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The Umbrella Man Feature Film

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The Umbrella Man movie will be released throughout the U.S. and Canada on multiple video-on-demand and cable systems Tuesday, November 22nd.  It was written and directed by Michael Grasso, who filmed David Lifton’s 1990 interview with Marina Oswald.  I have seen a few clips from the film and it looks the conspiracy theory involving the Umbrella Man that the main character develops is pretty detailed.  In one scene, he mentions how Louie Steven Witt worked for the Rio Grande Insurance Company and that Carlos Marcello had connections to the company. 

The film may also be available for direct download.  If that is the case, I’ll post a link in this thread in the coming days.  Below is a synopsis and links to the trailer, IMDB page, and Facebook pages.  Looks pretty entertaining.

“Set in 1983 Pittsburgh, PA, Peter and Annie Brennan face the tragic death of their young son. The boy's death and the subsequent acquittal of his killer, kindles a conspiratorial paranoia in Peter that threatens his sanity, and marriage. While trying to discover more about the killer of his son, Brennan becomes fixated on the story of The Umbrella Man, a suspected shooter in the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. His decent into the underworld of conspiracy theorist sub-culture provides a place of emotional refuge for Peter, yet also contributes to his psychological undoing. From a Moose Lodge in Swissvale PA, to Dealey Plaza in Dallas, Texas, The Umbrella Man is one couples story of love, loss, and the 'against all odds' survival of their relationship.



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A man and his umbrella!  

Is this a fictitious tale?

As an aside, I first started using umbrellas during my

first year of law school, when it seemed like 

I walked for miles (1.6 kilometres for my fellow Canucks). I went through 3 umbrellas per year on average. How did Mr. Witt keep the same umbrella for 15 years? (Yes, it is dry in parts of Texas!)


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5 hours ago, Thomas Graves said:

.. one couples' story ...


Where is this "underworld of conspiracy theorist sub-culture" that one can descend into? Is there an annual membership required or can anyone get tickets? Is there an elevator or do I have to climb down a ladder (just want to dress appropriately, don't want you looking up my kilt)?


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Looks like a good "popcorn and Coke" kind of movie - well-produced.  I think my wife would enjoy watching it too :)

As for the UM, the most we can safely say without veering too much into the paranoia as seen in this movie is, the actions of UM and the black guy were, at most, odd.  When everyone else was running around and crying right after the shots were fired, these two just stood around, sat on the curb, got up, and walked away.

It's probably one of those one-in-a-million coincidences that the UM chose DP to stand there with his umbrella where he could clearly be seen vs. up further on the motorcade route.  And, thus, were crazy conspiracy theories born (mini pistols, darts, nerve gas, pointy laser eyes to freeze JFK in place, etc.).

One thing I noticed in the trailer is when LHO is shot, Ruby's gun sparks.  I had always thought that he didn't fire the shot until the barrel was jammed into LHO but guess he fired inches away from him.  I'm wondering if the film producers added this gun spark or if that's original?

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On 11/18/2016 at 4:31 PM, Chris Newton said:


Where is this "underworld of conspiracy theorist sub-culture" that one can descend into? Is there an annual membership required or can anyone get tickets? Is there an elevator or do I have to climb down a ladder (just want to dress appropriately, don't want you looking up my kilt)?



Beats the heck out of me. It really does.

FWIW, Did you notice that I typed the apostrophe in red in my post that read simply "... one couples' story ..."  ?

I'm a grammar Nazi.  I admit it.


BTW, You in Dallas now by any chance?

--  Tommy :sun

Edited by Thomas Graves
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1 hour ago, Thomas Graves said:

BTW, You in Dallas now by any chance?

North of San Fran at the moment... I didn't make it out there this year. I noticed the apostrophe but I didn't realize it was a "red pen" correction until you pointed it out.

Is a grammar nazi like a trunk monkey?

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30 minutes ago, Chris Newton said:

North of San Fran at the moment... I didn't make it out there this year. I noticed the apostrophe but I didn't realize it was a "red pen" correction until you pointed it out.

Is a grammar nazi like a trunk monkey?

Shouldn't "nazi" be capitalized?


--  Tommy :sun



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  • 9 months later...

Just musing here but...

Does anyone else see the Dealey Plaza "Umbrella Man" and the tall "fist thrusting" black man sitting on the Elm street curb seconds after JFK's head is blown apart, so close together they could be holding hands ... as maybe a little suspicious? 

I can understand men jumping down next to or even on their wives and children who were that close to something that bloody violent ( and gun shot LOUD) , but in almost segregated Dallas in 1963, and men to boot, you'd think that the normal instincts of two individual men ( one white - one black ) who supposedly didn't know each other would not be to cozy up as close as a cuddly couple in a movie theater especially when there is so much open room all around them?

Mind if I hold your hand friend?

Just makes me wonder if these cozy mind set two were connected in some other way besides simple coincidental location choice 2 to 3 feet from each other before and during JFK's limo drive by.

Also, it does appear that in closer up photos of the tall black man you do see something larger than a thick wallet near or in his back pocket area and in another photo of him still seated a somewhat large bulge  ( larger and more shape defined than a simple fold of coat fabric ) underneath the back right side of his short waist length coat. 

What is the general take here on the black man back pocket walkie-talkie story?


Edited by Joe Bauer
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4 hours ago, Joe Bauer said:

Just musing here but...

Does anyone else see the Dealey Plaza "Umbrella Man" and the tall "fist thrusting" black man sitting on the Elm street curb seconds after JFK's head is blown apart, so close together they could be holding hands ... as maybe a little suspicious? 

I can understand men jumping down next to or even on their wives and children who were that close to something that bloody violent ( and gun shot LOUD) , but in almost segregated Dallas in 1963, and men to boot, you'd think that the normal instincts of two individual men ( one white - one black ) who supposedly didn't know each other would not be to cozy up as close as a cuddly couple in a movie theater especially when there is so much open room all around them?

Mind if I hold your hand friend?

Just makes me wonder if these cozy mind set two were connected in some other way besides simple coincidental location choice 2 to 3 feet from each other before and during JFK's limo drive by.

Also, it does appear that in closer up photos of the tall black man you do see something larger than a thick wallet near or in his back pocket area and in another photo of him still seated a somewhat large bulge  ( larger and more shape defined than a simple fold of coat fabric ) underneath the back right side of his short waist length coat. 

What is the general take here on the black man back pocket walkie-talkie story?


I believe Mr. raised fist walkie-talkie man was definitely part of the op. On the ground signaler/communicator. I believe there's a picture of another guy with a walkie-talkie as well, blonde crew cut, I think.

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What surprises me is that I hear researchers saying that the guy seems to have a walkie talkie in his possession. I always think to myself, isn't it obvious that it's a walkie talkie?

And yes, I think it is very suspicious that he and Umbrella Man sit down next to each other.

BTW is that a black man? The word "Indian" or "Pakistani" always comes to mind when I see a picture of him.


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It doesn't look like he was "thrusting his fist" as the car went by...


Without veering too far into fantasyland, the most I'll say about those two guys is that their movements were "interesting" during and after the shooting.

I also found this interesting - not saying it's true but interesting:



Was this movie ever released as the start of this thread is almost a year old?

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The black or otherwise labeled "Dark Complexion Man" is actually on the Elm Street edge of the sidewalk 6 feet away and in front of the "Umbrella Man"  who stays back on the raised curb abutting the grassy area of the knoll while JFK is driven by them.

Then, in the seconds after the explosive action, the dark complexioned man, instead of remaining standing where he was, understandably from the shock of what he just heard ( two loud gunshots) and witnessed ( JFK's head exploding ) just feet away from him,  like all the other close-up witnesses in that part of the Plaza ... instead turns and walks back and positions himself within 2 feet of the umbrella man as they both decide to sit down together on the grassy knoll curb?

These two men's actions stand out as noticeably different than almost everyone else in that location at that time.

If these two were not together in some way why would the dark complexioned man go back to be so close to the umbrella man right after this mind blowing scene in front of him?

I mean, Jean Hill and Mary Moorman went to Dealey Plaza "as friends" and stood within feet of each other right up until JFK's head exploded into a huge cloud of pink blood , brains and bone right in front of them.

And even then, friends Jean Hill and Mary Moorman didn't run to each other and huddle. They remained standing and apart in shock ( Jean Hill even ran to the grassy knoll! ) until minutes later when they were eventually confronted by authority appearance men who then ordered them to be interviewed.

Out of dozens of up-close witnesses to JFK's head shot in that part of Dealey Plaza, like the Fist Thrusting and Umbrella Man, only five others dropped to the ground or even sat down in the seconds after.

Bill and Gayle Newman hit the ground to protect themselves and their two boys as Newman stated that the shot blast sounds made him think they might be in the line of fire and more shots might occur. A single lady on the grass behind Newman also dropped to the ground and a black couple farther back and right next to the Pergola at the top of the knoll dropped to the ground also. They were farther away from JFK's limo during the shots but the sound of these must have been loud enough for them to feel great fear.

I surmise that the immediate decision of the Fist Thrusting Dark Complexioned man to walk back within 2 feet of the Umbrella man and then both of them deciding to do the same action of sitting down, when almost everyone else was staying standing in stunned shock and/or running to and fro for the same reason, indicates some type of pre-assassination relationship.

And were either of these two men confronted and interviewed by police figures as Jean Hill and Mary Moorman even though Hill and Moorman were farther away from the head shot on JFK on the other side of the street?

Rational thinking demands that someone in investigative authority frantically wanting to know everything the "closest eye witnesses" of JFK's shooting saw...would have noticed these two "odd acting" men that were clearly visible from all the films and still shots of the event.

A man wearing a full length black coat and "pumping" a fully open umbrella on a bright but cool sunny day and who did this just at the same time JFK was hit in the head mere feet away is going to be the first person I want to hunt down and interview.

Same goes for someone who is even closer to JFK during the head shot and acting very animated with raised fist pumping, and then both these odd acting fellows come together to sit down on a curb two feet from each other seconds after the head shot while everyone else is running to and fro...???

Like rail road man Richard C. Dodd ( who witnessed the shooting from the rail road overpass just beyond the shooting zone) said in the Mark Lane Documentary "Rush To Judgement "... "seems to me like ...why, somethin' else is goin' on besides what should be."



Edited by Joe Bauer
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Sorry to intrude since I'm not really into the assassination these days, but what a great video.  I think Tink Thompson has it exactly right - not just about Umbrella Man but about the entire "quantum dimension" that historical events of this magnitude seem to have.  I might phrase it that they serve as a kind of Rorschach test.  The events of 9-11 are another perfect example.  On the other hand, I do have friends whose views I respect who believe there is an actual "quantum dimension" to events of this magnitude - i.e., that they do not simply occur in history the way a fender-bender does but actually have a deeper underlying meaning and significance and are meant (by whom?) to speak to us at a deeper level than the events themselves.  The notion that any conceivable conspiracy would have included the one man in the entire crowd with an umbrella, prominently snapping it open and shut, and then that man years later could come up with no more plausible explanation than the Neville Chamberlain one ... well, I chuckle along with the Tinkster.


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