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!WARNING! LOG OFF NOW>>Java script JS/Dldr.Agent.ab.12

John Dolva

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virus infecting some ad wait till fixed >>>> wait for all clear from administrator

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virus infecting some ad wait till fixed >>>> wait for all clear from administrator

I am having difficulty loading the page that gives recent posts. I get the message:


John's anti-virus went off with that address showing as the culprit.

That adv497.wmf in John's message seems to be the adv497.php in your address.

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Subjects which seemed to cause hackings/outages on the DellaRosa forum:

Judyth Baker

James Files

Moorman photo

Zapruder film

Apollo photos

Kerry/Bush campaign

One identified hacking group was called LITTLE GREEN FOOTBALLS.

Another was in the Netherlands. Another suspect was called BAD ASTRONOMY.

When Dolva first posted his warning and I opened it, my computer would not

then access any other board messages. The next day I got a message that

the forum was shut down because of technical difficulties. Now everything

is back to normal.


Edited by Jack White
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Last night the Forum was hacked and began dropping out particularly nasty Trojans and viruses. It also is redirecting to a site which appears to be a gay porn site full of virus problems. The Forum is now been cleaned. It seems that there is a security weakness in the validating process. We have therefore decided to change the way people become members. In future, to become a member, people will have to send me an email with a biography and a photograph.

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It is because I am dumping on the 1963 joint chiefs, likely as not.

And indicting Treasury Secretary Clarence Douglas Dillon,

they hate that stuff, too, Jack............

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