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Tom Hanks

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Someone should get him copies of Armstrong and Horne's books......


For an upcoming project, Hanks has obtained the rights to Vincent Bugliosi's controversial Reclaiming History: The Assassination of President John F. Kennedy. He is eager to weigh in on America's quintessential murder mystery. . . . Hanks and Gary Goetzman will act as executive producers, and Hanks hopes the adaptation will air in 2013. He believes the public has been snookered into believing that Lee Harvey Oswald was framed. "We're going to do the American public a service," Hanks says. "A lot of conspiracy types are going to be upset. If we do it right, it'll be perhaps one of the most controversial things that has ever been on TV."

Read more: http://www.time.com/time/arts/article/0,85...l#ixzz0hEB44eIM

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I doubt that Hanks would bother to read them; certainly not to read with objectivity.

It seems the best thing the CT community can do is to set aside our differences at the level of the public and press and find the items of common ground that we all agree upon. In my case, it is that Lee Oswald was innocent. On all the other issues of conspiracy, we can agree-to-disagree while moving forward in research. We can refuse to demean or dismiss any member of the CT community and choose not to engage in heightened rhetoric aimed at a person rather than the issue.

The Ongoing Coverup has money and power of unlimited proportions. We have seen that, and I witnessed it firsthand with my unlucky involvement with the DC show ITTC and its horrendous press release which claimed they had closed the case (yet again). We cannot underestimate the push that will take place to redux the WCR when the Hanks mini-series comes out. It is what the OC has dreamed of since JFK came out.

If we choose to work together we can easily point out the impossibility of the thesis of the RH mini-series -- that LHO acted alone. We can use this show as a means of demonstrating yet again how that idea simply stops at the door to conspiracy on probably a hundred different occasions.

Edited by Pamela McElwain-Brown
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Someone should get him copies of Armstrong and Horne's books......


Unfortunately, John printed only 2000 copies of his book. If it can be found, it is

now VERY costly. One cannot understand the assassination without knowing that

there WERE TWO LEE HARVEY OSWALDS...both operating under secret cover of

an intelligence agency. Through massive and meticulous documentation of

the parallel lives of these two men, John provides the key to knowing how and

why the assassination occurred.



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My opinion of Hanks is now the same as Howard Stern's recently expressed opinion of Jay Leno: "Just the mention of his name makes me want to puke."

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Someone should get him copies of Armstrong and Horne's books......


Unfortunately, John printed only 2000 copies of his book. If it can be found, it is

now VERY costly. One cannot understand the assassination without knowing that

there WERE TWO LEE HARVEY OSWALDS...both operating under secret cover of

an intelligence agency. Through massive and meticulous documentation of

the parallel lives of these two men, John provides the key to knowing how and

why the assassination occurred.


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Someone should get him copies of Armstrong and Horne's books......


Unfortunately, John printed only 2000 copies of his book. If it can be found, it is

now VERY costly. One cannot understand the assassination without knowing that

there WERE TWO LEE HARVEY OSWALDS...both operating under secret cover of

an intelligence agency. Through massive and meticulous documentation of

the parallel lives of these two men, John provides the key to knowing how and

why the assassination occurred.



Harvey and Lee is obtainable through Andy at the Last Hurrah Book 570-321-1150 at what I think is a very reasonable price.


Doug Weldon

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Someone should get him copies of Armstrong and Horne's books......


Unfortunately, John printed only 2000 copies of his book. If it can be found, it is

now VERY costly. One cannot understand the assassination without knowing that

there WERE TWO LEE HARVEY OSWALDS...both operating under secret cover of

an intelligence agency. Through massive and meticulous documentation of

the parallel lives of these two men, John provides the key to knowing how and

why the assassination occurred.



Harvey and Lee is obtainable through Andy at the Last Hurrah Book 570-321-1150 at what I think is a very reasonable price.


Doug Weldon

Thanks, Doug. I suggest EVERYONE interested in the case must have a copy.


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Perhaps someone could persuade John Armstrong to make the text available at a reasonable cost as a download.


You get so much with the book, including a cd. It is in a box. The cost to buy it through Andy is MUCH less than I have ever seen it on e-bay. Though I don't agree with everything (I am one of the people the book is dedicated to) I agree with Jack that it is a must-have book. Some of the information is jaw-dropping.


Doug Weldon

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I'd sure love a copy. I need to obtain one, I wish it was archived electronically, I'd gladly pay for a download as well, and what on earth is Tom Hanks' problem.....:(. What a compromise. Nothing new in the CIA book I suppose.

Edited by B. A. Copeland
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what on earth is Tom Hanks' problem

He needs the money.

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Guest James H. Fetzer

Check out http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/03/04/t...just_reloaded=1

Nelson Montana - Huffpost Blogger I'm a Fan of Nelson Montana 206 fans permalink

See Nelson Montana's Profile

Nothing will convince the conspiracy nuts that they're wrong. It defies the very nature of why they believe what they believe. They want to feel as if they're privy to what others missed. It makes them feel superior. They want to believe they can't be fooled.

To them, this would be just another "cover up" perpetuated by the media. And anyone who disagrees is a narrow-minded rube. It's as pathetic as it is perpetual.

Reply Favorite Flag as abusive Posted 11:46 PM on 3/04/2010

- thebodyventura I'm a Fan of thebodyventura 11 fans permalink

Do tell us master how LHO was able to call off the President's security in Dallas on Nov 22,1963. This is referenced in oliver Stone's JFK.

Reply Favorite Flag as abusive Posted 11:49 PM on 3/04/2010

- Nelson Montana - Huffpost Blogger I'm a Fan of Nelson Montana 206 fans permalink

See Nelson Montana's Profile

Oh, well if it was in Oliver Stones movie, it must be true.

See what I mean?

Reply Favorite Flag as abusive Posted 11:54 PM on 3/04/2010

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-DG3 I'm a Fan of DG3 25 fans permalink

Do tell us how old you are. Does it end with 'teen'?

Reply Favorite Flag as abusive Posted 05:30 AM on 3/05/2010

- James Fetzer 10 fans permalink

It would be great is Nelson actually knew what he was talking about for a change. By the simple expedient of determining where the bullet that struck JFK hit his back, it is possible refute--conclusively--the "magic bullet" theory. Michael Baden, M.D., has observed that, if the "magic bullet" theory is false, then there have to have been at least six shots from three directions. It is not only false but is not even anatomically possible. You can download the proof, which includes the shirt and jacket that he was wearing, autopsy and FBI diagrams, his personal physician's death certificate, and reenactment photographs, which is archived at http://www.assassinationscience.com/Reason...assinations.pdf I have been a fan of Tom Hanks, but in this case, he is on the wrong side of logic, evidence, and history.

Reply Favorite Flag as abusive Posted 01:08 AM on 3/05/2010

I actually posted two, but I didn't know that they had published both--typos and all!--until my webmaster send me this:


Someone should get him copies of Armstrong and Horne's books......


Edited by James H. Fetzer
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Check out http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/03/04/t...just_reloaded=1

Nelson Montana - Huffpost Blogger I'm a Fan of Nelson Montana 206 fans permalink

See Nelson Montana's Profile

Nothing will convince the conspiracy nuts that they're wrong. It defies the very nature of why they believe what they believe. They want to feel as if they're privy to what others missed. It makes them feel superior. They want to believe they can't be fooled.

To them, this would be just another "cover up" perpetuated by the media. And anyone who disagrees is a narrow-minded rube. It's as pathetic as it is perpetual.

Reply Favorite Flag as abusive Posted 11:46 PM on 3/04/2010

- thebodyventura I'm a Fan of thebodyventura 11 fans permalink

Do tell us master how LHO was able to call off the President's security in Dallas on Nov 22,1963. This is referenced in oliver Stone's JFK.

Reply Favorite Flag as abusive Posted 11:49 PM on 3/04/2010

- Nelson Montana - Huffpost Blogger I'm a Fan of Nelson Montana 206 fans permalink

See Nelson Montana's Profile

Oh, well if it was in Oliver Stones movie, it must be true.

See what I mean?

Reply Favorite Flag as abusive Posted 11:54 PM on 3/04/2010

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-DG3 I'm a Fan of DG3 25 fans permalink

Do tell us how old you are. Does it end with 'teen'?

Reply Favorite Flag as abusive Posted 05:30 AM on 3/05/2010

- James Fetzer 10 fans permalink

It would be great is Nelson actually knew what he was talking about for a change. By the simple expedient of determining where the bullet that struck JFK hit his back, it is possible refute--conclusively--the "magic bullet" theory. Michael Baden, M.D., has observed that, if the "magic bullet" theory is false, then there have to have been at least six shots from three directions. It is not only false but is not even anatomically possible. You can download the proof, which includes the shirt and jacket that he was wearing, autopsy and FBI diagrams, his personal physician's death certificate, and reenactment photographs, which is archived at http://www.assassinationscience.com/Reason...assinations.pdf I have been a fan of Tom Hanks, but in this case, he is on the wrong side of logic, evidence, and history.

Reply Favorite Flag as abusive Posted 01:08 AM on 3/05/2010

- Joe Ryan I'm a Fan of Joe Ryan 2 fans permalink

Someone should get him copies of Armstrong and Horne's books......


Maybe Bruce Willis as Fritz (in the white vest) and Charlie Sheen as Oswald and Rosie O'Donnell as Marina I am positive these tight lipped actors could stay within the script/!

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