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Len Colby

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Posts posted by Len Colby

  1. 3) Once again your post is irrelevant. Still waiting for examples of potential conspirators and/or truthers who've died mysteriously. All the examples I've seen so far were obscure nobodies, didN'T die suspiciously and/or were NOT challenging the accepted narrative of 9/11.


    Mr. Colby I never said people were killed I said >> confess 911 be killed. MR Colby is Straw MAN your middle name. ??

    BS, in post #6 you wrote

    Confess to 911 >> GET DEATH ,gaal

    Then when I asked for examples you relied (post #8)

    try this google ,gaal


    conspiracy people deaths related to 911

    Where are KSM's children ?? gaal

    You've yet to produce evidence they're missing. The BoP is on YOU.

  2. The Sandra Bland traffic stop went pretty routinely until about 9:00 into video released by the Texas DPS. The officer was polite until he REQUESTED, not ordered, her to put out her cigarette and she demurred. The cop seems to have sort of split personality and immediate became very hostile ordering her out of the car. After initially resisting she complied when he threatened to Taser her. She gets out at 10:37 and can be seen holding up her phone. When they were off camera her told her to "get off the phone" and she replied she was filming him. After continued orders to put it down she can be seen putting her cellphone on the trunk of her car. So where's the footage? I have seen this discussed elsewhere.

  3. Something I left out, but Douglass mentions: Before Lodge left for Saigon, he had a long meeting with Henry Luce. It was there that it was decided upon that they were going to go hard line on Diem. Which, of course, contradicted JFK's wishes.

    Still pushing to notion that the Diem coup was done behind JFK's back? We went over this before and your own cited sources contradicted you.

  4. - I'm not going to comb through your links what's the source for your claim “The relative said they were never given custody”? // Colby

    I cant find that info at this moment ,however, I am sure you can tell us all the fate of the children. Your a "GREAT" researcher.. were are they Mr. Colby ???? /// gaal

    1) Burden of proof is on the claimant, so it's up to YOU to demonstrate they are missing. Hilarious that you sarcastically called me 'a "GREAT" researcher' just after you admitted, "I cant find that info at this moment"

    2) The underlined parts are hilarious as well since you famously told me "...you my need a few grammer lessons as to punctuation and/or reading comprehension course"

    3) Once again your post is irrelevant. Still waiting for examples of potential conspirators and/or truthers who've died mysteriously. All the examples I've seen so far were obscure nobodies, didN'T die suspiciously and/or were NOT challenging the accepted narrative of 9/11.


  5. Just thinking about what the Democrats have done to us (US citizens) and to the World. Since JFK left us, LBJ took over and amongst all his failures, the VietNam war was surely his monumental failure. Then we get Jimmy Carter: he continued the policies of surrender in the world, leaving us the Iranian situation amongst other things, Then we got Bill Clinton--Black Hawk Down, anyone? continued the surrendering in the middle east. And then comes the master, Barack Obama. Colossal failures everywhere.

    Vietnam was a failure but clearly Goldwater would have upped US involvement as much if not more so than LBJ. There is strong evidence Nixon and Kissinger sabotaged the 1968 Paris Peace Talks. Tricky Dick then continued the war unnecessarily for years before agreeing to terms very close to those on the table in 1968. Bonzo Raygun capitulated to Iranian terrorists and then sold their patrons weapons. But if we want to talk about "Colossal failures everywhere." the POTUS par excellence was "Baby Doc" Bush.

  6. Ford caved because he had no choice. I don't think that's fair to Ford. He didn't make a choice. The Congress voted to stop the war, put it on them. They were Democrats and deserved the credit/blame

    No it was Nixon who finally decided to pull out of 'Nam. There were only 50 troops there, mostly if not entirely embassy guards, by the end of '73.

    Those who think Ike's “MIC” comment was not taken out of context should read the transcript without any spin.


  7. Colby:

    You asked me for the date of the NY Times article. You then cherry picked from it just what you wanted. You did not link to it. And you cut off the title which said, JFK had exit plan from Vietnam.

    JFK made a mess of Vietnam? You cannot be serious can you? As I proved above, that commitment, down to the splitting up of the country and the creation of a new entity called South Vietnam, and the entry of American advisors, was all done by Eisenhower, Dulles and Nixon. And they then reneged on their promise to reunite the country in 1956, because they knew the guy they found to lead the new country of South Vietnam, namely Diem, would lose a national election to Ho Chi Minh. That was the event which caused the war.

    As per not following through on the May Sec Def plan to exit, well yeah if you eliminate the following, you can say there is ambiguity about it:

    1. The McNamara Taylor Trip

    2. Kennedy's heisting of their report and his editing of it through the WhIte House and then presenting his version to them

    3. Kennedy's ramrodding of this report through his advisors

    4. The issuance of NSAM 263 and its attachment to this report

    5. The newly discovered evacuation plan

    Which takes us all the way through November of 1963.

    So maybe Colby arranged a seance to talk to JFK more recently, and the spirit said, "Hey I was really just kidding with all this stuff."

    Here's the link. Unlike you I took nothing out of context, I edited for brevity. The rest of the article was along the same lines, JFK had a withdrawal plan but it's unclear if he would have implemented it if he had lived. You OTOH falsely indicated the article supported your assertion.


    No one indicated JFK was kidding but rather that he plan to pull out seems to have been contingent on the South Vietnamese being able to fend for themselves.

    I called it "the mess he essentially had created" because there were 900 advisers at the end of 1960 but 16,300 by the end of 1963, people in his administration have spoken of it being considered a "Kennedy operation" no advisers saw combat till he was POTUS

  8. In never-before-released photographs taken on Sept. 11, 2001, the shock, horror and gravity of the terrorist attacks can be read on the faces of President George Bush, Vice President Dick Cheney, their wives Laura and Lynne, National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice, CIA Director George Tenet and other senior Bush and Cheney staffers.


  9. - I was clearly asking about all the US conspirators but changing the subject is one of your preferred tactics.

    - KSM openly spoke of his role in 9/11 before he was captured.

    - I'm not going to comb through your links what's the source for your claim “The relative said they were never given custody”?

  10. Quoting excerpts from the records of the Sec Def Conference, that is a primary document not secondary spin:

    Part IV: Withdrawal of US Forces:

    "As a matter of urgency, a plan for withdrawal of about 1,000 US troops before the end of the year should be developed."

    Part V: Phase out of US Forces

    "SecDef advised that the phase out program presented during May 6 Conference appeared too slow. In consonance with Part 3, request you develop a revised plan to accomplish more rapid phase out of US Forces."

    Comprehensive Plan: Republic of Vietnam

    Item 2: Decision Made and Actions to be taken

    1."Draw up training plans for the RVN that will permit US to start an earlier withdrawal of US personnel than proposed under the plan presented."

    Item 3: Role of Attack AIrcraft

    "Secdef stated the percentage of RVNAF effort was no greater than a year ago. Our sights should be higher and he wanted to get US pilots out of combat and transport operations."

    Comprehensive Plan: Part 2, Force Structure

    "At the same time, the Secretary stated that we should seek opportunities to leave our material behind for RVN to use wherever they can absorb it..."

    Part C: Relations of Reductions in US Strength to Growth in Self Sufficiency

    "In connection with this presentation...the Secretary of Defense stated that the phase out appears too slow. He directed that training plans be developed for the GVN by CINPAC which will permit a more rapid phase out..."

    LOL Jim YOU cited the NYT article now you dismiss it as "secondary spin" no one disputes that JFK wanted to get out of the mess he essentially had created. But there is reason to doubt if he would have let Vietnam fall when their own military proved incapable of saving the country.

  11. Yeah I've seen the paranoid drivel, some has been discussed here. This may come as a surprise to you but you know sometimes people die, yes it's true! And over a 14 year period among a group as large as 'anyone remotely related to 9/11' there will be lots of deaths. Let's try this Steve, make a list of what you think are the 5 most suspicious 9/11 deaths and we can discuss them.

  12. You can't find these eh?

    How hard did you look?

    NY Times Dec 23, 1997 by Tim Weiner.

    I didn't look, one of the forum's rules is that posters are expected to provide citations for their claims and I imagined you had the links readily at hand. Your claim that "the NY Times and Philadelphia Inquirer that Kennedy was planning to get out of Vietnam," was NOT accurate. Not at least regarding the former. Or perhaps it's better to say your statement was misleading. I don't think this was intentional on your part, you seem too wedded to your pet theories to objectively evaluate the evidence.

    From the NYT article you cited:

    No one will ever know whether these plans would have been carried out had Kennedy lived. The United States had 16,300 advisers in South Vietnam at the time. By the end of 1968, it had more than 500,000 soldiers in the country.

    Historians know that Kennedy directed the Pentagon to devise the withdrawal plans. But some believe they were a political facade erected for the 1964 elections; others think they were based on overly optimistic battlefield reports; still others see them as a device to force South Vietnam's corrupt Government to change.


  13. Which McNamara did in May of 1963 at the Sec Def conference in Hawaii. The record of this meeting was finally declassified by the ARRB in 1997. It was a bombshell. So much so that it convinced the NY Times and Philadelphia Inquirer that Kennedy was planning to get out of Vietnam.

    Jim we had some nasty dust ups in the past. But let's let that be water under the bridge, peace! Can you post links to the NYT and PI articles?

  14. A fierce battle was raging in the vicinity of Berlin. At his time Winston Churchill said that the Soviet Russia became a deadly threat to the free world. The British Prime Minister wanted a new front created in the east to stop the Soviet offensive as soon as possible. Churchill was overwhelmed by the feeling that with Nazi Germany defeated a new threat emerged posed by the Soviet Union.That’s why London wanted Berlin to be taken by Anglo-American forces. Churchill also wanted Americans to liberate Czechoslovakia and Prague with Austria controlled by all allies on equal terms.

    And he was right

    Not later than April 1945 Churchill instructed the British Armed Forces’ Joint Planning Staff to draw up Operation Unthinkable, a code name of two related plans of a conflict between the Western allies and the Soviet Union. The generals were asked to devise means to “impose upon Russia the will of the United States and the British Empire”. The hypothetical date for the start of the Allied invasion of Soviet-held Europe was scheduled for 1 July 1945. In the final days of the war against the Hitler’s Germany London started preparations to strike the Soviet Union from behind.

    Sounds like it was a CONTINGENCY plan

    London and Washington immediately forgot they fought shoulder to shoulder with the Soviet Union during the Second World War, as well as the their commitments according to the agreements reached at the Yalta, Potsdam and San-Francisco conferences.

    Or rather they remembered that the Soviets made a pact with Hitler then invaded Poland, Finland and the Baltic states in 1939 and murdered partisan groups not aligned with them as they advanced towards Germany 1944 - 5

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