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Newsweek, Dec 2, 1963

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Just some selections I found interesting.

Page 9

"Well," said Mr.s Connally, "You can't say Dallas isn't friendly today."

"The President jerked his head around....then [came] the second shot and his head exploded in blood..."

"Turning to look, Governor Connally took the third bullet just below his shoulder blade."

"For a chaotic moment, the motorcade ground to an uncertain halt."

"Oh, no! Oh, no!" Jacqueline Kennedy cried over and over, tumbling across her husband's body to shield him. His arm reached out, his fist clenched...."

"A Negro snatched up his child and dashed off; a motorcycle cop jumped the curb, drew his gun and chased him."

Page 10

"One bullet had laid open the back of his head with bone-cruching force, burrowing with a wake of skull fragments into his brain. Another - or perhaps the same bullet - ripped his throat just below the Adam's apple."

"The surgeon pulled on rubber gloves -- without stopping to scrub up or put on a surgical gown -- performed a tracheotomy, splitting the windpipe at the wound and placing the oxygen tube in the throat.

Page 11

"The news didn't silence the insistence of Russia's propoganda organs that the slaying was the work of right-wing 'gangsters.' After Oswald's arrest, the party newspaper Pravda said police "obviously want to implicate the Communist Party..."

"In the chaos of the scene, Oswald slipped once through the hands of the police. An employee of the Schoolbook Depository, he dashed out just as the first wave of police closed the building. One officer grabbed him at the door. "I work here," Oswald said. "I was on my way down to see what happened." The policeman let him go."

"He left his gun behind, too - a sawed off, high powered 6.5mm Italian Army rifle with a four power telescopic sight."

Page 15

"Lee Harvey Oswald insists, "I did not kill anyone." If this is a lie, it is not an ordinary lie; it is the key to the personality of a singular kind of assassin. As the diabolical psychologist in Richard Condon's "The Manchurian Candidate" says: '...The resenters, those men with cancer of the psyche, make the great assassins.'"

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"A Negro snatched up his child and dashed off; a motorcycle cop jumped the curb, drew his gun and chased him."

Black Dog Man (with child in front of him on wall)?

Obviously this would have to have been heard from a witness who has never since come forward.

A possibility, though it may also be a screwed-up reference to Mrs. Chism, who can be seen running in one or more photos with her child (did she hand the child off to Mr. Chism?), but not up on the knoll and not chased by any cop.


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The title of the article for pages 8 - 14 was 'The Day Kennedy Died.' There is no author associated with the article.

When I looked through the list of editors, etc. [ben Bradlee for the Washington Bureau], I came across the fact that Newsweek was a division of the Washington Post Company, Phillip L. Graham. I did not know that.

The title of the article on page 15, known as 'The Special Section' was entitled 'The Marxist Marine.'

I left off one other section I had highlighted in this story, which referenced the letter written by LHO to John Tower - just an interesting factoid.


No reference to Walker. Interesting. Mention of the fact that Marina knew about the rifle only.

- lee

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I have seen photos of some African Americans talking to white men in suits on the grassy knoll in the immediate aftermath.

The limousine came to a halt, and Kennedy turned around. "The back of his head" was the site of injury.

In the Zapruder film, Kennedy is frozen in position and the limousine rolls on, and the side of his head is wounded ...

Great post, Lee........

Edited by Shanet Clark
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"In the chaos of the scene, Oswald slipped once through the hands of the police.  An employee of the Schoolbook Depository, he dashed out just as the first wave of police closed the building.  One officer grabbed him at the door.  "I work here," Oswald said.  "I was on my way down to see what happened."  The policeman let him go."

Most of the rest of the incorrect info could be simple misunderstandings, but this paragraph causes concern. Where did they get this?? While it's probably just a misunderstanding of Oswald's run-in with Baker in the break room, it is intriguing in that it seems to let the Dallas PD off the hook, while simultaneously spreading the lie that the building was closed off almost immediately. The building was wide-open for at least ten minutes, and there's no testimony at all, as far as I've ever seen, that the Western loading dock roll-up door, which was open during the shooting, was ever closed off.

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"A Negro snatched up his child and dashed off; a motorcycle cop jumped the curb, drew his gun and chased him."

Black Dog Man (with child in front of him on wall)?

Obviously this would have to have been heard from a witness who has never since come forward.

A possibility, though it may also be a screwed-up reference to Mrs. Chism, who can be seen running in one or more photos with her child (did she hand the child off to Mr. Chism?), but not up on the knoll and not chased by any cop.



I beleive this may be the image you are reffering to.

This man appears to be black:

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Looks like Mr. Chism has been handed off the child, however for the claim concerning the cop chasing the 'negro' up the hill - not very credible. I posted this one elsewhere, and it's much more compelling.

White House correspondent Charles Roberts account of the assassination from the Press Bus.

"At about that time, give or take two seconds, the motorcade, which most newsmen estimated had been moving at about 20 miles an hour, ground to an uncertain halt....

'What's going on?' screamed someone from the back of the bus. At that moment I saw a man I believed to be a photographer - but don't ask me what kind of camera he carried - struggling up a grassy embankment ahead and to the right of the President's car, ducking his head as if under fire. He was pursued - or, at any rate, followed - by a motorcyle policeman who rammed his three-wheeled machine over a curb and, as it righted itself, pulled a pistol for his holster...."

Newsweek, December 5, 1966, pgs 22 - 23.

As to one of the bizarre objects I have found in Muchmore, Roberts claims concerning the oddness of the camera make a great deal of sense to me.

'That's some pig.'

EB White

This of course, is in line with my own belief in an effort by the Government to cover-up this activity at the stairs, behind the fence and retaining wall with overexposure and tinting. Penentrate the tint, see the operation.

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