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Giuseppa Mauro

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Posts posted by Giuseppa Mauro

  1. Dear Jay,

    I would like to correspond with you about didactics and education.

    I hope other teachers (men and women) participate and animate the forum in relation to this topic.

    The difference between men and women is certainly the length of the messages posted.

    Some messages are so long that at the end you loose the thread. Besides it requires too much time to answer to the very very long messages. At the end you do not know if your answer is pertinent or not to the content of the message unless you read it again and take note. :D Ciao

  2. Dear Jay.

    I would like to correspond and debate or exchange opinions with you and other teachers (men and women) about didactics and education.

    One difference between men and women in relation to the forum is certainly that men write very very long messages and at the end you loose the thread.

    John in this aspect wins the first prize.

    Dear Jay I wait for your starting message. Ciao

  3. This situation is a reality in many countries.

    Andry says that what is valuable does not die. And I think chemistry is valuable and the mankind needs chemistry in its several applications.

    What will be genetics or cosmetics or the biological process without chemistry? And I could go on in citing the all aspects in which chemistry is essential .

    Nevertheless it is true that this science is going through a critical period.

    One of the cause could be the fact that in Europe the chemical industry is not too developed.

    Another cause probably can be found in the curricula or in the teaching/learning process.

    It could be interesting to compare these aspects among the European countries.

  4. I agree that a teacher. every teacher has the duty to educate and to prepare the students to the several aspects of life,but they(the students) must learn also subjects probably they will not hear about any more in their span life.

    I do not share at all the opinion that a teacher must do what the parents pay for how you,Andry,say.

    So if the parents pay to let their kids pass the exams or to the next class without studying?

    It seems you approve that.

    What kind of school is this? And what the ethics in this? And what society are you contributing to build? :ph34r:

  5. Certainly none can bless the invasion in Iraq!

    Neverthless the many massacres around the world, the "powerful" little men have non learnt the lesson.At the end iare the humble people who pay for the thirst of power and of profit.

    The huge amount of money spent for army shoul be usefully used to build civilization, industries, for training people to get competences in the several subjects or aspects of social life.

  6. The video conferences certainly help in particular situations,for example they link the pupils in hospital to their class mates,to the teacher and to the school environment.

    Probably technology helps in the long life education,since people who work might not have the possibility to attend a school (building). I think and I do not support the idea to substitute technology to a human being (the educator).

    What kind of world we want in the future?

    What would happen of the communication between teacher and pupils,or among and between pupils, thre socialization, the sense of duty ( for example to be on time in the school).

    We want a world withouet emotions?

    Let us use with :rolleyes: WISDOM technology and not disregard or undervaluate the human relationship.

  7. Condivido la tua affermazione di non mitizzare il “tempo antico”, ma penso che sia anche il caso di non puntare molto o tutto sull’uso dello strumento tecnologico e sulla multimedialità nella didattica.

    Calvani scrive “L’impiego dei libri multimediali diventa perciò tanto più utile quanto più il soggetto conosce la materia……”.

    Questa affermazione,a mio parere, vale anche nel processo di insegnamento/apprendimento.

    Anche una ricerca in internet sarà proficuamente indirizzata se si possiede la conoscenza

    essenziale dell’argomento.

    Condivido anche la tua opinione sull’efficienza ed efficacia del “computer” in altre attività ma non pensi che la scuola si fondi su percorsi ed esigenze diverse da quelle di una azienda o similare?

    Per esempio il mezzo tecnologico aiuta a costruire gradualmente e in modo critico la conoscenza o è un “aiuto” al processo logico?

    Attraverso dibattiti sulla didattica, mi pare di desumere che l’iniziale entusiasmo sull’uso delle TIC nella didattica stia un po’ scemando visti i risultati ottenuti.

    Comunque credo che del passato dobbiamo conservare ciò che riteniamo valido

    In quanto a “l’immagine della Chimica nella nostra società”, rimando al mio secondo messaggio in

    questo Forum e su cui gradirei avere il parere tuo e di altri colleghi.


  8. Obesity is becoming a problem in the“rich” countries and this phenomenon is counterbalanced unfortunately by starvation in other parts of the world.

    The nutritional education starts since the first days of the baby. When the child enters the school, a basic work on the baby /child metabolism has been done. So the first education about the nourishment has to begin in the family.

    The teachers will continue and /or strength the food education.

    If the parents let understand their children the value of the healthy (unpackaging) food, they will become conscious and not only will accept to take with them the lunch bag, but also probably can explain to their class mates why they do that.


    Then let us educate the children, but first or at the same time let us start educating the parents.



    Does the ENIS plan have a major in technology or the teachers in this program adopt a particular methodology and/or refer to contents different from the National Curriculum or integrate it?. Thanks

  9. Risposta a Di Piazza 1°

    La connotazione negativa della chimica a livello di comunicazione sociale deriva,a mio parere, da diversi fattori fra cui i seguenti sono determinanti.

    1) La errata valutazione del sapere scientifico e del suo valore sociale.

    2) Gli Organi Istituzionali che non hanno mai sostenuto l’insegnamento delle discipline

    scientifiche e della chimica in particolare.

    3) Enti e soggetti altri che avrebbero dovuto difendere la Chimica e la qualità del suo insegnamento nella scuola.

    Riguardo al 1° punto:gli alunni fin dalla scuola dell’infanzia dovrebbero essere “educati”

    all’acquisizione del sapere scientifico. E così si creerebbe quell’”humus” necessario a comprendere, nella verticalità degli studi, la chimica e quindi a valorizzarne l’enorme contributo che questa scienza dà alla migliore qualità della vita.

    A proposito della tua esperienza nella scuola elementare scrivi che notavi che “la rispondenza degli allievi non appena il discorso si faceva attuale….”.

    “Attuale” equivale ad argomenti legati alla realtà in cui i bambini vivono?

    Se questa mia interpretazione è corretta,aggiungo che i docenti (e non solo di chimica) dovrebbero sempre collegare quanto trattano nelle loro lezioni ai problemi e agli eventi che si vivono giornalmente; di già questo renderebbe viva e quindi accettabile la disciplina.

    Sappiamo che il monte ore di cui dispone un docente di chimica,è limitato,ma probabilmente sarebbe bene selezionare con oculatezza gli argomenti da trattare e tenere sempre presente la realtà in cui si vive.

    Per quanto attiene all’uso del computer, mi piace pensare che esso è uno strumento e come tale va usato possedendo delle conoscenze, altrimenti le operazioni con tale mezzo tecnologico non aiuteranno molto gli alunni, perché questi non sapranno orientarsi anche nella ricerca di integrazione e/o arricchimento.

    Voglio sperare che i docenti non trattino gli argomenti in “maniera molto approssimata” e sempre, ovviamente, relativamente alla fascia scolare interessata.

    Sono d’accordo con te quando affermi che il computer va usato nella scuola superiore.

  10. I share the viewpoint of Rob Jones Essentially the learning process "face to face" or "person to person (s)" that is "human being to human being" cannot be undervaluated if we still believe that the emotions and the dialogue are worth.

    To answer to John about " Good Teachers": Of the several points he suggests,I certainly choose:

    Give Interesting Lessons

    Ask the children (students) what they think

    Are on time for lessons

    Try (the best) to make children(students) understand

    Try no to shout.

  11. I agree about the goal of the learning process.” In the end our priority is to help students become proficient,scientifically aware citizens” (Quote :N.Falk).

    In the science subjects contents and experimental work must be related and balanced. Without knowledge,the experimental activity is not understood in the mechanisms and these give a great contribution to the learning process.

    The National Curriculum probably in every country are prolix and do not keep in account the real situation of the students, then perhaps it is necessary to select the contents and look at the real life events

    Primo Levi in one of his book writes: […] il laboratorio.: […}. Un'esperienza straordinaria. In primo luogo perché toccavi con mano[….} E poi il laboratorio era un centro di socializzazione. […] Era il lavoro di équipe […].

    [...] Credo che ogni chimico conservi del laboratorio [..] un ricordo dolce e pieno di nostalgia. [...] se ne usciva [ ..] con la sensazione di avere “imparato a fare una cosa; il che, la vita lo insegna, è diverso dall’avere “imparato una cosa”.

    Translation. […] the laboaratory. An extraordinary experience.First of all because you touch everything with your hand […]. Then the laboratory was the place where to socialize.[..]:It was a team work […}.

    […] I believe that each chemist keeps of the laboaratory [….] a sweet and nostalgic memory.

    […] he (or she) was coming out […] with the sensation of having” learned to do something” which is different from having “learned something”.

  12. Nel messaggio precedente ho accennato a metodologia,approccio didattico e contenuti.

    Considerando queste tre componenti che ovviamente sono intrecciate,pensate che un corso di chimica alla scuola superiore debba iniziare con l'argomenrto indicato dal libro di testo o dal Piano di studi ministeriale,o non sarebbe consigliabile e proficuo accertarsi anzitutto delle conoscenze e abilità possedute dagli alunni?

    In relazione all vostra esperienza quali suggerimenti date?

  13. I agree about the goal of the learning process.” In the end our priority is to help students become proficient,scientifically aware citizens” (Quote.N.Falk).

    In the science subjects contents and experimental work must be related and balanced. Without knowledge,the experimental activity is not understood in the mechanisms and these give a great contribution to the learning process.

    The National Curriculum probably in every country are prolix and do not keep in account the real situation of the students, then perhaps it is necessary to select the contents and look at the real life events

    Primo Levi in one of his book writes: […] il laboratorio.: […}. Un'esperienza straordinaria. In primo luogo perché toccavi con mano[….} E poi il laboratorio era un centro di socializzazione. […] Era il lavoro di équipe […].

    [...] Credo che ogni chimico conservi del laboratorio [..] un ricordo dolce e pieno di nostalgia. [...] se ne usciva [ ..] con la sensazione di avere “imparato a fare una cosa; il che, la vita lo insegna, è diverso dall’avere “imparato una cosa”.

    Translation. […] the laboratory. An extraordinary experience.First of all because you touch everything with your hand […]. Then the laboratory was the place where to socialize.[..]:It was a team work […].

    […] I believe that each chemist keeps of the laboratory [….] a sweet and nostalgic memory.

    […] he (or she) was coming out […] with the sensation of having” learned to do something” which is different from having “learned something”.

  14. Do you think that one trimester allows the students to apprehend about the contents? Energy is the topic,you write, of the last trimester.Every phenomenon in science (physics or chemistry) implies the use of energy and so the life. What about to put this topic at the last?

    How can they build their knowledge logically?

    In relation to the laboratory activity,it is very important in science and helps the pupils to understand better the theoretical concepts acquired, besoides the fact that they are more stimulated mentally.

    In my opinion the knowledge must be built gradually accompanied with the lab pratice. :rolleyes:

  15. Da anni il computer ha invaso gli Istituti scolastici e secondo una linea di tendenza questo strumento dovrebbe fare miracoli nella didattica.In particolare mi riferisco all'insegnamento della chimica.

    Penso che il computer sia uno strumento di cui fare uso soltanto dopo che gli studenti hanno compreso il concetto e il meccanismo di un dato processo.

    Più che al computer non pensate che si dovrebbe ripensare alla metodologia didattica, riconsiderare gli approcci alla disciplina e i contenuti?.

  16. Dear Max,

    when the children start their school life do not have any idea about scientific concepts, manipulation of materials,use of scientific instrumets or other subjects. The knowledge they have is only the spontaneous one;what they have listened (sometime) in the family or through the T.V. .

    It is six years (year by year in the same class) that a colleague of mine and I work with the children (age 41/2-5 ) and the results are surprisingly positive.

    The spontaneous knowledge is substituted gradually by the scientific knowledge,not only in relation to the concepts,but also in the practical work that actually helps to understand better the context. They become more and more confident with the manipulation of the materials and the use of the scientific instruments.

    The kids comprehend and apprehend more than what we suppose and/or expect.

    These children later will not have the problems we face in the junior high and high school..

    Obviously in every class some pupils learn easily,others do not and the last ones do not have to be let behind.

    Giuseppa Mauro

  17. Sono d'accordo sull'idea che la ICT non è una magia. Il computer è uno strumento e va usato con questo spirito. A fondamento della conoscenza sta l'apprendimento dei concetti, cioè compenderli ed elaborarli. Purtroppo oggi si fa larghissimo uso di tale stru,mento anche in modo a volte non appropriato.,forse più danneggiando che dando supporto intellettivo. Penso che anche noi docenti dobbiamo contribuire a far comprendere ai nostri alunni che prima di fare uso di un qualunque mezzo tecnico,è necessario sapere in anticipo quale percorso fare e come farlo.

    Giuseppa Mauro

  18. I am graduated in Chemistry and teach Chemistry.

    It looks that Chemistry everywhere represents a problem for students. We teachers year by year try to apply different methodologies and different approaches, hoping that the results will improve,

    but often they are not what we expect.

    The students,whatever the age or the level school, do not orient themselves well in the scientific field and particularly in Chemistry that is an experimental science.

    I agree with the colleagues who consider essential the experimental activity to comprehend Chemistry. But the experiment must give reliable results otherwise the students get confused.

    So it is important to select,in relation to the instruments we have, those experiments whose results contribute to make clear and consolidate the theoretical Knowledge.

    Even the use of the informatic instruments,in my opinion, should be realized only when the students have become conscious of the mechanism of the process.

    In my opinion the primary cause of this frustrating condition originates from the fact that the scientific education of the students should start since when the children initiate their school life.

    The children should not look but act, experimenting themselves,understand the cause/effect of a phenomenon or of the coursework and they must be stimulated mentally.

    It is essential to build in them the logical process.

    The children,I think, have to use their head.

    What your opinion?

    Giuseppa Mauro

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