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Hillary blames FBI Director Comey for her loss

Douglas Caddy

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FBI Director Hoover played a crucial role in the JFK assassination cover-up. Acting FBI Director Gray played a crucial role in the Nixon criminal cover-up while FBI Assistant Director Felt at the same time played a key role in bringing Nixon down by leaking information to the Washington Post. FBI Director Comey played a crucial role in rigging the presidential election.

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30 minutes ago, Douglas Caddy said:

FBI Director Hoover played a crucial role in the JFK assassination cover-up. Acting FBI Director Gray played a crucial role in the Nixon criminal cover-up while FBI Assistant Director Felt at the same time played a key role in bringing Nixon down by leaking information to the Washington Post. FBI Director Comey played a crucial role in rigging the presidential election.

Hear hear pass the word!

Donald Trump is not my President!

Can you imagine what would have happened if Comey had loudly announced a potential FBI investigation into Trump 11 days out -- and then Trump wins the popular vote?

Trump would be calling for citizens in the street screaming Rigged Election (and they'd be right).

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2 hours ago, Douglas Caddy said:




She is right about this. It was a stealth plan to rig the election conceived weeks in advance by Guiliani, NYPD, and the FBI.


Either that, or Comey was more concerned about appearing to be transparent than he was about being fair.

--  Tommy  :sun

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5 minutes ago, Thomas Graves said:


Either that, or Comey was more concerned about appearing to be transparent than he was about being fair.

--  Tommy  :sun

Don't buy it.  He could have checked those e-mails in a day.

It was an intentional violation of he Hatch Act.

The head of the FBI is a criminal, a traitor to the Constitution

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My sources tell me that Anthony Weiner was a patsy. The FBI was dying to get its hands on his computer, for any Huma emails, so it lured Weiner into sexting a supposed underage girl. It was actually James Comey himself.

Wait till Hillary hears about this!




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33 minutes ago, Ron Ecker said:

My sources tell me that Anthony Weiner was a patsy. The FBI was dying to get its hands on his computer, for any Huma emails, so it lured Weiner into sexting a supposed underage girl. It was actually James Comey himself.

Wait till Hillary hears about this!

Ahhh, hate to break it to ya Ron but I think there was a garbled transmission with your sources.

Not "patsy"..."pastey."

He used a lot of paste.

Edited by Cliff Varnell
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5 hours ago, Ron Ecker said:

My sources tell me that Anthony Weiner was a patsy. The FBI was dying to get its hands on his computer, for any Huma emails, so it lured Weiner into sexting a supposed underage girl. It was actually James Comey himself.

Wait till Hillary hears about this!

That's an interesting take. Where did you hear it?




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HRC took this cue from Podesta and her other aides.

See, they were so confident they would win that they never even contemplated a concession speech.

So Podesta came out after and lied to the crowd about the election not being completed yet.

Ten minutes later HRC calls Trump and concedes.  That night they write the speech.

They were so confident they would win, and the so called liberal blogosphere was so confident they would win, that they were utterly shocked at what happened.  But yet Trump's campaign had planned it out very strategically and executed it very adroitly.  Bannon was on the radio the next day and said: we knew we had to take Florida and North Carolina first.  And they worked on that.  In the north they planned on breaking into the Rust Belt.  They thought they would take Ohio and Iowa.  They did even better of course.  But they were banking on that because HRC was so weak on NAFTA, CAFTA and TPP.  And it worked thematically.  Not even the west firewall could save HRC then.

They  got beat tactically and strategically.   And they had all the advantages: money, experience, number of employees, media, and they let a novice like Bannon outflank them.  Shameful. Especially in light of the fact that Sanders would have won going away. Because he could neutralize Trump on trade and jobs.

So they have to  come up with Comey as a scapegoat.  Yep, the 26 per cent Latino vote Trump got was over those emails.  Right.

Edited by James DiEugenio
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1 hour ago, James DiEugenio said:

HRC took this cue from Podesta and her other aides.

See, they were so confident they would win that they never even contemplated a concession speech.

So Podesta came out after and lied to the crowd about the election not being completed yet.

Ten minutes later HRC calls Trump and concedes.  That night they write the speech.

They were so confident they would win, and the so called liberal blogosphere was so confident they would win, that they were utterly shocked at what happened.  But yet Trump's campaign had planned it out very strategically and executed it very adroitly.  Bannon was on the radio the next day and said: we knew we had to take Florida and North Carolina first.  And they worked on that.  In the north they planned on breaking into the Rust Belt.  They thought they would take Ohio and Iowa.  They did even better of course.  But they were banking on that because HRC was so weak on NAFTA, CAFTA and TPP.  And it worked thematically.  Not even the west firewall could save HRC then.

They  got beat tactically and strategically.   And they had all the advantages: money, experience, number of employees, media, and they let a novice like Bannon outflank them.  Shameful. Especially in light of the fact that Sanders would have won going away. Because he could neutralize Trump on trade and jobs.

So they have to  come up with Comey as a scapegoat.  Yep, the 26 per cent Latino vote Trump got was over those emails.  Right.

Clinton will end up winning the popular vote by nearly 3 million votes.

Getting Comey to smear Clinton was a brilliant campaign move, no doubt.

And in Jim DiEugenio's alternative universe voter suppression paid no role.

Clinton was denied the opportunity to make her closing argument because all the cable news shows fixated on her e-mails over the last 11 days.

Trump's major strategy depended on turning cable news shows into Reality TV -- The Donald J. Trump Show starring Donald J Trump featuring the lovely Ivanka!

Those who didn't follow this show know nothing about the 2016 election.



Edited by Cliff Varnell
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I agree with Jim D 100%.  If HC had this in the bag, that little escapade with the FBI wouldn't have mattered. But she didn't have it in the bag, far from it. HC knew she was in trouble the weekend before the election when she made last-minute trips to states that had been Democrat strongholds for years.

The polling system pretty much got it all wrong too.  They didn't go out to canvass the places where the forgotten folks came out in droves to vote for Trump.  On the day of the election, the NY Times had her winning by an 84% chance.  This, to me, proves the polling was way off track and not polling the "little people," the folks who bought into Obama's "hope" message in '08 and '12 but felt it was business as usual in Washington.  She was one of the most establishment candidates they could have picked (another Clinton...really?) and when they picked another establishment figure like Kaine over someone who could have added a little bit of left-wing flavor to it like Warren, that was pretty much the end of it.

Also, 48% of Dems did not come out to vote.  I can count two here - my wife and I both did not vote.

The media, too, especially like CNN, got it all wrong, smugly predicting her win, not factoring in those "forgotten folks" mentioned above.

As for all of the "Trump's not my president" and the other nonsense, it's time to sit back and see what he will do once sworn in.  I'm an optimist, but I want to give him the benefit of the doubt.  He seems to be trying to say things lately that are quite different than all of his "sell it to the crazies" statements he made during the campaign.  I'm banking too that he did a masterful sales job on those same crazies.  I know this is a fact because I have several of those "crazies" in my family so I know whereof I speak and know how they think.

Here are two great articles that paint an in-depth picture.  HC is just using the FBI thing as her excuse for dropping the ball on what she doesn't seem to actually get what happened on 11/8:



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Trying to paint HRC as a "change candidate"  was just about hopeless.  And Trump knew it and he pounded that home in the debates at every opportunity he had.

But two other things really betrayed that also.  As you say the choice of Tim Kaine, but also Wikileaks.

Assange releasing all those documents which showed:

1.) The DNC being an agent of the Clinton campaign, and 2.) Their feverish plotting against Sanders

And also, the marginalizing of Sanders at the convention.  They robbed him of one of one of his speakers.

Not only did all this show that she was an insider establishment candidate, who could not even be fair with a real change candidate, it also gave some truth to the rubric 'crooked Hillary". Which is another meme Trump tried to pin on her.

IMO, this is why she (shockingly) lost those Rust Belt states.  When I saw that on Tuesday night I said to myself "Its over.  If she cannot even take Pennsylvania, then Trump is president."  That is where the convention was, and that is where she had her big last night rally with the Obamas and Springsteen.  If you got all that and you still cannot win, yep I would blame Comey too.


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Mike, that second article by Wolff also is pretty much right on.

When the media turned on Trump, approximately after the Democratic convention, that inadvertently helped him, because it again showed how he was the outsider candidate and HRC was the insider.  And BTW, this was correct.  Because in those Wikileaks documents it shows how HRC was colluding with the media on how to portray Trump.  If I recall correctly, a reporter from POLITICO passed his story on to her campaign, before he even showed it to his editors!  That is how in the bag the media was for HRC.

We complain about a declassification problem in the JFK case.  Assange cured it for the 2016 campaign at least.  That guy should get Man of the Year for exposing how rotten the Democratic Party really is at its core.

Edited by James DiEugenio
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