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There Was No Bullet Wound in John F. Kennedy's Throat

Ashton Gray

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5. Anybody who believes there was any kind of conspiracy involved in the murder, but believes that the conspirators HAD NOT arranged any kind of control at Parkland for the aftermath, is every bit as fall-down funny to me. In fact, having plants at Parkland was absolutely primary to any HOPE of success in pinning it all on Oswald, precisely BECAUSE of the inescapable requirement of being able to CONTROL the bullets/fragments issue and plant false "evidence."

And what, pray tell, makes you think they wanted to pin it all on Oswald?

Following the Prosector's Scenario of a high tech weapon strike: the FBI had been officially briefed on foreign use of MKNAOMI-style technology.


<quote on>

Senseney: And the only thing that I can say is, I just have to suppose that, having been told to maintain the sort of show and tell

display of hardware that we had on sort of stockpile for them, these were not items that could be used. They were display

items like you would see in a museum, and they used those to show to the agents as well as to the FBI, to acquaint them

with possible ways that other people could attack our own people. (pg 163)

Baker: ...There are about 60 agencies of Government that do either intelligence or law enforcement work.

Senseney: I am sure most all of those knew of what we were doing; yes...

Senseney...The FBI never used anything. They were only shown so they could be aware of what might be brought into the country.

(pg 166)

<quote off>

The FBI was primed to blame all-hole/no-metal wounds on foreign perps.

If Oswald had been gunned down soon after JFK, the FBI was primed to blame an international conspiracy.

Edited by Cliff Varnell
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9. Did I mention that confusion is the CIA's No. 1 product?

Did Dr. Sidney Gottlieb's Technical Services Staff work for the Central Intelligence Agency -- or did the CIA work for the TSS?

According to Hank Albarelli a key part of the Federal Bureau of Narcotics worked for TSS.

A Secret Order, pg: 14 (emphasis added)

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[D]uring WWII George Hunter White and a number of other [Federal Bureau of Narcotics] agents assigned to the Office of Strategic Services (OSS), precursor to the CIA, worked very closely in New York City with Port Security and the Office of Naval Intelligence on what is now commonly called Operation Underworld. This was the top-secret project that involved freeing infamous gangster Charles "Lucky" Luciano from prison in return for his, and the Mafia's, assistance with security at America's ports and the Allied invasion of Italy. All the FBN agents assigned to work on Operation Underworld went on to become covert operatives of the CIA, and would become involved with Projects MK/ULTRA and MK/NAOMI.

<quote off>

Edited by Cliff Varnell
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...If Oswald had been gunned down soon after JFK, the FBI was primed to blame an international conspiracy.

Cliff, actually, the Dallas Police and Sheriff's officers had instantly blamed an international conspiracy.

They were quick to accuse Ruth Paine before the day was over.

It was US Assistant Attorney General Nicholas Katzenbach who pushed back on Texas Attorney General Waggoner Carr to demand PROOF, and Waggoner Carr called Dallas DA Henry Wade, who quickly backed away.

Henry Wade testified that he heard almost nothing but "Communist Conspiracy" nonsense from everybody at the Dallas Police Department -- but he claimed that he discounted it all, first and foremost because anybody could call anybody a Communist, and it was only one more superfluous thing to prove in a murder-one trial.

The only thing Henry Wade said he needed was LHO's rifle and spent bullets at the TSBD, with one recognizable fragment of one bullet that could be tied to the victims. Said Wade, "I've sent men to the electric chair on less evidence than this."

Anyway, although many in Dallas -- especially Ex-General Edwin Walker -- continued to claim a "Communist Conspiracy" in the murder of JFK, it was paradoxically the FBI under J. Edgar Hoover who cut that doctrine short -- and instead insisted upon a "Lone Nut" theory.

Neither theory was correct. It wasn't the Communists. It wasn't a "Lone Nut." We are only arguing about who was remaining.

I say that the US Government was the JFK Cover-up Team, but not the JFK Kill Team. I offer as evidence the new book by Dr. Jeffrey Caufield: General Walker and the Murder of President Kennedy; the Extensive New Evidence of a Radical Right Conspiracy (2015).


--Paul Trejo

<edit typos>

Edited by Paul Trejo
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The Lone Nut theory, which is a total fabrication, was created by J. Edgar Hoover -- but not to conceal the murderers of JFK, rather, to prevent World War III. It was a matter of National Security. LBJ agreed. Allen Dulles agreed. Earl Warren agreed. It was now US Policy.

It seems clear to me that you grossly underestimate the CIA. They always play both sides of the game. Always. ALWAYS.

The prime "fabrication" was the tortured and contradictory "history" and connections of a man named Lee Harvey Oswald, whose past and actions, at all relevant times, have been so clouded in incomprehensibility that some investigators have become convinced that there had to be two of "him."

I hope you don't honestly think for a moment that J. Edgar Hoser had either the imagination or means of creating such a hybrid disposable creature. I hope you don't honestly think for a moment that J. Edgar Handmaiden had the foresight or means to have that miserable creature disposed of in plain daylight while in the custody of police and in front of a crowd.

All I'm going to say further on this right now is that this pathetic, gullible, and suggestible person who was gunned down in a parking garage to end all hope of justice ever being done had been PERFECTLY MODELED AND FRAMED TO ALLOW FOR E*I*T*H*E*R "INTERPRETATION" OF MOTIVE AND MASTERMIND: "LONE NUT" OR "INTERNATIONAL POLITICAL CONSPIRACY."

I hope you don't honestly think for a moment that any of that was accidental. Oswald was created and groomed to be a PIVOT POINT for just such crisis-bred confusion and indecision, with the threat of potential nuclear war hanging in the balance.

There is only one agency in the world that had the motive, means, and opportunity. "Allen Dulles agreed"? Ya think? Given that he was the chief architect, the grunt work overseen by his henchmen McCone and Helms, yeah, he "agreed" all right.

...with a couple of CIA rogues...they were rogues, IMHO, supporting a civilian plot

Please don't be an easy mark for the CIA's favorite "plausible deniability" con-job propaganda. There is no such thing. They are ALL "rogues." They are arrogant, amoral elitists and professional liars who are quite certain that they are transcendent to any and all laws—moral, sectarian, national, and international—and that they "know best."

Here are some quotes of note from one of their own, who was a major player in the creation and execution of Watergate, the hoax:

Once I was inside the government, my awareness of how easily and pervasively Congress, the public, and journalists were fooled and misled contributed to a lack of respect for them and their potential contribution to better policy. That in turn made it easier to accept, to participate in, to keep quiet about practices of secrecy and deception that fooled them further and kept them ignorant of the real issues that were occupying and dividing inside policy makers. Their resulting ignorance made it all the more obvious that they must leave these problems to us.

—Daniel Ellsberg
Ashton Gray
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Well stated, Ashton. I sometimes wonder just how many scenarios, in addition to the Lone Nut and International Political Conspiracy, were planned for and how many other patsies, in how many other cities, narrowly missed being the selected assassin.

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Anyway, although many in Dallas -- especially Ex-General Edwin Walker -- continued to claim a "Communist Conspiracy" in the murder of JFK, it was paradoxically the FBI under J. Edgar Hoover who cut that doctrine short -- and instead insisted upon a "Lone Nut" theory.

There is absolutely no doubt that the CIA's Paul Gaynor had Edwin Walker in Gaynor's infamous "fag file," and that at all relevant times Walker was completely under CIA control as a result.

The entire "assassination attempt" on Walker is utterly absurd, and THE ONLY ACCOUNT OF HOW IT HAPPENED COMES FROM WALKER HIMSELF. He was nowhere near where that bullet was shot into his home, the ONLY purpose being to get a bullet from that gun into evidence, deformed though it was. Walker was a willing participant in the staged "assassination attempt," with little scratches to show he was "injured" from splinters. What a load of transparent BS.

Around the time of this staged "assassination attempt," the rifle DISAPPEARED for at least a number of days, and the ex post facto "explanation" is that Oswald had buried it somewhere near some railroad tracks. CODSWOLLOP! There had to be an "explanation" for the whereabouts of the rifle because IT WAS BEING USED DURING THAT TIME TO COLLECT BULLETS FIRED FROM IT FOR LATER USE AS "EVIDENCE" IN THE JFK ASSASSINATION.

Confusion is the CIA's No. 1 product. They ALWAYS play both sides of the game.

Ashton Gray

Edited by Ashton Gray
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Anyway, although many in Dallas -- especially Ex-General Edwin Walker -- continued to claim a "Communist Conspiracy" in the murder of JFK, it was paradoxically the FBI under J. Edgar Hoover who cut that doctrine short -- and instead insisted upon a "Lone Nut" theory.

This is factually incorrect.

Hoover was clearly on board with the Oswald-the-Red-Agent scenario.

Someone Would Have Talked, Larry Hancock, pg 288:

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4:19 PM, Hoover memo related that he had told RFK that the killer has "Communist leanings" and is a "very mean-minded individual." Hoover also related and confirmed again in a 5:15 PM memo that the subject Oswald "went to Cuba on several occasions but would not tell us what he went to Cuba for." It is true that Hoover did pass on what appears to be some early misinformation about real time events in Dallas but it is hard to interpret the Cuba reference as a mistake since it would have had to come from Oswald's files. Hoover does not mention Oswald's activities in Mexico City or New Orleans or any suspicious contacts or connections.

<quote off>

It was all set up to frame a dead patsy.

But the patsy was captured alive, so cooler heads had to prevail.

And it wasn't J. Edgar Hoover.

The President Has Been Shot. Charles Roberts, p. 141. A reporter for Newsweek, Roberts was on AF1 as it returned to Washington with the president's body. He wrote about the arrival at Andrews and the unloading of the casket.

<quote on>

I remember looking at (McGeorge) Bundy because I was wondering if he had any word of what had happened in the world while we were in transit, whether this assassination was part of a plot. And he told me later that what he reported to the president during that flight back was that the whole world was stunned, but there was no evidence of a conspiracy at all.

<quote off>

It was Bundy who put the kibosh on the conspiracy angle.

Edited by Cliff Varnell
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Anyway, although many in Dallas -- especially Ex-General Edwin Walker -- continued to claim a "Communist Conspiracy" in the murder of JFK, it was paradoxically the FBI under J. Edgar Hoover who cut that doctrine short -- and instead insisted upon a "Lone Nut" theory.

There is absolutely no doubt that the CIA's Paul Gaynor had Edwin Walker in Gaynor's infamous "fag file," and that at all relevant times Walker was completely under CIA control as a result.

The entire "assassination attempt" on Walker is utterly absurd, and THE ONLY ACCOUNT OF HOW IT HAPPENED COMES FROM WALKER HIMSELF. He was nowhere near where that bullet was shot into his home, the ONLY purpose being to get a bullet from that gun into evidence, deformed though it was. Walker was a willing participant in the staged "assassination attempt," with little scratches to show he was "injured" from splinters. What a load of transparent BS.

Around the time of this staged "assassination attempt," the rifle DISAPPEARED for at least a number of days, and the ex post facto "explanation" is that Oswald had buried it somewhere near some railroad tracks. CODSWOLLOP! There had to be an "explanation" for the whereabouts of the rifle because IT WAS BEING USED DURING THAT TIME TO COLLECT BULLETS FIRED FROM IT FOR LATER USE AS "EVIDENCE" IN THE JFK ASSASSINATION.

Confusion is the CIA's No. 1 product. They ALWAYS play both sides of the game.

Ashton Gray

This is assuming, of course, that a 6.5mm Carcano M91/38 short rifle bearing serial number C2766 was used in the Walker shooting.

I still like to think the detectives investigating the Walker shooting were more competent than most consider, and that a steel jacketed bullet (or a bullet jacketed in material that could be mistaken for steel) was actually recovered from the Walker residence, and not the copper alloy jacketed bullet that became CE 573.

Walker himself adamantly maintained CE 573 was not the bullet recovered from his residence although, unfortunately, he did not make any comments about the jacket material.

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Also, there is some question as to whether or not CE 573 was fired from C2766. The FBI's SA Robert A. Frazier testified to the WC about CE 573, and the measurements he gave for this bullet work out to a bullet diameter smaller than a 6.5mm Carcano bullet.

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There is absolutely no doubt that the CIA's Paul Gaynor had Edwin Walker in Gaynor's infamous "fag file," and that at all relevant times Walker was completely under CIA control as a result....

Confusion is the CIA's No. 1 product. They ALWAYS play both sides of the game.

Ashton Gray

Well, Ashton, just because a person is gay -- as General Walker evidently was -- does not disqualify them from a JFK assassination plot.

As for the CIA -- I'm not trying to give them a pass -- but the evidence doesn't point toward them, IMHO. As I see the evidence, the CIA is concerned almost exclusively with International crime -- while the FBI is concerned almost exclusively with National crime.

The FBI and the CIA would actually clash when a suspect crossed the borders to and from the USA -- demanding to see the files from the other side -- with inconsistent results.

IMHO, the first appearance of LHO for the CIA is shown in the manuscript of David Atlee Phillips, The AMLASH Legacy (1988), where Phillips explains that the CIA was working on many plots to kill Fidel Castro, and LHO was part of one plot. In that plot, LHO was a Fake FPCC Director, who went to Mexico City to try to get instant passage into Cuba to meet the local Kill-Fidel team. LHO was still waiting for his Havana visa there in Dallas, as far as DAP was concerned.

Antonio Veciana's sighting of LHO along with "Maurice Bishop" (DAP) in Dallas was a related sighting, also in the context of the Kill-Fidel scenario.

There is a free eBook by Bill Simpich, entitled, State Secret: Wiretapping in Mexico City (2014) which I think conclusively proves that the CIA high-command had no idea who impersonated LHO over the heavily-wiretapped Cuban Consulate telephone to the USSR Embassy, claiming to be LHO and asking for KGB assassin Valerey Kostikov.

But the CIA knew it wasn't LHO, and they knew that the impersonator had inside information about CIA wire-tapping in Mexico City. So they started a top-secret Mole Hunt. This is demonstrated exhaustively by Bill Simpich -- and I consider his eBook to be required reading in 21st century JFK CT's (on the same level as The Lopez Report).

The CIA considered LHO to be a Cuba-conflict flunky -- even below the level of Frank Sturgis, Gerry Patrick Hemming, Loran Hall and Larry Howard, IMHO, because these guys had already fought in Cuba.

The CIA is simply unnecessary in a consistent Dallas plot to assassinate JFK.


--Paul Trejo

Edited by Paul Trejo
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C. Newton;

In the General Walker video you just posted the next door neighbor boy relates that within seconds of the shot sound and running to the fence ( overlooking the area that he apparently heard the shot emanate from ) that he saw a "black Ford" going down the driveway and little farther past the Ford he saw a 1958 Chevrolet ( he seemed very confident on that specific car ID point ) and a man in the 58 Chevy throwing a rifle in the back seat and then leaving.

If this now grown neighbor boy's recollection is true, it would be so hard to accept the theory that Oswald did this alone and simply ran with the gun, ditched it, and then caught a late night bus home.

Do you believe the neighbor boy's story?

Personally, I believe ordinary people witnesses more than anyone tied to the government and military who have careers and retirement pensions to protect number one over the truth if the truth is not what the Government wants the public to know.

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Excellent citation, Chris. I'm convinced that this young witness of the Walker shooting remains believable, and that this video demonstrates:

(1) There were multiple people involved in the Walker shooting.

(2) The shooters were driving toward and away from the Walker house in two automobiles.

This, of course, contradicts what LHO told Marina Oswald -- namely: (1) that he was alone; (2) he was on foot; and (3) he buried his rifle.

Yet LHO continually lied to Marina. This was one of the weaknesses of her WC testimony -- she only knew what LHO told her about his private life, which was sanitized of people and transportation.

Yet LHO confessed to Marina about his role in the Walker shooting (as Marina testified) and this connected the dots for her, regarding LHO's photo album of memorabilia of General Walker in his private room (aside from the BYP).

LHO had come home about midnight that night (although the Walker shooting was about 9pm).

Here's what General Walker himself wrote to Senator Frank Church about it:



--Paul Trejo

Edited by Paul Trejo
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