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Hidell without Marina

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Lee Harvey Oswald starts showing up with Hidell materials during the time he was working out of the New Orleans office of Guy Bannister. I don't need a lot of other details or background or context. I can see what's up.

Okay John, I like the idea, let's go back to the beginning and start over, except this time, not include Marina or insulting each other for disagreeing with one another and see if we can figure out what really happened, not to win a debate but to learn the truth.

First off, among my many questions, is who informed the commanding officer on deck of the Wasp that someone was handing out literature on the docks? How did he know that, at the command level, when the cops on the docks didn't know?

This Navy commander sends another officer to the Louisiana state police agency responsible for dock security and they (Ray) go and kick Oswald out and get copies of his pamphlets, which are later exchanged for copies obtained elsewhere. Why the switcharoo?

And if that was a secure area, how did Oswald get there? Did his military ID, ala Gary Powers' ID that allowed him on to military bases to shop at PX also allow him on the docks?

And I had a guy who lived in New Orleans who went around in the 80s to Oswald's old haunts and found a half-dozen neighbors who knew him. Once actually followed him around and on occasion he bought fresh fruit and delivered it to foreign freighter ships that put into port. What was that all about?

We also have a couple of real people named Hidell, such as Frankie Hidell the bartender at the Baton Rouge bar where the McCurley's hung out and the guy who served in USMC with Oswald, and we have zilch info on these guys.

Before the other thread deteriated into a name calling match, I thought we were getting somewhere, and actually learning something new.

Now can this line of inquiry be carried on without the name calling and threats? I don't know.


Edited by William Kelly
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You cannot avoid the fact that the Hidell alias, as Sylvia showed, was not in the record until Saturday. Yet it should have been public on Friday.

You also cannot avoid the fact that Marina was clearly rehearsed on this point. In fact, she was rehearsed wrongly about hearing it in a radio debate, and then had to be rehabilitated.

She then changed her story and said she actually signed the FPCC card as Hidell. If not, her nutty hubby was going to imprint his fist in her face.

When Marina changed her story, the FBI changed theirs. Now the signature of Hidell was not so clearly Oswald's. It may have been Marina's.

Why would Oswald keep the Hidell card all the way until the day of the assassination? His FPCC days were over. If you maintain he ordered the rifle and picked up it up--which I do not--then why keep it on 11/22/63? And why oh why bring it to work with you? I mean Oswald was not mentally defective was he?

Why did the FBI alter the flyer exhibits and white one out? And why did Oswald place his name on some flyers, and his address, but Hidell's on others?

These are all good questions. They are not superfluous or irrelevant.

As I have often said, there were many good things the first generation of researchers did. But there were some things they did not pursue as they should have. Only Sylvia did a good job on this one.

If "Hidell" really was made up after the fact, then this is important. It seals the deal. Oswald never ordered or picked up that rifle.

Game, set, match.

And that's why I think, whichever way you look at it, the notion that it may stand for Alejandro Fidel is not too far fetched. It fits neatly with a purported reason for the name and bolsters the notion of a left wing nut which is of interest to some.

edit typo, add : another matter: the link posted by Michael and highlighted by Bernice raises another issue, for me, There's a lot to read so I read in detail some and skimmed others and jumped others, but one thing that struck me about the interview is a sense that the guy being interviewed re connections to MI kept answering with statements like ''there were no official communiques'' always seeming to invite questions re unofficial ones, or he was making a preemptive ass-cover, but the guys asking q's studiously avoided any such seeming invitation to ''ask the question''.

Edited by John Dolva
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Guest Tom Scully


IMO, there would be no harm in pursuing an on the record statement from Henry Robinson Hidell, III, aka "Bob" Hidell, aka H. Robert Hidell, age 70. When I first looked at him, and up until an hour ago, I thought his name was actually Robert Hidell. Perhaps LHO made the same mistake, I, and as you can see below, a number of others have made. The man is the right age, and his background would easily fit as cover for intelligence work. Did he serve in the USMC? Did he know LHO?

For a name stressed by the government, WC, etc., as being very obscure, the man above is a descendant of CSA V.P. Andrew Stephens's secretary, William H. Hidell.


...We have mentioned the International Bottled Water Association (IBWA) or referenced them in many articles in the Fountainhead. We would be remiss if we didn’t make you aware of this report written by Henry Robert Hidell of Hidell-EysterInternational, an independent bottled water consulting firm in Boston, Massachusetts. Mr. Hidell spells out exactly why the IBWA is so valuable to this industry.


SEJ's 19th Annual Conference Speaker Information | SEJ

www.sej.org/initiatives/sej-annual-conferences/AC2009-speakers - Cached

Bob Hidell is the founder and chairman of Hidell-Eyster International, which focuses on drinking water with particular emphasis on bottled water...


PAUL GARRITY - The Boston Globe (Boston, MA) | HighBeam Research

www.highbeam.com/doc/1P2-7856064.html - Cached

Aug 24, 2004 – ... responsible for the Boston Harbor clean up order; and H. Robert Hidell, a respected environmental scientist. The seminar is designed .


Henry R Hidell Age 70 Hingham, MA



Principal & President,

Hidell-Eyster Technical Services, Inc.

For thirty-eight years, Mr. Hidell has managed an international consulting firm with a global reputation in the beverage and bottled water industries. During this period he has overseen long range business development strategies and finance and administration of the firm. He has been instrumental in the development of the company's joint venture relationships and the execution of business opportunities. ....

....He is a member of the Board of Directors of the Neverfail Spring Water Co., Inc. in Sydney, Australia. Neverfail is a publicly held firm with a capitalized value exceeding $300 million. He is Chairman of the Board of Directors of Iroquois Water, Ltd. a First Nations Corporation located in Cornwall, Ont., Canada. Mr. Hidell is an internationally recognized expert in the bottled water industry with particular experience in bottled water plant design, management operations and international economic market research and development. He is a member of the Council of Experts of the Association International de la Distribution des Produits Alimentaires et des Products de Grande Consommation (AIDA), Bruxells, Belgium, an international organization servicing the logistics and distribution industry.

In addition to bottled water and beverages, Mr. Hidell is a recognized expert in the point of use industry. Here he specializes in the application of advanced water treatment and waste water treatment technologies.

Mr. Hidell has been responsible for the development of several hundred water sources for use in the beverage industry including hydrogeological investigation, extraction systems and distribution systems. He has developed sophisticated water treatment and mineralization systems for use in bottled water production in Argentina, Mexico, the United States, the Philippines, Europe, Cyprus, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Australia, New Zealand and Russia. He is also a technical expert in water resource management and business development and technology transfer for the United States Department of State, U.S. Information Service, specializing in Russia.

He has completed market studies and feasibility studies in the United States, Africa, Central Europe, Western Europe, Southeast Asia, South America and the Middle East. He is a recognized expert in the area of product development, strategic market development and distribution logistics.

Mr. Hidell drafted the mineralized water regulations for MERCOSUR, the Latin American Trade Organization of the Southern Cone. He developed and taught the International Bottled Water Association’s Seminar on Quality Control and quality assurance systems for beverage plants. He was one of the founders of QUASI, a third party standards organization specializing in bottled water production. He has published numerous articles on the beverage and bottled water business and is an invited key note speaker on those subjects to various organization meetings. He is a member of the Canadian Bottled Water Association and is the Resident Expert for the Asian Bottled Water Association based in Jakarta, Indonesia.

Mr. Hidell was a Principal in Stagecoach Associates, Inc., a property management and property rehabilitation firm, owner of the historic Stetson Shoe factory building in South Weymouth, Massachusetts. Property management included hands on experience with all physical plant systems (heating boilers, wet sprinkler system, elevators, etc.), as well as designing the renovation of the building and all physical plant systems. He also represented the John B. Stetson Company in their renovation of approximately 2 million square feet of existing factory structures in Philadelphia and New York. ...


HIDELL, HENRY R 25 Sep 1912 14 Dec 1997 (V) 85 19073 (Newtown Square, Delaware, PA)



[published 01/13/2010]

Faith Jenkins Hidell

Age 94, of Newtown Square, Pennsylvania, died peacefully at her beloved home, Misty Meadow, surrounded by her sons. She was married at Swarthmore Friends Meeting, Swarthmore, PA in 1939 to Henry Robinson Hidell Jr. who preceded her in death.

Faith was born in Wyoming, DE, the daughter of the late Willis Charles and Katharine Brock Jenkins. Faith graduated from George School in Newtown, PA, Illman School of the University of Pennsylvania, and attended graduate school at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI. Faith taught at Westtown Friends School from 1935 until 1939. Faith was very active in sports as a young woman, held numerous track and field records which she won at Caesar Rodney High School in Wyoming, Delaware and at George School, Newtown, Bucks County, PA. She held more than eight track records for women awarded from the State of Delaware. Faith was particularly suited to raising five sons at Misty Meadow because of her sports activities. Faith was a birthright Friend (Quaker), a member of Camden Friends Meeting, Camden, DE during her youth and for nearly 60 years an active member of Willis-town Friends Meeting, Newtown Square, PA serving as Clerk of the Meeting as well as giving her time to many committees. She co-edited the cookbook "Quaker Flavors" for the meeting's bicentennial. The proceeds raised 10's of thousands of dollars to feed the hungry through the American Friends Service Committee. She served in various capacities during Chester County Days and opened her historic home on three occasions. She was active in the American Cancer Society and the Colonial Plantation at Ridley Creek State Park. Through her father, Faith was a direct descent of Warner Mifflin. Warner Mifflin, born and lived his youth at "Eyre Hall"on the Virginia Eastern Shore and came to Delaware as a young man. Warner Mifflin has been documented as the first to have manumitted his own slaves in 1744 and 1745. Warner Mifflin went on to become one of America's foremost abolitionists of the 18th century. In February 2004, Faith accompanied by Tim Hidell and family represented the descendents of Warner Mifflin during the placement of the historical marker by the State of Delaware recognizing his contributions to this cause. She was a member of The National Society of the Colonial Dames of America, The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Chapter, The Society of St. George's Chapel and the Descendants of the Order of the Garter, Curfew Tower, Windsor Castle, Windsor, England, UK as well as the Welcome Society of Pennsylvania.

Faith is survived by her five sons, Henry Robinson Hidell III of Hingham, MA, Willis Jenkins Hidell of Cape Porpoise, ME, Thomas Mifflin Hidell of Stone Mountain, GA, John Whaley Hidell of Indian Land, SC and Timothy Brock Hidell, daughter-in-law Christine Murowany Hidell and their sons Timothy Brock Hidell Jr. and his wife Ashlee Reed Hidell of Rehoboth Beach DE, Anthony Murowany Hidell, Nicholas Gylymay Hidell, and H. Arthur Robinson Hidell of Wilmington, DE, and 10 additional grandchildren and 18 great-grandchildren. She is also survived by her sister-in-law Beatrice Hrab now of Columbia, MD, formerly of Wilmington, DE and her son Walter Hrab.

Faith was devoted to her family, her Quaker community and her friends. She mentored many young people providing Quakerly guidance in child raising, the meaning and importance of family, friendship and faith. She followed William Penn's quotation: "Let us now see what love can do." Her own favorite phrase was "Whatever you do, do it with love."

A Memorial Service was held at 12:00 noon on Saturday, January 9, 2010 at Willistown Friends Meeting, 7069 Goshen Road, Newtown Square, PA....

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Guest Tom Scully

IMO, we're hobbled to this day by an official inquiry that went through the motions for the sake of appearances. Although it seems all of the Hidells currently living in Texas, the family that founded Hidell Hardware, are directly related to the Hidell's named in my last post, George M Hidell of 1929 and Alex S. Hidell of 1920 seem to be unconnected to Col. William H. Hidell, CSA. Whatever you suspect, consider the smoke and mirrors of the WC. They produced the irrelevant testimony of the US Marine I've posted below, instead of seeking out and deposing any Marine who was known by the name of Bob or Robert Hidell. The names of other Hidells I've posted below are documented, as you can see.

"Bob," George M. and Alex S. Hidell had parents and possibly children, and they lived in the United States. Why couldn't the FBI or inquisitive journalists find and question any of them or their children by August, 1964?

I don't think you can prove, or even know with any personal certainty, if, or how often LHO spoke, wrote, or distributed the name Hidell.


Pay-Per-View - Hartford Courant - Apr 18, 1929

... at 1 Buckingham Street The ForgetMeNot Club wUl meet this afternoon at 2 o clock at the home of Mrs George M Hidell 271 Jefferson streetHow the Home and ...


Current Section: CE 1945 - Undated application for employment at Goldrings, New Orleans, La., filled out by Lee Harvey

George Hidell 705 Polk St college student

Page 318


The following affidavit was executed by John Rene Heindel on May 19, 1964.



Parish of New Orleans, ss:

I, John Rene Heindel, 812 Belleville Street, New Orleans, Louisiana, being first duly sworn, depose and say:

That I served in the United States Marine Corps from July 15, 1957, until July 15, 1961. I was stationed at Atsugi, Japan, with Lee Harvey Oswald.

I recall that Oswald was often in trouble for failure to adhere to rules and regulations and gave the impression of disliking any kind of authority.

While in the Marine Corps, I was often referred to as "Hidell"--pronounced so as to rhyme with "Rydell" rather than "Fidel." This was a nickname and not merely an inadvertent mispronounciation. It is possible that Oswald might have heard me being called by this name; indeed he may himself have called me "Hidell." However, I have no specific recollection of his either using or hearing this name.

Although I generally regarded Oswald as an intelligent person, I did not observe him to be particularly interested in politics or international affairs.

While in Japan, Oswald drank a good deal, at times becoming intoxicated. He was willing to do so because he did not greatly care whether or not he got back to the post on time.

Oswald did not often talk back to his superiors, but was likely to complain about their orders when he was alone with his fellow Marines.

Oswald generally went on liberty by himself; I therefore do not know what his activities off post were.

I do not recall Oswald's being called by any nicknames.

Although our Marine Air Group was sent to Formosa for a period of time, I am unable to remember Oswald's being there.

Signed this 19th day of May, 1964, at New Orleans, La.

(S) John Rene Heindel,


Alexander S Hidell was a third assistant engineer, ocean, Lic. # 31514 Apr. 9, in the inland Porland, Oregon District, etc.:


List of officers of merchant steam, motor, and sail vessels ... - Page 20

books.google.comUnited States. Steamboat-Inspection Service - 1909 - Free Google eBook - Read

Cattrall, John F Churchill. Alexander D . Hidell, Alexander S Leahy,


The Rudder: Volume 36 - Page 437

books.google.comThomas Fleming Day - 1920 - Free Google eBook - Read

190-foot auxiliary steam yacht Xarifa, sold for Alex. S. Hidell to BA McAfee of New York, who is having

USS Xarifa (SP-581) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

http://http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USS_Xarifa_%28SP-581%29 - Cached

USS Xarifa in harbor, 1918-1919. Career (US). Laid down: 1896 ... a time as Ophelie before she was purchased by C. N. Nelson in, or sometime before, 1911.

Classified Ad 3 -- No Title

Pay-Per-View - Los Angeles Times - Oct 11, 1926

ALEX M HIDELL 10200 P MMn FI AIIP1 10UVv L Tmwesl 00019 Fre TRtS6r7 Van NYS I Funeral Parlor S611.

Oak Ridger, The : Clarence Joseph HochanadelRetired from...

‎$2.95 - Oak Ridger - May 6, 2004

... Joel Leah Lavole and husband Ben Rachel Runner Ryan Runner Alex Heidel and AJ Heidel and by two greatgrandchildren Katelyn Fry and Rebekah Schick

UPDATE: Now we know that what we have been fed officially all of these years about the strange and unique name, Alex Hidell is not true.

The Col. William Henry Hidell was the secretary of V.P. of the CSA, Alexander Hamilton Stephens. I found an obscure reference to an Alexander S. aka Alex S. Hidell. This is apparently the record of his son, born in 1915 in Mexico. Now we know there were at least two Alex Hidells, and they were most likely named in honor of the Confederacy V.P.: http://vitals.rootsweb.ancestry.com/ca/death/search.cgi

HIDELL ALEXANDER STEPHENS Birth: 11/25/1915 Mother: ZATARAIN Father: HIDELL Sex: M Birth Place: MEXICO Death Place: LOS ANGELES(19) Death: 10/13/1949 SS: 535-14-1926 Age: 33 yrs

Edited by Tom Scully
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Guest Tom Scully

Hidell and Associates - Architectural firm in Dallas for fifty years.

It appears that William Hidell is from Pennsylvania.

In 1986, the architectural firm of William Hidell was awarded a contract to work on the Northeast Police Substation in Dallas.

The Hidell firm, as I mentioned above, has been in Dallas since 1948,


I checked into William Hidell Jr. some time back when I was looking for connections to the Hidell name. It turns out he and his son were champion competition shooters.


How much further along would we be in digging into this lead, or in ruling it out, if a connection had been as available 4-1/2 years ago, of William Hidell, Jr.'s great-grandfather, who turned out to be the secretary of "little Aleck" Stephens, and named his son, Alexander Stephens Hidell, as it became later, through these obituaries?


Richard Robinson "Dick" Hidell, also affectionately known to many as "Pop", passed away peacefully April 21, 2009 at the age of 88, in the comfort of his own bed in Austin,Texas. He was born in Ft. Worth, Texas on December 2, 1920. He led a full and successful life. Dick graduated from Woodrow Wilson High School and then graduated from Texas A&M University in 1943. He was a member of the Century Club as well as the Reveille Club and was a lifelong fan of the Texas A&M football team. He was a veteran of WWII, a bronze star recipient, great-grandson of William Henry Hidell, the secretary of Alexander Stephens, Vice President of the Confederacy, charter member of Highland Park Baptist Church, a Mason, member of the Headliners Club and involved with the Rotary Club, Optimist Club, as well as an avid pilot who loved all the instrumentation involved. His father started Hidell Hardware in 1924 and "Pop" came to Austin in 1948 to start Hidell Builders Supply, Inc. In 1996 he retired and his son took over the business. He was preceded in death by his parents, his brother Williams H. Hidell, Jr. and his wife, Charles Curfman Hidell. He is survived by his present wife, Mary Epperson Hidell; his son, Richard R. "Rick" Hidell, Jr.; sister, Marie Hidell Finley; granddaughters,...

Just days, earlier, in April, 2009:


William H. Hidell Jr. Obituary: View William Hidell's Obituary by ...

www.legacy.com/obituaries/.../obituary.aspx?n=william-h-hidell... - Cached

William H. Hidell Jr. Hidell, William H. Jr. Age 92, of Dallas, Passed away on April 15, 2009. North Texas Cremation ...

(quote) http://www.philaudc.org/graves/woodlands.html

....Also interred in The Woodlands Cemetery:

Marie Louise Hidell

Born: Aug. 14, 1879; Rome, GA

Died: Sept. 29, 1918; Philadelphia, PA

Nurse Marie Hidell

Nurse Marie L. Hidell

The daughter of Col. William (above) and Dora Robinson Hidell, Marie Hidell graduated from the Reading Hospital School of Nursing in Berks County, Class of 1902.....


Dora Robinson Hidell

Birth: Mar. 7, 1851

Pennsylvania, USA

Death: Mar. 22, 1932

Bexar County

Texas, USA

d/o Henry Robinson of Scotland

w/o William H. Hidell


Greenwood Memorial Park

Fort Worth

Tarrant County

Texas, USA


Birth: 1843, USA

Death: May 19, 1906


Montgomery County

Pennsylvania, USA

Colonel William Henry Hidell was personal secretary to Alexander Hamilton Stephens, Vice President of the Confederate States of America. Graduated from University of Georgia 1860.


Currently unmarked grave


Woodlands Cemetery


Philadelphia County

Pennsylvania, USA (/quote)

Edited by Tom Scully
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  • 1 year later...
Guest Tom Scully

IMO, we're hobbled to this day by an official inquiry that went through the motions for the sake of appearances. Although it seems all of the Hidells currently living in Texas, the family that founded Hidell Hardware, are directly related to the Hidell's named in my last post, George M Hidell of 1929 and Alex S. Hidell of 1920 seem to be unconnected to Col. William H. Hidell, CSA. Whatever you suspect, consider the smoke and mirrors of the WC. They produced the irrelevant testimony of the US Marine I've posted below, instead of seeking out and deposing any Marine who was known by the name of Bob or Robert Hidell. The names of other Hidells I've posted below are documented, as you can see.

"Bob," George M. and Alex S. Hidell had parents and possibly children, and they lived in the United States. Why couldn't the FBI or inquisitive journalists find and question any of them or their children by August, 1964?

I don't think you can prove, or even know with any personal certainty, if, or how often LHO spoke, wrote, or distributed the name Hidell.


Pay-Per-View - Hartford Courant - Apr 18, 1929

... at 1 Buckingham Street The ForgetMeNot Club wUl meet this afternoon at 2 o clock at the home of Mrs George M Hidell 271 Jefferson streetHow the Home and ...(endquote)


Current Section: CE 1945 - Undated application for employment at Goldrings, New Orleans, La., filled out by Lee Harvey

George Hidell 705 Polk St college student

(quote)Page 318


The following affidavit was executed by John Rene Heindel on May 19, 1964.



Parish of New Orleans, ss:

I, John Rene Heindel, 812 Belleville Street, New Orleans, Louisiana, being first duly sworn, depose and say:

That I served in the United States Marine Corps from July 15, 1957, until July 15, 1961. I was stationed at Atsugi, Japan, with Lee Harvey Oswald.

I recall that Oswald was often in trouble for failure to adhere to rules and regulations and gave the impression of disliking any kind of authority.

While in the Marine Corps, I was often referred to as "Hidell"--pronounced so as to rhyme with "Rydell" rather than "Fidel." This was a nickname and not merely an inadvertent mispronounciation. It is possible that Oswald might have heard me being called by this name; indeed he may himself have called me "Hidell." However, I have no specific recollection of his either using or hearing this name.

Although I generally regarded Oswald as an intelligent person, I did not observe him to be particularly interested in politics or international affairs.

While in Japan, Oswald drank a good deal, at times becoming intoxicated. He was willing to do so because he did not greatly care whether or not he got back to the post on time.

Oswald did not often talk back to his superiors, but was likely to complain about their orders when he was alone with his fellow Marines.

Oswald generally went on liberty by himself; I therefore do not know what his activities off post were.

I do not recall Oswald's being called by any nicknames.

Although our Marine Air Group was sent to Formosa for a period of time, I am unable to remember Oswald's being there.

Signed this 19th day of May, 1964, at New Orleans, La.

(S) John Rene Heindel,




UPDATE: Now we know that what we have been fed officially all of these years about the strange and unique name, Alex Hidell is not true.

The Col. William Henry Hidell was the secretary of V.P. of the CSA, Alexander Hamilton Stephens. I found an obscure reference to an Alexander S. aka Alex S. Hidell. This is apparently the record of his son, born in 1915 in Mexico. Now we know there were at least two Alex Hidells, and they were most likely named in honor of the Confederacy V.P.: http://vitals.rootsw...eath/search.cgi

HIDELL ALEXANDER STEPHENS Birth: 11/25/1915 Mother: ZATARAIN Father: HIDELL Sex: M Birth Place: MEXICO Death Place: LOS ANGELES(19) Death: 10/13/1949 SS: 535-14-1926 Age: 33 yrs

Hidell and Associates - Architectural firm in Dallas for fifty years.

It appears that William Hidell is from Pennsylvania.

In 1986, the architectural firm of William Hidell was awarded a contract to work on the Northeast Police Substation in Dallas.

The Hidell firm, as I mentioned above, has been in Dallas since 1948,


I checked into William Hidell Jr. some time back when I was looking for connections to the Hidell name. It turns out he and his son were champion competition shooters.


How much further along would we be in digging into this lead, or in ruling it out, if a connection had been as available 4-1/2 years ago, of William Hidell, Jr.'s great-grandfather, who turned out to be the secretary of "little Aleck" Stephens, and named his son, Alexander Stephens Hidell, as it became later, through these obituaries?


Richard Robinson "Dick" Hidell, also affectionately known to many as "Pop", passed away peacefully April 21, 2009 at the age of 88, in the comfort of his own bed in Austin,Texas. He was born in Ft. Worth, Texas on December 2, 1920. He led a full and successful life. Dick graduated from Woodrow Wilson High School and then graduated from Texas A&M University in 1943. He was a member of the Century Club as well as the Reveille Club and was a lifelong fan of the Texas A&M football team. He was a veteran of WWII, a bronze star recipient, great-grandson of William Henry Hidell, the secretary of Alexander Stephens, Vice President of the Confederacy, ....(endquote)

snapback.pngWilliam O'Neil, on Aug 19 2006, 12:49 PM, said: On page 271 of AFTJ, Joan Mellen quotes Peter Francis Conor (Connor) as saying:

"I never heard Oswald make any anti-American or pro-Communist statements.

He claimed to be named after Robert E. Lee, whom he characterized as the greatest man in history."

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