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Giuliani Told Towers Would Collapse, Alex Jones 9 11 Silverstein WTC 7 Clip

Foreknowledge of Building 7's Collapse

Dr. Graeme MacQueen

Even though World Trade Center Building 7 is said to have been the first steel-framed building in history to undergo total collapse due to fire, there were many people who knew the building was going to collapse long before it did. In this presentation, the evidence for this peculiar foreknowledge will be summarized and its significance discussed. The argument will be made that it is impossible to explain this foreknowledge on the basis of the collapse hypothesis offered by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). The only hypothesis that explains this foreknowledge is the controlled demolition hypothesis.

(Full Version: HD) (more to come in coming days)


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Giuliani Told Towers Would Collapse, Alex Jones 9 11 Silverstein WTC 7 Clip

Foreknowledge of Building 7's Collapse

Dr. Graeme MacQueen

Even though World Trade Center Building 7 is said to have been the first steel-framed building in history to undergo total collapse due to fire, there were many people who knew the building was going to collapse long before it did. In this presentation, the evidence for this peculiar foreknowledge will be summarized and its significance discussed. The argument will be made that it is impossible to explain this foreknowledge on the basis of the collapse hypothesis offered by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). The only hypothesis that explains this foreknowledge is the controlled demolition hypothesis.

Thus by implication the FDNY commanders who said they observed signs the build was unstable are liars involved at a minimum in the cover-up. What an asshole!

(Full Version: HD) (more to come in coming days)

80 minutes of babble!? I can't believe anyone but a true believer will watch this.

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Already discussed to death the FDNY had been predicting the building would collapse for hours, some where along the line news that it was about to collapse was confused to it had collapsed. The notion that the plotters would risk blowing the operation by providing 'scripts' to various TV networks is ludicrous.

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Operation Mockingbird

By John Simkin




NY Times: Government Censors Control Nearly Every Major News Outlet


The New York Times article shockingly admits that virtually every major mainstream news organization are required to submit stories to government censors for approval.

After reading this article you’ll never trust TV news again.

In one of the most shocking articles that the New York Times has ever put out, a New York Times reporter has openly admitted that virtually every major mainstream news organization allows government bureaucrats and campaign officials to censor their stories. For example, almost every major news organization in the country has agreed to submit virtually all quotes from anyone involved in the Obama campaign or the Romney campaign to gatekeepers for “quote approval” before they will be published. If the gatekeeper in the Obama campaign does not want a certain quote to get out, the American people will not see it, and the same thing applies to the Romney campaign. The goal is to keep the campaigns as “on message” as possible and to avoid gaffes at all cost. But this kind of thing is not just happening with political campaigns. According to the New York Times, “quote approval” has become “commonplace throughout Washington”. In other words, if you see a quote in the newspaper from someone in the federal government then it is safe to say that a gatekeeper has almost certainly reviewed that quote and has approved it. This is another sign that “the free and independent media” in this country is a joke. What we get from the mainstream media is a very highly filtered form of propaganda, and that is one reason why Americans are turning away from the mainstream media in droves. People want the truth, and more Americans than ever realize that they are not getting it from the mainstream media.

The following quote comes from the recent article in the New York Times mentioned above and it is absolutely jaw dropping….

The quotations come back redacted, stripped of colorful metaphors, colloquial language and anything even mildly provocative.

They are sent by e-mail from the Obama headquarters in Chicago to reporters who have interviewed campaign officials under one major condition: the press office has veto power over what statements can be quoted and attributed by name.

Most reporters, desperate to pick the brains of the president’s top strategists, grudgingly agree. After the interviews, they review their notes, check their tape recorders and send in the juiciest sound bites for review.

The verdict from the campaign — an operation that prides itself on staying consistently on script — is often no, Barack Obama does not approve this message.

This is an article that everyone needs to read. If you have not read it yet, you can find it right here.

What all of this means is that both the Obama campaign and the Romney campaign essentially have “veto power” over any quotes from those campaigns that we see in the newspapers.

According to the New York Times, virtually every major news organization has agreed to submit their quotes for “quote approval”….

It was difficult to find a news outlet that had not agreed to quote approval, albeit reluctantly. Organizations like Bloomberg, The Washington Post, Vanity Fair, Reuters and The New York Times have all consented to interviews under such terms.

This is absolutely disgusting, and it goes against everything that our media is supposed to stand for.

The following is what Joseph Farah had to say when he learned about this story….

All I can say about these people I once considered “colleagues” is that I am so ashamed of them. I am mortified. They are humiliating themselves and a vital institution for any free society.

It seems the biggest threat to the American tradition of a free and independent press is not government coercion. It’s the willing submission of the press to being handled and managed by government and politicians.

Keep in mind that Joseph Farah has been working in the world of journalism for decades. He is deeply saddened to see what is happening to a profession that he deeply loves.

But he is not the only one.

Just check out what Dan Rather had to say during a speech back in 2009….

“At my age and stage I’ve finally reached the point where I don’t have to kiss up to anybody,” he said. “What a wonderful feeling it is.”

Even so, his talk emphasized what he believes is the erosion of quality journalism, because of the corporatization, politicization, and “trivialization” of news. Those three factors, Rather argued, have fueled the “dumbing down and sleezing up of news” and the decline of “great American journalism.”

Likening media consolidation to that of the banking industry, Rather claimed that “roughly 80 percent” of the media is controlled by no more than six, and possibly as few as four, corporations.

And Dan Rather is right. The control over the media in the United States is more tightly concentrated than ever before.

Back in the early 1980s, approximately 50 corporations essentially had nearly total control of the media in the United States.

Today, just six monolithic media corporations dominate virtually everything you watch, hear and read.

These six gigantic corporations own television networks, publishing houses, movie studios, newspapers, radio stations, music labels and video game companies. Most Americans are absolutely addicted to information and entertainment, and those six massive corporations supply the vast majority of the information and entertainment that Americans take in.

The amount of control that those six corporate giants have is absolutely incredible. For example, the average American watches 153 hours of television a month. If you can beam 153 hours of “programming” into someone’s head each month, that gives you an awesome amount of influence over that person.

The six monolithic corporations mentioned above are Time Warner, Walt Disney, Viacom, Rupert Murdoch’s News Corp., CBS Corporation and NBC Universal.

There are some areas of the media that are not completely dominated by those corporations, but even control over those areas is becoming more highly concentrated than ever.

For example, Clear Channel now owns over 1000 radio stations across the United States. The power that Clear Channel has over the radio industry in America is absolutely staggering.

Even control over the Internet is becoming much more concentrated. Giant corporations such as Facebook, Google, Yahoo and Microsoft are increasingly controlling what we see and hear online.

But it really is the “big six” that dominate most of what we see, hear and read on a daily basis.

In a previous article, I detailed a portion of the vast media holdings of these gigantic corporations….


Today, six colossal media giants tower over all the rest. Much of the information in the chart below comes from mediaowners.com. The chart below reveals only a small fraction of the media outlets that these six behemoths actually own….

Time Warner

•Home Box Office (HBO)

•Time Inc.

•Turner Broadcasting System, Inc.

•Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc.

•CW Network (partial ownership)


•New Line Cinema

•Time Warner Cable


•Cartoon Network



•America Online



•Castle Rock

•Sports Illustrated


•Marie Claire

•People Magazine

Walt Disney

•ABC Television Network

•Disney Publishing

•ESPN Inc.

•Disney Channel




•Buena Vista Home Entertainment

•Buena Vista Theatrical Productions

•Buena Vista Records

•Disney Records

•Hollywood Records

•Miramax Films

•Touchstone Pictures

•Walt Disney Pictures

•Pixar Animation Studios

•Buena Vista Games

•Hyperion Books


•Paramount Pictures

•Paramount Home Entertainment

•Black Entertainment Television (BET)

•Comedy Central

•Country Music Television (CMT)



•MTV Canada


•Nick Magazine

•Nick at Nite

•Nick Jr.



•Spike TV

•The Movie Channel

•TV Land


News Corporation

•Dow Jones & Company, Inc.

•Fox Television Stations

•The New York Post

•Fox Searchlight Pictures


•Fox Business Network

•Fox Kids Europe

•Fox News Channel

•Fox Sports Net

•Fox Television Network


•My Network TV


•News Limited News

•Phoenix InfoNews Channel

•Phoenix Movies Channel

•Sky PerfecTV

•Speed Channel

•STAR TV India

•STAR TV Taiwan

•STAR World

•Times Higher Education Supplement Magazine

•Times Literary Supplement Magazine

•Times of London

•20th Century Fox Home Entertainment

•20th Century Fox International

•20th Century Fox Studios

•20th Century Fox Television



•The Wall Street Journal

•Fox Broadcasting Company

•Fox Interactive Media


•HarperCollins Publishers

•The National Geographic Channel

•National Rugby League

•News Interactive

•News Outdoor

•Radio Veronica


•Sky Italia

•Sky Radio Denmark

•Sky Radio Germany

•Sky Radio Netherlands



CBS Corporation

•CBS News

•CBS Sports

•CBS Television Network




•CBS Radio Inc. (130 stations)

•CBS Consumer Products

•CBS Outdoor

•CW Network (50% ownership)

•Infinity Broadcasting

•Simon & Schuster (Pocket Books, Scribner)

•Westwood One Radio Network

NBC Universal



•NBC News


•NBC Sports

•NBC Television Network


•SciFi Magazine

•Syfy (Sci Fi Channel)


•USA Network

•Weather Channel

•Focus Features

•NBC Universal Television Distribution

•NBC Universal Television Studio

•Paxson Communications (partial ownership)


•Universal Parks & Resorts

•Universal Pictures

•Universal Studio Home Video


Please keep in mind that the list above is not exhaustive. It only contains a sampling of the companies that those six corporate giants own.

So are you starting to get an idea of how powerful they are?

If you ever wondered why the version of “the news” that you get is so similar no matter where you turn, it is because control of the news is concentrated in just a very few hands.

So who controls the “big six” media corporations?

Would it surprise you to know that the boards of directors of those big media corporations have a tremendous amount of overlap with the boards of directors of large banks, large oil companies and large pharmaceutical companies?

The following is from the Fairness & Accuracy in Reporting website….

Media corporations share members of the board of directors with a variety of other large corporations, including banks, investment companies, oil companies, health care and pharmaceutical companies and technology companies.

You can find a list that shows how these boards of directors overlap and interlock right here.

The giant media corporations are not going to criticize the establishment because they are the establishment.

The messages that these media behemoths pound into our heads are going to be the messages that the establishment wants pounded into our heads.

Anyone that believes that the mainstream media is “independent” and that it does not have “an agenda” is being delusional.

Of course it is also worth mentioning that much of what we get from the mainstream media is also often directly controlled by the federal government.

Former Washington Post reporter Carl Bernstein (of Woodward and Bernstein fame) has discovered thathundreds of American journalists have worked directly for the CIA.

Not that the federal government and the establishment are opposed to one another. The truth is that they very much work together hand in hand. But sometimes the federal government has slightly different priorities than the corporate establishment does.

In any event, the key point to take away from all this is that the news and entertainment that we all enjoy on a daily basis if very highly censored and very highly controlled.

It is imperative that we understand that those that own and control the media are trying to shape society in a certain way. They want to impose their values and their vision of the future on all the rest of us.

You will notice that none of the major news organizations speak out against the “Big Brother” police state control grid that is going in all around us.

Instead, they insist that all of this added “security” will keep us safe even as our liberties and freedoms are being badly eroded.

You will notice that none of the major news organizations speak out against the population control agenda of the global elite.

Instead, they insist that more “family planning” will help the environment and make the world a more prosperous place for all of us.

You will notice that none of the major news organizations speak out against the Federal Reserve and none of them are warning us about the financial collapse that is rapidly approaching.

Instead, they tell us to keep having faith in the system and they promise us that everything is going to be okay.

Well, you can mindlessly believe the corporate media if you want, but I believe that in this day and age it is absolutely imperative that we all learn to think for ourselves.

Don’t be a mindless robot for anyone.

Think for yourself and make your own decisions.

The truth is out there and you can find it if you are willing to go search for it.

Source: The Toronto Post

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Edited by Steven Gaal
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I wrote:

Already discussed to death the FDNY had been predicting the building would collapse for hours, some where along the line news that it was about to collapse was confused to it had collapsed. The notion that the plotters would risk blowing the operation by providing 'scripts' to various TV networks is ludicrous.

Read that enough times for you to grok it.

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Already discussed to death the FDNY had been predicting the building would collapse for hours, some where along the line news that it was about to collapse was confused to it had collapsed. The notion that the plotters would risk blowing the operation by providing 'scripts' to various TV networks is ludicrous.

Read that enough times for you to grok it. // END COLBY


There are numerous examples of intel. agencies bungling operations // END COLBY (other thread)



NY Times: Government Censors Control Nearly Every Major News Outlet

Edited by Steven Gaal
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9/11/2001 11 Yrs Later - Explosive Eyewitness Evidence. Published on Sep 22, 2012 by 911THEFILES 2 hours 13 minutes


Published on Sep 22, 2012 by 911THEFILES

A compilation of Eyewitness statements and media reports from 11th September 2001 New York, USA...

Thank you to all the 9/11 Researchers who have contributed clips to this compilation.

Especially - 911Investigationvids,MKmonarch,Xenomorph911,wearechangenj.and the much missed irancontrascumdid911.

Thank you all, for the dedication,you are truly inspiring.

After seeing Professor Graeme McQueen at last years Toronto Hearings into 911, i decided to assemble all the eyewitness statenents and media reports of explosions into one compilation,this compilation is far from complete but does serve to illustrate Professor McQueen`s observations that reports of explosions were commonplace on the day of 9/11 ,but slowly disappeared from the mainstream over the coming few days.

As the good Professor says himself ,First Hand eyewitness evidence is crucial and extremely important.and yes eyewitness evidence can be submitted to a REAL investigation.

You may ask yourself- Did the 9/11 Comission see these clips?

And if they did (they did ) why is none of this mentioned in their report.?

As the 9/11 researchers have worked through the NIST Cumulus Database Release it has become obvious why the battle to get the clips released to the public took so long.

They whole morning is full of reports of explosions ,across all the networks,and many eyewitnesses describe explosions.

They cant all be mistaken.

For further research i recommend reading the Oral Histories of the NYFD on the New York Times website...again Professor McQueen has done some great work in this area.

Yet NIST refuse to consider the controlled demolition hypothesis entirely.


Now that is the definition of a cover-up.

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I guess this will come as a surprise to Mr. Gaal and other truthers but when there are large fires in office buildings filled with flammable materials (including massive amounts of jet fuel) things can explode. Most of the reports that truthers point to came well before the buildings collapsed or even became visible unstable so they don't fit CD theories. While in true CDs loud explosions and visible flashes precede initiation of collapse the numerous videos of the collapses didn't register either.

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1. numerous videos of the collapses didn't register either. // end Colby

2. numerous others did

3. Tom Sullivan (Explosives Loader) - "9/11 Explosive Evidence - Experts speak out"

You may ask yourself- Did the 9/11 Comission see these clips?

And if they did (they did ) why is none of this mentioned in their report.?

As the 9/11 researchers have worked through the NIST Cumulus Database Release it has become obvious why the battle to get the clips released to the public took so long.

They whole morning is full of reports of explosions ,across all the networks,and many eyewitnesses describe explosions.

They cant all be mistaken.

Edited by Steven Gaal
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1. numerous videos of the collapses didn't register either. // end Colby

2. numerous others did

Then you'll have no problem posting such clips here.

3. Tom Sullivan (Explosives Loader) - "9/11 Explosive Evidence - Experts speak out"

An explosives loader is a low level technician, they assit powder carriers who in turn assit blasters*. He also worked as a photographer, based on what he says I guess he worked more as the later than as the former. Much of what he says is pure BS, He...:

...dissembled about thermite cutter charges but said items don't exist. Post a reliable reference to thermite being used in building demolitions.

...claimed that modern cutter charges are completely consumed by the blasts, but, but here are remnants of the copper jacketing from the 2007 demo of the Philadelphia Civic Center


... claimed that remote detonators would eliminate the need for det. cord but that's noy true according the site of this company which many truthers point to


*Explosives loaders help the Blaster and Powder Carrier in transporting explosives to and from

the magazines and handling explosives during loading operations."


They whole morning is full of reports of explosions ,across all the networks,and many eyewitnesses describe explosions.

They cant all be mistaken.

See post #84

EDIT - Typo

Edited by Len Colby
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9/11/2001 11 Yrs Later - Explosive Eyewitness Evidence. Published on Sep 22, 2012 by 911THEFILES 2 hours 13 minutes

COLBY OTHER THREAD had NO TIME FOR 1 hr audio interview but here wants clips posted here of 2 hr 13 min movie ??

AS requested

Edited by Steven Gaal
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9/11/2001 11 Yrs Later - Explosive Eyewitness Evidence. Published on Sep 22, 2012 by 911THEFILES 2 hours 13 minutes

COLBY OTHER THREAD had NO TIME FOR 1 hr audio interview but here wants clips posted here of 2 hr 13 min movie ??

AS requested

So someone wanting to verify your claims has to watch 2 hours plus of clips in hopes of finding the supposed clips. Sorry that's an insufficient citation especially because there is no mention of there being sounds of explosions in the uploaders comments "he" described it as "a compilation of Eyewitness statements and media reports". So once again you seem to be making stuff up, prove me wrong, tell us how many hours:mins:secs into the video these clips appear.

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So once again you seem to be making stuff up, prove me wrong, tell us how many hours:mins:secs into the video these clips appear.

// end COLBY


?????? Colby refuses to look at the evidence and then makes a childlike outburst.

++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ for the short attension span people

9/11 Explosive Eyewitness Testimony

9/11 EyeWitnesses To WTC Lobby Explosion - NIST FOIA

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So once again you seem to be making stuff up, prove me wrong, tell us how many hours:mins:secs into the video these clips appear.

// end COLBY


?????? Colby refuses to look at the evidence and then makes a childlike outburst.

LOL hugely ironic that you of all people would accuse someone else of making “a childlike outburst” your posts were filled with such outbursts to till you were threatened with moderation. As noted previously it is unreasonable to have to watch an entire 2 hour plus video to possibly see some short clips,especially if the description of the video indicates the requested clips are NOT in it and asking someone where exactly in a lengthy video the supposed clips appear is not “refus[ing] to look at the evidence”Ironic also that you bring up attention span because YOU lost track of what we were talking about.

Let's review [all times GMT]. On 28 September 2012 - 01:44 PM: I wrote

I guess this will come as a surprise to Mr. Gaal and other truthers but when there are large fires in office buildings filled with flammable materials (including massive amounts of jet fuel) things can explode. Most of the reports that truthers point to came well before the buildings collapsed or even became visible unstable so they don't fit CD theories. While
in true CDs loud explosions and visible flashes precede initiation of collapse the numerous videos of the collapses didn't register either.

So I was clearly referring to the lack of videos of showing “ loud explosions and visible flashes preced[ing] initiation of collapse” in the towers. You replied: (8 September 2012 - 06:23 PM) “...numerous others did” to which I responded (29 September 2012 - 12:19 AM) “Then you'll have no problem posting such clips here,” but you have yet to post such clips. You'll have a hard time finding any because they don't exist.

++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ for the short attension span people

9/11 Explosive Eyewitness Testimony

Yawn, the lobby/elevator shaft explosions are old hat they were discussed in both the 9/11 Commission and NIST reports. Still waiting for clips showing “ loud explosions and visible flashes preced[ing] initiation of collapse” in the towers as in CDs

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