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Will Fritz 2002 book, "The Kennedy Mutiny"

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OK, not only Robert Howard -- does ANYBODY have ANY copy of The Kennedy Mutiny (2002) by Will Fritz?

It is listed as Out of Print by Amazon.com.

The only copy I could find is a ONE-VOLUME summary, 701 pages, from the Library of Congress. I am able to visit this volume only during lunchtime, and only for the month of July.

It would be great if somebody here would announce that they had a copy.

It would be even better if somebody here announced that they had the original, TWO-VOLUME edition of this book.

It would be better still, if somebody here announced that they knew something about the author and circumstances of this interesting interpretation of the JFK murder.


--Paul Trejo

Edited by Paul Trejo
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Upon further reading of The Kennedy Mutiny (2002, single-volume edition) by "Will Fritz," I've collected a number of reservations about his account of the JFK murder:

(1) This author presumes -- as do most JFK CTers, that the JFK Coverup-Team and the JFK Kill-Team were the same group. It's just an assumption, so, he must invent a story that shows a group plotting the Cover-up from the start. It's a guess, IMHO.

(2) This author claims that Everett Glover and Volkmar Schmidt were both on Ex-General Edwin Walker's side. One needs only listen to Volkmar Schmidt's videos, or read his interviews, to learn that Volkmar Schmidt, like George De Mohrenschildt, hated and despised Edwin Walker.

(2.1) This author claims that at the Dallas yuppie Engineer's party in February 1963, that Volkmar Schmidt worked hard to program Lee Harvey Oswald to love and respect Ex-General Edwin Walker. Volkmar himself insists the opposite is true.

(3) The author claims that, based on the success of Volkmar's conversion of Oswald to Edwin Walker's "Confederate Flag" side of politics, that Oswald agreed to a "Simulated Assassination" first of Edwin Walker.

(3.1) This author therefore explains the shooting at Edwin Walker as entirely planned and staged by Edwin Walker.

I disagree sharply with these three points. Volkmar Schmidt's own witness to these events is enough to question the theory of "Will Fritz" in this regard.

Now, this still doesn't shut down the basic thesis of The Kennedy Mutiny (2002), which is that Edwin Walker told many people that his plot was a "Simulated Assassination", and that Lee Harvey Oswald himself might have been told this.

The jury is still out on that question.

However, in order to account for all the evidence, "Will Fritz" had to twist, bend and break the witness of Volkmar Schmidt, to fit Oswald into his CT scenario.

If (and only if) there really was a "Simulated Assassination" plot in Dallas in 1963, then without the participation of Volkmar Schmidt, it will not be possible to draft Lee Harvey Oswald into this story-line as given.

Perhaps "Will Fritz" could not foresee -- even in 2002 -- that Volkmar Schmidt would go public with his side of the story on the Internet and YouTube. Too bad. It is a serious set-back for The Kennedy Mutiny (2002).

--Paul Trejo

Edited by Paul Trejo
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Paul - do you have any reason to trust Volkmar Schmidt? Do we really know where he was on the political spectrum? I mean, it is really astounding that his story gets into this book at all. Not only is it there, it's the opposite of what Schmidt asserted. I, and many here I presume, have read Schmidt's testimony, and I for one have never felt that his version made sense. He wants us to think he felt guilty for turning LHO into a killer, yet clearly Walker and JFK are 180 degrees apart. Schmidt has always seemed to me self serving. Thanks for sharing this tidbit - now I'm really interested. The story of Will Fritz, or whoever, makes more sense. And if Schmidt was lying, it opens up new possibilities.

So Paul, would you share with us what you know about VS? Of course I am familiar with his story, and you have reiterated it here many times. But what else do we know about him?

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Paul - do you have any reason to trust Volkmar Schmidt? Do we really know where he was on the political spectrum? I mean, it is really astounding that his story gets into this book at all. Not only is it there, it's the opposite of what Schmidt asserted. I, and many here I presume, have read Schmidt's testimony, and I for one have never felt that his version made sense. He wants us to think he felt guilty for turning LHO into a killer, yet clearly Walker and JFK are 180 degrees apart. Schmidt has always seemed to me self serving. Thanks for sharing this tidbit - now I'm really interested. The story of Will Fritz, or whoever, makes more sense. And if Schmidt was lying, it opens up new possibilities.

So Paul, would you share with us what you know about VS? Of course I am familiar with his story, and you have reiterated it here many times. But what else do we know about him?

Well, Paul B., it's a good question.

I trust Volkmar Schmidt because: (1) his story was consistent, year after year; (2) he was a self-avowed Christian gentleman, with nothing to hide; (3) Volkmar Schmidt had no reason to lie.

Also, we know that when Michael Paine separated from Ruth Paine and their children, Michael went to live with Volkmar Schmidt for a time. Also, Everett Glover appears to have been an early room-mate of Volkmar Schmidt. He was a generous, sympathetic and conservative young Christian engineer.

So, when we first encounter Volkmar Schmidt, it is in the company of Young Dallas Engineers -- 1963 Yuppies. They were young and Liberal.


In all of his interviews, Volkmar Schmidt says that he opposed Edwin Walker's racist politics. That makes sense for a native-born German who was also a Christian. American racism has generally looked crazy and stupid to European Christians (except during the Nazi period).

The reason that "Will Fritz" includes Volkmar Schmidt in his book is to try to explain the Dallas Yuppie Engineer parties that Everett Glover spoke about in his WC testimony, and that George De Mohrenschildt talked about in the book he wrote shortly before he (allegedly) committed suicide in 1978, I'm a Patsy! I'm a Patsy!

Possibly, if this Dallas party wasn't so publicized, "Will Fritz" would have omitted it; but since it exists, he had to include it somehow. Since, IMHO, "Will Fritz" deliberately reversed the truth about Volkmar Schmidt in his story, then I must suspect strongly that he also reversed the truth about Everett Glover. According to "Will Fritz," Everett Glover was the personal friend of Edwin Walker who relentlessly sniffed out the Patsy and his alleged Colleague for Edwin Walker's plot of a "Simulated Assassination" in Dallas.

If I can't believe the "Will Fritz" claims about Volkmar Schmidt, then I need more proof for his claims about Everett Glover, too.

Also, Paul B., what years of Volkmar Schmidt interviews have you seen? Did any appear before 2002? If so, then even though 2002 is the published date, this suggests that "Will Fritz" wrote his book long before 2002, and was unaware of the Volkmar Schmidt interviews.

Now -- you cite a valid argument that was also cited by early JBS leaders -- namely, why would Oswald try to kill both Walker and JFK, who sat on opposite sides of the political spectrum? Clearly, Volkmar Schmidt, as a conservative Christian gentleman from Germany, would not dare to offer a CT -- but obediently accepted the Warren Commission as fact. He had no explanation about why Oswald would try to kill JFK, but he did explain why Oswald tried to kill Walker -- because he, Volkmar Schmidt convinced Oswald that Edwin Walker was like "Hitler."

However -- it is not really a two-valued political spectrum, Paul B., instead, there is the spectrum of Far Left (Marx and Khrushchev), Far Right (Hitler and Walker) and Middle of the Road (USA and JFK). We who hold a CT maintain that Oswald didn't try to kill JFK; yet we differ on the question of whether Oswald tried to kill General Walker.

Most CTers say that if Oswald didn't shoot at JFK, then he didn't shoot at Walker, either. To me, they simply agree with the LNers, who say that if Oswald tried to kill Walker, that is proof that Oswald killed JFK. That's way too hasty.

The evidence we have from sworn testimony is that Oswald did try to kill Walker. The evidence we have from ballistics and the Zapruder film, is that Oswald didn't try to kill JFK. This is a nuanced position -- and it is rare in the CT literature.

I don't see how Volkmar Schmidt is being self-serving at all, Paul B., because nobody ever formally accused Volkmar Schmidt of being part of the JFK-Kill Team. He was never called by the Warren Commission, and he was never called by the HSCA. He is not on anybody's radar with regard to JFK.

However -- when it comes to the Walker shooting -- the name of Volkmar Schmidt comes up again and again. Our own Bill Kelly interviewed him personally. Volkmar Schmidt never changed his story. He was at a party of Dallas Yuppie Engineers along with Michael Paine, George De Mohrenschildt and their wives, and Everett Glover and many others -- and he exhibited a psychological process that he'd learned from his parents, to transform this BOP-resenting Marine into a Walker-resenting Marine. That was the process.

The process was successful, Volkmar Schmidt claims, and soon afterwards, Lee Harvey Oswald purchased weapons through the mail using the Hidell alias, and also began taking photographs of Walker's Dallas home.

According to "Will Fritz," however, that Dallas Party was itself part of Edwin Walker's plot to draw Lee Harvey Oswald into his web; and the Alek Hidell alias was really Walker's idea, claims Fritz. Alek Hidell was going to be the Patsy who got "killed" and Lee Harvey Oswald was only going to be his "associate" who was temporarily foolish enough to follow Hidell -- but would tell the American people all about Hidell (who would have died in a plane crash on 11/22/1963, if the plan went smoothly).

The jury is still out -- however, the story of Volkmar Schmidt makes more sense to me -- and the story of "Will Fritz" is clearly trying to tell the truth (that Walker killed JFK) and also trying to make excuses for it (i.e. it was really only a "Simulated Assassination" plot that was hijacked by the CIA).

So, I think "Will Fritz" is most valuable, because he has links to the TRUTH of the JFK murder -- the Edwin Walker connection. At the same time, "Will Fritz" has plenty of fiction -- IMHO to protect Edwin Walker, and his Dallas group, including James Hosty, Forrest Sorrels, Larrie Schmidt, Joe Grinnan, the Hunts and so on.

One more anecdote in favor of Volkmar Schmidt: in the months before George De Mohrenschildt (allegedly) committed suicide after his publicized connection with Lee Harvey Oswald had resulted in the loss of his lucrative Haiti oil exploration contract. Poverty-stricken in his advancing years, George became clinically depressed after his wife and children left him. At this point, George called Voikmar Schmidt, his longtime friend, and begged to live at the Schmidt home. Yet Volkmar Schmidt was a conservative Christian gentleman, with a family and children, and George De Mohrenschildt had been a wild and open playboy in Dallas for decades, and was as jaded as any man ever was. Volkmar could not picture this reprobate at home with his wife and children, so he turned George down flat. Days later, George (allegedly) shot himself.

My point there was that Volkmar's genteel personality was again displayed in this anecdote. He has always been consistent, throughout the years.


--Paul Trejo

<edit typos>

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It might be useful to post a few more pages from THE KENNEDY MUTINY (2002) by this mysterious author "Will Fritz," to explain how the author tries to link Everett Glover, Volkmar Schmidt and Lee Harvey Oswald into a group led by Ex-General Edwin Walker, even to the extent of choosing the alias of Alek James Hidell.

This excerpt is from pages 294-295 of this 701 page book:

------------- BEGIN EXCERPT FROM "The Kennedy Mutiny" BY WILL FRITZ ---------------------------------

...The party was held on February 13 at De Mohrenschildt's house.

Glover and Schmidt began sounding out Oswald. He spent most of the evening with these two right-wing individuals in the kitchen and the name Walker was frequently heard in their conversation. After talking with the former Marine for a period of tlme, they became convinced Oswald was indeed not what he appeared to be. They discussed Walker and his objectives in the kitchen of De Mohrenschildt's residence and Glover intimated a little of the plan they were developing.

Oswald knew they were up to something big and he could be a part of it. This was reflected in his attitude on the ride home after the dinner party and even his wife could detect it. Marina thought Lee acted differently after the conversation with Schmidt and Glover.

De Mohrenschildt knew the Walker people might be interested in Lee Oswald. About what, he had at best only a vague idea. On the ride home he warned Oswald that they were dangerous people. However, he was not warning the former Marine about !heir ideology. They were dangerous because they were involved ln questionable activities and they could not be trusted.

Glover and Schmidt reported back to Walker that Oswald appeared to be exactly what they needed. They were astounded at this huge break.

To be sure, they decided that Glover himself should have a party so several other people could talk to Oswald. As Glover later stated: "[the party] was a gathering for a fairly specific reason, to look at this fellow [Oswald] and let some other people look at him and see what they made of him..."

In addition, the thought occurred to them to have a woman interested in Russia, the Russian people and the language also invited to the party. This was Ruth Paine. If she hit it off with Marina, she could serve as a convenient distraction for Lee's wife. It was pointed out that, if Oswald did fit into their plans, Ruth Paine could serve as a mechanism to take care of Marina as he went about his business for them, It was noted that Ruth was living in a house with only her children, as she was separated from her husband at the time (although Michael still stopped by on occasion). And it could be possible, given the right circumstances, where they could maneuver Marina into moving in with Ruth, if that was required.

Glover and Schmidt had their party the following week on February 22.

After intensive scrutiny at the gathering, it was concluded Oswald was their person. Sometime shortly after the party, Oswald was introduced to some of the members of !he Walker group and they explained their plan to him. He was all in for it. And in another fortunate break, Marina did get along well with Ruth Paine at the party. There would be no problems there.

In the week following the party, the Walker group continued to develop the plan. But now, the first difficult step had been resolved. They now had the colleague for their assassin. And, he was actively participating in the set up of their plan.

They considered how to link their assassin with the failed shooting attempt. In the plan, their assassin would shoot at the President and miss, of course. He runs away leaving the rifle behind. And the rifle would be the key evidence to link the assassin to the crime. It occurred to the Walker people that it would be easy to set up a paper trail to link the rifle to the assassin. They would just have him obtain it through a mail order catalog.

But where would he send it? Oswald piped in that he had a post office box. He could add the assassin's name to his box. That could serve multiple purposes. First, it gave a place to send the weapon. Second, it gave the first paper trail link to the claim that Oswald knew the assassin. Oswald could claim he met the assassin sometime earlier in Dallas. They developed an acquaintance based on their interest in Communist activities. The assassin comes to Oswald saying he needed somewhere to receive items, but he was low on funds at the time. Lee offers him the use of his post office box. When the weapons arrive, Oswald could claim he had seen them, as they were sent to the assassin at his post office box that the ex-Marine let him use as a favor.

They needed a name for their assassin. Presumably, he would be an American, but an American who somewhere in his lonely, wretched life was converted to Comnrunism. He might even have changed his name to reflect his newfound beliefs. In fact, the Walker group believed that members of Communist cells typically used assumed names. Quite often they would use the names of famous Communists or someone of that ilk, such as Leon Trotsky. What was a good Russian first name?

Oswald mentioned how he briefly liked the name Alek when he was in Russia. The Walker group approved. That was a good first name. 'What could they use for his last name? They wanted something with some wit. They wanted something to reflect just what it was they were about. Oswald mentioned how an acquaintance of his in the Marines had a last name that nearly rhymed with Fidel. That was it. His last name would be Hidell.

And they would use a good American moniker for his middle name. They selected James. Their assassin now had a name, Alek James Hidell.

They decided Hidell would order several weapons, as they weren't sure yet on the specific details of the shooting. They would order a revolver and a rifle. They considered what type of rifle to order. The idea was for Hidell to miss. To assist in making the miss believable, they decided to order a notoriously poor rifle in terms of accuracy. After the attempted assassination, people would say, what a dumb communist. No wonder he missed. Not only was he probably a poor shot, he used about the worst rifle you could. The Walker group selected the Mannlicher-­Carcano.

The order forms for the weapons were prepared and Oswald mailed them out on March 12. The order for the rifle was sent to Klein's Sporting Goods, a mail-order house based in Chicago. The order for the revolver was sent to a company called Seaport Traders based in Los Angeles. Both orders were placed using the new name they had created, A.J. Hidell. However, they decided to backdate the order for the revolver. It might look a little suspicious if Hidell ordered both weapons on the same day, particularly if he was low on funds. So, they backdated the order on the revolver to January 28.

After sending the orders, they realized they had made a mistake. Hidell's name was not added to Oswald's receive-mail list until well after the date they had put on the revolver order form. But Harry Holmes, the Postal Inspector, who was part of the Walker group, told them not to worry. In the unlikely event someone were to investigate the case that far after the assassination attempt, they would find nothing. He would destroy the documents after Oswald closed out the Post Office box.

(The Kennedy Mutiny, 2002, by Will Fritz, pp. 294-295)

------------- END EXCERPT FROM "The Kennedy Mutiny" BY WILL FRITZ ---------------------------------

Best regards,

--Paul Trejo

<finished page>

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Paul Trejo: I never had a copy of the book, knew nothing about it until you mentioned it on the Forum. Don't have any knowledge about the author.

Thanks, Robert, for clarifying that. I had the mistaken impression that you knew something about this volume. The reason for my mistake is that I remembered that you said something positive about a "Simulated Assassination", and after a more careful review of your posts, I realize now that you got your impressions of a "Simulated Assassination" from author George Michael Evica (1927-2007), former literature professor at Rutgers University, who also testified before the HSCA.

Here's what you wrote several days ago:

Captain Will Fritz died on April 19, 1984. The author of The Kennedy Mutiny does not appear to have a very high profile, has anyone ever interviewed him? What's the deal with his name?

Pseudonym, Coincidence....

Don't misunderstand my interest as shooting at the messenger. For one thing one of my favorite researchers George Michael Evica apparently, as many others took a keen interest in a false assassination attempt,[with the knowledge of JFK] as part of a "orchestrated event" that was piggybacked into a real assassination...

So, years earlier I might have laughed the idea to scorn, nowadays I'm not so sure.

Right, George Evica's 1978 book, And We Are All Mortal, was described by Mary Ferrell herself as among "the best documented" of the JFK murder genre.

The relevant point here is that George Evica also maintained that there was a "Simulated Assassination" factor at some point within the JFK murder.

Thanks for your feedback, Robert. I'll also search out this book by George Michael Evica, and post the results on this thread.


--Paul Trejo

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It might be useful to post a few more pages from THE KENNEDY MUTINY (2002) by this mysterious author "Will Fritz," to explain how the author tries to link FBI Agent James Hosty and Lee Harvey Oswald into a group led by Ex-General Edwin Walker. This excerpt is from pages 296-299 of this 701 page book:

------------- BEGIN EXCERPT FROM "The Kennedy Mutiny" BY WILL FRITZ ---------------------------------

The next thing the Walker group decided was that they would need to get Oswald's FBI file re-opened. It was here where they could dump the information they would create to link Oswald as Hidell's acquaintance. How could they get the file re-opened in a natural fashion?

Lee noted he had begun subscriptions to several Communist periodicals such as the Worker. But Hosty pointed out that Oswald had done that back in August, and while a good reason, it would look a little suspicious if they re-opened it now based only on that information. They needed something else. The FBI agent stated he had to visit Marina as part of his official duties to periodically check up on foreign nationals. If on that visit he determined some other factors that oould raise suspicions, such as Oswald was beating his wife, the additional information would be enough to re-open the file.

But it was still too early for Hosty to directly meet Oswald. Questions would have to be asked about his contacts. And they didn't want too much information to be developed at this point. It would give too much time for the information to be checked out. And besides, they hadn't developed anything yet that they wanted placed in the file. They hadn't even found Hidell yet.

What they needed was for Oswald to move from his current apartment. Hosty would arrive at his old address. He would find enough damaging information from the neighbors to re-open the case, but he could claim he didn't talk to the former Marine because he had moved. Then, Hosty could delay the next meeting with Lee, claiming he was attempting to find where Oswald had relocated.

But Lee didn't want to have to go to a lot of trouble in moving. Luckily, he found an apartment at 214 West Neely Street, only a block away from his current apartment at 604 Elsbeth. Oswald also realized it would be easy to make his neighbors believe he was beating his wife. He would tell her he wanted her to go back to Russia. He knew she didn't want to leave. This would upset her tremendously. He would force her to write a letter to the Russian Embassy requesting information on how to return. He could stretch out her writing the letter over several days. And every time she worked on it, she would be bleating and screaming. That's all the neighbors would hear, her crying and screaming because she didn't want to go back to Russia. But they wouldn't know that. As far as they would be concerned, it sounded like Lee was beatlng his wife.

Marina testified that "anytime I did something which didn't please him, he would make me sit down at a table and write letters to the Soviet Embassy stating that I wanted to go back to Russia."

Their plan worked to perfection. Oswald moved on March 2nd. And a few days later, Hosty showed up. The neighbors mentioned to the FBI agent that they felt Lee was beating his wife. Hosty included the fiction that Oswald was also drinking in his report along with the fact that the former Marine had subscribed to the Communist periodical the Worker. He presented the information to his superiors and they agreed with his recommendation on March 31 to re-open the file on Lee Harvey Oswald. Hosty noted he would allow a 45-day cooling off period before he would attempt to contact them again as a convenient ruse to delay the next meeting.

The revolver and rifle were both shipped on the same day, March 20. The weapons were sent just a little more than a week after they had placed the orders. The thought occurred to the Walker group that, if they had a photograph of Hidell holding the rifle, then they could surreptitiously release it after the failed assassination attempt. While the paper documentation of Hidell ordering the weapons was good, a photograph would be even better. Of course, they still hadn't found their assassin yet. The point was brought up that circumstance might occur where they couldn't get a photograph of Hidell with the weapons. Oswald would chime in that it didn't matter. He knew all about photography. They could have someone pose with the rifles, and later make a composite with Hidell. All they would need was a photograph of Hidell.

Disbelief was expressed that this could be accomplished. So, Oswald took photographs of himself holding the weapons in the backyard of his Neely Street apartment to demonstrate how they could make the composite. For a joke, he also held the two diametrically opposed ideological newspapers, the Worker and the Militant. It would show what a real idiot Hidell was. However, before Oswald could complete the composite, other events came up. He never had time to finish it and eventually he lost track of the photos.

As discussed, Lee Harvey Oswald was an intelligent individual. Furthermore, he was very circumspect in the activities he engaged in. For example, after his defection to Russia, he was able to maintain the charade of being a Communist, yet he never officially revoked his American citizenship during his time there.

He was wary of the Walker group and heeded De Mohrenschildt's admonition that they couldn't be trusted. While he understood the need for compartmentalization in their plan, that didn't stop him from attempting to determine everyone involved in the effort. To that end, periodically he would survey Walker's house from a discreet location to see who came and went. Occasionally, he would take pictures during his surveillance. Several of these photographs were found among his belongings after the assassination.

One of the photographs showed a car in the driveway, with a portion removed where the license plate would have been. No doubt, the car was owned by Bill Alexander, Harry Holmes, or some other high-level official who did not wish it to be known they associated with Walker, particularly after the event in Dealey Plaza. Consequently, when the photographs were found by the authorities after the assassination, they had one of the Dallas police who was a member of their group punch a hole in the photograph where the license plate of the car was visible to hinder identification of the owner.

During the development of their plan, sometimes Oswald would meet with Hosty in the FBI agent's car to go over possible questions he would be asked in interview after the staged assassination. Oswald recorded Hosty's license plate number in his address book after one of these meetings as he got out of the car. He did this to facilitate his identification of people who showed up at Walker's residence during his surveillance of the General's home.

After further consideration, the Walker group decided that Texas was not the place where they would create the events that ultimately would go in Oswald's file linking him to Hidell. They needed to move it away from them. New Orleans was agreed as the place for the action. First, it was far enough away that it couldn't be linked back to them in Texas, but it was close enough for easy contact. Second, it was a hotbed of Cuban activities, so any actions that they took there would not seem unusual. Furthermore, they also had a number of their people there, such as Guy Bannister. And there were a number of other people there they could later use for other purposes. Finally, Oswald was from New Orleans and he was familiar with the area.

But, they didn't want to start their activities in earnest until the time was right. They would have to wait until only a few months before they knew when the President was coming to Texas. However, they knew he would come sooner or later. And they chose Texas as their staging ground for the failed assassination attempt because they were familiar with the area. All the key people required for the attempt were from Dallas. Once they knew the approximate date when the President would arrive in Texas, they could establish the timeline for their plan. If they started too early, it might give too much time for an unwitting investigator or some official to dig too deep into their set-up before it was completed.

Oswald would need a plausible reason for going to New Orleans. It was decided to have him get fired from his job at Jaggers-Chiles-Stovall, and that he could claim he went to New Orleans to find work there. Through March, he deliberately performed poorly at the graphic arts company. On April 1 he was fired. His supervisor John Graef stated that when he informed Oswald of his dismissal, "...there was no outburst on his part. He took this whole time looking at the floor...and after I was through, he said, 'Well, thank you.' And he turned around and walked off...It was the kind of response from someone who expected the event that occurred."

(from: The Kennedy Mutiny, 2002, by Will Fritz, pp. 296-299)

------------- END EXCERPT FROM "The Kennedy Mutiny" BY WILL FRITZ ---------------------------------

Best regards,

--Paul Trejo

Edited by Paul Trejo
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Any theories on who actually wrote the book and why they chose Will Fritz as a pseudonym?

Any of the co-conspirators mentioned such as Bill Alexander, Harry Holmes, Gerald Hill, Forrest Sorrels have associations with Walker, or other pro Walker credentials to your knowledge?

The general opinion seems to be that Edwin Walker was insane, and so no intelligent, professional people in Dallas would have anything to do with him.

That is certainly incorrect.

To speak of Edwin Walker is to speak about Southern US politics. Clearly the Northern US has considered for 150 years that Southern US politics are insane -- and even fighting words. Thus we had the US Civil War and the Confederate Flag.

Yet in the early 1960's, Southern US politics were flourishing, and the Confederate flag waved high atop many State Capitols in the South.

On the contrary -- it was Northern US politics that were "crazy" according to Southerners. Therefore, even though millions of American considered Edwin Walker "crazy," millions of other Americans considered Edwin Walker to be "a great leader."

Consider, for example, the following photograph:


In that photograph, dated 10/7/1962, Edwin Walker had just been released from the Springfield Mental Hospital in Missouri, following three days of asylum incarceration forced by RFK and JFK. The ACLU and psychiatrist Thomas Szasz demanded Walker's immediate release on the legal argument that mixing politics and psychiatry is a deadly business.

Walker flew back to Dallas ASAP, to Love Field, and one can see that Walker's coat remains as dirty on 10/7/1962 as it was on the night of 9/30/1962 when he led deadly riots at Ole Miss University to prevent a Black American (James Meredith) from attending the all-white college.

Notice, however, the Confederate Flag waving above his head -- and the placard -- "Walker for President 1964".

It wasn't so much Walker's questionable speech-making ability -- it was his solid stance for Southern US politics, and his strident opposition to school integration, and to the Civil Rights movement in general -- that got Edwin Walker plenty of support in the South -- and especially in Dallas, Texas.

Given that orientation, it is not impossible, then, that Americans in Dallas such as FBI Agent James Hosty, and SS Agent Forrest Sorrels, and other Dallas professionals (like Will Fritz, Bill Alexander, Harold Holmes, Gerald Hill, Jesse Curry, and many more) would also be supporters of Edwin Walker.

Even if they had to hide their loyalty before the Northern Media at times.


--Paul Trejo

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I realize it's difficult to show interest in a book that one has never seen, and only rarely heard about.

One would rightly ask, at the very least, for the Bibliography of this book so that the reader could at least have some idea of the orientation of the writer. Sadly, this book has no Bibliography. This is admittedly rare in any book -- but facts are facts.

On the other hand, there are Endnotes, and his Endnotes do include sources cited. If we glean from the Endnotes, we can mock up a bibliography as follows. It appears that four ordinary sources provided most of his citations (in roughly this order):


* ANTHONY SUMMERS (Conspiracy, 1980; republished as, Not in Your Lifetime, 1998)

* JIM MARRS (Crossfire, 1990)

* GERALD POSNER (Case Closed, 1994)

After those important four, the following ordinary books were cited far less frequently (here in chronological order):


CURTIS LEMAY (America is in Danger, 1968)

BERNARD FENSTERWALD (Coincidence or Conspiracy? 1977)

DAVID ATLEE PHILIPS (The Night Watch, 1977)

HENRY HURT (Reasonable Doubt, 1987)

WILLIAM MANCHESTER (Death of a President, 1988)

A.J. WEBERMAN (Coup d’Etat in America, 1992)

MARK LANE (Plausible Denial, 1992)

ROBERT GRODEN (The Killing of a President, 1994)

RAY AND MARY FONTAINE (Oswald Talked, 1996)

PETER DALE SCOTT (Deep Politics, 1996)

All these books are already well-known in the JFK literature. The author does not cite any "secret manuscript" by DPD Captain Will Fritz (1895-1984). This isn't much of a result, but it's all we have in this volume. I really want to see the earlier, two-volume set at this point. Anybody know of a copy?


--Paul Trejo

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Paul, it is indeed hard to get too excited about a book which seems to have been written relatively recently but cites only JFK books and apparently gives no original sources or apparently cites any

local Dallas or Texas sources. Beyond that we don't know who wrote it. And we know they apparently decided to represent it as a work by Will Fritz when there is no obvious link to him. Or am

I missing something? Certainly its a new one on me.

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Paul, it is indeed hard to get too excited about a book which seems to have been written relatively recently but cites only JFK books and apparently gives no original sources or apparently cites any local Dallas or Texas sources. Beyond that we don't know who wrote it. And we know they apparently decided to represent it as a work by Will Fritz when there is no obvious link to him. Or am I missing something? Certainly its a new one on me.

Thanks, Larry, for chiming in here. Who indeed was this "Will Fritz", and why did he write THE KENNEDY MUTINY?

This book surprises me after 24 years of reading JFK literature. The central story of THE KENNEDY MUTINY is that General Edwin Walker designed the JFK murder in Dallas in 1963, originally as a "Simulated Assassination", and recruited Lee Harvey Oswald on that basis. When the "Simulation" went wrong, Oswald was left holding the bag.

I never heard of this book until Gayle Nix Jackson told me about it earlier this month. She is busily researching Dallas leads in connection with this history. I thought THE KENNEDY MUTINY story was unique, until the kind contributors to this thread told me about other, similar books.

Several authors were revealed here: (1) Tattler newspaper of 9/1975 first writes of a simulated hit gone awry, and mentions Edwin Walker; (2) George Michael Evica, whose 1978 book, AND WE ARE ALL MORTAL also speaks of a simulated hit gone awry, sans Walker; (3) Gary Wean, whose 1987 book, THERE'S A FISH IN THE COURTHOUSE has a similar theme, sans Walker but citing other DPD officials; (4) Wean had numerous imitators; and (5) Don DeLillo, whose 1988 book, LIBRA has a similar theme, sans Walker.

Most of these authors propose that the Walker shooting was a staged event.

I was astounded that anybody in 2002 could have named Edwin Walker as the leader of the Dallas plot as Will Fritz does. Even Gary Wean claims that Lee Harvey Oswald's attempt on Edwin Walker was "staged" by the plotters (as Gerry Patrick Hemming had also hinted).

But what captures the attention of most readers is the intrigue of the "Simulated Assassination" that went awry.

IMHO, that theme is a veil for the real story -- the Dallas plot and the Dallas players in that plot to murder JFK. Yet when we hear of the "Simulated Assassination" story, we seem to be closer to the Dallas Truth than with any other theory.


--Paul Trejo

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It might be useful to post a few more pages from THE KENNEDY MUTINY (2002) by this mysterious author "Will Fritz," to explain how Edwin Walker designed the Dealey Plaza attack (allegedly fake), how he planned his own shooting on 10 April 1963, and how he convinced Lee Harvey Oswald in March to purposely get fired from Jaggars-Chiles-Stovall, so that he could be free to travel to New Orleans in April. This excerpt is from pages 299-301 of this 701 page book:

------------- BEGIN EXCERPT FROM "The Kennedy Mutiny" BY WILL FRITZ ---------------------------------

The next day, April 2, 1963 Michael Paine arrived at the Oswalds' apartment to take Lee and Marina to Ruth's house for dinner. Michael engaged in a lengthy discussion with Lee at that time, And Paine noted: "He was familiar with Walker...quite familiar."

The Walker group reviewed their overall plan at this point. Sooner or later the President would have to come to Texas. And as part of these trips, Kennedy invariably traveled in a motorcade, They would find a point somewhere along the route where there were some obstructions a short distance from the road. They would place the rifle there. As the President drove by, they would set off some firecrackers to simulate gunshots. As people came running up to see what had happened, someone from their group would be standing nearby and point off in some direction, saying, "He went that way."

The rifle would be found and traced to Hidell. From his FBI file, Hidell would be linked to Oswald. Then, eventually, authorities would pick up Oswald and he could fill in all the details about Hidell to make him believable. An all-out search for Hidell would be conducted, so, to complete the plan, they now had to kill Hidell in the escape. Of course, they couldn't really kill their assassin. But he had to appear to have been killed.

The solution was to have him die in a plane crash. They would make it appear that Hidell took off in a plane for Mexico. Somewhere in the wilds near the Texas-Mexico border, their pilot would parachute out of the plane as it was about to crash. The explosion from the plane striking the ground would obliterate any recognizable body parts. They could then substitute items at the crash site that would link the plane back to Hidell. And the search for the assassin would be over.

Public outcry over this attempted assassination of the President by a Communist loyal to Castro would result in an invasion of the Caribbean island removing the bearded leader. And the people of America would now be aware of the danger Communism presented to the country.

So, in early April, 1963 Walker had the rough outline of his plan in place. They had their assassin's associate identified and working for them. They had the first links set up. It was time to start the next phase of their plan. But, Walker was worried. Would it really work? They decided to run a test before they went any further. They would stage an assassination attempt on the General himself.

This provided several benefits. They could find out if such a plan could really work with minimal risk. They could find out how the police and other authorities reacted to such an attempt, and use that information in refining their big plan. Finally, if necessary, they could link the attempt on his life with Kennedy's, to lead the investigation away from Walker if developments started to point at them as being involved. They assumed that people would not suspect Walker as being involved if there were indications the assassin also attempted to kill the General at an earlier time.

So that the attempted shooting didn't come completely out of thin air, Walker had his aides file a report several days before their first, stating that prowlers had been observed around the General's house. Robert Surrey, Walker's aide, claimed he spotted two men prowling around Walker's residence and ''peeking in windows and so forth." They created airs that someone might make an attempt on the General's life. This wasn't completely unbelievable given his virulent stance on various issues. But it was not regarded as much of an issue as he lived in the heart of Texas, where many people at least tacitly agreed to some extent with his position.

On the night of April 10, 1963, some of the Walker group, along with Lee Oswald, fired a shot into an empty room at Walker's residence. When the police arrived, the General and his aides told their story. Walker added that the assassin must have been "a lousy shot to have missed from such a close range." And everyone believed it. The press carried the story, and in the process almost making him a sympathetic character, which only enhanced his reputation as the beleaguered but courageous General. And the police didn't have a clue.

The Walker group couldn't believe it. It worked beautifully. They now had the conviction that their big plan could work as well. It was mentioned earlier that visitors to the General's house after the shooting observed that Walker didn't seem too upset or worried about the attempt on his life. They suspected that he was either crazy or that he knew something they didn't. Walker being crazy could be debated, but, of course, there is no question that he knew something that they didn't.

On April 13, 1963 the De Mohrenschildts visited the Oswalds at their apartment. As the former baron entered their residence, Marina recalled: "He said, 'Lee, how is it possible you missed?' He was referring to the Walker shooting." Marina then remembered: "I noticed that his [Lee's] face changed, that he almost became speechless."

De Mohrenschildt recalled about making the statement about missing Walker: "He sort of shriveled when I asked the question. Became tense, you see, and didn't answer anything, smiled, made a peculiar face. It had an effect on him."

What happened was that De Mohrenschildt had made a bad joke. He didn't know anything about the Walker activities. Oswald thought the plan was supposed to be very secret. His first reaction was: 'Somehow this guy on the fringe knew about their plans. How could he, if their plan was supposed to be known by only a few people?' Thus, De Mohrenschildt's comments initially upset him, and that is why he acted the way he did.

The Walker group got the news they were waiting for in late April.

Lyndon Johnson, who was visiting: Texas at the time, announced on April 22, 1963 that, sometime in the late fall, President Kennedy would be making a trip to Texas. As the President was coming in the fall, it was time to begin the exercises. It was time for Oswald to head to New Orleans. He left on April 24, two days after Johnson's announcement. Fortunately, Marina had developed a relationship with Ruth Prune as they had hoped. And when Lee left for New Orleans, Ruth offered to take in Marina until he got settled.'

The Walker group decided that the way they would create their events was through Oswald being a member of the Fair Play for Cuba Committee. He could set up a chapter in New Orleans. As there currently was no chapter, there were no members. Thus, the former Marine could say and do whatever he wanted with his chapter, and who would know. To provide a paper record, he would write to the FPCC headquarters detailing his efforts. The Walker group knew that the FBI routinely, but surreptitiously, obtained these documents from the FPCC in New York. Consequently, whatever Oswald wrote would then become part of the record.

So that his interest in the FPCC in New Orleans didn't seem too discontinuous, they decided to build a fake record of his activities in Dallas prior to leaving. He wrote a letter to the FPCC describing how he campaigned on their behalf in Dallas. He sent the letter just before he left for New Orleans. In that letter he wrote; "I stood yesterday for the first time in my life, with a placard around my neck, passing out Fair Play for Cuba pamphlets..." In addition to the letter, the Walker group would add more evidence to build on the story. Hosty would claim an informant had reported during that time in Dallas that Oswald had been in contact with the FPCC. Finally, they had one of the members in their group, who was with the Dallas police, report that he had chased, but of course, did not catch, a pro-Castro demonstrator.

Oswald's contacts with the FPCC established a plausible mechanism on how he met A.J. Hidell in Dallas. And why he would meet him again in New Orleans.

(from: The Kennedy Mutiny, 2002, by Will Fritz, pp. 299-301)

------------- END EXCERPT FROM "The Kennedy Mutiny" BY WILL FRITZ ---------------------------------

(As a side note, when he spoke about "visitors to the General's house after the shooting," and that these visitors, "observed that Walker didn't seem too upset or worried about the attempt on his life," what "Will Fritz" omitted were the names of those visitors. Readers of A.J. Weberman will know that they were Gerry Patrick Hemming and various members of Interpen.)

Best regards,
--Paul Trejo

<edit typos>

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So, readers on this thread have informed me that there are far more than two sources for the "Simulated Assassination" theory advanced by the mysterious 2002 author, "Will Fritz", and American 1988 novelist Don DeLillo.

We've identified the Tattler (1975), George Michael Evica (1978) and Gary Wean (1987) at the very least. There are other imitators.

Furthermore, Joan Mellen's book, Our Man In Haiti (2012), has an appendix that cites Paul Rothermel describing a somewhat similar scenario -- two weeks before the JFK assassination.

Paul Rothermel was the secret FBI/CIA informer who worked for H.L. Hunt as his Chief of Security. Actually, says Mellen, Rothermel was working for the IRS and trying to catch Hunt in tax evasion. In any case, H.L. Hunt trusted Rothermel fully in 1963, and this is what Paul Rothermel wrote to H.L. Hunt two weeks before the JFK murder:

There have been "unconfirmed reports of possible violence during the presidential parade," Rothermel writes. "If an incident were to occur the story of who perpetrated it would never come out." Rothermel claimed that he had a report "from a left-wing group" that "an incident would occur...with the knowledge of the President." The "left-wingers would start the incident in hopes of dragging in any of the right side groups nearby." Then the left would "withdraw." (Joan Mellen, OUR MAN IN HAITI, Appendix A)

Some have reviewed that letter by Rothermel suggesting that a "Simulated Assassination" is being discussed here -- about which JFK himself had knowledge. Insofar as it was done to entrap right-wingers, and JFK knew about it, this could also suggest that JFK approved of the plan. Mellen continues:

Later Rothermel would change his story. He would claim that the sources for the information contained in his November 4th memo were the FBI and groups created by right-wing General Edwin Walker at North Texas State University at Denton...In his November 4th memo, Rothermel added that "the above information comes from a reliable informant, and while it is in the hands of law enforcement agencies, there is no publicity about it." (Joan Mellen, OUR MAN IN HAITI, Appendix A)

I note here that the FBI Agent in Dallas assigned to track Ex-General Edwin Walker was none other than James Hosty -- whom "Will Fritz" says was a part of Edwin Walker's "Simulated Assassination" plot.


--Paul Trejo

Edited by Paul Trejo
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It might be useful to post a few more pages from THE KENNEDY MUTINY (2002) by this mysterious author "Will Fritz," to explain how Oswald got set up in New Orleans; how another patsy, the assassin, "Hidell" was selected; and how the fake FPCC in New Orleans was constructed. This excerpt is from pages 302-303 of his 701 page book:

------------ BEGIN EXCERPT FROM "The Kennedy Mutiny" BY WILL FRITZ ---------------------------------

Oswald's Contacts with the FPCC established a plausible mechanism on how he met A.J. Hidell in Dallas. And why he would meet him again in New Orleans. Even though it was quite a few months away before late fall, the Walker group wanted Oswald to get to New Orleans early. This way he could gradually build up to the major events they would create in late summer linking him to Hidell, thus reducing the possibility of generating suspicion if they tried to do too much too fuel Oswald went to New Orleans where the Walker group got him a job at the William Reily Coffee Company. Reily, of course, was one of their members.

Oswald sent for his wife after he got established. Hosty then showed up at their apartment in Dallas in the middle of May, but of course, they were gone. He noted this in Oswald's file and that he didn't know where they had moved. The Walker group felt the latter information would be believable, even though close scrutiny would show that the FBI agent would have to be lying, as there should have been no problem for Hosty to ascertain Oswald's new address. Somebody would really have to check up on this item to catch this disparity, and they no doubt felt that was very unlikely. As planned, Hosty would wait for the right opportunity to forward the file to New Orleans. They didn't want New Orleans authorities to have too much information at this point. Some unwitting investigator might pursue the information too diligently and uncover part of their plot.

Reflecting on what they had done so far, Lee recognized a problem. After their staged event, investigators looking at the order for the Mannlicher-Carcano and the revolver m!ght suspect that Oswald ordered the guns. Although the Walker group included the name Hidell on the orders, the guns were shipped to his post office box. And while they felt their story about Oswald loaning the box to Hidell was fairly solid, he was still a little worried about the situation.

To resolve the problem, they used Adrian Alba, the owner of a garage near Reilys, who also happened to be a gun enthusiast. Lee would go over to his garage and engage him in conversations about guns. The ex-defector would profess a general ignorance on weapons. In particular, he would emphasize a lack of knowledge on how one went about acquiring guns through mail order catalogs. After the assassination attempt, they could use Alba's testimony that Oswald did not know how to go about ordering weapons. As the ex-Marine had his conversations with Alba in May, and the Hidell guns were ordered month earlier, the natural conclusion would be that it couldn't have been Lee Harvey Oswald who ordered the revolver and rifle.

Sometime in the spring, the Walker organization was fortunate again. They found their assassin Hidell. He was an American ex-serviceman around thirty-five years old with a history of psychological problems and who was in and out of mental institutions. He had no family and no friends. And he was not very bright. They maneuvered Hidell to Louisiana for implementation of their plans at the right time. The main thing now was to generally keep him out of sight. And as he was not bright and fairly unstable, he was easy to manipulate.

As mentioned, the plan was for Oswald to set up a branch chapter of the FPCC. The chapter would consist of Oswald, Hidell and a few other individuals. Of course, all the members were fictitious except for Oswald. This would provide the paper link between Oswald and Hidell as associates. The work for the next several months was to make all this believable and provable.

Oswald began by obtaining a post office box in New Orleans. On the allowed-to-receive-mail form he included the names Marina, the FPCC and A.J. Hidell. Next, Oswald wrote to Vincent T. Lee at the FPCC headquarters in New York on May 26, 1963 requesting formal membership and informing them he was going to establish a chapter in New Orleans. V.T. Lee responded to Oswald's letter saying he was "very, very pleased to see this take place...[however, a review of the records indicated there were probably] too few members...in the New Orleans area" to make a successful chapter.

After writing V.T. Lee, Oswald ordered a number of materials, such as handbills to begin the observable creation of the FPCC in the Crescent City. It was suggested to him to use the name Lee Osborne when ordering the handbills and other literature so as to make it appear there were already a number of individuals in the organization.

To continue his link with Hidell (there were already the links from the rifle sent to Hidell at Oswald's post office box in Dallas and the adding of Hidell's name to his new PO box in New Orleans), Oswald acquired a number of cards with FPCC nomenclature. On the cards, he listed Hidell as President and himself as Secretary. Oswald had his wife sign the cards with Hidell's signature. He did this so that, after the assassination attempt, when investigators found the cards, they couldn't link his handwriting to the Hidell signature on the FPCC material. This would continue to add authenticity to the fiction that Hidell really existed.

The Walker group decided the best approach was to make Hidell the President. He would be the leader that steered Oswald in his actions on behalf of the FPCC. So, after the assassination attempt, Oswald could claim at that time, the early summer of 1963, he was just following the directions of a person he felt was older and wiser. Only later, towards the end of the summer, Oswald would claim he discovered he was wrong in his assessment. To that end, he prepared a Certificate of Vaccination Card with the name Dr. A.J. Hidell stamped on it. How the Walker group used the identification of Hidell as a medical doctor in their approach to break Hidell and Oswald apart will be discussed later.

(from: The Kennedy Mutiny, 2002, by Will Fritz, pp. 302-303)

------------- END EXCERPT FROM "The Kennedy Mutiny" BY WILL FRITZ ---------------------------------

Best regards,
--Paul Trejo

Edited by Paul Trejo
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