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"Frame Z-287"

Robin Unger

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In this frame does Kennedy have his "fist" up to the right side of his face.

For a long time i could not work out what the "ripple" was that appeared in JFK's face in some of the Z-frames.

I thought that it may have been a bullet which had entered behind his ear and rippled down his cheek, now because of a comment which Ed O'Hagan made to me, i beleive that what appeared to me as a "ripple" in the face is in fact Kennedy's right arm raised up to the side of his face.

Because of the similar skin tones the two objects seem to blend together as one.

Edited by Robin Unger
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Robin, thanks for making me aware of the fact that it may be his hand. I had also thought that this was some sort of ripple effect due to a bullet. It does look like a closed fist, however I would have thought that if you sustain an injury, your hand usually attends to it in an open manner, not in a closed manner. But I do not have too much experience in photo analysis and ballistics, so maybe some other members can offer some further insight.

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Hi Robin:

Yes it does appear to be his fist ..

In Mrs. Kennedy's statement she relates the information, to the effect, not verbatum, that he was bringing or brought his hand

up towards his forehead...

and the expression on his face was like, questioning.

The next moment she saw a piece of his head, come off, but no blood, and detach itself, it appeared white with jagged edges.

It could be that motion that we are beginning to see...?

B :lol:

Edited by Bernice Moore
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Thanks for the comments.

I can not say that i am 100% convinced that it is his hand, but there is certainly some sort of "skin coloured object" which appears in this image, it looks to me to show the knuckles of a closed fist ?.



Edited by Robin Unger
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Thanks for the comments.

I can not say that i am 100% convinced that it is his hand, but there is certainly some sort of "skin coloured object" which appears in this image, it looks to me to show the knuckles of a closed fist ?.



A similar enlargement of JBC, in which one may determine if his eyes are opened or closed, may be of more benefit in resolving the issues of the actual assassination.

This of course would have to be correlated with his statements from Parkland Hospital and his later testimony before the WC.

(which by the way say different things)


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I ran through say z276 - 322. It doesn't appear to be his hand? His left hand seems to be held by Jackie's white glove - then it almost seems like the other hand is also in that position - with the white glove - after the impact in 313, you see the right arm flailing forward, and it seems the the right hand comes from his left - or closer to Jackie's glove?

But it sure is odd looking. There doesn't appear to be enough time for Kennedy to have raised his hand to his face between 280-281, where his hand seems visible, and 287? 6 - 7 frames at the alleged rate of 18.3fps?

- lee

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I ran through say z276 - 322.  It doesn't appear to be his hand?  His left hand seems to be held by Jackie's white glove - then it almost seems like the other hand is also in that position - with the white glove - after the impact in 313, you see the right arm flailing forward, and it seems the the right hand comes from his left - or closer to Jackie's glove?

But it sure is odd looking.  There doesn't appear to be enough time for Kennedy to have raised his hand to his face between 280-281, where his hand seems visible, and 287?  6 - 7 frames at the alleged rate of 18.3fps?

- lee

Hi Lee.

Yeh, i really don't know what the "OBJECT" is, whatever it is, it appears to me to be skin coloured. !

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Kennedy waving open handed,Clear frame,Cop on motorcycle facing forward.


Now (Z-194) "just one frame later" Zapruder jiggles the camera, Fuzzy frame, Cop has turned completely to his right , and is now facing the TSBD.


Edited by Robin Unger
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I use an old 2.2 version of Adobe PhotoDeluxe, so I hope the attached file

is capable of being viewed satisfactorily by subscribers. It is an enlarged picture of the fist which you referred to in your last post re Z. 196. At this time, I would request that you and the other viewers take a look at it, and respond to the list accordingly.

Well done, Robin !

Ed O'Hagan

P.S. The file will not attach. I'll keep trying .

Edited by Ed O'Hagan
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In the frames following {Z-194} the open hand has now turned into a "FIST"


Robin, I beg to differ, perhaps as devils advocate, but if I take into account the direction and amount of blur in the two following images (after the clear one) I think it's possible to say that the head of the MC officer is not turned. Similarly the blur on the 'closed fist' pic may be better analysed looking at the shadow indications on what may have been the back of the hand had it not 'fisted'. Again here as I see it it's possible the hand is merely turned slightly from previoius and possibly slightly more relaxed, say perhaps 1/3 along a move towards a more curled finger pose?

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Missing file.

At this time, I would request that Robin and other viewers take a look at it, and respond to the list accordingly.

Edited by Ed O'Hagan
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