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Ruth Paine

Paul Trejo

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9. Michael and Ruth Paine had known Everett Glover for years, so Carol Hewett presumes that Ruth Paine was close with all of Everett’s friends, including Volkmar Schmidt and George and Jeanne DeMohrenschildt despite Ruth’s many denials. Carol provides no material evidence for her claim.

10. Carol Hewett says that the Oswalds were invited to the Fri22Feb63 party “for the express purpose of meeting the Paines,” suggesting a CIA “hand-off” of LHO from the DeMohrenschildts to the Paines. Again, Carol cites no shred of material evidence to back up her ridiculous claim.

11. Ruth Paine was interested in Marina Oswald as a friend and conversational Russian speaker, and also because Marina Oswald repeatedly asked Ruth for help. Ruth had little interest in LHO or General Walker. Carol Hewett claims that Ruth Paine’s true motives were from the FBI and CIA.

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12. Carol Hewett attempts to make a political link between LHO and Michael Paine; some secret alliance to do violent deeds. LHO associated with Michael Paine two times in 1963 – April 1963 and November 1963 – and both times LHO was blamed for an assassination attempt. So Carol accuses the Paines of manipulating LHO for the FBI and CIA. Carol provides no material evidence whatsoever for this outrageous accusation.

13. Carol Hewett cites reports by SMU students that Michael Paine liked to challenge them with political debates about Communism and Cuba, and challenge them to attend Red meetings and speak their minds. When asked if he did this, Michael boasted to them that he personally knew an ex-Marine who had lived in the USSR and returned to the USA with a Russian wife. Carol wishes to portray this as espionage, but even if true, the report is basically nothing.

14. Carol Hewett cites LHO’s brother, Robert Oswald, in his opinion that Michael Paine was also an FPCC supporter. Yet not one scrap of material evidence is offered for this charge by anybody – not Robert and not Carol.

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15. Ruth and Marina agree in their WC testimony that Marina told Ruth in March 1963 that she was pregnant, and that LHO was continually threatening to force her to return to the USSR without him. All the letters that Marina wrote to the USSR Embassy about a visa were always written by LHO himself, and LHO forced Marina to sign them. This was the original cause of Ruth’s concern for Marina Oswald. Ruth started out hoping for a friend for Russian conversation, but this soon became a charity concern for a Soviet refugee. Carol Hewett, however, claims that she cannot see any genuine motivation for Ruth Paine’s concern for the welfare of Marina Oswald.

16. Carol Hewett insists that Ruth Paine spoke Russian perfectly well, because she had been taking classes since 1957, and didn’t need any Russian conversational practice. Her evidence is that Ruth Paine got a job teaching Russian language and St. Mark’s School for Boys in Dallas, Texas. But teaching young boys the rules of Russian grammar (for the one semester, part-time) is comparatively easy compared with conversational Russian. Carol just didn’t know that.

17. Ruth denied social ties with the White Russian community in Dallas. They were all native Russian speakers and Russian Orthodox Church members, and Ruth wasn’t. Carol Hewett says Ruth is lying about this, and that Ruth was close to George DeMohrenschildt and the White Russians who were also close to the CIA and worked to frame LHO for the Walker and JFK shootings. The only White Russian that Ruth knew was the elderly Dorothy Gravitas, her Russian tutor. Carol provides no material evidence for her charges.

18. To the WC charge that Ruth’s concern for Marina Oswald was “odd” because Marina was married, Ruth explained that Marina complained of her fears that LHO sought to abandon her. Carol Hewett writes: “Ruth didn’t know LHO, so how could she know how much he might interfere?” Actually, Ruth didn’t want to take Marina unless LHO actually did abandon her, and she was sensitive to the marriage of LHO and Marina. Ruth only offered to help when Marina was in real need – e.g. LHO was traveling to NOLA alone, or traveling to Mexico City alone, and Marina was pregnant and penniless. Carol Hewett consistently ignores Ruth’s reasonable explanation for her behavior.

19. Carol Hewett accuses Ruth Paine along with LHO for failing to teach Marina English. This was intended to manipulate Marina, suggested Carol. Actually, Ruth offered multiple times to help Marina with English, but Marina was always too busy with child-care and with other worries.

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20. Ruth says that she invited the Oswalds to dinner and to meet Michael Paine on April 2, 1963. This was the first time that Michael Paine met LHO face to face. Carol Hewett accuses the Paines of lying here, because Everett Glover had said that Michael Paine met LHO at his apartment earlier in 1963. Actually, Everett Glover said: “I’m pretty sure that he was there. Again, I’m not 100% sure.” Carol Hewett has nothing else to add to this.

21. When the WC asked Michael for the date of this dinner, Michael accidentally answered, April 10th – which was the same day of the Walker shooting. Carol Hewett claimed victory here – because it either gave LHO an alibi for the Walker shooting, or it proved that Michael Paine was involved in the Walker shooting (as Walker also suspected out loud to the WC). Michael then corrected himself and told the WC the actual date, April 2nd. Carol refused to accept the correction.

22. The Oswalds had no car, so Michael Paine testified that he drove the Oswalds from Neeley Street to Irving on April 2, 1963. In that first and only visit to the Oswald apartment (claims Michael) he noticed the apartment’s narrow clapboard siding, so he later recognized the location of the Backyard Photographs (BYPs) when the DPD showed them to Michael. Carol Hewett accuses Michael of lying, because ‘half of all wooden houses in Oak Cliff had that same siding, and still do.’ Carol insists that Michael Paine “must have been” involved in the Walker shooting somehow, but she lacks solid evidence.

23. Ruth Paine says that General Walker wasn’t discussed in her hearing at that April 2nd dinner, and that she wasn’t interested anyway, because she preferred the topic of child-care over politics. Carol Hewett accuses Ruth of lying here, simply because Ruth was college-educated. According to Carol, Ruth Paine “must have been” involved in the Walker shooting somehow, but she lacks solid evidence.

Best regards,

--Paul Trejo

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24. On Sunday, April 7th, Ruth Paine composed a letter in Russian to Marina Oswald, inviting Marina to live with her; but never sent it to Marina. Ruth told the WC that she wanted to protect pregnant Marina from LHO’s threats to send her back to the USSR without him. Yet Ruth wanted to be perfectly certain about LHO’s intent to abandon Marina. Only if LHO really didn’t want Marina would Ruth help Marina get on her feet in the USA. Yet Ruth’s Russian vocabulary was weak, so she wrote her invitation in a letter, to later use that vocabulary in a face-to-face talk with Marina at the right time. Carol Hewett insists that Ruth Paine “must have” sent that letter! Carol doesn’t explain why; she arbitrarily claims Ruth is lying about everything.


25. Ruth Paine’s calendar has two entries for April 10th and 11th naming Marina – with an arrow between them. Ruth vaguely recalls hoping to see Marina on those two days, but became too busy. Carol Hewett accuses Ruth of lying, since those were the days of the Walker shooting. Carol guesses: if LHO was really the author of the “Walker Letter,” then he obviously anticipated being arrested. So, if Ruth knew all about it, then Ruth was planning to take Marina under her wing, just in case LHO was arrested. Carol is now arbitrarily making up scenarios.

26. Carol Hewett cites the actual fact that Marina Oswald had begun a regular correspondence with the USSR Embassy since February 17, 1963, regarding her visa to return to Russia, and claims that Marina desired to go back to the USSR. However, Carol ignores Marina’s repeated testimony that LHO was forcing her to write those letters all year long.

27. Carol Hewett cites the actual fact that the FBI would intercept Marina’s mail to the USSR Embassy, and guesses that the FBI asked Ruth Paine to try to keep Marina Oswald in the USA. Carol guesses that this is why Ruth Paine met Marina Oswald on February 22nd at the Everett Glover’s apartment. To float her theory, Carol must ignore the testimony of both Ruth and Marina that Ruth’s motive was her own, independent decision to protect Marina Oswald from being sent back to the USSR, starting in March when Marina herself complained about LHO’s behavior.

28. On Easter Sunday April 14th, says Carol Hewett, the Oswalds were visited by both George and Jeanne DeMohrenschildt at their apartment, where Jeanne found LHO’s rifle. Actually, however, the WC testimony clearly says that the DeMohrenschildts had visited the Oswalds at 10pm on Saturday April 13th – not Easter Sunday.

29. Carol claims that Jeanne DeMohrenschildt’s testimony that she found Oswald’s rifle in the Oswald’s apartment “conflicts with Marina’s statement that as of Easter Sunday the rifle was still buried.” That’s simply untrue. Marina’s WC testimony agreed with Jeanne DeMohrenschildt on dates and basic events. (Besides that, the Russian word for “buried” also means just “hidden”.)

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30. Ruth Paine testifies that her next contact with the Oswalds was on Saturday morning, April 20th, when she drove their family to a fishing park. LHO was in a bad mood and stayed alone, fishing – out of their sight. When he returned, he had a fish. Carol Hewett guesses that since LHO could not be seen, perhaps LHO was meeting a CIA Agent (or other secret agent) in the park (or elsewhere). Again, Carol is arbitrarily making up scenarios.

31. During April 1963, the Oswalds sometimes met with the Paines and sometimes met with the DeMohrenschildts. Carol Hewett insists that because the time frames were so close, there “must have been” interaction between Paines and DeMohrenschildts; probably secret and plotting with FBI and CIA (as Jim Garrison once proposed). Carol is unable to offer any evidence for her guess.


32. One Saturday in March or April 1963 (he couldn’t remember when) Robert Taylor, a mechanic at a Shell station near Ruth Paine’s house, traded a $11.50 repair of a black and white 1959 Chevy for a .30 caliber $12 Springfield military rifle, with two odd men. After JFK was killed, Taylor called the FBI and said that LHO could have been one of those men. Mechanic Curtis Crowder also saw the trade; he said it was on Sat20Apr63, and he told the FBI that neither man was LHO, though one showed some resemblance. Carol Hewett weaves a novel scenario: witnesses said the Walker shooting involved a steel-jacketed bullet from a .30 caliber military rifle and a black and white Chevy get-away car! The other man was LHO’s accomplice, she exclaims!

Best regards,

--Paul Trejo

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33. Ruth Paine testified that her next visit with the Oswalds was on Wed24Apr1963, with the names of both Marina and the unemployed Lee in her calendar on this date. When Ruth arrived she was surprised that LHO was packed to move to New Orleans, asking Ruth to transport his luggage to the bus station. Carol Hewett again accuses Ruth of lying – Ruth had really planned to help LHO move to New Orleans, she claims. Again, Carol offers no material evidence for her suspicion.

34. Ruth Paine testified that LHO bought a bus ticket for Marina, and Marina was going to stay at the Neely Street address, without rent money, until LHO got a job and an apartment in New Orleans and sent her a letter (they had no phone) to use her bus ticket to join him. Ruth angrily thought that this plan was unfair to Marina who was already worried that LHO would abandon her. But Ruth kindly offered to LHO to take Marina into her own house and let Marina wait there for LHO to get settled and call Marina on Ruth’s phone. Ruth also offered to personally drive Marina to New Orleans. LHO accepted her offer. LHO went to NOLA and Marina and June went to live with Ruth Paine. On May 10, 1963 (16 days later) LHO called Marina with news that he was ready for her, so Ruth promptly drove Marina and baby June to New Orleans on May 11, 1963. Carol Hewett suspects an evil motive to all this. Plenty of pregnant women ride the bus, with no problem, she writes. Carol insists that Michael’s separation was “no coincidence” and Ruth’s motives were “not charitable,” but she fails to back up these charges with material evidence.

35. For the next five months Ruth and Marina still shared letters, and Marina still worried about LHO. That summer rich Ruth Paine took a 10-week vacation to visit her rich family on the East coast. She told them all how she wanted to rescue this Russian Refugee, Marina Oswald, and spoke of little else. At the end of her vacation, Ruth stopped at New Orleans to visit the Oswalds; Marina was now waddling pregnant, and LHO had lost his job yet again. Ruth again took pity on Marina and offered to take her back to Texas so that Marina could have her baby safely at Parkland Hospital, while LHO looked for work. Carol Hewett refuses to believe that Ruth Paine was being “charitable” here.

36. In all of those letters, Ruth and Marina never discussed Marina living with Ruth, yet Carol Hewett claims that this was Ruth Paine’s original plot; to isolate Marina from LHO. She doesn’t say why, but it sounds conspiratorial so she prints it. Actually, she’s really imitating Jim Garrison’s guess that the CIA role of Ruth Paine was to “isolate Marina from LHO,” but even Jim Garrison didn’t explain why. After Jim Garrison interrogated Ruth Paine in 1968, he dropped this theory. Carol Hewett just repeats Garrison’s failed idea, even though it still has no motive or reason.

37. Ruth Paine’s relatives and friends agreed that Ruth was continually making plans for Marina to live alone as a single mother in the USA, perhaps even among the New York Russian Exile community, if she wanted to – if (and only if) LHO actually abandoned her as he reportedly threatened to do. But Carol Hewett claims that Ruth’s folks told the FBI that Ruth was planning to take Marina to Texas with her all along. Carol fails to offer their actual words, though, and they didn’t actually use those words.

38. When Ruth Paine arrived in New Orleans on September 20, 1963, she found Marina and LHO getting along. So Ruth didn’t say a word about Texas at first, but after she learned that LHO had been fired yet again, and that Marina was only weeks away from giving birth, she was moved. It’s not only Quakers who would step up when friends face a tough spot like this; if we could afford it, most of us would offer to take Marina back to a safe place so that she could give birth at a safe hospital. So she did. LHO loved the idea and was very helpful for the next four days. When Ruth invited a Church family to visit Marina (because one of the daughters spoke Russian), LHO was very polite to them, according to what Ruth could see. Carol Hewett rejects this logical explanation, but insists, without proof, that Ruth was plotting something with the FBI and CIA.

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39. Marina Oswald told the WC that LHO told her personally that Michael Paine knew about the Walker shooting. Carol Hewett however, prints that Marina told the WC that both Michael and Ruth Paine knew about the Walker shooting. That is a serious charge, and Carol plainly twisted Marina’s testimony to make her claim.

40. Michael Paine explained to the WC that Marina Oswald was simply mistaken about this belief, and that Marina didn’t claim any first-hand knowledge, but only repeated hear-say from LHO, who can no longer be interrogated. Marina later admitted this, too. Carol omits these facts.

41. The WC asked Ruth Paine about her calendar entry of April 11, 1963, because Ruth had Marina’s name in that calendar square. Ruth explained that she had hoped to see Marina that day, but she got too busy. Carol Hewett accuses Ruth Paine is lying, and that the Paines knew about the Walker shooting because the Paines actually helped LHO with it, and after the plot failed, they helped the Oswalds flee to New Orleans. Carol invents this original scenario: ‘Since LHO told the Paines about the Walker shooting, the only reason the Paines would remain LHO’s friends for the rest of the year was because the Paines were behind the Walker plot;’ mere pulp fiction.

42. The WC noted that a German newspaper (Deutsche Nationalzeitung) article of 11/29/1963 reported that RFK had protected LHO in the effort to kill General Walker. Carol Hewett wonders whether General Walker first heard this first from the German newspaper, or whether the German newspaper heard it first from General Walker. Carol was clearly unaware that FBI reports had long confirmed that the German FBI (BND) interrogation of Helmut Muench proved that the German newspaper had heard it first from General Walker.

43. The WC also noted that a National Enquirer story of May 1964 also suggested that RFK had protected LHO in the effort to kill General Walker. Carol Hewett also notes this article, and she like the WC failed to recognize that General Walker was also the source of that article, as this was one of General Walker’s favorite stories that he often repeated till the year he died.

Best regards,

--Paul Trejo

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44. Michael Paine admitted to Dan Rather in 1993 that he first saw LHO’s BYP prior to the JFK murder, although Michael Paine had testified to the WC that he never saw LHO with any weapons. Carol Paine exclaims that Michael Paine perjured himself before the WC, to conceal his role as an accomplice to the Walker shooting. However, Michael Paine didn’t tell Dan Rather he saw LHO with literal weapons – Michael only saw a photograph of LHO with weapons. These could have been: (i) fake weapons; (ii) a fake photograph; or (iii) both. So, even though Michael in 1993 admitted he saw a BYP in April 1963, Michael Paine could still say, without perjury, that he never saw LHO with literal weapons in 1963.

45. Carol Hewett accuses Michael Paine: he “must have” known all about LHO, which is why he panicked when he heard JFK was shot. He “must have” known LHO was prone to violence back in April, and yet he remained pals with LHO for the rest of 1963, and even let LHO stay at his own wife’s house with his own children. He “must have” known that the long metal object inside a blanket in his garage was a rifle, and he “must have” even placed it into his garage himself. For Carol Hewett, Michael and Ruth Paine secretly managed LHO’s rifle, and lied to the WC about it. But Carol offers no material evidence for this charge; only her own guesswork.

Best regards,

--Paul Trejo

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46. When Ruth Paine drove Marina and baby June Oswald to New Orleans to join LHO in NOLA on May 11th, 1963, Ruth also asked Michael Paine to return some items that Marina had borrowed from the DeMohrenschildts in 1962 – long before Ruth had met Marina. These items were a record player and a box of “Learn to Speak English” records. The DeMohrenschildts now lived in Haiti, but Michael’s longtime Unitarian friend, Everett Glover, was also a friend of the DeMohrenschildts and was now house-sitting for them. Everett had a place in the garage for DeMohrenschildt storage, and he placed Marina’s items there. This box of records also contained a BYP, dedicated to George and signed and dated by LHO himself on April 5, 1963. George DeMohrenschildt found this BYP in 1967 and turned it over to authorities. Carol Hewett claims that George DeMohrenschildt had long “incriminated” LHO for the JFK murder, and in 1967 was happy to do so again. Probably Carol never read George’s 1978 manuscript, I’m A Patsy! I’m A Patsy!

47. Carol Hewett jumps to this conclusion about the Paines and DeMohrenschildts: “this record player incident certainly means that the two couples were quite aware of one another.” Actually, it means no such thing. Marina received them in 1962, before she met Ruth. Everett Glover had delivered them to Marina in 1962 and returned them to the DeMohrenschildts in 1963. No direct contact is implied between the Paines and the DeMohrenschildts in the “record player incident.”

48. On 11/25/1963 Ruth Paine told the FBI that Everett Glover was living at the DeMohrenschildt residence. Carol Hewett exclaims that this is proof that the Paines were close to the DeMohrenschildts; otherwise, how would she know this? Simple; Marina Oswald knew the DeMohrenschildts very well, and Marina told Ruth. Yet Carol blithely rejects Ruth Paine’s 1964 testimony that she only met the DeMohrenschildts once in her life.

49. Regarding the BYP, Carol Hewett speculates: (i) the Garrison investigation just became public in 1967; (ii) Garrison claimed that the BYPs were Fakes; and (iii) George DeMohrenschildt was sent by the CIA to prove the BYP were real. Actually, Carol confuses two separate issues: (i) the BYP are clearly Fakes; and (ii) LHO signed George’s BYP in April 1963, as confirmed by handwriting experts. Carol should have concluded that LHO himself created the Fakes for plausible denial, but instead Carol claims that the CIA sent DeMohrenschildt in 1967 to prove that the BYP were real; and that the CIA sent Michael Paine in 1993 to prove that the BYP were real. Actually, neither George nor Michael said that the BYPs were real – only that Michael saw one in April 1963, and that LHO had signed George’s copy in April 1963. They could still be Fakes. Carol missed that.

50. The WC noted that the BYPs fit a pattern of LHO trying to make himself look like a left-wing revolutionary, e.g. in NOLA by publicly handing out FPCC fliers, and in Mexico City by demanding a visa to Havana and making a scene there. This remains true even if the BYPs are Fakes that were created by LHO himself at Jaggars-Chiles-Stovall. Carol Hewett, however, insists that LHO’s enemies created the BYP Fakes before the Walker shooting to frame LHO as a Red fanatic. Carol ignores the fact that LHO deliberately put himself out in the public eye as a Leftist Activist.

51. Ruth Paine testified in 1964 that she met the DeMohrenschildts one and only one time in her life. Carol Hewett insists that Ruth Paine is lying about this. The two couples had dinner together in 1966 to discuss the JFK murder and the newly found BYP, she said. (Actually, she got the date wrong, because George DeMohrenschildt said in his 1978 manuscript, I’m a Patsy! I’m a Patsy! that he found the BYP in February 1967.) Yet Carol’s point is that George said in that manuscript that he spoke of the BYP only with “close friends.” Therefore, concludes Carol, the Paines must have been “close friends” of the DeMohrenschildts because they spoke of the BYP in 1966. Since Ruth lied, claims Carol, they “must have” been friends long before Ruth Paine met Marina Oswald. Carol Hewett totally takes words out of context to build her sand castles.

52. Although the BYPs do reveal aspects from LHO’s Imperial Reflex 35mm camera, they also reveal aspects from a 15mm camera lens, according to one WC expert. Carol Hewett jumps to the conclusion that since Michael Paine’sMinox camera had a 15mm camera lens, that Michael Paine “must have” had a hand in creating the BYP. Carol neglects the simple fact that countless other cameras have 15mm lenses, and that includes many cameras at Jaggars-Chiles-Stovall, where LHO worked until April 1, 1963.

Best regards,

--Paul Trejo

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53. Ruth Paine told journalist Jessmyn Westin the summer of 1964 that she was “glad” that LHO was killed by Jack Ruby. This is a harsh remark, but Ruth explained her meaning – LHO’s death spared Marina the trauma of watching LHO convicted as the “Lone Nut” and getting the Dallas electric chair – whether guilty or not – based on the vast circumstantial evidence from which the WC and FBI refused to back down. Carol Hewett, however, claims this is a totally Un-Christian attitude on the part of Ruth Paine, and so she sarcastically calls Ruth, “this pious Quaker.” Rather, insinuates Carol Hewett, Ruth Paine is a heartless CIA agent who plotted to murder JFK and then blame LHO, as Jim Garrison had tried but failed to prove. However, I think that many people can sympathize with Ruth Paine’s concern for Marina Oswald, given the perfect framing of LHO for the JFK murder. Dallas DA Henry Wade said, “I’ve sent men to the electric chair with less evidence than this!” LHO had made the mistake of trusting his framers, and handing over his rifle to them. The FBI had no other suspect so perfectly framed.

54. Ruth Paine wrote a gushing, sympathetic letter to Jim Garrison in April 1968, praising his courage and offering to help him if she could. Carol Hewett was surprised by this letter, but then concluded that Ruth Paine was actually being cold-blooded, and had written this letter to Garrison as some sort of trick. Yet Carol had no explanation about what such a trick would accomplish.

55. Carol Hewett said that Jim Garrison always remained convinced that the Paines were somehow involved in the JFK murder. In fact, Ruth Paine faced Jim Garrison’s investigation before his Grand Jury, and Garrison found NOTHING to indict. This impressed Jim Garrison. After Ruth’s testimony, Jim Garrison warmly greeted Ruth Garrison and emotionally begged for her help in solving the JFK murder. Carol Hewett neglects to report this important fact.


Carol Hewett concluded that the Walker shooting linked the DeMohrenschildts and the Paines, and so Ruth and Michael Paine should have been forced to testify before the ARRB about the assassination of JFK.

Actually, the ARRB didn't take witnesses. Besides that, Carol Hewett clearly failed to provide any valid evidence to support her hostile claims. Her attempt to implicate the Paines in the shooting at General Walker completely misses its mark.


--Paul Trejo

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This from the guy who wrote page after page after page with no criticisms art all on the Caufield turkey. Which leads absolutely nowhere.

Under the word Biased in the dictionary is a photo of Paul Trejo.

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For those who do not understand what the above means, please read my review of Caufield's atrocity. The worst book in the field since Ultimate Sacrifice. And since I actually read and review many of these books--not an easy thing to do--I know of what I speak.


As you read, recall Paul Trejo bought the whole 780 pages of wind, lock, stock and barrel. Could not find one thing wrong or out of place. Including the Braden, Pere Marquette Building Conspiracy.

One really has to wonder, Paul has made no headway in the all the years he has been here, so what is he still pounding away for? Reminds me of Von Pein.

Edited by James DiEugenio
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Actually, I accept the basic premise of Jeff Caufield's new book, General Walker and the Murder of President Kennedy; the Extensive New Evidence of a Radical Right Conspiracy (2015).

General Walker was clearly the mastermind of the JFK conspiracy, in my reading.

However, I disagree with a few points of Caufield's conclusions. Mainly, to connect Lee Harvey Oswald with General Walker, this new book resorts to the 1971 theory by Gareth Wean, namely, that there was a "false flag" conspiracy against JFK that went awry.

My theory is that the actual connection between Lee Harvey Oswald and General Walker is a man named George De Mohrenschildt, as expressed by his 1977 manuscript, I'm a Patsy! I'm a Patsy!

In this manuscript -- as well as in his Warren Commission testimony, George De Mohrenschildt reveals his hatred toward General Walker. It is well known that Lee Harvey Oswald looked up to George De Mohrenschildt, and this was the actual motive for the attempt on Walker.

I think that Dr. Caufield missed this connection. Otherwise, Dr. Caufield's book is brilliant -- the best book on the JFK CT of any book so far in the 21st century.


--PaulT rejo

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