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Airbus A380

John Simkin

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The Guardian gave a lot of coverage to the launch of the Airbus A380. They definitely seem very interested in this aspect of visit to Toulouse. I think it might be possible to get them interested in working with us to produce teaching materials on this subject.

This was something we discussed in a previous meeting of the Virtual School. Has there been any developments with this? Would it help us to integrate this in some way to our E-HELP project?

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The Guardian gave a lot of coverage to the launch of the Airbus A380. They definitely seem very interested in this aspect of visit to Toulouse. I think it might be possible to get them interested in working with us to produce teaching materials on this subject.

This was something we discussed in a previous meeting of the Virtual School. Has there been any developments with this? Would it help us to integrate this in some way to our E-HELP project?

My school's contribution came to an abrupt halt with the departure of Peter the geography teacher. However, we are planning to produce a series of lessons sometime after half-term. We have arranged a meeting with Guy Jalabert, professeur émérite de l’université du Mirail in Toulouse next Wednesday. He is the leading authority on the impact of Airbus on the region and we hope to get him in to talk to our students and to help us produce resources.

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  • 3 months later...
Think of the pollution :rolleyes:

Thanks Andy. We're about to start teaching our aviation project in a few weeks this link is really useful, particularly because it contrasts with the Airbus position recently outlined at a Geneva environmental conference.

Glad to be of some assistance.

I can't imagine it will be easy teaching impartially about the impact of aviation in your context.

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Just to remember you that I elaborated a simple web page. A Flash presentation by Ramón Burgaleta and a collection of links on Spanish Aviation history. Maybe we can use it for EHELP.

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