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Hi folks:

Check out this 3D model:



I got one which I intend to place on the Internet in order to determine the angles, trajectories, at the highest level of accuracy. It will be part of a full Dealey Plaza scene.

However, Dmitry (the store rep) tells me that they use drawings, photos, etc. from public sources. I am afraid that the artist may have taken some liberties and shortcuts. I told him that I (with a little help from my friends) will try to get professional, precise drawings.

Where can I get the most accurate drawings? I suppose from Lincoln company itself? Is that sort of thing sold in stores?



Edited by Ramon F. Herrera
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Hey, I just discovered the 360-degree rotation feature.

Just ...

- Click on the "360" icon at the bottom.

- Click on the "+" icon

- Drag the mouse left and right.


I guess that the first modification I will need is the license plate.

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Pamela Brown may be able to help you Ramon. I think you can email her here.

That's a great resource! I have tons of questions for those folks.

This is question number 1, for Sherry Fiester:

"Will you place all the material (scenes, models, files), etc. of your property, used in the A Coup in Camelot movie on the Internet so they become property of The People"?

"Otherwise we are no better than Dale Myers".

"How come some fellow named Ramon F Herrera seems to be the only one with that policy and formal promise"?

I guess we could ask the same question/request from Mr. Oliver Stone.


Edited by Ramon F. Herrera
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Date: Tue, 10 Nov 2015 09:45:11 -0600

To: Sherry Fiester

From: Ramon F Herrera

Subject: To what extent can you donate your work to The People?

Dear Ms. Fiester:

I am a big admirer of your work.

My background is science which I consider the most direct way to the truth. I am referring to peer-reviewed papers, sharing of data, etc.

That is the only way we can solve the JFK murder case, by ourselves.

Are you familiar with Open Source Software? Linus Torvalds? Richard Stallman? MIT's Open Curriculum?

The authors retain control over their work while attracting dozens, even hundreds of collaborators which are the best available.

I am already in touch with Stephen Goetsch, Art Van Kampen and their 3D animator, James Neal. The objective is to place something that should become the Standard 3D Model of Dealey Plaza (*) on the Internet.

Will you consider joining a group which will free their work and publish it?

Best regards,

-Ramon F Herrera
Houston, Texas

(*) That Dealey Plaza model would be equivalent to this:
"the bar to one made of 90 percent platinum/10 percent iridium alloy."
By its open nature, it would become the undisputed standard.

Edited by Ramon F. Herrera
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Pamela Brown may be able to help you Ramon. I think you can email her here.

That's a great resource! I have tons of questions for those folks.

This is question number 1, for Sherry Fiester:

"Will you place all the material (scenes, models, files), etc. used in the A Coup in Camelot movie on the Internet so they become property of The People"?

"Otherwise you are no better than Dale Myers".

"How come some fellow named Ramon F Herrera seems to be the only one with that policy and formal promise"?

I guess we could ask the same question/request from Mr. Oliver Stone.


I am not sure that Sherry is able to provide such material. From what I can see she is not the Producer or Director but a contributor. I am not sure she is responsible for the film.

I see that in the US it may be possible to see and - maybe even - down load the film. This address appears to be streaming the film. However it is not available to the UK.


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Pamela Brown may be able to help you Ramon. I think you can email her here.

That's a great resource! I have tons of questions for those folks.

This is question number 1, for Sherry Fiester:

"Will you place all the material (scenes, models, files), etc. used in the A Coup in Camelot movie on the Internet so they become property of The People"?

"Otherwise you are no better than Dale Myers".

"How come some fellow named Ramon F Herrera seems to be the only one with that policy and formal promise"?

I guess we could ask the same question/request from Mr. Oliver Stone.


I am not sure that Sherry is able to provide such material. From what I can see she is not the Producer or Director but a contributor. I am not sure she is responsible for the film.

I see that in the US it may be possible to see and - maybe even - down load the film. This address appears to be streaming the film. However it is not available to the UK.


Thanks, James:

A few days ago, I sent an e-mail to producers Stephen Goetsch and Art Van Kampen, who directed me to their 3D animator, James Neal.


The trio received a similar letter, inviting them to participate.

Thanks for the link, to the movie, too!!

I am convinced that if the movie producers join and lead this initiative, the movie may be forgotten, but the 3D Dealey Plaza Model will remain forever. There is a requirement, however: it must be open, available to all.


Edited by Ramon F. Herrera
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Pamela Brown may be able to help you Ramon. I think you can email her here.

That's a great resource! I have tons of questions for those folks.

This is question number 1, for Sherry Fiester:

"Will you place all the material (scenes, models, files), etc. used in the A Coup in Camelot movie on the Internet so they become property of The People"?

"Otherwise you are no better than Dale Myers".

"How come some fellow named Ramon F Herrera seems to be the only one with that policy and formal promise"?

I guess we could ask the same question/request from Mr. Oliver Stone.


I am not sure that Sherry is able to provide such material. From what I can see she is not the Producer or Director but a contributor. I am not sure she is responsible for the film.

I see that in the US it may be possible to see and - maybe even - down load the film. This address appears to be streaming the film. However it is not available to the UK.


Thanks, Gordon:

A few days ago, I sent an e-mail to Stephen Goetsch, who directed me to his 3D animator, James Neal.


Thanks for the link, too!!

I am convinced that if the movie producers join and lead this initiative, the movie may be forgotten, but the 3D Dealey Plaza Model will remain forever. There is a requirement, however, it must be open, available to all.


I saw a few frames of the 3D animation. It is not bad, but it is not perfect. The model I could really do with is Dale Myers. He may have played fast and loose with his data interpretation, but his animation skills are the bench mark for others to strive for.

As for a Coup in Camelot, Why I would like to get my hands on this film is the resolution of the images. For the first time we may get much more information from the images.

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I don't know if it is useful/relevant or not to your current discussion but the attached link will take you to, among other images, some interesting photo's of the original renovations done on the JFK limo by Hess et al prior to its delivery to JFK.



For some reason the first link wanted to jump to the last two slides in the presentation; try this link, hopefully it will start at slide "1".


Edited by Gary Murr
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The trailer is watchable in HD here:

You must jump over to Vimeo to watch it.

Is anyone able to stream this?


Tom, I looked at the code behind that it doesn't appear to be on that site at all. I doubt that page will give you anything except a bad case of "spam".

Edited by Chris Newton
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The trailer is watchable in HD here:

You must jump over to Vimeo to watch it.

Is anyone able to stream this?


Tom, I looked at the code behind that it doesn't appear to be on that site at all. I doubt that page will give you anything except a bad case of "spam".

Thanks for checking, Chris!

I couldn't find anything at all, but sometimes with different browsers or whatever...

Too bad. I'd sure LIKE to see this.


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