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Since November 24, 1963, Has Jimmy Breslin Been Writing A Script

Guest Tom Scully

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Guest Tom Scully

This topic relates to these other threads:

Dr. Malcolm Perry R.I.P. (1929-2009)

Why transcript 1327C is a fraud, The record of the first Parkland press conference has been doctored

Paul Mandel and the Zapruder Film

Reading the Breslin intro article the other day, written and published on November 24, 1963; before Ruby shot killed Oswald, influemced me to associate it with a foul smell. A smell even fouler than you smell after reading the posts by John Simkin and Bill Kelly about Paul Mandel and his article, at the link above this paragraph.

If it didn't seem more like a script than the earnest work of a journalist, back when it was published, the years, the comments of the Connallys, and the two later articles by Breslin, referenced below, seem to make it so, in hindsight. Breslin, in a few short paragraphs,gets it all, done, for Dr. Perry, for the official line, only in it's infancy, at that early date, making the contents of "A Death in Emergency Room One," all that more remarkable.

Breslin exhibit's none of the curiousity displayed in the questions asked Dr. Malcolm Perry in the November 22, afternoon press conference. Breslin avoids asking Perry or quoting him as to Perry's opinion as to whether the wound in JFK's neck is an entrance or exit wound. Is it an innocent omission, failing to connect, after writing that an exit wound does horrific damage, for Breslin to vigorously embrace the emerging, "LN shooting from the rear, from the sixth floor window," after also writing a description of the frontal neck wound like this one?

".The wound in the throat was small and neat. Blood was running out of it. It was running out too fast. The occipitoparietal, which is a part of the back of the head, had a huge flap. The damage a .25-caliber bullet does as it comes out of a person's body is unbelievable...."

This is curiously out of character for a sharp guy like Breslin who does not neglect to subtely pronounce Oswald as guilty and crazy, using a unique description of opinion of Oswald's mental state, exactly the same as Connally's widow is quoted using between 1998 and 2003.

In Breslin's 2003 article, he unquestioningly presents Dr. Perry as a victim of the press, even though Dr. Perry had later all but denied the head wound description, quoted above by Breslin in 1963.:


"In an interview with the HSCA's Andy Purdy in 1-11-78 Mr. Purdy reported that "Dr. Perry... believed the head wound was located on the "occipital parietal" (sic) region of the skull and that the right posterior aspect of the skull was missing..." (HSCA- V7:292-293) Perry told Mr. Purdy: "I looked at the head wound briefly by leaning over the table and noticed that the parietal occipital head wound was largely avulsive and there was visible brain tissue in the macard and some cerebellum seen..." (HSCA-V7:302-interview with Purdy 1-11-78.

Inexplicably, Perry told author Gerald Posner on April 2, 1992, "I did not see any cerebellum." (Gerald Posner, "Case Closed", p. 312) When told that Robert McClelland, MD had claimed "I saw cerebellum fall out on the stretcher", Posner claimed Perry responded, "I am astonished that Bob wound say that... It shows such poor judgment, and usually he has such good judgment."

Jimmy Breslin's two days of "work" in Dallas preceding his November 24 article seems too pat, indicates that he had too much access; not only covering points like he did in his attention to Dr. Perry, but he presents a description of the bronze casket, the sicth floor window at the TSB, Oswald as the LN shooter....even of an expectation of a perpetually graceful and silent widow Jackie. Breslin seemed to have too much access that weekend, in the midst of such turmoil, to Dr. Perry, the priest, the funeral director, the history of the TSBD building, and he seems to have been everywhere; to the point where he observed Oswald in a Dallas P.D. hallway....similar to the perception we have of Jack Ruby seeming to be everywhere, that friday and saturday.

In the 40 years following the initial article, Breslin did not fail to continue to finger Oswald as the LN, and in 2003, he helped distort the record of Dr. Perry's actual November 22, front wound assertions, although they had been on the known record for 27 years....using the same false ploy the NY Times used in Dr. Perry's obituary, just last week. At the least, Breslin quoted Dr. Perry's distortion of what he told reporters, alongside Dr. Clark Kemp during the November 22, press conference, supporting Dr. Perry's false victimhood, without checking the transcript of that press congerence, available since 1976.


A Death in Emergency Room One

By Jimmy Breslin

New York Herald Tribune

November 24, 1963

....Perry hung up and walked quickly out of the cafeteria and down a flight of stairs and pushed through a brown door and a nurse pointed to Emergency Room One, and Dr. Perry walked into it. The room is narrow and has gray tiled walls and a cream-colored ceiling. In the middle of it, on an aluminum hospital cart, the President of the United States had been placed on his back and he was dying while a huge lamp glared in his face....

..The President, Perry thought. He's bigger than I thought he was.

He noticed the tall, dark-haired girl in the plum dress that had her husband's blood all over the front of the skirt. She was standing out of the way, over against the gray tile wall....

...Here is the most important man in the world, Perry thought.

The chest was not moving. And there was no apparent heartbeat inside. The wound in the throat was small and neat. Blood was running out of it. It was running out too fast. The occipitoparietal, which is a part of the back of the head, had a huge flap. The damage a .25-caliber bullet does as it comes out of a person's body is unbelievable. Bleeding from the head wound covered the floor.

There was a mediastinal wound in connection with the bullet hole in the throat. This means air and blood were being packed together in the chest. Perry called for a scalpel. He was going to start a tracheotomy, which is opening the throat and inserting a tube into the windpipe. The incision had to be made below the bullet wound.

"Get me Doctors Clark, McCelland, and Baxter right away," Malcolm Perry said.

Then he started the tracheotomy. There was no anesthesia. John Kennedy could feel nothing now. The wound in the back of the head told Dr. Perry that the President never knew a thing about it when he was shot, either.

While Perry worked on the throat, he said quietly, "Will somebody put a right chest tube in, please."...

...He saw only the throat and chest, shining under the huge lamp, and when he would look up or move his eyes between motions, he would see this plum dress and the terribly disciplined face standing over against the gray tile wall.

Just as he finished the tracheotomy, Malcolm Perry looked up and Dr. Kemp Clark, chief neurosurgeon in residency at Parkland, came in through the door. Clark was looking at the President of the United States. Then he looked at Malcolm Perry and the look told Malcolm Perry something he already knew. There was no way to save the patient.

"Would you like to leave, ma'am?" Kemp Clark said to Jacqueline Kennedy. "We can make you more comfortable outside."

Just the lips moved. "No," Jacqueline Kennedy said....

...Malcolm Perry turned to leave the room as Father Huber came in. Perry remembers seeing the priest go by him. And he remembers his eyes seeing that plum dress and that terribly disciplined face for the last time as he walked out of Emergency Room One and slumped into a chair in the hall.

Everything that was inside that room now belonged to Jacqueline Kennedy and Father Oscar Huber and the things in which they believe....

...This is different. Oh, it isn't the blood. You see, I've anointed so many. Accident victims. I anointed once a boy who was only in pieces. No, it wasn't the blood. It was the enormity of it. I'm just starting to realize it now."

Then Father Huber showed you to the door. He was going to say prayers.

It came the same way to Malcolm Perry. When the day was through, he drove to his home in the Walnut Hills section. When he walked into the house, his daughter, Jolene, six and a half, ran up to him. She had papers from school in her hand....

..Malcolm, his three-year-old son, ran into the room after him, and Perry started to reach for him.

Then it hit him. He dropped the papers with the block numbers and letters and he did not notice his son.

"I'm tired," he said to his wife, Jennine. "I've never been tired like this in my life."...

..At 10 a.m. we dodged cars and went out and stood in the middle lane of Elm Street, just before the second street light; right where the road goes down and, twenty yards further, starts to turn to go under the overpass. It was right at this spot, right where this long crack ran through the gray Texas asphalt, that the bullets reached President Kennedy's car....

...The windows on the first three floors are covered by closed venetian blinds, but the windows on the other floors are bare. Bare and dust-streaked and high. Factory-window high. The ugly kind of factory window. Particularly at the corner window on the sixth floor, the one where this Oswald and his scrambled egg of a mind stood with the rifle so he could kill the President.

You stood and memorized the spot. It is just another roadway in a city, but now it joins Ford's Theatre in the history of this nation....

....A red convertible turned onto Elm Street and went down the hill. It went past the spot with the crack in the asphalt and then, with every foot it went, you could see that it was getting out of range of the sixth-floor window of this rust-brick building behind you. A couple of yards. That's all John Kennedy needed on this road Friday.

But he did not get them. So when a little bit after 1 o'clock Friday afternoon the phone rang in the Oneal Funeral Home, 3206 Oak Lawn, Vernon B. Oneal answered.

The voice on the other end spoke quickly. "This is the Secret Service calling from Parkland Hospital," it said. "Please select the best casket in your house and put it in a general coach and arrange for a police escort and bring it here to the hospital as quickly as you humanly can. It is for the President of the United States. Thank you."

The voice went off the phone. Oneal called for Ray Gleason, his bookkeeper, and a workman to help him take a solid bronze casket out of the place and load it onto a hearse. It was for John Fitzgerald Kennedy.

Yesterday, Oneal left his shop early. He said he was too tired to work.

Malcolm Perry was at the hospital. He had on a blue suit and a dark blue striped tie and he sat in a big conference room and looked out the window. He is a tall, reddish-haired thirty-four-year-old, who understands that everything he saw or heard on Friday is a part of history, and he is trying to get down, for the record, everything he knows about the death of the thirty-fifth President of the United States.

"I never saw a President before," he said.


'Bonnie and Clyde' Revisited

". . . The movie is only a reflection, a very pretty one, of what makes people murder. Real murderers aren't ever that pretty . . ."

* By Jimmy Breslin

From the July 8, 1968 issue of New York Magazine.

..Now look at the man. He's playing a killer and he's handsome. This doesn't go. I mean, what the hell is this all about? You want to see a real killer, then you should have been around to see Lee Harvey Oswald. He was a miserable looking son of a bitch with blackheads on the sides of his nose and dirty sweat showing on the top of his chest, where he had the collar of his plaid sports shirt opened. The Dallas police brought him out of an office into a jammed hallway so they could take him to the bathroom and everybody got a good look at him. Richard Speck fits here too. He killed eight nurses in Chicago. He had slimy hair and acne all over his face. He stayed in flophouses that had no baths and he put cologne over his sweatdirt-streaked body so nobody would smell him. James Earl Ray is a guy with a prison face. Sirhan Sirhan has grainy skin and greasy hair. When they got him up on the metal table in the kitchen, his eyes were bugged out and rolling around. When somebody got at him and gave him a good choke, his tongue flopped out of his mouth and the teeth around it looked rotten.

Now the Mafia has some good-looking killers. But the Mafia is different. They do straight political executions....They don't bother you. The thing that cuts into your sleep is an acne-faced creep coming out of the woodwork and pulling the trigger at somebody who is good. On the plane coming back from the funeral in Washington, John Seigenthaler, who was in the Justice Department when a Kennedy ran it, kept shaking his head and saying, "All the people we went after, major criminals, and in the end the ones we should have been worried about were little sick creatures running around waiting to shoot a President."...


An Assassination Diary - The last surviving passenger of JFK's death...

- Newsweek - NewsBank - Nov 23, 1998

Mrs. Connally had put the diary away in December 1963 and rediscovered it only ... Oswald - "a scrambled egg brain with 15 bucks" for a high-powered rifle


40 Years After Shots in Dallas, A Survivor's Painful Memories

New York Times - Oct 31, 2003

''A $15 gun and a scrambled-egg mind caused all that horror,'' she said. ... Photos: Nellie Connally,


JFK limo's last survivor shares her memories Connally widow's...

- San Antonio Express-News - NewsBank - Nov 4, 2003

... Nellie Connally took out a legal pad and scribbled out over 22 pages every ... he (Oswald) did it with a $5 gun and a scrambled-egg brain," she said. ..


Doctor caught in history's spotlight has a lingering regret

Jimmy Breslin

Sunday, November 23, 2003

....Malcolm Perry listens to the wind coming through the trees with a low roar, or a whistle, or suddenly, a shriek that sometimes is familiar to him.

The shrieks of Parkland Memorial Hospital have run through all the hallways and rooms and arenas of all the years, softening now, diminishing, but burrowing into the wind and reaching the unwilling consciousness of Dr. Malcolm Perry. He was working on John F. Kennedy's heart when he died in Parkland Hospital on the fall day in 1963.

"It was a bad weekend," he remembers. Kennedy was on Friday. On Sunday, he operated on Lee Harvey Oswald. "A bad weekend and a bad aftermath."

The trouble at the end came when he walked into a large, writhing news conference, something in which he never had been involved. And for good reason,

this was the only one like it since Lincoln.

He observed that a throat hole looked like an entrance wound. He had qualified the observation in the next sentence but virtually nobody paid attention. They took that throat wound and carried it over the years into proof of a conspiracy. Somebody shot Kennedy from the front, in the throat. Somebody else shot him in the back of the head. So many wanted to believe the worst.

Malcolm Perry then slipped away from questioning and walked into his own world of surgery and silence. He never spoke to news reporters. He mentioned his experience to practically nobody. He wanted to be known as a fine doctor. From 1978 until 1988 he was chief of vascular surgery at New York-Cornell Hospital in Manhattan....

....The IBM clock on the wall said it was 1 p.m. of Nov. 22, 1963.

Afterward, the sound that follows him began with the caterwauling and clatter of a mob in a conference room. He said that he thought that the small hole in Kennedy's throat looked like an entrance wound.

Right after his entrance-wound statement, Perry said, "Neither Dr. Clark nor I know how many bullets there were or where they came from."

Right away, so many took the entrance wound at the throat to mean the shot had come from the front, not the rear, which was the Texas School Book Depository building where Lee Harvey Oswald fired out of a sixth-floor window.

"I shouldn't have said anything," Malcolm Perry remembers today. "I was naive. I didn't know how much trouble I could get into. I shouldn't have surmised. If I hadn't said that, there wouldn't have been a conspiracy theory."

The exams later showed it was an exit wound. No matter now. The conspiracy theories clutched the throat wound....

...Perry testified for a day at the Warren Commission. He wonders if any reporters read the report. For the cry of conspiracy was raised by the jackals...

...Dr. Perry's initial reaction to the gaping throat gash depicted in the autopsy photographs was astonishment. He later told a fellow Parkland physician (David Stewart) that he had left the wound "inviolate." In an interview with journalist Jimmy Breslin that was conducted within 24 hours of the assassination, Perry also used the word "inviolate." In fact (just to confuse the issue a bit more...) Breslin quoted Perry as saying that he made the trach incision BENEATH the wound! Whether that was an accurate quote or not, Perry's repeated use of the word "inviolate" (and there are at least two other occasions in which he used the word in the same context...) make clear the vast difference in appearance between Dallas and Bethesda.
...In an attempt to prevent (Bobby) Kennedy from being elected, J. Edgar Hoover leaked a report to Drew Pearson and Jack Anderson that when Kennedy was attorney general he had authorized the FBI to wiretap Martin Luther King. (81) Despite this news, Kennedy continued to get the vote of the black community and his campaign went well in California. However, rumours were already spreading that Kennedy would die during the campaign. The FBI had picked up reports of an overheard conversation between Jimmy Hoffa and a fellow prisoner in the Lewisburg penitentiary about a contract to kill Kennedy. (82)

One of the more chilling stories appeared in “American Journey”. Jimmy Breslin asked several reporters around a table whether they thought Kennedy had “the stuff to go all the way”. One of the men at the meeting, John J. Lindsay replied: “Yes, of course, he has the stuff to go all the way, but he’s not going to go all the way. The reason is that somebody is going to shoot him. I know it and you know it, just as sure as we’re sitting here. He’s out there waiting for him.” (83).

On 4th June, 1968, Harold Weisberg appeared on television in Washington where he discussed the possibility of Robert Kennedy being assassinated. Weisberg recalled a meeting with a Kennedy aide. Weisberg asked why Kennedy had supported the conclusions of the Warren Commission Report. He replied: “it is simple, Bobby wants to live.” Kennedy’s friend added that there were “too many guns between Bobby and the White House”. Weisberg asked who controlled these guns. The friend replied in such a way that Weisberg got the impression that he meant the CIA. (84)...

Edited by Tom Scully
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Tom, I've also taken a look at Breslin, and concluded he was just a typical sloppy journalist, more concerned with HIS own impressions than in anything resembling the facts. Compare his 1993 article below with his others.

From patspeer.com, chapter 19:

An August 25, 1993 article by columnist Jimmy Breslin suggests that Thomis was far from alone in his desire to report the story as he wanted it to be, rather than as it was.


"Case Closed" is a book that tells the truth. It was written by Gerald Posner and published by Random House. Posner shows that Lee Harvey Oswald killed President John F. Kennedy by himself. Case closed.

Then there is Oliver Stone, whose movie "JFK" was what my friend Fred Dannen of the New Yorker magazine calls, "An intellectual snuff film. Literal truth is murdered on screen."

I was in Dallas on the day Kennedy was shot and spoke to the doctor who was doing the chest-thumping

at the end. He knew two bullets had hit Kennedy in the back. Which meant Oswald. And I had been with the Dallas police, who had just lost officer J.D. Tippit. He had been killed by Oswald, who, completely alone, was trying to get away and had no idea where to go.

Now Oliver Stone sends the video of his movie to schools around the country so they can show it in years to come. But finally, here is Gerald Posner, who worked like a ditchdigger and documented every paragraph of "Case Closed" and can tell us: "But for those seeking the truth, the facts are incontrovertible. They can be tested against credible testimony, documents and the latest scientific advances. Chasing shadows across the grassy knoll will never be the substitute for real history. Lee Harvey Oswald, driven by his own twisted and impenetrable furies, was the only assassin at Dealey Plaza on Nov. 22,1963. To say otherwise, in the light of the overwhelming evidence, is to absolve a man with blood on his hands and to mock the president he killed."

"Case Closed" shows that Lee Harvey Oswald's palm prints were all over boxes he used to put up a sniper's nest, and all over the gun and the paper it was wrapped in when he brought it to work.

In the movie, they had the FBI taking Oswald's hand, after he was shot, and slapping it on the gun to provide a handprint. And in the movie, Stone never had Oswald firing a shot.

After the shooting, Oswald ran out of the Texas School Book Depository building and had to get on a bus, get off the bus, then murder Tippit in broad daylight in the street and run into a movie without paying and try to hide.

In the movie, the shooting of the officer, Tippit, simply did not happen. Posner shows that what this Stone did was to take two big best-selling conspiracy books, one by Jim Garrison, the New Orleans district attorney who was crazed, and the other by Jim Marrs, who wrote that Kennedy was shot by a world-class assassin who was hired by the world crime syndicate, the CIA, the anti-Castro people and the right wing and the U.S. military. Both of these books made a lot of money and covered the shelves with slime.

I sat in an office at Parkland Hospital with Dr. Malcolm Perry a few hours after President Kennedy was killed. Perry had been one of the first two medical people in the trauma room when Kennedy was brought in. Perry was elated when Posner came around and asked for the truth.

That day in 1963, Perry had been eating salmon croquettes in the cafeteria when the call came that they were bringing the president in. He cut Kennedy's throat to insert a tube for breathing. The cut was directly over an exit wound from a shot that had hit Kennedy in the back of the neck. Dr. Pepper Jenkins, who had done the most gunshot wounds, felt the entrance wound in the back of the neck. Perry began massaging Kennedy's chest, and the guy working with him, Kemp Clark, said, "It's too late, Mac."

In all conspiracy theories, they demand to know why Kennedy's body hadn't been turned over so they could look for a wound in the back.

Kennedy was dead and his wife was standing over him. And the doctors said they didn't turn him over because they "didn't have the heart."

There was a morning in my memory when the late John Connally, who had been in front of Kennedy in the car in Dallas, walked into the unopened bar of the Regency Hotel on Park Avenue and with busboys and cleaning men looking at him, he pulled off his jacket and shirt and showed a long wound behind his right shoulder. Connally said it showed that the bullet had been tumbling over as it hit him because it already had gone through Kennedy's shoulder and neck.

Connally then showed the big exit wound in his chest, then held up his right wrist. There was another dark brown bullet hole. The bullet, tumbling out of his chest, had taken clothing with it into the wrist wound.

He tapped his left thigh. "It wound up here," he told the busboys, "One bullet did that. Through the president first and then right through me."

Now we have Gerald Posner, who cares about telling the truth, which is the job of a true writer.

Breslin is a syndicated columnist based in New York City.

Breslin's article is wrong on almost every key point, beginning with its over-all thesis--that Posner was a reliable truth-teller, and a "true writer." Posner's research was, in fact, so shaky that his fellow single-assassin theorist Vincent Bugliosi felt it necessary to dis-own Posner's dishonest presentation of the evidence. Breslin's attacks on Garrison are equally biased and over-stated.

Where Breslin really falters, no, scratch that, falls, however, is when he injects his personal experiences to support his position. Breslin at first claims that Dr. Perry "knew two bullets had hit Kennedy in the back" but then later acknowledges that Kennedy's body wasn't even turned over in Perry's presence. He thereby contradicts himself, and reveals himself to be far less than a "truth-teller." (Was Breslin thus, not a "true writer"?). Even worse, Breslin fails to tell his readers that when he interviewed Dr. Perry in 1963 Dr. Perry was unaware of any wound on Kennedy's back, and believed Kennedy had been shot from the front. Breslin also fails to tell his readers that his interview with Perry convinced many that the Government was lying when it later told them that the shots came from behind, and that his own reporting had thereby fed the earliest conspiracy theories, and the subsequent theories of Garrison, Marrs, and Stone.

But Breslin's presentation of Connally as a supporter of the official story is even more egregious. Here, Breslin insists he saw Connally showing his scars off, and claiming that the bullet striking him had come through the President. Well, if Breslin had actually seen this, he should have reported it, because it would have made HEADLINES AROUND THE WORLD. Connally insisted until his dying breath that he was not struck by the same bullet that struck Kennedy and that he NEVER subscribed to the single-bullet theory, not even for a second.

Now, do I believe Breslin deliberately lied about Perry and Connally? While it seems an incredible coincidence that Breslin presented two public figures to support his position that conspiracy theories are hogwash, and chose two public figures whose statements have long fed conspiracy theories, and LIED about both of them, I actually doubt his lies were deliberate. Instead, I suspect he just remembered things in a manner convenient to his pre-dispositions. He'd just read Posner's book and was anxious to pile on Stone.

But whether or not Breslin lied by design is not the point. The point is that a newsman remotely concerned about the truth, and who'd done one lick of homework, would have known that Perry initially believed the shots had come from the front, and would have known that Connally never stopped disputing the single-bullet theory. Years later, in the November 16 2003 Newsday, Breslin presented another article on Perry. This time he noted that Perry had originally described the throat wound as an entrance wound, and that this had fed conspiracy theories. Perhaps, for this article, Breslin had done his homework.

Breslin's lies at worst, or sloppy misrepresentations at best, are nevertheless informative. It's undoubtedly significant that none of the writers upset over the deceptions in Oliver Stone's admittedly fictional film expressed any concern over Breslin's deceptions about Connally in a supposedly non-fiction article, or similar deceptions in similar articles attacking Stone's film. Evidently, they saw lying as something that "conspiracy theorists" did to stir up controversy, and failed to take note of the lies designed to shut down controversy... Or maybe they took note of these lies, but decided to overlook them due to "professional courtesy." Or maybe they just didn't care.

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Tom, I've also taken a look at Breslin, and concluded he was just a typical sloppy journalist,

In this article from 2003 Breslin is more faithful to the truth than the New York Times.

Afterward, the sound that follows him began with the caterwauling and clatter of a mob in a conference room. He (Dr. Malcolm Perry) said that he thought that the small hole in Kennedy’s throat looked like an entrance wound.


As we see on the Malcolm Perry thread, the New York Times is taking the position that this statement by Dr. Perry is NOT FIT TO PRINT.

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  • 2 years later...
Guest Tom Scully



David Shaw is the press critic for The Los Angeles Times. His most recent book is ''Press Watch.''

Published: October 26, 1986

....There's Jimmy Breslin calling Whitney ''the only millionaire I ever rooted for,''

According to Don GIbson, Clliff, that started that evening, and it was the NY Herald TrIbune, in an editorial personally penned by owner Jock Whitney. A man very close to Nelson and David Rockefeller, and who did not like JFK. Who among other things, relieved him of his ambassadorship to England.

According to Bruce Adamson, Kennedy did that in rather terse and impolite form, showing that the lack of fondness was mutual. The three word telegram allegedly read:





From page 8-A (editorial page) left column, middle:



Is it coincidence that a small group of wealthy sons of the Aiken, SC winter colony of polo and fox hunt sportsmen were behind

the published works of William Manchester, Priscilla and George McMillan, Allen Dulles's memoirs and the "output" immediately following the assassination of President Kennedy, described as follows?

When it came time to serve up a narrative to the American public on just what happened to President Kennedy when he attempted to ride in a motorcade through the city of Dallas, TX, a city where local law enforcement was unsuccessful in both preventing the murder of the President of the United States, as well as of the man they quickly accused of being the lone gunman who assassinated the President, it seems all that was necessary was to trot out propaganda from old hands, Cass Canfield and George McMillan, both formerly of the Office of War Information, and Jock Whitney. In the case of the efforst of Whitney's new York Herald Tribune, the propaganda it quickly printed was the gospel truth the Warren Commission ate right up.

(quote)Betty Cushing Roosevelt, Jock Whitney to Wed

by John Ferris

The Washington Post - Feb. 22, 1942 pg. S!2

..Whitney, who made a settle- ment of three million dollars on his wife, the former Mary Elizabeth Altemus, when she divorced him in May, 1940, is director of the motion picture section in the office of intercontinental affairs (The Nelson Rockefeller Committee), working as a dollar-a-year man. He has a house in Georgetown where he lives alone, and does most of his work in Washington.....

...Joock's activities have been pretty well channelized since October, 1940, when he went to Washington. his aides say he goes out to Hollywood every month or so, and spends about one day a week in New York. He has an office and staff both here and in the Capital.

His work is chiefly the production of ducumentary films on American life, with a commentary in Spanish, for distribution in Latin America. Lately he has been putting Spanish soundtracks on Army, navy, and War Production Board films, showing the progress of war preparations in the United States. His office also produces films in Latin America for showing in this country....(/quote)


CIA Infiltration of Press Overseas viewed as Influencing...

New York Times - Feb 9, 1976

Until July 1975, the C.LA. operated Forum World Features, a news syndicate in ... times such well=known American businessmen as John Hay Whitney, owner ...

Worldwide Propaganda Network Built by the CIA; A Worldwide...

New York Times - Dec 26, 1977

A: owned news services was Forum World Features, founded in 1958 as a Delaware ... Forum was ostensibly owned during much of its life by John Hay Whitney, ...


Decades of Contributions to Conservatism

By Ira Chinoy and Robert G. Kaiser

Washington Post Staff Writers

Sunday, May 2, 1999; Page A25

Over the past four decades Richard Mellon Scaife has contributed to hundreds of different organizations that in different ways have been pursuing the same goal: spreading the conservative faith while encouraging implementation of conservative policies. ....

....Scaife undertook one unusual media enterprise in his own name. In 1968, he agreed to replace John Hay Whitney, last owner of the New York Herald Tribune, as the head of the parent firm of Forum World Features, a London-based news agency that received subsidies and guidance from the CIA. The proprietor of Forum, Brian Crozier, has said he was introduced to Scaife by the CIA. Scaife has never spoken about this.


by John Simkin

.....For example, in 1998 Kangas argued that CIA asset Richard Mellon Scaife ran "Forum World Features, a foreign news service used as a front to disseminate CIA...



File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Quick View

By Russell Warren Howe - May 1978 (page 25)

...was water under the bridge. After all. Forum belonged to. Jock Whitney now. No one was suggesting that the New. York Herald-Tribune had been a CIA front. I never asked Lasky if Whitney was just a front. It was not just that Lasky, or Crozier, or Eprile, could never have answered in the affirmative, but the thought itself never occurred to me. On reflection, it seems naive, but when Galliard branded me an "agent" later that year, I never even considered that Forum might be the reason....


The 24 November, 1963 article by Jimmy Breslin linked to in the next quote box has been deleted to shorten this post and can be read in full in the opening post of the current thread.

Since November 24, 1963, Has Jimmy Breslin Been Writing A Script

This topic relates to these other threads:

Dr. Malcolm Perry R.I.P. (1929-2009)

Why transcript 1327C is a fraud, The record of the first Parkland press conference has been doctored

Paul Mandel and the Zapruder Film

Reading the Breslin intro article the other day, written and published on November 24, 1963; before Ruby shot killed Oswald, influemced me to associate it with a foul smell. A smell even fouler than you smell after reading the posts by John Simkin and Bill Kelly about Paul Mandel and his article, at the link above this paragraph.

If it didn't seem more like a script than the earnest work of a journalist, back when it was published, the years, the comments of the Connallys, and the two later articles by Breslin, referenced below, seem to make it so, in hindsight. Breslin, in a few short paragraphs,gets it all, done, for Dr. Perry, for the official line, only in it's infancy, at that early date, making the contents of "A Death in Emergency Room One," all that more remarkable....

Jimmy Breslin's two days of "work" in Dallas preceding his November 24 article seems too pat, indicates that he had too much access; not only covering points like he did in his attention to Dr. Perry, but he presents a description of the bronze casket, the sicth floor window at the TSB, Oswald as the LN shooter....even of an expectation of a perpetually graceful and silent widow Jackie. Breslin seemed to have too much access that weekend, in the midst of such turmoil, to Dr. Perry, the priest, the funeral director, the history of the TSBD building, and he seems to have been everywhere; to the point where he observed Oswald in a Dallas P.D. hallway....similar to the perception we have of Jack Ruby seeming to be everywhere, that friday and saturday.

In the 40 years following the initial article, Breslin did not fail to continue to finger Oswald as the LN, and in 2003, he helped distort the record of Dr. Perry's actual November 22, front wound assertions, although they had been on the known record for 27 years....using the same false ploy the NY Times used in Dr. Perry's obituary, just last week. At the least, Breslin quoted Dr. Perry's distortion of what he told reporters, alongside Dr. Clark Kemp during the November 22, press conference, supporting Dr. Perry's false victimhood, without checking the transcript of that press congerence, available since 1976.


A Death in Emergency Room One

By Jimmy Breslin

New York Herald Tribune

November 24, 1963




Gary L. Aguilar, MD and Kathy Cunningham

May 2003

....What concerns us is not the interesting question of whether it was in fact an entrance wound, but how the Commission handled the early reports that said it was an entrance wound.

The Commission wrote, “Considerable confusion has arisen because of comments attributed to Dr. Perry concerning the nature of the neck wound. Immediately after the assassination, many people reached erroneous conclusions about the source of the shots because of Dr. Perry’s observation to the press ... Commenting on his answers at the press conference, Dr. Perry testified before the Commission: ‘I expressed it [his answers] as a matter of speculation that this was conceivable...’. Dr. Perry’s recollection of his comments [having been misrepresented by the press] is corroborated by some of the news stories after the press conference. The New York Herald Tribune on November 23, 1963, reported as follows: ‘Dr. Malcolm Perry … said he saw two wounds – one below the Adam’s apple, the other at the back of the head.’ He said he did not know if two bullets were involved. It is possible, he said, that the neck wound was the entrance and the other the exit.”[64]

In essence, the Commission was saying that the controversy only arose because the media was sloppy. However, Dr. Perry’s verbatim statements paint a different picture, one of the sloppiness on the parts of the New York Herald Tribune and the Commission.....

On 11/22/63 UPI reported that Perry had said, “There was an entrance wound below the Adam's apple.”[67] The New York Times reported, “... Dr. Malcolm Perry … [said] Mr. Kennedy was hit by a bullet in the throat, just below the Adam's apple … This wound had the appearance of a bullet's entry ... .”[68] On 11/23/63, the Dallas Morning News reported, “The front neck hole was described as an entrance wound,” and it quoted Perry to say, “It did however appear to be the entrance wound at the front of the throat.” These press accounts, and others like them, accurately reflect the fact that at no time during the press conference did Perry allow for any other possibility than that the throat wound was an entrance wound.

How did the Warren Report describe Perry’s press conference statements? It reported, “Dr. Perry... stated to the press that a variety of possibilities could account for the President's wounds.”[69] (Emphasis added) Whereas numerous press reports had accurately described Perry’s belief the wound was one of entrance, the Warren Report cited only the New York Herald Tribune’s vague and less accurate version. Ironically, Perry wasn’t easily dislodged from his original position.

The day after the murder Boston Globe medical reporter, Herbert Black, asked Perry how the throat wound could have been an entrance wound if the gunman was behind the President. Perry answered, “It may have been that the President was looking sideways with his head thrown back when the bullet or bullets struck him.”[70] [it is of interest that, after discussing what was visible in the Zapruder film, Life Magazine offered this same explanation on December 18th for JFK’s throat wound – that JFK had turned toward the sniper’s nest just before being shot.[71] The Zapruder film, however, discloses no such turn. Neither the Warren Commission, nor Life Magazine, nor the government, ever corrected Life’s error. This mischaracterization became but one of many exhibits cited by skeptics in criticizing the media’s handling of JFK murder.[72] [73]]

The Warren Commission's Arlen Specter was concerned about published reports from Perry's press conference....

Edited by Tom Scully
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Guest Tom Scully

Article: Pursuing Truth on the Kennedy Assassinations


Wow. That's got a bit of everything in it. Some of it credible. Some of it long discredited nonsense.


Pursuing Truth on the Kennedy Assassinations

by Donald W. Miller, Jr., MD

.......I began studying and collecting books on the Kennedy assassination after reading Josiah Thompson's Six Seconds in Dallas, published in 1967. My interest in the subject is heightened by having personally known two physicians involved in President Kennedy’s care whose observations are pivotal to the case, Admiral George G. Burkley (1902-1991) and Dr. Malcolm Perry (1929-2009). Admiral Burkley was the President’s personal physician. He was the only physician who was with Kennedy in Dallas and also at the autopsy, done at a Navy hospital in Bethesda, MD. Dr. Perry performed a tracheotomy on Kennedy shortly before he died........

.....Fifteen years later Dr. Perry told me in a surgeon-to-surgeon private conversation that the bullet wound in Kennedy’s neck was, without question, a wound of entrance, irrespective of what he had told the Warren Commission. This seasoned attending trauma surgeon had seen a lot of gunshot wounds at Parkland Hospital and knew what he was talking about. Dr. Perry also told this "off the record" truth to another physician, Dr. Robert Artwohl, in 1986, who writes, "One of the biggest regrets in his life was having to make the incision for the emergency tracheotomy through the bullet wound, because he was certain that it was an entrance wound. He remembered making a very good mental note of the wound since he was cutting through it." (Reference in "Malcolm Perry, MD Falls into the Kennedy Vortex" by Gary Aguilar, MD, here).

Given "marching orders from Washington" with instructions to "tell Dr. Perry to change his testimony," Secret Service Agent Elmer Moore went to Dallas and "badgered" Dr. Perry into "making a flat statement that there was no entry wound in the neck." Agent Moore confided this in 1970 to Jim Gochenaur, a friend in Seattle who was a graduate student at the University of Washington (!). Moore told him, "I regret what I had to do with Dr. Perry." So threatened, this otherwise bold surgeon backed down and obligingly changed his testimony to suit the politically ordered truth that Oswald did it. (Refs. here, pgs. 309-10; and here, vol. 2, pgs.651-654.)........

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