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Chris Campbell

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Everything posted by Chris Campbell

  1. #From Chris: I still hang my head in embarassed shame when I think of my firt days in Germany for my intercalated year abroad. Working out in which order to visit the various departments to ensure the correct 'Aufenthaltsgenehmingung' was achieved before I was barred from my university residence, I visited the town hall. Being only the second day there, it all seemed a fairly longwinded afffair, but optimistic as ever, I saw it all as a challenge - including getting the basics right like finding my way around the various departments and sections required. Searching for another, I blythely asked a passer-by which floor I needed and listening intently, registered the floor number and pressed the lift button to take me there, as the friendly local continued to chat. Within seconds alarm sirens were ringing and police with drawn hand guns were running everywhere. The chosen day was during the time the Bader-Meinhof Gruppe were coming to a sticky end and the authorities were expecting a backlash. Next, before my eyes appeared a shapely silk-stockinged pair of lower legs, evidently attached to a screaming and very scared women. The the moment of horror arrived - I'd pressed the NOTRUF button on a Paternoster Lift - the sort without doors where you just walk in and out as the lift moves slowly past your chosen floor. I'd never seen one before but the realisation was almost a physical blow. Panic and the sure belief that my linguisitic incompetences were such that I'd never be able to explain myself I nonchalantly left with the local German 'guide', who thankfully hadn't notice me pressing the button. Needless to say I read the print off the local paper for a couple of days in case someone had died of fright during all the panic - and set about learning to read all signs and notices with the utmost care. PS any good German words for that moment of horrible Aufklärung?
  2. For me, the worst was definitely works from Grillparzer the best poetry - probably Old High German love poems - thier simplicity appeals Best Novel - probably Tonio Kröger, but Der Butt ran it close. Chris
  3. Je serais bien content de découvrir les avis des collègues au sujet de l'enseignement de l'histoire en utilisant des langues variées pour présenter, explorer et analyser les points de vue personels des citoyens des plusieurs pays - par exemple entamant le thème de l'occupation de la France. Chris
  4. Meiner Meinung nach geht es bestimmt nicht darum, dass Schüler(innen) sich schuldig fühlen, eher dass man ihnen hilft, kritisch darüber nachzudenken. - oder habe ich das alles falsch verstanden? Was mich noch weiter interessieren würde, wären die möglichen unterschiedlichen von Schüler(Innen) aus verschiednen Ländern Einstellungen zu dem Film und zwar zu dem Thema. Grüsse aus England, Chris.
  5. To my mind L F Céline's "Voyage au bout de la nuit" ranks as one of the underestimated greats of the 2othCentury. It certainly made me pause and think! chris
  6. Hello! My name is Chris. I was a teacher for French and German for 23 years, before leaving the classroom to work for a Local Education Authority. I am now a 'generalist' working to support schools in developing and improving their work with pupils - mainly in the 11-18 age range. I also work in primary modern languages provision and support for the educaitonal provision for gifted and talented pupils.
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