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Adele Edisen: A 4-hour interview . . .

Guest James H. Fetzer

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Guest James H. Fetzer

An extraordinary interview with Adele

Edisen will be presented this evening

from 5-9 PM/CT over revereradio.net

on "The Real Deal". It was inspired by

the article by Bill Kelly, "A New Oswald

Witness Goes Public", archived here:


Bill Kelly will no doubt add other links

to his revised version and other sources,

which I welcome. Adele's experiences

provide insight into the background of

JFK's assassination and the extent to

which Oswald was being manipulated.

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A special note of thanks to Monk, who was the person

who suggested that I interview Adele. The show will

be archived in its entirety at "The Real Deal" archive,

which can be found at http://radiofetzer.blogspot.com.

Great news, Jim.


My pleasure, Jim. She is an outstanding source of first hand information and a real gem.

Just for info, the link to your blog spot that you posted does not seem to be working properly. However,

Adele on The Real Deal is working fine.

Edited by Greg Burnham
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Guest James H. Fetzer

It was the period taken as part of the link. Try this one.

A special note of thanks to Monk, who was the person

who suggested that I interview Adele. The show will

be archived in its entirety at "The Real Deal" archive,

which can be found at http://radiofetzer.blogspot.com .

Great news, Jim.


Edited by James H. Fetzer
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Guest Tom Scully

If you found yourself in the circumstances Adele Edisen found herself in after the Assassination of JFK and her visit to the New Orleans federal building on Sunday, November 24, 1963, and as a result of that visit with John Rice of the SS and Orren Bartlett of the FBI, nothing happened...what would you be doing from that time on, especially if you were as intelligent and articulate as Adele obviously is?

If I found myself in Adele's situation, I would have "gone public" early, in the hope of protecting my family's and my own safety, as exposure is insurance. Keeping the information Adele claims she related to Rice and Bartlet on that November 24, seems to me to be the least safe way to conduct yourself.

Before and since Adele "went public" with her story, wouldn't it have been logical and prudent for Adele to seek and to try every available avenue and opportunity to corroborate anything about the events in her story that she possibly could?

I have to remain a skeptic about what Adele says happened, and it pains me to post my opinion publicly, because I know first hand that Adele is a sweet, caring person, and a delight to converse with. As of now, Adele provides no more support for her story than Judyth Baker offers for hers, and both chose the seemingly incautious path of remaining silent for so many years before coming forward.

Given the similarity in the long delayed emergence of both Adele and Judyth, and the sparse proof in support of their respective stories, I have to be consistent in my degree of acceptance, although I accept that Adele did privately communicate her story much, much sooner than Judyth did.

I have to ask Dr. Fetzer if he has any minimum standards of proof in his acceptance of these almost completely uncorroborated stories, and what those standards of proof might be.

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If you found yourself in the circumstances Adele Edisen found herself in after the Assassination of JFK and her visit to the New Orleans federal building on Sunday, November 24, 1963, and as a result of that visit with John Rice of the SS and Orren Bartlett of the FBI, nothing happened...what would you be doing from that time on, especially if you were as intelligent and articulate as Adele obviously is?

If I found myself in Adele's situation, I would have "gone public" early, in the hope of protecting my family's and my own safety, as exposure is insurance. Keeping the information Adele claims she related to Rice and Bartlet on that November 24, seems to me to be the least safe way to conduct yourself.

Before and since Adele "went public" with her story, wouldn't it have been logical and prudent for Adele to seek and to try every available avenue and opportunity to corroborate anything about the events in her story that she possibly could?

I have to remain a skeptic about what Adele says happened, and it pains me to post my opinion publicly, because I know first hand that Adele is a sweet, caring person, and a delight to converse with. As of now, Adele provides no more support for her story than Judyth Baker offers for hers, and both chose the seemingly incautious path of remaining silent for so many years before coming forward.

Given the similarity in the long delayed emergence of both Adele and Judyth, and the sparse proof in support of their respective stories, I have to be consistent in my degree of acceptance, although I accept that Adele did privately communicate her story much, much sooner than Judyth did.

I have to ask Dr. Fetzer if he has any minimum standards of proof in his acceptance of these almost completely uncorroborated stories, and what those standards of proof might be.

Hi Tom,

I share your skepticism, especially in regards to Judyth's story, which I have been unable to substantiate, but as for Adele, I have tried to track down every lead she presents and so far every one has been confirmed or has led to more leads and suspects, while Judyth's leads seem to go nowhere.

If you would like to assist in running down some of the outstanding leads that Adele has provided, I would be glad to share them with you.


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Guest James H. Fetzer

You are some piece of work, Tom Scully. In the case of Adele, Bill Kelly had published several articles and Greg Burnham had recommended her. I discussed her experiences with her for four hours on the air, where she demonstrated that she was mentally awake and morally straight. She is not the only witness who had mixed feelings about her experiences. Remember, she went to the FBI and the Secret Service before and after the assassination at the time to give them her information. If you can't believe someone as obviously intelligent and sincere as Adele, I think your standards for judging credibility are completely unreasonable. If I had to pick between Adele and you, Adele would win every time, hands down!

As for Judyth, been there, done that. Many of us have studied her and believe in her, including Jim Marrs, Ed Haslam, and two friends of mine with whom she lived for a week in London. They are very savvy and found her completely credible. There is a great deal of evidence confirming her story, including her friend Anna Lewis, with whom she and Lee double-dated. ME & LEE is chock full of documents, photographs and records. Check out her interviews with me on JamesFetzerNews. To the best of my knowledge, you have had no contact with Judyth and may not have even read her book. I appear to have done far more research on them than have you. Had they followed your witless advice, they would both be dead.

If you found yourself in the circumstances Adele Edisen found herself in after the Assassination of JFK and her visit to the New Orleans federal building on Sunday, November 24, 1963, and as a result of that visit with John Rice of the SS and Orren Bartlett of the FBI, nothing happened...what would you be doing from that time on, especially if you were as intelligent and articulate as Adele obviously is?

If I found myself in Adele's situation, I would have "gone public" early, in the hope of protecting my family's and my own safety, as exposure is insurance. Keeping the information Adele claims she related to Rice and Bartlet on that November 24, seems to me to be the least safe way to conduct yourself.

Before and since Adele "went public" with her story, wouldn't it have been logical and prudent for Adele to seek and to try every available avenue and opportunity to corroborate anything about the events in her story that she possibly could?

I have to remain a skeptic about what Adele says happened, and it pains me to post my opinion publicly, because I know first hand that Adele is a sweet, caring person, and a delight to converse with. As of now, Adele provides no more support for her story than Judyth Baker offers for hers, and both chose the seemingly incautious path of remaining silent for so many years before coming forward.

Given the similarity in the long delayed emergence of both Adele and Judyth, and the sparse proof in support of their respective stories, I have to be consistent in my degree of acceptance, although I accept that Adele did privately communicate her story much, much sooner than Judyth did.

I have to ask Dr. Fetzer if he has any minimum standards of proof in his acceptance of these almost completely uncorroborated stories, and what those standards of proof might be.

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Guest Tom Scully

Yeah Jim! I am a "piece of work" growing more impatient by the day as I watch people like you squander your valuable influence for so little in return, and people like Adele and Judyth help you do it.

Demand more from them Jim, because after you endorse and promote them in exchange for too little proof from them, you are affected, as I am sure you already know. Challenge them to bring more proof, or find it yourself before you cast your lot with them. Judyth has Anna Lewis, and Anna has the problem of her ex-husband David's statements and reputation, a problem I have posted about.:


Adele Edisen's story contains several blockbusters, but for a long time, and at present, it seems to rest on her exposure of the name and background of Col. Jose A. Rivera to the research community and to the ARRB and anyone else in government who would listen.

The most intriguing part of Adele's story is her having and calling the telephone number of the location in New Orleans where Oswald would soon be living in 1963, before Oswald himself even knew he would be renting from the property manager who answered Adele's first telephone call to that number.

It is the stuff that would change the establishment version of history, if it could be sufficiently corroborated.

I posted nothing to challenge Adele Edisen's lucidity, competence, recall abilities, or for that matter, how compelling and personable she is. My impression is that she is an extraordinary person. One of the things I suggested to her for the purpose of further supporting her story, revolved around this.:


Wednesday, December 30, 2009

A New Oswald Witness Goes Public (Updated 2009)

By William Kelly

[Originally posted in 1999 at namebase.org]

...I had some flashbacks during the summer, and many fearful episodes, but I managed somehow to continue with my research. In early July I called the local Secret Service Office to make an appointment to speak with them, as I thought they should be told about this occurrence. An Agent Rice had answered and I told him briefly that I had met someone who had said some very strange things about the President which they should know about. I was about to go there, but I became frightened and thought they would not believe me, so I canceled. Also, my husband would have been furious to learn that I had done so, because when I had told him of the things that Rivera had said, and even though he thought there was a conspiracy to kill the President, he thought we should not get involved. I had wanted to go to the Secret Service or the FBI then, but he did not want me to, fearing some embarrassment for him, I suppose. He had consulted with two attorneys and their advice was that nothing could be done because it was a matter of my words against Rivera's.

When the assassination occurred, I called the Secret Service and went to speak with them. Secret Service Agent John Rice (he was Agent-in-Charge of the New Orleans Secret Service) escorted me to the FBI office in the Federal Building where an FBI Liaison Special Agent, Orrin Bartlett, was present. He was from Washington , and was the liaison between the FBI and the Secret Service and the White House. I told them my story,...

Adele had a bitter history with her ex-husband and it is a matter of public record. I suggested to her that it was vital to obtain an sworn afadavit from him in support of her claims detailed in the above quote box, all the more compelling considering this.:


Louisiana Case Law - EDISEN v. EDISEN, 297 So.2d 787...

Pay-Per-View - Louisiana Case Law - Oct 18, 1974

... in the matter before us a trial court hearing in which both parties sought permanent custody In brief Clayton B Edisen obtained a judicial separation on ...

Considering that Adele's ex-husband was still listed as a licensed Louisiana psychiatrist, and by her admission, a key but possibly hostile corroborating witness, independently I contacted a mutual acquaintance of the executive director of this organization http://www.psr.org/about/staff/ to appeal for his help in reaching out to Adele's ex-husband to possibly persuade him to cooperate in this matter for the good of the country. Unfortunately, I received no reply from my contact.

Since last month, this potential opportunity to corroborate Adele's story is lost; my condolences to the family.:


EDISEN Dr. Clayton B. Edisen died from complications from surgery on January 8, 2011. Born in Chicago, he has practiced medicine in New Orleans since 1954...`

So it goes, Dr. Fetzer. Consider that there is the possibility that, if you demand more in exchange for the privilege of sharing your bully pulpit, your witnesses might be persuaded to do more, to support their own testimony, and thus make the chance you take on them, a safer "bet" for you and your reputation?

IMO, there is more for Adele to do to attempt to strengthen her testimony, but I'll leave it to you to ask her about that option.

Time is running through all of our hands like grands of sand as we decide whether or not to pursue precious but less frequent leads.

Yes, Bill Kelly, I want to help in whatever way you think I might be of assistance. Please contact me!

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An extraordinary interview with Adele

Edisen will be presented this evening

from 5-9 PM/CT over revereradio.net

on "The Real Deal". It was inspired by

the article by Bill Kelly, "A New Oswald

Witness Goes Public", archived here:


Bill Kelly will no doubt add other links

to his revised version and other sources,

which I welcome. Adele's experiences

provide insight into the background of

JFK's assassination and the extent to

which Oswald was being manipulated.

I heard this interview 3 times already. I love it. It's fascinating. I'm going to listen to it again. I want to see a photo of Dr. Jose Rivera, since Adele Edison called him the ugliest man on earth (moreso than Phil Spector?) I like to put it on at night when I'm resting and just hear this story. I wonder whatever happened to Dr. Jose.

Thanks for this interview. And I love your taste in music.

Kathy C

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Thanks Tom for supplying these photos. I don't necessarily agree with you about Adele. I know she was on Rich's forum and he held her in high regard. Her story is fascinating. Someday when you're around the house or wherever, put the show on and just listen to it. Maybe you'll change your mind about her.

You know I have great respect for you because of your delving into the life of Irv Kupcinet, whom you described in certain words, as surrounded by mobsters. It's sad to think his daughter would be a victim of a hit, if she was, to shock Chicago when Ruby shot Oswald.

Kathy C

Edited by Kathleen Collins
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Thanks Tom for supplying these photos. I don't necessarily agree with you about Adele. I know she was on Rich's forum and he held her in high regard. Her story is fascinating. Someday when you're around the house or wherever, put the show on and just listen to it. Maybe you'll change your mind about her.

Adele is actually a member of this forum and has posted several times.

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CIA Denial of Coddling Nazis Far From the Truth - Part 2 [Voltaire]

By Hank P. Albarelli Jr.

....As some readers may be aware, Maj. Jose A. Rivera went on to become a figure of mystery due to his peripheral and bizarre involvement in the JFK assassination. Months before the assassination, in April 1963, he is reported to have dosed a woman with LSD and then attempted to hypnotize her. The woman, Adele Edisen, was then a 35-year old post-doctoral fellow at the National Institute of Health’s Institute of Neurological Diseases and Blindness at the Louisiana University School of Medicine. Edisen encountered Rivera at a medical conference in Atlantic City, New Jersey. During their subsequent encounter in Washington, D.C., Rivera said a number of bizarre things to Edisen, including asking her to telephone Lee Harvey Oswald in New Orleans and to tell him “to kill the chief.”

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