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Jim DiEugenio's presentation from NID 2010

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Guest Tom Scully

Jim, I think you succinctly communicate the dynamic of the establishment information distribution filtering and censuring policies related to the assassinations of JFK, RFK, and MLK, and of the politics motivating these limits. You present it all so well, and you've done so for many years. Your reaction to what has been done to paint the Kennedy brothers as run of the mill, right of center, establishment politicians is to describe and to counter the propaganda with what is required to counter the relentless and still ongoing, coordinated smear campaign against their legacies.

If you were not correctly convinced that those engaged in the altering of history will not quit until it is generally accepted that JFK owned the Vietnam war escalation and its disasterous consequences, and that Bobby was truly, for the rest of his life, no more evolved politically than he was when he was a junior counsel to Sen. McCarthy's early 1950's red baiting committee, you would probably share with us, more scholarly detachment.

I advise you, though, to rethink and adjust your outright dismissal of Bush involvement because the impact of it is to shut yourself off from the potential of research in that area and to dull the significance of what people like me have unearthed and shared. Are you saying you think there is harm in the looking, or only in the commercial distribution Russ Baker has engaged in, because you are satisfied you can demonstrate that Baker's effort is misleading and seems sensational because it is too incomplete to support what it infers?

Can we agree that father and son Bush held outright, the offices of U.S. V.P. and U.S. president for 20 years between 1981 and 2011, and that, between 1981 and 1989, as V.P., Bush senior had a unique role for a V.P. in the area of covert policy and operations, unprecedented for a V.P. until that time?

Can we agree it was curious that the new CIA building was named for him, since it is customarily a posthumous honor, and he was still living, and because, officially, his only CIA service, albeit as DCI, was for exactly on calendar year, 22 years earlier?

Is this really what Bush accomplished?


Thousands of CIA employees, along with senior officials from current and past Administrations and Sessions of Congress, former Directors, Deputy Directors, and other senior officials of the Central Intelligence Agency and Intelligence Community, family members, and friends joined former President George Bush on 26 April 1999 in ceremonies marking the designation of the CIA's Headquarters compound as the George Bush Center for Intelligence. ....

President Bill Clinton

The following is an excerpt from his message to the former President, read aloud by DCI Tenet.

....When you assumed your duties as Director of Central Intelligence in January 1976, the nation had just endured one of the most tumultuous periods in its history. Many Americans had lost faith in government. Many asked whether CIA should continue to exist. As Director, you accomplished a great deal. You restored morale and discipline to the Agency while publicly emphasizing the value of intelligence to the nation's security. You also restored America's trust in the CIA and the rest of the Intelligence Community.

I think, there is too much you cannot explain or dismiss, Jim, to convey a tone as vehement as the one that comes through in the transcription this thread is centered around. I don't think you or anyone else engage in this research knows enough about the clandestine activities and purposes of George DeMohrenschildt to dismiss the role of Bush as out of hand as you seem to be doing.

If you dismiss Bush as a legitimate research subject, are you dismissing the roles of Bush's roommate and George DeM. step-nephew/business partner, Edward G. hooker, Bush's oil exploration partner and career long friend, Thomas J. Devine, his partner John Train, his partner George Plimpton, Devine's and Nancy Bush's best man, William B. Macomber, Jr., out of hand?

....In between my two Mary Ferrell links in my old post quoted below, I had inserted a link to this document:


In view of what we now know about William Butts Macomber Jr.; that he was a close friend of Prescott Bush, his son-in-law Alexander Ellis, Bush cousin Harry Walker, and of Thomas J. Devine, it seems even more important to point out that he was aware of Oswald's name and background in 1960. Macomber either commissioned the "survey" of defection statistics, or was one of a small group of principals who requested it. Doesn't it seem convenient, in the scheme of the subsequent chain of events, that this "study" was undertaken?

Joan Mellen wrote about the background of the document displayed above, but did not mention Macomber's name in her essay, only in her notes:


Otto Otepka, Robert F. Kennedy, Walter Sheridan, and Lee Oswald

by Joan Mellen, 4 Sep 2007

.....Otepka at first believed that his ordeal was based on his having denied security clearances to some Kennedy appointees. This was not the case. Rather, his removal from authority was based upon his development of a file relating to one “Lee Oswald, tourist,” a name on a list of “defectors.” The quotation marks were added by the CIA itself for an October 24, 1960 document that marks the beginning of Otto Otepka’s investigation of Lee Harvey Oswald.


It began that October, 1960, even before John F. Kennedy was elected. Several offices at the Department of State undertook to identify and research a list of Americans who had defected to the Soviet Union, to Soviet bloc nations, or to Communist China. The assignment to check on Oswald, and to explore whether his name appeared in any existing security files, came to Otepka as chief security evaluator at State. Otepka contacted the FBI at once. This was routine. The CIA was next on his list....


Miss Alexandra Mills Is Bride of TJ Devine

- New York Times - Apr 15, 1973

Miss Alexandra Mills, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Wynne Mills of Locust ... William B. Macomber Jr., United States. Ambassador to Turkey, was best man. ...


Alexandra Mills to Marry in April

- New York Times - Jan 21, 1973

... Miss Alexandra Mills, to Thomas James Devine of New York, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. ... Mr. Devine is with Train, Cabot Associates, a company here. ...



Pay-Per-View - Chicago Tribune - ProQuest Archiver - Nov 4, 1956

A dip- assistant, William B. Macomber and two other aids, and Allan Dulles, brother and head of the central intelli. genre agency, also were pres- ent. ...


The Uses and Limits of Intelligence - Google Books Result

by Walter Laqueur - 1993 - Political Science - 404 pages

13. Released by the Eisenhower Library, the Memoranda of Telephone Conversations of John Foster Dulles are written summaries of most of the phone conversations of the secretary of state, including the president. They were usually prepared by Dulles's secretary, Phyllis Bernau (Macomber). A few remain classified....

If that was all there was, you might be able to still sustain your position, Jim. The rest of it runs from Bush escorting Ed Hooker's daughter down the aisle to marry Rionda Braga's son, to Braga predicting the Bay of Pigs invasion to the WSJ, according to Hinckle and Turner, and the man with the CIA acronym who was an executive, Michael JP Malone, shared by Braga and Dick Kleberg of the King Ranch, and Malone's kenaf collaboration with Joe Dryer, Macomber's brother, John's relationship with Susan Hooker's second husband, John Macomber's relationship with Atlantic Council co-founder, William HG Fitzgerald, and the curious facts that Ernie Byfield Jr. was son of JFK's Glen Ora landlord, had a sister-in-law who was married to Rionda Braga's first cousin and business partner, Placido Eversun, was best man in the 1943 wedding of William HG Fitzgerald, had a second wife who married Robert S. McNamara, and was Pat Hoy's boss at the Hotel Sherman and was business partner with Pat Hoy's nephew.

Lots of coincidences, Jim?

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Guest Tom Scully

Jim, I am pleased to read we are in complete agreement, except for the opinion you express in the last sentence of your post. Father and son, twenty years in control of the executive branch, and I am not seeing the transparency I would have predicted would be there. I see plenty of continuity, though...hopey, changey president appoints Nancy Bush's wedding usher's protege as his DCI....

...In the same year, 1973, William B. Macomber, Jr., served in Devine's wedding as his best man, and Macomber's brother, John, hired Devine as a VP at Celanese Corp.:

(Devine's VP job at Celanese is quite a feat for a man who has left no record that I can find on the internet that he ever...... )


Business week‎ - Page 81

Business & Economics - 1973

In the first lent," Celanese last month picked Thomas J. Devine, an oil and gas

consultant, to fill a new corporate vice- presidential post, which includes...

Before leaving McKinsey & Co., John Macomber had mentored a young Harvard MBA graduate, Michael Ainslie, the son of George, a former NCR executive.

In addition to being mentored at McKinsey by John Macomber, Michael Ainslie's brief experience working six months for NYC mayor and Bush wedding usher, John Lindsay, is offered as the explanation for Ainslie's selection by Carlisle Humelsine to be at age 36, president of the National Trust for Historic Preservation.

As we can see in what follows, not much changes, does it?


"...Panetta earned a bachelor of arts degree in political science and a law degree from Santa Clara

University in California. He has served as a legislative assistant to U.S. Sen. Thomas H. Kuchel

of California; special assistant to the secretary of health, education and welfare; director of the

U.S. Office for Civil Rights; and executive assistant to former Mayor John Lindsay of New

York. Panetta served as an Army intelligence officer from 1964 to 1966 and received the Army

Commendation medal. He also spent five years practicing private law...."

Ainslie and John Macomber were longtime Lehman board members and got the surprise of their lives while serving on the

Lehman audit committee....pooF! Lehman was insolvent. Were they surprised?

And...somebody positioned Oswald's nose in a spot for it to hang out and get bloodied on 22 November.

The problem for Bush is that close personal and family friends William and John Macomber, Edward Gordon Hooker, and Thomas J Devine managed to leave their fingerprints on DeMohrenschildt. Bush, himself did, too. William Macomber's prints are directly on Oswald, and he did happen to be Nancy Bush's and Tom Devine's best man, and to be rewarded by CD Dillon with the presidency of the Met. Museum of Art, something Macomber had no background for. This brings Macomber close to Plimpton's father, of the Met. board. John and David Lindsay were in the Nancy Bush wedding party. These Lindsay twins' brother, George, became managing partner at Debevoise, Plimpton. McCloy can be linked closely to Debevoise, to Plimpton, and to Plimpton's brother. "Mr. Green" referred to by Jenner in the softball questioning of George DeM. can be linked to Francis Plimpton and his co-founding law partner, Robert G. Page, who laid the ground work for MannY-Hanny's Francis R. Green to be Nixon's man with a stick in Chile. Green was part of the same little circus George DeM. took with Clemard Charles to NYC to meet with Wubriny-1, aka Thomas J. Devine.

After Nancy Bush's 1946 wedding to Alexander Irwin, Yale roommate of John Chafee and of Charles Whitehouse, the Irwins made their home in Montreal. The front story is that Irwin managed the family insurance brokerage office there. The back stroy is that Irwin, Macomber, and David Lindsay were all members of the 1943 Yale football squad and OSS thought enough of William Macomber to give him official cover as a USMC captain while he worked covert for OSS behind the lines in France and then was sent to work for OSS in Burma. You may be aware that it was very rare for a covert OSS operator to be assigned to missions in both the European and Pacific theaters.

Macomber just happens to end up as assistant to John Foster Dulles and in 1963, married to one of Dulles's three personal secretaries, Bernau. Macomber just happens to be invited by Pres Bush to witness JFK's taking the oath as U.S. senator.

After Susan Hooker divorced Ames Braga, John Macomber hooked her up with his McKinsey and Co. protege, Michael Ainslie. Ainslie at age 36 with no relevant experience except for a brief stint working in John Lindsay's mayor's office, ends up being hired by Carlisle Humelsone as president of the National Trust for Historic Preservation. Are you familiar with Carlisle Humelsine's background? Rockefeller foundation moved Humelsine out of State Dept. and over to Williamsburg like a chess piece is moved.

Ernie Byfield was a Jew, and William HG Fitzgerald, founding Catholic head of SMOM in the U.S., tapped him as his best man in his 1943 wedding to Annilise Petschek. The only common links I can find for this odd relationship is that Byfield was a brief tennis sensation for UNC Chapel Hill in 1936 and both men were members of the DC branch of the University Club and Byfield was OSS.

DeMohrenschildt's "Mr. Green" was collaborating with Scowcroft at the Atlantic Council in the late 80's in a project to shape foreing policy with Caribbean nations. John Macomber, wife of Julius Pierpont Morgan's granddaughter, Caroline, and WHG Fitzgerald were among the few most prominent leaders of Atlantic Council.

If you dismiss the Bush connection to all of this, you have to drastically limit your curiousity about DeMohrenschildt, almost to the point where you chalk up his relations with Lee and Marina as mere happenstance.

Until now, I have not even mentioned the background of Sam Pryor, Jr. and his ties to the Bushes. Charles Lindbergh sleeps for eternity in a small Hana, HI churchyard, next to Sam Pyror and his gibbons, instead of next to Anne Morrow, who made other plans.....

Please note, Jim, there is next to nothing in either of my two posts here that parallels the details in the grounds Robert Morrow presents to support GHW Bush's suspect status. I want Bush, Devine, John Macomber, John Train, EU "Curtis" Bohlen, and Joe Dryer to consider that the details I am presenting are the things their great grandchildren, and their children, will be reading about these esteemed individuals unless they rethink their idea of what accountability to the public obligates them to disclose. It isn't anywhere good enough for Bush to answer, "DeMohrenschildt? Yeah, I knew him...he was the step-uncle of my roommate."

Edited by Tom Scully
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  • 2 months later...
Guest Tom Scully


I think the "show me" posture you have put yourself in has the unintended result of placing you in a strong position to be asking, who framed the Bush family?

Your minimization of what the following details indicate, with your explanation that GW Bush's father was DCI, so of course...etc... is impacted by the facts that Carter had been elected two months before Mr. Hurt of Reader's Digest allegedly mentioned "Bush, Jr's" name to Lord in January, 1977, and much more recently, the alignment of Lord's 1977 description of the Virginian Mr. Jim "Beamis" to the actual motels related business, Republican political background of "Gerry" Fitzgerald Bemis, and the Bemis personal ties to GHW Bush and Tom Devine.

(Isn't it by now, predictable that the FBI always seems to report the "phonetic" spelling of ("Beamis") a name that agency is avoiding the reporting of investigation details of, as if that is reason enough, somehow, for the glaring omissions? The is no George Bush, Jr., either, the person named was George W. Bush, son of the then dismissed, DCI.)


Chapter 5: In-Depth Discussions With Carter

...The one postelection session with Carter that Bush chaired was held on 19 November. ...Bush informed Carter that he wanted to discuss a personal matter and reopened the question of the CIA directorship. ...

...Whatever Bush's intent may have been, his reopening the question of his own tenure clearly surprised Carter, who had thought the matter settled when Bush had telephoned him two weeks earlier. In 1993, Carter volunteered that his impression from that exchange in 1976 was that "Bush wanted to be kept on as DCI." ...

IMO, if Billy Lord was reliable, and to a great degree, even if he wasn't,

the interjection of the names Bush, Jr. and Bemis smacks more of desperation and indication of conspiracy, than the weight you gave this in your last post.

...HIs son, Bush 43 ,was reportedly actually helping Epstein in the writing of Legend. He was helping arrange interviews with people in Texas if they resisted Epstein's overtures. Which makes sense since his dad was CIA DIrector around this time..

Who anticipated that they would be a force to be reckoned with and decided to take countermeasures to malign the reputation of at least, GHW Bush?

Or do you see the following, especially when taking into account all of the other DeMohrenschildt/Oswald Bush "baggage" as likely random coincidence?


+ During the preparations of the House Select Committee on Assassinations, pressure is applied to Texan Bill Lord not to testify for the committee. Bill Lord was a fellow marine and roommate of Lee Harvey Oswald on a ship voyage to France. Lord expresses his concern in a letter to president Carter. He writes that Oswald was connected to the FBI and CIA and concludes that the CIA and the FBI are complicit in JFK's death and the coup d'etat that occurred on 11/22/1963. He also states that one of the Midland, TX politicians applying pressure to him, was Mr. George W. Bush junior . This letter to President Carter was declassified some years ago. Here's a fragment:



Family of Secrets: The Bush Dynasty, America's Invisible ... - Page 266

books.google.comRuss Baker - 2009

...With the assistance of two Reader's Digest staffers, Epstein was able to contact virtually every witness of interest, thereby getting to them just ahead of House investigators. ...

Bemis's sister Cynthia was married to Whitney Shepardson's son, John's best man, William A. Stuart, Jr.


Hotel Business Has Kept The Darling Family On The Move .

Lakeland Ledger - Sep 15, 1974

Val Darling's interest in hotel ad ministration has led his family to five ... general manager of the Virginia Skyline which runs motels and concession


Reagan Backers Rejoice .

Cavalier Daily - Mar 25, 1976

RICHMOND Ronald— Reagan's surprise primary victory in North Carolina drew a ... Fitzgerald Bemiss of Richmond, finance chairman of the President Ford .


Forget Crawford, Richmond Hosted '81 Bush Wedding | Street Talk ...

May 14, 2008 News & Features » Street Talk

The out-of-town Bush family stayed at the Windsor Farms home of Fitzgerald Bemiss, George H.W. Bush's childhood friend. Bemiss and Bush were in each other's wedding wedding, and Bemiss is Marvin Bush's godfather..... (Oddly coincidental, the following describes the father of the groom in the wedding of GW Bush's daughter)..(The father of the groom, John Hager, was Virginia's lieutenant governor and now chairs the state's Republican Party....)


Civic leader, conservation advocate FitzGerald Bemiss dies at 88

Feb 8, 2011 – FitzGerald Bemiss' long record of community involvement includes service in the the Virginia ... former President George H.W. Bush, and former U.S. Rep. ... to take over his family's business, the Virginia Skyline Co.

Redacted version:


FBI 62-109060 JFK HQ File, Section 189 - Page 113

Unredacted version:

NARA Record Number: 124-10370-10013









....A demonstation of what I am talking about.

Whitney Shepardson's son married Joan Baker about 1950. The best man in their wedding was William Alexander Stuart, Jr. of Rosedale, VA. Mr. Stuart, Jr. was a Harvard classmate of John W. Shepardson, and he married Cynthia Bemis in 1952. John Shepardson's wife, Joan, had a sister who married a Yale grad and Navy Vet named David W. O'brien. Two of the ushers in the Baker-O'brien wedding were new brother-in-law, John W. Shepardson,

and John Zinsser, nephew of John McCloy's wife, Ellen.

Getting back to John Shepardson's best man, William "Zan" Stuart, Jr....his father was born in Wytheville, VA, todays' population there is just 7,000+, and "Zan" lived and now has died in that vicinity, in Rosedale, Va. For nearly sixty years, "Zan" was president of the family "Land and Cattle" company, comprising three farm parcels amounting to 16,000 acres, the oldest beef stock firm in the U.S. and the largest east of the Mississippi. "Zan's" first wife, Cynthia, who died later in their marriage, was the daughter of close Bush family, friend, Samuel M. Bemis. Cynthia's brother, Fitzgerald Bemis is so close to Bush that he was Marvin Bush's godfather, and the Bush's were overnight guests of Bemis around the time "W"'s daughter was married in this decade. Circa 1975, "Gerry" Bemis and Thomas J. Devine initiated, supposedly on their own initiative, at least two meetings to evaluate Bush's future political prospects. ....

Edited by Tom Scully
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Guest Tom Scully

If the letter from Billy Lord to President Carter is reliable in the form of it I've linked to in the post above, I noticed the text of it does not include a first name of "Mr. Beamis." The FBI report, however, adds "Jim" to the name, "Beamis."

Jim Allison....Jim Beamis.... The coincidental effect is that "Gerry" Fitzgerald Bemis is disappeared for the next 34 years.

NARA Record Number: 124-10370-10013






Robert Hurt was born on June 16, 1969 in New York City,[1] where he lived for about nine years.[4] His father, Henry Hurt, was a journalist and editor for Reader’s Digest.

Member of the U.S. House of Representatives

from Virginia's 5th district - Political party Republican

...Hurt voted to repeal the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act which successfully passed the House.[34] In February, Hurt criticized President Barack Obama's $3.73 trillion 2012 federal budget proposal for its excessive spending and borrowing.[35] ...

....His brother, Charles Hurt, is the Washington bureau chief for the New York Post.[40]...

Why am I not surprised that "our" Reader's Digest Henry Hurt has maternal roots in Dallas?:



Commending Frances Hallam Hurt.

Agreed to by the Senate, February 24, 2011

Agreed to by the House of Delegates, February 25, 2011

WHEREAS, Frances Hallam Hurt, known as the “Grand Dame” of the Town of Chatham and Pittsylvania County for her many civic and cultural contributions, recently celebrated her 95th birthday; and

WHEREAS, a native of Dallas, Texas, Frances Hallam Hurt graduated Phi Beta Kappa from Southern Methodist University before moving to New York City, where she worked for Hearst Business Magazines and Glamour magazine; and

WHEREAS, after meeting and marrying Southside native Henry Hurt, Frances Hurt settled in Chatham in 1941, continuing her writing career as a freelancer and immersing herself in civic life in addition to raising her family; and...


FRANCES HALLAM A BRIDE; Married in Dallas Home to Henry C....

$3.95 - New York Times - May 31, 1938

Miss Frances Taylor Hallam, daughter of Mrs. Robert Gaston Hallam, was married here this afternoon to Henry Charles Hurt of New York at the home of her .


1. Robert Hurt: b. 16 Jun 1969 New York, NY; U.S. Representative from VA ®


2. Henry Charles Hurt, Jr.: editor of Reader’s Digest; m. 2 Oct 1968 Rapidan, VA

[Danville Register (Danville, VA), 4 Oct 1968: “The marriage of Miss Margaret Nolting Williams, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Dandridge Williams of ‘The Campbell Field,’ Rapidan, to Henry Charles Hurt Jr., son of M. and Mrs. Henry Charles Hurt of Chatham, took place Wednesday, Oct. 2…in Emmanuel Episcopal Church, Rapidan…”]

[Danville Register (Danville, VA), 29 Aug 1965: “Miss Hallam Hurt is spending some time in Oxford, Miss., where she is visiting her brother, Henry C. Hurt, Jr., who is attending the University of Mississippi. She will visit also in Dallas, Texas, where she will be the guest of her grandmother, Mrs. Mary Taylor Hallam.”]


3. Margaret Nolting Williams:


4. Henry Charles Hurt: b. 10 Jan 1913 New York, NY; d. 23 Sep 1972 Danville, VA

[Danville Register (Danville, VA), 24 Sep 1972: “Henry Charles Hunt, prominent Pittsylvania County banker, died yesterday….A native of New York, N.Y., Mr. Hurt was born Jan. 10, 1913, a son of the late Robert Hurt and Ada Emett Hurt….He is survived by his wife, Frances Hallam Hurt; a son, Henry C. Hurt Jr. of Carmel, N.Y…”]

Edited by Tom Scully
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