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How Russian Cyberpower Invaded The U.S.

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Dear Members,

I've noticed that James DiEugenio, Douglas Caddy, and a few others post stuff here from time to time that doesn't relate directly to the assassination, so I thought I'd give it a shot, too.


The linked article "Dukes" (Cozy Bear) is quite technical, but interesting. 

--  Tommy :sun


PS  My e-mail address is tommyomochain@gmail.com in case anyone would like to contact me.  If I don't respond, it's probably because I got suckered into drinking some glowing-in-the-dark tea with the Ruskies.  (Google "Alexander Litvinenko")

Edited by Thomas Graves
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On 5/15/2017 at 2:24 AM, Thomas Graves said:

Dear Members,

I've noticed that James DiEugenio, Douglas Caddy, and a few others post stuff here from time to time that doesn't relate directly to the assassination, so I thought I'd give it a shot, too.


The linked article "Dukes" (Cozy Bear) is very technical but interesting nevertheless.

--  Tommy :sun


PS  My e-mail address is tommyomochain@gmail.com in case anyone would like to contact me.  If I don't respond, it's probably because I got suckered into drinking some glowing-in-the-dark tea with the Ruskies.  (Google "Alexander Litvinenko")

Bumped, because it seems to be kind of a "timely subject" in our nation, and you know, if the KGB's Department 13 really would have automatically interviewed Marine Oswald in the old U.S.S.R. (as Golitsyn claimed), then maybe, just maybe it somehow kinda ties in with the subject of this forum???

--  Tommy :sun

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On 5/16/2017 at 10:33 AM, Thomas Graves said:

Bumped, because it seems to be kind of a "timely subject" in our nation, and you know, if the KGB's Department 13 really would have automatically interviewed Marine Oswald in the old U.S.S.R. (as Golitsyn claimed), then maybe, just maybe it somehow kinda ties in with the subject of this forum???

--  Tommy :sun

Anyone care to comment?

I mean, do you think it's just "Fake News," you know, just another evil "National Security State" or "Deep State" (and "Main Stream Media" of course) conspiracy to blame that nice man, Vladimir Putin?

Or is it just too gosh-darned confusing / depressing / upsetting / painful to think about?

Along the same depressing line of thought, do you agree with Yuri Nosenko that, contrary to what that dirty CIA dog Anatoliy Golitsyn said, KGB's Department 13 had no reason whatsoever to interview LHO in the USSR? You know, seeing as how he allegedly tried to kill himself and everything (did they happen to find that 2" scar on his wrist at autopsy?) and taking into consideration what Nechiporenko and Leonov said about Oswald's being very unstable and everything, no wonder the KGB didn't want anything to do with that crazy Oswald (Hmmm ... Did the Mexican Government or Moscow ever come up with those 9/28/63 and 9/29/63 documents that Nechiporenko/Kostikov/Yatskov and Leonov claimed to have sent? They didn't??)

Don't be shy.  I'll try not to laugh too hard.

--  Tommy :sun

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Why do we act so surprised and feign outrage that Russia may have hacked a political organization? I am grateful that we have the hacked emails at our disposal. I am not saying that I support another country meddling in our affairs, but the information brought to light was extremely enlightening and has not even been questioned as being false. 

Oh yeah, the US would never attempt to influence another countries elections or assassinate political foes either foreign or domestic.

My question is, what do you suggest we do about the Russians?

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20 hours ago, Ty Carpenter said:

Why do we act so surprised and feign outrage that Russia may have hacked a political organization? I am grateful that we have the hacked emails at our disposal. I am not saying that I support another country meddling in our affairs, but the information brought to light was extremely enlightening and has not even been questioned as being false. 

Oh yeah, the US would never attempt to influence another countries elections or assassinate political foes either foreign or domestic.

My question is, what do you suggest we do about the Russians?

Dear Ty,

Regarding what I "suggest we do about the Russians (Putin, Medvedev, Lavarov, et al.)," I have four equally-practical answers for you (warning -- I may think of more, later):

1 ) Invite them over to have tea and crumpets with us, and, if they come, be sure to take our tea cups with us if and when we have to visit the loo.  (google: Litvinenko)

2 ) Nuke them in a massive surprise attack and precipitate Armageddon.  (What the hell, the sun's gonna melt us in a couple of billion years anyway.)

3 )  Learn to appreciate the finer points of cheap Russian vodka as we struggle over our new Russian-As-A-Second-Language textbooks. 

4 )  Roll over and play dead.  Maybe they'll go away!

--  Tommy :sun

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So if I can read through your sarcasm, I see you list every option that has been tried or thought of in the past 70 years. However, you forgot the one where we bring them a big red "reset" button.

I guess option 2 is the only good one then. Once General Buck Turgidson is installed, I guess nuclear armageddon it is.


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45 minutes ago, Ty Carpenter said:

So if I can read through your sarcasm, I see you list every option that has been tried or thought of in the past 70 years. However, you forgot the one where we bring them a big red "reset" button.

I guess option 2 is the only good one then. Once General Buck Turgidson is installed, I guess nuclear armageddon it is.



Dear Ty,

Have you actually read any of the recent stuff (like within the past two months, or so) that I've "linked" members to in my so-called "Anti-Russia" posts on this forum? Particulary the current "Nosenko and the Warren Report" thread and the "James Jesus Angleton" thread?

Please do so and then get back to me.

And while you're at it, take the time to watch this (evil, evil?) January 2015 PBS "Frontline" video:  http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/frontline/film/putins-way/

And it would be really, really nice if you picked up a copy of Tennent H. Bagley's book Spy Wars at your local library and  ... read it.

--  Tommy :sun

Polite Warning:  I'm gonna ignore any and all of your future posts on this thread until you've done the above and you're able to successfully answer, via PM if you wish, some easy-peazy questions to prove that you really have.

Oh yeah.  Silly me.  And this article, too, of course:  https://www.nytimes.com/2016/12/13/us/politics/russia-hack-election-dnc.html



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