered Bucky Fuller’s work), I was taking aim at the in-group ideology known as American nationalism.  Americans are not really my target audience.  I gave up on them more than a decade ago, and am on a global search for those needles in haystacks.  However, for non-American readers of my work, it can serve as an example of how I took a meat ax to the in-group ideologies that I was raised with.  The only people who can really help with what I am doing are those who can relinquish all in-group ideologies and see all of humanity as one.  We are all behaviorally modern, with the same physical equipment and capacity, or close enough so that it makes no practical difference.  Sure, Ashkenazi Jews are highly intelligent, and sub-Saharan Africans whip the world in athletic feats, as they gave up the hunter-gatherer lifestyle later than other places, but in the Fifth Epoch, all such distinctions will quickly disappear.  

The goal of my big essay is to show:

Really, all of my work is about that, the JFK issue is just one facet of many, and more on that and related subjects is coming.   



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Thanks Ilie:

Wonderful post.  To the end of Ilie’s post, yes, it is not easy to know that free energy and related technologies are on the planet today, and continue to put gas in our cars, etc.  It is much easier to remain oblivious and blithely justify our zero-sum game world of scarcity and fear, and be happy that we live in “winner” nations that have Internet access, etc.  But as Yogananda’s guru said, to be oblivious like that is to sleep the fitful sleep of ignorance.  Being awake on this planet, and wanting to stay awake, is no easy trick.  Brian O felt guilty every time that he pumped gasoline into his car, and one of his allies once took Brian to task for using fossil fuels to fly around the world, spreading the free energy gospel.  I don’t share those kinds of sentiments, both of Brian’s guilt or criticizing him for flying around the world.  We each have to choose our battles and what our consciences can live with.  I am keenly aware of the cost to Earth and humanity of my lifestyle, and I do what I can, but if I decided to become some forest-dweller with my solar panels, growing my own food, I would not have had the time to do any writing, as my life would have been all about survival, and as Ilie has written, such a lifestyle is not nearly so “green” as some people pretend.  

I do see a distinction between Data and the ship’s computer, in that Data volunteered for Starfleet while the onboard computer did not.  However, that episode brings up the critical issue of if our technology becomes sentient.  I think that if it ever develops it, then, if we have reached that level of integrity, we will have to grant it the right to choose, and we might lose a few onboard computers that way.  :) There were many brilliant shows in the Trek canon, and when Picard gave Moriarty a universe to explore, because the ship’s computer indeed gave birth to sentience, it ended an awesome episode, and was typical Picard, in trying to give somebody what they wanted as a way to resolve a conflict.  Exploring big ideas like that is the essence of Star Trek, as it often has one foot in our Epoch and one in the FifthTrek continually encountered sentient life in the unlikeliest forms and places, such as microscopic ones that called humans “ugly bags of mostly water.”  :) I’ll agree with Ilie that TNG was the high point of the franchise, at least the last five years, and the stray episode in the first two seasons, and I saw a list not long ago that ranked TNG as the best science fiction series ever (it is almost always in the top 10).  I won’t argue against it.  

While reading up on the franchise’s philosophy long ago, I found that it was actually materialist in its orientation, even though there were other dimensions, such as where Q hailed from.  I always thought that making Lore the “bad Data” with emotions was not a very good plot device, IMO, as if emotions are what make us go bad, while the lack of them (with an ethics program) made Data the noble being that he was (kind of an android version of Spock).  A materialist orientation is going to have definite limits, but within Trek’s limits, it is one hell of a franchise.  This is the 50th year since it debuted, and I was allowed to stay up until 9:00 PM for the first time in my life, to watch it, as my family had a professional interest in it.  I toured Mission Control 50 years ago this month.  Where does a life go?

From what my pal saw and some of the scuttlebutt in my circles, sentient AI on the planet today would not surprise me.  But in that heavenly Roads world, the technology was not “alive,” so we might be a long ways off from sentient AI.  But just thinking about it, and its ethical ramifications, is great exercise for the mind. 

I wrote about it last year (which inspired a great series of posts) that in the late 1980s, after I rescued Dennis and began digging out of my financial abyss, I began building my mystical library in earnest, and subscribed to a channeling magazine, Spirit Speaks.  In one issue they published a letter to the editor from Gene Roddenberry, and he was hip.  So, the materialist orientation was not quite what he believed in, but I also understood his playing to this Epoch’s religion: materialism.  You can challenge some of our beliefs, but leave our religion alone!  :)

With that, I am going to segue a little to Frans de Waal’s book that I am currently reading, The Bonobo and the Atheist.  M. de Waal is the atheist, and in the book, he wrote about how science was on the verge of constructing a credible materialistic explanation for NDEs, as if it would be some great accomplishment (as there has not been a credible materialist explanation so far).  I am not sure that de Waal understands what he is doing: he is seeking confirmation of his materialist religion by banishing a threat to it, force-fitting it into the materialist box.  Even if they somehow concoct a credible materialist explanation (and they never will, for me, because I know too much), it does not mean that it is the accurate explanation.  It only means that they found an explanation that was somewhat palatable to their religion, but they will have to ignore a vast body of evidence that consciousness can exist independently from a functioning brain and has abilities that will forever defy materialistic explanations.  

Once you have your own mystical awakening, you can never go back to the dreary religion known as materialism.  Why would anybody even want to believe in a faith like that (I have the same question for today’s Judeo-Christian faiths, which includes Islam)?  M. de Waal is refreshingly honest, and his materialistic predilections seem to be a reaction to his Christian upbringing.  In a way, it is like Michael Shermer’s rejecting one religion to only embrace another with the same fanaticism.  To de Waal’s credit, he considers that “need to believe” to be the root of all religions, but he does not seem to count materialism among them.

I am not into belief, but am into the knowledge that comes from experience.  I have great respect for hard-won experience, which is why I avidly digest what fellow travelers have reported from their adventures.  You can’t buy that kind of education.  

For those who digest my work, there is really not much opinion and theory in it, but experience and fact.  I have seen many people confuse the two, especially the so-called “smart.”  Gary’s reporting of the John Tower conversation does not have anything to do with any theory.  Gary was reporting his experiences, which I consider to be fact.  I have watched people call it a theory as a way to dismiss it.  It is irrational to call it that.  Gary does come up with his own theory on the JFK hit, which I do not happen to agree with, which is that Jewish gangsters were the masterminds, while I see them more as interested parties who provided some of the muscle (Jack Ruby, for instance) and cover (Arlen Specter, for instance).  

However, disagreeing with Gary’s theories does not mean that I dismiss his experiences, and for those who dismiss Gary’s testimony as lies made in order to increase sales of his book, they are clueless armchair critics who never did anything of importance in their lives.  People such as Gary, or Ralph McGehee, or Brian O’Leary, do not make up tall tales to sell books.  To a degree, it takes one to know one.  Gary and Ralph had to get embroiled in harrowing legal battles (and Gary nearly lost his life), and Gary continually tried to get the evidence on the record in court.  For instance, I have witnessed anonymous coward “skeptics” dismiss Brian’s reporting of his life-shortening encounters with the American military over the UFO issue as Brian’s making up stories to attract attention, when the critics irrationally ignore the fact that Brian never publicly described his attack, out of fear that the military would then finish the job or take it out on his loved ones.  That kind of irrationality abounds among the “skeptics,” as they defend their faith, which in that case is a faith in the American political-economic system, which in reality is corrupt to its roots, which is the point of my current JFK series of posts, my writings on the American Empire, the lies I was raised with, and so on.  



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I alluded to it previously, when Hunt explained that JFK was killed to prevent him from disclosing the “alien presence” to the Soviet Union.  It was surely related to his trying to end the Cold War, and was likely related to his proposal for a joint American-Soviet mission to the Moon.  Anthropologists refer to it as “humanity’s flexible conscience,” but another way to say it is that people can justify anything, while ascribing some noble purpose to their deeds, even eating one’s children.  Hitler thought that he was doing God’s work, and German soldiers even had it engraved on their belt buckles.  Virtually everybody is noble, in their eyes, as they can justify anything.  

Gary wrote that Johnson initiated the cover-up to spare a massacre of Jews if the American public learned that Jews were behind JFK’s murder.  Many in the military were gleeful when JFK was killed (a man walked through my father’s office at a naval base, shouting his approval of JFK’s murder), and the same went for the CIA.  I have heard other rationalizations, in which either the killing or cover-up had some noble, in-group protecting motive, and I am sure that Wall Street breathed a sigh of relief, as well as mobsters.

I don’t buy any noble rationales for JFK’s murder or the cover-up.  Maybe Hunt believed what he was fed, and so did others, but it was just a cover for the exercise of raw power, and murdering the head of state and covering it up was a demonstration of it, and all future presidents heeded the message: you are expendable, so you had better play your role right.

According to Greer’s sources, Jimmy Carter kept persisting in pursuit of his campaign promise to get to the bottom of the UFO issue (after Bush the First rebuffed him, and Carter soon fired him as head of the CIA), and was eventually visited by some men who told him to recall JFK’s fate, and Carter never broached the subject again.  A “Friend of Bill” told Greer that if Clinton made a public issue of the UFO subject, that he could meet JFK’s fate, so they advised him to stay silent, and he did.  

Bush the Second’s energy advisor was one of Dennis’s fans, but it did not prevent the feds from running Dennis out of the USA after the robber barons got involved, the kind who own American presidents.  Sitting American presidents are down the food chain a ways, and they know it.  Suddenly, an American automobile company that worked closely with Dennis, with his 100 MPG technology, disavowed all knowledge of Dennis.  This is just how the world really works.  




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I am going to leave JFK, political assassinations, and cover-ups behind for now.  I summarized the JFK assassination milieu back in 2001, and my views have not changed.  Those days of assassinating prominent political figures in the USA ended in the 1980s, and I am not sure why.  As Mark discovered, killing free energy inventors also slowed down about when the Soviet Union crumbled, but it did not disappear altogether.  Brian had his brush with death in 1992 over the UFO situation, he knew too many dead inventor tales, and I did not blame him at all for moving to South America in the wake of Eugene Mallove’s murder in 2004.  The sense that I got in the free energy milieu is that their methods have been refined to the point where violence is rarely needed, and only used as a last resort.  I think that it also applies to American retail politics.  Killing public figures is just not as “popular” as it once was, as a policy tool.  Maybe somebody could enlighten me on it one day, but it seems to be at least partly because the game is so well in hand and the tools are so much more sophisticated.  I have heard stories about White Hats and their protection, from people who should know, but they hide in the shadows, too, and it beats me how much they might have to do with the changing trends.  

I see that I already wrote about my journey in the Apollo program Moon landings evidence in some detail, so I won’t revisit it in these lessons learned posts, but that was a very educational experience to get sucked down that rabbit hole and subsequently extricate myself, with a little help from my friends.  All explorers of the fringes should probably have at least one of those experiences.  

Another fringe area that I got sucked into was the Velikovsky issue, and I have also written about it at some length.  My take is that Velikovsky was treated pretty shabbily by the scientific establishment, but there is virtually nothing about his hypothesis, of catastrophic celestial events in the Holocene, that passes muster, as far as I have seen.  Carl Sagan kept the Velikovsky issue alive far longer than it needed to be, with his slipshod critique of Velikovsky’s thesis.  For me, my assessment of Velikovsky’s idea took an interesting path.  I came to the subject because of a critique of Sagan’s critique, I was far from competent to assess the issues, and spent years reading the salvos fly between Velikovsky’s defenders and critics, and when I resumed my science studies in earnest in 2003, after reading Fuller and the work of Velikovsky’s assistant, of all people, but on the Peak Oil subject, I withdrew from the Velikovsky fray and studied the science that I ended up summarizing in my big essay.  After a decade of that study, I reconsidered Velikovsky’s hypothesis again, and it did not come close to passing muster, not on the astronomical data, the evidence on Earth, and his literalist interpretation of ancient writings seemed strained.  I did not see any scholarly interpretations of Sumerian cuneiform provide any support for Velikovsky’s hypothesis (or Sitchin’s).  In the end, after studying several scientific and scholarly areas, and not with Velikovsky’s hypothesis in mind, I reconsidered Velikovsky’s hypothesis and I did not see anywhere that it held up.  

The only area where I gave Velikovsky some points was his advocacy of catastrophism when uniformitarianism was dogma.  But his work on the mammoth extinctions and pole shifts, for instance, is hopelessly outdated.  The rise of plate tectonics ended pole shift hypotheses, such as Hapgood’s, which even Einstein weighed in on, but again, it was before the rise of plate tectonics.  I became wary of grand interdisciplinary theses, although mine could be argued to be one, but I really don’t take on the orthodox positions, except in areas where I think that orthodoxy is flawed.  

While what my pal saw turns the physics textbooks into doorstops, I strongly doubt that Young Earth hypotheses have anything to them, or challenges to evolution as a process, or that Global Warming is a hoax.  I doubt that the physics explains how those surreal technologies work are going to overturn much in the way of Earth’s geological processes, the reconstruction of Earth’s history, or the history of life on Earth.  

I will soon summarize what I learned through my studies after my first stint with Dennis, and then I am going to cover my second stint with Dennis, and continue this series of posts to the present day and why I am taking my approach, which should become pretty obvious by the end of this series.  



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This six-month old series of posts is intended to show how I came to my current approach, and there were definite milestones, of training and study, then being thrown back into “battle,” then a period of recovery in which I studied, then back into the fray, then study, then into the fray again, and so on, until today, with an approach that is radically different from what it was when I met Dennis.

I was trained to be a scientist since I was knee-high, came from a high/low-intelligence family, and got lucky.  1974 was a key year in my journey.  Not only did the most prosperous period of the human journey end, which I was a beneficiary of, I went to Europe for two months after turning 16, had my mystical awakening a few months later, and that year is when I began dreaming of changing humanity’s energy practices.  Three years later, when I had my first existential crisis, a desperate prayer was answered and I left my science studies for business.  I once again aced the curriculum, but graduated during the worst recession in 40 years and was thrown into a hellhole.  I also began to immediately question my indoctrination, and the same month when I became radicalized, I discovered that my erstwhile profession was worthless, as it materially contributed to a national scandal.

I staggered out my home town in 1990, radicalized, and never returned, and I have summarized what I learned from the odyssey of my first stint with Dennis.  They were really my life’s most important lessons, and everything else paled beside it.  But I returned to my studious roots in the aftermath, in my “spare” time, and the next six years were educational.  What did I learn?  Here goes:

Those are the basics of what I learned in those years, which were relatively uneventful compared to other parts of my journey, believe it or not.  They were years of recovery from my adventures with Dennis and some of my life’s happiest years.  I also got sucked into controversies, such as the Velikovsky and faked Moon landings issues, and did not extricate myself from them until several years later.  



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I am constantly fielding comments and exchanges from people who really have no idea what I am doing, but think that they do, even people close to me.  Just yesterday, I fielded another “inventor with a gizmo” inquiry, and this time, it was some mail order company selling free energy machines.  There is no end to that crap out there, but people keep playing hopeful suckers, naively thinking that anything of any benefit is going to come through those channels.  It won’t.  The entire businessman/inventor’s path to free energy is delusional, and I should know.  It is tiring to constantly get those kindergarten-level queries, especially from people who should know better.

I also get people who don’t have the foggiest idea what my work is about, but criticize it, such as saying that my work is all about the darkness.  It isn’t.  It is about showing how societies call the darkness the light, such as mass murdering thieves being sold to me as heroes and saints, (1, 2, 3), or history’s greatest genocide as some glory story, or how murdering millions of people, mainly children, was all about “liberating” a nation from its dictator, when it was all about the oil, as usual.  Those are all in-group lies designed to sanctify evil deeds in which we are the beneficiaries.  Hitler had nothing on American empire builders, and in fact, he used our Founding Fathers as inspiration for his genocidal programs.  

Exposing that is intended to help people shake their in-group beliefs, as they are not going to be any help for my effort by dragging those self-serving delusions around.  When they do that, they fall short of being sufficiently sentient, as well as falling short on the integrity scale.  I need people with sentience and integrity for my plan to work.  Anything less is not going to cut it, but I don’t ask for heroic amounts of it, just enough to develop a comprehensive perspective and learn to sing the abundance song.  For what I am trying to accomplish, I am not asking for much, but I don’t kid myself: I am looking for needles in haystacks and know it.  

The problems with mounting my forum effort are the same ones for why almost nobody ever gets to Level 12: integrity and sentience.  Almost everybody who ever approaches me who is not in open denial or fear has a “bright idea” for making free energy happen that nobody has thought of before, but they are invariably naïve and inexperienced “ideas,” and they are trying to find the easy way out, making the biggest event in the human journey happen on their lunch hours.  They have to get past their egos, get humble, and be willing to learn, which means jettisoning almost everything that they think they “know,” which is almost always a big bag of lies that they were fed and unknowingly or uncritically digested.  

Almost all such “helpful” advice is along the lines of, approaching one or more of the following:


and so on.  Been there, done that, and more.  So far, very few people can even conceive of what I am attempting.  I am doing something different, and Brian and Dennis understood.  To the extent that people propose those above approaches, they have yet to relinquish their baggage, and are calling the darkness the light.  

There is light, but you aren’t going to find it, at least the kind that is going to make a dent, in those places listed above.  The best light to find is the one within ourselves, and only people who have found that are going to be helpful.  Until people can let that egocentric stuff go, they can’t be of any help.  I have laid out the curriculum, and just need people to do the work.  Then those with the right stuff will come to a place where those delusional approaches are easily seen for what they are, and they will become useful for this epochal task.



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I recently described what the strategy behind writing my big essay was, but what I left out were the realizations at the foundation of my approach:

  • Nobody’s in-group has what it takes for this Epochal task;
  • All in-groups, including all social circles, primarily exist for survival reasons, and readily pit one in-group against another;
  • Social and survival consciousness falls far short of the level of sentience and integrity needed for the group I have in mind to overcome humanity’s inertia and the organized suppression;
  • The group that I have in mind will not operate from social consciousness, but a far higher level of awareness, and relinquishing all of their in-group ideologies is a necessary part of the process;
  • The group that I have in mind will come together from a unity of purpose, not to meet their social needs, and that means relinquishing egocentric awareness (to the degree that we can) and attaining something that might be called soul-centric awareness.

That is far easier said than done, and it has never been attempted before, so I never expected it to be easy.  I have devoted the rest of my life’s “spare” time to this task.  Just yesterday, a pal asked if I thought I would live to see my life’s work come to fruition, meaning initiating the Fifth Epoch, and my reply was that I did not know, but I pray that I can at least live to see humanity move back from the edge of the abyss and begin moving in that direction.  We will see.  If nothing else, it beats watching TV!  :)

Happy New Year, 2017 promises to be an “interesting” year, and may you all fare well during it.  



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From when Mr. Professor and I busted Dennis out of jail in early 1989 to 1994 were some of my life’s happiest years.  I was involved with the woman who became my wife (I married her before moving to Ohio), I eventually escaped LA once more, and never returned.  I enjoyed living in Ohio (if it had mountains, I could have stayed), and the first three years of my controller job at that trucking company were among my most professionally satisfying.  But I spent my first two years working about 60-70 hours a week.  I remember my schedule back then.  Monday was 13 hours, Tuesday 12, Wednesday 12, Thursday, 11, Friday a mere 10, and I usually worked 8 hours on Saturday.  That is a 66 hour week, and was my typical week back then.  From nine-to-five, I juggled several crises at once, and after five I could do the accounting work that needed my undivided attention.  That is how corporate America is.  I came in with a professional background that the company never had before, and the man who ran the IT operation, and was a programmer (you might call him a CTO today), told me recently that those years working with me and my crew were the best years of his career.  We got a lot done, improving our systems, making everybody’s lives easier, and finally making some money.  

But that kind of pace takes its toll.  I had a stress breakdown in my public accounting days, a couple of months after the raid, and after three years of the controller job, the parent company decided to do a system conversion.  The software was made by a company with a virtual monopoly for mid-sized trucking companies, and the operations module, which manages the trucks and loads, was the only decent part of their software, but was not designed for an operation like ours.  I had heavily modified the software to meet our needs, working with the “CTO” and his crew, and migrating to an updated system meant that I would lose my mods.  There were other issues that I warned my CFO about, but my warnings went unheeded and we launched into the conversion, and for me, it was just heaped on top of all that I already did.  We spent a year preparing for the conversion, and a year recovering from it, as my CTO rebuilt my mods in the new system.  After about 18 months of that ordeal, I was fried once again.  

I have always had a kind of crazy loyalty for those whom I worked for, but corporate America takes all that you can give and then some.  I was talking with a pal recently, a CFO who I used to work for, and we talked about how corporate America was a big meat grinder, that chewed people up and spit them out when it was finished with them.  It is no way to live.  

By January 1996, I was going on Prozac, which was a nightmare and the only prescription drug that I was ever on.  I also drank heavily.  It is not fun recalling those days at the end of my tenure at that company.  Also, there was an industry slowdown, and my president was replaced by a man who was a sales type, and he had no comprehension of my way to greatly streamline our operations.  My protégé almost keeled over in my office, a couple of weeks after he took over my job, got out of there as fast as he could, and has had a nice gig for the past 20 years at a finance company.  Whenever he has a bad day, he thinks about his trucking days and is thankful for his position.  The salesman/president ran the company into the ground and was responsible for an accounting scandal that brought down the entire organization, which impacted thousands of lives.  To this day, I can read about truckers whose lives were ruined when the company folded, with their life’s savings on deposit with the company (to buy license plates and the like), which they lost in the bankruptcy.  If the company execs had understood what I was proposing, they would have thrived.  That salesman/president quickly became the CEO at another trucking company (the Peter Principle at work), and died in a motorcycle accident a few years later (no helmet, on his Harley).  I am not kidding – there was nearly jubilation amongst the people from that defunct company – and when I saw old colleagues on that Bucket List road trip in 2013, I heard comments such as, “He got just what he had coming.”  

When I saw Dennis when he got out of prison, it was mostly me listening to Dennis’s prison ordeal.  A year later, Dennis was traveling in Ohio and spent the night at my home.  We really did not talk much about his rebuilding attempts.  My life was wrecked in Ventura, in ways that I may never be able to publicly disclose, and Dennis keenly understood.  He usually wanted to talk about my family, but it was not a pleasant subject for me, and one that I would sooner forget about.  

We had no contact until the next year.  At the end of 1995, I bought 35 copies of Brian’s book on his free energy investigations, and in January, I heard that Dennis was coming through Columbus on a national barnstorming tour.  I took my protégé there, who had heard plenty about Dennis from me.  We went one evening after work, and I expected a turnout like for our first Greatest Energy Show, of maybe 30 people, and imagine my surprise when the place was packed to the rafters, with at least ten times as many people, including an Amish group, which I will never forget.  After the show, I told Dennis and his crew about what I discovered about how the Wright brothers were initially received by mainstream science, and he began using it in his speeches.  Brian called me a month or two later and noted that he and Dennis would be speaking at the same New Age expo, and I arranged for them to meet, which was the only time that they met.

But I was worn out by my job, went on Prozac about the same time, and Alison had me come out and help them set up their accounting systems.  Little did I suspect that it would all be mine one day.  Ever since Dennis got out of jail in 1989, he tried to coax me back into the saddle with him, but I was not interested.  

With my wife’s graduation from her doctoral program, and my weariness, we planned to move away, and I was going to take up to two years off to write a book (that goal eventually became my site as it exists today), and only a few months previously, I joined the evil empire and got a PC with Windows 95 (after being a Macintosh user at home for the previous six years), and this thing called the Internet appeared around then.  Little did I suspect what it would grow into.  

I stepped down as a controller in June 1996, at the end of my rope, and people in the office remarked on how they had never seen me walking around and smiling before.  I needed time off to recover once again, I only worked about 20 hours a week for the next few months, went off of Prozac, and began to recover during that summer.  I led a backpacking trip in Washington that summer, which was one of my life’s best (I also led one three years earlier, and have led trips ever since), and during that summer, Dennis mounted his second national tour, and I took my wife and brother (who lived with us at the time) to his show in Cleveland.  I believe that it was at that show when I first heard Dennis talk about the billion dollar bribe that he turned down before they lowered the boom on us in Ventura.  Only a few weeks earlier, I heard Ron Waugh talk about his investigation of the suppression of a high-MPG carburetor.

Dennis planned a grand finale to his second tour, to take place in Philadelphia, at the same stadium where the Philadelphia 76-ers played basketball.  Dennis invited me and Mr. Professor, and I drove from Ohio.  Dennis promoted Yull Brown on that summer tour like nobody did before or since, and I had an adventure just picking up Yull from the airport.  Mr. Skeptic began his “skeptical” career the day after the Philadelphia show.  While I did not miss any time at my trucking company, I fit in my 20 hours a week around going to the Philadelphia show, but did not tell that salesman/president about it, and he fired me while I was away.  It was about time to leave, anyway, and my protégé left before the year was out.

Dennis’s Philadelphia show is still the biggest free energy gathering in world history, but Dennis did not show off much technology, and his scientifically illiterate explanations to lay audiences often made me cringe, along with demonstrations that really did not demonstrate much.  Some did, but much did not.  After the show, Dennis asked me to come back to work for him, and in my weakened state, I agreed, but it was a mistake, for a few reasons.  I needed time off to recover, not walk into Hurricane Dennis again.  Also, after the Ventura experience, I strongly suspected that the inventor/businessman’s path to free energy was not going to work.  But Dennis also had never had quite the momentum that he had going then.  My wife lived with her sister in the San Francisco Bay area while I worked for Dennis in New Jersey that winter of 1996-1997, and it was all like a bad dream to me, as I saw her once a month for a long weekend.  Here comes what I learned from my second stint with Dennis.  



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I spent the month of October 1996 writing 400 pages of text, and 50 pages in one day was my record that month.  My mother came to visit us, with my youngest brother’s living with us, for the first time that I had seen her in nearly a decade, and I would not see her again for more than another decade – our relationship was never the same after Ventura.  I took those 400 pages, along with about 200 pages of other writings (partly Ralph’s quotation collage), and published it on the Internet in early November.  That was long before companies such as Google, and I had to register my site with places such as Yahoo!.  The day after I registered my site, I found Mr. Skeptic’s, and we engaged in cordial dialogue for several months as he confirmed all of my worst suspicions about organized skepticism, and he eventually took his psychopathic mask off while demonstrating his criminal dishonesty.  I could be wrong, but today I think that he was being paid to engage in his vendetta against Dennis, to then quietly fold his tents after Dennis was run out of the USA.  It is more psychologically interesting if Mr. Skeptic engaged in his crimes as a free-lancing Establishment defender, although he was likely being paid for his “skepticism.”  

Immediately after publishing my first site, I drove to New Jersey and began working for Dennis.  The first two weeks were spent in the hotel room that Dennis had rented for Yull Brown, who never used it.  After two weeks, it was back to Ohio to close down our home.  My wife moved to California, I moved to New Jersey with our two cats and my library, and we put most of the household into storage in Ohio.  Our lives were literally scattered across the continent.  My wife is ultimately happy that I signed up with Dennis again (and later Brian), as I “got it out” of my system.  

In early December, my bookkeeper handed me a letter from our phone company.  Back when Dennis was on his first barnstorming tour in early 1996, the Justice Department (which previously called Dennis “squeaky clean”) subpoenaed Dennis’s company’s phone records. The law provided for the Justice Department’s issuing a 90-day gag order on the phone company from notifying us.  The first gag order expired about when Dennis began his summer tour, and the Justice Department renewed it for another 90 days.  When that expired, our phone company was finally free to tell us.  In the neo-Orwellian days of Homeland Security, it became a crime if our phone company ever notified us.  In the wake of the Snowden relations, Internet and phone companies are finally showing a little spine.  Will it get worse under Trump?  We’ll see.  If we ever get a fascist demagogue (Bush played one after 9/11), and it remains to be seen with Trump, the path will have been long laid by American governmental actions against its citizenry.

When I saw that letter, it brought back images of the sharks circling in Ventura, never quite knowing when they would strike.  The attacks in Seattle had similar early warning signs.  I was really in no shape to walk back into Hurricane Dennis, and drank heavily that winter, usually getting a six-pack of beer on the way home and drinking it with my cats, writing half-drunken emails to people, and the like.  That winter is like a bad dream to me today, not the least of which was living away from my wife and only seeing her once a month over a long weekend.  I hate long airplane flights, and today I hate flying in general, with the near-body-cavity searches that accompany getting on a plane.  I have successfully avoided flying for the past four years.  

So, I was in no shape to rejoin Dennis (I doubt that I ever will be), and things began going downhill for me immediately, and the Justice Department’s actions comprised an early sign for me, but it was far from the only, and coming soon are the lessons that I learned from my last stint with Dennis, and some were not learned until more than a decade later, when I finally realized that we were being set up for a sting by Godzilla’s minions, as they took the game to new levels.



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When I think back to my second stint with Dennis, not being ready to walk into that hurricane again was a key issue, although there was not nearly the kind of pressure that I had in Boston and Ventura.  When I was out there briefly in early 1996, Dennis’s operation was primarily staffed by volunteers, and they all lived in a huge, five-story house, which had more than 10 bedrooms, huge rooms that became offices, and the like.  It was quite a place.  Having volunteers was a step in the right direction, but also, Dennis eventually realized that he often got what he paid for with the volunteers.  

The volunteers came from Patriot, Christian, and even New Age circles.  Some good people came via those routes, but also people who eventually betrayed the operation.  When I started with Dennis again in November 1996, the staff was almost all employees, with the volunteers working at the R&D facility and elsewhere.  Alison and Dennis learned their lesson of employees having office keys, and when I was there, I was the only person besides Dennis or Alison who used the office key to unlock the front door, and I only did it a couple of times.  

When I joined the operation, Dennis was helping support a group of Christian businessmen who allegedly had a trillion dollar trust.  After they gave a billion dollars of food and supplies to the Soviet military, as the Soviet Union was crumbling back in 1990, the American banking system froze all of their cash.  Soon after that, we were contacted by representatives of American Indian nations, who used their sovereign nation status to play the bank debenture game, under the tutelage of the self-described sixth most powerful man on Earth, whom Dennis visited in his penthouse suite in Manhattan when I was there.  Dennis had me renew my passport, so that I could go to London and close a deal.  

I came to realize that it was all an elaborate set-up, to ensnare us in a sting operation, to put us in prison and end the threat that we posed once and for all.  Godzilla took his game to elaborate new levels with us.  No more mere inveigling of provocateurs into our operation (1, 2) and getting us for not filing a form.  Elaborate operations were set up, like in the movie The Sting, and when I heard Tom Bearden talk about how they almost got him, at about the same time that they tried to sting us, I had no idea that we had been targeted the same way.  I did not realize it until a decade later, as I did a little research in the wake of the 2008 financial collapse.  

I now know that if I had gone to London, I might have never returned.  I was already done with the businessman’s route to free energy, and had been since 1997, but I was doubly done when I realized how close I came to going to prison.  

In 1987, Dennis’s mantra was that the people really cared, but had nothing worth caring about.  A decade later, in New Jersey, Dennis admitted that almost nobody really cared, but he was still sifting through humanity’s mine tailings, looking for nuggets.  Although he had some volunteers, the momentum was still built through business opportunities, and he was promoting inventors once again, as he did in Seattle and Ventura.  I saw the same kind of parade as I had witnessed before, of inventors coming through, hawking their wares, in it for the money, fame, and the like.  Dennis threw almost all of his eggs into Yull Brown’s basket, and like a typical inventor, Yull was in it for the money and fame, and he betrayed Dennis big time while I was there.  I had a sobering experience of speaking at Department of Energy hearings, where the hearings’ organizer admitted that the entire set-up was a scam, only window-dressing to fabricate the appearance of public involvement.  

If there was a silver lining in Yull’s antics, it was that he kept blowing the deals apart that Dennis was trying to put together, with his crazy demands.  If Dennis had put a deal together, it was likely going to be with those sting people, so Yull’s craziness worked out in the end.  But Yull left Dennis high and dry.  When that happened, Dennis looked for Victor Fischer and found him.  Mr. Professor never forgave Fischer for what he did in Ventura, and when Fischer left Dennis high and dry in New Jersey, after Dennis hitched his wagon to Fischer’s, I was not surprised in the least.  When I saw Dennis and Alison in 2013, I mentioned how Fischer’s behavior was no surprise, and Alison said that Fischer exploited Dennis’s weakness in believing in people who did not deserve it.  Almost nobody on Earth deserves it.  

There is more coming on my days in New Jersey and what I learned.  



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That winter of 1996-1997 was like a bad dream for me, in more than one way.  Being separated from my wife was part of it.  But the biggest part was taking in Dennis’s effort, what we were attempting, and seeing whom we were doing it with.  Dennis was not playing the free energy game then, but put all of his eggs in Yull’s basket, chasing after the federal government, to use Brown’s Gas to neutralize nuclear waste.  Dennis was playing to the federal government, “Patriots,” and Christians, while selling business opportunities.  Dennis was no longer dealing with the heat pump, but had a grab bag of products: Brown’s Gas machines, an electric motor modification that he was developing, his autobiographical books, and a smattering of other “general store” kinds of products, some of which were innovative, such as a silent and vibration-free jackhammer.  Dennis was just throwing as much at the wall as he could, to see what stuck.  In the end, none of it did.

Dennis has sold some amazing products, but the high point of his career was in Seattle, when he threatened to carpet Puget Sound with his heat pump.  He was selling disruptive energy technology in a novel way by putting it on people’s homes for free.  Nothing like that has been seen before or since on Earth.  Dennis got to experience organized suppression in a big way in Seattle, for the first of several instances like it.  Organized suppression is definitely a big hurdle to overcome, especially when the subject becomes free energy.  For a gathering of saints it would be hard enough, but Dennis was working with humanity’s “mine tailings,” and Godzilla took his game to a new level in New Jersey, with a sophisticated sting operation.  We did not have a prayer, and the inventors betrayed Dennis right and left, Yull and Fischer most prominently, and my strong suspicion in Ventura turned into certainty in New Jersey: the businessman/inventor’s path to free energy did not have a prayer.

Most free energy efforts never even leave the inventor’s garage.  He (almost always a he) either never taps the ZPF in a meaningful way, runs out of money, burns the house down or cripples himself in an accident, or gets screwed by his “allies,” as the Treasure of the Sierra Madre effect takes over and it turns into a bloodbath of greed.  If he ever gets something going, then it starts getting rough.  Mark was not seeking fanfare with his gizmo, but naively did it in the belly of the beast and had hell to pay.  Adam, on the other hand, demonstrated gizmos publicly and spoke publicly, such as in Manhattan and at the United Nations, and he has survived dozens of murder attempts since then.  His story and Dennis’s are the two most preposterous that I have heard of, in any field.  Brian’s being asked/ordered to go to Mars is only an amusing footnote to our adventures.  Sparky tried to go the inventor/businessman’s route and was driven into hiding from Godzilla’s death threats at his life’s end.  I had my own nightmare in the milieu.  Joe Newman’s thinking that he was The Second Coming, or Keshe’s announcing that he is the Messiah, are just days in the office in that milieu, in which almost nobody has the right stuff, with their posturing, greed, and other deadly sins on full display.  In Seattle, Boston, Ventura, and New Jersey, I witnessed or heard about several dozen attempts to steal our companies, and people would try to steal or pirate our technologies, and the like.  It eventually became like that saying, “I used to be disgusted, but now I am just amused.”

The vast majority of free energy inventors you never hear about, as Godzilla’s surveillance activities are second to none.  He nips those problems in the bud, and has used the big checkbook strategy thousands of times.  He tried it on us twice (1, 2), and when we did not take the money, then he stopped playing nice.  He has refined his game to a science.  By those days, I also knew that whatever the tinkerers were working on in their garages had been developed to commercial levels before I was born.  

As with Greer, billionaire “philanthropists” would swarm Dennis when he was flying high, but they were all a bunch of vulture/parasites and none of them parted with a dollar.  The “fat cat” path has never worked (and neither has beseeching any other group or institution), and Dennis doggedly tried the mass movement approach over and over, and his latest attempt got him run out of the country, even when the sitting American president’s energy advisor was one of Dennis’s fans.  I refused to be part of that operation, and thank my lucky stars every day that I turned Dennis down.  We learned our “environmentalist” lesson back in Boston.  

As I took in what we were doing, I really soured on our effort, and Dennis let me move home to Seattle in the spring of 1997, eleven years after I met him in Seattle, and I never left and don’t plan to.  Dennis’s effort collapsed a few months later, and he limped along with Fischer for a few more years, until Fischer betrayed him and left the scene once again.  I had learned my life’s primary lesson in Ventura, and I never saw anything afterward that trumped that lesson.  It is just who humanity is, behaviorally modern humans living in a world of scarcity and fear, and it does no good to judge the situation.  The entire free energy field has been stuck in arrested development since before I was born.

That goal of writing a book was delayed by the New Jersey experience, but once back in Seattle, I began the study and writing that became my site today.  It is a far cry from those 600 hurried pages that I published back in 1996.  Over the next six years, I spent about four of them working full-time on my studies and writing.  I published one version in 1999, and a pal whom I met in a Velikovsky forum offered to become my editor, to turn my literary “wine into brandy.”  I got the lesson of my writing career from her editor’s red pen.  My writing improved so much that one professional writer pal doubted that I wrote it.  It is all mine, as I think that my daily writings have demonstrated.  She also helped edit my big essay, but provided little more than some grammar tips.  I am always learning something new as a writer.

As I look back at my studies and writing efforts, I think that I can divide the effort in two phases.  From 1989 to 2002, when I published my site largely as it stands today, it was about what isn’t, as I deconstructed the lies that I had been raised with.  After 2002, it was about what is, as I discovered Fuller’s work, resumed my science studies in earnest, and wrote far more comprehensively.  Almost all of the essays after this part of my home page were written before 2003, and almost everything before it was written after encountering Uncle Bucky.  

Also, when I began resuming my science studies in earnest, I signed up for the last free energy effort that I ever will join, when Brian asked me to help him found NEM.  My wife was once again happy that I did it, as I got it out of my system.  After the NEM fiasco, I rejected all attempts to enlist me into different efforts, including Dennis’s and Brian’s later entreaties.  I was an able spear carrier for them, but I realized that the group that I thought might have a chance did not yet exist.  My efforts since 2007, after my midlife crisis ended and I got booted out of forums, have been specifically intended toward building that group.  But I first had to write the textbook.  

The coming posts are going to be about those scholarly years, from 1997 until the NEM fiasco that ended for me in 2004, and what I learned in those days.  



Edited by Wade Frazier
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