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JFK Assassination Course (University of Alabama)

David Beito

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I am teaching an interim summer course on the Kennedy Assassination at the University of Alabama.  I would very much appreciate suggestions for possible readings, assignment suggestions, course syllabi for others who have taught similar courses. 

I want to represent the very best in both sides of the conspiracy debate.   The course will be last less than three weeks for 2 and half hours, Monday-Friday. 

Because the course is relatively short, I want to emphasize a lot short readings (documents, individual book chapters, articles, etc) not books


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State Secret, the free ebook by Bill Simpich on Oswald and Mexico City is well worth a read. May I also suggest my documentary Killing Oswald? It can be streamed for free with an Amazon Prime subscription or on Vimeo for a modest charge. 



Edited by Shane O'Sullivan
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Simpich is a great researcher, and his book is important, but in my view way beyond the ability of newbies to understand. I would recommend JFK and the Unspeakable, and there are authors here who have written important books that are good overviews. I hope they will chime in. 

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Hi David,  Please email me at KyleKopitke@gmail.com and I will send you some docs I have to help with your class.  Great that you can teach history; I wanted my doctorate to be in History but I could not find an online school that offers one; so I went with a doctorate in Public Administration (DPA).   I am self publishing my 1,000 page book on JFK and Dallas on July 10th, which looks at "anomalies."  I'd like to send you part of a chapter dealing with the most important anomalies.  

God Bless,  Kyle


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Crossfire by Jim Marrs is always good for someone starting out in JFK research.  I like the Harvey and Lee site a lot.  It fits a lot of the things I see. 

Edited by John Butler
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Regarding chapters of books, Paul's already mentioned JFK And the Unspeakable by James Douglass.  Chapter 6, Washington and Dallas would be excellent but it's 162 pages.  Chapters 2, Kennedy, Castro and the CIA or 3 JFK and Vietnam at 38 and 42 pages would be useful.  But chapter 4, Marked out for Assassination might be best here, 39 pages.  This is one of the most respected books out there among other researchers I think (I'm not one).

Part One of Crossfire by Jim Marrs, The Kill Zone, would be another good choice but it's 80 pages.

The chapters in Someone Would Have Talked by Larry Hancock are shorter, 15-20 pages. 1, There Going to Kill Kennedy, 2, Ex Marine, Expert Marksman (Not!), 19. End Game, 20, Loose Ends would all be worthy of consideration.

Chapter 3 of Jim DiEugenio's Destiny Betrayed, The Bay of Pigs, Kennedy vs Dulles, deals with part of the heart of the matter.

Regarding articles you should spend at least a couple of hours perusing those at https://kennedysandking.com/

Pick out 3-4-5 to peruse closer and select a couple at least.

I know I'll be accused of kissing up or brown nosing here, which I try to avoid doing, but IMHO what you need to do is email Jim D.  He's a fellow History teacher at the college level.  Has written two books on the subject and a large part of another.  Created CTKA with help which is now kennedysandking mentioned above.  Frequently asked to speak on the subject.  Ask him for 15 minutes to read, consider and reply.  

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You want to give them stuff that is easy to understand but has good information in it.

I would give them things like Crossfire, JFK and the Unspeakable, Breach of Trust, Six Seconds in Dallas.




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For official government documents as evidence of conspiracy, use the Warren Commission's own exhibits in Appendix Eight of the Warren Commission Report. These exhibits include the statements of the doctors who attended JFK at Parkland Hospital in Dallas, documenting a gaping wound in the back of the head (i.e. an exit wound, i.e. a shot from the front, i.e. conspiracy). Several medical personnel at the autopsy in Bethesda stated seeing the same wound in back of the head (a fact that the House Select Committee on Assassinations covered up, i.e. simply lied about, stating the opposite of the truth, in its own final report in 1979).

Needless to say, the Warren Commission in reaching its (foreordained) conclusion simply ignored its own Appendix Eight exhibits.




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