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Karl Hilliard

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Everything posted by Karl Hilliard

  1. Blood stains? This was a logical and sensible reason? There was a legal and prudent reason to file a report as written and left with a records keeper.
  2. A 'crap salesman' = implied kook--- Why is the case for CE 399 still referred to as "The Single Bullet THEORY"? I keep asking this. Check out the final report of the 1968 Clark Panel.... http://jfk-archives.blogspot.com/2014/10/the-1968-clark-panel-report.html There were no torso x-rays of JFK that were submitted into the Warren Report or anywhere that I have seen. I cannot claim that none were taken.
  3. And so an artist drew what Petty described---- Diagram of bullet's path from HSCA report. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Single-bullet_theory Instead of accurately observing JFK's position in the film--- At frame 203 [microseconds within the "suggested" hit in the back] JFK is not bent forward [unlike the cartoon shown above]
  4. David...You have already commented that you believe the statements of one of the country's [possibly the world's] foremost forensic pathologists is that of a buffoon..a kook...and a loon---so what would what I think matter? If there were upper torso X-rays of JFK please link to this as I am not aware.
  5. That proves nothing. That proves nothing. Something that is not looked for... will not be found------- Yawn and ho-hum. That argument is so redundant---- An opinion.... not a fact---which again proves nothing. Best stated--shot at approximately the same time and proven that it couldn't be that 6th floor rifle by the ballistics experts.
  6. What wasn't highlighted------ So no matter how you slice it...the [CE399 was found on some random stretcher] story meant that it was just planted "evidence" and had nothing at all to do with the governor's wounds.
  7. Crock-ola. Quite the opposite. So ...the Parkland Drs were just told about the hole in the back of the neck. The Warren Report has been demonstrated as being false doctrine...a phony gospel...and hardly biblical creed and more like dogma crap. Why is it [the SBT] still called the single bullet theory after 60 years if it is indeed factual canon?
  8. Hello David....my wife [of 22 years now] still speaks English with a Russian accent and she always will. People that don't know that she is from the former Soviet Union [Ukraine] can tell that she has a foreign accent but still have to ask her just exactly where she is from. On the other hand...my Russian is terrible and she reminds me that I still have a Texas drawl no matter how hard I try to conceal it. My Spanish is mediocre but still, I have this American accent and always will. Point being that the natural tendency is to retain your native accent. It is possible I guess, to learn how to disguise it but why bother? Anyway about Marina...she was very young and impressionable I gather, when she got married and came to Texas.
  9. I was especially interested in his writing in Russian script. As in his writing English words... many Russian ones are misspelled leading some to think that whoever wrote this note was not very well versed in the Russian language. For example ---key [ключ]...kluch or drugstore [аптека]..apteka. Still a much better job than I [who can only print the Cyrillic alphabet] and this note appeared to be written in a hurry---- Oswald spoke English in what I believe is an accent typical of speakers from New Orleans.
  10. The old folks are perhaps these at 2:58 ------- They are actually walking east on the north side of MAIN ST...oblivious to the pandemonium surrounding them [not the least bit curious?] If they are to be investigated we must hurry as they are probably around 140 years old by now 😆 About the power outage---the conspiracy deniers also deny this [or just ignore it] but a deputy sheriff confirms that there was indeed a power outage... Deputy Luke Mooney had been in the Dallas County sheriff's department since 1958 [over 5 years] and he was not sure these "plainclothes officers" were sheriffs deputies or not? Why were these guys coming down the stairs from apparently unoccupied floors? What were they doing up there in the first place? Why was that not investigated? Any ideas?
  11. Mr. BALL - Did he [Oswald] come in with anybody? Mr. DOUGHERTY - No. Mr. BALL - He was alone? Mr. DOUGHERTY - Yes; he was alone. Mr. BALL - Do you recall him having anything in his hand? Mr. DOUGHERTY - Well, I didn't see anything, if he did. Mr. BALL - Did you pay enough attention to him, you think, that you would remember whether he did or didn't? Mr. DOUGHERTY - Well, I believe I can---yes, sir---I'll put it this way; I didn't see anything in his hands at the time. Mr. BALL - In other words, your memory is definite on that is it? Mr. DOUGHERTY - Yes, sir. Mr. BALL - In other words, you would say positively he had nothing in his hands? Mr. DOUGHERTY - I would say that---yes, sir. Mr. BALL - Or, are you guessing? Mr. DOUGHERTY - I don't think so. Mr. BALL - You saw him come in the door? Mr. DOUGHERTY - Yes. Mr. BALL - The back door on the first floor? Mr. DOUGHERTY - It was in the back door. Mr. BALL - Now, that back door is the door that opens onto what? That back door would be the first floor? Mr. DOUGHERTY - Yes. Mr. BALL - And it opens where? Mr. DOUGHERTY - On the back deck--on the back dock side over there. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 10:30 A.M.-1:10 P.M. Interrogation, Capt. Will Fritz's Office---- https://ratical.org/ratville/JFK/LHO.html
  12. About the glasses.... The lady in the earlier photos didn't wear them obviously and she certainly does look a lot taller. One predictable response to that is [of course] --she didn't require them at that time. Some of us wear or have worn corrective lenses. I was diagnosed near sighted at the age of around 10. In recent years I had corrective surgery implants but still need reading glasses. The point is that the 1963 pictures indicate bifocals. A jump from no glasses at all to being a 6 eyes is unusual. Also it appears that the pre-1963 lady had shrunk and no one has yet addressed that observation.
  13. That certainly must not have been clear to Mr Reitzes and all the other Oliver Stone critics.
  14. I believe that certain people already knew who the ownership would be blamed on. I further believe that the suspect rifle was already "hidden". I don't believe anyone ran away at all. My theory [only that] ...a couple of guys were up there disguised as detectives [maybe FEDS] w/badges. When the searchers piled into the 6th floor, they just mingled around like they belonged with the searchers and left. They had a couple of buddies down by the back door ...
  15. To get back on the subject, here is that movie [as I hadn't seen it posted] if it was...apologies. Actually, I haven't had time to watch it but now -------
  16. Dave Reitzes Mentioned a few times in this thread as I searched the name. For those who haven't seen the link --- One Hundred Errors of Fact and Judgment in Oliver Stone's JFK Movie.. https://www.jfk-online.com/jfk100menu.html Why not 101 errors? I'm sure another misspelled name could have been found 🤣 I read one post where a member wished that Reitzes would join the forum so he could trash the crap out of him [an easy enough task] One can find many ways to preach to the choir but in no way.. can they preach to a fire hydrant. Supporters for the official story are falling along the side of the highway like so much road kill. Pity.
  17. The 'Curtain Rod' story.... the 'Paper Bag'---- total fabrication.
  18. Wondering how soon after his arrest was that clip shot? He seemed to think he was picked up because he "lived in the Soviet Union". He must have been asked about this by somebody...How would they have known that?
  19. Queen Elizabeth seemed like a really nice lady. Her coronation was the first TV presentation I remember ever seeing. I believe her passing will dramatically change the British commonwealth as it presently is [just a hunch]
  20. It bothers me that the term UFO [these days] automatically designates an extraterrestrial spacecraft. Unidentified flying object[s] simply means----We don't know what it is. Kennedy was killed because he wanted to do things the Kennedy way. Others did not agree.
  21. I could be wrong but there seems to have been estrangement en masse in that family after the assassination weekend and the burial of LHO. Marina took the kids and went her separate way.... Did John Pic ever come to Texas? How many times did brother Robert visit Mom? Did Marguerite ever see any of her grand-children?...Any of them ever come and visit her for birthdays and Christmas? Sandy mentioned the sister and brother in law... did they ever come to Texas? Were pictures taken and memories shared etc? One exception would have been the exhuming at the Michael Eddowes' inquiry. Marina, Robt Oswald and who all else showed up for that?
  22. Bump this rather obscure topic----Never fully explained is where Oswald got the funds for his excursion to and through Europe and to gain this allegedly expected college education when he was reportedly a 10th grade dropout and purportedly a grade school truant. An undesirable discharge [no longer called that] is now an OTH --other than honorable. This means that the serviceman is no longer eligible for benefits under the G I Bill. Back to the ASC school ..I have run across some items. One is the reference to the school as "The Friends of [various] Religious Societies".... https://groups.google.com/g/alt.assassination.jfk/c/A8B-8APVhJI?pli=1 It is further noted [as discussed earlier] that the Quakers [Ruth Paine for example] are known as the Religious Society of Friends. There is this from the Parker study mentioned earlier--- It has been strongly suggested by researchers that the CIA recruited from such strongly religious persons...especially the expressly pacifist individual citing that they could still serve their country in a non-aggressive capacity and that the Albert Schweitzer College..who nobody really ever heard of... was merely a front for this activity.
  23. --- Not necessarily. As a foreign national...the initial resident card is temporary and expires in two years and a petition would have be filed for a permanent residence [renewed every 10 yrs] During that time..an application can [and should be] be made for naturalization as a citizen. By birth...the younger daughter required no such resident card. New addresses would be stated on such documents. Did the FEDS grill Marina into "cooperating"? Yeah. Even Robert Oswald so testified.
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