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"Watergate: The Hoax" now released; excerpt

Ashton Gray

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I'm very pleased to report that my book Watergate: The Hoax has been released and currently is available on Amazon, iBooks, and Barnes & Noble. The trade paperback version will be available on Amazon within a matter of days.

Here is an excerpt from it, Chapter 20, "The Nixon Problem":

You don’t have Nixon to kick around any more.

Richard Nixon
Out, damned spot! Out, I say!
Shakespeare, Macbeth
Nixon . . . hates us.
L. Ron Hubbard
Before this narrative can proceed, it regrettably has to address Richard Nixon. On 20 January 1969, the same day the Greek commercial associations had sent a letter pleading for the Scientologists to be allowed to stay in Greece, he was sworn into office.
It isn’t that he’s a mere footnote to Watergate, the hoax; he was, after all, the President of the United States, and had more indelible blood stains on his hands than Lady Macbeth. There are no tears shed here for Nixon. He got no worse than he deserved.
That said—with gusto—still, history has been unkind to him on the subject of Watergate. Or perhaps that should say that historians and so-called “journalists” and so-called “authors” have been like teenage girls with a gushing crush on him, attributing to him downright godlike powers of conspiracy. “The Official Story” of Watergate, the one pawned off on the world by Woodward-and-Bernstein and the idiots in Congress (but I repeat myself, apologies to Mark Twain), is the biggest and most downright laughable “conspiracy theory” ever concocted. It posits Nixon as some sort of all-powerful Svengali making his army of mindless automatons do his bidding—apparently through telepathy, because not one scrap of evidence ever has surfaced, anywhere, even slightly linking him to a single order for any of the CIA-connected Watergate thugs to do anything they did.
It seems that somebody, somewhere, should get around to noticing that.
At every moment after the arrests, Nixon looked and sounded like he’d been hit between the eyes with a two-by-four. He was stunned, and from the first instant was trying to play catch-up to the ever-escalating scandal. That’s exactly where Helms had wanted Nixon: trying desperately to figure out what was going on and why, then trying to cover it up because he was informed—after the fact—of what “his people” had been doing. Except the key “his people” were all the CIA’s people, and Nixon was like a stumbling gladiator with arterial bleeding from the first blow. He was going down.
Others can go right on analyzing to death what Nixon did and when and why—but they better do it now with the firm realization that there was no “first-break-in” at all, or they are off wandering in the same swamp as all who have gone before—and never made it out.
The only thing this narrative seeks to do with regard to Nixon is to explore why the CIA had to bring down Nixon at the same time they brought down Hubbard and stole his OT levels. That’s pretty easy to analyze, and doesn’t require any telepathy. It’s spelled out in no uncertain terms by L. Ron Hubbard himself, in a bulletin he wrote on 24 April 1960: [see NOTE below]
A person named Richard M. Nixon will enter his name this Fall at a convention as a citizen aspiring to the Presidency of the United States. Many Scientologists think he is all right because I once quoted him. This is very far from the facts and I hasten to give you the real story why Richard M. Nixon must be prevented at all costs from becoming president.
Two years ago in Washington this man’s name appeared in a newspaper article as uttering an opinion about psychology. I called attention to this opinion as a matter of banal interest in an article.
Shortly two members of the United States Secret Service, stating they had been sent directly by Nixon, entered the establishment of the Founding Church of Washington, DC, armed with pistols, but without warrant or formal complaint, and with foul and abusive language threatened the girls on duty there.
Hulking over desks, shouting violently they stated that they daily had to make such calls on “lots of people” to prevent Nixon’s name from being used in ways Nixon disliked.
These two men stated they were part of Nixon’s office and were acting on his express orders. They said that Nixon believed in nothing the Founding Church or Scientology stood for.
Their conduct before the ladies present was so intolerable that Mary Sue, having heard the shouting and curses from her office, had to come and force these men to leave, which they finally did, but only after she threatened to call the police.
As Scientologists were present, much information was obtained, of course, from these agents as to their routine activities. These were not creditable. Nixon constantly used the service against the voteless and helpless people of Washington to suppress the use of his name.
I am informing you of an exact event. It convinced me that in my opinion Nixon is not fitted to be a president. I do not believe any public figure has a right to suppress the use of his name in articles. I do not believe a public figure should enforce his will on writers or organizations by use of the Secret Service. I believe a democracy ceases to exist when deprived of freedom of speech. I do not believe any man closely connected with psychiatry should hold a high public office since psychiatry has lent its violence to political purposes.
Would you please write your papers and tell your friends that Nixon did this and that his actions against private people in Washington cause us to defy his cravings to be president.
It’s my hope you’ll vote and make your friends vote. But please don’t vote for Nixon. Even his own Secret Service agents assure us he stands for nothing we do.
I do not tell you this because Mary Sue came close to serious injury at Nixon’s hands. I tell you this because I think psychiatry and all Fascist-Commie forces have had their day.
We want clean hands in public office in the United States. Let’s begin by doggedly denying Nixon the presidency no matter what his Secret Service tries to do to us now in Washington. It is better, far better, for us to run the risk of saying this now, while there’s still a chance, than to fail to tell you of it for fear of reprisals and then be wiped out without defence by the Secret Service or other agency if Nixon became president. He hates us and has used what police force was available to him to say so. So please get busy on it. I am only telling a few friends.
So never mind whatever Nixon may or may not have known about CIA involvement in the assassination of John F. Kennedy—which he seemed to call “that whole Bay of Pigs thing”—or how fervently he disliked their Ivy League airs, or how psycho he was, or whether he had an impulse to firebomb the Brookings Institute upon hearing of Ellsberg’s betrayal with the Pentagon Papers blindside haymaker.
That doesn’t matter to what Watergate was. “Watergate” was a CIA code word. “Watergate” was a hoax, and a target of the hoax was Nixon and his stooges.
Everything that matters about Nixon here, in this context, is contained in that bulletin above. It tells exactly why the CIA had to remove Nixon after it took out and nullified Hubbard, and stole his OT levels for the “remote viewing” program. Nixon never would have stood for Scientology being used in his administration for intelligence purposes, had he found out. He hated the Hubbards and Scientology.
That’s also the complete reason why Spiro Agnew had to be taken out as Nixon’s VP: the CIA had Gerald Ford waiting in the wings for Vice President, and Ford was witting. Ford was in the club on “that whole Bay of Pigs thing,” having helped cover it up on the Warren Commission. He also had been brought in early on with the CIA’s plan for the take-down of Hubbard and the craven need for seizing the OT levels in the Coldest War for the minds and souls of men.
Ford also was going to help get revenge on Hubbard for an old and dear friend: he was going to name Nelson Rockefeller as his VP when he took over the presidency from Nixon.
Nelson had a score or two of his own to settle with L. Ron Hubbard. And Nelson had some friends in the psycho-establishment who would be only too eager to help in any way they could.
With the CIA, they had developed lots and lots of ways.
[NOTE] This bulletin is found in several places, in full, on the Internet, as though in the public domain. One source also presented an old hardcopy of this that was described as having been posted on a staff bulletin board at the time of its writing, and that hardcopy had no copyright mark or statement. Also, L. Ron Hubbard himself cancelled this in a later Policy Letter of 10 January 1968, which said in pertinent part: “All statements attacking any political entity or ideology are hereby withdrawn and canceled in any lectures or literature.” Given that this bulletin was so “withdrawn and cancelled,” it cannot have any intrinsic monetary value to be compromised by its reproduction; it’s value here is strictly its historical value, and this work could not possibly be complete and relevantly commented without the full understanding of its historical impact on events that followed, which this historical work is covering. We therefore feel that its inclusion in full is justified on all levels, including indispensible Fair Use.
This chapter also is posted at the Chalet Reports site: http://www.chaletbooks.com/chaletreports/?p=652
Edited by Ashton Gray
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I hope you will post further excerpts. Perhaps there were multiple reasons the CIA had to take Nixon out of office.

I agree that he did not authorize the June 17 break in but he certainly advanced the cover up.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I hope you will post further excerpts. Perhaps there were multiple reasons the CIA had to take Nixon out of office.

I agree that he did not authorize the June 17 break in but he certainly advanced the cover up.

Great to see you around these parts again, Dawn. Yes, I will post further excerpts pretty soon. I've just been slammed in the wake of the book's release, and had to take a bit of a sabbatical. It was 20 years of hard road.

And, yes, Nixon of course advanced the cover-up. He had no choice. He had been adroitly framed, and he was completely stupid not only about the fact that he had been framed, but about how or why. Even the White House tapes demonstrate that.

The real irony is that he lost the office—and America lost the office at the same time—because of a cover-up of the real cover-up. "Watergate" itself was a cover-up of something far filthier than what the perps "confessed" to. Their "confessions" were scripted lies—and they couldn't even get the script right.


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