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What Are Your Top Ten JFK Assassination Research Tools?

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I don't have ten, but I do like https://mediabiasfactcheck.com to help me weed out  Alt-Left , Alt-Right and also "wacko" CT-oriented "news sources", open-source bellingcat.com (regarding mobbed-up KGB-boy Vladimir Putin's shennanigans around the world during the last 5 years or so, which in turn kinda sheds a light on KGB mentality and goals, imho), and the Mary Ferrell Foundation, of course (I really should renew my membership).  

Oh yeah, and I should say that I've found that Bill Simpich's State Secret is so well "sourced" that it's a pretty darn good research too, too.  I also like John Newman's Oswald and the CIA.

That's all I can think of for now.  I'll probably add some more, later.

What about you?

What are YOUR "Top Ten"



--  Toomby :sun

PS  Did I mention the Education Forum?

PPS  Did I mention Google Search, you know, using it the way I suggested to Paul Brancato a year or so ago?  You know, using quotation marks, "ctrl" + "F", etc.

Edited by Thomas Graves
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Top Ten Education Forum Threads........ lol!


Marquette University JFK Assassination Witness Page

A clickable index to all (?, or a bunch of)  Warren Commission, Shaw trial, and HSCA witness testimony; ARRB docs, FBI affidavits, and more.



Lopez Report



Boris Yetsin's Kennedy papers



Rare and out of print JFK books


Edited by Michael Clark
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17 minutes ago, Michael Clark said:

Marquette University JFK Assassination Witness Page


Thanks for the input, Michel.

Looks like an unbiased and authoritative resource.  Thank you for bringing it to our attention.

Now, anyone else?  What are your favorite research tools and sources?

Did I mention Wikipedia and the fact that, according to https://mediabiasfactcheck.com , Wikipedia is a "Least-Biased" news source with "High" factual reporting? (as is, by the way, https://bellingcat.com )

--  Thomas / Tommy :sun

Edited by Thomas Graves
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20 minutes ago, Thomas Graves said:

Thanks for the input, Michel.

Looks like an unbiased and authoritative resource.  Thank you for bringing it to our attention.

Now, anyone else?  What are your favorite research tools and sources?

Did I mention Wikipedia and the fact that, according to https://mediabiasfactcheck.com , Wikipedia is a "Least-Biased" news source with "High" factual reporting? (as is, by the way, https://bellingcat.com )

--  Thomas / Tommy :sun


I am not vouching for the Mcadams site.

It is WC testimony so I'll take it at face value, and it has/is a clickable index.



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1 hour ago, Michael Clark said:


I am not vouching for the Mcadams site.

It is WC testimony so I'll take it at face value, and it has/is a clickable index.




I didn't mean to insinuate that you were.  

Heck, some of our very best "the gosh-darned National Security State Military Industrial Intelligence Complex did it!"  researchers reference stuff from the McAdams website from time to time, so there's no reason for you to feel particularly ashamed of yourself, imho.

Your buddy,

........ uh ........... Tommy?      


PS  Better wash your hands to get the cooties off, though.

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On 5/18/2017 at 4:03 PM, Michael Clark said:

Various reading Material....


Peter Dale Scott on CIA Drug Trafficking, Managed Violence & the Russian 9/11



Atta boy.  Keep 'em coming.

I hope PDS doesn't blame the "Russian 9/11" 1999 Russian Apartment Bombings on the CIA, Dick Cheney, and / or George Soros!

The 1999 Russian Apartment Bombings:   -- read the Wikipedia article on it and watch PBS's "Putin's Way" ... for free !

--  Tommy :sun

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On 5/18/2017 at 4:09 PM, Thomas Graves said:


Atta boy.  Keep 'em coming.

I hope PDS doesn't blame the "Russian 9/11" 1999 Russian Apartment Bombings on the CIA, Dick Cheney, and / or George Soros!

The 1999 Russian Apartment Bombings:   --  If you're interested, you can read the Wikipedia article on it and watch PBS's "Putin's Way" ... for free !

--  Tommy :sun


Here's another resource that looks pretty darn good at first glance:


--  Tommy :sun


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