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Oswald in Mexico

Guest Stephen Turner

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Guest Stephen Turner

Just thinking out loud, feel free to shot me down.

In researching Oswalds trip to Mexico,and his visits to the Cuban, and Soviet embassies, I decide to speculate that if Oswald were being run by the CIA,what was their motive in encouraging this episode. If we further assume that Kennedy's assassination was already green lighted, and Oswald one of a number of potential "patsy's" being lined up to take the fall, then two possibilties suggest themselves. 1, Had Oswald managed to persuade the Cuban Consulate to grant papers, even of a temporary nature the scenario is obvious, Oswald, a known Castro supporter, goes to Cuba, returns a month later and assassinates Kennedy, Hey-presto Castro's to blame, dust down those invasion plans,and lets do the Havana waltz. The second possibility is of course the one the W/C hinted at and the Posnerite solution, that this was one rebuff to many, and Oswald returns to the States a broken, and bitter man, hatching twisted plans for future infamy.

I then started to think about operation Mongoose (particularly Northwoods) and the ridiculous plans for Castro's assassination, Exploding cigars, poison to make his beard fall out, etc,what if these were not real operation's at all, but setting the scene to give Castro a reason to want Kennedy dead, at least in the eye's of the American public. If this trick can be pulled off you kill two birds with one stone. After all, if you assasinate Castro you kill one man, and probably harden Cuba's resolve to resist. Fake a reason for invasion, you get the whole shooting match. and in doing away with the hated Kennedy you get Vietnam thrown in as well. as I said just thinking out loud...Steve.

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in doing away with the hated Kennedy you get Vietnam thrown in as well.

Another possible motivating factor that doesn't get often mentioned is the fear of a Kennedy dynasty. Such a dynasty became an obvious possibility as soon as JFK named his brother as Attorney General. Add the Bay of Pigs fiasco, and the idea of three Kennedys in succession in the White House was hard for a lot of people to swallow. Indeed they would see it as something to be assiduously avoided.

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in doing away with the hated Kennedy you get Vietnam thrown in as well.

Another possible motivating factor that doesn't get often mentioned is the fear of a Kennedy dynasty. Such a dynasty became an obvious possibility as soon as JFK named his brother as Attorney General. Add the Bay of Pigs fiasco, and the idea of three Kennedys in succession in the White House was hard for a lot of people to swallow. Indeed they would see it as something to be assiduously avoided.

An excellent point!

And one that I have not seen brought into consideration, which could also have bearing on the R. Kennedy assassination.

A "Kennedy" dynasty which it appears would have been directed at social reform as well as "tear down" of the great financial dynasties of the US, would certainly group many against such a new powerhouse.

Especially the "Forbes" dynasty and the fledgling "Bush" dynasty and their financial empires.

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Guest Stephen Turner
in doing away with the hated Kennedy you get Vietnam thrown in as well.

Another possible motivating factor that doesn't get often mentioned is the fear of a Kennedy dynasty. Such a dynasty became an obvious possibility as soon as JFK named his brother as Attorney General. Add the Bay of Pigs fiasco, and the idea of three Kennedys in succession in the White House was hard for a lot of people to swallow. Indeed they would see it as something to be assiduously avoided.

Yeah, eight years of jack followed by Robert would have put the terminal "Heebie Jebies"up a lot of people. What do members make of my thoughts that Mongoose, northwoods, assassination plans might not have been what they seemed, but rather an elaborate plan to set up Castro with a reason to want Kennedy dead that would have played well in peoria. It would of course have meant going public with the assassination plans (Castro, not Kennedy.) But what the hey, they could have sold it as being good for national security, a kinda remember the missile crisis.

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Guest Stephen Turner

Before other members point it out to me, I am aware that some of these operations date to the Eisenhower administration. two thoughts, perhaps no president was going to be allowed to stand in the way of an invasion, a kind of insurance policy that you hope you dont need, Or perhaps the plans started off real, but became adapted to suit later needs, once it became obvious that JFK wasn't going to play ball.

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I then started to think about operation Mongoose (particularly Northwoods) and the ridiculous plans for Castro's assassination, Exploding cigars, poison to make his beard fall out, etc,what if these were not real operation's at all, but setting the scene to give Castro a reason to want Kennedy dead, at least in the eye's of the American public. If this trick can be pulled off you kill two birds with one stone. After all, if you assasinate Castro you kill one man, and probably harden Cuba's resolve to resist. Fake a reason for invasion, you get the whole shooting match. and in doing away with the hated Kennedy you get Vietnam thrown in as well. as I said just thinking out loud...Steve.

Very interesting idea, Stephen. I haven't studied the Mexico incident, so I don't know of any evidence to shoot the theory down, but it's definitely worth looking into.

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Guest Stephen Turner

Hi Nick, the more I read/thought about operation northwoods, the more dumstruck I became with the idea that anyone could have expected to get official sanction for it from either Taylor, or the Kennedys, The ideas expressed in the document seemed so far fetched, real boys own stuff. I just started wondering if maybe it was to serve another purpose entirely, ie, giving Castro another reason to kill JFK, which could be used after the assassination to justify riding the world of this "Evil Man"

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Guest Stephen Turner

The man Oswald sat next to on the outward bus journey to Mexico was an Englishman, who told two Austrailian girls also on the bus that he was a retired school teacher, the W/C located this man he told them his name was John Howard Bowen, he was lying, his real name was Albert Osbourn they found his answers to be evasive and untrue, he had also lied to the girls about his past employment. Another bizarre character who briefly entered the life of LHO.

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The man Oswald sat next to on the outward bus journey to Mexico was an Englishman, who told two Austrailian girls also on the bus that he was a retired school teacher, the W/C located this man he told them his name was John Howard Bowen, he was lying, his real name was Albert Osbourn they found his answers to be evasive and untrue, he had also lied to the girls about his past employment. Another bizarre character who briefly entered the life of LHO.

Is there any way to tie Osbourn to any activities with government, military, activism groups, or intelligence? Kind of fishy to randomly lie to people like that when he's sitting next to Oswald ( who, understandably, he didn't know would soon be accused of murdering the President ).

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The said Ranch in Mexico, situated southeast of

Mexico city..could have been the ZR/Rifle facility in Oaxaca, that

Marita Lorenz, spoke of, that the CIA people involved (Hunt, Sturgis

and others ....had gone to after the assassination, until after


At this site,according to one informant, 25 to 30 professional assassins

were trained and housed...These men were,according to the source,

issued with Mauser type bolt action rifles.

The facility was reportedly run by a character named

Albert Alexander Osborne, also known as John Howard Bowen .

Osborn as a cover, posed as a missionary with the American Council

of Churches ..

After the assassination ,Osborne was said to have "disappeared" forever.....

B.. :lol:

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Your information, which is from Craig Robert's book Kill Zone, is wrong from start to finish. Marita Lorenz never spoke of any such ranch in Mexico, there is no evidence that Osborne ran an assassins facility, Osborne did not pose as a missionary with the American Council of Christian Churches, and he did not "disappear forever" after the assassination (he was interviewed by the FBI on at least 4 occasions while traveling around in his usual fashion).


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Well ,sheesh then Ron, burn all the books, and crash all the sites...

and then we wouldn't have to discuss anything, we would all have

the same opinion, Yours..... :lol:

B.. :(

More sensational is the claim, made in several books, that Osborne managed or was the contact man for a group of assassins in Mexico, some of whom were used in the murder of JFK. Penn Jones, the pioneer JFK researcher who did not always substantiate or document his statements, wrote in Forgive My Grief IV that “the old man” among the three “tramps” arrested in Dealey Plaza used the name Albert Alexander Osborne as well as Howard Bowen, and “was thought to be the ‘House Mother’ of a group of American assassins stabled in Mexico at that time.” 44 In their book High Treason, Groden and Livingstone quote this passage from Jones’s book, though there is no evidence to support Jones’s statement about the older tramp, whoever he might have been.

In Kill Zone, Craig Roberts states that Osborne reportedly ran “the ZR/RIFLE facility in Oaxaca, where “according to one informant, 25-30 professional assassins were trained and housed” 45 He says that according to Marita Lorenz, “the CIA people” involved in the assassination (being, in Lorenz’s story, Frank Sturgis, Orlando Bosch, and other anti-Castro operatives) “left Dallas and traveled clandestinely to a ranch in Mexico” (“probably,” Craig states, the aforementioned assassins facility) “to hide out until after Christmas.” Craig’s cited source is “Statement made in a deposition by Marita Lorenz. Plausible Denial, by Mark Lane, pg 303.” But there is no reference on page 303 or on any other page in Lane’s book about Lorenz mentioning in her deposition or elsewhere any clandestine trip by the Dallas team to a ranch in Mexico. Nor does Lorenz refer to any such trip in her own book Marita. 46 Frank Sturgis told Gaeton Fonzi, investigator for the House Select Committee on Assassinations (HSCA), that he knew exactly where he was on the day after the assassination. He was in Miami: “I had FBI agents all over my house.” 47

Craig’s cited source on Osborne is the Bo Gritz book Called To Serve. According to Gritz, the older tramp arrested in Dealey Plaza “is thought to be Albert Osborne” (thought by whom?), “the leader of a CIA execution-action triangular-fire rifle team, based at the time near Oaxaca, Mexico.” 48 Gritz cites no source, but similar claims about Osborne are made in Dope, Inc., a book published by the research organization of Lyndon LaRouche. In 1941, according to this work, FBI director J. Edgar Hoover, Sir William Stephenson of Britain's wartime Special Operations Executive (SOE), and SOE officer Louis Mortimer Bloomfield created a secret assassination unit under the direction of Albert Osborne, a minister of the American Council of Christian Churches (ACCC) and Hoover’s “trusted agent of thirty years.” 49 (Craig also states that Osborne “posed as a missionary with the American Council of Churches” [sic]. 50 In fact Osborne was ostensibly a Baptist minister, his missionary work, as such, seems to have been associated with Baptist churches, and none of the Osborne-related FBI reports refer to the ACCC, a right-wing organization headed by Carl McIntire and Texas oilman H.L. Hunt and with which the Southern Baptist Convention was not affiliated.) 51 The book by the LaRouche group states that “it was Osborne and a team of seven expert riflemen from the Puebla ‘kill unit’ who carried out the (JFK) assassination.” 52 The book attributes this information to “the author ‘Torbitt.’” This brings us to the so-called Torbitt Document, and perhaps to the original source of the story of Osborne as the leader of a group of Mexico-based assassins.

William Torbitt was a name used by the late David Copeland, a Texas attorney whose clients included JFK researcher Penn Jones. 53 Torbitt’s manuscript entitled Nomenclature of an Assassination Cabal (“The Torbitt Document”) began circulating in 1970, and is presently published as NASA, Nazis & JFK. This work boils the JFK assassination down (or should I say up?) to a bewildering conspiracy involving (in layered degrees of participation) almost everyone you’ve ever read about in the assassination literature, starting at the top with Johnson, Hoover, Bloomfield, and a secret U.S. government agency called the Defense Industrial Security Command (DISC). 54 According to Torbitt, Osborne’s stable of professional assassins was kept at “Clint Murchison’s huge ranch” in Mexico. 55 Torbitt again associates Osborne with the “espionage cover group” ACCC, and says that working with Osborne, and also using the name John Howard Bowen, was DISC agent Fred Lee Chrismon (sic). Chrismon, says Torbitt, was “a Syrian immigrant” who had been “closely associated with Osborne since the 1920s,” and was the oldest of the three Dallas tramps. 56 (Fred Lee Crisman was born in Tacoma, Washington, in 1919. He was not Syrian and was only a child in the 1920s. The HSCA found that Crisman [misspelled Chrisman in the committee's report] bore a strong resemblance to the older tramp, but was teaching school in Rainier, Oregon, on the day of the assassination.] 57 According to Torbitt, Osborne was in Dallas with about ten of his professional assassins, including William Seymour (shooting from the Texas School Book Depository building), Emilio Santana (a shooter in the Dal-Tex Building), and Manuel Gonzales (sic) (firing from behind the Grassy Knoll fence). 58


Osborne, alias John Howard Bowen, was discovered to have another person working with him who also used the alias John Howard Bowen. The second person also traveling as Bowen was Fred Lee Crismon, another agent for the munitions makers police agency, the Defense Industrial Security Command. Crismon also posed as a missionary and also used other aliases. Among the cognomens for Crismon were Fred Lee, Jon Gould and Jon Gold. Osborne and Crismon also bore a marked resemblance and appeared to be about the same age. Crismon was a Syrian immigrant and had been closely associated with Osborne since the 1920's. Crismon, Osborne and their riflemen charges in Mexico were based at Clint Murchison's huge ranch when not posing as missionaries in other areas of Mexico.


The Taking of America....


B.. B)

Edited by Bernice Moore
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Bernice, you failed to quote the most pertinent passage in the article with respect to Torbitt's allegations about Osborne as a master of assassins.

"At some point 'one of the conspirators (in the Buddy Floyd murder),' according to Torbitt, gave 'pertinent information' to 'Bill Allcorn, special assistant Attorney General of Texas' who helped work on the Floyd case. What this accomplice allegedly revealed was the existence of the 25 to 30 professional assassins kept in Mexico, with the contact man for employing them being John Howard Bowen, reachable through the owner of the St. Anthony Hotel in Laredo. 60

"In sum, then, any evidence that Osborne led a group of 25 to 30 assassins is not to be found in any trial transcript from the Buddy Floyd murder case (Sapet v. State, 256 SW2nd 154), but rather, according to Torbitt, in the 'Bill Allcorn private file' on that case."

I don't consider what some unnamed informant allegedly told lawyer Bill Allcorn, who allegedly buried the info in a 'private file,' to be evidence of anything. If Allcorn, his heirs, or some enterprising researcher were to dig this alleged info out of that alleged private file after all these years and share it with the world, then that could be of significance.


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Bernice, you failed to quote the most pertinent passage in the article with respect to Torbitt's allegations about Osborne as a master of assassins.

"At some point 'one of the conspirators (in the Buddy Floyd murder),' according to Torbitt, gave 'pertinent information' to 'Bill Allcorn, special assistant Attorney General of Texas' who helped work on the Floyd case. What this accomplice allegedly revealed was the existence of the 25 to 30 professional assassins kept in Mexico, with the contact man for employing them being John Howard Bowen, reachable through the owner of the St. Anthony Hotel in Laredo. 60

"In sum, then, any evidence that Osborne led a group of 25 to 30 assassins is not to be found in any trial transcript from the Buddy Floyd murder case (Sapet v. State, 256 SW2nd 154), but rather, according to Torbitt, in the 'Bill Allcorn private file' on that case."

I don't consider what some unnamed informant allegedly told lawyer Bill Allcorn, who allegedly buried the info in a 'private file,' to be evidence of anything. If Allcorn, his heirs, or some enterprising researcher were to dig this alleged info out of that alleged private file after all these years and share it with the world, then that could be of significance.


Ron, are you familiar with this story it seems to provide a dimension to Oswalds Mexico City sojournings heretofore undisclosed.

Philadelphia Quakers

With Oswald in Mexico City

By Bill Kelly


Of the many Philadelphia connections to the assassination of President Kennedy, few stand out as more interesting or suspicious as Lee Harvey Oswald's Quaker connection in Mexico City.

As the story filtered back to the FBI, it was alleged that Oswald was seen at a restaurant in Mexico City with an American who also wanted to go to Cuba. This source further related later that this same American may have given Oswald a ride to the Cuban and Russian embassies on the back of a motorcycle. This American was later identified as "Larry Kennan," a "Quaker from Philadelphia." [Other reports identify this person as "Steve" Kennan, and he will be so referred to in this article.]

The first part of this story came to the FBI's attention through the fiancée of Homobono Alcaraz Aragon, and the trail of information contained in FBI reports is somewhat confusing, so I defer to Professor Jerry Rose, as he first published the first part of the story in the Fourth Decade (Volume 5 #4, May, 1998).

Rose wrote about the FBI's investigation of The Casa De Los Amigos, a Quaker camp or hostel in Mexico City whose residents apparently had knowledge of Lee Harvey Oswald's activities. Prof. Rose wrote: "Given the Bureau's propensity to try to associate Oswald with Friends groups like the New Orleans Council for Peaceful Alternatives, this 'information' aroused the intense interest of headquarters, which conveyed this information along with directives to interview [Alcaraz] and give the appropriate attention to the matter in view of the fact that, 'Mrs. Ruth Paine of Irving Texas, who has befriended Oswald and wife, has been prominently associated with the activities of the Friend's organization.'"

The Mexico City Quaker connection was first developed by the San Francisco Bureau of the FBI, whose undercover informant Judith Gordon, notified them on January 15, 1964 that Barrie Milliman, a female student at the University of California (Berkeley), learned of some of Oswald's movements and contacts while visiting her fiancée Homobono Amo Alcaraz in Mexico City.

Before they got to Alcaraz however, the FBI interviewed the Acting Director of the Casa del Los Amigos, Von Peacock, who speculated that the "unknown American" may have been Robert Kaffke of San Francisco, who had been one of 58 students who made an illegal trip to Cuba in the summer of 1963. While it was determined that Kaffke was not registered at the Casa De Los Amigos until Oct. 25, 1963, weeks after Oswald had left, he was familiar to the FBI since he was also an undercover informant of the San Francisco FBI office. He was not now suspected as being the "unknown American" seen with Oswald in Mexico City.

Kaffke told the FBI that when he stayed at the Casa de Los Amigos in late October 1963 the residents were still talking about Oswald's visit. When Oswald was there he had "a lot of money" and "persons at Casa de Los Amigos are really scared when the name of Oswald is mentioned." [Note that they were scared in October, 1963- before the assassination].

When the FBI caught up with Alcaraz, he verified much of what had been reported by Milliman, through her friend Judith Gordon, which was that he had seen Oswald with an unknown American at Sanborns restaurant and that they were "working together to get visas for travel to Cuba and that they planned to go there together."

According to the FBI report, Alcaraz mentioned that Oswald may have been associated with Steve Kennan, identified as a "pro-communist American," who had been in Mexico in 1962 and 1963, although he "stated emphatically," that he had never seen Oswald with Kennan.

Then, according to Rose, there is the reference in the FBI reports to an "Arnold," who "begins to assume human shape and identity as 'Steve Kennan' moves into limbo."

Arnold Kessler of Detroit had also been at the Casa de Los Amigos (in February), and like Barrie Millman, had attended the University of California at Berkeley. He worked temporarily as a journalist in Mexico City before moving on to Brazil, where the FBI found him. Kessler denied meeting Oswald, but stated that it was Alcaraz who told him that he - Alcaraz had met Oswald.

As a former student radical who dropped out of college, and was not an FBI informant, Kessler's draft board was subsequently informed of his circumstances so he could be inducted into the military.

The FBI Legat in Mexico then concluded there was "no real basis for inquiry" and "no further investigation is being conducted."

But others did investigate, and found out more about the mysterious American Quaker from Philadelphia, Steve Kennan.

In Live By The Sword (Bancroft Press, Baltimore, MD., 1998), Gus Russo gives an historically deceiving perspective of Kennedy's murder that still tries to sell the original cover-story for the operation - that Fidel Castro was behind the assassination. There is, however, an interesting footnote under the allegation that there are no photos of Lee Harvey Oswald in Mexico City because, as Russo would like us to believe, Oswald was possibly accompanied by Cuban agents. The note (from Chapter 19 - 8. p. 579) reads:

"In 1994,...[Anthony and Robbyn] Summers also interviewed Homer Bono, who told them that he met Oswald at Sanborns Restaurant outside Mexico City in 1963. Oswald left in the company of a Quaker from Philadelphia named Steve Kennan [sic]. Oswald was a passenger on Kennan's motorbike as the two drove off to the Cuban Embassy to try to secure a visa for Oswald. Kennan has never been found or interviewed."

The idea that Oswald could have been ferried about Mexico City on a motorbike by "a Quaker from Philadelphia" is certainly an interesting possibility, especially since the Warren Report makes note of the fact (p. 735):

"Although the Soviet and Cuban Embassies are within two blocks of each other, they are some distance from Oswald's hotel. He must, therefore, have traversed a substantial portion of the city on more than one occasion." So, "A Quaker from Philadelphia" with a motorbike would have done very nicely, and could be a valuable witness to Oswald's activities there.

Anthony Summers, in Not In Your Lifetime (Marlowe & Co., N.Y., 1998), wrote on p. 441:

"In 1994, in Mexico City, the author interviewed Homobono Alcaraz Aragon, a lawyer. His name featured in reports indicating that he claimed he had met Oswald in Mexico City before the assassination. In the 1994 interview, Alcaraz said he had encountered Oswald at Sanborns restaurant, in the company of two or three other American students - all Quakers, like Alcaraz himself. The talk centered on efforts to get to Cuba, and Alcaraz said 'Oswald' eventually left with one of the Americans - whom Alcaraz recalls as being named either Steve Kennan (or Keenan) from Philadelphia. As Alcaraz recalled it, Keenan drove Oswald on his motorcycle to go to the Cuban consulate. Alcaraz seemed sincere, and abhorred publicity. He named a friend, Hector Gastelo (now a farmer in Sonora State) as probably having been present during the encounter with Oswald. (Interview with Alcaraz, 1993; CE 2121; and multiple FBI reports - available at the Assassinations Archive and Research Center, Washington D.C.; Miraba: HSCA III.177)."

In a footnote to the footnote, Summers also makes note that, "As this book went to press, the author became aware of information that the CIA ran an agent in Mexico, code named LICOZY - 3, who was a student from Philadelphia (Philip Agee, Inside the Company, p. 530).

The plot thickens as Agee reported (Inside the Company, Stonehill, 1975):

"The [Mexico City] station double-agent cases against the Soviets, LICOZY-1, LICOZY-3 and LICOZY-5, are all being wound up for lack of productivity or problems of control. One of these agents, LICOZY-3, is an American living in Philadelphia who was recruited by the Soviets while a student in Mexico City, but who reported the recruitment and worked for the Mexico City station. He worked for the FBI after returning to the US - the Soviet case officer was a UN official at one time - but recently Soviet interest in him has fallen off and the FBI turned the case back over to the Agency for termination." [Emphasis added].

Sanborns Restaurant, where Alcaraz and Kennan reportedly met Oswald, is also mentioned by Richard Case Nagell, who (according to Dick Russell in The Man Who Knew Too Much, Carroll & Graf, 1992, p. 354), wrote a letter to his friend Arthur Greenstein referring to Sanborns restaurant as a meeting place. While Sanborns Restaurant is reported in one reference (Russo) to be "just outside" Mexico City, Mary Ferrell's index notes that, (Steve) "Kennan was seen several times in Sanborns Restaurant next to the American Embassy bldg. in Mexico City."

[Note: If Sanborns Restaurant is next to the American Embassy, Larry Haapenen questions whether Oswald visited the American Embassy as well as the Cuban and Russian Embassies while he was there.]

It seems quite possible, even probable, as Summers' suspects, that "Steve Kennan - a Quaker from Philadelphia," who gave Oswald a ride around Mexico City on his motorbike, could be LICOZY-3, a "student from Philadelphia who was recruited by the Soviets while a student in Mexico City."

The whole "Quaker" connection to the assassination reaches right to the heart of the matter of who was behind Oswald's movements and how he was being directed in his clandestine operations - his advocacy of the Fair Play for Cuba Committee in New Orleans, his mission to the Cuban and Russian Embassies in Mexico City, his intention to move to Philadelphia, his relocation back to Dallas and his job at the Texas School Book Depository.

Central to everything is Ruth Avery Hyde Paine.

According to Priscilla Johnson McMillan, in Marina and Lee (Harper and Row, N.Y., 1977, p. 314): "Ruth Avery Hyde grew up in the Middle West, the daughter of parents who felt strongly about the value of education and good works. When she was only thirteen, Ruth spent a summer on a truck farm in Ohio as her way of contributing to the effort to win World War II. The next summer she was with a traveling Bible school, teaching in Ohio and Indiana. At nineteen, as a student at Antioch College in Ohio, she became a Quaker, a convinced Quaker, often the most dedicated kind. She wanted to be a teacher, and by the time she graduated had an astonishing array of jobs. She had taught in elementary schools in the East and Middle West and had been a recreation leader at Jewish community centers in Ohio and Indiana, at a club for elderly immigrants in Philadelphia, and at a Friends' work camp in South Dakota. Whatever the job, Ruth was liked and respected, and was always asked to come back.

"She was later a teacher, aged twenty-five, at the Germantown Friends' School in Philadelphia when she met and married Michael Paine...They moved to Texas, and in September 1962, they separated..."

Not mentioned in this biography is the fact that Ruth Hyde Paine's father and sister both worked in various capacities for federal agencies that have provided cover for the CIA. (The Fourth Decade, Vol. 3 #4, May, 1996 - "The Paines," by Barbara LaMonica, Steve Jones and Carol Hewett.) Another anomaly is Maria Hyde, an elderly American lady who Oswald met in both Moscow and Minsk, and whose photo of Oswald in Minsk turned up in CIA files, reportedly from the files of the Domestic Contacts Division of the CIA, which routinely debriefs American tourists and business people who travel abroad. [it has never been determined if the Marie Hyde that Oswald met in Russia is in any way related to Ruth Hyde Paine or the international Quaker community. However, it seems to be a question that could be reasonably answered].

According to the Warren Commission, Ruth Avery Hyde Paine was a pacifist harboring Quaker beliefs, who studied the Russian language, wrote letters to pen-pals in the Soviet Union, helped arrange east-west exchange students and became Marina Oswald's guardian. She first took Marina into her home as a guest while Oswald went to New Orleans to obtained work and an apartment.

Ruth H. Paine then drove Marina from Texas to the Magazine Street apartment in New Orleans and then notified a local Quaker, Mrs. Ruth Kloepfer, of the Oswald's presence in New Orleans. She requested Kloepfer contact and assist the Oswalds, and Mrs. Kloepfer and her two college age daughters, who were also learning the Russian language, then visited Lee and Marina at the apartment.

According to the Warren Report (p. 726): "Ruth Kloepfer was a clerk of the Quaker Meeting in New Orleans whom Ruth Paine had written in the hope that she might know some Russian-speaking people who could visit Marina. Mrs. Kloepfer herself visited the Oswalds but made no attempt to direct any Russian-speaking people to them." [Other than her daughters, who were never interviewed].

Oswald then embarked upon his Clinton, La., pro and anti-Castro Cuban and Mexico City operations in New Orleans, which continued until September 22, 1963, when Ruth H. Paine arrived in New Orleans from Philadelphia. In Philadelphia Ruth H. Paine had spent some time with her husband's mother, Ruth Forbes Paine Young and her husband Arthur Young, the inventor of the Bell Helicopter. Both Ruth F. P. Young (Michael Paine's mother) and Arthur Young were pacifists and directly associated with the Philadelphia Quaker community. Both Ruth and Arthur Young supported the Nuclear Test Ban Treaty and personally wrote to President Kennedy to thank him for his support of the measure. In addition, Ruth Forbes Paine Young was a close friend and traveling companion of Mary Bancroft, Allen Dulles' mistress and agent.

Oswald had told a few acquaintances, including Ruth H. Paine, that he intended to relocate to Philadelphia, and in his notebook are five Philadelphia addresses and the notations:

"Philadelphia (sic)/

Russ-Amer. citizenship club 2730 Snyder Av. / Russ. Lan. school 1212 Spruce /

Russian Daily (sic) Paper Jefferson Bldg. / Russian Lan. Trn. 216 S. 20 / Russ.

_ _ _ _ _ - Ho_ _ Organ. 1733 Spring Grdn. [WC Exhibit 18].

Philadelphia is the headquarters of the world Quaker community, which maintains close ties to nearby Main Line colleges Swathmore College and Haverford where Michael Paine and journalist Priscilla Johnson McMillan matriculated and began their activities in support of the World Federalists, the organization founded by Cord Meyer, who later became head of the CIA's International Organizations and Domestic Contacts Divisions.

Also in downtown Philadelphia is the headquarters of the American Friends Service Committee (AFSC), which operates Casa de los Amigos, the "camp" or youth hostel for America students studying the Spanish language in Mexico City, where Kennan stayed.

Instead of going to Philadelphia however, Oswald went to Mexico City, while Mrs. Ruth H. Paine took Marina, the kids and all of the Oswald's belongings - including his rifle, to Texas.

It is possible that Steven Kennan and his Quaker friends knew Oswald in Mexico City and were associated with Casa de los Amigos, which is still operational today.

- [Note: I have initiated an internet email query with all major Quaker organizations and am getting a good response from librarians who are very helpful, including one who knows Ruth H. Paine.]

- It is also possible Oswald learned of this Quaker "camp" before he went to Mexico City from either Ruth H. Paine or Ruth Kloepfer, although both would later deny that they knew of Oswald's intention to visit Mexico.

It has long been speculated that any CIA photographs of Oswald entering or leaving the Cuban or Russian embassies, on any of ten known occasions, were not made public because of other persons who are in the photographs, which would expose on-going covert operations.

In his book Gus Russo speculates that any person photographed with Oswald in Mexico City was possibly Cuban, or at least a Communist agent, but if LICOVEY-3 ferried Oswald around, he was being transported about by a KGB-CIA double agent under the control of the CIA Counter-intelligence unit (James J. Angleton-Win Scott), the same ones who kept the CIA files on Oswald "very close to their vests." (paraphrase of John Newman - Oswald & the CIA).

With the Quaker connection, there seems to be an underlying thread of detached financial and administrative assistance from a number of "non-profit" religious oriented charity organizations such as the American Friends Service Committee, the "Red Cross" that subsidized Oswald's sojourn in Minsk, the Russian Orthodox Church in America and the Catholic Cuban Welfare and Refugee Relief organizations.

- Some of them were supported financially by the Catherwood Fund, a non-profit foundation established the same month in 1948 as the CIA, and located in Paoli, Pennsylvania, just outside of Philadelphia on the Main Line, in the same small town as Michael Paine's mother, Ruth Forbes Young and her husband Arthur Young.

- The CIA funding of such organizations has long been established and the roles of CIA officials Tom Braden and Cord Meyer have been widely published, and in light of the Quaker connections, should be reviewed to see if there are any more concrete connections.


Thanks to Bill Kelly for the above.

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