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What's wrong with the ROKC website?

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For the last couple of week I've all kinds of trouble opening the ROKC website in my browser. Sometimes I get an error that the site has expired (e.g. due to lack of payment), and other times it takes forever for the page to load, and I give up.

I just tried to load the folowing page and got the site expired error:


Is anybody else having these problems? Note that the ROKC site is the only website I'm having trouble with.

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The Webs forum was first down due to a complaint.

We decided to go back to Forum Notion that was pretty dormant for almost two years.and copied the most important posts from Webs over to the old forum.

Then the subscription ran out and they wanted a heck of a lot of money to reinstate it.

With the most important content copied over, at this time, there is no interest to revive the Webs ROKC forum at this time.

Trying to get stuff redirected as we speak.


Edited by Bart Kamp
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