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Jack Ruby - anyone else remember this?

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In 1988 to mark the anniversary of JFK's assassination, there were a number of investigative programmes shown here in the UK, but alas, this was in the days before I possessed a video recorder. I recall however a brief clip on one programme which showed Jack Ruby, post-Oswald killing, dressed in a suit being led through a room by a number of officials. As he passed by the rows of chairs set out to his left, a female reporter (not shown) followed him with a microphone and asked him a question about who he believed was responsible for Kennedy's murder and he answered, cautiously and it seems unheard by his escorts 'Well, the man who's in office now' and he continued walking.

I don't know if the reporter was Dorothy Killgallen and I've never seen that clip again, nor heard it referred to, neither after so many years can I remember what the programme name was – though I don't think it was part of the infamous Turner documentaries.

Does anyone else recall seeing this?

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In 1988 to mark the anniversary of JFK's assassination, there were a number of investigative programmes shown here in the UK, but alas, this was in the days before I possessed a video recorder. I recall however a brief clip on one programme which showed Jack Ruby, post-Oswald killing, dressed in a suit being led through a room by a number of officials. As he passed by the rows of chairs set out to his left, a female reporter (not shown) followed him with a microphone and asked him a question about who he believed was responsible for Kennedy's murder and he answered, cautiously and it seems unheard by his escorts 'Well, the man who's in office now' and he continued walking.

I don't know if the reporter was Dorothy Killgallen and I've never seen that clip again, nor heard it referred to, neither after so many years can I remember what the programme name was – though I don't think it was part of the infamous Turner documentaries.

Does anyone else recall seeing this?

Welcome to the forum.

Very interesting posting. I have never heard of this but I am sure someone else on the forum will be able to give you an answer.

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I may be wrong but I believe that comment came from a History Channel documentary which was a part of their 'History's Mysteries' series. It was about Jack Ruby and singulary failed to scratch the surface of Ruby and his connections.

That comment and the cryptic statement he made about being 'put in the position he was', was passed off as the ramblings of burgeoning insanity.

I too was taken aback by the comment. I'm also positive I have seen that particular clip in another documentary which escapes me for the moment.



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I can't tell you who the female reporter was but I do know that one of the reporters present for the exchange was Otis H. King.

I have his signed description of the event and of Ruby's quote which was "Ask the man who is up there now" in response to the question as to "What's behind this Jack."

Mr. King was alive as recently as two years ago and had just published a book on his experience as one of the Marine surviviors of Batann and Corregidor. At that time he lived in the Dallas area. His book is tittled Alamo of the Pacific and was published by Branch-Smith of Forth Worth.

His impression was that Ruby was certainly quite serious about the remark.

-- Larry

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The following is in the video documentary The JFK Assassination: The Jim Garrison Tapes.

Ruby: "The people who had so much to gain and such an ulterior motive to put me in the position I'm in will never let the true facts come above board to the world."

Reporter: "Are these people in very high positions Jack?"

Ruby: "Yes."

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Linda, the programme you are talking about was a Channel Four documentary called "The Day The Dream Died" which is out on video too. Ruby clearly states "If Adlai Stevenson had become Vice-President there never would have been an assassination of our beloved President Kennedy." When asked if he can add any more he says" well the answer is the man in office now." He is implicating Johnson obviously. Mark.

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