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William Kelly

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Everything posted by William Kelly

  1. But the focus wasn't on LBJ - it was strictly limited to Oswald - only recently has the focus been directed at LBJ - and he rejected the Cuban Commie Conspiracy that was built in to the plan to nail Oswald as the Patsy. LBJ was as incapable of masterminding the Dealey Plaza operation as the mafia because of the psych war disinformation twist to blame the conspiracy on commies.
  2. But the focus wasn't on LBJ - it was strictly limited to Oswald - only recently has the focus been directed at LBJ - and he rejected the Cuban Commie Conspiracy that was built in to the plan to nail Oswald as the Patsy. LBJ was as incapable of masterminding the Dealey Plaza operation as the mafia because of the psych war disinformation twist to blame the conspiracy on commies.
  3. Brian, I too disagree with Waldron's mafia scenario - they don't dispense disinformation. As for when it was decided to forgo the phase One Cuban Commie Conapiracy to the Phase Two Lone Nut scenario - I believe it was LBJ at 9 pm on 11/22/63 at the VP Executive Office Building - see my JFKCountercoup blog titled The Tipping Point.
  4. Ok Greg - I'll make that correction - as it isn't key to the theme - BK
  5. No Greg - it happened at the Paime's front yard. In Irving. BK
  6. The biggest problem with the lunchroom encounter isn't that Baker saw Oswald through the window of the closed door - it's that Truly - ahead of Baker didn't see Oswald going through the door as he surely would have had to if Oswald went through that door a few moments before Baker saw him. I think Oswald entered the vestibule through the same door he left by. How does DVP explain Truly not seeing Oswald as he should have? And how come none of the four witnesses on the stairs did not see Oswald either? BK
  7. My tribute to Bill Turner at Http://JFKCountercoup.blogspot.com
  8. Lee Oswald's brother Robert - in his book Lee - says that "if Lee did not practice with that rifle in the days and weeks before the assassination"- as the WC attests. "he didn't take the shots that killed the president and wounded the governor." He is also very suspicious of Michael and Ruth Paine and quotes their WC testimony and points out where it is contradictory. Anthony Summers also says that after interviewing Ruth Paine extensively he came away suspicious and still holds that view. In addition, I have a letter from a Quaker women who worked with Ruth Paine in Nicaragua and believes she was keeping tabs on the other Quakers during the Contra war. BK
  9. Oh and Greg - the letter is not among the official records but found among the effects of a Dallas police officer - probably Bentley. BK
  10. I still have the original tape and as soon as I am able to make a copy of it will return it - I need a blank cassett and double tape machine to do it - And if you point out any spelling errors in the transcript I will correct them. BK
  11. Hi Greg - this was reported on a Facebook post that I am trying to track down - overheard and quoted by a neighbor or one of Paine's daughters. I need help in documenting it and also locating Ruth Paine's letter to her father. BK
  12. Hi Greg - this was reported on a Facebook post that I am trying to track down - overheard and quoted by a neighbor or one of Paine's daughters. I need help in documenting it and also locating Ruth Paine's letter to her father. BK
  13. Valkyrie at Dealey Plaza Revisited JFKCountercoup2: Valkyrie At Dealey Plaza Re-Revisited VALKYRIE AT DEALEY PLAZA REVISITED (as revised) – By William Kelly (billkelly3@gmail.com) “We now know what happened at Dealey Plaza to a fairly good degree of certainty. The motives were piling up – the Bay of Pigs, the Cuban Missile Crisis, Vietnam, the two-track backchannel to Cuba – the motives were piling up to the point they had to assassinate him. I think it’s now pretty obvious, with the information we have today, that the mechanism of it came out of the allegiance between the CIA and the Mafia. They already had an assassination apparatus set up for killing Castro, and they just switched targets and they killed JFK instead." - Former FBI agent William W. Turner at Dallas COPA 2003 Keeping the CIA plots to kill Castro from the Warren Commission was one of the major deficits in their report and calls into question the primary conclusion that the assassination of President Kennedy was the work of a lone deranged gunman Lee Harvey Oswald. It doesn’t matter whether the Cuban-connected Oswald was a lone shooter or a patsy as he claimed to be since the CIA plots to kill Castro throw a major wrench into a deranged lone nut scenario, and provides the much needed political motive to the murder. While the CIA-Mafia plots that began during the Eisenhower administration get most of the attention, there were other CIA plans to kill Castro that came later in the game and have a much more serious bearing on what happened at Dealey Plaza. In his new and important book "The Devil's. Chessboard" David Talbot mentions the role Allen Dulles and his agent-mistress Mary Bancroft played in the July 20, 1944 plot to kill Hitler - code named Valkyrie. [1] As Talbot points out, and Dulles suspected would become fodder for conspiracy theorists, Mary Bancroft was a close personal friend of the mother of Michael Paine, the chief patron and sponsor of Oswald and his family. Besides that two degree of separation between Oswald and Dulles and Bancroft, the Valkyrie plot to kill Hitler is mentioned a half-dozen times in the course of the assassination narrative, and while the significance of this has yet to be fully drawn out, the recurring Valkyrie theme that runs through the JFK assassination story certainly merits further scrutiny. As mentioned in my review of "Devil's Chessboard" [2] when it comes to killing Castro the CIA-Mafia plots get the most attention while the Valkyrie plot has been ignored - despite its numerous direct ties to what happened at Dealey Plaza, beginning with Lee Harvey Oswald and Volkmar Schmidt. OSWALD AND VOLKMAR SCHMIDT Phillip Shenon devotes a whole book “A Cruel and Terrible Act” [3] to the subject of a Mexico City Twist Party where Oswald was supposedly encouraged to kill JFK by some Cuban Communist diplomats. It's a party that Oswald could not have possibly attended as I have talked with two other Americans who were also reported present at the party and write about in my review of Shenon’s book – "A Cruel and Terrible Twist." [4] But there was another party that was attended by Oswald where he was encouraged to commit political assassination - that of General Walker, which he is also accused of attempting to do. It was at a February 1963 gathering at Volkmar Schmidt's Dallas home, a party that George deMohrenschildts set up specifically for Oswald to meet Michael Paine. While Paine wasn’t there, his wife Ruth was and she met Marina and they became famously friends up until the assassination. It was at that party when Schmidt says he talked privately with Oswald for over two hours and first brought up the subject of the Valkyrie plot to kill Hitler. In a phone conversation with Schmidt [5] he told me that while talking with Oswald he used a reverse psychology technique he learned from a German doctor who knew some of those involved in the Valkyrie coup when Schmidt mentioned the plot to kill Hitler to Oswald. While discussing right-wing general Walker, Schmidt said he compared Walker to Hitler and asked if Hitler had been assassinated how different the world would be? Schmidt implied Walker should be killed before he became another Hitler. Born in Germany and raised in his formative years by the German doctor, Schmidt was an oil geologist, as was his friend George deMohrenschilts. Schmidt was recruited in Germany by Magnolia Oil company of Dallas - the company that used the red Pegasus sign as its logo and later merged with major conglomerates. [6] Schmidt told me that when he learned that Oswald had been accused of taking a shot at Walker and killing JFK he felt terribly guilty, especially every time he drove through Dealey Plaza, as he believed he was responsible for planting the assassination seed in Oswald's mind. Schmidt told me that, "naturally it was a terrible responsibility, and for years when I drove past the underpass I literally had to cry because, you know.... But I exonerate myself completely because I had the best intent, embarrass Kennedy...I may have triggered it. Actually, a few days after I talked with him, he bought his weapons." OSWALDS TO NEW ORLEANS Shortly after the Walker incident Oswald packed up all his family belongings and was about to suddenly and unexpectedly move his family to his home town of New Orleans. But Mrs. Paine, who was driving them to the bus station, suggested Marina and the daughter should stay with her in Texas while Oswald went on alone to New Orleans, find a job and apartment and then she would drive them there when he was settled in. And that he did, getting a job at the Reily Coffee company and an apartment on Magazine Street while reconnecting with his mother's sister, his aunt Muriel and uncle Dutz Murret. Ruth Paine then drove Marina, the daughter and the Oswald's belongings, including the rifle, to New Orleans, where they settled in. [7] After an interesting and eventful summer in the Crescent City, the Oswalds considered returning to Texas when Ruth Paine wrote to the pregnant Marina and invited her to come and live with her in Texas until she had the baby. If she agreed, Ruth Paine wrote, Marina should write her a letter “in care of Arthur Young, Paoli, Pennsylvania,” where she would be visiting her husband's mother Ruth Forbes Paine Young. [8] RUTH FORBES PAINE YOUNG – MARY BANCROFT AND ALLEN DULLES Ruth Paine was on a summer station wagon vacation with her kids driving to Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, Washington D.C. and Ohio visiting friends and family. Before driving to the suburban Philadelphia farm of her husband's mother, another one of the places Ruth Paine visited was the Forbes family Naushon Island off Massachusetts. As described by yachtsman Walter Cronkite, “Just off Woods Hole is Hadley Harbor on Naushon Island, a favorite anchorage or cruising boats. At the end of a narrow twisting passage through huge rocks, it is a scene of bucolic bliss. The Forbes family (of whom publisher-adventurer-balloonist-sailor Malcolm Forbes is one) owns the island, and great mansions grace its hilltops like castles on a Scottish moor.” “The harbor shore itself, besides the grassy shelf on which horses, cows, and sheep graze, is lined with the support mechanism for an island population – a slip from which the Forbes’ small private ferry runs over to Woods Hole, and a boatyard which cares for the fleet of pleasure craft. The gracious Forbes not only permit anchorage in their harbor, but they even have set aside one of their small islands on which visiting yachtsmen are invited to stretch their legs. Hadley’s quiet a welcome refuge on those many days when strong winds whip up the comparatively shallow waters of Buzzard’s Bay and justify its notoriety as perhaps the Atlantic Coast’s roughest sailing round.” [9] An eccentric heiress and humanitarian member of Cord Meyer's World Federalists, Ruth Forbes Paine had married the equally eccentric Arthur Young, genius inventor of the Bell Helicopter 47A - the MASH helicopter with glass bubble and girders. [10 ] Michael Paine and Ruth Hyde had met and were married in Philadelphia, and after apprenticing as a helicopter designer with his step-father-in-law, Arthur Young arranged for Michael Paine to get a job at Bell Helicopter in Texas. So it was in care of Arthur Young that Marina wrote to Ruth Hyde Paine agreeing to the new arrangements - Marina would go to Texas to have the baby and wait for Ruth Paine to pick her up in New Orleans. Most significant however is Michael's mom Ruth Forbes Paine Young and her close association with Mary Bancroft, Allen Dulles's agent and mistress who was intimately involved in the Valkyrie plot to kill Hitler. [11] In the late 1930s Ruth Forbes Paine traveled with Mary Bancroft on a steamship to Europe when Bancroft met a Swiss businessman who she would marry, putting her in position, when the Second World War broke out, to meet and work in the OSS with Allen Dulles. While with Dulles, the top OSS chef in Europe, Bancroft met Hans Bernd Gisevius, a Nazi officer who was deeply involved in the Valkyrie plot to kill Hitler. THE VALKYRIE PLOT TO KILL HITLER Years in the making the Valkyrie assassination and coup plan stemmed mainly from disgruntled military officers and fell to Claus Von Stauffenberg to carry out on July 20, 1944, leaving a briefcase bomb under a map table next to Hitler in the Wolfsschanze Wolf's Lair bunker in Bavaria. In drawing up the Valkyrie plan Von Stauffenberg broke it into two parts - Phase One would be the order to have the home national army seize all key government and communication buildings in response to a revolt by the foreign slave labor, the part of the plan that would be approved by Hitler himself. Phase Two, the secret part, was the assassination of Hitler. The control of the radio and media centers was an instrumental part of the plan, as Von Stauffenberg put it, "the conspiracy alone must speak." A third part of the plan was a psychological warfare twist to blame the assassination on the SS and Gestapo, whose leaders would be rounded up by the real coup planners, the military generals. Dulles and Gisevius had opposed the use of a bomb, preferring a pistol up close or a sniper in a motorcade ambush as more likely to succeed and their fears proved true. Gisevius supported the coup but was against the bomb plot, as he told Von Stauffenberg: "I just I have the feeling we'll never succeed. I'm not speaking through fear. But I have a feeling very few of us will be alive this time next year, regardless of what happens with your bomb." The bomb failed to kill Hitler and hundreds, some say thousands were subsequently rounded up and executed, but Gisevius escaped with the assistance of Bancroft and Dulles, who provided him with fake credentials. After the war Bancroft translated Gisevius' account of the Third Reich and following Gisevius’ testimony against the Nazi leadership at Nuremberg, which sent them to the gallows, Dulles brought Gisevius to Washington as a CIA consultant. In Washington Dulles arranged for the ex-Nazi officer to stay with his deputy Tom Braden, who lived with his wife and their eight children in a big house next to RFK's Hickory Hill. Braden would write a book "Eight Is Enough" that would be made into a popular family TV show and pattern for The Brady Bunch. An episode on the ex-Nazi living with all those kids would certainly be entertaining. And as Talbot notes, Braden also interviewed Allen Dulles for the Kennedy Presidential Library. [12] So after visiting Michael's mother, Mary Bancroft's good friend in Philadelphia, where she got Marina's letter, Ruth Paine drove to DC and visited her sister, who worked at the CIA, and then went on to Ohio to see her father before picking up Marina in New Orleans. [13] Arriving in New Orleans in late September Ruth Paine stayed the night and the next day took Marina, the daughter and the Oswald's belongings, including the rifle, and drove them to Texas. Early the following morning Oswald slipped out of New Orleans and went to Mexico City to visit the Cuban and Soviet embassies. THE JOINT CHIEFS ARE BRIEFED ON THE VALKYRIE PLAN The same September 25th day in Washington DC CIA officer Desmond Fitzgerald briefed the Joint Chiefs of Staff, who were temporarily chaired by Air Force Chief Gen. Curtis LeMay while Gen. Taylor was on a special mission to Vietnam. Fitzgerald reported to the Joint Chiefs on the CIA's Cuban covert operations with emphasis on how the military could support them, an assignment given USMC Gen. Victor H. "Brute" Krulak, Special Assistant for Counter Insurgency Activities, whose aide Colonel Walter M. Higgins, Jr. was in attendance. Higgins' memo of the meeting, released under the JFK Act, includes the bullet point that Fitzgerald mentioned the CIA was studying the Valkyrie plot and adapting it to use against Castro. [14] As Higgins wrote in his memo on FitzGerald’s briefing: “He commented that there was nothing new in the propaganda field. However, he felt that there had been great success in getting closer to the military personnel who might break with Castro, and stated that there were at least ten high-level military personnel who are talking with CIA but as yet are not talking to each other, since that degree of confidence has not yet developed. He considers it as a parallel in history; i.e., the plot to kill Hitler; and this plot is being studied in detail to develop an approach.” September 23-25, 1963 was a busy time on the Devil's Chessboard as there were many moves by key players besides Ruth Paine moving Marina and the rifle to Texas, Oswald leaving for Mexico and Fitzgerald briefing the Joint Chiefs. On September 23, JFK signed National Security Action Memo 261 approving "Project Four Leaves," assigning the "highest national priority category for development and production" a military communications "in response to a recommendation from the Secretary of Defense," an order that remains classified. [15] THE CONSERVATION TOUR JFK then he left September 25 on a "Conservation Tour" with his Secretary of Interior, the first stop in northeast Pennsylvania to visit Mary Pinchot Meyer's mother in Milford, Pennsylvania. Mary Pinchot had met JFK thru his schoolmate William Attwood, who would later become an intermediary between JFK and Castro. Mary had married Cord Meyer, an ex-Marine who founded the World Federalists – an international organization in support of a strong United Nations, one that included Philadelphia college student Priscilla Johnson, Michael's mom Ruth Forbes Paine Young and Walter Cronkite. Cord Meyer joined the CIA in 1951 and became one of Dulles' top assistants, replacing Tom Braden as chief of the International Organizations Division. [17] While Mary Meyer had separated from Cord Meyer, she maintained her friendship with JFK and she accompanied him on the first leg of the Conservation Tour that took JFK to her mother's house in Pennsylvania. JFK then moved on to Wisconsin and the Mid-West during which the details of the president's November trip to Texas were officially announced to the press. [18] D. H. BYRD’S TSBD AND AFRICAN SAFARI When Oswald returned to Texas from Mexico in early October he stayed at the YMCA before taking out a room at the Beckley Street rooming house, at both places using the same O. H. Lee alias he used to sign in at the hotel in Mexico City. By mid-October Ruth Paine had made a phone call and helped arrange for Oswald to get a job at the Texas School Book Depository, a building owned by D.H. Byrd, a founder of the Civil Air Patrol in Texas, an organization Oswald was affiliated with in New Orleans. Byrd was a Texas oil man who was on the board of directors of LTV and good friends with Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. Curtis LeMay. [19] At the time of the assassination, when Oswald was allegedly shooting at Kennedy from his building, Byrd was on an African Safari with a German Barron Werner von Alvensleben, who used a high powered Mannlicher rifle to hunt. [20] His father was an assassination expert and an avid supporter of the Valkyrie plot. The father was sentenced to prison and concentration camps with those who were arrested for their participation in the plot. He also wrote a manifesto supporting the plot after it failed. [21] So besides Volkmar Schmidt using the Valkyrie plot to instigate Oswald to shoot Walker, Michael Paine’s mother was a close personal friend of a key participant in the Valkyrie plot – Mary Bancroft, Allen Dulles’ mistress, the Joint Chiefs of Staff were briefed on the CIA’s adaption of the Valkyrie plot to use against Castro, and the owner of the TSBD building from which shots were fired was at the time on a safari in Africa with a German Barron who used a Mannlicher rifle to hunt with and was the son of an assassination expert who wrote a manifesto in support of the Valkyrie plot and served time in prison with some of its participants. VALKYRIE IN CUBA Based mainly on the Higgins Memo reference of the Desmond Fitzgerald briefing the JCS Washington attorney Jim Lesar, director of the Assassinations Archive and Research Center, filed a Freedom of Information Act request for the CIA documents related to the CIA study of the Valkyrie plot that was to be used against Castro. [22] But we don’t have to wait until we get those records as we can see for ourselves from other records how the CIA tried to adapt the Valkyrie plan to be used against Castro, as they did try to recruit some disenchanted Cuban military officers who were close to Castro including Rolando Cubella (AMLASH) and Gen. Almeida, both of whom have been reviewed and analyzed elsewhere. [23] Among the differences in the Valkyrie plan and the post-Mafia CIA plans to kill Castro we find that the idea of using a bomb was discarded in favor of a sniper attack on Castro while he was riding in an open Jeep, a common situation. Other aspects of the Valkyrie plan that were adopted to be used against Castro, besides using the military, the murder of Castro and the takeover of the Cuban government in a coup was the control of the media and the Northwoods style psych-war media campaign to blame the assassination on communists. [24] When news of the CIA's plans to kill Castro were made public it was at first suggested that Castro retaliated and killed JFK before the CIA could kill him, and some like John Rosselli even claimed that one of the teams sent in by the CIA by boat was captured by the Cubans and turned and sent back to kill JFK. [25] But others like Bill Turner claim it was more likely that one of the CIA plans to kill Castro was redirected to kill JFK instead, and that’s what former CIA officer David Atlee Phillips privately surmised. [26] If that was the case then it must have been a CIA plan that utilized a sniper attack on an open car motorcade, one of a number the CIA had on the shelf ready to go, waiting for the right situation to present itself. Among the CIA plans to kill Castro that utilized snipers attacking an open car in a motorcade were the Hemingway House affair [27] - discussions after the fact, and the Pathfinder plan to shoot Castro when he visited a north shore resort he was known to frequent. [28] Both required accurate high powered rifles with scopes, similar to the ones they offered to Cubela and attempted to infiltrate into Cuba on October 31, 1963 when the CIA raider ship The Rex deposited anti-Castro commandos with high powered rifles with scopes who were captured and paraded on Cuban TV the next day. The story made the front page of the November 1, 1963 New York Times, and the names of the captured commandos are mentioned in "Red Friday," the book written by Carlos Bringuier, the DRE Cuban Oswald was arrested with in New Orleans. [29] One important aspect of the Valkyrie plan was a psych war operation to blame the assassination of Hitler on the SS and Gestapo, and monitor and control the media so "only the conspiracy speaks," just as the Dealey Plaza operation included blaming the assassination on Castro and a psych war campaign using CIA media assets that continues today. Besides the assassination and psych-war aspects of the Valkyrie plot that could have been adapted to use against Castro and may have been redirected to JFK at Dealey Plaza, there was one other important part of the Valkyrie plan that could have been used - getting the victim to sign off on the operation. Von Stauffenberg drew up the Valkyrie plan as a response to a possible revolt by slave laborers by mobilizing the home guard to quell the revolt and seize key government buildings and communications facilities. Hitler approved and signed off on the plan without knowing the secret Phase that required his elimination. [30] If this part of the Valkyrie plan was adapted for use against Castro it should be noted that the National Security Council and JFK did approve a number of violent covert operations against targets in Cuba, but JFK rejected the assassination plans. RFK however, did pressure Des Fitzgerald and others to step up their Cuban ops against Castro and RFK was personally introduced to some of the anti-Castro commandos who were being sent to Cuba to attack strategic installations and infiltrate rifle teams. [31] The National Security Action memo authorizing a special military communications project Four Leaves could also be revealing once it is declassified. The use of Phase One and Phase Two parts of the plan is another interesting parallel between Valkyrie and Dealey Plaza as they are the same terms used by Von Stauffenberg for Valkyrie and Peter Dale Scott to describe the official response to the assassination of JFK. According to Scott's analysis the original Phase One is the disinformation cover story to blame the assassination of JFK on Castro, that could have instigated a full scale US military attack on Cuba, which was subsequently superseded by the Phase Two promotion of the deranged lone assassin being responsible for the act. [32] DES FITZGERALD BETS AGAINST CASTRO As the CIA officer responsible for covert operations against Cuba, Des FitzGerald was the person who briefed the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the CIA's "detailed" study of the Valkyrie plot to kill Hitler. FitzGerald was also the case officer for Rolando Cubela (AMLASH), one of the military officers they were recruiting to kill Castro. So it is interesting that FitzGerald, like the military officers in the fictional "Seven Days in May" used a bet and a gamble on the Preakness stakes as a way of communicating their willingness to go along with the coup plans. In “The Very Best Men” – Four Who Dared: The Early Years of the CIA" Evan Thomas writes: “….Halpern, FitzGerald’s assistant, regarded him (Cubela) as an assassin and claims that FitzGerald did as well.” Sam Halpern: “Des was really more interested in starting a coup, and he hoped that Cubela could organize other army officers. But in coups, he understood, people die. The way to start a coup is to knock off the top man. Des felt it was a long shot, but it might work. We were desperate. Des was willing to try anything.” Evan Thomas writes: “FitzGerald did not think it was such a long shot that he was unwilling to make a small bet, giving reasonable odds. Just six days before he formally signed off on a high-powered rifle for AMLASH (Cubela), he accepted a little wager from Michael Forrestal, an official on the National Security Council staff who was a member of the Georgetown crowd (his father, James V. Forrestal, had been the first secretary of defense). A memo in FitzGerald’s personal files records a $50 bet with Forrestal on ‘the fate of Fidel Castro during the period 1 August 1964 and 1 October 1964. (Apparently, Fitzgerald saw a window of vulnerability for the Cuban leader that was roughly coincidental with the 1964 U.S. presidential election campaign.)” “Mr. Forrestal offers two-to-one odds ($100 to $50) against Fidel’s falling (or being pushed) between the dates 1 August and 1 October 1964. In the event that such a thing should occur prior to 1 August 1964 the wager herein cancelled. Mr. FitzGerald accepts the wager on the above terms.” Memo is dated November 13, 1963, “One day after FitzGerald briefed Kennedy on the progress of the Cuban operation and one day before the Special Group approved his plan of continued covert operations against the Castro Regime.” Thomas: “Nine days later the assassination of John F. Kennedy dramatically increased the odds that FitzGerald would lose his bet.” According to Thomas,“On November 22, 1963, Des FitzGerald had just finished hosting a lunch for an old friend of the CIA, a foreign diplomat, at the City Tavern Club in Georgetown, when he was summoned from the private dining room by the maître d’. FitzGerald returned ‘as white as a host,’ recalled Sam Halpern. Normally erect and purposeful, FitzGerald was walking slowly, with his head down. ‘The President has been shot,’ he said.” “The lunch immediately broke up. On the way out the door Halpern anxiously said, ‘I hope this has nothing to do with Cubans.’ FitzGerald mumbled, ‘Yea, well, we’ll see.’ In the fifteen minute car ride back to Langley, FitzGerald just stared straight ahead. He was well aware that in Paris, at almost the moment Kennedy was shot in Dallas, one of his case officers had been handing a poison pen to a Cuban agent to kill Castro. It was at the very least a grim coincidence. FitzGerald knew that, in September, Castro threatened to retaliate against attempts to kill him. ‘United States leaders should think that if they are aiding in terrorist plans to eliminate Cuban leaders, they themselves will not be safe,’ the Cuban leader had publicly declared.” “The warning that Cubela might be a ‘dangle,’ that he might be secretly working for Castro, took on an ominous new meaning. Now FitzGerald had to wonder: Had Castro killed Kennedy before Kennedy could kill him?” [33] Or, as WillIam Turner suggested, was one of the plans to kill Castro turned on Kennedy at Dealey Plaza? In conclusion, if the CIA plans to kill Fidel Castro had anything to do with the assassination of JFK at Dealey Plaza then the CIA's detailed study and proposed adaption of the Valkyrie plot to be used against Castro is one that should be given close examination. For notes and footnotes see: JFKCountercoup2: Valkyrie At Dealey Plaza Re-Revisited
  14. I worked closely with Carol Hewett, Barbara and Steve while they did their research on the Paines and shared with them my recorded interview with Arthur Young, who married Michael Paine's mom Ruth Forbes Paine Young, who I also met at their home in suburban Philadelphia. I think it important the terminology Ruth Paine used when talking about Oswald - she doesn't say Oswald lived somewhere she said, "He was operating from a base at 214 Neeley Street and operating for a time out of a room on Beckley." Oswald certainly fits the Covert Operational Personality profile - COP - I also note the Hewett, Lamonica, Barber research in the footnotes to my latest article - Valkyrie at Dealey Plaza Revisited. JFKCountercoup2: Valkyrie At Dealey Plaza Re-Revisited 13) Hewett, Lamonica, Barber. Ruth Paine’s Summer Vacation. – The Confessions of Ruth Paine- DPQ http://jfkcountercoup2.blogspot.com/2015/10/steve-jones-confessions-of-ruth-paine.html /http://www.manuscriptservice.com/DPQ/dparchiv1.htm - RUTH JFKCountercoup2: Steve Jones - The Confessions of Ruth Paine JFK / DPQ Issue Archives Though I take issue with Steve Jones' characterization of Ruth Paine's summer vacation as something she did every year and innocent, as she didn't always stop at the Forbes island retreat, visit Michael's mom or pick up Marina and the rifle in New Orleans and take them to Texas, as she did on that particular trip. There are a few other incidents that deserve mentioning, Ruth Paine's letter to her father a few weeks before the assassination in which she describes Oswald as a good and loving father, Oswald's scolding the kids in the Paine's front yard for fighting and telling them not to fight or resort to violence, and the visit to Ruth and Marina at the Paine home by a US Army Reserve Colonel a week before the assassination. Bill Kelly
  15. My review: JFKcountercoup: The Devil's Chessboard and the New Political Landscape
  16. Bill Kelly's review of David Talbot's new book "The Devil's Chessboard" JFKcountercoup: The Devil's Chessboard and the New Political Landscape David Talbot’s “The Devil’s Chessboard – Allen Dulles, the CIA and the Rise of America’s Secret Government” (Harper-Collins, NY, 2015) A Preview of the New Political Landscape By Bill Kelly David Talbot’s “The Devil’s Chessboard” turns the tables on the traditional journalists and historians who have uniformly portrayed Allen Dulles as the pipe smoking gentleman spy who fought for America’s righteous causes through two world wars and the Cold War and helped calm America’s anxiety in the wake of the Kennedy assassination by honorably serving on the Warren Commission. Not so fast. By focusing on one man at the epicenter of both World War II and the Cold War – Allen Welsh Dulles, Talbot puts his finger on the pulse of power, and without promoting any conspiracy theory in regards to the assassination, he sets the stage for rational discussion and historic acceptance of such theories, for certainly one of them must be true. Rather than the crusading knight, in retrospect we can now see Dulles for what he actually was – a shrewd lawyer who looked after the interests of his family, friends and corporate clients, a man who harnessed the secrets of the black arts and helped establish the secret intelligence state that has pretty much run things since the end of World War II. The chessboard is a fitting matrix model that can help make complex issues simple or easier to understand and some of the main characters – E. Howard Hunt and David Atlee Phillips considered themselves Knights and Bishops, major players in the Great Game that Dulles played, though Dulles himself was not so much a player on the board but one of the masters who moved the pieces around. From representing German industrial giants before the war and supporting a separate peace with the Nazis against the president’s stated policy to instigating coups against democratically elected governments in Guatemala and Iran, Talbot portrays Allen Dulles as a man who not only made his own foreign policy, but was often at odds with the presidents he served – Roosevelt, Eisenhower, Kenned and Johnson. With his brother John Foster Dulles as Eisenhower’s Secretary of State, as head of the then relatively unknown Central Intelligence Agency Allen Dulles was a king maker in a strategic position to design and call the plays and make the moves that made American and world history for over a decade. Dulles’ downfall – the Bay of Pigs, was a major blunder, conceived during the Eisenhower administration and carried out shortly after Kennedy took office. While JFK approved the relocation of the invasion beach, refused to permit a second and necessary air strike, and took responsibility for the failure of the operation, he privately blamed Dulles for conceiving, approving and convincing him such a harebrained scheme would work. Talbot correctly assumes the contemporary general consensus that the Bay of Pigs operation was designed to fail and force the president to order a large scale American military intervention, as LBJ would do in the Dominican Republic shortly after assuming office, but JFK balked and refused to do what the CIA and military leaders assumed he would do. A genuine story teller with a narrative flair, Talbot begins with Allen Dulles walking around his Georgetown neighborhood past Dumbarton Oaks, the Harvard Research Center with the editor of Harpers Magazine, trying to explain his side of the Bay of Pigs debacle. Dulles would write an article on the subject for Harpers that was never published, but it was found and read by Talbot among the Dulles’ papers at Princeton. In reading this book I found that Talbot presents the basic facts but leaves a lot of supporting details out, details that will come out and fill some of the missing pieces of the puzzle, such as the fact that the Harvard Research Center at Dumbarton Oaks was run for many years by a Harvard Russian associate who just happened to be present in the American Embassy office in Moscow when former Marine Lee Harvey Oswald presented his passport and announced his “defection.” On the Devil’s Chessboard Oswald is a mere pawn whose movements were closely monitored by the CIA as well as the Soviets, but Talbot doesn’t give him credit for the dastardly deed most mainstream historians say he did – kill JFK all by himself. Rather, Talbot portrays Oswald as a political pawn in Dulles’ orbit and caught up in the intelligence network that was responsible for the Dealey Plaza operation and was famed for the crime. In a real game of chess, it is highly unlikely if not impossible for a pawn to take out a King, but that’s exactly what Oswald is supposed to have done, and he was certainly maneuvered into position to do so. “In the months leading up to the Kennedy assassination, Oswald was moved here and there with the calculation of a master chess player,” writes Talbot, and noting that “He staged public scenes in New Orleans and Mexico City that called attention to himself as a hotheaded militant, as he had done at the embassy in Moscow. There were invisible wires attached to Oswald – and some of the more intriguing ones led to Allen Dulles.” In all of the two thousand and some books that have been written about the assassination few call attention to certain key facts about the assassination JFK’s bitter enemy Air Force Chief of Staff General Curtis LeMay was a close personal friend of D. H. Byrd, owner of the Texas School Book Depository, from where Oswald is supposed to have fired the shots that killed Kennedy, and Dulles’ mistress and agent Mary Bancroft was a close friend and overseas traveling companion of Michael Paine’s mother Ruth Forbes Paine Young. While Talbot doesn’t mention her name, he refers to her as “Ruth Paine’s mother-in-law,” reporting that: “It was another striking ‘coincidence’ in the endlessly enigmatic Oswald story. The housewife who took the Oswald’s under her wing had married into a family whose foibles and weaknesses were well known to Dulles and his mistress. Ruth Paine was aware of her mother-in-law’s connection to Bancroft and Dulles. Her mother-in-law, in fact, had told her that she invited the couple to enjoy a get-away on the family island. But with typical obstinacy, Ruth refused to see any particular significance to this Dulles link to her family.” “Dulles himself,” writes Talbot, “acknowledged that the flat-out weirdness of these curious facts and, in his own characteristic fashion, simply laughed it off. The conspiracy-minded would have a field day, he chuckled, if they knew that he had visited Dallas three weeks before the assassination and that he had a personal connection to the women whom he identified as Marina Oswald’s ‘landlady.’” As Talbot points out, Ruth and Michael Paine were more than Marina Oswald’s “landlady,” who charged no rent, they were Oswald’s benefactors and sponsors, giving him rides, providing food and clothing for his family and obtaining him the job at the Byrd’s Texas School Book Depository, from where shots were certainly fired at the president. “In their immaculate innocence, the Paines played right into the hands of those who were manipulating Oswald,” Talbot concludes. That the mother of the accused assassin’s chief sponsor was a close personal friend and European traveling companion of Allen Dulles’ mistress and agent is not six degrees of separation but two, and not a coincidence any more than the fact that the mistress – Mary Bancroft, was Dulles’ intermediary with Hans Bernd Gisevius, the Nazi officer and principle agent in the July 1944 Valkyrie plot to kill Hitler. Talbot mentions this, but doesn’t mention that in late September 1963 CIA officer Desmond Fitzgerald briefed the Joint Chiefs of Staff on the CIA’s attempt to adapt aspects of the Valkyrie plot to use against Castro in Cuba. There was a lot of movement of the chessboard that day as the CIA briefed the Joint Chiefs, temporarily chaired by Gen. LeMay, JFK signed an National Security Action Memo authorizing “Project Four Leaves,” a military communication order, and left on a Conservation tour of the mid-west, when the details of the November visit to Texas was officially announced, and Lee Harvey Oswald slipped out of New Orleans for Mexico City. The day before, the Oswald’s main benefactor Ruth Paine, had picked up the pregnant Marina and baby and their belongings, including the rifle said to have been used to kill JFK, and drove them to Texas after staying at the Forbes family’s Naushon island off Massachusetts and visiting her husband’s mother – Mary Bancrofts’s good friend in Philadelphia. As Talbot notes, “Bancroft reminded Dulles that she had known Michael’s mother ‘extremely well’ for over forty years and had spent summers with her on Naushon Island,” so Bancroft recognized the significance of their relationship and conveyed it to Dulles. Unlke John Wilkes Booth’s landlady, who was executed, and those who assist assassins and terrorists today, who are violently interrogated and vigorously prosecuted, Ruth and Michael Paine were treated with kid’s gloves by the Warren Commission, who was never informed that Michael’s mom was a friend and agent of the former head of the CIA and Warren Commissioner Dulles. This book will spark and put to rest many debates, such as the fable that RFK asked LBJ to appoint Dulles and John J. McCloy to the Warren Commission, whether the CIA engaged in a cover-up of the truth behind the assassination and the veracity of some of the sources of information. To his credit, Talbot resurrects Col. Fletcher Prouty, who worked in the Pentagon at the time of the assassination, and weathered attempts to discredit him for his beliefs, and David Lifton, who had an interesting one to one conversation with Dulles about the assassination at a public event. At the time of the Bay of Pigs Allen Dulles was on an unrelated trip to South America. At the time of the assassination, D. H. Byrd, the owner of the Texas School Book Depository, was on a safari in Africa with a German Barron whose father was an assassination expert who supported the Valkyrie plot to kill Hitler. In the two months before the assassination Dulles met with top CIA officials including Desmond Fitzgerald, the CIA officer who briefed the Joint Chiefs on the adaption of the Valkyrie Plot, David Atlee Philips, who met with Oswald before he went to Mexico City, and Cord Meyer, James J. Angleton and Thomas Karamessines, all bishops, knights and rooks who made key moves and played major roles in the assassination drama. Other previous biographies of Dulles say that at the time of the assassination he was in New York at the venerable Council on Foreign Relations, but Talbot places him back in D.C. at his Georgetown home and then moving to the CIA’s special training camp near Quantico, Virginia known as “The Farm.” After the failure of the Valkyrie plot Dulles and Bancroft assisted Hans B. Gisevious in getting out of the country by providing fake credentials, and after the war, Bancroft translated Gisevious’ manuscript to English while Dulles brought him to Washington as a CIA consultant. In Washington Gisevious lived at the home of Dulles’ chief assistants Tom Braden, who interviewed Dulles for the JFK Library. As Talbot writes, “While serving on the Warren Commission, Dulles told Braden, he had the opportunity to examine the assassination in exquisite detail. He talked about the events of that day as if he were inspecting the intricate meshing of synchronicities that had to occur in order for Kennedy to die that day. His description made it sound like the operation of a lifetime.” “If the employees of the Book Depository had eaten their lunch in a little different place,” said Dulles, “if somebody had been at one place where he might easily have been instead of another at one particular time – the ‘ifs’ just stand out all over it. And if any one of these ‘ifs’ been changed, it might have been prevented…It was so tantalizing to go over the record [of events], as we did, trying to find out every fact connected with the assassination, and then to say if any one of the chess pieces that were entered into the game had been moved differently, at any one time, the whole thing might have been different.” Indeed, instead of an accident of history, in which a deranged lone gunman kills the President seemingly on a whim, it has become increasingly apparent that regardless of the role Oswald played, what occurred at Dealey Plaza was a well planned and executed covert intelligence operation that was timed to the second, and without endorsing any particular conspiracy, David Talbot’s “The Devil’s Chessboard” lays out the stage for this to be understood and generally believed. While this book is important on many levels, it is the first to call attention to the significance of the Valkyrie Plot to kill Hitler and its numerous connections to the Dealey Plaza operation that resulted in the death of the President. So now we can look forward to the development of more information on this as Washington D.C. attorney Jim Lesar has already filed an FOIA request for the records related to the CIA’s adaption of that plot to get rid of Castro. The associations between the CIA plots to kill Castro and the assassination of JFK, known to Dulles but kept from the other Warren Commissioners, have previously focused almost exclusively on the CIA-Mafia plots, and it has been surmised that one of those plots to kill Castro was redirected to kill JFK. The Valkyrie plot is now in the forefront of assassination plans that were on the CIA’s drawing board, and as we learn more about it, and how it was adapted to be used against Castro, we can also see how it was possibly redirected to kill JFK at Dallas. One of the key elements of the German military’s Valkyrie Plot to kill Hitler was to blame the assassination on the SS, just as there was and still is a functioning psychological war campaign to blame the Dealey Plaza operation on Oswald and Castro. As we await the CIA’s response to Lesar’s FOIA request for the Valkyrie Plot documents, Lesar has said that Talbot’s book might “change the political landscape” of America, and in exposing new facts, presenting a more honest portrait of Dulles and a new perspective of the Cold War, David Talbot flips the game board table and opens the door to a more honest and accurate assessment of what happened at Dealey Plaza and that the probability that the President was killed not by a deranged loner but by his powerful political enemies. Without endorsing any particular conspiracy theory the “new political landscape” allows for the assassination of the President to be viewed more honestly and clearly and not as it was previously presented, and elevates the discussions and debates to a new level, one that requires the national security state to give up its assassination secrets so it can be more fully understood.
  17. Max the Hack is Back http://jfkcountercoup.blogspot.com/2015/06/max-hack-is-back.html Max Holland on Sidney Blumenthal and “Government by Gunplay” Washington Reloaded Mad Max the Highbrow Hack is Back – Bill Kelly After Max Holland was given a free press pass to cover the first COPA – Coalition On apolitical Assassination conference for the Nation, and then totally bashed it, COPA director John Judge told him that whoever is paying him to write such trash could pay his way the next time, and then Holland did the same thing to a conference by the Assassinations Archives Research Center (AARC). After viciously attacking COPA and the AARC Max is back throwing darts at Clinton advisor Sidney Blumenthal for being a conspiracy buff for editing a serious anthology on the subject of political assassination. While we should hear more from Blumenthal when he testifies next week before the Get Hilary Congressional Committee investigating the Benghazi attack, as a former presidential advisor, I would like to know what Blumenthal advised the president about political assassination when Clinton was appointing the Assassination Records Review Board (ARRB). It would also be interesting to know what Bill Clinton and President Obama discussed when theyvisited President Kennedy’s grave together on November 20, 2013. At his Washington Decoded blog Max Holland tries to belittle Clinton advisor Sidney Blumenthal by calling him by calling him “Grassy Knoll Sid” because he once was associated with the Assassination Information Bureau in Boston and co-edited the anthology “Government by Gunplay,” which includes the work of Peter Dale Scott, William Turner, Jeff Gerth, Carl Oglesby, Jerry Policoff, Phil Agee, Robert Groden, L. Fletcher Prouty and Allard Lowenstein, who himself was assassinated. As Holland acknowledges, that book is “thoughtful, informed and well written” and contributed to the rational for establishing the House Select Committee on Assassinations (HSCA). But Holland further describes “Government by Gunplay” as “almost indistinguishable from the slew of Soviet disinformation tracts about the assassination published from the 1960s to the 1980s.” As a source for this claim Holland cites Armand Moss’s book “Disinformation, Misinformation, and the ‘Conspiracy’ to Kill JFK Exposed” (Hamden, CT: Archon Books, 1987), though Holland himself has been the source of some of the disinformation about the assassination, especially his piece “The Lie that Ties the CIA to the JFK Assassination” and his book “The JFK Assassination Tapes,” both of which contain easily disputed propaganda and disinformation that muddies the JFK assassination story. Holland would have you believe all this conspiracy nonsense is Soviet disinformation, but it is more telling if you look at it closely. Most of the sources for Soviet disinformation about the JFK assassination stem back to one man – Vasili Mitrokhin, a former KGB archivist and defector. Look at what Mitrokhin says is Soviet disinformation - the Dear Mr. Hunt note, KGB financed books by Thomas Buchanan and Mark Lane, the original European news report on PERMINDEX - an CIA front company Clay Shaw was affiliated with, and the idea the assassination was a conspiracy of Texaa oilmen as promoted by French Intelligence in the book Fairwell America. Mitrokin established his bonafides by dropping a dime on former NSA clerk Robert Lipka, who at his arrangement said he saw NSA documents that identified JFK's true assassin. As he was being led out a reported asked what the name was and Lipka replied - Luis Angel Castilo. [ http://jfkcountercoup.blogspot.com/2008/01/luis-angel-castillo.html ] Mitrokin is himself spawning Soviet disinformation, but it isn't the Soviets we have to worry about when it comes to disinformation, it's our own government. It was not the Soviets who compromised and derailed the HSCA investigation, it was the CIA, which assigned the same agent who worked closely with the anti-Castro Cuban DRE, with which the accused assassin had contact, to scuttle the HSCA investigation. It is not Blumenthal who is wrong about JFK’s accused assassin Lee Harvey Oswald being described as a government agent or about the peculiar details of the murder at Dealey Plaza. It is Holland who is wrong about Oswald being a deranged loner and for promoting the totally discredited idea that “the Warren Commission was an exhaustive investigation carried to its utmost limits.” At my request Holland attended my October 2013 Air Force One radio tapes presentation at the Wecht Conference in Pittsburgh [ http://jfkcountercoup.blogspot.com/2013/10/from-program-cyril-h.html ] There I mentioned his book “The JFK Assassination Tapes,” which intentionally leaves out significant portions of the tape transcripts. Most notably is the absence of the frequent references to “Liberty Station” – the radio relay center at Collins Radio, Cedar Rapids, Iowa. These references to “Liberty Station” served as the basis for much of my research on Collins Radio that I have posted and published over the years. [ http://jfkcountercoup.blogspot.com/2012/02/collins-radio-connections-to.html / http://jfkcountercoup.blogspot.com/2008/01/collins-radio-connections.html ] Although not everyone who supports the Warren Commission at this late date is a CIA asset or disinformation agent, some can safely be put into the same category as other ostensible journalists whose CIA covers have been blown – Hugh Aynesworth, Priscilla Johnson McMillan and Brian Latell. As for Holland, he acknowledges receiving financial support from the J. Anthony Lucas Foundation, which replaced the Columbia-Catherwood Award after Cummins Catherwood’s Foundation was exposed as a CIA conduit for covert action funds by David Wise and Thomas Ross in their book “The Invisible Government.” [More on Catherwood - http://jfkcountercoup.blogspot.com/2008/01/catherwood-fund.html ] Holland was also affiliated with the Miller Center in Virginia, where Philip Zelikow worked before he became the Executive Director for the 911 Commission despite apparent conflicts of interest, and it was Zelikow who kept key information from the commissioners and out of their final report. The Miller Center is also associated with the Scrips Howard News Service, a convenient outlet for many CIA and NSA “leaks,” including the March 1980 report that “Castro was going to try to kill President Reagan just like he killed JFK.” It is not Soviet disinformation that is keeping the truth about the assassination from being understood, it is the CIA’s major disinformation campaign to blame the assassination on Castro Cuban Commies, the original cover story for the Dealey Plaza operation. That is also the fallback cover-up position for those, like Holland, once the deranged lone nut scenario is considered untenable, as it clearly has become to most people. Max and I actually share some common background, both having attended Antioch College in Yellow Springs, Ohio, an attribute we also share with Ruth Hyde Paine, Coretta King and Rod Serling. We also received research grant support from the Fund for Constitutional Governed Investigative Journalism Project, though my $3,000 I stretched out pales in comparison to the six figures he got from the Lucas-CIA and Knopf advance for a promised 600 page narrative history of the Warren Commission that has yet to see print. With such a hefty budget to work with Holland could afford to have a professional transcribe the Air Force One tapes that he selectively used while I transcribed the tapes myself and posted them on line for anyone to use. [ http://jfkcountercoup2.blogspot.com/2012/05/air-force-one-tapes-combined-annotated.html ] Another source of Max Holland’s funding for his research, as he himself admits, is the CIA’s Studies in Intelligence Award, as well as the German venetian blind company Hunter-Douglas - now how shady is that? Max Holland is a highbrow hack who writes what he is pad to write, and he acknowledges who his employers are, which explains why he writes propaganda in such an eloquent and academic style, complete with footnotes. One of the contributors to the “Government by Gunplay” anthology, Peter Dale Scott, has also responded to Holland’s Washington Decoded blog about Blumenthal. Scott writes: Every day, for about twenty years, I have said metta (i.e. wished well) for Max Holland. I do so because of a 19-page review Holland wrote in 1994 of my book Deep Politics and the Death of JFK (Max Holland, “After Thirty Years: Making Sense of the Assassination,” Reviews in American History 22 (1994) 191-209). His “review” was rich in adjectival rebuttal (“bogus,” paranoid,” ”impenetrable”), and closed with a reference to “palpable, cunningly manufactured falsehoods.” It quoted lavishly from many other authors, notably Gerald Posner and Jacob Cohen. But unlike any other review I have ever read in this academic journal, it did not have space in 19 pages for a single quote from my book which he was attacking, let alone a discussion of one. It has suddenly become relevant again to quote one paragraph of my reply, which for a time was published in the same journal (and is still viewable at mcadams.posc.mu.edu/scott_reply.htm): Surely it is gross intellectual cowardice to allege or imply falsehoods without supporting this accusation. One might have thought that in a 19-page attack on my "opaque prose" and "fevered imagination" (p. 191), there would be at least a paragraph dealing with what I had actually written. I can actually find only one dependent clause on the penultimate page, referring to "the fantasy that Kennedy was on the verge of pulling out from South Vietnam" (p. 208). Even this is not very close to what I actually wrote: "that in late 1963 Kennedy had authorized an initial withdrawal of... troops... to be substantially completed by the end of 1965" (Deep Politics, p. 24). I went on to note how "time after time... critics, from Leslie Gelb in the Times to Alexander Cockburn in the Nation, have replaced this verifiable issue of fact by an unverifiable one: whether or not JFK would have pulled the United States out of Vietnam" (pp. 25-26). Holland, a long-time Nation editor, has, you will note, once again resorted to this simple trick of devious substitution. In the years since, I thought that maybe Holland had changed. His co-edited anthology, The Presidential Recordings: Lyndon B. Johnson: The Kennedy Assassination and the Transfer of Power, was justly characterized by Booklist as ‘a riveting and very important contribution,” one I have made use of myself. But the old Max is back, with a new adjectival onslaught and accusation of falsehoods. This time his primary target is Sid Blumenthal, Hilary Clinton’s assistant whom he calls ““Grassy Knoll” Sid: Hillary’s Personal Conspiracy Theorist” (http://www.washingtondecoded.com/site/2015/06/blumenthal.html). This leads to an attack on Blumenthal’s 1976 co-edited anthology, Government by Gunplay: assassination conspiracy theories from Dallas to today. Once again, Holland offers a sweeping dismissal without argument. In his words, “The misrepresentations, distortions, and falsehoods that Blumenthal either wrote or associated himself with are so numerous and stupendous they defy listing.” It is true that this time, in contrast to his 1994 review, the charge of falsehoods is followed by four very brief quotes from the book, the first of which I suspect may be from my own essay there. In Holland’s summary, “Lee Harvey Oswald, ‘supposedly involved’ with the Fair Play for Cuba Committee, was ‘almost certainly a United States intelligence operative.’” (I no longer own the book, but I develop two whole chapters in Deep Politics to substantiating the claim that Oswald was both a government informant and an agent.) All four of the quotes from the book are claims distasteful to Holland. None can be decisively proven, but by the same token they cannot be decisively disproven; therefore they cannot be considered falsehoods. Most of them, such as the claim that the single-bullet theory is “incredible on its face,” or that the Warren Report was “a whitewash,” would I think elicit more agreement than disagreement among serious students of the case. I shall continue to say metta for Max Holland – he needs it. But to accuse books of falsehoods without supplying examples is a habit he should get rid of, before someone (it won’t be me) seeks legal remedy. http://www.peterdalescott.net
  18. As I have mentioned before, it isn't whether Oswald ordered the rifle under the Hidel name, it how and when did he pick it up at the Post Office, and how come no one there recalls him paying the ballance on the pistol and handing him the rifle over the counter? And on the day the Warren Commission claimes he picked up the rifle, his time card at Jaggars-Chiles-Stoval indicates he worked from before the Post Office 0pened until after it closed, so when did he do it? It is also interesting that on the day he reportedly picked up the rifle Oswald worked on the advertising account of Sam Bloom, the company that hnndled the motorcade and publicity for the president's visit. Was he working on the Sam Bloom account when he picked up the rifle? http://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=1139&relPageId=562 Following the rifle around is also interesting - as Mrs. Paine delivered the rifle to New Orleans and then picked it up again and took it to Texas while Oswald went to Mexico. And then the rifle stayed in the Paine's garage until the night before the assassination. Oswald's brother, who was a Marine sharpshooter and knew Oswald's shooting skills well, said that if his brother did not practice with that rifle and scope in the days and weeks before the assassination, as the Warren Report insists, then he didn't kill the President. http://jfkcountercoup.blogspot.com/2014/11/oswalds-brother-lee-did-not-fire-shots.html “If Lee did not spend a considerable amount of time practicing with that rifle in the weeks and months before the assassination, then I would say that Lee did not fire the shots that killed the President and wounded Governor Connally.” - Robert Oswald It doesn't matter whether Oswald was the lone assassin or designated patsy, we are now getting quite close to figuring out exactly how JFK was killed - and that very specific method - that used psychwar techniqques - will lead us to those who planned the Dealey Plaza operation. Stay tuned. Bill Kelly http://jfkcountercoup.blogspot.com/
  19. Disinformation at Dealey Plaza - By Bill Kelly http://jfkcountercoup.blogspot.com/2015/06/disinformation-at-dealey-plazq.html House Select Committee on Assassinations investigator Dan Hardway used the word “disinformation” to describe what they were questioning CIA officer David Atlee Phillips about when Hardway said, “Initially, the CIA was cooperating....(it was) when we started pushing on investigating the disinformation efforts after the assassination, and realizing that I could tie just about every single disinformation effort directly back to David Attle Phillips that George Joannides got involved.” Disinformation is defined as "false or misleading information that is put out by a government or an intelligence agency to influence public opinion" – so if it doesn't stem from a national government intelligence agency then it isn't disinformation. The specific disinformation efforts Hardway is referring to are the failed attempts to blame what happened at Dealey Plaza on Castro Cuban Communists – dozens of easily charted case studies that are of a very specific type of disinformation known as “Black propaganda,”- a type specifically defined by the CIA's Paul Linebarger, the former US Army officer and author of the standard textbook "Propaganda." Any study of psychological warfare and disinformation would have to include the work of Paul Linebarger, a professor at the School for Advanced International Studies at John Hopkins University, who also taught the black arts of propaganda and psychological warfare operations to CIA agents, and among his best students were E. Howard Hunt, Ed Lansdale and David Atlee Phillips. According to Linebarger, “Psychological warfare consists of the application of parts of the science called psychology to the conduct of war; psychological warfare comprises the use of propaganda against the enemy, together with such military operational measures as may supplement the propaganda. Propaganda may be described in turn, as organized persuasion by non-violent means. War itself may be considered to be, among other things, a violent form of persuasion. War is waged against the minds, not the bodies of the enemy.” “Specifically defined,” says Linebarger, “propaganda consists of the planned use of any form of public or mass produced communication designed to affect the minds and emotions of a given group for a specific public purpose, whether military, economic or political. Military propaganda consists of the planned use of any form of communications designed to affect the minds and emotions of a given enemy, neutral or friendly foreign group for a specific strategic or tactical purpose.” Linebarger warned his students not to use such techniques against Americans. “I hate to think what would ever happen,” he once said with a prophet’s voice, “if any of you ever got out of this business and got involved in U.S. politics. These kinds of dirty tricks must never be used in internal U.S. politics. The whole system would come apart.” Well, they were used and are being used today, and the whole system did come apart. Note that if the communication is not planned, it cannot be called propaganda, and if it does not originate from an intelligence agent, agency, service or network, it is not disinformation, as it is classically defined: Deliberately misleading information announced publicly or leaked by a government or especially by an intelligence agency in order to influence public opinion or the government in another nation. Some of the information that real disinformation agents dish out is classified as “black.” According to Ladislas Farago such, “Black Propaganda is a fundamental intelligence operation,…because it never identifies its real source and pretends to originate within or close to the enemy.” Not one or two but over two dozen examples can be given – the most recent by Phil Sheon in his book “A Cruel and Shocking Act.” http://jfkcountercoup.blogspot.com/2015/04/list-of-psychwar-black-prop-ops.html These are the “fingerprints of intelligence” that Sen. Richard Schweiker (R. Pa.) referred to in describing what he learned about the assassination of President Kennedy while serving on the Church Intelligence Committee, the records of which are still sealed to this day. Two new and important books by Peter Dale Scott (Deep Politics III) and John Newman's “Where Angels Tread Lightly” refer specifically to the black propaganda efforts to blame the assassination on Castro. Peter Dale Scott: “In the days after the murders in Dallas, the U.S. Was flooded with dubious stories, most of them swiftly discredited, linking Oswald to either a Cuban or Soviet conspiracy. Those which most preoccupied the FBI and CIA all came out of Mexico. These stories exhibited certain common characteristics. - They all came from either directly from an intelligence source, or from someone in the hands of an intelligence agency - The Stories changed over time, to support either a pro-conspiratorial hypothesis (“Phase One”) or a rebuttal of this (“Phase Two”).- The Warren Commission was led to believe that the“Phase One”stories were without basis. In fact a number of unresolved anomalies suggest that behind them was some deeper truth, still not revealed.- In retrospect, these stories should not have been taken seriously. In fact the CIA was able to rely on them, not as a source of truth, but as a source of coercive influence over the rest of the government. It will help us to understand what was going on if we refer to the stories, not as 'information' or even as 'allegations,' but as MANAGED STORIES. To say this leaves open the question of who were the ultimate managers?” Scott: “I do wish to argue that these managed stories, fleeting and insubstantial though they are, were of central importance in determining the outcome of the Kennedy assassination investigation. In succeeding years, furthermore, the discredited 'Phase-One' stories have been revived to manipulate public opinion, even after the CIA and FBI had agreed on a 'Phase-Two' interpretation of Oswald's movements in Mexico City. In 2013, for example, the discredited Garro story of the twist party was revived in a mainstream book by Philip Shenon.” Newman: “The plot to assassinate President Kennedy was designed to deceive both people in the government and the public at large. A convincing trail of evidence was established to make it appear that the Kennedy brothers’ plan to overthrow Castro had been turned around and used against them by Fidel himself, resulting in the assassination of President Kennedy." “There is an unstated corollary principal in the game of deception that Allen Dulles was kind enough to give us. Once a “single piece” of a black operation has been compromised, the entire fabric of that operation can potentially unravel.” You can't understand what happened at Dealey Plaza unless you understand the fundamentals of psychological warfare, disinformation and black propaganda – because that's the part of the Dealey Plaza operational plan that failed, that failed in its contention that Castro Cuban Communists were responsible for the assassination, and because it failed it gives us a good glimpse into the Looking Glass and brings us very close to those who designed the plan, especially the part that failed. Allen Dulles brought a book with him to the first meeting of the Warren Commission, Donovan's American Assassins, in which the author of PT109 designates most American assassins as looney loners. Instead, he should have shared his own book, "The Crafts of Intelligence," in which he recommends Sun Tzu's "The Art of War," in which the five types of secret agents - Native, Inside, Doubled, Expendable and Living Agents. When all of these agents are work together it is called the "Divine Skein," with a skein being a closely knit net and the Divine Skein a network of spies and the "treasure of the sovereign." Those who were especially selected by the CIA were trained in psychological warfare by Linebarger, who besides using his own text "Propaganda," also used as a text book David Maurer's "The Big Con," the book that the movie "The Sting" was based on. Linebarger notes that "security is designed to keep useful information from reaching the enemy, while propaganda operations are designed to get information to him. The term propaganda stems from the name of the department of the Vatican which had the duty of propagating the faith. And Black Propaganda must clearly be labeled as an act of the enemy" In his book on propaganda Linebarger says that such disinformation, by its very nature, can be identified as such and traced back to its source, using his formula for doing so. Therefore, the real disinformation and propaganda on the assassination can be traced back to its source, which should be very close to those who were actually responsible for the assassination. Linebarger developed the STASM formula for spot analysis, in which propaganda can be distinguished by the consideration of five elements: 1. Source 2. Time 3. Audience 4. Subject 5. Mission. According to Linebarger, “This formula works best in the treatment of monitored materials of which the source is known. First point to note is the character of the source — the true source (who really got it out?), the ostensible source (whose name is signed to it?); also the first use source (who used it the first time?) and the second source (who claims merely to be using it as a quotation?). It is soon evident that the mere attribution of source is a job of high magnitude.” It is apparent that the roots to many of the black propaganda operations related to Dealey Plaza, especially those that try to falsely implicate Castro in the assassination, stem back to David Atlee Phillips, another one of Linebarger’s protégés. At the time of the assassination, David Phillips was working for the CIA in Mexico City, responsible for monitoring the Cuban and Russian embassies there, as well as keeping tabs on the activities of the Fair Play for Cuba Committee (FPCC) “in the hemisphere.” In August, 1963, the New Orleans representative of the FPCC, Lee Harvey Oswald, was seen with Phillips, aka “Maurice Bishop,” in the lobby of a Dallas office building, and shortly thereafter Oswald went on his mission to Mexico City. In the immediate aftermath of the assassination, Phillips interrogated a Nicaraguan intelligence agent who said that he had seen Oswald with Cuban Communists in Mexico City, and though Phillips knew this information was wrong, he promoted it within CIA as plausibly possible, and tried to get other Cubans to confirm Oswald’s false Communist associations. One of these is from conversations which David Phillips had with Kevin Walsh, a former HSCA staffer who went on to work as a private detective in Washington, DC In a conversation not long before his death, Phillips remarked: "My private opinion is that JFK was done in by a conspiracy, likely including American intelligence officers." - David Atlee Phillips, July 1986. I was one of the two case officers who handled Lee Harvey Oswald. After working to establish his Marxist bona fides, we gave him the mission of killing Fidel Castro in Cuba. I helped him when he came to Mexico City to obtain a visa, and when he returned to Dallas to wait for it I saw him twice there. We rehearsed the plan many times: In Havana Oswald was to assassinate Castro with a sniper's rifle from the upper floor window of a building on the route where Castro often drove in an open jeep. Whether Oswald was a double-agent or a psycho I'm not sure, and I don't know why he killed Kennedy. But I do know he used precisely the plan we had devised against Castro. Thus the CIA did not anticipate the President's assassination but it was responsible for it. I share that guilt.” So the precise plan they had devised against Castro was “to assassinate Castro with a sniper’s rifle from the upper floor window of a building on the route where Castro often drove in an open jeep.” Among these plans we have records of Pathfinder, which we learned from the NPIC staff at JMWAVE where the Patherfinder records were intentionally misfiled, and the so-called Hemingway plot, in which Castro was known to visit Hemingway’s house in Cuba, providing an opportunity to shoot him. Both cases were probably part of the attempt to adapt the Valkyrie plan for the German military to eliminate Hitler and take over Nazi Germany in July 1944, a plot that used a bomb but failed. The aspect of the Valkyrie plan that was used at Dealey Plaza was the psychwar disinformation ploy to blame the murder of Hitler on the SS and Gestapo, while the plan adapted for use at Dealey Plaza framed Oswald as the designated patsy and attempted to blame the Dealey Plaza ambush on Castro Cuban Communists. Links: http://jfkcountercoup2.blogspot.com/2015/05/disinformation-definition.html http://jfkcountercoup.blogspot.com/2015/04/dealey-plaza-mo.html http://jfkcountercoup.blogspot.com/2015/04/the-sting-at-dealey-plaza.html http://jfkcountercoup2.blogspot.com/2015/05/more-on-hemingway-plot.html http://jfkcountercoup.blogspot.com/2015/05/valkyrie-ii-at-dealty-plaza.html http://jfkcountercoup.blogspot.com/2015/04/list-of-psychwar-black-prop-ops.html http://jfkcountercoup.blogspot.com/2015/04/psychwar-black-prop-ops-at-dealey-plaza.html
  20. Dulles did visit Texas to promote his book "Crafts of Intelligence," and there is documentary evidence he visited Neil Mallon in Dallas in 1953, as this note attests: 26 October 1953 Mr. H. N. Mallon Dresser Industries, Inc. Atlantic Building Dallas, Texas Dear Neil: We had an excellent return trip to Washington arriving promptly on schedule. It was a pleasant ending of a delightful week end. Clover and I enjoyed every minute of our stay in Dallas. At the King Ranch and in the air, and I want to thank you and your sister for all the hospitality extended. Sincerely yours, Allen W. Dulles Director Hand written- Icc: DCI Pers. file -check
  21. I read Nelson's book and find it mainly accurate, but like most Lone Nuts and CTs he only uses the info that supports his theory, and all the facts must be considered for any theory to be true. I do like Nelson's revelation about Gen. LeMay, as temporary chair of the Joint Chiefs, would take a crap and leave the door open so everyone could hear him - much like LBJ often did to those he worked with. There must be something to that. The bottom line is that despite being a sociopathic killer LBJ was just incapable of understanding let alone devising the complicated pscyh war cover-story that Castro was behind what happened at Dealey Plaza - though I think he eventually got it, he didn't buy it. BK
  22. The question shouldn't be whether Oswald ordered the rifle, the question should be if and when did he pick it up? How come not one Post Office employee recalls handing a rifle over the counter to Oswald and taking the balance of payment for the pistol? If it happened on the day the Warren Commission said it did - Oswald was working at Jaggers/Chiles/Stoval from before the PO opened until after it closed, so when did he pick it up? The J/C/S records also indicate that on that same day Oswald worked on the account of the Sam Bloom ad agency - the one responsible for the motorcade route and publicity for JFK's visit. Did Oswald pick up the rifle and pistol while officially working on the Bloom account? And after the rifle left the post office, where did it go? To Oswald's apartment, where deMohrenschildt and his wife saw it in a closet? And after leaving that apartment, how did the rifle get to New Orleans and back to Texas? In Mrs. Pane's station wagon? And in Mrs. Paine's garage, how could the rifle have been kept in a heavy wool blanket yet leave no hair strains from the blanket? And if it was kept in the garage until the morning of the assassination, what rifle did Oswald use to practice with, as many have testified that he did - and as his brother Robert has clearly stated - if Lee did not practice with that rifle and scope in the days and weeks leading up to the assassination, then he didn't kill JFK. There are many problems with the rifle, but whether Oswald ordered it is not one of them. Bill Kelly
  23. Photographs and book references cannot be admitted into a U.S. court of law unless they are submitted as an exhibit during the testimony of the photographer, author or possibly a special expert - and because they can be tampered with easily they are not accepted as stand alone evidence in any case. The confusion of people who try to identify individuals in photos has been proven wrong time and again - the photo of "Oswald" shooting in a knealing position at USMC boot camp has been positively IDd as someone else - the film of the men walking at the Ambassador Hotel the night RFK woas killed were positively identified as men other than the JMWAVE officers they were supposed to be. There is so much more better evidence out there and so much more fruitful research needs to be done - even if say OK I'm convinced it's Oswald - it's not going to change anything. We are very close to solving the case to a moral if not legal certainty that this piece if the puzzle may be fun to read it's not going any where near where more significant leads are taking people - see: Newman's "Angels" - Simpich's "State Secrets" - PDS's "DP3" and Morleys new book and you will see the crack in the case will soon break the dam.
  24. Read my Jfkcountercoup.blogspot.com post - The Tipping Point - that details the timing and location and sources - mainly Jack Valenti - "The Accidental President" and reports of Texas officials who received phone calls from LBJ aides at those times.
  25. Valkyrie II at Dealey Plaza - Updated http://jfkcountercoup.blogspot.com/2015/05/valkyrie-ii-at-dealty-plaza.html Sorry these links don't work but if you go to my blog http://jfkcountercoup.blogspot.com and http://jfkcountercoup2.blogspot.com you can get more deep background on this. Valkyrie at Dealey Plaza As a research technique, while reading the HSCA volumes, I began opening files on subjects that came up repeatedly in diverse areas - more than twice - taking Ian Fleming's adage - "First time is happenstance, second time is coincidence, but a third time is enemy action." That's how I got onto Collins Radio, Pan Am Bank of Miami, Southland Center, International Rescue Committee and now Valkyrie. In the course of my research the Valkyrie plot to kill Hitler has come up five times - in diverse areas and makes me think I may be on to something. 1) The first time the Valkyre plot came up was in a phone conversation I had with Volkmar Schmidt, who acknowledged that in his February 1963 conversation with Oswald at a party at his house, he mentioned the Valkyrie Plot and suggested to Oswald that General Walker should be assassinated as Hitler should have been. Schmidt said he personally knew some of the participants in the Valkyrie plot. http://jfkcountercoup.blogspot.com/2008/01/volkmar-schmidt-interview.html 2) Then I read Mary Bancroft's "Autobiography of a Spy," in which she details her role in Valkyrie - assisting Dr. Hans Bernt Gisevius escape and then translating his memoirs. http://jfkcountercoup2.blogspot.com/2012/08/mary-bancroft-autobiography-of-spy.html 3) In late September 1963 Ruth Hyde Paine visited her husband Michael's mother - Ruth Forbes Paine Young, who was Mary Bancroft's close friend and traveling companion to Europe. After leaving the Young's residence near Philadelphia Ruth Paine drove to New Orleans and picked up Marina and the rifle and drove them to Texas while Oswald went to Mexico. 4) On the same day Oswald left New Orleans for Mexico, the CIA's Desmond Fitzgerald briefed the Joint Chiefs of Staff - Gen. LeMay presiding - on covert ops against Cuba that needed military assistance - including a plan to adapt the Valkyrie Plot to use against Castro. (See Higgins Memo - http://jfkcountercoup2.blogspot.com/2014/04/higgins-memo-numbered-w-bullet-points.html ) 5) The 11/22/63 alibi for the owner of the TSBD - D. H. Byrd was that he was on a hunting safari in Africa with a German "Baron" whose father was reported by OSS X-2 to possibly be an "assassination expert" and after World War II lived with one of the ministers selected for the new government after Hitler's overthrow and was a valuable double agent for OSS in Africa who co-authored a manifesto in support of the Valkyrie plotters. Now my threshold for bingo was three but here we have five separate cases where the Valkyrie plot to kill Hitler comes up in the course of events surrounding the assassination of JFK. Also see: https://jfkcountercoup.wordpress.com/2009/01/10/valkyrie-at-dealey-plaza/ Now these are not six degrees of separation- they are two degrees - and they are not happenstance or coincidence - but clearly enemy action. Now I just got James Forman's book "Code Name Valkyrie - Count Von Stauffenberg and the plot to kill Hitler" http://hub-e.com/content/james-d-forman-fb2-ebook-get-code-name-valkyrie-count-von-stauffenberg-and-plot-kill-hitler – that notes: "The plan had a code name Valkyrie, and it would be developed at two levels with two sets of orders. Officially Valkyrie was a scheme to activate units of the Home Army to seize population centers in case of a rebellion by the foreign slave laborer sin Germany. Behind this facade the plan was to evolve into a complete takeover of the government by the Army. "Phase One - plan for mobilizing the Reserve Army. Purpose: to crush mutiny of slave laborers. This part of the plan was submitted through channels and approved by Hitler himself. "Phase Two - the second, secret plan: Item 1- Disposal of Hitler. Item 2 - Preparation of orders upon Hitler's death...Direct the Reserve Army to undertake the following - Occupy first the city of Berlin...Principle objectives: Imprisonment of key Nazi and SS officials, occupation of vital government buildings, railroad stations and other government centers, especially broadcast stations. Immediate command of the mass media, newspapers, wireless radio - cannot be over stressed. The conspiracy alone must speak. Orders from Hitler's East Prussian HQ must be entirely isolated and contained." "The conspiracy alone must speak." Another twist to the Valkyrie plan was a Psychwar aspect to blame the assassination of Hitler on the Gestapo and SS as an excuse to round them up. Forman says that while Dulles agent Gisevius supported the coup he was against the bomb plot. He told Von Stauffenberg "I just I have the feeling we'll never succeed. I'm not speaking through fear. But I have a feeling very few of us will be alive this time next year, regardless of what happens with your bomb." And he was right. But the adaption of Valkyrie as carried out at Dealey Plaza succeeded.
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