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THE INHERITANCE: fantastic book on the JFK assassination

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The parts I quoted are fiction. I dunno why anyone would want to screw up a decent JFK book with stuff the author had made up out of thin air, but there you go. I’m not expecting much. Mal Hyman’s book will hopefully be out soon.

Edited by Anthony Thorne
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I'm heartened by the skepticism here.  Some of you folks would REALLY benefit from some exposure to other subject matter areas where "revelations" of this sort prevail.  Do you have any idea how many "blockbuster" revelations have surfaced in the UFO field over the past 50 years, replete with supposed secret documents, tales from insiders with actual or fanciful military. government or academic credentials, startling photos and films, and assorted other indicia of reliability?  Do you have any how many of these have panned out?*  Do you have any idea how many formerly respected researchers have ended up with egg on their faces and severe damage to their reputations?**

* None

** Many

Say what you will about ufology. just what has been posted on this thread would be sufficient to have the serious UFO research community running in the other direction from a book like this.  Serious researchers have learned the invaluable lesson that you can't trust anything like this or the purveyors of it.  Only the real dolts get burnt these days.  Despite the recent "alien slides" being on actual 1947 Kodak film and stock and the slides themselves having a provenance going back to real people with plausible connections to Roswell, the red flags went up immediately (and the slides turned out to depict a museum mummy).

The experience of ufology can be multiplied by every other field populated by gee-whiz true believers desperate for proof and fast-buck charlatans only too happy to feed their fantasies.  But no, the JFK assassination is different.  Nothing like that does, or could, happen here because the JFK assassination community comprises Serious Researchers doing Serious Historical Research.  Uh-huh. 

If I had any interest in this, I would first spend my time NOT on the author's revelations but on the author himself.  Take a look at the supporting documents on the site promoting the book, https://cmfulton.com/.  See if you see anything there that gives you any confidence that this construction guy was (or was likely to be) privy to any blockbuster secrets.  See how enthusiastic (not) Senator and then President Clinton were about the author's contacts.  His self-promoting blurb states "At age 33, at the height of his success, he was arrested. He spent years in federal prison for his possession of material evidence in JFK’s assassination."  No, he didn't.  He and his father were prosecuted for assorted forms of financial fraud, some of which did indeed relate to the sale of JFK memorabilia.  I typically find past convictions for white collar fraud to be a bit of a red flag, but perhaps you don't.  (My Google search likewise failed to reveal any evidence that the author was virtually the Donald Trump of Vancouver construction, with many of the city's buildings being veritable "monuments" to him as he claims.)

A large portion of the book appears to be readable on Google Books, https://books.google.com/books?id=wON1DwAAQBAJ&printsec=frontcover&source=gbs_ge_summary_r&cad=0#v=onepage&q&f=false.  Skim it and see if it has the ring of truth to you or delivers what the website promises.  Be sure to pay attention to the copyright page:  "This is a memoir; it is sourced from my memories, letters and recollectionsDialogue is reconstructed, and some names and identifying features have been changed to provide anonymity [why?].  There is some informed, educated supposition about how actions affected historical events and meetings.  The underlying story is based on actual happenings and historical personages."  This sounds suspiciously like the disclaimer Hollywood puts on movies that are "inspired by" historical events.

(I did learn from documents at the website that the Secret Service replaced the leather band on JFK's watch before they gave it to Jackie and that the watch crystal had a "slight scratch."  All highly suspicious, I feel sure.)

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Expected noise. Read the book, look at the documents. It is personal testimony. Huge revelations of the JFK assassination narrative.  I find very interesting the hyperbole being used by armchair gunslingers to try to shoot the story down. Read the book, look at the documents and learn ...



Kris Millegan

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I truly have no axe to grind, but it is at least interesting that Vince didn't mention the minor fact that the publisher of this FANTASTIC new book is also his publisher.  The publisher's other weighty tomes, which you can view at www.trineday.com, include Judyth Vary Baker's contributions to assassination research, a variety of other dubious assassination-related titles, and a host of other examples of "suppressed history."  'Nuff said?  ("Read the book" is publisher-speak for "Buy the book," which is all the publisher cares about.)  I know, I'm just no fun.

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We all have free will and can say and do what we can/want. You may disparage me and my work.  Yes, I say read the book, because that's how you get the information. You say all I care about is sales, which is a typical slam. If you think I do this for the money then why am I more in debt than I ever thought. And if people didn't know that I publish Vince's books they haven't been paying attention. All the vitriol that has been spent on Judyth Baker's story is again misdirected. Please educate us ...


Kris Millegan

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Joe and Doug,  I have a friend who recently moved 2 miles up the road from Paradise to Magalia, and lost his house. I relayed to him that early Saturday morning I saw a structure burning live on CNN and saw the street sign was about 5 blocks from his house. I visited him a month ago by way of seeing the aftermath of the fire in Redding entering from the West.

Perhaps your wife's sister and niece can get an idea about their house from this as this is the most comprehensive map showing the  status of structures of Paradise and Magalia. They haven't examined all of the damaged houses yet, but the area west of Skyway is largely in tact.


Brian then sent me this link from a survivor, who took refuge in a creek, the storm passed over him,  and then comes back out to find his friends dead bodies.. It's very graphic and has a feel that's post apocalyptic.. It looks more like the remains  from a nuclear blast than a firestorm. 
I also know someone who lives out of Woodland Hills, not far at all from Thousand Oaks. If that mass murder in the bar wasn't enough. The next day 17,000 residents were evacuated there from the Ventura fire.
  On Thursday I first communicated with her about the shooting. She said everyone was ok, and that her 25 year old son occasionally goes to that bar and a friend of his was there and left the dance floor shortly before the shooting broke out and she was able to get out the back door.
Then on national news that night I heard about the Paradise fire. I e-mailed to ask him if he's being evacuated, and I didn't hear from him for 24 hours.I did some research and found out he was in danger and was evacuated. This was the first Brian's commentary  on Friday afternoon.

Been roaming the mountains in my truck with my 2 critters for 30 hours now….trying to get out, then coming back, then waking to  freight train and artillery shell sounds at 2am this morning, smoke and ash so thick I couldn’t breathe or see. Presently at  evac center in Chester (by Lake Almanor) until they let us back into Paradise/Magalia. Pets in a kennel at Lake Almanor.

Not sure about the house but it doesn’t look good. Didn’t even have time to dress completely…got my fire-box w/important papers, my microphone bag, and my bass. That’s it.

Give you more details when I get them….Heard most of Paradise is gone, but then I’ve heard a ridiculous amount of stories.


At least he got out with his life, he tells me now some of his neighbors weren't so lucky.

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I've now done rather an extensive amount of sleuthing on Google in relation to Christopher Fulton; his supposed company Twelve Global Ltd.; his supposed status as one of the premier high-rise construction magnates of Vancouver, Canada; his supposed conviction and imprisonment in relation to his possession of JFK memorabilia; the history of the late Robert L. White and his extensive collection of JFK memorabilia; and the history of JFK's Cartier watch.  Google sleuthing certainly has its limitations, but I could find NOTHING - a really staggering amount of nothing after umpteen permutations of umpteen searches - to suggest that there is any reality to this tale.  I did find an article from 2011 where one Christopher Fulton and his mother of West Vancouver were sued by a German collector for selling a fake watch for $50K on eBay, https://www.nsnews.com/news/judge-rules-against-collector-in-50k-watch-lawsuit-1.355805, but the judge did rule in their favor and I can't say with 100% certainty that this is the same Christopher Fulton (although the book states that Twelve Global Ltd. was located in West Vancouver).  BTW, "Twelve Global Ltd." produces precisely one Google result - i.e., the book - so apparently this was a rather low-profile company.

I did find one blogger's breathless review which reveals that the Big Secret is that the blood on the watch and watchband supposedly contained traces of mercury.  "Mercury was in the bullet for the head shot because the mercury would break free of the bullet and do serious damage to the brain."  (I would've thought that mercury-induced "serious damage to the brain" would have been kind of irrelevant after the head shot, but what do I know?)  According to this blogger, "R.F.K. had the strap tested and the DNA on the watch tested to prove mercury was in the bullet and other things."  (Was the mercury only in the blood on the watch and watchband?  I would've thought the mercury would have been in all the other blood from the head shot as well, but what do I know?)  So, you see, "The existence of this watch foiled a lot of things and a lot claims.  Which is why the man (Christopher Fulton) is eventually tossed into prison under then-President Bill Clinton.  He was a threat to the official story.  He knew too much.  He had been told too much."  (But they let him out so he could write this book?  How does that work?  Do Bill and Hillary know about this?)

Is this the sort of thing Vince Palamara regards as a big breakthrough - or was his choice of the adjective "fantastic" possibly a clue for us all while technically fulfilling his obligation to his publisher to wax euphoric about the book?  "Fantastic!" (wink, wink, nudge, nudge, say no more).

I say what I always say with this sort of stuff:  Put up or shut up, clown.  I don't care about your wacky book or fantastically implausible claims until I know who the hell you actually are.  Give us your full name and date of birth for starters.  A complete and accurate CV, please.  Give us the names of some Vancouver city officials who can verify your status as a construction magnate whiz-kid.  Let's see all the documents associated with your supposed conviction, imprisonment and release - unredacted, unlike those on your website.  Show us something to verify all the supposed "encounters with the Russian Government, President Ronald Reagan, Donald Trump, the Clinton White House, the U.S. Justice Department, the Secret Service, and the Kennedy family themselves" by which you supposedly obtained "insider information" (according to the Amazon blurb for the book).  You, too, Mr. Publisher:  Impress us with all the due diligence you undertook before publishing this facially preposterous tale.

As of now, my near-infallible BS Detector is WAY into the red zone.

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Kris, Trine Day publishes a lot of great stuff. I own a dozen or more of your books.

You say THE INHERITANCE is personal testimony. Was the guy sitting in the corner of the room when Louis Freeh was speaking gruffly to a subordinate?

You suggest we look at the documents. Is Clinton’s alleged conference call to all former living Presidents, and his battle plan involving the ARRB, recorded on any document?

The issue is that you’ve told us at the outset that parts of the narrative are fabricated, and then wished us luck as we sift through which parts are bullxxxx and which parts might actually be real. If researchers cite Clinton’s anti-JFK research call to his cohorts in future as an actual occurrence, they’ll need to add a footnote, “(CAUTION - This might never have happened).” This doesn’t happen too often in credible JFK research books, for reasons you can probably imagine.

I get that the author was probably hoping for a big book tour or movie deal - on his website, he mentions how he nominated himself for the Pulitzer Prize - but I’m frankly not looking for fiction in my JFK research volumes at the moment. 

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All I see is blather discussion. The Inheritance is a very important book to understand the JFK assassination and why we are where we are at today. It is not fiction but is a memoir and presented as a story so that the whole of it could be understood. You can read or no. You can learn from it or you can do whatever. We have published it, and stand on it.




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It's easy to have an opinion.
Vince Palamara said it's a fantastic book, well-written, with new information ?
Hence, I automatically know that it's a bad book, poorly-written and full of old, tired conspiracy foolishness !

Edited by François Carlier
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7 hours ago, Kris Millegan said:

Read the book, look at the documents

Generally good advice about anything. I too own a number of books published by Trine and am grateful for any publisher that makes an effort to reach people with informed opinions.

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