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Federal Tax More than Doubled since JFK Admin

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Federal Tax More than Doubled since JFK Admin.  That's per person in US, not per taxpayer:



Edited by David Andrews
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The primary reason per capita income tax has doubled since JFK is that per capita income has double:


So the doubling of taxes is due to a good thing... greater income.

The bad thing is that this increase in income has ALL gone to the top 20% of income earners. Income has remained flat for everybody else. At least that has been the case since 1979.

(If you're in the bottom 80% and wonder how it is, then, that your income is greater now than forty years ago, it's only because of inflation. Your buying power has remained constant.)



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I am glad my poverty is justified by statistics.  I had thought society was meant to progress with time, and my standard of living to improve.  I am fortunate and grateful to be disabused of that notion.  I love Big Brother.

Edited by David Andrews
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The reason income has increased is because of automation. Machines do more of the work and mankind benefits from it. But only those who can afford to own the machines profit from them. While many of the others lose their jobs to the machines.

And for some reason many at the bottom like it that way. Conservatives, libertarians in particular. They see it as being fair.

Progressives like myself believe that everybody should benefit from automation. Income and wealth redistribution are two means of achieving that. And so we have entitlement programs, the Earned Income Tax Credit, and Obamacare. So even though the income of those at the bottom has stagnated, their spending power has increased some due to these programs.

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