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Mr. West established his control points along Elm St. at 25-foot intervals.

Thereafter, survey work was done.

Attached is a copy of a portion of Mr. West's survey notes for the SS re-enactment of the assassination which deal with the location of the third shot fired.

You will note that the stationing 5+00 has been marked through and thereafter 4+95 has been entered.

"a picture was taken at each point from 0+00 to the 6+25 mark, except no picture was taken at 5+00 mark as this was about 4 feet from impact of the third shot."

U. S. Secret Service

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Certainly places a dampner on all of those multiple assassin theories when there was more than ample time to have fired the rifle 3 times.

And I might add achieve 3-hits.


P. S. Note the "Yellow Marks" on the curb. (AKA Range Markers).

I have placed a "dot/hashmark" at the scaled position of Mr. James Altgens who was standing less then five feet from the mark on the curb directly adjacent to stationing 5+00.

Edited by Thomas H. Purvis
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  • 2 weeks later...
Certainly places a dampner on all of those multiple assassin theories when there was more than ample time to have fired the rifle 3 times.

And I might add achieve 3-hits.


P. S. Note the "Yellow Marks" on the curb. (AKA Range Markers).

I have placed a "dot/hashmark" at the scaled position of Mr. James Altgens who was standing less then five feet from the mark on the curb directly adjacent to stationing 5+00.

Mr. Kellerman: Gentlemen. I think if you would view the films yourself you may come up with a little different answer.

Mr. Specter: Well, have you viewed the films, Mr. Kellerman?

Mr. Kellerman: I have; yes, sir.

Mr. Specter: Was there something special in your viewing of the films which led you to believe that there were more than three shots?

Mr. Kellerman: No: It doesn't point out more than three shots sir.

Mr. Specter: Which films are you referring to?

Mr. Kellerman: These are the colored ones that were taken on the right side.

Mr. Specter: Taken by Mr. Abraham Zapruder?

Mr. Kellerman: I don't know.


Question: Can anyone, with the current version of the Z-film, please assist in pointing out the three shots that SS Agent Kellerman quite obviously could determine by looking at the film?

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Tom, hope I'm not being too particular here, but knowing how lawyers can be at times of their choosing, ie with regards to 'answer only the question. please' ,

then the question was there 'more than three', answer no, no more than three' doesn't mean : 'it was three'.

perhaps other portions of the testimony would remove apparent ambiguity in your question?

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Tom, hope I'm not being too particular here, but knowing how lawyers can be at times of their choosing, ie with regards to 'answer only the question. please' ,

then the question was there 'more than three', answer no, no more than three' doesn't mean : 'it was three'.

perhaps other portions of the testimony would remove apparent ambiguity in your question?

SS Agent Greer was provided with an aerial view of Dealy Plaza (CE347) and asked to mark the approximate location of the Presidential Limousine at each of the three shots fired which he heard.

CE347 is so small and vague that one could not conceiveably come close to positioning anything on it. Nevertheless, Greer marked "A"/"B"/& "C".

Kellerman, who reported hearing only the three shots also, could not reconcile the wounds which he had observed in JFK as well as those of JBC with whom he had spoken on several occassions with only the three shots which he was fully aware of hearing.

In this content and context, Kellerman answered that the Z-film did not point out more than three shots.

Which is of course correct.

Actually, by our standards, we can see only the impact of one shot.

However, one must recall that when the U.S. Secret Service completed their assassination re-enactment on December 5, 1963, they accurately placed the impact point of THREE shots.

Therefore, the question remains. Exactly why could the U.S. Secret Service, with an original copy of the Z-film, on 12/5/63, place a point at which JFK had been struck by each of the three shots fired, and yet as of today, we can place only the impact point of Z-313 in the film.

Specter was extremely good at asking questions which called for frequently "unclear" answers from witnesses. One should notice that he did not ask the straight forward question:

How many impact shots/points did you observe in the Z-film.

It is also specifically noted that Specter avoided any line of questioning as relates to SS Agent Kellerman and his having viewed the first generation copy of the Z-film and exactly where he thought that he saw indications of the "three shots" in the film.

As most are aware, Specter & Company were not on a search for the facts and truth.


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It is also specifically noted that Specter avoided any line of questioning as relates to SS Agent Kellerman and his having viewed the first generation copy of the Z-film and exactly where he thought that he saw indications of the "three shots" in the film.

As most are aware, Specter & Company were not on a search for the facts and truth.



Good points Tom.

I would like to see Specter, and Co. indicted as cover-up conspirators.

But I won't hold my breath ;)


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It is also specifically noted that Specter avoided any line of questioning as relates to SS Agent Kellerman and his having viewed the first generation copy of the Z-film and exactly where he thought that he saw indications of the "three shots" in the film.

As most are aware, Specter & Company were not on a search for the facts and truth.



Good points Tom.

I would like to see Specter, and Co.  indicted  as cover-up conspirators.

But I won't hold my breath ;)


Unfortunately for us, as well as history, the statute of limitations has long expired on the crimes which Specter & Company committed.

Also, most probably, when good ole Gerry Ford was handing out Presidential Pardons, he most probably had Nixon make one up for him, and he thereafter made them out for the remainder of Specter & Company, Inc.

The true crime in the actions of these persons is that they expended so much time in attempt to obscure the true facts of the assassination, which was purely for political reasons, that they somewhat forgot to properly investigate LHO and who and what he was.

Therefore, for a stupid political reason, it appears that a covert assassination of the President of the U.S. has now gone totally unresolved.

Gerry Ford got himself a (unelected) Presidency out of it.

Arlen Specter got himself a Senatorial Seat out of it.

This is their crime, and although most are dead now, History must point to what these people truely are.


It was not the U.S. Government!

It was a selected group of liars who, for their own political future and importance, would totally misrepresent the simple facts of the assassination of JFK.

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