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9/11: Seismic Proof + Video Fakery = Inside Job

Guest James H. Fetzer

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Guest James H. Fetzer

9/11: Seismic Proof + Video Fakery = Inside Job


Jim Fetzer

Many sober citizens are reluctant to conclude that 9/11 was an “inside job” because they cannot bring themselves to believe that their own government would deliberately kill 3,000 of their fellow citizens to promote a political agenda for the sake of oil, Israel, and ideology. The evidence, however, extends to the apparent use of video fakery on 9/11, which, I now believe, was necessary to create a pseudo-explanation for explosions in the sub-basements of both Twin Towers. Either should be sufficient to make the point, but in combination they are devastating.

Two studies that initially seem far removed from one another turn out to be intricately interrelated. In "Seismic Proof: 9/11 was an 'inside job'" (original), http://www.scholarsfor911truth.org/Article911SeismicProof.html (also republished in a slightly revised version that does not affect the key points), Gordon Ross and Craig Furlong followed up on the report of an explosion in the subbasement of the North Tower PRIOR TO reverberations from the alleged plane impacts by William Rodriguez, the senior custodian in the North Tower, which he had lived through.

Using seismic data from a laboratory run by Columbia University and FAA and military radar data to establish the relationship between these "events', they found that explosions in the subbasements of both towers occurred 14-17 seconds before "impacts". They were meticulous in their research and their conclusions are well-supported by their data.


Data Table from “Seismic Proof”

When Willie mentioned to me that the subbasement had filled with water, I realized the principal purpose of those explosions had been to drain the sprinkler systems of water. Since most of the jet fuel burned up in spectacular fireballs within the first 15-20 seconds, the modest fires that remained could have been easily extinguished by the sprinklers, had they not been drained.

Evidence that the videos of the airplane impacts were faked -- which I have summarized in several arguments in "New Proof of Video Fakeryon 9/11", http://www.opednews.com/articles/New-Proof-of-Video-Fakery--by-Jim-Fetzer-080729-132.html -- thus appears to have been to effect a precise temporal coordination of the "impacts" occurring prior to the intended subsequent explosions as their pseudo-cause.

The reason is that the perps needed a semi-plausible explanation for why they had occurred at all. The one they chose was to claim that jet fuel had fallen through the elevator shafts and exploded in those basements. There are several problems with this account, however, including that the primary elevators are staggered in the towers, which means the fuel could not have fallen through them into the subbasements.

Another is that, while there are one or two that extend all the way up and down the towers, a co-worker of Willie was in one of those in the North Tower. He survived the experience without having been burned alive, which would have been his fate if the official account were correct. And, of course, there was a human error in coordinating the "impacts" with the explosions, where Ross and Furlong confirmed that the explosions actually happened first.


"Fight 175" entering the South Tower

The indications of fakery here include that the plane – allegedly a Boeing 767 -- is traveling at an aerodynamically impossible speed (as Pilots for 9/11 Truth has confirmed); it enters the building effortlessly with no loss of velocity, no impact, and no debris; and it passes through its own length into the building in the same number of frames it passes through its own length in air – impossible unless a 500,000 ton building poses no more resistance to the plane’s trajectory than air!

Now it might seem reasonable, on first consideration, to suppose that it would have been simpler to use real planes instead of resorting to video fakery. The problem, however, is that hitting a target that is only 208' on a side is a very daunting task. Pilots for 9/11 Truth, for example, has reported that many of their members, who were far more highly qualified than any of the alleged "hijackers", had made repeated attempts to hit a 208' wide tower using a 767 simulator without success.

The only one of whom I know had any success was Rob Balsamo, who had one success in ten tries, where the speed of the plane (at 560 mph as seen in those videos) made it extremely difficult, indeed. In their efforts to GUARANTEE that those impacts would occur at the times required to "explain" the subbasement explosions, therefore, it was necessary to resort to the tactic of video fakery, where how it was done--with CGIs, compositing, or holograms--is an open question.

Jim Fetzer, McKnight Professor Emeritus at UMD, is the Founder of Scholars for 9/11 Truth, http://911scholars.org.

Edited by James H. Fetzer
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In their efforts to GUARANTEE that those impacts would occur at the times required to "explain" the subbasement explosions, therefore, it was necessary to resort to the tactic of video fakery, where how it was done--with CGIs, compositing, or holograms--is an open question.

There is the problem of many thousands of people actually seeing it happen in real life.

I was in a hotel in Algiers and also watched it on the television.

The basement explosion theory is at very best as thin as a hair from the head of a fly, as the towers did not collapse from the base, but from the impact points.

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I also saw the live TV feeds - in college. From just after the 1st aeroplane impact, anyway.

Also? What's an "aerodynamically impossible speed" for a 767? Mach 12? I believe we all know they're very capable, and robustly designed to fly at over 500MPH at near ground level, even if they don't do that routinely, (especially carrying passengers) as lots of videos available on the intawebs show. Repeatedly. In great quantity. Time after time.

Quite entertaining really, and somewhat dangerous. A good sneeze, or hiccough and you're cartwheeling into the ground...but a terrorist on a suicide mission doing the same into a tall building is.....what? UNPOSSABULL!? :lol:

If the "recommended" Flight Envelope for a 757/767 specifies (let's say) 250KnPH at 500ft or less, calculate for us the Vno/Mmo of a faster speed, and the effects on the airframe over the course of, what was the time of hijack to impact? 2 hours? Do the same for the real Flight Envelope specs, too. And show us the math you used.

This should be fun :ice

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Guest James H. Fetzer

Bill and Steve don't seem to have given this much thought. The point is that what you saw on television was FAKE! Do you believe everything you see on TV? I find this quite stunning. And, as I explained, the explosions in the subbasements were designed to drain the water from the sprinkler systems.

Since I have just posted this reply on another forum, I seems appropriate to share it here in anticipation of other objections that have little or not merit. Steve's differences are with Pilots for 9/11 Truth, not me, but John Lear's affidavit at http://911scholars.ning.com also elaborates on the aerodynamics.


Thanks for replying by offering reasons for your skepticism, which I appreciate. I am glad you like "Seismic Proof: 9/11 was an inside job", which Gordon Ross and Craig Furlong have expanded twice, where their latest version may be found at http://www.journalof911studies.com/ . So I will focus on your other objections.

Have you read "New Proof of Video Fakery on 9/11", where I lay out (what I have taken to be) the strongest reasons for concluding that the video has to have been faked, since it displays effects that are aerodynamically or physically impossible? I shall assume that that is a sufficient condition for inferring something is wrong.

The question thus becomes whether the speed (of 560 mph), which is the cruising speed of a 767 at 35,000 feet, is impossible at 700-1,000 feet; whether its entry into the building occurs in violation of Newton's laws; and whether a plane can pass its length into the building in the same number of frames it does though air.

Pilots for 9/11 Truth has done several studies of the speed shown in the videos, including "Speeds Reported For World Trade Center Attack Aircraft Analyzed" http://pilotsfor911truth.org/wtc_speed and its new documentary, "9/11 Intercepted", which not only confirms that the plane was flying at an impossible speed but that it would have been unmanageable in flight and actually come apart.

Your claim about the building being mostly air suggests to me that you are not familiar with the design of the Twin Towers. Each had 47 massive core columns and 240 external steel support columns. They were connected by concrete floors on steel trusses that were connected to the core columns at one end and to the support columns at the other. Each floor represented about an acre of concrete.

Flight 11, which allegedly hit the North Tower, intersected the building at an angle that impacted with seven (7) of those floors, while Flight 175 intersected with eight (8). Those represented tremendous horizontal resistance. Imagine one of those floors suspected on the horizontal in space, where it was hit by a plane traveling at 560 mph. What do you think would have been the physical effects?

We know the damage done to commercial carriers by impacts with tiny birds that only weigh a few ounces. So imagine an impact with a massive steel laden with an acre of concrete. According to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_Trade_Center

Yamasaki's design for the World Trade Center, unveiled to the public on January 18, 1964, called for a square plan approximately 208 feet (63 m) in dimension on each side.[17][23] The buildings were designed with narrow office windows 18 inches (46 cm) wide, which reflected Yamasaki's fear of heights as well as his desire to make building occupants feel secure.[24]

Here's an abstract diagram that shows the support columns were one meter apart:


which means that the 18 inch wide windows were less than half the width of their separation--and of course there were no windows between the floors vertically. It is reasonable to calculate, therefore, that less than 50% of each 208' side was of glass. So at the most, less than 50% of the plane could have entered the building. But of course what we actually witness is 100% of the plane entering the building.

Moreover, you do not mention the point that the plane passes through its whole length into the building in the same number of frames it passes through its whole length in air, which implies that this massive steel and concrete structure posed no more resistance to its flight trajectory than air. This is the argument that I found most convincing. I presume you will admit this is a physical impossibility.

Another article, http://www.newworldencyclopedia.org/entry/World_Trade_Center, discusses the design and includes diagrams of the buildings which display the off-set of the elevators, which I mentioned as the first reason why the falling jet fuel explanation really won't do. The few that ran from the bottom to the top did not experience falling jet fuel, where the explosions occurred prior to the "impacts".

Here is a copy of the Hezarkhani video of Flight 175 entering the South Tower, http://img401.imageshack.us/img401/9189/hezarkhanicumv3.gif Notice that there is no crumpling of the fuselage, no breaking of the wings, the tail does not snap off, and no bodies, seats, or luggage falls from the plane. Damage to the side of the building does not appear until after it is completely inside of it.

As for the use of remote controlled aircraft, of course that is a possibility, but even a remotely controlled aircraft could not have entered the building in violation of Newton's laws or passed through its own length into the building in the same number of frames it passes through air. We are left with the conclusion of fakery, where how it was done--CGIs, video compositing, or hologram--is open to debate.

I read the "Seismic Proof" paper years ago' date=' and it seems well reasoned to me. On the other hand, I've yet to see anything even vaguely resembling a solid argument for video fakery.

the plane – allegedly a Boeing 767 -- is traveling at an aerodynamically impossible speed (as Pilots for 9/11 Truth has confirmed)

How are you suggesting this was confirmed?

impossible unless a 500' date='000 ton building poses no more resistance to the plane’s trajectory than air![/quote']

Buildings are mostly air, as is the plane. Well there's a lot of jet fuel in the planes too, but that doesn't hold together much better than air. Furthermore, even a sold wall didn't slow down this plane done much:

Obviously a wall of mostly glass interspersed with steel beams would provide even less resistance.

The problem' date=' however, is that hitting a target that is only 208' on a side is a very daunting task.[/quote']

Plausibility Of 9/11 Aircraft Attacks Generated By GPS-Guided Aircraft Autopilot Systems addresses that issue well.

Edited by James H. Fetzer
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Long before I ever did enough research to realize that that 911 was a false flag operation, I knew that something was very wrong with the video images of the plane hitting the South tower.. It was swallowed up whole, with no parts of it falling off at the point of impact, or any fireball on the outside of the building, which would be what would have occured if a plane really hit that steel and concrete structure.. I don't pretend to know how the plane hitting the building was faked, but it's obvious that it was.

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Professor Fetzer:

Is it your claim that no planes hit the Trade Center towers that day? If so, how do you respond to the thousands upon thousands of people who saw the impacts with their own eyes? What did we all see, if not real planes? And do you also propose that the passengers on both planes are not actually dead?

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Guest James H. Fetzer

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John Lear's Affidavit in the Judy Wood lawsuit against NIST and its contractors

Posted by James H. Fetzer on July 27, 2009 at 7:35pm

View My Blog

This affidavit was the subect of "The Real Deal" interview with John Lear today:

John Lear swears and affirms as follows:


>>>>> No Boeing 767 airliners hit the Twin Towers as fraudulently alleged

>>>>> by the government, media, NIST and its contractors. Such crashes

>>>>> did not occur because they are physically impossible as depicted for

>>>>> the following reasons:


>>>>> A. In the case of UAL 175 going into the south tower, a real Boeing

>>>>> 767 would have begun 'telescoping' when the nose hit the 14 inch

>>>>> steel columns which are 39 inches on center. The vertical and

>>>>> horizontal tail would have instantaneously separated from the

>>>>> aircraft, hit the steel box columns and fallen to the ground.


>>>>> B. The engines when impacting the steel columns would have

>>>>> maintained their general shape and either fallen to the ground or

>>>>> been recovered in the debris of the collapsed building. One alleged

>>>>> engine part was found on Murray Street but there should be three

>>>>> other engine cores weighing over 9000 pounds each. Normal operating

>>>>> temperatures for these engines are 650°C so they could not possibly

>>>>> have burned up. This is a photo of a similar sized engine from a

>>>>> McDonnell-Douglas MD-11 which impacted the ocean at a high rate of

>>>>> speed. You can see that the engine remains generally intact.(photo,


>>>>> http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2003/...rld/main546355. shtml)


>>>>> C. When and if the nose of an airplane came in contact with the

>>>>> buildings 14 inch by 14 inch steel box columns and then, 37 feet

>>>>> beyond, the steel box columns of the building core the momentum of

>>>>> the wings would have slowed drastically depriving them of the energy

>>>>> to penetrate the exterior steel box columns. The spars of the wing,

>>>>> which extend outward, could not possibly have penetrated the 14 inch

>>>>> by 14 inch steel box columns placed 39 inches on center and would

>>>>> have crashed to the ground.


>>>>> D. The argument that the energy of the mass of the Boeing 767 at a

>>>>> speed of 540 mph fails because:


>>>>> a. No Boeing 767 could attain that speed at 1000 feet

>>>>> above sea level because of parasite drag which doubles with velocity

>>>>> and parasite power which cubes with velocity.


>>>>> b. The fan portion of the engine is not designed to accept

>>>>> the volume of dense air at that altitude and speed.


>>>>> E. The piece of alleged external fuselage containing 3 or 4 window

>>>>> cutouts is inconsistent with an airplane that hit 14 inch steel box

>>>>> columns, placed 39 inches in center, at over 500 mph. This fuselage

>>>>> section would be telescopically crumpled had it actually penetrated

>>>>> the building as depicted in the CNN video. It is impossible for it

>>>>> to have then re-emerged from the building and then fallen intact and

>>>>> unburned as depicted.


>>>>> F. The Purdue video fails because no significant part of the Boeing

>>>>> 767 or engine thereon could have penetrated the 14 inch steel

>>>>> columns and 37 feet beyond the massive core of the tower without

>>>>> part of it falling to the ground. The Purdue video misrepresents the

>>>>> construction of the core of the building and depicts unidentified

>>>>> parts of the airplane snapping the core columns which were 12"x36".

>>>>> The Purdue video also misrepresents what would happen to the tail

>>>>> when the alleged fuselage contacted the core. The tail would

>>>>> instantaneously separate from the empennage (aft fuselage). Further,

>>>>> the Purdue video misrepresents, indeed it fails to show, the wing

>>>>> box or center section of the wing in the collision with the core.

>>>>> The wing box is a very strong unit designed to hold the wings

>>>>> together and is an integral portion of the fuselage. The wing box is

>>>>> designed to help distribute the loads of the wings up-and-down

>>>>> flexing in flight.


>>>>> G. My analysis of the alleged cutout made by the Boeing 767 shows

>>>>> that many of the 14-inch exterior steel box columns which are shown

>>>>> as severed horizontally, do not match up with the position of the

>>>>> wings. Further, several of the columns through which the horizontal

>>>>> tail allegedly disappeared are not severed or broken. In addition,

>>>>> the wing tips of the Boeing 767 being of less robust construction

>>>>> than the inner portions of the wings could not possibly have made

>>>>> the cookie-cutter pattern as shown in the aftermath photos. The wing

>>>>> tips would have been stopped by the 14 inch steel box columns and

>>>>> fallen to the ground.


>>>>> H. The debris of the Boeing 767, as found after the

>>>>> collapse, was not consistent with actual debris had there really

>>>>> been a crash. Massive forgings, spars from both the wing and

>>>>> horizontal and vertical stabilizers, landing gear retract cylinders,

>>>>> landing gear struts, hydraulic reservoirs and bogeys oxygen bottles,

>>>>> a massive keel beam, bulkheads and the wing box itself cold not

>>>>> possibly have 'evaporated' even in a high intensity fire. The debris

>>>>> of the collapse should have contained massive sections of the Boeing

>>>>> 767, including 3 engine cores weighing approximately 9000 pounds

>>>>> apiece which could not have been hidden. Yet there is no evidence of

>>>>> any of these massive structural components from either 767 at the

>>>>> WTC. Such complete disappearance of 767s is impossible.


For more, http://911scholars.ning.com/profiles/blogs/john-lears-affidavit-in-the

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Guest James H. Fetzer

The New York Times collated 500 witness reports, which were all over the place: no plane, small plane, military plane, commercial plane. The number who reported a United Airlines plane hitting the South Tower was equal to the number who reported seeing a missile fired from the Woolworth Building hitting the North Tower: one! A new blog addresses other questions you raise, which I shall post here shortly. But I take it you understand that, if the videos are showing impossible events, then something is wrong and some kind of fakery is taking place. Do we agree about this point?

Professor Fetzer:

Is it your claim that no planes hit the Trade Center towers that day? If so, how do you respond to the thousands upon thousands of people who saw the impacts with their own eyes? What did we all see, if not real planes? And do you also propose that the passengers on both planes are not actually dead?

Edited by James H. Fetzer
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Guest James H. Fetzer

Barry's Conspiracy World

Exploring Conspiracy Truth

The "No Plane" Theory

To the uninitiated, this seems like the most idiotic crock of crap. Let's take a look at the facts of the morning of 9/11 and see how this "silly" idea came about.

No one saw a plane crash in PA. There was very little wreckage at the "crash site." There were no pieces over two feet long. There were no bodies. There was not "one drop of blood." There was no black box. There was a second debris field 8 miles away. This is very odd and if anything would give credibility to the idea that the plane was shot down, however, there was also very little debris present at the second location.

No one saw a commercial plane hit the Pentagon. Some witnesses thought they may have seen what appeared to be a small passenger plane or missile.

There were no flight manifests for Flights 11 and 77. To many aviation experts, this means that the flights never existed. These flight numbers are for the planes hitting the north tower and the Pentagon.

Let's say for a moment that there were no planes at the Pentagon and in PA. If that is the case, why would there necessarily be any planes at the WTC? Well, people saw them and heard them. There is video of the planes hitting the towers. That's tough to get around. But what did they see? And what did they hear?

They saw a Boeing 767 fly over New York city at 580mph. This is a problem. The maximum speed of the Boeing 767 at sea level is 360mph. That's not a 20 mph difference, but a 220 mph difference! Given that drag varies on the square of the velocity and the power required to push through that drag varies on the 4th power of the velocity. A discrepency of 220 mph is enormous! Pushing a large aircraft an extra 220mph at sea level is not a trivial matter. This amounts to an increase in power of 674% -- above full power! This could not be accomplished by dive bombing the plane, which was not the case as the speed was taken while the plane was at a level cruise. (The 767 would most likely break apart if somehow it was powered to cruise at 580mph at sea level -- sea level being an enormous difference from a 40,000ft cruising altitude, where the air density is less than 25% of air at sea level.)

Let's examine the footage of the planes striking the WTC.


"Fight 175" entering the South Tower

Editor's note: See, for example, the Hezarkhani footage: http://killtown.blogspot.com/search/label/No-Planes

Flight of the Hologram

If you look closely, the plane passes into the building rather like a phantom. Also, quite significant is the fact that when it hits the building, there seem to be numerous explosions along the surface of the building. Not metal and glass crashing, but explosions. Furthermore, they don't seem to be timed exactly -- they fire off at slightly different moments, which don't really coincide with the plane hitting the building. Why would there be numerous small explosions from a plane hitting a building? (I'm not talking about the big ball of fire explosion, but the small explosions along the surface. These explosions seem to be making the Wyle E. Coyote cut-out on the face of the building.)

Another obvious question is "What could else it possibly be? It looks like an airplane!" Well, examine this link and scroll down to Topic 7: Hologram Technology. Most people are not familiar with the above top secret classified holographic technology which can project solid looking objects from fast flying fighter planes. Witnesses heard a plane overhead, but it is not impossible that they heard a missile and when couple with the image of a plane, assumed it was a plane. It would be fairly simple to add in a sound effect of loud low frequency rumble, that when added to the sound of a cruise missile, closely models the spectral make-up of a Boeing 767.

Hologram Technology

There have been anecdotal reports of people giving speeches on stage at business conferences, while engaging the audience. Several minutes into the speech, the actual person walks out and stands next to his hologram which has duped the audience. A friend of aviation legend John Lear was driving in the California desert and spotted an enormous military cargo plane flying overhead. He found it odd that such a plane would be flying at such a location -- out in the middle of nowhere. He looked up and it vanished into thin air. The witness felt that this must have been a test run of holographic technology.


This is seemingly a huge problem with the whole "no plane" theory. Real people died on 9/11. There is no denying that. However, the passenger lists are actually supportive pieces of evidence to the idea of "no planes." The 4 planes all had low loads -- less than 200 people total were onboard, including the crew. It turns out that many of the names were employees of Boeing and other military contractors or were in the military itself. The government set up a compensation fund for families of the victims of 9/11. Each family would receive $2 million compensation. Only a small percentage of the families entitled to money came forward to collect! For one plane of 40 victims, only 6 families tried to claim the $2 million! Moreover, six of the alleged hijackers were seen after 9/11. One of them spoke in length with his father the next day. Another hijacker was interviewed on the BBC on 9/12! One must ask, "How can a pilot fly a plane into a building and do an interview on the BBC the next day?!"

Passenger lists

So what happened to the people? It would be fairly simple for CIA operatives or black ops NSA security to pick up the crews and the few actual passengers from the planes.

Considering the 9/11 attacks as a whole: What would be the most effective way to carry out the operation? If the goal was to bring down the world's biggest office buildings in grand fashion (while making it look like an enemy attack), would you want to use commercial airplanes? Hell no! Even if you wanted to fly the planes into the towers and THEN implode them with tons of nano-thermite, you still would not want to use planes for such an operation. (Tests of the WTC dust has shown it contains nano-thermite). Experienced pilots have testified that it would be extremely difficult to achieve a center hit with the plane. You would need a totally reliable pilot who could be counted on for a suicide flight. By all accounts, the hijackers were not very capable pilots. If just one of the planes just nicked the edge of the tower, it would look enormously fake to still implode the building.

There is also the problem of the flight path of the plane that hit the Pentagon. The plane made a nearly 360 degree sharp turn and decent, which would have been difficult even in a large military jet. This maneuver would not have been possible in a Boeing 767. Furthermore, the alleged pilot to this craft Hani Hanjour, was not competent to fly a Boeing 767 at any speed. He could barely fly a Cesna in flight school. Here is one of many articles on "pilot extraordinaire" Hani Hanjour.

Pilot extraordinaire

Pilots for Truth examined the flight data recorder for Flight 77 and found it to be faked. If an accurate barometer reading had been used for the data, the flight would have passed over the Pentagon at an altitude of 273 feet. There is a run through simulation of Flight 77 on the Pilots for 911 Truth site.

Pilots for 9/11 Truth

There are many more reasons why the idea of airplanes does not hold water. Pilots for Truth realize the many problems with this notion. So I ask, "If there were no planes, what happened?" That is a great question. So far, the evidence suggests that cruise missiles were flown into the Pentagon and WTC 1 and 2. (Of course nothing hit WTC 7 -- it imploded seemingly by itself.) The cruise missiles projected a hologram of a Boeing 767 over NYC. They didn't bother projecting anything over the Pentagon. Flight 93 most likely never took place. "Let's roll" was some creative writing, as was "Hi mom, it's your son Mark Bingham. You know who I am? [i'm about to crash and die.]" It turns out that cell phone calls from planes were not possible in 2001.* The Flight 93 calls could have been faked with available Voice Morphing Technology.**

Nearly 3000 people died for a false flag to justify a false war. There were no weapons of mass destruction. The U.S. simply wanted to proceed with military control of the Middle East.

* The calls from Flight 93 were made from an altitude between 34,300 feet and 40,700 feet. Canadian scientist and mathematician A.K. Dewdney determined that cell phone calls at an altitude of 20,000 feet could be completed at a rate of less than 1 in 100 in 2001. Higher altitudes would have been more difficult. The chances of two callers making successful calls would have been less than 1 in 10,000. According to reports, there were 9 cell phone calls from Flight 93 at an altitude of over 30,000 feet.

** As reported in the Washington Post in 1999, William Arkin wrote "By taking just a 10 minute digital recording of anyone's voice" voice morphing experts can "clone speech patterns and develop an accurate facsimile."

The original of this article, http://barryb911.blogspot.com/2011/05/no-plane-theory.html, has just appeared on Barry Berman's blog.

Edited by James H. Fetzer
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Bill and Steve don't seem to have given this much thought. The point is that what you saw on television was FAKE! Do you believe everything you see on TV? I find this quite stunning. And, as I explained, the explosions in the subbasements were designed to drain the water from the sprinkler systems.

I'm sorry but is simply wasn't fake as there is no way to fake all that. There's no way to do it live now and certainly no way to do it live back then. Multiple live TV feeds from all directions, and also a large number of completely independent people also videoing the events.

I doubt very much the entire reservoir for the sprinklers was in the base either, as to make the system reliable you have to use gravity feed, so there should be other water tanks higher up.

Long before I ever did enough research to realize that that 911 was a false flag operation, I knew that something was very wrong with the video images of the plane hitting the South tower.. It was swallowed up whole, with no parts of it falling off at the point of impact, or any fireball on the outside of the building, which would be what would have occured if a plane really hit that steel and concrete structure.. I don't pretend to know how the plane hitting the building was faked, but it's obvious that it was.

The south tower was the second one that was hit? (Not sure) If so then there was quite a lot of debris that came out the other side from the impact.

If it was the first tower then the only video camera to record the impact was on the same side as the impact so you could not have seen what was happening on the other side.

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Guest James H. Fetzer

Bill, if you don't know which tower was hit first and that the one hit second was exposed to modest fires for only about and hour and the other about an hour and a half, you really need to do a lot more homework before you post on this. If you think that a video showing a plane traveling at an aerodynamically impossible speed, entering a massive steel and concrete building in violation of Newton's laws, and passing through its own length into the building in the same number of frames that it passes through its own length in air--and you can count them for yourself using single-frame-by-single-frame advance--then you have a higher tolerance for violations of laws of physics and of engineering than any grown man should have. As I have often observed, the official account is just fine as long as you are willing to believe impossible things. You are. I am not. And whether or not the whole sprinkler systems were drained, those that would have been drained first would have been the highest in both of those buildings--unless you think that, by some further miracle, the laws of gravity were suspended that day! I'm sorry but videos that display impossible events represent one kind of fakery or another. The hologram hypothesis seems to have the strongest degree of support, where, as I observed, you don't seem to have thought this through.

Bill and Steve don't seem to have given this much thought. The point is that what you saw on television was FAKE! Do you believe everything you see on TV? I find this quite stunning. And, as I explained, the explosions in the subbasements were designed to drain the water from the sprinkler systems.

I'm sorry but is simply wasn't fake as there is no way to fake all that. There's no way to do it live now and certainly no way to do it live back then. Multiple live TV feeds from all directions, and also a large number of completely independent people also videoing the events.

I doubt very much the entire reservoir for the sprinklers was in the base either, as to make the system reliable you have to use gravity feed, so there should be other water tanks higher up.

Long before I ever did enough research to realize that that 911 was a false flag operation, I knew that something was very wrong with the video images of the plane hitting the South tower.. It was swallowed up whole, with no parts of it falling off at the point of impact, or any fireball on the outside of the building, which would be what would have occured if a plane really hit that steel and concrete structure.. I don't pretend to know how the plane hitting the building was faked, but it's obvious that it was.

The south tower was the second one that was hit? (Not sure) If so then there was quite a lot of debris that came out the other side from the impact.

If it was the first tower then the only video camera to record the impact was on the same side as the impact so you could not have seen what was happening on the other side.

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AA Flight 11 Approach

At approximately 0845, I, Officers Patrick McNerney and Jose Sanchez, were on routine patrol at the corner of 42nd street and 8th Avenue. As I was looking east on 42nd street, I observed a commercial passenger jet flying over at an extremely low altitude, and heading south. ...I thought that the pilot was attempting to make an emergency landing in the harbor off lower Manhattan. ...It was just east of the Empire State Building, and, to my best estimation, no higher than 500' above it.

During this time, I looked for signs of distress. I was trying to observe the plane, as closely as I could for smoke, fire, or any type of vapor trail. There was none. The landing gear was up and the doors that house the gear closed. The plane was, as I stated, traveling south and was moving at a high rate of speed. It was flying level and straight. The pilot did not appear to be fighting to maintain control of the aircraft. PAPD Sgt William Ross Source

Patrick McNerney concurs:

While there we observed a large plane flying south over Manhattan. We were surprised at how low and the direction of the plane. We discussed the plane and then moments later all police officers were ordered to the police desk and advised us of the situation. Source

Mohawk ironworkers were working 50 floors up at a Lower Manhattan job when an airliner passed within what seemed like 50 feet of their crane on the way to its collision with the World Trade Center about 10 blocks away.

Richard Otto immediately got on his cell phone with Michael Swamp, business manager of Ironworkers Local 440 at the St. Regis (Akwesasne) Mohawk Reservation.

"He called in, all shook up, after the first plane passed," Swamp told Indian Country Today. "He was telling me the wing of a plane had just missed their crane."

As they were talking, the second plane came by, headed for the other World Trade Center Tower.

"He got excited and said another plane was coming," Swamp said. "'Listen, this is going to hit,' Otto said. He started telling people to get out." Source

On the morning of September 11th about 8:45, I was relieved, and a few of us were standing in front of quarters when we noticed a plane came directly over the firehouse maybe around 8:45, somewhere around that time. One of the guys mentioned that the plane looked like it was really low. Before we could really think of what he said, the next thing we heard an explosion. We saw the smoke.

FDNY firefighter Kenneth Escofferey, Ladder 20

We just got relieved after 0900, Fireman Escofrery and myself. We saw the plane coming over, sort of over quarters and then the initial crash. We heard the initial crash. FDNY firefighter George Kozlowski (Note that his time is wrong. He is describing the first plane. Ladder 20 is located at 251 Lafayette Street, north of the WTC.)

Rob Marchesano, a construction foreman, was working at a site at La Guardia Street and West Third. He heard a roar overhead, and saw a plane flying by, low and fast and at an angle that at first made him fear that it would hit his crane. He and his co-workers watched in astonishment and then horror as the plane approached the North Tower of the World Trade Center. He noticed that the plane seemed to tilt at the last second, as though someone wanted the wings to take out as many floors as possible.


Now we all heard a plane that sounded like it was in trouble. So everyone stopped what they were doing. It was obvious there was something wrong with the motors. They were like straining, and they were louder than normal. Normally over Manhattan a plane flies very high. We all looked in the sky and didn't see anything, but then for six or seven seconds flying out of the northeast, headed southwest, was this jetliner, like the kind of thing you would go on to go to Miami Beach or Vegas or something like that.

It was flying very low, probably about 350 feet. As it passed over us, it wobbled, just a little bit. Then after six or seven seconds of seeing it -- we lost sight of it, because there were six-story tenements around us so that patch of sky that we saw it for just lasted that small amount of time.

...and then I heard a dull thud; not an explosion but an actual dull thud with a little bit of metal to it. I kind of stopped in my tracks and I thought for a second. I said nah. FDNY lieutenant Robert Larocco, at 10th St. & 2nd Avenue

Oh god. I'm shaking. A plane just went by my window, it was flying WAY too low, and I was thinking, "How ironic," I wrote about this in my book, and it crashed. ...Oh God, people are dead now. Oh god. –Stacy Horn, founder of ECHO, posting at 8:49 on 11 September, 2001 Source

A witness who works in the strategic planning department at The New York Times, Alan Flippen, said that as he came to work on 46th Street just before 9 he saw an American Airlines Boeing 767 flying ``very low in the direction of the World Trade Center towers.''


"It was a large plane flying low," said Robert Pachino, another witness. "There was no engine trouble. He didn't try to maneuver. This plane was on a mission." Source

AA flight 11 Impact

My name is Jeff Benjamin and I was visiting a client, Axcelera Specialty Risk, on the 83rd floor of the North Tower when we observed an approaching aircraft (American Airlines Flt.11)from a distance of aprox. 3-4 miles. At the time we initially spotted the plane, it appeared to be level with us. We could distinctly identify the American airlines insignia and my client commented that perhaps the plane had taken off from Kennedy and was experiencing mechanical problems. As the plane approached us it seemed to climb. I stood up from the conference table and walked over to the window assuming as everyone did that there was no imminent danger. As the plane came closer we could see that it was traveling at a high rate of speed and the sound of the engines intensified. Immediately before impact we could see images in the cockpit and the plane banked sharply. A split second later we heard an echoing shot, fell to the floor and observed a fireball followed by debris which struck the side of the building. At the same time you could feel the building sway every so slightly for a brief moment. We immediately retreated towards the main part of the office where we noticed a huge fireball shooting out of the elevator shaft which quickly disappeared. Source

From a window on the 61st floor in the north tower, Ezra Aviles had seen everything. He knew it was no bomb. His window faced north, and he saw the plane tearing through the skies, heading straight for the tower. It had crashed into the building over his head-how far, he was not sure. Jim Dwyer and Kevin Flynn "102 minutes, The Untold Story of the Fight to Survive Inside the Twin Towers." Henry Holt & Co. New York.; 2005.

I heard the loud roar of airplane engines outside. I turned in my chair so that I could see out the window. About three or four plane lengths away, I saw a huge jetliner coming at the building. I said, "That guy is low!" I spoke loud enough that my colleague sitting in the cubicle next to mine heard me. I saw the nose of the plane and then the smooth underbelly and one of the wings. It was just above me, a little bit to the right, and slightly bent so the wing over me was higher than the other wing. I couldn't see any windows or recognise any markings but I noticed the landing gear was up. It had just registered that this was no small plane when it entered our building two floors above me. George Sleigh


"I saw the plane come in. My office faces north. I just finished my coffee and I heard my friend say, 'Oh no, oh no.' This plane was coming right at us, then it went up and hit the upper floors. – Nicholas Scinicariello, 86th floor


I begin preparing reports for another day of trading at the NYMEX,... horrific explosion. An immediate change in the air pressure. A ghostly column of air shoots like a canon into the office. The front door slams shut. Papers are whipped into the air. I'm thrown off my chair and to the ground. My boss jumps out of his office a second prior to the explosion. He had watched, in horrific disbelief, the entire event as the plane narrowly missed the empire state building and set a direct course for our building. The explosion sends the tower shaking furiously, lurching back and forth with sickening vengeance for maybe five or ten seconds. I think we may die. The building may topple over, or crumble. Finally it stops. The building is still standing. Everybody stares at each other, no idea of what happened or what to say. Speculations about an explosion, a bomb. No, it was a plane, our boss says. A commercial jet. Corky Adams, on the 85th floor of the north tower

Members of Ladder 7 as seen in the Jules Naudet flyover and impact footage. Video excerpt: http://italy.indymed...wtc1-strike.avi

A. Okay. I was working the night before in the 1st Battalion, and sometime about 8:15 or so in the morning we got a call to Lispenard and Church for a gas leak in the street. We were there for a while checking on the gas leak, and then we heard the loud roar of the plane come over, and we turned around and we looked and we saw the plane coming down, heading south towards the Trade Center, and made a direct hit on the Trade Center.

Q. You actually saw it hit?

A. I saw it hit. Within about ten seconds after that or so I gave the first report on the radio and transmitted a second alarm for a plane into the Trade Center... FDNY Battalion Chief Joseph Pfeifer

Ken Siebert, who works at 195 Broadway, also not far from the World Trade Center, said he had come out of the Church Street subway station as the second plane approached the center.

"I saw the plane bank and turn," Mr. Siebert said. "He turned, definitely turned, and banked it in there."

To Mr. Siebert, such movements indicated to him that terrorists were piloting the aircraft. Source

On Tues, 9/11/01, at approximately 0846 hours, P.O. J. Camera and myself were standing on the North East corner of Jersey Ave & 12th St., facing the World Trade Center. We observed an aircraft, flying south, slam into the top of the north tower. The concussion from the resulting explosion was felt were (sic) we stood. PAPD PO David LeClaire Source (P. 85)

We were under the impression he looked like he was going down, but we didn't hear any mechanical difficulty. We couldn't figure out why an American Airlines plane would be so low in downtown Manhattan. We sort of expected him to veer off and go into the Hudson. But he just rose a little bit. His altitude leveled off adn he was headed straight for the Trade Center. So just before he got to the Trade Center it seemed as though he gained power. We were just watching this airplane on target for the World Trade Center. All of a sudden, boom he disappear into the Trade Center. You hear this sickening noise as if two pieces of fiberglass had hit. You hear this loud explosion. FDNY Lieutenant William Walsh

I just came on that day during a 24. I relieved the chauffeur probably about 8:20 or so. We got a box on Church and Leonard of an odor of gas. So Engine 7 and Ladder 1, Battalion 1, responds. It turned out to be a false alarm. As we were at the box, a plane passes us overhead real low. You could hear it; you could feel it. We turned around, and it just impacted the building, building one. With that, everybody got on the rig. We started driving. FDNY firefighter Thomas Spinard

I turned and saw a plane coming at an angle from the direction of the Statue of Liberty. It was low and a little to the right of where I was standing, but almost directly overhead. I followed it until I saw it go into the second tower. –Tonya Young Source

I watched the first plane fly downtown and collide with the north tower and almost immediately began to take pictures. These are selected for the significant moments they show. –Denny Tillman Source

"I saw the plane out of the corner of my eye. You're accustomed to a plane taking up a certain amount of space in the sky. This plane was huge. I just froze and watched the plane.

"It was coming down the Hudson. It was banking toward me. I saw the tops of both wings," he said. "It was turning to make sure it hit the intended target. It plowed in about 20 stories down dead center into the north face of the building. Andrew Lenney Source

Steven Schiraldi, a Wall Street financial manager, was reached by phone in New York moments after the second tower of the World Trade Center was hit by a plane.

"I saw the second plane fly right past my window," he said.

Then he cut the conversation short with the comment: "I have to go now. They told us to evacuate the building. There is complete chaos here."

Later he told Catholic News Service that after he saw the plane fly past his office window, he watched it crash into the trade center. "It disintegrated on impact. My heart was pounding. I've never been so scared in my life." Source

At 8:45, David Blackford was walking toward work in a downtown building. He heard a jet engine and glanced up. "I saw this plane screaming overhead," he said. "I thought it was too low. I thought it wasn't going to clear the tower."

Within moments, his fears were confirmed. The plane slammed into the north face of 1 World Trade Center. As he watched, he said, "You could see the concussion move up the building." Source

I was talking to my partner, Hank Ramos, and saw in front of me while we were about, I would say around Pearl Street, we had a view of the World Trade Center, which was only a few blocks away and I stopped him and I said to look at that plane, that it was flying extremely low and that it looked like it was about to hit. A few seconds later it did hit. FDNY EMT Alexander Loutsky

We were returning back there from Battalion 4 and we were going up, I believe it's Pearl Street, and my partner Alex Loutsky and I, we witnessed the first plane hit the first tower. Saw it flying low and we thought, that plane's flying kind of low, and then it hit the building and we went over the radio and we told central that we had witnessed a plane hitting the building, and at first she didn't believe us, but then other units started saying they saw the same thing and then we proceeded straight over to the Trade Center. FDNY EMT Ralph "Hank" Ramos

We were on the 59th Street bridge when out of the corner of our eye we say the first plane hit the World Trade Center. Looking south from the 59th Street bridge, we noticed the smoke. FDNY EMT Marc Cohen

From the union office we were going over to the city, a bunch of us in a van, and we took the 59th Street bridge. As we were driving over the 59th Street bridge, just looking out the window, we saw a plane hit the World Trade Center, what we thought was a plane, and out of disbelief, I was like did anybody else just see that? They're like what? I said a plane just hit the Trade Center. Everybody was like, oh, yeah, right. When they looked, you could see the flames and the smoke starting and they're like, wow, it must have been one of the little planes. I said, no, it looked like a jet. FDNY EMT Kenneth Davis

Looking over the southern tip of Manhatten, we could see the United jet roaring in, just skimming the tops of the buildings. Normally, when you see a jet that close, it is taking off or landing and is moving relatively slowly. This one was at full throttle. I remember yelling something like "What's he doing there?" but it went quickly behind us and was blocked from view by the buildings along the water. We didn't see the impact, but we could hear it and feel it. Bruce Kratofill Source

Someone next to me said that she saw an American Airlines plane fly directly above her floor, the 44th, and hit the building. Prior to that, I had assumed missiles had struck the buildings. Jim Campbell Source

On the morning of September 11th we were operating a box up on Church Street Near Canal. There was an odor of gas in the area. While we were out operating, we heard the first plane coming in. I turned around and I watched the plane crash into the north tower. FDNY firefighter Joseph Casaliggi

Victor Rao had just stepped off the elevator on the 11th floor of a building a block away at the corner of Murray and Church streets, humming a "silly Beatles song," when he heard a sound like a low-flying plane.

"I turned and said to my friend, `Man, that plane is flying low,' " he recalled hours later. "Before I could even get the last word out, it hit the side of the building and just blew the other side out." Source

So I smoke a cigarette and walk up towards the subway station at City Hall. I remember drinking my cup off coffee, looking up and telling myself, man this plane is flying low. The next thing I saw was the plane hitting the first tower. Eric Pelt Source

At roughly 8:45 AM, I heard the very loud sound of a plane approaching. The sound reminded me of the diving noise made by planes in old war films - a high pitched, mechanical whine. I knew immediately that a plane was about to crash. I the mini-blinds of my bedroom window in time to see a plane heading in my general direction. All I could think of was, "Oh my God, this plane is going to hit my building." The whining noise of the plane became defeaning as it sped by. I arrived at my dining room window just in time to see the plane smash into the North Tower of the World Trade Center. I cannot explain my horror in seeing the fireball, in hearing the explosion, in feeling the ground shake and my building sway beneath my feet. Trina Source

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About 9:03 a.m., as I was still looking north toward the Trade Center, I heard the very loud sound of a jet passenger plane flying very low behind me. I spun around and saw the plane directly above the Statue of Liberty and about to fly over our heads. Then, the plane avoided a high-rise just north of us and flew into the south side of the South Tower at about the 70th floor level. The huge plane disappeared into the even larger building, and a huge ball of flame and smoke erupted. –Mike Penzer Source

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UA Flight 175 Impact

"I just happened to raise my head watching the Statue of Liberty and as I watched I saw this giant aircraft ... coming in slow motion towards me -- eye level, eye contact. And I just froze."

United Airlines Flight 175 slammed into the building, smashing through walls, bringing down the ceiling, breaking computers and overturning every desk -- except the one Praimnath had ducked under.

"I'm trembling and I'm crying, 'Lord, don't leave me here to die!' And I realize that I'm covered with debris when I try to get up," he said. "Peeking through the rubble, all I could see was the plane wing wedged at my office door, 20 feet from where I was." Stanley Praimnath Source

"...I sat down with this guy who became my "buddy." Tim's story was that he was on the 86th floor of the second tower, when the plane hit the first tower. They started to evacuate, but after going down a dozen flights they were instructed that it was only the first tower that had been hit and that they could go back. So he was opening the door on the 74th floor at the exact moment that the second plane crashed into the 74th floor. He actually saw the wing before the explosion. He was splashed with jet fuel, but the explosion blew him back into the stairwell, saving his life. With other people helping him, because he was blinded by the jet fuel, he ran down 74 flights of stairs. A medic was lavaging his eyes when the first building fell. Source

At some point after our arrival and after we had moved to the west side of West Street, I heard a loud roar of a jet, looked up and saw the second plane impact the south tower. At that point it was clear to me it was a terrorist attack. We stepped over small airplane aviation parts, on Vesey, continued west, continued looking at the building. FDNY Chief Daniel Nigro

At that time, I started walking towards Engine 3. Engine 3 drove south to the south pedestrian bridge to make a U turn to come back and as I'm walking towards the Engine to find out what Lieutenant Walsh wanted us to do, I heard the sound of a jet plane. I looked up and saw it pretty close and I was like holy xxxx. What's going on with the with the flight patterns. All of a sudden, the wings turned and it dove right into the building and it was screwed up.

At that time Chief Ganci was behind me and he thought there was another explosion in the north tower and that's when I turned around and said Chief, listen, there is a second plane that hit the other tower. He was like no no no no, we have another explosion. I said no, Chief, I witnessed it. I watched the plane hit the other tower. He is like are you sure. I said Chief, I'm 100 hundred percent positive I watched the second plane hit the other tower. FDNY firefighter Scott Holowach

Upon that time I heard a plane roar. I had my window down and on my side we saw a plane flying very low come right across us and with a loud, you know, the engines revved up, and I had mentioned to him, I had no idea that it was heading towards that way, and I just said like where is this guy going, you know, he was extremely low, not realizing it was another plane heading towards the World Trade, and we saw it struck the building, we saw a big mushroom of flame, of fire coming up, and it was like disbelief, and he had gotten on the radio and notified the dispatcher another plane had struck the World Trade Center. FDNY firefighter Stephen Zasa

"While assisting a female burn victim, I observed PO Rivero look up towards the WTC tower #2. At this time the undersigned heard the sound of jet engines and observed an aircraft with a blue color tail fly directly into the south face of WTC Tower #2. Following the impact an enormous explosion occurred causing debris to begin to fall down all around the WTC complex." PAPD PO James Hall Source (pg. 5)

Boatswain's Mate 1st Class Robin Shipley, at the helm of a Station New York rigid-hull inflatable, took up station at the mouth of the East River between Governors Island and Manhattan's Battery Park. "We understood that a Cessna had accidentally collided into a tower of the WTC," Shipley said. "Shortly after our arrival on-scene we saw a large commercial jetliner approaching from Staten Island at a very low altitude.

"It was hard to believe what we were seeing," she continued, "but it took only fractions of a moment to realize what we were about to see. The plane veered to our right, crossed Governors Island, turned left-crossing over our boat-- and turned into a vertical position as it flew into the tower." The reaction of her three-man crew was, "My God, we are under attack." Source

While scores of boats and small craft were moving toward lower Manhattan, the Coast Guard's VTS center for New York harbor shifted into high gear. Cdr. Daniel Ronan, chief of the center's Waterways Management Division, was told there was "a lot of smoke" coming from Manhattan. He arrived at the VTS site within moments. Using radio transmissions from vessels in the harbor and the center's own surveillance cameras, he quickly evaluated the situation. "We saw the second plane hit the South Tower," he said. "There was a mood of disbelief and anger. Every person in the room knew that this was not an accident-and that it was time to go into emergency mode. Source

"We were standing with the chief and we heard somebody yell, 'There's another plane!'" Mosiello recalled. "Then it came into the range of my hearing. And it sounded louder and louder and louder and there it was ... it went right into the building, into (the south tower). Now we have a real problem on our hands. We have two buildings hit by planes. Thousands and thousands of people trapped." –FDNY Chief's assistant Steve Mosiello Source

After the first plane hit the World Trade Center, New York City firefighter Craig Gutkes was part of a ladder company in Brooklyn that was called in to Manhattan. When he was still on the Brooklyn side, his company saw the second plane roar over their heads, "It sounded like a freight train," he said. They watched that plane plow into Tower No. 2. Source

We were going on the first alarm to the staging area by the Brooklyn Battery Tunnel. En route to the staging area, we were going down Columbia Street, saw the second plane strike the building and we went from being a, quote, good job or a rough job, or we were going to earn our money today. FDNY firefighter Joseph Sullivan

Right before the tolls on the Brooklyn side heading towards Manhattan at the Battery Tunnel, we were sitting in traffic and we watched United Flight 175 hit tower two, which was the south tower of the World Trade Center.

At that time everybody was just in shock. The firefighters and I were just really trying to get through the traffic when the plane hit, and we were just standing there in like awe of what was happening. FDNY paramedic Kevin Darnowski

"I looked over my shoulder and saw the United Airlines plane coming. It came over the Statute of Liberty. It was just like a movie. It just directly was guided into the second tower." Lakshman Achuthan Source

No sooner did I run downstairs and look up, than I saw the second plane strike the south tower. FDNY lieutanent Murray Murad

Just then out of the corner of my eye I could see this plane. Just remember it was dark in the shadow. It looked low. I thought, what the heck is the guy doing? I watched it, watched him turn and crash right into the south tower. FDNY Battalion Chief Brian O'Flaherty

After that I ran up to the roof on the third floor with me and Eric Bernsten. We were watching it. We could see it from here. We have an unobstructed view. The other guys came up too. All six of us were on the roof.

Then we saw the second one come up. It looked like it was coming up the East River from here. I guess it was coming from the south. I thought it banked over the East River, which is what it looked like. I thought it made a left over the East River and went right into it going from east to west. But as it turns out, it came from the south. Then we saw it just go right into the building and explode.

I remember talking to Eric. I remember Eric saying something, "Oh, my God, there's another plane." I was saying to him, "That plane is closer to us. It's really not a big plane going towards the building." Two seconds later it rammed into the building. FDNY firefighter James Murphy

The second plane came in. It was the biggest noise I ever heard in my life.

Q. Did you see the plane?

A. Yeah. We saw it, we heard it, we felt the heat from it, the debris. FDNY EMT Sean Cunniffe

And all of a sudden, it was like it just took off across the bay. I couldn't believe how fast it went. At first, I thought it was just somebody trying to take a look at Manhattan. And it just went right across right into the building. FDNY Battalion Chief Tom Vallebuona Source

I was looking up to see if I could do a little more initial size up. That is when I saw the second plane hit the building. I just watched it coming in. FDNY EMS Captain Mark Stone

I stood there staring and then watched eventually the second plane. I saw it, It looked like it was circling coming south then came back north striking the south side of tower No. 2. FDNY paramedic Joel Pierce

It was at that time when I saw the second plane hit the building. I called a mayday. I told them the second plane hit the south tower of the building. I wasn't sure which floors it was, but I knew it hit the upper floors of the south tower. Debris was falling, body parts were falling. We ducked for cover inside Engine 7, but the rig was getting bombarded with debris from the building, debris from the plane. We saw bodies crash landing right next to the rig. So we couldn't stay there. FDNY firefighter Joseph Casaliggi

A man who was standing on the Brooklyn side of the Brooklyn Bridge, Nicholas Gasper, who works for the New York City Transit Department, said he saw a four-engine plane ``doing a tilt into the building. From what I saw it looked like the place sliced into the tower,'' referring to the second impact. He said he heard the building shake. ``I am still shaking,'' he added. Source

A second man who was three or four blocks away from the tower, Terrance Phillips, 35, from New Jersey, said he was looking at the fire. ``Then I saw a 747 or some kind of plane. It crashed in and exploded. People were watching and then they started stampeding away.'' Source

Rich Bautista, 56, a construction consultant, was headed to a 9 a.m. appointment on 59 Maiden Lane, two blocks away from the World Trade Center, when he heard the first blast. "It was so fast, it was so loud," he recalls. "I just came out of the Fulton Street subway when I heard this terrifying explosion. I looked up and saw smoke surrounding the World Trade Center. People started running. There was mass hysteria." Bautista's co-worker Ernie Kneuer, 29, saw flames pouring out of the building. They went up to the 40th floor of their building just in time to see the second plane collide. Source

About when we got to Chambers Street, by the college, we saw the second plane hit the World Trade Center. I told my partner slow down and wait to see if the building was going to collapse right away, because you could see it swaying. After a couple of minutes of waiting, we didn't see it collapse, so we started heading in further. FDNY EMT Charles Gshlecht, from a few blocks north.

After the first plane hit, we were here, actually. We could see the towers actually from here. So after the first plane hit, we saw it on the news. So we came up here to look out the window, and we saw it. We watched the second plane hit. Just as the second plane hit, that's when we received the alarm. FDNY firefighter Joseph Galasso

Q. The second plane?

A. I saw it coming in, I heard it, and bang, it hit. FDNY Firefighter Thomas Gaby

By this time, staff were filing into Ray's office, because it provided the best view of the Twin Towers. They stood there, watching the fire, watching the people jump. It was barely after 9 a.m. Another co-worker shrieked: "I see another plane!" United Airlines Flight 175 struck the South Tower — just as American Airlines Flight 11 had struck the North Tower minutes before — this time in full view of all those who were watching. The impact shook Ray's office building. Almost instantaneously, Ray "saw a huge piece of the plane shoot out from the second tower, heading in a decline curve" right in the direction of his building. "It's gonna hit us!," he hollered. Ray, in 100 Church Street Source

I was watching, we were watching the first WTC building, watching the people fall and the flames burn when I saw a plane, a passenger size plane, come out of the sky, arc around and crash DIRECTLY into the other tower!! It left a huge hole and smoke and flames. People in the office were shouting and crying. –Andy, in the Woolworth Building Source

I was going to get my car tuned in New Jersey and saw one of the World Trade Center's towers on fire. I pulled off the road into Liberty State Park, sat on a bench there and then saw a plane fly low over the harbor and crash into the other tower. Photographer Bob Gruen,who photographed the explosion Source

At this moment hearing a coming sound I raised my head. No! This is not happening. A big passenger jet was right above me. It was a blink of an eye. A fraction of second later the airplane disappeared inside WTC tower. I was standing at the base of the building that was the target of terrorist attack. There was no place take the cover. It was to late to run away. All I could do was just to cover my head with my bare hands and wait for the miracle. Parts of the building and from the airplane were falling on the street around me. Maciej Swulinski Source<br style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102)">

In the distance we saw another jet flying directly for the Towers. We could not believe our eyes - with a huge fireball, the jet flew directly into the South tower. Daryl Bryant

Then someone pointed and said "look." It was at that point that I saw another plane. We were all wondering where it was going. In horror, we all watched as it hit the second tower. I will never get that sound or that vision out of my head. Bonnie Source

Ted Campanello '85 worked on the 29th floor of WTC Building 7 (the smaller, third building to collapse) as a vice president for Salomon Smith Barney. He was on his way to the building and looking up at the smoke coming from the first tower when he saw the second plane coming out of the corner of his eye. When it hit, he ran into the basement of the Hilton Millennium Hotel but after about five minutes went back outside and headed east... Source

Bob Borski, 32, a financial director at the AIG insurance organization, with offices six blocks from the World Trade Center, was standing on the 15th floor with his boss, watching as the first tower burned. Then he saw United Airlines Flight 175 heading for the second tower.

It just doesn't fit into your mind -- I'm used to seeing planes and helicopters disappear behind the building. And then they come out the other side. But this was so low and it literally disappeared into the building. You think, well, what would that look like? Would it bounce off? But it's like the building swallowed up the plane. It was a swift explosion, it wasn't resounding. It was boom -- like a door shutting. Quick and loud. That silvery shiny plane, just going right into the building -- I'll replay it in my mind over and over. Source

I looked out my bedroom window and saw the second plane hurtling full power across New York harbor, flying low, tilted almost sideways, apparently coming right for me. When it passed over my building to pierce the South Tower, my reaction became a tiny piece of NBC News's coverage of the day. Eliott Walker, Today Show producer Source

Police guided us across the West Side Highway, then we heard a loud roar and looked up to see a second jet headed right for the south tower. We heard the engines speed up as it turned sideways and hit the corner of the building head on. It looked like it melted into a fireball. –Carl Cuneff Source

One of the officers behind me said, "Oh my God, Tracey, another airplane is coming!" I could hear the plane just coming and coming, and the engine was getting louder and louder. Then I heard it hit the South Tower. There was a shower of debris and parts of the plane... Airplane parts were falling and crushing police cars...–NYPD Officer Tracey Donahoo Source

I work at St Vincent's hospital in downtown Manhattan. ...Our patients were asking us to turn their stretchers around so that they could look out the window (They later would be sorry as they had a clear view of the second plane's impact). Michael Dempsey Source

I walked over to the office areas facing Lower Manhattan. We saw the second plane hit the other Tower. We all knew this was no accident!!! Michael Anthony Nardiello Source<br style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102)">

I watched the plane coming in and it looked it was going to turn right into our building. I hit the floor and the explosion of second plane rocked our building. I could feel the ripple of the explosion right through my stomach. It was powerful. Pete J. Source<br style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102)">

I was early for a meeting in Weehawken,NJ that morning. I parked behind the hotel I was to have the meeting in and looked across the Hudson to see a plane hit the tower. Smoke and flames appeared as I struggled to comprehend what had just happened. A few minutes later, the second plane hit. Craig Wielkotz Source

This time, a lot of people saw the plane coming. George A. Buckley III Source

All of a sudden we began to hear what sounded like a freight train going over our building. It looked more like a missile until the last second when the plane banked on its side and we saw the two wings as it plunged right into the 2nd tower. The building swayed on impact and we felt the heat and the blast shock like it was a slap in the face. Kevin J. Dabulis Source

I was standing with my colleagues, staring in horror at the smoke and fire coming out of the south side of 1 World Trade Center, when, with a roar, a huge Boeing 767 flew low over my left shoulder and slipped into the second tower (see CNN video link below, you'll hear roar and understand what I mean by slipped). Screaming, I fled away, not conscious of the explosion or the fireball that resulted.

...Until such time as I see "the Drogin evidence" blogged and linked and debated as much as the reconstructions using videogame technology by these idiots, I suggest that any readers of this consider that the 9/11 "truth" movement is merely another stupid variation on Holocaust denial. Barry Drogin: My Personal September 11 Page

This has been a small sample of hundreds of published eyewitness accounts.

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Heh. Poor research indeed.

no one saw the Flight 93 crash, my hairy arse.


I heard the plane going over and I went out the front door and I saw the plane going down," said Leverknight, 36. "It was headed toward the school, which panicked me, because all three of my kids were there.

"Then you heard the explosion and felt the blast and saw the fire and smoke.


Several eye-witness accounts.


Not only a witness, but she took pictures! And is harassed by "truthers" for it. :angry: :angry: :angry:

Were YOU one of those harassers, Mr. Fetzer? Hmmm?


and more.

Now, who are we to believe? Dozens of eye-witnesses who ACTUALLY saw the event, or semi-anonymous idiots posting vague, defamatory, unsupported-by-evidence-or-proof and malicious fantasies on-line?

Answers on a postcard to :

The Bin

Office of Professor James Fetzer.



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Bill, if you don't know which tower was hit first and that the one hit second was exposed to modest fires for only about and hour and the other about an hour and a half, you really need to do a lot more homework before you post on this. If you think that a video showing a plane traveling at an aerodynamically impossible speed, entering a massive steel and concrete building in violation of Newton's laws, and passing through its own length into the building in the same number of frames that it passes through its own length in air--and you can count them for yourself using single-frame-by-single-frame advance--then you have a higher tolerance for violations of laws of physics and of engineering than any grown man should have. As I have often observed, the official account is just fine as long as you are willing to believe impossible things. You are. I am not. And whether or not the whole sprinkler systems were drained, those that would have been drained first would have been the highest in both of those buildings--unless you think that, by some further miracle, the laws of gravity were suspended that day! I'm sorry but videos that display impossible events represent one kind of fakery or another. The hologram hypothesis seems to have the strongest degree of support, where, as I observed, you don't seem to have thought this through.

I'm not going to put much of an effort into arguing this, and it's just too absurd to bother with sorry.

We simply do not have the technology to make holograms like is done in science fiction movies, and there's a huge number of people that saw the aeroplanes crash into the buildings. Wreckage from each aeroplane was recovered.

It really can't be any more simple than that.

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Guest James H. Fetzer

Believe what you want to believe, Bill. I know this is hard to accept. The very idea that the government could

have murdered 3,000 of our fellow citizens on 9/11 seems to some so threatening that many simply cannot

get their minds around it. There are significant differences in the weight of different kinds of evidence. If

you can discount the impossible speed, the impossible entry, and the equal frames arguments, then I have

to congratulate you, but that is not something that scientifically literate persons would do. No number of

witness reports (whose authenticity requires verification) can overcome violations of laws of aerodynamics,

of physics, and of engineering. I discussed the 500 witness reports collated by The New York Times with

Andrew Johnson on a show years ago and, more recently, discussed the witness reports from the Pentagon

in detail with Mike Sparks on three two-hour broadcasts of "The Real Deal", which you can find archived at

http://radiofetzer.blogspot.com. The New York witnesses were all over the place and the Pentagon group

was even less credible. That no Boeing 575 hit the Pentagon has been established on multiple grounds and

confirmed by Pilots for 9/11 Truth and by CIT. See, for example, my "What didn't happen at the Pentagon".


cannot be made possible because of alleged reports from witnesses. They may have seen SOMETHING they

took to be a plane, but, as Barry explained in his blog (which I reprinted above), hologram technology is far

more advanced than public awareness. A hologram could have been projected flying faster than possible,

entering a building in violation of Newton's laws, and passing through its own length into the building in

the same number of frames it passes through its own length in air--which you can verify for yourself by

doing a frame-by-frame advance on the Hezarkhani and Fairbanks videos. Try it! Meanwhile, thank you

for your obvious sincerity, which I appreciate. Convergence in points of view is something that occurs, in

general, only when different parties are considering the same bodies of evidence, the same alternative

hypotheses or theories, and evaluating them using the same principles of reasoning, which is not often

the case. Conclusions are defensible only when they are based upon all the available relevant evidence,

which is a principle that is commonly violated by those who participate on forums. But thanks for posting!

Bill, if you don't know which tower was hit first and that the one hit second was exposed to modest fires for only about and hour and the other about an hour and a half, you really need to do a lot more homework before you post on this. If you think that a video showing a plane traveling at an aerodynamically impossible speed, entering a massive steel and concrete building in violation of Newton's laws, and passing through its own length into the building in the same number of frames that it passes through its own length in air--and you can count them for yourself using single-frame-by-single-frame advance--then you have a higher tolerance for violations of laws of physics and of engineering than any grown man should have. As I have often observed, the official account is just fine as long as you are willing to believe impossible things. You are. I am not. And whether or not the whole sprinkler systems were drained, those that would have been drained first would have been the highest in both of those buildings--unless you think that, by some further miracle, the laws of gravity were suspended that day! I'm sorry but videos that display impossible events represent one kind of fakery or another. The hologram hypothesis seems to have the strongest degree of support, where, as I observed, you don't seem to have thought this through.

I'm not going to put much of an effort into arguing this, and it's just too absurd to bother with sorry.

We simply do not have the technology to make holograms like is done in science fiction movies, and there's a huge number of people that saw the aeroplanes crash into the buildings. Wreckage from each aeroplane was recovered.

It really can't be any more simple than that.

Edited by James H. Fetzer
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