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Article: Shocking evidence Hitler escaped Germany

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Excerpt from pp. 179–183 of Martin Bormann, Nazi in Exile (part 1 Borman)

Posted by FTR July 17, 2005

The SS sergeant said that much later he had met up with Bormann’s com­pan­ion of those fate­ful ten days; he assured him that the party min­is­ter had made it safely through the British lines by fol­low­ing the Auto­bahn to the out­skirts of Flens­burg, where he was to make con­tact with Grand Admi­ral Doenitz.

Mar­tin Bor­mann, in the interim, had met Hein­rich Mueller, who had slipped out of Berlin ear­lier and was wait­ing in a pre­arranged safe house. Mueller told Bor­mann it would not be wise to meet with the new Reich pres­i­dent, who by now had car­ried out the uncon­di­tional sur­ren­der in both Rheims and Berlin. He pre­dicted a war crimes trial of all Ger­man lead­ers, and said that Bor­mann would be invit­ing seri­ous dif­fi­culty if he sur­faced at this par­tic­u­lar time. Mar­tin Bor­mann secluded him­self in a pri­vate Ger­man san­i­tar­ium in Schleswig-Holstein. The Gestapo chief, tak­ing on the secu­rity of the new party min­is­ter and of his safe trans­porta­tion to South Amer­ica by assorted routes, made the exact plans that he would effect at pre­cisely the right time.

Mueller had already ini­ti­ated a strat­egy of decep­tion to explain his own dis­ap­pear­ance from promi­nent cir­cles in Berlin. The week he slipped out of the Ger­man cap­i­tal, his griev­ing fam­ily gath­ered for his “funeral.” A cof­fin was borne to a ceme­tery where it was buried with appro­pri­ate cer­e­mony. The grave was marked with a head­stone bear­ing the words “Our Dear Daddy,” Mueller’s name, his birth­date, and the date of his alleged death in Berlin in 1945.

Sev­eral years fol­low­ing this inci­dent, an edi­tor of a Ger­man news mag­a­zine, act­ing on an informer’s tip gen­er­ated by the mas­ter decep­tion­ist Mueller him­self, from South Amer­ica, obtained a court order in 1963, and the grave was opened. When the cof­fin in ques­tion was unearthed and opened, the edi­tor and the attend­ing offi­cials found three skele­tons, none remotely match­ing Hein­rich Mueller’s short and thick-set mea­sure­ments, or his markedly promi­nent forehead.

A decep­tion plan for Bor­mann had been com­pleted by Mueller in Berlin. Tops in police work and crafty beyond imag­in­ing, he pro­vided for a match­ing skele­ton and skull, com­plete with iden­ti­cal den­tal work, for future foren­sic experts to pon­der over and to reach con­clu­sions that suited his pur­pose. Mueller was a for­mer inspec­tor of detec­tives in the Munich police depart­ment; he had been brought into the higher ech­e­lons of the Gestapo by Rein­hard Hey­drich because of his pro­fes­sion­al­ism and bril­liance. He had risen to the rank of SS chief group leader and senior gen­eral of the Waf­fen SS. The solu­tion was ele­men­tary; his moti­va­tion was pro­tec­tion and enhance­ment of the high­est author­ity of the state. To this prin­ci­ple, Mueller had been devoted for a decade as chief of police.

His scheme of sub­sti­tut­ing a stand-in for Mar­tin Bormann’s body in the freight yards of Berlin was told to me three dif­fer­ent times by three dif­fer­ent indi­vid­u­als. One was an agent whose career was in the Secret Intel­li­gence Ser­vice of the British For­eign Office, one served the Fed­eral Repub­lic of Ger­many, and one was a mem­ber of Mossad, the exte­rior ser­vice of Israeli intel­li­gence. The first tip came over din­ner in 1947, in the U.S. press club in Frank­furt. It was the day I returned from Berlin and a per­sonal meet­ing with Gen­eral Lucius D. Clay, mil­i­tary gov­er­nor of the U.S. Zone of Occu­pa­tion. Gen­eral Clay had offered me the posi­tion of his civil­ian deputy, but I had turned it down with some reluc­tance, pre­fer­ring to remain a Euro­pean reporter for Amer­i­can news­pa­pers. Dur­ing the press club din­ner, the British agent and I dis­cussed the fas­ci­nat­ing and bizarre dis­ap­pear­ance of Reich­sleiter Bor­mann; this source said flatly that Mueller had engi­neered Bormann’s escape, using the device of a con­cen­tra­tion camp look-alike to throw future inves­ti­ga­tors off the scent. Many years later, in 1973, on a visit to Bonn, a con­ver­sa­tion with one of Gen­eral Gehlen’s aides in the Fed­eral Repub­lic intel­li­gence ser­vice con­firmed the 1947 British tip. The Ger­man stated: “The skull rep­re­sented as Bormann’s is a fraud. Nat­u­rally the West Ger­man gov­ern­ment wishes to bury the past and estab­lish Bormann’s death once and for all. They have been con­stantly unset­tled by con­tin­ued rev­e­la­tions and scan­dals.” In 1978, an Israeli Mossad agent with a Ger­man spe­cial­iza­tion said to me that they had never closed the Bor­mann file in Tel Aviv. “We know he is in South Amer­ica. We are not very com­pelled to find him because he was never per­son­ally involved in the ‘final solu­tion.’” The Israeli added: “Bormann’s busi­ness was busi­ness, and from what I know per­son­ally he did a thor­ough job of shift­ing Ger­man assets away from the Third Reich.”

To piece my infor­ma­tion together: Gen­eral Hein­rich Mueller ini­ti­ated his Bor­mann scheme dur­ing the wan­ing months of the war in the time frame when the Reich­sleiter was mov­ing to trans­fer Ger­man assets to safe havens in other places. At Con­cen­tra­tion Camp Sach­sen­hausen he exam­ined sev­eral inmates in the spe­cial elite group known as Son­derkom­mando, those who had been work­ing in the Ger­man coun­ter­feit oper­a­tion of British pound notes and of other cur­ren­cies. Doc­u­ments pre­pared by them would also be used by SS men in their flight at war’s end (even­tu­ally, over 10,000 for­mer Ger­man mil­i­tary made it to South Amer­ica along escape routes ODESSA and Deutsche Hil­fsverein). The Son­derkom­mando, placed in a spe­cial con­text within the camp, were treated as the skilled pro­fes­sion­als they were—engravers, doc­u­ments spe­cial­ists, and qual­ity print­ers— who had been rounded up from occu­pied coun­tries and put to work for the Third Reich.

Peter Edel Hirschweh, who par­tic­i­pated in this spe­cial work and sur­vived, described it as fol­lows:

All of the inmates, with­out any excep­tions, were Jews or descen­dants of mixed mar­riages. We were “bear­ers of secrets.” Even if those two qual­i­fi­ca­tions had not alone been suf­fi­cient to clas­sify us as a death com­mand, we received addi­tional con­fir­ma­tion and proof through the fol­low­ing events: If some of the pris­on­ers felt slightly ill, received an injury on the fin­ger (while engrav­ing) or the like they were taken to the doc­tor, heav­ily guarded, to receive treat­ment there; the physi­cian was not allowed to talk to them at all. Per­sons who were seri­ously ill were not allow to go to the infir­mary, even if they could be cured there. They were iso­lated in the wash­room and if this did not help, they were liq­ui­dated, i.e., killed.

When Hein­rich Mueller vis­ited Sach­sen­hausen he walked through the engrav­ing, print­ing, and doc­u­ment areas look­ing for any inmates who might resem­ble Bor­mann. In one he noticed two indi­vid­u­als who did bear a resem­blance in stature and facial struc­ture to the Reich­sleiter. He had them placed in sep­a­rate con­fine­ment. There­upon a spe­cial den­tal room was made ready for “treat­ment” of the two men. A party den­tist was brought in to work over and over again on the mouth of each man, until his teeth, real and arti­fi­cial, matched pre­cisely the Reichsleiter’s. In April 1945, upon com­ple­tion of these alter­ations, the two vic­tim­ized men were brought to the Kur­fuer­sten­strasse build­ing to be held until needed. Dr. Blaschke had advised Mueller to use live inmates to insure a believ­able aging process for den­tures and gums; hence the need for sev­eral months of preparation.

Exact den­tal fidelity was to play a major part in the iden­ti­fi­ca­tion of Hitler’s body by the invad­ing Rus­sians. It was to be of sig­nif­i­cance in Frank­furt twenty-eight years later, when the West Ger­man gov­ern­ment staged a press con­fer­ence to declare that they had “found Bormann’s skele­ton prov­ing he had died in Berlin’s freight yards May 1–2, 1945.”

Dr. Hugo Blaschke was the den­tist who had served both Hitler and Bor­mann. He had offices in the fash­ion­able pro­fes­sional area of Uhlanstrasse, but he always went to the chan­cellery for his two most impor­tant clients. Borm
ann had estab­lished a well-equipped den­tal office there, where Dr. Blaschke and his nurse, Fraulein Kaete Heuse­mann, would take care of the den­tal require­ments of the Fuehrer and the Reich­sleiter. The den­tal records for both were kept in the chan­cellery. When the Rus­sians had threat­ened Berlin, Dr. Blaschke pru­dently moved his prac­tice to Munich, but Fraulein Heuse­mann had stayed on. Hitler’s den­tal charts were never found, because Bor­mann had removed them from the chan­cellery files. How­ever, the Rus­sians, who had wanted com­plete iden­ti­fi­ca­tion of Hitler after the fall of Berlin, brought Fraulein Heuse­mann to Soviet head­quar­ters. She had iden­ti­fied the den­tal fit­tings gath­ered in a cigar box as belong­ing to Adolf Hitler. This was con­firmed by the den­tal tech­ni­cian, Fritz Echt­mann, who had made the fit­tings for Hitler on order of Dr. Blaschke.

Once they had made the iden­ti­fi­ca­tions, both were shipped off to Moscow, remain­ing there in prison so that they could not com­mu­ni­cate with oth­ers for sev­eral years. They were clas­si­fied by the Rus­sians as among the chan­cellery group who had sur­vived the bunker; they would spend years in Russ­ian pris­ons and slave camps until the Krem­lin lead­ers decided how to han­dle their pub­lic announce­ment of Hitler’s death—suicide in the bunker, or escape to Spain and South Amer­ica, as Stalin first believed.

In Bormann’s case, the prob­lem was more com­plex, more chal­leng­ing. Yet under Mueller’s skill­ful guid­ance, two bod­ies were planted; their dis­cov­ery was made pos­si­ble when an SS man, act­ing on Mueller’s orders, leaked the infor­ma­tion to a Stern mag­a­zine edi­tor as part of a ploy to “prove” that Bor­mann had died in the Berlin freight yard. The stand-ins for Bor­mann were two unfor­tu­nates from Con­cen­tra­tion Camp Sach­sen­hausen, who had been killed gen­tly in the Gestapo base­ment secret cham­bers with cyanide spray blown from a cig­a­rette lighter (a killing device used later by the KGB in 1957 and 1959 against Lev Rebet and Stephen Ban­dera, two lead­ers of the Ukrain­ian ÎmigrÎs in Munich). At Gestapo head­quar­ters, the night of April 30, the bod­ies were taken by a spe­cial SS team to the freight yards near the Wei­den­damm Bridge and buried not too deep beneath rub­ble in two dif­fer­ent areas. The Gestapo squad then made a hur­ried retreat from Berlin, join­ing their leader, SS Senior Gen­eral Hein­rich Mueller, in Flensburg.

The funeral and bur­ial caper was to be a Mueller trade­mark through­out the years of search­ing for Mar­tin Bor­mann. The Mossad was to point out that they have been wit­nesses over the years to the exhuma­tion of six skele­tons, two in Berlin and four in South Amer­ica, pur­ported to be that of Mar­tin Bor­mann. All turned out to be those of oth­ers, although in Frank­furt in 1973 the den­tal tech­ni­cian, Fritz Echt­mann, after years as a Russ­ian pris­oner, was to say that the den­tal work found in the skull of the skele­ton declared to be the remains of Bor­mann resem­bled those fill­ings he had worked on in 1944. Simon Wiesen­thal, direc­tor of the Jew­ish Doc­u­men­ta­tion Cen­ter in Vienna, had been invited to Frank­furt by West Ger­man author­i­ties who were pre­sent­ing the press event, with the CIA in the back­ground. He said that, while the skull resem­bled Bormann’s, he doubted it was Bor­mann. Still, Hein­rich Mueller had done his job well, and from South Amer­ica he pointed the Bonn government’s inves­ti­ga­tors through inter­me­di­aries toward this sec­ond planted Bor­mann skele­ton. So my sources state; the fab­ri­ca­tions of 1945 con­tinue to pro­vide the party min­is­ter with his “pass­port to freedom.”

Edited by Steven Gaal
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Shocking evidence Hitler escaped Germany

World Net Daily

January 5, 2013


I'm really, really sorry, but I have to ask...

Do you have *ANY* source for this other than WingNutsDaily? Please.

I absolutely refuse to give those retards ANY pageviews.

See: http://rationalwiki.org/wiki/WND : for a far cleaner and politer description than I could ever give about them.

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Shocking evidence Hitler escaped Germany

World Net Daily

January 5, 2013


This is complete nonsense. Stalin also feared that Hitler had escaped. He gave orders for the NKVD to capture all the people who were with Hitler when he died. Otto Günsche, Erich Kempka, Heinz Linge, Rochus Misch, Traudl Junge and Johanna Wolf were arrested. The four men were sent back to Moscow and tortured. Here for example is the story of one of these men, Heinz Linge."

According to Roger Moorhouse: "He (Linge) was captured by the Soviets, who on learning of his former position - swiftly shipped him to Moscow, to the notorious Lubyanka prison and to the tender mercies of Stalin's NKVD secret police. There, he was subjected to repeated interrogation and frequent torture, with his inquisitors demanding - over and over again - to know every detail of Hitler's life, and painstakingly piecing together the precise circumstances of his death."

Linge later explained: "One day two Russian officers appeared and escorted me by train to Moscow where I was thrown into the notorious Lubyanka Prison. There in a filthy bug-infested cell I waited, expecting the worst. It came in the form of a large GPU Lieutenant-Colonel who spoke good, cultivated German. He interrogated me with a monotonous patience which brought me to a state of sheer despair. Over and over he asked the same questions, trying to extract from me an admission that Hitler had survived. My unemotional assertion that I had carried Hitler's corpse from his room, had poured petrol over it and set it alight in front of the bunker was considered a cover story.... Since I would not confirm what the commissar wanted to hear I had to strip naked and bend over a trestle after being warned that I would be thrashed if - I did not finally 'cough up'. Naked and humiliated I persisted with my account."

Linge constantly told his interrogators: "Adolf Hitler shot himself on 30 April 1945. I burned his body!" Unhappy with this answer the GPU Lieutenant-Colonel ordered a powerfully built guard who held a whip with several thongs: "Give it to him." When he cried out in pain he observed cynically: "You ought to know about this treatment better than us. We learned it from your SS and Gestapo." Linge later recalled: "I kept to the facts. He changed the procedure only inasmuch as he had me brought to a sound-proofed room - dressed again - where seven or eight commissars were waiting. The ceremony began once more."

The same went on to the other men. They all told the same story. Eventually the GPU reported to Stalin that they believed the testimony of the four men and the two women. The NKVD sent the report of their investigations to Joseph Stalin on 30th December 1949. It was later published in book form, The Hitler Book: The Secret Dossier Prepared For Stalin From The Interrogations of Hitler's Personal Aides.







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Jerome Corsi, author of the new book on Hitler, gained infamy for taking vast amounts of money from Texas oilmen to mount a Swift Boat slander campaign against Democratic Presidential candidate John Kerry in 2004. Corsi was instrumental getting Texan George W. Bush re-elected and the world now knows what happened as a result of that. Corsi does not like for anyone to bring up his past in this regard.

I have sent an email to the producer of coasttocoastam radio show, which frequently gives Corsi time to do his commentaries, requesting that John Simkin be interviewed on the radio show about the nonsense in Corsi's new book on Hitler.

Edited by Douglas Caddy
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Interesting. I've never heard that one before. The OSS study "Analysis of the Personality of Adolph Hitler: With Predictions of His Future Behavior and Suggestions for Dealing with Him Now and After Germany's Surrender" probably accessible in full, certainly in part, read with :

An Early Example of Personality Profiling:
Henry A. Murray's Study of Adolf Hitler
and other such documents may help to understand why such may cause such a reaction. The documents do go into strategies to cause Hitler to commit suicide and also how to prevent it.
At first read/skim it seems he is defined with a range of conditions as well as suggestions for further research.
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I sent an email recently to the producer of coasttocoastam radio show suggesting that the program interview John Simkin about Corsi's claim of Hitler escaping. Apparently my suggestion had no impact because only Corsi will be interviewed on the topic on tonight's show.

Corsi's biography in Wikipedia reveals a man who routinely plays fast and loose with facts.

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