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How did the conspiracy to kill JFK start?

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Here is one of the un-redacted confirmations that our little Oswald was not in Mexico City during this charade...

There is confirmation in the Army reporting of the event as well as by the Army reservist who interviewed the 2 CUBANS who visited ODIO with Oswald

Lester Logue. - Met with Gerry Patrick Hemming, as well as with the Cubans who visited Sylvia Odio with Oswald, who the Warren Commission Report wrongfully identified (as Seymore and Hall).

20) The CIA conduit Catherwood Fund financed the Catholic Welfare and their Cuban refuge medical clinnics in Florida, Louisiana and Texas, as well as providing spiritual guidence, such as that given by Father Walter Machann, patron of the Dallas Cuban community. As Sylvia Odio's confessor, he knew of the visit by Oswald and two Cubans. The Catholic Welfare in New Orleans also loaned the laundry truck to those who burglarized the munitions from the Houma bunker.  http://jfkcountercoup.blogspot.com/2018/04/covert-ops-related-to-dealey-plaza.html

As time passes Keyvan, more and more is released which supports the conclusion that Oswald was not there - whether or not ANYONE calling themselves Oswald was actually there is more in line with your "who knows" response, than what you think was on Oswald's mind at the time...


I've posted the unredacted evidence.... The man Ruby killed was not in Mexico...#1 in the list is a non starter... Keyvan>> Nobody knows.  Oswald did have a motive to kill JFK and Governor Connally.  The governor was the Secretary of the Navy and changed his honorable discharge to dishonorable discharge from the Marine Corp when Oswald went to Russia and said he would share USA secrets with the Russians.  Oswald even wrote a letter to John Connally - “I shall employ all means to right this gross mistake or injustice to a bonified U.S. citizen and ex-serviceman.” He asked Connally personally to “repair the damage done to me and my family”...  Connally brushed him off!


Please sir...  while you discuss FACTS you add assumptions and speculation to render your facts secondary.  JC did not "brush him off" he replied to him and forwarded the letter to the actual Sec of the Navy Fred Korth....  

Keyvan...  how can you write "Nobody knows" then tell me that Oswald had motive to kill them?  No, JC was not the Sec of the Navy at the time.

The Sec of the Navy did not have any direct input in the change of Oswald's discharge.  Oswald discharged was changed on Aug 17 1960.
Connally becomes Sec of the Navy Jan 25, 1961 at LBJ's request (it would seem JC said publically that JFK would not make it thru 1st term due to Addison's... was the LGJ recommended appointment a way to buy his silence?).  If the Sec of the Navy had anything to do with Oswald, it would be William Franke.

On January 30, 1961 Oswald writes the letter to Connally...  (wonder how he finds out so fast that Connally is made Sec of Navy only 5 days before... while in Minsk)
On Feb 23, 1962 Connally replies (see below) that he is no longer Sec'y but will forward the letter to FRED KORTH - the current Sec of the Navy

KORTH supposedly was involved with the young Oswald as well as being EKDAHL's attorney in his divorce form Marge...  one wonders why the letter was not to his "friend" KORTH to help him fix the situation... 

WHY do you supposed Oswald does not follow up with his friend FRED? 
What follow-up actions are you aware of that leads to Oswald being serious in his letter...  he wants to RIGHT THIS WRONG but then what?  Nothing, that's what.

Nothing happens.  There is no follow-up, no more threats and no more thoughts about RIGHTING anything...

It truly requires more than a passing remark to account for FACT, Keyvan.  If you are going to cherry-pick a threat... first thing you might try is corroborating it...
Given the massive amount of forgery going on to create evidence, one might ask first - does this sound like Oswald and 2, what becomes of it....





#2... They created the messages, not intercepted... And then try were attached to mystery man as Oswald thanks to Goodpasture who worked for Phillips.... Keyvan>> Are any of those documents available for viewing?

Keyvan...  I spent a couple years and wrote a number of articles discussing this.   https://kennedysandking.com/john-f-kennedy-articles/the-evidence-is-the-conspiracy-index  (part 6 is in process)  Bill Simpich wrote STATE SECRET which delves more deeply into what MAY have happened during those few days...

It was GOODPASTURE who changes the date of the MYSTERY MAN photo to match the faked phone call of Oct 1.
It was GOODPASTURE as RIGGS who claims the tapes are erases

It was GOODPASTURE who would have brought the transcripts and photos to Win Scott within a day... not a week.

LADILLINGER is the Soviet desk at CIA station in Mexico where GOODPASTURE PHILLIPS HUNT and SCOTT are....





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On 4/23/2018 at 5:44 PM, David Josephs said:


To be clear, you are stating that there was a Lee Harvey Oswald in Mexico, but it was not LHO whos is accused of shooting at JFK and Connally.

The LHO in Mexico was a plant by somebody in the intelligence community to put blame on Cuba and Russia for the assassination of JFK.



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Ok Keyvan, you will do yourself some good by reading the articles I posted... I get very in-depth about all this...
Here is a small piece of why I feel this way

---To be clear, you are stating that there was a Lee Harvey Oswald in Mexico, but it was not LHO who is accused of shooting at JFK and Connally.

I am stating that there was a story about an Oswald starting with a visit to the Cuban Consulate on Sept 27...  That LHO was with Cubans who traveled from New Orleans thru Austin to Dallas, visit Odio and goes to the Sport Drome that weekend....  he winds up at the Dallas YMCA for the night of Oct 3rd...  when he calls Marina asking that she ask Ruth to come get him... they get him on the 4th yet bring him back to Dallas a day later to start looking for work..

From my vantage point there is too much evidence which places Oswald at Odio and in Dallas during that time.
The real question remains... was this the work of an imposter - a real physical person playing the part - or was it all fabricated?
I am starting to get the sense that it was indeed entirely fabricated event. 

But let's explore the reasoning a second....

Ruth picks Marina up to drive her to Irving on the 23rd...  Oswald supposedly has told her he's going to Mexico, taking a bus, staying in a hotel.. pretty big deal I'd think... not only does Marina neglect to mention the Mexico trip when asked the first couple times by the FBI and SS...  she doesn't say a single word about the trip to anyone.... not even her multi-day car companion...  it is not until months later that she flips her answer....

JENNER here is asking Ruth what Oswald said he was going to do after they left New Orleans (Sept 23):

Mr. JENNER - And he put it in terms of leaving New Orleans to go to Houston, or what was the other town? 
Mrs. PAINE - Possibly Philadelphia. 
Mr. JENNER - Possibly Philadelphia. Now, during all that weekend, was there any discussion of anybody going to Mexico? 
Mrs. PAINE - No. 
Mr. JENNER - Was the subject of Mexico discussed at any time and in any respect? 
Mrs. PAINE - Not at any time nor any respect. 
Mr. JENNER - On the trip back to Irving, Tex., did Marina say anything on the subject of Mexico? 
Mrs. PAINE - No. 


The calls themselves are very suspect...  they happen when the offices are closed to the public on Friday the 27th and Sat the 28th...
Nothing - literally nothing happens on Monday the 30th of Sept...  All this terrible importance (he supposedly gets from the bus to the hotel to the Cuban Embassy in lass than 30 minutes),all this importance and Oswald completely skips any follow-up on the 30th...    :huh:

So let's look at the other supporting evidence for Oswald not being involved with Mexico.

The reports from ACSI place Oswald in Dallas with 2 Cubans and NEVER in Mexico, until after 11/22

These ACSI associations could just be their basic intrusion into the situation of the day, and not an indicator of any sinister involvement except for the other extensions of their tentacles, including ACSI officer Col. Sam Kail debriefing the accused assassin’s good friend George deMohrenschildt before he traveled to Haiti, and “Our Man in Acapulco,” – Colonel Frank Maryan “Brandy” Brandstetter, the head of the Hilton Hotel in Havana where Castro stayed in the early days of his reign.
Brandy was from Dallas, and reported directly to General Rose at ACSI at the Pentagon. One of Brandy’s employees at the Havana Hilton, Manalo Ray, co-founded an anti-Castro Cuban group JURE with the father of Sylvia Odio, who Oswald and two Cubans visited after Oswald left New Orleans.

Analysis of the 9/27 calls suggest strongly that caller was NOT Oswald.


Mr. CORNWELL. Was the first visit of this man that you have just described to us during the normal working hours at the consulate? 
Senor AZCUE. Yes, without a doubt. The consulate opened at 10 in the Morning and closed at 2. 

The calls from Sept 27 are at 1605 (4:05pm) and again at 1626 (4:26pm) and supposedly from the Soviet Consulate - with Oswald there in front of her!



I cold go on, but it's all in the 5-6 chapters at kennedysandking


---The LHO in Mexico was a plant by somebody in the intelligence community to put blame on Cuba and Russia for the assassination of JFK.

I honestly do not know, nor do I have a sense that we could ever know such a thing.... in terms of WHO... the "somebody" could have been from a variety of intelligence outfits...  all we know for sure was no connection between MYSTERY MAN and Oswald - The most obvious of these Phase 1 to 2 changes is with ALVARADO who claims to have seen Oswald get $6500 from a red-headed negro on Sept 17/18.... at the Cuban Embassy.  Part of this change was the recanting of this story under duress... and the "taking care of the asset" by giving him something harmless to do for a while...


The WHAT - blame on Cuba/Russia - is classic Peter Dale Scott Phase 1 reporting


In Deep Politics and the Death of JFK, I called these "Phase-One" reports, part of

a two-fold process. Phase One put forward the phantom of an international plot, linking Oswald to the USSR, to Cuba, or to both countries together. This phantom was used to invoke the danger of a possible nuclear confrontation, which induced Chief Justice Earl Warren and other political notables to accept Phase Two, the equally false (but less dangerous) hypothesis that Oswald killed the President all by himself. …. [T]he Phase-One story… was first promoted and then defused by the CIA. Michael Beschloss has revealed that, at 9:20 AM on the morning of November 23, CIA Director John McCone briefed the new President. In Beschloss' words: "The CIA had information on foreign connections to the alleged assassin, Lee Harvey Oswald, which suggested to LBJ that Kennedy may have been murdered by an international conspiracy."28

To this day both Phase-One and Phase-Two stories have dominated the treatment of 11/22 in the governing media, to the virtual exclusion of non-establishment analyses treating 11/22 as a deep event.


Edited by David Josephs
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1913 when the Federal Reserve was established?  1921 when the Council on Foreign Relations was?  Then again what did Roosevelt say about the bankers and Grant in the 1860-70's?

Edited by Ron Bulman
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On 4/25/2018 at 3:40 PM, David Josephs said:

Ok Keyvan, you will do yourself some good by reading the articles I posted... I get very in-depth about all this...
Here is a small piece of why I feel this way

---To be clear, you are stating that there was a Lee Harvey Oswald in Mexico, but it was not LHO who is accused of shooting at JFK and Connally.

I am stating that there was a story about an Oswald starting with a visit to the Cuban Consulate on Sept 27...  That LHO was with Cubans who traveled from New Orleans thru Austin to Dallas, visit Odio and goes to the Sport Drome that weekend....  he winds up at the Dallas YMCA for the night of Oct 3rd...  when he calls Marina asking that she ask Ruth to come get him... they get him on the 4th yet bring him back to Dallas a day later to start looking for work..

From my vantage point there is too much evidence which places Oswald at Odio and in Dallas during that time.
The real question remains... was this the work of an imposter - a real physical person playing the part - or was it all fabricated?
I am starting to get the sense that it was indeed entirely fabricated event. 




Keyvan>> David, Sylvia Odio does not know exactly when this visit by two Cubans and "Leon" took place.  It could have been after LHO got back to Dallas from Mexico.  Here is her WC testimony. - http://aarclibrary.org/publib/jfk/wc/wcvols/wh11/pdf/WH11_Odio.pdf

After reading her testimony, if LHO was with two Cubans in Dallas after returning from Mexico, there is a possibility that he was with JURE members or Alpha 66 / Cuban Intelligence Service.

The problem here is that the information is obfuscated and the quality of the information is low at best.


I can't help but think that the Russians and the Cubans knew that their consulates were wiretapped and being monitored.  It could have been a ruse to have a fake Oswald get recorded/monitored by U.S. intelligence so the real Oswald can get around during his stay in Mexico without getting followed and to establish that Oswald was denied a visa to Russia and Cuba.  If Oswald wanted a visa to Cuba or Russia, he could have gone to Washington D.C. to get them instead of going to Mexico.  This trip is nefarious.

You do know that Oswald stayed in a hotel located in a really bad part of Mexico.  He was no tourist, he knew exactly where to go and stay.  Did Oswald go to the consulates?  IDK, he may have.  The Cubans and Russians may have created a ruse to fake American intelligence so LHO would not be followed when the Russians and Cubans had their real meeting with him.

Reading into this further, it looks like the architect of this assassination(JCS) may have induced Russia / Cuba to assassinate JFK through a lone assassin (LHO) with American military support to make sure that it got done.  This would allow the conspirators to kill a duly elected president and get away with it.

My 2 cents about it! 

Lansdale could have used Alpha 66 to support LHO.  With breadcrumbs pointing to Cuba and Russia and knowing that Alpha 66 had double agents in place, Lansdale military buddies made sure JFK got killed.



Edited by Keyvan Shahrdar
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