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Larry Hancock

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Status Replies posted by Larry Hancock

  1. Well said Gil,  I enjoyed your post on Greg's forum and more importantly on the whole idea of trying to draw everything we don't understand into a conspiracy.  I've become really annoyed at accusing people of killing the President simply because of presumed motive - like the Dulles thread on the forum now.

    I've stopped reading most posts because they are of that nature, more in the way of "world views" than investigation.

    And the more I try to get detailed, as I did in Tipping Point, the move people seem to want to back off and not engage in that but continue with the same grand plots and suspects we have had for decades.

    While I do think that certain aspects of Tippet's behavior are strange or even suspicious, I don't think that is what got him killed and I really like the track you are own - bad things do happen and if he stopped the wrong guy his luck might just have been bad. Your view makes a whole lot more sense of the remark about seeing someone in the neighborhood all the time in regard to the shooter, not Tippet.

    Its interesting that Martino said that the second half of the whole plan got blown away because Tippet got shot and Oswald got taken into custody alive, he didn't say Oswald shot him.

    David Boylan are working on another research paper that will offer a different view of Oswald's actions over the 90 days before the assassination and even floats a new idea as to why he went back to the apartment to get his pistol....its totally new to me as I always bought into a more traditional scenario.  But we really should try to break out of our box, which is why I really like where you are going and will be most interested to see Part 2.







    1. Larry Hancock

      Larry Hancock

      Indeed,  some things don't, which is depressing plus annoyingly repetitive.   And just to demonstrate that...one more pitch to get you to do a presentation for the conference.....just let Gabriella set up a Zoom session for you and record you talking for half an hour or forty five minutes on Bad Boys Part 1...nothing more, just introduce the concept.  No need to say anything beyond what you have already posted on the forum.

      I'm really at lose ends to get some new concepts and research into the conference, otherwise its just a rehash. 

      I think even the Bad Boy concept would trigger some useful thinking.

      So yeah, repetitive on my part, but I had to try....grin.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  2. James Rothstein's phone number in St. Martin, Minn.is 320-548-3647. I told him about you so he will recognize your name when you call but you might mention my name as reference. -- Doug

    1. Larry Hancock

      Larry Hancock

      Thanks Doug, your introduction to Rothstein is really much appreciated. I hope to talk to him again in a week or so after he has had a chance to talk further with his brother about the Independence.  

      I'm excited about the new book perhaps more than anything else I have done because its a piece of history that is really important - not only for fully appreciating JFK but for understanding the degree to which competing agendas can obscure events almost in real time.

      And of course its also a cautionary tale in regard to starting what are defined as limited, focused small projects and having them grow into something far larger and more dangerous.

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  3. James Rothstein's phone number in St. Martin, Minn.is 320-548-3647. I told him about you so he will recognize your name when you call but you might mention my name as reference. -- Doug

    1. Larry Hancock

      Larry Hancock

      Well the thing is we actually know a great deal about the Essex now and I was actually able to share a couple of items he was not aware of so that was fun. I don't quite get the denial issue because the participation of the Essex was discussed in all the official inquiries and at least parts of those have been released for decades now. 

      We did talk about a number of those other subjects as well and it was a great conversation,  I was just curious if he had mentioned more about those special weapons earlier.

      In addition, the full story of the Essex participation appeared in a Navy history news letter out of Hampton Roads quite some time ago - it covered the Essex participation in great detail including several of the things he mentioned today.

      In any event, he was great corroboration and the information from his brother on the Independence covers something I had worked out separately.  Actually the Independence is the real secret because while the Essex was officially deployed and discussed, the Independence was officially not there and JFK was not informed it and its group had been dispatched.

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  4. James Rothstein's phone number in St. Martin, Minn.is 320-548-3647. I told him about you so he will recognize your name when you call but you might mention my name as reference. -- Doug

    1. Larry Hancock

      Larry Hancock

      I just got off the phone with him after almost an hour and it was very valuable information.  Thanks much for the introduction!! 

      The one thing I really could not get clear on was how he had identified the two large bombs as atomic weapons, I didn't want to pester him too much about that - did he elaborate on that to you?  He could not recall any special markings - which is pretty unusual for anything with radioactive material, much less an actual weapon.  I just didn't want to be a pest about it, he did say they were larger and heavier than the other bombs but that was about it.

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  5. James Rothstein's phone number in St. Martin, Minn.is 320-548-3647. I told him about you so he will recognize your name when you call but you might mention my name as reference. -- Doug

    1. Larry Hancock

      Larry Hancock

      Thank you Sir, I will definitely try to call him on Tuesday.  While I'm of course interested in the Essex,  I would very much like to hear what his brother says about what the Independence was doing during the Bay of Pigs landings.  I have some leads on it but its something that was totally avoided in all the inquiries.

      Do you know if his brother is still living?

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

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