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David Andrews

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  1. Remember, it was a Harvey-and-Lee thing... Copyright infringement was all part of the tres riche heures of the 1970s.
  2. And remember, consumers... "avoid the Internet forums at all costs. They are a colossal waste of time. "Those forums are entertainment websites, not serious vessels of education. They are largely populated by one of two groups – newbies who know nothing about the case, or Internet trolls feeding on the newbies." We're the Robert Booth Nichols of the Web.
  3. Christian, can your techniques be used to analyze other suspected photo or film alterations? These come to mind: The backyard photos Frames of the Z-film that show parts of the rear head wound despite the paint-over The LHO image purported to be in a TSBD window (above)
  4. I'm reminded of the Stephen King movie The Dead Zone (1983), where only clairvoyant Christopher Walken can see that candidate Martin Sheen is unhinged and power hungry, and as future president will be willing to cut off the JCOS chief's hand to slap it on the palm reader that enables the missile launch. One of the better SK adaptations, if you're so inclined. "Do it, general, and go down in history with me. The people speak through me."
  5. This is a reach, but whenever I read the Tippit witness describing a gunman with hair squared off behind...Sturgis.
  6. Is it possible Huber saw the right hairline wound, which would have been on Huber's left hand, and transposed the perspective?
  7. A through-and-through hole with sunlight shining through?
  8. On the topic of false flag, reminding all that this is the second (?) terror attack on a Moscow theater since 2002, FWIW, and again over territory in dispute. Sorry to cite wiki, but my eyes aren't open yet this morning. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moscow_theater_hostage_crisis
  9. Keven, in your "stare of death" detail posted above, with yellow arrow, notice there is almost a straight line of black on the left border of the front wound. Looks very un-hairlike. If you look at a full, larger version of the photo, the black covers the parietal area and seems to proceed upward into JFK's crown hair. That's what I meant by "What's all that black?"
  10. In this fine and valuable post, terms used are a bit fluid among interviewees and the author. The author makes distinction between use of an optical effect (an inserted traveling matte, not used) and aerial imaging (painting in the forward head wound, skull "flap," and skull explosion). Rutan, however, cites the forward wound as an "optical" effect. The forward skull "flap" is rather realistic looking in Zapruder. Is it possible that the forward wound is actually a filmed image of the rear wound transposed to the right front, through whatever means? Combination of traveling matte for the "flap" with aerial imaging used to create the skull explosion? Appearance of a manufactured right front "flap" in the autopsy photos would require taking the time to review the doctored Z-film and replicate the altered frames. Alternately, what's up with all the black over the parietal area in the "stare of death" photo? Check full size at link https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Autopsy_of_John_F._Kennedy The frontal wound images and records need some further examination. Good one, Keven.
  11. If one wanted a warts-and-all analog to Joe Frady, protagonist of The Parallax View... But let's see what Jim D researches. And, I agree - someone got too close to the network and paid for it. It's obvious Riconsciuto spread disinfo...but why did someone have to die if it was a pack of lies?
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