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Wade Frazier

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Everything posted by Wade Frazier

  1. Hi: I am taking a little break from Gary’s tale this morning. I have read several books on Operation Paperclip and how the USA hired death camp Nazis. I have read too much about the Nazis. Two books that I recently read were Linda Hunt’s classic treatment and Annie Jacobsen’s, which was better than I thought it would be. I am always wary about books blurbed by The Wall Street Journal. I first wrote about Paperclip a generation ago, regarding how the Gehlen Org was hired lock, stock, and barrel by the CIA, which nearly led to World War III. Gehlen was paid $1 million per year by the USA in his heyday, which was far better than he did under Hitler. The USA has long had a habit of taking the worst aspects of enemy regimes and then using them for the same and even worse activities, such as at Abu Ghraib. What became Camp King was a Nazi interrogation center for captured Allied soldiers. After the war, Gehlen ran it, and torturing prisoners to death under American management was just a day at the office there. Of course, the Wikipedia article is a heavily sanitized account that does not even mention those activities. Where death camp Nazis are concerned, Wikipedia is hagiographic at times, and always covers the topic lightly, if at all, such as in its Paperclip article. What Wikipedia has almost completely failed to do was deal with the American incentive to bring in death camp Nazis because of their usefulness for the Cold War, which those Nazis were instrumental in inflaming. While war crimes investigators were lining up death camp Nazis, who performed medical experiments in the death camps, for Nuremberg trials, the Paperclip side of the house was doing all that it could to undermine those very prosecutions, and even when convicted, death camp Nazis soon had their sentences commuted and were even brought into the USA and put to work. The most useful ones were never even prosecuted, such as Hubertus Strughold, who lied his ass off but was shielded by his American handlers. He was able to help get his buddy Siegfried Ruff acquitted. Ruff supervised the experiments at Dachau, in which hundreds of prisoners died. The USA then hired Ruff, and his article at Wikipedia is hagiographic. At least one death camp Nazi had the situation mentioned, in that he was saved from the gallows by the USA because they found him useful, but that is about it for those people. I also found myself rereading other books in my library, such as Undue Risk and In the Name of Science, and what richly came across was that Nazi medical ethics were quite compatible with American medical ethics, and human experiments on unwitting, deceived, and involuntary subjects became an American pastime, particularly after hiring all of those Nazis. It is debatable how much Nazi ethics influenced American ethics, but there is no doubt that the Nazis who came to the USA began performing the same experiments that they used on death camp prisoners on American soldiers and others. The soldiers were only semi-voluntary, many had their health ruined and even died, and mass experiments on the unwitting American population were common. What also has come across very strongly during my studies over the past 30 years is that what has come to public awareness is only the tip of the iceberg. The most damning documents are still classified or were destroyed long ago, and the Nazis were very aware of the nature of their crimes, as their documents were full of euphemisms such as “special handling” and “final solution.” The medical experiments on humans wrote about the subjects as “pigs,” and a “large pig” meant a Catholic priest. After the Nazi disaster at Stalingrad, thinking Germans could see how the war would turn out, and they began covering up their crimes, with destroyed evidence and documents, going back to early 1943. What has come to light are only the tattered remnants, and the human experiments at Strughold’s facility only came to light recently, almost by accident, as some documents escaped destruction. And those are not just tales of a bygone era. Fluoride is added to my water supply to this day, which the Nazis used to dumb down their prisoners. In the USA, it is used on the general population, with attendant propaganda that would make Goebbels blush. In fact, the fluoridation propaganda campaign was designed by none other than the father of public relations, whose work Goebbels admired and used. Not that writing Gary’s story and my relationship to him is very fun, either, but I think that I am through with this stint of reading about death camp Nazis that the USA hired. When I write that essay on Uncle Ed and me, I will mention the Nazi situation, in which death camp Nazis get hagiography at Wikipedia, while Ed’s article is libelous, and my contributions were erased under the flimsiest of pretexts, so that the public could not even see what I wrote. So far, those vastly disparate treatments reflect Ed and Noam’s propaganda model. In a way, Wikipedia is performing as expected, as an establishment mouthpiece, as death camp Nazis get hagiography and saints such as Ed get libeled. Best, Wade
  2. Hi Joe: As I have written, Gary’s career and life is the closest thing to the plot of LA Confidential that I know of. One of my college chums became the mayor of Bishop, California. After his Vietnam days, he became a ranger in the Sierras, and was with me on that trip where we were nearly hit by lightning. He later said that that was the hairiest trip that he ever took, and only years later did I realize how close I came to getting us killed, and not from the lightning, but navigating the snowfields below the pass, where one slip meant a grim death after a several hundred foot fall. Ah, such youthful ignorance! Bishop is the “metropolis” of Owens Valley, which has been drained dry to provide LA’s water. The theme of Chinatown is how LA got those water rights. Bishop is legally prevented from ever growing, as all the land around it is owned by various governments, and LA’s water rights have the highest priority. My friend told me that when LA was buying up the rights to Owens Valley’s water, that people who got in the way in Bishop met untimely demises, in one-car “accidents” and the like. The theme of Chinatown was all too real. Unlike in Hollywood movies, Gary’s story did not have a happy ending, with his vindication and the “bad guys” brought to justice. He died destitute, in exile, in Oregon, with an arrest warrant for his wife, as the Ventura County gangsters stole his gas station and store from him, and that story will come before I finish this string. Another college chum became Ventura’s mayor, and that is another story. Best, Wade
  3. Hi: As I thumbed through Gary’s crumbling book in recent days, something pretty funny happened. I wrote about Gary’s friendship with Richard Heaton, who died in a plane crash a few weeks after Lyman Smith and his wife were murdered. Their friendship began when Gary was a patrol cop in Ventura in the 1950s, who regularly found a drunken Heaton “crapped out” in a doorway on Main Street in Ventura, early on Sunday mornings. Instead of arresting him for being drunk in public, Gary would shepherd Heaton home to his grateful wife. That was how Gary’s friendship began with Heaton. Once Heaton was appointed as a judge in 1956, he never took another drink. When Lyman Smith and his wife were murdered, the DA was under pressure to convict somebody, anybody, for the crime and, about two years after Smith’s murder, they prosecuted a man whose company was bought by Smith. There simply was no case, and they tried to frame the man for the murders, but it didn’t work, partly because of the tenacious defense attorney. When the DA’s case fell apart (they never established a motive, among other issues), the DA had to settle for convicting the man in the local newspaper, saying that his guilt was certain but unprovable. About fifteen years after those events, I published the first version of what became my site today, before I hired a professional editor. Between 1996 and 2002, I had a near-continual presence on the Internet with my site (I did not have one between April 1997 and late 1998, as I recall), with my email address on my site, and I took on all comers. I have quite a few pals today that I met through having my email address on my site back then, before I finally had to take it down. But in those early days of Internet innocence, a man contacted me a couple of years before I published my account of Gary and the JFK hit. He was a retired policeman who worked in Ventura when Gary did. He actually witnessed one of the events that Gary wrote about in his book, an outrageous event outside of a courtroom, and the man corroborated Gary’s account. That retired policeman actually came to visit me in 1999, and here is the funny part. That attorney for the defendant in the Lyman Smith murder trial was known in Ventura as the “maverick” attorney who took on the Ventura County establishment, being a gadfly who defended pariahs. He once sued Ventura County’s officials for illegally seizing his gun collection, and he won the case. That maverick attorney became Dennis’s first attorney after he was arrested. That retired policeman did not come to me because of my Ventura days, but because of my other writings. He just happened to have also worked in Ventura during his career. When we corresponded, that maverick defense attorney came up, and that retired policeman told me a story about him. As he patrolled Main Street early one Sunday morning, around the 1960s, he found that maverick attorney “crapped out” in a doorway, drunken from his Saturday night binge, and like Gary, he gently shepherded that attorney to his home. It was almost the exact same story that Gary wrote about with Heaton. It seems that Ventura’s Main Street was where lawyers ended up, crapped out, after a night drinking. Best, Wade
  4. Thanks Michael: Gary mentioned Dragna a few times in his book, but Gary made the point that while the Italian mobsters in California made the news, Jewish mobsters such as Pregerson really had the power. The Jewish mob had a vested interest in keeping the public’s focus on the Italian mobsters, as a misdirection, so that Jewish mobsters could fly under the radar. Cohen was prominent, obviously, but Gary watched Cohen get pummeled by Jack O’Hara over a debt. Omertá prevented Cohen from involving the authorities, but O’Hara later got one right between the eyes, courtesy of Cohen. Those kinds of spectacular activities were bad for business. Cohen was eventually imprisoned and nearly murdered in there, as he was considered disposable by his Jewish mobster brethren. High-profile gangsters did not live too long, as a rule. Much better to operate in the shadows. Best, Wade
  5. Hi: After Gary’s career ended when he refused to take part in framing people, he made a living by buying a gas station, minimart, and bar, and he ran it. That became his retirement nest egg, and he put it in his wife’s name. He did not take his railroading lying down, and he fought back, waging lawsuits. He was a gadfly to the corruption machine that rolled along in Ventura County. They made him pay, and dearly, but he went down swinging. In the early 1970s, he began drafting his book between customers at the gas station, and his wife typed it up. It reminded me of how Dennis wrote his first book, from his jail cell. They were slowed down enough to finally chronicle their adventures. When we moved to Ventura from Houston in 1967, after my father’s misadventure at NASA, our house was new, built on that former farm, of which my best friend’s house was the last remnant. Our new housing development was surrounded by fields and lemon groves, which I saw get slowly mowed down and paved over during my childhood. Down Telephone Road (which I lived a couple of blocks from) toward the city center, I recall seeing the walnut groves get mowed down when I was about ten years old, with huge piles of stumps. Today’s Ventura County Center was one of the biggest construction projects west of the Mississippi when it was built, costing Ventura County’s taxpayers nearly $100 million, and it was built on those mowed-down groves, just a few miles from where I was raised. After my first post-graduate misadventure in Seattle, I moved in with my mother and got a job at the County Center, as a water department accounting clerk, before I began my career in LA. My mother married Fred while I lived with her, and we moved from near the County Center to the elite hills overlooking it. Building the County Center was a typical raping of the public. A Ventura County judge owned the company that built the County Center, in one of the spectacular conflicts of interest to be regularly found in Ventura County. Gary filed a lawsuit to challenge their scam, which held up the first $65 million of bonds being issued. Even though Gary’s lawsuit was quickly dismissed, he still had appeal rights…while he was alive. The weekend before his lawsuit held up the issuance of the revenue bonds, Gary came home one evening and two hit men tried to kill him in his front yard, as a bullet intended for Gary blew off a limb next to his head. Gary’s policeman instincts saved him, and he returned fire as the car sped away. The official “investigation” said that it was somebody lighting off firecrackers, but on Monday, Gary got a very friendly call from the attorney trying to ram though the revenue bonds. When Gary did not play ball, then the threats came. Gary suddenly realized that if the hit men were successful, that those bonds would have sold without a hitch on Monday, as the lawsuit would be automatically dismissed if Gary was dead. The judges were playing hardball. I am referring to the 1996 edition of Gary’s book as I write this, and it is falling apart in my hands. It was very cheaply printed, as was the first edition. Some of Gary’s lawsuits ended up in Federal Court. Harry Pregerson intervened and dismissed one of Gary’s lawsuits with prejudice, which is a judicial irregularity never seen in normal courts, but was standard procedure in the Kangaroo Court environment of LA and Ventura County. Pregerson’s fraudulent machinations in those days caught Doug Caddy’s attention. Gary later learned that the Ninth District Court of Appeals, where Pregerson presided, was legendary in American legal circles as the most corrupt in the USA. I would discover that myself, the year after I met Gary. The bar attached to the gas station had been in operation for decades, but when Gary owned it, suddenly it became a health hazard and the county refused to renew his beer license. Another name in Gary’s book was the father of one of my childhood friends, who is the only person that I keep in contact with from my Ventura childhood. That father used his position to deny the renewal of Gary’s license. When I read that so long ago, I was not sure what to make of it. I had played football with my friend’s father, and he seemed like a nice guy, but I have no doubt about Gary’s reporting. As I later learned, the little people down the food chain just follow orders, and that man’s participation in the effort to harry Gary was just another day at the office, and may have even been “innocently” presented to him. He lived only a couple of blocks away from those newly wealthy neighbors. Gary was such a gadfly that not only was the health department sicced on him, so was the fire department, and that was how they got Gary. They literally broke into his place of business and fabricated an extension-cord “violation.” A decade later, when I had my fateful meeting with Gary, he told me that after they fabricated the “violation” and criminally prosecuted him, when the jury was formed, it was stacked with the relatives of firemen. When Gary saw that, he knew that he did not have a chance. He got probation, but it put him under their thumb. I would later witness the awesome corruption in Ventura’s probation department, in their reports on Dennis, as they recommended maintaining his astronomical bail, justified with outright fairy tales about Dennis. I learned that they can just make it up as they go. Gary was not shy; he named names. Dennis’s first attorney said that Gary’s book was a Who’s Who of Ventura County. I could spend many posts writing about the names in Gary’s book and my encounters with those names, but I don’t want this to stretch into a months-long process. Suffice it to say that there were many overlaps in our journey, long before we met, and during my years in Ventura with Dennis, when my life was ruined, I learned the stark truth of what Gary wrote about. Best, Wade
  6. Hi Ray: I am an American, and while the bulk of my work is scientific and historical, I try to keep it all in relatively close orbit to my experiences. Thanks for reading. Hi Joe: Thanks for writing. I guess that I need to remind this forum that my writings on the JFK hit and Gary are a very small part of my writings. The JFK issue is only a paragraph in what will likely be regarded as my lifetime’s magnum opus of several hundred pages of mainly science and history, recently called a “renegade PhD” curriculum by one of my students. I consider my most important writings to be scientific (which is highly regarded by world authorities), historical (also highly regarded), and a comprehensive view of the human potential. I am currently the biographer of NASA’s most controversial astronaut and one of the greatest scholars of conscience that the USA has yet produced, but my main game is helping the biggest event in the human journey manifest, which I was in the middle of doing when we were wiped out, and Gary was instrumental in my springing my partner from jail, in the biggest miracle that I ever witnessed. Gary will always be in my pantheon for that. My work is multidisciplinary. As one of Bucky Fuller’s pupils said, I am a comprehensivist, so I take it all in and digest it. This is the last time that I plan to write about Gary much, and I want to do the subject justice. I did it for Brian O’Leary, I am about done doing it for Ed Herman, and now I am doing it for Gary, and then I will resume my primary project. You see me being autobiographical, and you lived close enough to my home town so that you know that I am accurately depicting the region. That is kind of playing into the purpose of this string of posts, which is to make Gary as real as I can, and show why I have no doubt about his reporting of the John Tower conversation. You can take it to the bank that he wrote about it as accurately as he could. Over the past generation, I have seen Gary called a Nazi and McCarthyite bigot, whose John Tower story is a “fairy tale,” while Audie Murphy was incredibly called a coward, and I have seen Gary accused of making up the Tower conversation to sell books. My writings on Gary are intended to help establish the reality and context of his writings about the Tower conversation, which, in my opinion, should be taken very seriously by the JFK researcher community. I have written plenty that I am merely a dabbler in the JFK hit, compared to others in this forum, who have spent their lives studying it. The Tower conversation was a small part of Gary’s book, but it understandably has become what he is best known for. I guess that I understand that, but the JFK hit was really a small part of what Gary was involved with. You have seen me write accurately about that odd milieu in Southern California, and when I get to the good parts of these coming posts, you might take what I write seriously. I have stated many times that solving the crime of the JFK hit has never been my intention. My intention is to show how the official “investigation” and mainstream party line for more than 50 years have been completely fraudulent. Our system is not legitimate, but it is only one of degree for me, since JFK’s death. The USA has been a plutocracy ever since its richest citizen became its first president, the favorite saying of the first Supreme Court Chief Justice was that the rich should run the nation, and they do to this day. Our system is not worth believing in, IMO, which is a delusion that my students need to shake, if they are going to be useful for my effort. Otherwise, they invariably go straight down the well-worn paths of failure, and time is short for humanity. If we don’t begin to turn the corner in my lifetime, we may never turn it. But now it is back to Gary. This series of posts will be over before long, this month, I would think. Then I will write about Ed some more, then off to my other work. Thanks again for writing. Best, Wade
  7. Hi: In the western United States, if you get outside any urban area, the residents are largely rural whites, the kind who voted for George Bush and Trump, with American flags planted in every yard. Even the so-called western blue states are red state environments everywhere outside of the cities. It reflects who “settled” the West. My ancestors followed in the wake of the U.S. Army as the American Indian was dispossessed with fraudulent treaties and genocide, and they marveled over how “providence” gave them that cheap, even free, land. My father’s family is half urban professional and half redneck. I was raised in a redneck environment, so much so that a younger brother, with an IQ of 75-80, I would guess, joined the Ku Klux Klan. That Bakersfield side of my family was redneck through and through. Even with the cousins of my generation, none of them graduated from high school, the women all got pregnant by about age 15, and the men usually spent time in prison for crimes such as armed robbery. The father of the Bakersfield family that I was closest to (he was married to my father’s cousin) was beaten to death outside of a pool hall by one of the LA gangs over his drug dealing, when he was about 60 years old. One of my redneck cousins murdered his infant son in a sensational event, and he is not the only murderer in my family. Dennis was raised redneck, literally, as a migrant farmworker. The term redneck came from the sunburn on the back of their necks from their stoop labor in the fields. Dennis was part of a wave of poor rural whites who took advantage of the postwar boom and escaped their roots, at least to a degree. Some of my best friends today were postwar escapees from their hollers. Dennis is a self-professed Christian fanatic, which reflects his migrant farmworker upbringing. So, rednecks are my people, and the Fifth Epoch will lift them from their benighted condition, as it will all of humanity. Joe Bageant was Dennis’s age and also escaped the holler where he was raised, and later wrote quite perceptively about the situation of his people. The Third Epoch is not so far away. Bageant wrote that rural America still has a foot in the Third Epoch, with each rural community dominated by a ruling class, not far removed from feudal lords, and Dennis encountered that when he returned home to Yakima. In the western USA’s big cities, you have a cosmopolitan urban core, where the professionals and elite live, usually with urban areas where the working class and poor live, and retail crime increases the more you stray from the professional/elite core. Members of the working class neighborhoods often commute to the professional/elite core and man the stores and other institutions that service the wealthy. American factory jobs have been getting moved to poor nations for many years, where environmental and labor laws are lax, even subfascist, and Trump capitalized on that issue to win the presidency, while the Democratic Party largely abandoned its traditional base. When you get to the agricultural hinterlands, then you begin to see Mexican-American communities, as those people have replaced white migrant farmworkers like Dennis. They work in often-horrible conditions, raising and harvesting the USA’s food supply. I shop at a “progressive” grocery store that strives for “fair trade,” with properly compensated workers in the supply chain, nothing in the store was the result of animal experimentation, and the like, but for all of its effort, the world’s poor still produce that food, and homeless people beg in front of the store daily. In Ventura, you had the middle class neighborhoods, where I was raised, and the elites lived on the hills overlooking Ventura. In the hinterland, Mexican-Americans lived, tending the groves and fields, which were increasingly mowed down. My best friend in grammar school, when we attended Junípero Serra school, was the scion of a local nursery magnate, and they lived in a 100-year-old farmhouse, which was the center of the area 150 years ago, and I played on their grounds daily. My childhood home was on that former farm, but the farmhouse itself was mowed down several decades ago, and that family retreated to Santa Paula, where its empire’s headquarters are today. So, I grew up around Latinos, and they were my friends while growing up. Some were born in the USA, most were not, and some were here illegally. A mile away from my childhood home was Saticoy, named after an extinct Chumash tribelet, and it was like a sleepy Mexican village. A couple of miles in the other direction was Oxnard, named after white immigrants who built an agricultural empire based on beets, and Ventura was a mission town, founded by that pious padre. On the other side of Ventura was the “Avenue,” which is where Ventura’s poor lived, and the few blacks in Ventura. Further out was Oak View, which was a redneck community when I grew up, which was where Gary lived, to give you an idea of Gary’s likely background. Best, Wade
  8. Hi: Another theme in Gary’s book was the drug trade. It was not just “philanthropist” developers such as Bud Smith, but the Ventura County judges controlled the drug trade. During my days as a trucking company controller, one of my colleagues used to be a narcotics officer in the military police, and one day I began to tell him of the drug trade in Ventura County and how the officials participated in it, and he replied, “That is how it works in every county. There is so much money to be made, that everybody who can has their hand in it.” Over the course of my life, I have had known many people who knew about the seedier side of life, and their tales could be enlightening. One close pal knew a man who was a drug dealer in LA in the 1980s, during the cocaine boom that Gary Webb wrote about, and one day the man got caught by the LA narcotics squad with his pants around his ankles. They raided him when he was in a room full of cocaine and $4 million in cash. When they busted him, they told him he had two choices: die, right then and there, or walk out of the room and never look back. He chose option number two, and there was never any news story about a big drug bust. A bunch of LA narcotics squad cops just got a little extra to tide them over. The corruption goes high and low, too, especially in Ventura County. When my family lived in Camarillo, we again lived in a middle-class neighborhood with its fair share of rural whites (AKA rednecks), one of whom lived across the street from us, and our families became close. The father, who was born and raised in Bakersfield (where a bunch of my redneck relatives live, as their patriarch, and my grandmother’s brother, landed there during the Dust Bowl), knew many Ventura County sheriff’s deputies, from backgrounds like his. Not long after my company was raided, when they stole our technical material, my father told me that when our neighbor visited his sheriff’s deputy pals, inside their homes were high-end furniture and appliances that far exceeded the station in life that those deputies could afford, and they admitted that their expensive accoutrements were obtained during raids on rich people. They just took what they wanted, under the color of law. It was standard practice in Ventura County. It was about then that I began to understand that Ventura County had long had a reputation as one of the most corrupt counties in the USA. In the years since then, I been told of, and have seen, several lists of police and judicial corruption in the USA, and I have seen Ventura County in the top five a number of times, and it has even been ranked number one, beating out cities such as Oakland and New Orleans. I remember when I was a teenager, I read about an FBI probe that exposed corruption in the Ventura City police, naming it the most corrupt police department in the USA, but that was all that I heard of while growing up. I would get both barrels of that corruption in 1988. Mr. Professor was a pillar of the community, the most beloved instructor at the local college, and during our travails, he knew somebody who was involved in the drug trade in Ventura, and while his pal would not name names, he said that his drug-trade colleagues were very prominent members of the community. When Dennis was in the Ventura County jail, with his million dollar bail, he began to understand how the system worked in Ventura County. Many of his inmates were in there for drug offences, but serving time was part of their career path. Everybody took a turn, and it was really a business, and the deputies and judges were all part of that system. Somebody had to do some time, to make the system look legitimate. It was all a big charade. One of the more spectacular crimes in Ventura County’s history was the Lyman Smith murders. In recent months, investigators think that they have solved the crime, but I wonder at the coincidence of it. Smith had an airline that airlifted dairy cattle to the Shah’s Iran, of all places. That kind of boondoggle operation could only happen with an American client regime, and when the Shah was overthrown, Smith’s effort went bankrupt. In his book, Gary wrote that Smith’s silent partners in the operation were the Ventura County judges. Gary wrote that when the Shah was overthrown and Smith tried to maneuver and hold the operation together, he discovered that far from coming back to the USA empty, that their backhaul cargo was drugs, which were unloaded in Ventura County. Smith had no idea what was happening. The judges had maneuvered it so that they got the drug money and Smith got all the risk, if the operation was uncovered. Gary wrote that when Smith finally realized how he had been used, he approached the judges and demanded a judgeship in compensation, as it was a license to print money in Ventura County. The judges agreed, but a few days later, Smith and his wife were murdered in their home. One judge’s fingerprints were found on Smith’s doorknob, and Gary wrote that they got there as the judge looked in on their handiwork, but gave the excuse that he was just going to see Smith to congratulate him. The Smith murders were only one of a number of untimely deaths in their circle, and mysterious plane crashes of craft that took off from the Santa Paula Airport were common, and Gary’s prime suspect was William Morgan Hetrick, a pilot who owned a plane repair shop and worked with the judges, and who offloaded those drugs from Smith’s planes. Gary wrote that Hetrick was likely the person rigging those planes to crash, and one judge who got in the way, who was a friend of Gary’s, Richard Heaton, died in a plane crash a few weeks after Smith did. A couple of years later, Hetrick was arrested with John DeLorean in the infamous cocaine sting operation. Gary wrote that because Hetrick was a creature of the judges in Ventura County, that they would see to it that Hetrick never testified, because it could risk unraveling their entire operation, and Hetrick never did. Gary wrote about a man who ran afoul of the judges later having his life threatened, and Smith’s name was invoked during the threats. So, was Smith’s untimely death an amazing “coincidence,” or was something else happening? I’ll likely never know, but I’ll file it away under “Isn’t that interesting?” A couple of years after Smith’s murder, I lived a couple of blocks away from his home where he was murdered, living with my mother and her new husband, before I moved to LA and began my career. I wasn’t sure if I would ever do it, but I will now. My stepfather was the Vegas entertainer that I wrote about, and I am attaching his obituary. He was the Frank Sinatra sound-alike that I have written about, who told the funny story of living across the street from the mobster who ran Vegas. Fred played me the song on that Sinatra album that was really him singing. He also played a record of him drumming, and the record was like nothing that I had ever seen before. For those old enough to know, records were played by placing the needle on the outer edge, and it would travel the grooves until it reached the end in the inner circle. The record that Fred played me was the opposite: the record began on the inner groove and ended on the outer groove. When I expressed my amazement that the record worked that way, Fred said that it was normal for those kinds of records to be made by industry insiders. Compact Discs came out the same year, and records quickly became obsolete, but they are amazingly making a comeback today, in “retro” corners. Every day for months, I got home from work at the County Center to hear Fred playing that Big Band music, and I grew to like it. One playlist on my iPod is of Sinatra and friends, which I listen to regularly, thanks to Fred. That neighborhood that we lived in, and Lyman Smith’s house, burned down in last year’s fire (but the house that we lived in was miraculously spared), which was of record-setting size, to only be surpassed by one that is still burning as I write this. But Global Warming is a myth. Gary was right in the middle of many events that were part of my life, and after his career abruptly ended when he refused to take part in framing people, he became very politically active. The year after I met Gary, he ran for sheriff, and the county officials quickly passed a law to make Gary too old to run for office! He was younger than Trump and Hillary were when they ran for president a couple of years ago. Gary sent Dennis the ballot from that election that he was barred from running in, which I have also attached, as Dennis put it in his book, largely written from prison, The Alternative, which like Gary’s book is fast disappearing from circulation. Note that there was only one candidate for each office. Ventura County has a well-oiled political corruption machine. I grew up next door to the family whose mother was the secretary of the man who became Ventura County’s District Attorney (DA). Before Dennis and I hit Ventura in 1987, my father told me that he had learned plenty about the DA (whose name is on that attached ballot) from our redneck neighbors over the years (that secretary’s mother was illiterate, hailing from the South, where that affliction was once common; she was the only illiterate American that I ever met), and that the man was a gangster. So, what happened to us was not entirely unexpected, and Southern California was the last place on Earth where I wanted to live, as I chased Dennis out to Boston, but my “friends” had other plans in mind. Best, Wade
  9. Hi: I’ll get a little autobiographical in ways that I have not done before. My parents were born and raised in Bellingham, Washington. My father’s IQ was about twice my mother’s, which is a situation never seen in today’s USA. He got the highest score in western Washington on the state’s high school math test, which earned him a full-boat scholarship to the University of Washington (UW) in 1954. But in those days, men were not legally emancipated until age 21, and my grandfather engaged in his last act of petty tyranny with my father and forbade him to attend UW. My grandfather said that the university in Bellingham was “good enough” for my father, and because my father was only 18, my grandfather could make that edict stick. But there was one thing that my grandfather could not prevent: my father’s joining the Marine Corps. That was how he escaped home. He asked his girlfriend, whom he had known since age six, if she wanted to run off with him, and she did, and my parents were married on a weekend in Arizona (which did not have a waiting period to get married, like California did), while my father was in boot camp at Camp Pendleton. He was soon shipped off to the Korean War, and in his last months as a marine, he was a boot camp drill instructor. They moved back to Washington after his discharge, and then my father could go to UW, unencumbered by his father’s restrictions. He did it on the G.I. Bill, worked as an automobile mechanic on Capitol Hill, and I was born the next year. He got a degree in electrical engineering, was about two classes short of also having a math degree, and before he graduated, he looked for work in Southern California, as he and my mother discovered year-round sunshine there and loved the laid-back California lifestyle. We moved there in March of 1963, and my father’s first job was at the naval station at Point Mugu. In his career’s second year, he worked at Port Hueneme, where Bud Smith smuggled in his drugs. His 160-170 IQ became very evident, he was an inventive genius, and a couple years after graduation, NASA recruited him into the Space Race, and we moved to Houston in the summer of 1966. When we moved to California, we first rented a small, three-bedroom house in Oxnard. It was a different era from today, in many ways. Just around the corner from our house lived Denny Lemaster, who was a professional baseball player (one of whose claims to fame was giving up one of the two home runs that Sandy Koufax ever hit; Koufax’s other was against Warren Spahn). Imagine a major league player today living in some starter home. Back then, professional athletes usually worked a second job in the offseason, driving trucks, delivering mail, and the like. Several years later, in about 1970, I attended an event at a music store in Ventura, put on by Denny McLain. McLain was at the top of his game, having just won two Cy Young awards, an MVP award, and winning the World Series. He is likely the last pitcher who will ever win 30 games in a season, and he was a traveling salesman in the offseason, selling organs (I grew up with a never-played organ in our living room). McLain got involved with gambling and mobsters, and went to prison. You would not see that scene today. In that starter home in Oxnard, we formed lifelong friendships with neighbors, and I have many fond memories of that year in Oxnard, before we bought our first home in Camarillo, but I have a stark memory of one event: seeing my mother watching JFK’s funeral on TV, as she seemed sick and grief-stricken. Little did I know how significant that event would become in my life. After his misadventure at NASA, my father moved the family back to Ventura County, but the military took vengeance on him for forsaking the Space Race and refused to reimburse our cost of moving back to California, which was about a quarter of my father’s annual salary, which he was bitter about forever after. We moved into a new house in Ventura, where my father still lives, near Junípero Serra elementary school, which I attended when it opened the year after we arrived. I won the school’s first spelling bee, a fourth grader beating the fifth and sixth graders. I was sent into Johnson’s Great Society gifted programs the next year. I was groomed to be a scientist from the time I could walk. Ventura is where I grew up, and most of my childhood friends came from that housing development, which was decidedly middle class, but it was a little odd by today’s standards. Engineers lived next door to butchers and auto mechanics. Mexican-Americans lived next to “rednecks” (which my father was) and Jews, while others were rather patrician, driving their Cadillacs. One memorable family kind of bridged the gap while I grew up, in which the children did increasingly well, wearing the most fashionable clothes as teenagers, while my wardrobe, all the way through college, was bought at the local swap meet. I rarely wore store-bought clothing. When my shoes wore holes in the soles at about age 12, my father made cardboard insoles for me to wear with those shoes. When I had my growing spurt, which began when I was 14, as I grew from five-foot one-inch to six-foot one inch in three years, my pants legs ended about halfway up my shins, and people made fun of me for years, until my parents finally decided to update my wardrobe at the swap meet. And here is an early overlap with Gary’s story. I later discovered that those newly well-to-do neighbors had a reason for their wealth. That family’s father is named in Gary’s book as taking huge bribes to help frame people that the local gangsters wanted out of the way. Gary described the man as waving a briefcase full of cash (far more than his annual salary), telling Gary how easy the money was. Gary was made an “offer” to help them frame somebody. It was one of those offers that you are not supposed to refuse. When Gary refused to participate, he was framed instead, which ended his career in 1970, and his nightmare began. As Gary’s wife once told me, Gary was a fighter, not a lover, and he did not take it lying down. He soon used his policeman and detective background to fight back, and thus began his adventures that form the bulk of his book, There’s a Fish in the Courthouse. Those newly-wealthy neighbors are one of many overlaps that I have with Gary’s life, and I’ll get into a number of them in this series of posts. Best, Wade
  10. Thanks Michael: Yes indeed, what a coincidence. Sometimes, an accident is just an accident, a murder is just a murder, a heart attack is just a heart attack, and sometimes making a serial murderer your bunkmate is just how the bureaucratic chips fall, but my life has been filled with way too many “coincidences” like those for me to chalk them all up to random events. Yes, what are the odds of those two men dying a day apart? I remember when it happened (I had already been awakened by that time), and it was five years before Gary published John Tower’s identity. Back in 1991, I wondered what the truth was behind their “coincidental” deaths and what they may have had in common. Well, it turns out that they had a great deal in common. In Gary’s book, he went into a bit of detail on how plane crashes were “engineered” in Ventura County by the gangster judges to remove obstacles and “clean up” operations of witnesses and others who had outlived their usefulness. I have a lot to write about that subject, which is coming before long. Best, Wade
  11. Hi: I am going to begin to leave Gary’s LA days behind now and focus on Ventura County, which is the primary setting of Gary’s book. Gary’s career took him back and forth between LA and Ventura County. Ventura County is adjacent to LA, and is in a different world. LA was a big, ugly slab of asphalt, with air so thick with pollution that you could cut it with a knife, while Ventura County was largely rural, with some small and growing towns, famed beaches, and Ventura was the crown jewel of Ventura County and where I was raised from age 8 (when my father returned from his misadventure at NASA) until I left home at 21. Ventura is the last mission town that Junípero Serra established in his lifetime, and I attended an elementary school named after him. Serra was sainted in 2015, and in a way, his sainthood is emblematic of how our system operates. Serra was the Hitler of California, as his missions were actually concentration camps that resulted in the complete genocide of the coastal tribes of California, from San Francisco to San Diego. The only tribes with any survival fled to California’s interior. As a teenager, even I could see what was going to happen to Ventura County. The groves were mowed down to put up housing tracts and the fields were paved over, as the hordes from LA spilled outward. I recall seeing a newspaper article that predicted that California’s coast would one day be a big city, stretching from San Diego to San Francisco, and called San San. That is well on its way to happening. My first job was salvaging the lumber from a walnut fam that was mowed down, and the local post office and an office building were among the structures erected on that land. I was the janitor of that office building several years later, as I studied business. The man who took my janitor job (I tried to give it to my retired father) when I left for the university was an Asian immigrant, and while he was the janitor at that office building, he became a millionaire by speculating in real estate. A janitor becoming a millionaire was a sign of the times in Ventura. A few miles from my home was Wagon Wheel Junction, and I grew up at the bowling alley there, where my mother worked for many years. At Wagon Wheel was a restaurant where a local developer held court, named Martin Smith, called Bud Smith. He built the only office towers in Ventura County, near Wagon Wheel. Even before I left home, my father told me that people who crossed Smith simply disappeared. He was well-known to be a gangster. One of the funnier anecdotes in Gary’s book, at least to me, was when Gary was surveilling some of Mick Cohen’s hoods and in walked Bud Smith, who sat down with them. Gary looked across the room and saw two people whom he recognized as DEA narcotics agents, and his partner talked with them. While Gary and his partner had been tailing Cohen’s men, the DEA agents were tailing Smith, who was a prime suspect for bringing in drug shipments through a local port, where my father worked during his career. Smith was too clever to be caught, however, and I never saw any newspaper coverage of him that wasn’t fawning and calling him a “philanthropist,” like that Wikipedia article does. I live near Seattle today, and it is getting “Californicated” today, big time, as entire neighborhoods are getting bulldozed and high-density condos and the like are being put up, as we get to experience the “success” of Amazon and Microsoft, two predatory corporations. Seattle will be in compete gridlock soon, and I won’t be retiring here. I saw it happen to Ventura County, and now it is happening to the Seattle area, and California developers are leading the effort. During the dot.com boom of the late 1990s, which was a mere prelude to what is happening today, as Seattle becomes unrecognizable, Bud Smith was up here, getting in on the action, building skyscrapers. I worked in one of them in Bellevue, when I worked for a software company, and the woman in the office next to mine had a husband who built skyscrapers (and they soon moved to Shanghai, where the big action was). I asked her one day if she knew who Bud Smith was, and she did: he had a glistening reputation as a straight-shooting businessman and philanthropist. I had to laugh. I am all too familiar with those kinds of “philanthropists.” Being a “philanthropist,” or “liberal” judge whose conscience guided him, is a great cover for gangsters. A major theme in Gary’s book from his Ventura days was the real estate activity. The judges of Ventura County’s Superior Court ultimately controlled the situation, as many millions could be made on their rulings, and the gangster judges in Ventura County were Gary’s primary antagonists who ruined his life. Another funny anecdote in Gary’s book was when he was contacted by a retired mobster from Chicago, and they had lunch together. In Gary’s book, you easily get the sense of the relationship between cops like Gary and mobsters. It is like a game of cat and mouse, and even almost one of mutual respect. Gary knew plenty of mobsters, and his job was putting them behind bars if he could, but he had to play by the rules of the game. He watched a mobster bludgeon another once, but Gary knew that with their code of omertá, the bludgeoned mobster would never testify, so Gary could only watch. The mobster from Chicago retired to the fun and sun of California, and planned to dabble in real estate. As he began to get into the real estate game, he saw how the judges and others had the game completely rigged and under their control. The mobster marveled to Gary. The mob in Chicago never had it as sweet as the gangsters in Ventura County did. Those judges in Ventura County were members of what Gary called the Mishpucka, as they were Jewish. Harry Pregerson was a kingpin mobster judge who sat on a federal bench for nearly forty years, who made Gary’s life miserable, but the judges in Ventura County tried to have Gary killed when he thwarted their plans. But I get ahead of myself. Now, I will begin to show how Gary’s path and mine overlapped long before we met. Best, Wade
  12. Hi Michael: My previous post gets into Gary and the Jews a bit, and yes, he uses “Mishpucka,” which means “family,” in Yiddish, a great deal, in his book and elsewhere. They were his bête noir, for good reason, and I am sympathetic to the idea that he beat the word to death. When I finally finish this series of posts, I hope that a lot becomes clearer, especially for those who have not read his book. If they haven’t by now, they probably never will, as that book is fast disappearing from circulation. E. Howard Hunt was a famous author by the 1940s, writing the kind of stuff that Gary might have read. I don’t know how much Gary might have known about Hunt in December 1963 before Tower talked about him. Gary was friends with Decker and Murphy, so may have been quite privy to things that average Americans would not have been, even leaving aside his LA days. But with the story that Tower was telling, he would have most certainly been in circles to have known who Hunt was. Tower was thick with George Bush the First (who nominated him to be Secretary of Defense), and Bush was involved with the Bay of Pigs operation, which was Hunt’s fiasco. The story came from Tower, and by the time that Gary began drafting his book in the early 1970s, Hunt had become a household word. I think that your question is a good one, and don’t know all of the answers there. I have long thought about Gary’s rendition of the Tower story, first written nearly a decade after the events, and have wondered how much might have been shaded in Gary’s mind by the subsequent years. Similarly, I doubt that much was publicly known about the CIA’s assassination attempts on Castro by then. A lot did not come out until much later. So, I think that there is room to question what Gary might have remembered and presented, but he surely did not fabricate the encounter, IMO. Gary eventually served Tower legal papers on the issue, and Tower looked like he swallowed his shoe. Gary waged endless lawsuits, to get evidence on the record. Even if I didn’t know him, doing that and making up a story like that does not make any sense. He wasn’t some guy whispering in corners. He was in their face. As I have written, when Gary began trying to connect the dots and solve the crime, he did what so many have done, and I have stated my doubts about Gary’s dot-connecting. My opinion is that the mob was certainly involved, but they were likely working on behalf of the masterminds, something up the Rockefeller/CIA food chain. On that note, I like Rodney Stich’s account from Trenton Parker of recordings of Hoover’s phone at the FBI, in which Johnson, Bush, and Rockefeller (Nelson, I would think) were discussing the JFK hit before it happened, and they said that Dulles would do his part. To me, that one smells pretty genuine. I have a lot of respect for Stich’s work. Like many of us, Stich could never have imagined how deep his work would take him, leading to a wrecked life, as usual. Larry McDonald, who had the tapes, died in the KAL 007 incident. I have encountered lots of plane crashes like that, partly through Gary’s writings. Gary did not think that Tower’s and Murphy’s plane crashes were accidents, or Heinz’s, who died the day before Tower did, and Gary was working with Tower and Heinz when they died. Lots of “coincidences” like that in this milieu. I have stated plenty that some highly impressive JFK scholars have been in this forum, and I won’t be able to hold a candle to them on their breadth and depth of JFK knowledge. My best contribution to the JFK issue is just making Gary’s story as visible as I can. I have no doubt that Gary was telling it the best that he could. As far as other mobsters go, all I can say is that the LA crime scene was Gary’s world for many years, and those are the mobsters that he knew best. When he began naming names in Ventura County, that is when our paths began to greatly overlap. Thanks for writing. Best, Wade
  13. Hi: I need to address a subject that always comes up when Gary’s work is discussed. His writings can seem to be virulently anti-Semitic and bigoted. I am not going to strenuously argue against that idea, but it also needs to be put in context, and it has no bearing on the reliability of his reporting of the John Tower conversation, which does not even mention Jews or other minorities, unless we want to call Castro a member of a minority, but it never came up in that context. I don’t want to lean too much on the presentism argument, but the writing style of Gary’s book reads like he read too many detective novels, or, because he was a detective, was it life imitating art, or was it the other way around? If you read Gary’s chapter on the JFK hit, you can see what I am referring to. A scholar’s comportment is not what you will find in Gary’s writings. Gary wrote like Mickey Spillane. In scale, duration, and intensity, the USA is history’s most racist nation, built on the blood of the natives, while the sweat of slaves powered the South’s plantations. Every ethnic group in the USA had some colorful epithet used to describe them. My father called me a “squarehead” while growing up, and I call myself that at times, and that was a polite epithet compared to the others that I heard while growing up. When I was teenager, there was a series of ethnic joke books that were bestsellers. I hardly went a day during my teenage years without hearing a “n joke” or a joke about Mexicans. That crap began coming out of my mouth, too, and it was not until I left home for the university that a roommate began to call me on it, and I soon realized what kind of barn I had been raised in. By my college graduation, I had put it behind me. I could go an entire year without hearing the word “n” until ten minutes after arriving at my childhood home for a visit. It began to feel like I was in a time warp whenever I visited home. Go forward another decade, when I was a controller of a trucking company in Ohio, and many of our drivers were from the South or Appalachia, and a string of four-letter words could be morning greetings. Grandmotherly types would swear like sailors. Before I got that job, I worked at a bank in rural Ohio, and the people there tried to get me fired my first week on the job, because I was not from their small town, as I got to experience Appalachian xenophobia. For all that I had been through during my days with Dennis, I was still shocked. After being at the trucking company for a few months and becoming accepted (I was a superstar in that industry), one day a colleague decided to regale me with reading “jokes” to me from a black joke book, and I imagine that it was from that bestselling series. I was horrified to be in that situation, and after a minute of hearing those “jokes,” I said that I was a recovering racist and I could not listen to such “humor.” The president of my trucking company made his disdain of black people very clear, and if anything turned up missing at our office, he immediately suspected the two black people at our company. For five years, I watched him pat a co-worker peer on the butt, nearly daily. Sexual harassment was part of the daily environment. I saw that kind of good old boy bigotry go all the way to the CEO, and it was a publicly held company. That was in the 1990s, not so long ago, although we could say that the trucking industry was a little earthier than the norm. It was far worse in the 1970s, 1950s, and earlier. Lynching was an American sport, with the murders taking place in a festive atmosphere, clear into my lifetime. That was after the American Indian had largely been exterminated, amongst the lusty cheers. In the 1960s and 1970s, the USA murdered “gooks” by the millions. Gary was a sailor, in the Pacific Theater, which was where the most racist fighting in all of World War II happened. As Paul Fussell wrote of in his books on World War II, the favorite noun, adjective, and verb of American soldiers in World War II began with the letter “F.” The kinds of behaviors that I saw in the 1990s would not last an instant in my present work environment, but even today, women in Silicon Valley, the supposed leading edge of enlightened workplaces, are exposing the endemic sexism there (1, 2). We have so very far to go before approaching anything close to enlightenment. It is all born of scarcity and fear, IMO, which should disappear in the Fifth Epoch. Today, it is dark-skinned peoples, in a swath from Northern Africa to Afghanistan, bearing the brunt of American interventions, and if you get an American soldier alone and talking frankly, you will hear “Haji,” “raghead,” and other terms. Millions of Africans have been murdered in the past generation by our proxies in sub-Saharan Africa. Do you think that it if had been millions of white people murdered by American proxies, that the American people would have at least heard of them? That awesome disparity in depiction in the American media has plenty of racism behind it, even beyond the benign/constructive/nefarious classifications that Noam and Ed invented. Today, American racism and bigotry has kind of gone underground. We may slaughter millions of people as we secure Oil Country, but no American president can call our victims a racial epithet, or else there will be hell to pay. In today’s environment, if Trump ever said the word “n,” there would likely be calls for impeachment, but if he merely slaughters millions of non-whites, then all is well in the imperial heartland. So, next to all of that, Gary’s anti-Jewish and arguably bigoted writings pale into insignificance, and none of it has any bearing on his truthful reporting of the Tower conversation. Gary was a man of his time. I knew many people from Gary’s generation, and racism and bigotry just came with the territory. JFK was a sailor, too, but was the first postwar president who did not calls blacks “niggers” in private, but Lyndon Johnson and Nixon did, and Ronald Reagan had quite a repertoire of black jokes. Hitler used the USA as his inspiration, and he was not an aberration so much as the logical conclusion of the Western mentality, and seeing how far he took it actually helped the USA start shedding its racism and bigotry after World War II. But, for all of that, Gary really went off on Jews late in his book, calling them devil-worshippers and other unflattering descriptions. But Gary emphasized that his focus was on Jewish mobsters, whom he called the “Mishpucka,” not so much the Jewish people. I have studied Holocaust Denier literature, and to the uninitiated it can appear persuasive, and I could tell that Gary had drunk from that well of anti-Semitic disinformation; there is a great deal of that kind of “scholarship” out there. Heck, Ed’s bio at Wikipedia is outright disinformation today (par for the course at Wikipedia), and he was Jewish, as death camp Nazis get whitewashes. Noam’s bio is only slightly better. When I began my alternative media studies, I also subscribed to The Spotlight, taking in the entire spectrum, and I suppose that it is no surprise that a Spotlight reporter was the only author so far to feature Gary’s reporting of the Tower conversation, as the theme of Final Judgment is that Jews, and Israel in particular, were behind the JFK hit. Again, I don’t really buy it. Jack Ruby’s involvement definitely shows Jewish mob involvement, but I doubt that they were the masterminds. I think that the plot within an insane covert op was hatched at the Rockefeller/CIA level, and that the cover-up was so successful that the spooks used political assassination, with a “lone nut” patsy served up each time, for a generation, and those weren’t Jewish operations. No ethnic group has a monopoly on dark pather activities. For me, getting too worked up about the Jewish mob (or any “bad guys”) is to miss the point, and is a hazard of being a cop. Gary’s life was wrecked by Jewish mobsters. On that issue, there is no doubt, and his mission to expose them, after they wrecked his life, was understandable. But I did not see any Jews among the gangsters in Ventura County who ruined my life. Gary was an old-time cop who believed in the ideal of law enforcement, and that with a properly functioning legal system, American society would become more just. That was really his driving motivation, and it is true that the Jewish mob has mastered invisibility, just like the Global Controllers have. That is simply a professional requirement (and partly due to the Jewish journey, when they had to hide their identities to survive), so that they can play their evil games of power, control, and theft on a grand scale. Jewish organized crime is a very understandable variation of ethnic criminal organizations, as they used their high intelligence to make their plays, relying on the pen more than the sword. They certainly have no monopoly on those activities, but Gary’s efforts were understandable. I’ll have some more to say about Gary and the Jews, but that is enough for today. Best, Wade
  14. Hi Ron: Decker presided over Murphy's wedding to a B-movie starlet, as I recall. They were good friends. I think that there is a photo at this forum (or maybe another forum - it has been a while since I saw it) of Decker at Murphy's wedding. Best, Wade
  15. Hi: As somebody who writes popularized science, I acknowledge the distinction between facts and theories. Facts are data that people can generally agree on. Think of them as dots, if you will. Theories are how scientists attempt to connect the dots, to understand how the universe works. As Einstein said, every theory eventually dies at the hands of new facts, and he expected that his theories would eventually die at the hands of new facts, but that the best parts of his theories would survive in the new ones. That is a scientific ideal, and arguably the scientific ideal. Gary’s reporting of the John Tower conversation is not a theory but a fact. It is not a reproducible fact, which scientific theories are ideally predicated on, and people can argue that it is a false rendering of the events or even made out of whole cloth, which would make Gary a xxxx or insane. Gary wrote that Tower said that he had no idea who the real assassins were, but Tower’s reporting, if Gary’s rendition is accepted at all, destroys the idea that Oswald was the lone assassin. For me, that is enough, especially for the lesson that I take from the entire affair, which is that the official investigation was a sham from the outset. The world’s most powerful retail politician can be murdered in broad daylight in front of hundreds of witnesses, and it all gets covered up. JFK’s murder was akin to a palace coup, and the man that he fired a couple of years earlier led the “investigation” into his death, and that man ran America’s spook apparatus for many years. The conflicts of interest are breathtaking. The most immediate beneficiary of the crime shared a wink as he was being sworn in next to a blood-spattered Jackie Kennedy. Criminal prosecutions are based on the idea of using admissible facts and convincingly connecting the dots, in order to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the perpetrator is guilty of the crime. I am well aware of the vast gulf between practice and theory in legal practice in the USA; I lived it all too vividly. The entire point of Ed Herman’s media analysis career was examining how the media handled the facts. But dots are dots, and should not be confused with attempts to connect them. Gary’s book only spends about a chapter dealing with JFK’s murder. Gary’s profession was solving crimes, so it was only natural for him to take Tower’s testimony and try to connect the dots. That is largely where Gary and I parted ways on the JFK hit. It was not that Gary’s work on that should be dismissed out of hand, but his reporting of the Tower conversation was enough for me, and in the nearly 30 years of examining the JFK assassination evidence, I never saw a convincing piece of evidence contradict Gary’s Tower story, and since Gary first published his book in 1987, more evidence, such as the Northwoods documents, powerfully supports Gary’s tale. I have seen Gary’s Tower story described as the nexus for tying together many disparate elements of the JFK hit, including the connections to the CIA, FBI, Texas, oil men, George Bush the First, and Cuba. So far, in this string of posts, I covered some of Gary’s interactions with Jewish mobsters, including Cohen, Ruby, and one of Cohen’s protégés who was a federal judge for nearly 40 years. Gary thought that Jewish mobsters were behind the JFK hit, and while I never dismissed the idea, I don’t find it highly persuasive, nor do I find any theory on the identity of the perpetrators to be conclusive. There is a great deal of data on the matter, of various levels of credibility and relevance, and many lifetimes have been spent connecting those dots, or failing to. But I need to give Gary’s views on the matter some justice, so I will present them, but reading Gary’s work is going to be better than my rendition of it. There are others who could do a better job of it, but none of them are either alive today or actively writing, so this task seems to fall to me for now. I don’t know what Gary’s evidence was, but he once wrote that Arlen Specter, the author of the single bullet theory (AKA “Magic Bullet”), monitored Hunt’s operation and coordinated its interposition, turning a fake assassination attempt into a real one. Gary wrote that Jewish mobsters in Southern California were involved, and that Ruby was supposed to kill Oswald immediately after the JFK hit, but Oswald got away (when policeman J.D. Tippit was killed), and Ruby was ordered to finish the job, which he soon did. Gary argued that Lyndon Johnson enacted the cover-up to prevent a slaughter of American Jews if the American public learned who was behind it. The dots that Gary used to hang his theory on was the Tower conversation, his dealings with and investigations of Jewish mobsters, and a healthy helping of Anthony Summers’s book on the JFK hit (Conspiracy). Gary connected a lot of dots from his days as a cop, but Gary was no scholar. Gary was onboard with a theme in Summers’s book, that JFK was trying to end the Cold War, and for that, he had to go. I agree with that idea, but far more than Jewish mobsters wanted JFK dead. Kennedy had angered the entire Eastern Oligarchy and spook community, as a decidedly reluctant imperialist who took on Wall Street and other bastions of privilege. His stance on Africa, for instance, was diametrically opposed to Dwight Eisenhower’s, and no president since JFK has been as supportive of African aspirations. In fact, the West, led by the USA, is actively recolonizing Africa as I write this. I’ll say this, however: whoever interposed the fake assassination operation did it brilliantly, and helped ensure that the chumps that were in on the fake plan went into CYA mode and helped cover it all up. Those chumps included the bureaucracies at the CIA, FBI, and Pentagon, and you could hardly hope for greater allies in a cover-up than those, especially when all of the “evidence” that the Warren Commission used came through the hands of those organizations. What damning evidence could be left after they all got done with it? There is overwhelming evidence of their involvement in switching, manufacturing, and eliminating the evidence, including the untimely demise of many witnesses and possible participants, in order to frame Oswald as the lone nut commie assassin. I have written plenty that I consider the Carcano rifle, the Magic Bullet, the backyard photos, and the camera that allegedly took them to all be planted evidence to frame Oswald. And with Oswald quickly silenced and in no position to defend himself, the foregone conclusion was quickly reached. Dulles sent a “lone nut” book to the other Warren Commission members before they ever convened. Gary was not an idle theorist, however. He constantly waged lawsuits, trying to get evidence on the record, as he took on the mobsters who ran Ventura County and beyond. They tried to kill him once, when one of his lawsuits held up one of their criminal enterprises of fleecing the public. Gary’s bête noir was the Jewish mob, and his work needs to be read with that in mind, and please note that Jews do not come up at all in the Tower conversation. There is a long way to go before I finish this series of posts. Best, Wade
  16. Hi: So, off to the incident that Gary is best known for. I have written the straight version, here, so there is no need to belabor it. Gary heard straight from John Tower that Oswald’s role in the assassination was to play a fake assassin in a fabricated assassination attempt, as a way to frame Castro and spur JFK to authorize an outright invasion of Cuba. It was E. Howard Hunt’s grand plan, which was eerily similar to Operation Northwoods. Now that we know how close humanity came to a nuclear holocaust over the Cuban Missile Crisis, Hunt’s plan (and Northwoods) was something right out of Dr. Strangelove. I read Gary’s account of the Tower conversation in 1989, and before then, I was not a student of the JFK assassination. My father was a fan of JFK (he visited my father’s naval base the same year that he died, and my father got within a few feet of him), and one of his coworkers shouted his approval in the halls when JFK was murdered, and my father thought that the Warren Commission was a whitewash, but I really did not know much about the assassination when I read Gary’s account. Over the next dozen years, however, I became a student of the assassination, with a few bookshelves of my library devoted to the issue, and I first went public with my take on the hit in 2001. A reproduction of that chapter of Gary’s book is on the Internet, accompanied by critical analysis, but that author’s criticisms have no bearing on the veracity of what Gary witnessed. Gary’s misspelling of Dealey Plaza, for instance, is irrelevant to that issue, as are the rest of the criticisms. I have no doubt that Gary was reporting the Tower conversation to the best of his recollection. Gary’s book is going to become rarer and likely more expensive, before it completely disappears from circulation, as I doubt that his book will be reprinted again. I am really the only person on the Internet who writes about Gary much, and that is too bad. In my cover-up essay, my work on the Moon landings was more immediately relevant to me, as the publication of that essay led me to finding evidence that the Moon landings happened as advertised, and that section on Apollo is what led Brian to invite me to hang out with him, which began our collaborations in earnest, and a couple of years later, we co-founded the New Energy Movement. During the 12 years before I went public with what I thought, I never saw any convincing piece of evidence contradict Gary’s account of the Tower conversation, and over the years, as more evidence came to light, such as the Northwoods documents, Gary’s account became even more impressive. Gary did not reveal Tower’s identity until after he died in a plane crash, as Audie Murphy also did, and Gary did not think that they were accidents. A coming post will deal with bringing planes down to clean up operations and witnesses. Best, Wade
  17. Hi: There is so much to write about Gary’s career, long before it ended in 1970, when he refused to help frame people and was framed instead. Dealing with the escapades of Hollywood celebrities, gangsters, and politicians was Gary’s daily existence. Gary wrote about how the “glamour of LA” was far more image than substance, and he wrote of how aspiring gangsters would come to LA, along with other Hollywood hopefuls, planning on a glamorous gangster life, with exotic and daring assignments, to only barely make it as a hooker’s pimp on Hollywood Boulevard. One such aspiring hood was Johnny Stompanato, who was in Peleliu and Okinawa with Eugene Sledge, and after the war he was a supremely endowed Italian Stallion that cut a swath through Hollywood, so much so that, in 1948, Frank Sinatra asked Cohen to tell Stompanato (who was Cohen’s bodyguard) to stay away from Ava Gardner. In 1957, Stompanato hooked up with Lana Turner, and early in their torrid relationship, Cohen magnanimously paid for a hotel room in Malibu, where the lovers could frolic one weekend. Cohen had the bed wired for sound, however, and made two thousand records of the recording of their trysts. It became a hit at Hollywood parties. Their relationship was famously rocky, Stompanato roughed up Turner a few times and pulled a gun on Turner’s beau, Sean Connery. When Turner’s daughter stabbed Stompanato to death in Turner’s home, it was ruled as justifiable homicide, in one of Hollywood’s bigger scandals. In the wake of Stompanato’s death, that record became the “must have” item in Hollywood, and Cohen printed up thousands more copies, making big money. Gary’s account was far more than salacious gossip, as Cohen later planned to deliver a tape of Marilyn Monroe and JFK in bed together, and that begins treading into JFK territory. JFK was nominated for president in LA in 1960, and Gary surveilled the Malibu beach party at Peter Lawford’s home, where JFK met Monroe. Anthony Summers had already written a book on the JFK hit, published in 1980, and was researching his Marylyn Monroe book when he was put in contact with Gary, as the only person left from those days who knew what happened. Summers met with Gary and repeatedly tried to get Gary to go on TV. During their encounters, Summers told Gary that it was Joey Bishop (another Rat Packer), not Frank Sinatra, who arranged JFK’s introduction to Monroe. That Vegas connection through my relative is also a Rat Pack connection. Bishop was one of Cohen’s pals, a fellow Jew, and Gary believed, with cause, that Monroe was being used in an influence-peddling scheme in the White House. JFK was not very friendly with Israel, as he promoted Arab and African independence and development. JFK was a legendary philanderer, and getting him and Monroe in a room together with like putting a match and stick of dynamite in close proximity. Monroe was supposed to elicit JFK’s intentions about Israel in pillow talk, and Cohen planned to get a tape of JFK and Monroe in bed together, to blackmail JFK if necessary. Blackmailing the sitting president; that takes some brass. Gary knew that Monroe was controlled by mobsters and that she was in way over her head, and that her mobster handlers killed her, and he regarded Summers’s claim that Bobby Kennedy was there when she died as spurious. Gary wrote that Summers also had twisted their conversation as presented in his Monroe biography. Gary wrote that the legendary Fred Otash, whose exploits were the inspiration for the movie LA Confidential and the TV show 77 Sunset Strip, was involved with bugging Stompanato and Turner’s love nest, and that Otash tried mightily to get something on JFK and Monroe together, but he never could. Gary may have been mistaken. Otash was the chief information source for Summers’s documentary, and Gary called Otash: “without any equal, the most conniving, thieving, lying shamus the Hollywood scene ever experienced.” Gary helped convict Otash for drugging racehorses, and they were not pals. Gary was glad that he did not take up Summers’s offer to be on TV with him. The life of a cop could be a string of boring tasks punctuated by violent situations. In 1947, Gary was on a high-speed chase through LA. The quarry had just murdered somebody in a robbery, and as the chase ended and Gary arrested the suspect, the suspect shot Gary’s hand and shoved his pistol into Gary’s abdomen and fired, and Gary was miraculously saved by his belt buckle. Next, I’ll cover the event that Gary is most famous for, his meeting with John Tower, three weeks after the JFK hit. It is really a small part of his book, but it understandably is what most people are most interested in. Best, Wade
  18. Hi: I am planning to write from memory for most of this, but I got a copy of Gary’s book off of my office shelf, to refer to periodically. I see that it goes for $180 on Amazon today (one copy is being sold for $10K), and less than ten copies are for sale, so it is not easy to get anymore. Both editions of Gary’s book were printed pretty cheaply, and quickly began to fall apart on me. It was a self-published edition, and was sold by one of Gary’s pals out of Texas for years, but it looks like it is not anymore. Kind of like Uncle Ed, Gary was never very disclosing about himself, so I don’t know what his early life was like. His standard author bio states that he was in the Navy in the Pacific Theater in World War II (you can see that on his gravestone), and joined the LAPD a month after his discharge, in January 1946, and that is where I’ll begin my story. Gary manned a gun aboard a warship, and only referred to his Navy days briefly, including the carnage that he witnessed. During his days in LA, Gary became close friends with America’s most famous war hero, Audie Murphy, and even moonlighted as Murphy’s bodyguard. When Gary became a cop, the LA crime scene was run by Mick Cohen. Cohen was a boxer while young, worked with Al Capone’s outfit, running gambling operations and sometimes killing patrons, and did a little prison time during his Capone stint. Cohen also worked for Meyer Lansky for a while in Cleveland. In 1939, Cohen arrived in LA and worked for Bugsy Siegel, the mobster who “built” Las Vegas. While working for Siegel, Cohen set up the race wire, which was a foundation of Vegas gambling. I have connections to Vegas, some of which are kind of funny, in one of the many overlaps that my journey had with Gary’s. Siegel was murdered in 1947, leaving Cohen in charge in LA. Art can imitate life, and in LA, life could imitate art. Gary wrote that Cohen had mannerisms that resembled movie gangster Edward G. Robinson’s. Who was stealing from whom? At the beginning of his career, Gary was assigned to put Cohen under surveillance. In the summer of 1946, Gary provided traffic control and a police presence at Hollywood Park for the racing season and Cohen arrived in his limo regularly that season. Gary gave Cohen’s limo special traffic privileges, and at the end of the season, Cohen said thanks in a way that only gangsters can, as he demonstrated to Gary that the horseraces were all rigged. Cohen rode in the back of his limo, and sometimes had VIPs ride with him in the back. One day, Gary saw somebody new in the back with Cohen, and the next year, Gary ran into him at a restaurant that Cohen’s gambling partner ran. The man knew that they were cops and introduced himself as Jack Ruby, and he waxed on about how the West Coast was dead due to the end of World War II, so the mob was putting its money into its operations in Havana and New Orleans (the equivalent of many billions of dollars today), where the new action would be. Fittingly, Ruby wore a huge ruby ring. Gary was working as a plainclothes cop in 1947, and while chatting up a bar owner, who told Gary that he could place his bets at the bar, in walked Cohen and Ruby, who both recognized Gary. Gary never saw Ruby again, until he made the news in 1963 as Oswald’s assassin. Like in movies and consistent with his background, Cohen hung out at the racetrack, the boxing arena, and ethic restaurants. Gary used a Jewish informant to sit near Cohen, listening to his conversations in Yiddish. His informant also wore a wire at times. As with Ruby, Cohen would meet with people that Gary did not initially know, but Gary and his team would do the legwork and find out. In the late 1950s, Gary saw somebody new whom Cohen seemed to be taking orders from, and Gary discovered that it was Menachem Begin, the bona fide terrorist and future Israeli prime minister, whose reign was legendary for its brutality. Few Americans know it, but when Begin was Israel’s prime minister, he never visited the United Kingdom, because he was wanted for murder there, for blowing up the King David Hotel in Jerusalem, which killed nearly a hundred people. Cohen and Begin regularly met at the Beverly Wilshire Hotel’s lunch counter, and Gary’s informant once sat next to them, listening to their conversation in Yiddish, while Gary and his partner sat in a nearby surveillance van. The conversation was all about Jack Kennedy, Cuba, and military operations. It is well known that Cohen was an arms dealer for Israel, donating a gun ship to Israel in their early days. One of Cohen’s top-notch hookers often serviced Begin when he was in town, and Begin became a regular LA visitor in those days. One night, Gary and his partner tailed Cohen and Begin, who had been having a conversation about JFK as they cursed him for wasting money on the Peace Corps, to what turned out to be Melvin Belli’s house, and Cap Weinberger’s car was there, too. Weinberger became the Secretary of Defense under Reagan, and Belli, who was also serviced by Cohen’s hooker-girlfriend, was Cohen’s attorney, and later, Ruby’s, after he shot Oswald. Gary was right in the middle of all of that, and one evening in 1947, Gary surveilled a meeting that Cohen had in a parking lot with several Jewish mobsters, and one was Cohen’s protégé, a Jew who became a federal court judge in LA, who reigned for nearly 40 years as a “liberal” judge. He died last year, so now I will name him: Harry Pregerson. When I began writing about it on this thread, the original Watergate defense attorney, Doug Caddy, knew whom I was writing about, as he had witnessed one of Pregerson’s judicial irregularities in the 1970s. Gary got in deeply, too deeply, which cost him his LAPD job, as Pregerson and friends got Gary fired. Gary then took a job in Ventura County, where we eventually met. By the late 1950s, Gary was back in LA as an investigator for the District Attorney’s office. There is a great deal more to write about Gary’s days before we met, and I’ll get into our many overlaps. Best, Wade
  19. Thanks Paul: This forum has members that have spent their lifetimes studying the JFK hit, and I have a lot of respect for their positions. The JFK hit is a small part of my work. My lifetime’s magnum opus is several hundred pages long and only devotes a paragraph to the Kennedys. As far as the JFK hit goes, amongst such august company, my greatest contribution is going to be lending credence to Gary’s reporting. To that end, I plan to make a series of posts on Gary and me, in a way that I have not quite done before, to make Gary as real as I can. I have stated it many times: solving the crime is not really my goal regarding the JFK hit, and I doubt that anybody ever will, not in a way that will convince casual observers. The best evidence was deeply buried at the outset, other than stray pieces that will likely never see the light of day, such as the package that John Tower gave to Gary. You can take Gary’s reporting of the Tower conversation to the bank, and if legit (and I have no doubt about that), then it means that there is no way that Oswald was a Lone Nut commie, and that the Warren Commission was a whitewash from the outset. And that means that our government and system in general is completely illegitimate. That is the point of my work on the JFK hit. Our system is not worth believing in, and I seek people who have awoken to that fact or are on their way to that revelation, and maybe my work can help them. But people can only awaken by experience, not a literature review or received teaching. Work like mine can only help along a process that already began. For the record, I believe that the people that interposed the JFK operation, turning a fake assassination attempt to frame Castro into a real one, hailed from the Rockefeller/CIA side of the house, as the Eastern Oligarchy took out the upstart newcomer who was a very reluctant imperialist, and Allen Dulles was their man. If Dulles was not involved in the hit, and there is plenty of circumstantial evidence that he was, he undoubtedly led the cover-up. The cover-up was so successful that assassinating key political figures became a pastime for America’s spooks for a generation, clear up to the Reagan shooting, with a lone nut patsy served up each time, and each “nut” had connections to the spooks. But I am going to leave that aside for now and just write about Gary and my relationship with him. It was not as close as we would have liked, but it was close enough, and we were pals for the rest of Gary’s life, after he came through for me, and big, in my hour of need. For that alone, Gary will always be in my pantheon, even though our political philosophies did not have a great deal in common, when looked at a certain way. In other ways, we sang the same song. So, without further ado, I’ll write about Gary and me. The setting for Gary’s book is Los Angeles and Ventura County, where Gary worked and lived during his odyssey. I was born in Seattle and live there today, my parents were born and raised in Bellingham, Washington, but they discovered sunshine when my father joined the marines. After graduating from the University of Washington, my father moved the family from Seattle to Ventura County when I was four, and except for his year at NASA in Houston, my father spent the rest of his life in Ventura County, and has lived in the same house in Ventura for more than 50 years. Ventura is the primary setting for Gary’s book. I went to the university in San Luis Obispo, and the last place on Earth where I wanted to be after graduation was LA, but I picked the worst recession in 40 years to graduate from college. After my first post-graduate misadventure in Seattle, I really began my career in the big time in LA, working for one of the world’s largest accounting firms, and spent my life’s three unhappiest years working there. My naïveté was pronounced and even charming back then, as I tried to make sense of my “education” in comparison to what I was encountering in the real world. An overgrown Boy Scout met reality. My journey is filled with many larger-than-life events, such as a voice in my head leading me into accounting and leading me straight into what became my life’s work: changing humanity’s energy paradigm and ushering in a new Epoch of the human journey. When I chased the owner of the energy company that I worked for in Seattle out to Boston, chasing my teenage dream, becoming his partner was the furthest thing from my mind. But I did, in another series of preposterous events, and the same year that I became his partner, when my learning curve insanely steepened, Gary published his book, There’s a Fish in the Courthouse, which chronicled his adventures. Like the Kennedys and my work, the JFK hit is really a minor part of Gary’s book, a brief interlude during Gary’s adventures, which is probably the closest real-world example of the plot of the movie LA Confidential. As fate would have it, soon after becoming a partner in pursuing free energy, my connections saw me land in Southern California again, which was the last place on Earth where I wanted to be, but there I was, and my life was ruined over the course of the next three years. When I staggered out of Ventura in 1990, never to return, I had been radicalized and would never see the world the same way again. But there was compensation. I picked up a wife during that stint, and Gary was one of the beacons in the darkness during my ordeal. His advice was instrumental in my sacrificing my life and springing my partner from jail, in the biggest miracle that I ever witnessed, which we all knew was a case of divine intervention. With that prelude out of the way, on to Gary’s life, which will be a synopsis of his book, to a degree, and I will show how Gary’s life overlapped with mine, long before we ever met. Best, Wade
  20. Hi Robert: I certainly am not singing Trump’s praises, although he has been caught in the crossfire of a favorite American activity: demonizing Russia. In fact, if we credit Doug Caddy’s amazing reporting of what E. Howard Hunt said, and I do, the last straw for taking out JFK was his getting too cozy with the Soviets, as he tried to end the Cold War. I’ll buy that, but I also think that the “alien presence” reason was just an excuse, and I suspect that the entire “alien presence” issue was related to JFK’s proposing a joint mission to the Moon with the Soviet Union, which would effectively end the Space Race and go a long way toward ending the Cold War. The assassins had to have known that the Soviets knew plenty themselves. I doubt that it matters much who the president is, but as we both note, Trump is not as much of a creature of special interests as every president since JFK was. On Carter, that is a near and dear subject. Brian O’Leary was Mo Udall’s speechwriter, and Udall was in the lead for the nomination until Carter came out of nowhere, with his Rockefeller (CFR) backing, and it looks like Carter stole Brian’s energy policy. The energy crisis is what got me and most of my fellow travelers pursuing the energy issue, which eventually led us to free energy. Free energy technology is likely older than I am. You can take that to the bank. David Rockefeller handpicked all presidents since JFK. Carter’s energy policy is what allowed Dennis to take his run at carpeting the USA with the world’s best heating system. Carter’s “human rights” stance was phony, but what else is new for American politicians? But Carter gets points for raising the UFO issue, as Daniel Sheehan’s amazing testimony shows. The way that I heard it, Carter was eventually threatened into silence, after he fired Bush the First from the CIA for stonewalling him on the UFO issue. I have published my rough estimation of how the world’s power structure looks, and American presidents are down several levels. During my adventures, we attracted attention from the top, and it wasn’t much fun. My life and the lives of those around me were destroyed, and Dennis should not have survived. I can’t regret any of it, but don’t want to come close to events like those again. My sense is that JFK ran afoul of the big interests. Not at the very top, but more like the national-imperial power structure. I think that Rockefeller interests were involved, which also took us out more than once, and the most recent time, David himself got involved. Thanks Joe. Gary is in my pantheon, and whatever he reported that he witnessed, you can take that to the bank. His encounters with Ruby, due to his surveillance of Mick Cohen (and some of Gary’s Cohen anecdotes were hilarious) showed that Ruby was far from a small-time loser (Cohen’s attorney became Ruby’s attorney), and I consider his official portrayal about as faithful to the facts as portraying Oswald as some lone nut commie. I have seen attempts to discredit Gary by challenging his attempts to solve the crime, or how his book was not scholarly, but those attempts miss the point, probably intentionally, of Gary’s reporting. You can take his reporting of the John Tower conversation to the bank, but when Gary attempts to connect the dots, challenging his ideas is very appropriate, but his ideas are also not easy to dismiss. Specifically, Gary thought that the Jewish mob was behind the JFK hit. Well, Ruby was a Jewish mobster, so right there, Gary’s idea has some merit (Michael Piper Collins wrote a book to that effect, and Gary told me that he gave Collins the idea). I don’t know what Gary’s evidence was, but Gary thought that Arlen Specter monitored Hunt’s grand plan and coordinated the real hit, as it interposed the fake one. We all know “Magic Bullet” Specter’s role in the Warren Commission. Ruby’s phone activity was really something, which RFK and others thought highly peculiar for a small-time loser. Gary noted a call from Jewish mobsters in Ventura County at the time of the JFK hit, and Gary thought that it was significant. I sure don’t know and, to me, that is all ancillary to what Gary wrote that he witnessed. Gary constantly waged lawsuits against the Jewish mobsters, trying to get his evidence on the record. I thought that it was pretty amazing for Doug Caddy to know just the gangster judge that I was writing about, because of a case from the 1970s. You don’t take on people like that, waging lawsuits and risking your life, and make stuff up. Gary told me that the only thing that kept him alive was always obeying the law, or they would have had a handy excuse to murder him. For the record, Gary wrote his book while working at his gas station and store, drafting it between customers, and his wife typed it up. After his career was wiped out because he refused to frame people (he was made the offer he could not refuse), that store became his retirement nest egg. I know all too well the kind of situation that Gary was in, trying to survive the evil activities directed at him, and when critics noted that he spelled Dealey Plaza incorrectly in his book, as a way to discredit him, they don’t get it. To me, that makes Gary’s book even more credible, knowing how he wrote it. And the gangsters who run Ventura County stole Gary’s store from him, too, and he died destitute, in exile, in Oregon, with a warrant for his wife’s arrest in California, as she refused to hand over the deed after they stole his store. As I learned the hard way, they can just make it up as they go. For the record, I think that the Jewish mob was involved, but they were not the masterminds. They were part of the muscle for the hit, and the shooter teams were likely a CIA/mob operation, and Ruby’s job was silencing Oswald, who probably should have been killed immediately after the JFK hit, but survived, so Ruby had to finish the job, with a suicidal hit on national TV. Oswald knew way too much, and had to be silenced ASAP. That is my take on it. Best, Wade
  21. Hi Paul: I am happy to discuss Gary’s little story on the JFK hit. You can take it to the bank that Gary recounted the John Tower conversation to the best of his recollection. Being a policemen and detective, Gary tried to solve the crime, and his encounters with Jack Ruby are highly germane to the JFK hit. Ruby was no two-bit nightclub owner. For me, the lesson of the JFK hit is not so much who did it, although I believe that it likely came from the Dulles/CIA milieu, but that the entire “investigation” was a whitewash from the beginning, to frame the “patsy” and make it go away ASAP. Every president since JFK was a puppet and knew it, although somewhat ironically, Trump may not have figured it out yet. Like JFK, he came from a rich background, so did not have to sell his soul to play the game. If Trump has not figured it out yet, he may be beginning to suspect. Best, Wade
  22. Hi Valerie: I see your thanks on posts. I hope that the reading is worth it. Some pals do the thanks so that I know they are reading. There is some German synchronicity this morning. My wife is not happy about it, but I have been reading more about the Nazis that the USA brought in under Operation Paperclip, and it is grim reading, as usual. My summer of studying World War II, back in 1999, damaged me and my marriage. Not only did the USA’s Founding Fathers inspire Hitler’s genocidal plans for Eastern Europe, but Hitler’s anti-Semitic policies were inspired by one of the USA’s greatest industrialists, Henry Ford. Hitler once said that Ford taught him all that he knew, and the Third Reich even gave Ford a medal. About a third of the Third Reich’s trucks during World War II were produced by Ford, which I heard was demoralizing for American soldiers when they captured German equipment. The Volkswagen (literally “The People’s Car”) was Hitler’s answer to the Model T, so it is ironic to hear these rumors that Volkswagen was going to produce a 200 MPG car, to get shot down. The thing about Paperclip was not just how disgusting it was, bringing in death camp Nazis to help with the Cold War: the Nazis were partly responsible for the Cold War. The Gehlen Org lied to the USA about Soviet intentions and capabilities, telling their handlers what they wanted to hear, and helped lead the world to the brink of World War III. As Uncle Ed wrote, the USA’s “containment” policy was fraudulent. The Soviet Union was just a handy excuse for American imperialism. When the Soviet Union collapsed, American imperialists had a problem on their hands: finding a new boogieman. As Ed and Noam noted, the “war on terror” provided a useful substitute for the Soviet Union, although with few actual “terrorists” in the world really doing much, Russia has been “rehabilitated” into a malevolent threat once again, as it has been demonized in the Western media for more than a century. The Rockefellers were also deeply in bed with the Nazis from the beginning, and their creatures the Dulles brothers were not only architects of the Cold War, but liberally used Nazis. And it was not just some kind of embarrassment for the USA: to a significant degree, Nazi policies became American policies. Those Nazis who performed human experiments on death camp prisoners did not just bring their findings and expertise to the USA, but their ethics, too. The Nazi experiments were the direct predecessor of MKUltra and other programs, which were often performed on involuntary subjects. Americans thereby became victims of Nazi human experiments. Thousands of American soldiers were used as guinea pigs that way. Fluoridation is compulsory “medicine” forced on the American populace, and before the USA began jamming it down the public’s throat, soon after hiring death camp Nazis, the Nazis literally used it in their concentration camps, to make the prisoners more docile. I have fluoride added to my water today, as do most Americans. Hmmm. The Nazi connection runs far deeper, too. Goebbels used Edward Bernays’s work in his propaganda efforts, and Bernays actually helped design the propaganda campaigns to addict women to tobacco, fluoridate water, and overthrow the Guatemalan government on behalf of the Rockefellers. I have several Rockefeller connections myself, and for the first time, I’ll reveal a little about my relative who was a CIA contract agent: he worked for Rockefeller interests. I may never reveal any more about that situation (to protect family members), but that revelation should be safe now. The Rockefellers helped take out Dennis more than once, beginning with wiping out the factory that he planned to use in Seattle (so Dennis had to build his own factory), and the final time was when Dennis was pursuing high-MPG technology. The first practical application of nuclear energy was gratuitously vaporizing two cities in a defeated nation that was trying to surrender, and at the same time as the USA was being mass-fluoridated and the witch hunts for “commies” were at their peak, the American government was trying to turn those nuclear swords into ploughshares, even though the initial euphoria had long since worn off in the USA. Hubertus Strughold was the godfather of MKUltra and other human experiment programs in the USA, and his protégé, Heinz Haber, was also Werner von Braun’s sidekick on a Disney show promoting space travel to children. Walt Disney and the Nazis were spiritual brethren, and Walt was an enthusiastic red-hunter who also endorsed Hollywood’s blacklist. While Walt hunted out commies, death camp Nazis were fine, and when Disney was asked to make a propaganda film about nuclear power, Haber was their man, who led the making of a Disney show that promoted nuclear energy, and Haber then wrote a children’s book on the wonders of nuclear energy. The Wikipedia article on Paperclip is a whitewash, which I suppose is fitting, as Paperclip itself was a whitewash of death camp Nazis. Of course, Allen Dulles very actively covered up JFK’s murder and likely had a hand in it. JFK was trying to end the Cold War, and for that, among other affronts to corporate America, he had to go. Although it is no secret, it has largely disappeared down the Memory Hole that JFK proposed a joint mission to the Moon with the Soviets soon before his murder, which would have ended the Space Race. With JFK’s murder, Johnson not only escalated the Space Race, but he also escalated the low-level Vietnam imperial conflict into an outright genocide, and I spent a year in Houston during all of that, as Mission Control was one of Johnson’s pork barrel projects. I am not writing as a disinterested scholar, but as somebody whose life was profoundly affected by Rockefeller machinations. Of course, it goes far higher than that, too. The highest councils on Earth wondered what to do about us, and both the “White Hats” and “Black Hats” intervened multiple times. Time for work. Best, Wade
  23. Hi: At the same time that Dennis was being run out of the USA, Brian wanted to approach the DOE and test Obama’s “visionary” energy policy, in which he allegedly encouraged radical energy innovation. Brian’s site might not be long for the world, as it keeps going down. Here is the DOE proposal on his site, and here it is on mine. I was evicted from my home at about the same time that Brian asked me to help him. Of course, I did, but writing my parts of the proposal (big picture, further obstacles) was memorable, as I wrote it while boxing up my library for the move. While I wrote it, I wondered what Brian thought that we would accomplish. In his last book, which I helped edit, he admitted his co-dependency with Washington, D.C. You can hear Brian talking, here, about how our proposal was received. I had spoken at DOE hearings before, with Dennis, and while educational, it was an exercise in futility. Dennis and Brian kept banging on the Establishment’s door, kept banging on any doors that they could, while trying to mount a mass movement. I carried the spears in five mass movement efforts before deciding that they did not have a prayer. There are not enough people with the right stuff for that approach to work. Those are just the numbers, and no judgment is implied, but I am constantly approached by naïve newcomers, who have never gone out and done anything of significance, who think that they have the magic answer to harness sociality, and that they will succeed while the best of the best never had a chance. What suicidal folly. Greer has done the same thing. They try to get either the elite or the masses involved. Neither group is going to help, as their self-interest marks the true north of their awareness. Self-serving people are not going to help this along at all, and because personal integrity is the world’s scarcest commodity, the people who can help are going to be very few and far between. I am seeking a middle ground that has never been sought before for this epochal task, and I am intimately familiar with what does not work. There are no short-cuts or easy answers, not for the biggest event in the human journey, but that does not prevent newcomers from constantly trying, and the standard beginner’s activity is to rush out and proselytize to their social circles, telling them the “good news,” to only get rudely awakened: their social circles don’t want to hear about it. I constantly hear tales of ostracism from those newcomers. The best of them finally get it out of their systems and become willing to learn and put their bright ideas in the dustbin. There is plenty more to come, but it took nearly 40 years, from my teenage dreams, to my real world early awakenings in my profession, through the war years with Dennis, through years of study, to getting back in the game for a little while (1, 2), to more study, to finally arrive at my current approach. If you told me what lied ahead, when I had my teenage dreams, I would not have believed any of it. Best, Wade
  24. Hi: After the NEM disaster, I went quiet for years. Brian immediately moved to South America after our conference, and spent the rest of his life there. Mallove’s murder before the conference and John Mack’s death the day after the conference ended convinced Brian to get out of Dodge, and fast. He did not want to become another cautionary tale, although he already was. I was replaced on the NEM board by a famous free energy name who soon led what Brian called a “rebellion” that booted him out of NEM. That was no surprise for me, with what I had been through, and it was not the first time that it had happened to Brian. I was in the darkest phase of my midlife crisis in those years, and I wrote what some consider my most inspiring essay, in early 2006, and I wrote it as a kind of therapy for myself, to make it clear what I was pursuing. In those days, it was like walking around with a big, emotional spike in my chest. After years of pestering me about it, Krishna finally convinced me to contact the father of the Free Software Movement, Richard Stallman. Krishna thought that free software and free energy activists would make natural allies, and it seemed to make sense to me, and I contacted Stallman in the summer of 2006. We had a cordial but ultimately frustrating correspondence over about a month. Like Heinberg, Stallman was another entrenched Level 3. Stallman was another one of those 160+ IQ people that I have interacted with. I have found that the “smart” can be the most stuck in their conditioning, amazingly. The big trap for the “smart,” at least in the West, is what I have called the “rationalist-materialist paradigm,” and materialism is usually a wide-enough net to catch them, and their barriers to comprehension include these features: A denial of the abilities and attributes of consciousness, other than rational thinking; The thought that the corpus of mainstream scientific thought and its findings, often called “the laws of physics,” the “laws of nature,” and the like, had revealed all the secrets of the universe or were close to that goal (the standard “skeptical” stance), and that the tools of mainstream science were the only worthy ones; A denial that elites and other interests would or could manipulate the world economy and key global events from behind the scenes, usually dismissing all such activities as being an untenable “conspiracy theory”, as they irrationally confused evidence with theories. Our experiences were no theory. Also, their keen “intelligence” usually made their ideas impervious to argument. Stallman was far from the first or last like him that I encountered, but he was kind of a quintessential example of it. During the same month that I interacted with Stallman, I wrote an open letter to the Free Software Movement. Other than Krishna, I doubt that I have heard from anybody else in that milieu. Krishna even worked on Stallman, but came away frustrated, and Krishna noted that Stallman did not understand rather mundane issues such as the demographic transition, and did not seem interested in understanding. During that summer of 2006, I quietly wrestled with my midlife crisis, and its theme was that my life’s work was an exercise in futility. Humanity was going to flush itself straight down the toilet, taking most of Earth’s ecosystems with it, and all that I could do was stand by and watch, and even get dragged along for the ride, although I might get “lucky” and die before it really hit the fan. My midlife crisis began in 2000, and did not begin to end until the end of August 2006, when Dennis arrived at my home, unannounced, to invite me to Washington D.C. for an eve of the election demonstration of the technologies that he was currently working on. The demonstration was being arranged by the sitting president’s energy advisor. The last place on Earth where I wanted to be was at the White House, having tea with Bush and Cheney. Brian talked in front of the White House less than two weeks after Dennis invited me to the White House, in another of the innumerable bizarre synchronicities of my life. I turned Dennis down instantly, along with his offer to be on the board of his new venture. With Mr. Professor’s death, which sent me into the dark phase of my midlife crisis, I was the only person outside of his family that Dennis deeply trusted, but I wanted no part of another radical business venture, no matter how noble. For me, the rich irony of what Dennis was involved with in those days was that he had developed high-MPG carburetor technology. It was like I had come full circle from my teenage dreams of more than 30 years previously, with Mr. Mentor’s engine. With what Dennis, I, and other free energy revolutionaries knew existed, squeezing more energy from a gallon of gasoline was child’s play, but was also a way for Dennis to get a leg up, like his heat pump was, but the capitalist game is rigged to the extreme. What we encountered was capitalism on steroids. A few years later, when Dennis was finally forbidden to be involved in the energy industry in the USA, and I read the FTC’s clever lies as they went after Dennis, soon after David Rockefeller called Dennis at home, I thanked my lucky stars that I did not get involved with Dennis again, as the Feds would have shown up at my house. Several years after those events, I met with Dennis’s assistant, who kind of replaced me as Dennis’s sidekick, and he said that he nearly soiled himself when the Feds arrived at his house and served him their papers. It was familiar territory for me, which I never want to see again. When Dennis left, it sent me into new throes of agony, and my psychologist wife began insisting that I seek professional help, as she did many years previously, and I once again got trauma therapy. By late 2006, the clouds finally began to part, and my life’s longest stretch of emotional agony ended (which was actually rivaled by my life’s previous several years, as I write this, which I may never be able to publicly discuss). By early 2007, I began the study that resulted in my big essay. If you had asked me exactly what the result of my upcoming years of study would produce, I would not have replied with writing my big essay. That big essay was beyond my wildest dreams, even in 2007. In June 2007, I wrote an open letter to the radical left, which to this day is the closest thing that I could find to kindred spirits (Ed, Noam, and Howard were their patron saints), but they are generally ideologically opposed to the idea of organized suppression, and what my friend saw blows mainstream physics out of the water, which lefties cannot wrap their minds around. After having no contact with the public since 2002, I began to join forums where I had seen my work discussed, and I quickly discovered that the Internet had become a xxxxx Festival during my years of seclusion. I was attacked wherever I appeared, and Mr. Skeptic usually arrived, even the day after I appeared, heaving his disinformation bombs. After Dennis was finally run out of the USA, Mr. Skeptic quietly folded his tents and disappeared, as his 15-year crusade was finished. I am more than half-convinced that he was on somebody’s payroll during his vendetta, as Bill the BPA Hit Man was, as many professionals and psychopaths were sicced on us over the years. Working for the forces of darkness pays well, for a time. I finally got the message when I joined a forum that was full of trolls, and as they ganged up on me, I was expelled from the forum. After that experience, I decided that the only forum that I would join in the future would be mine, which would be a xxxxx-free zone. In the summer of 2007, I wrote an essay that was inspired by some activists who contacted me, and that essay brought Brian back into my life (although it blew those activists out of the water), who said that that essay was the best thing that he had read in a long time. We began collaborating again, Brian told me his tale of being run out of NEM by the other board members, and through his contacts, early the next year I did my first public interview, followed the next year by what will always be my favorite, when Bill Ryan and Kerry Cassidy interviewed me and Brian for their Project Camelot. I won’t have another interview with Brian. There is a lot more to come on these issues, but I now begin what will be a crazily busy next few weeks at my day job, so my posts will slow down. Best, Wade
  25. Hi: I’ll be winding down the Wikipedia posts, at least until I write that essay about Ed and the Left. I once read somebody state that the only fair way to evaluate any political-economic system is by the people it produced. There is truth to that, but it goes further than that. That system’s effect on the world deserves to be weighed on that scale, whether it is environmental destruction or its imperial behavior. Any system has to be evaluated based on its final product, which includes the impact of how it was produced. Elite clothing produced by slaves or virtual slaves must be held accountable for the total effect of the enterprise. King Tut’s sumptuous grave mask was purchased with the lives of thousands of slaves. Similar activities take place today. When Krishna joined the fray on the attacks and erasure of my work at Wikipedia, he wrote about the spirit of the law versus its letter, which is a noble sentiment and germane to what happened. Wikipedia claims to be focused on the process, which ensures quality content, but at some point, one needs to step back and consider the end result, and the process is anything but evenhanded. The Wikipedia project has to be held accountable for its final product, although it can say that it is always a work in process. The events of my brief encounters at Wikipedia include: I have written at length about George Washington’s greatest achievement – writing the blueprint for stealing a continent, in history’s greatest swindle – and how that little fact is absent from his biographies, and somebody mentioned that omission at Wikipedia more than a decade ago, yet the hagiography stands to this day. Just this month, others have been trying to correct the record at Wikipedia, but they don’t have a prayer, IMO. Washington’s activities helped inspire Hitler, which is another little fact that is going to escape the hagiographic treatment at Wikipedia. A decade ago, I made additions to a massacre list that was extremely biased in favor of Europeans and Americans. Within days, all of my additions, which were the first scholarly additions to that list, were removed, by the editors as well as by the admins. In the logic of the editors and admins, the murder of two white invaders by the invaded was more “notable” than 40,000 natives slaughtered by the first great conquest by Spain in the Western Hemisphere. That magnitude of disparity in treatment ranks with the “genocide” bias that Ed noted in the Western media. That same year, I noted the omission of any allegations of crimes against humanity in a German scientist’s biography, while his son managed his father’s bio, which stands as hagiography today. In recent weeks, I dug back into this issue and plan to write an essay on Operation Paperclip, the German scientists, and war crimes. That scientist might well have not committed any war crimes himself, but the issue is very clouded, thanks to American and German whitewashing. Wikipedia’s renditions of the situations are a farce. The USA very actively covered for war criminals, whitewashing their backgrounds and protecting them from prosecution, because they were useful to the USA’s Cold War efforts. There is not a hint of that at the Paperclip article at Wikipedia, as the whitewash got a whitewash. In the USA, that German scientist was the sidekick of two war criminals. People can make the argument that Werner von Braun wasn’t a war criminal, and that would be quite a debate to have, which I have been involved with before, but his rocketry efforts in World War II were directly responsible for the deaths of more than 20,000 concentration camp inmates. However, for his other colleague, his mentor, Hubertus Strughold, there is no doubt that Strughold was involved in death camp human experiments. And like the whitewashing Paperclip article, one of Strughold’s close colleagues was undoubtedly involved in human experiments at Dachau, which killed many prisoners, he has a whitewash article, too, and Strughold actively covered up his friend’s medical experiments, in the same book where his sidekick’s first paper appeared. This month, I finished an effort, which took more than a year of my “spare” time, to create Ed Herman’s biography at Wikipedia, to only see it summarily erased by a rude admin within hours. While death camp Nazis and the “Father of our Country” get whitewashes, Ed’s bio at Wikipedia today stands as an exercise in disinformation, calling him a “genocide denier,” among other fictions, which is quite a charge to make against a Jew. The most active editor of Ed’s bio is a notorious “person” who is likely a team of people, whose editorial slant is so severe as to be libelous, and that team may well work for the intelligence community. That “editor” has been openly defended by Wikipedia’s co-founder. Those situations highlight the political nature of Wikipedia’s articles. The bias is so extreme that Wikipedia itself resembles a disinformation effort, which unfortunately conforms to Ed and Noam’s propaganda model, even though Wikipedia is non-profit. To add icing to the cake, that editor erased most of my contributions to Brian O’s Wikipedia biography, while calling my edits a “f**king mess,” and that admin erased all references to Brian’s free energy work, which consumed the last 20 years of his life. Ironically, today is the seventh anniversary of Brian’s death (not the July 28th death at his NASA bio, which has become his “official” data of death). The erasures of my work, which even Wikipedia admits is an extreme measure, were performed on the flimsiest of pretexts. The accusations were that I had a conflict of interest with Ed and Brian, that I made copyright violations, and that I had plagiarized myself. The copyright “violations” were virtually all for quotes that I also put at Ed’s Wikiquote page (that page is entirely my work today), and I don’t understand the logic of quotations being at one part of the Wiki-family is fine, but putting them in a Wikipedia bio is a copyright violation. I have long given away the rights to my writings, doing it on my home page, so I was guilty of plagiarizing my public-domain self, which is the strangest case of “plagiarism” that I have heard of. My so-called conflicts of interest, particularly with Ed, were orders of magnitude smaller than those of that German scientist’s son, who manages his father’s bio like a hawk, turning that bio into outright hagiography, and that conflict of interest passes in silence. So, in summary, death camp Nazis get softball treatment, as does the “Father of our Country,” while one of the greatest scholars of conscience in American history (and arguably world history) has a libelous bio. I don’t care what the so-called rules of Wikipedia are. I have borne the brunt of the selective enforcement of them, which are so great as to result in many Wikipedia articles being exercises in disinformation. In the end, the final result is what matters, so, at this time, Wikipedia is a miserable failure on key issues. I will likely still refer to Wikipedia in my big essay, but with an even stronger caveat, and I may no longer suggest donating to them, which I have done in the past. Best, Wade
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