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Taking the next step forward in research

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Hello all,

First of all I apologise for the length of this thread but I feel I need to say this.

I am a relative novice on the topic of the JFK assassination compared to others on this forum and I think that the work done on this forum and others is phenominal , that ordinary men and women care enough to look so deeply into a subject such as this.

A lot has been done but I can't help but feel that we need to act now if we are going to get anything done about it. The Government are definitely not going to change the history books so I think that it is up to us to involve more people and let the truth be known.

This may sound a bit utopian and lovey dovey but we need to work together to get our story to a bigger audience. We need to contact people who write the history books for schools and do our best to convince them to change from the official story, if everyone on this forum went to a few local schools and gave a brief talk about the assassination and its importance today or even showed gave the schools a lend of JFK the movie (flawed though it is, it is still a huge asset), if any author writing on the topic gave links to websites in their books so that people may be able to follow up any interest they have because at present if they stumble upon the Mcadams site first they are going to think that a conspiracy is laughable. We need to help producers by any means possible to make documentaries and films as it is through film and television that breakthroughs are going to be made.

Should John Kerry be elected there is a slightly better chance of documents being released and if we can collectively contact politicians (non-corrupt that is) to let them know that the assassination still matters to many people.

We could set up an international panel of experts which would bring credibility to the case e.g. Mark Lane, Prof. Cyril Wecht.

We need to establish a database of articles and books written on this topic for easy reference to any would be researchers. This would all be difficult work but it is my belief that it needs to be done in order to move forward. As every year goes by more and more research is done yet the chance of having anything come to light lessens .

Perhaps I am being a fool as this is a huge workload to undertake for such a small amount of people but everybodies interest has taken them this far so why not go the whole hog. I want answers and I know that everyone else does too.

Please give me your feedback good, bad, or indiferent.


John Geraghty

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You make some good points. Historians have tended to avoid the study of JFK’s death. There have been some notable exceptions. Richard D. Mahoney is one I would recommend you take a look at. However, it is mainly journalists who have tackled the subject.

I taught the JFK assassination in schools for over 20 years. It was probably the most popular subject I taught. However, it is true, despite the investigative approach of nearly all history textbooks in the UK, they always avoid the subject of who killed JFK. I hope my website will change that.

I would be interested in finding out how the JFK assassination is treated in schools and colleges in other countries.

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John, I would like to make sure you're aware of Rex Bradford's Historymatters website, which has mountains of info without LN editorializing. I found the HSCA Report particularly fascinating.

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from time to time, I have made similar pleas. It falls on deaf ears.

That is not to say some aren't trying. Indeed, at least one researcher is trying to use legal grounds to force a Congressional Committee to resolve conflicts in the historical records. There is specific legislation covering this. He is also talking about an international video conference on these issues. Another researcher has been trying to get a Grand Jury together.

How successful these people will be, remains to be seen. They have very limited resources.

I would leave people like Mark Lane out of it. Nothing against Lane, but the fact is, Waren Commission defenders (including mainstream media) have succeeded in associating his name with the "wild" conspiricists. His involvement would take the focus away from the case and put it onto him, at the same time allowing everyone involved to be tarnished with the same brush. What is needed is having respected politicians and reporters on side.

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I do think that the initiative has to be taken and I am going to persist with this although i live outside the us which makes things considerably more difficult, I am going to contact all whom I can and try to get a foundation to work on. Who is it trying to get a grand jury together etc? if you do not wish to post it here my email address is wereallgointaheavenlads@hotmail.com (a bit of a mouthful) , I would very much like your help should you be willing, that goes for anyone else who would like to help and brainstorm.


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I do think that the initiative has to be taken and I am going to persist with this although i live outside the us which makes things considerably more difficult, I am going to contact all whom I can and try to get a foundation to work on. Who is it trying to get a grand jury together etc? if you do not wish to post it here my email address is wereallgointaheavenlads@hotmail.com (a bit of a mouthful) , I would very much like your help should you be willing, that goes for anyone else who would like to help and brainstorm.


Hi John,

I'll send you a personal reply.

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