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Harry J.Dean

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Everything posted by Harry J.Dean

  1. Hi, Bill No, have not made request re; such Intel. or NARA files, but read available NARA superfical reports, and know that contacts with Intel. are missing from Chicago, FBI and CIA, and especially FBI Los Angeles office. It is known that any and all Intel. contacts brief or lengthy, by usual methods, ie; personal meetings, phone, mail et al. are recorded by Intel. agents. Such as these are not shown, therefore are withheld from the public view. Thus my concern as outlined in previous post. Harry
  2. My recent thinking re; the possible so-called 'Backchanneling' by researchers and other interested persons that may be investigating my former activities, resulted from concern that the following information re; various connections become construed, e.g. pro-Castro, anti-Castro, anti- Kennedy associates et al., while informing US. Intelligence. Many very important reports to the Feds. showing my connections are not displayed among the total 173 NARA one sided exposures. In brief, comparing any existing NARA and US. Intelligence records without viewing those still being withheld, create doubt and convince researchers to assume 'wrongly' my guilt, and involvement indicated by incomplete reports presently existing re; my exacting past connections to Cuba, JFK, and US. Intelligence. H.J. Dean
  3. I thought this was an interesting summary of his career. Most researchers tolerated Gerry's disinformation because they suspected that he really knew who was involved in the JFK assassination. However, there is another possibility. After leaving the Marines in 1958 Gerry was a "gun for hire". If one looks at his role in Cuba, it did not seem to matter too much which side he was on. Nor did he seem to mind becoming involved in illegal activities. As the Miami Herald points out: "Among his other exploits, Hemming was arrested three times, twice for drug smuggling and once for gun running." It seems that every time he was arrested he made claims that he was working as an undercover agent for the government. Gerry Hemming was arrested on 23rd August, 1976, for the illegal transfer of a silencer, and drug smuggling. It seems that this was the point that he began talking about his past work with the CIA. He told one reporter: "All of a sudden they're accusing me of conspiracy to import marijuana and cocaine. Hey, what about all the other things I've been into for the last 15 years, lets talk about them. Let's talk about the Martin Luther King thing, let's talk about Don Freed, Le Coubre, n-killers in bed with the Mafia, the Mafia in bed with the FBI, and the goddamn CIA in bed with all of them. Let's talk about all the people I dirtied up for them over the years." Although convicted by a Miami jury of conspiracy to import marijuana he was soon out of prison. On 14th April, 1980, Gerry Hemming was arrested at the Lantana Airport in Palm Beach County with a plane loaded with 723 pounds of marijuana and a cache of Quaaludes. Hemming claimed he was he was working for the U.S. government in an undercover operation. Hemming told Alan J. Weberman that he was working for Mitchell WerBell and Lucien Conein. Hemming was sentenced to 35 years in prison. State records indicate he served only seven years. Hemming clearly had been involved in some unpleasant activities on behalf of the CIA. He also used the threat of disclosing details of these operations in order not to serve too much time in prison. However, it is possible, that his claims to know about the JFK assassination, was just a ploy to give the impression that he was a principled operator, rather than a common criminal. It is likely the only thing I agree on with Hemming {only one of the larger anti-Castro group that originated from here in Southern California} that I never met, is; our mutual dissapointment that 'Castro betrayed the stated goals of his Revolution". Hemming's statements re;weapons silencers sales, were connected to Ergiaga Arms Company of El Monte, California, who were legally licenced by the US. Gov. to operate to produce silencers and etc. While a member of Minutemen, we were instructed to have semi-auto weapons converted by Ergiaga to full auto weapons. It was while a Minuteman member I advised the Bureau that brought about the raid on Ergiaga and close it's operation as was my duty. H. Dean
  4. Peter It is known there are 75000, and very likely by now 100.000 Mormon Missionaries on the streets of the entire world laboring diligently to recruit converts. More importantly their mission within the United States along with members in upper, middle and lower positions of power within the U.S. Government et al. serve as political representatives for their Mormon candidate for U.S. President, Mitt Romney. The cause is also supported by 'persuaded' secular allies in place. Harry
  5. Ron You are likely right re; the Clintons as a bad choice? Re; CIA....LDS Washington, DC. Saints refer to themselves, among themselves, as a Sisterhood it's a term with roots at the CIA were the church is particularly well represented. CIA agents also refer to one another as sisters. These are only some of other thousands of LDS Saints with influencial positions in the federal government. Similar Mormon knots thrive at the state, county and local levels throughout the nation. With or without Mitt Romney as president, these firmly placed agents of the Mormon church hierarchy will continue until their 'New Americanist' scheme of a world-wide church-state combination is finalized. Keeping in mind we are faced with fifth column type people and plans for the rest of us, already in action. Having mumerous willing secular allies. Jr. Bush is an example that could again be played to seat Romney in the White House? Harry
  6. Harry, You lean heavily on involvment of LDSs. It seems to me there were others, but it has always been most curious to me that there are a disproportionate [to their population] numbers of LDS persons in the CIA. I had always assumed and been told it was because in their belief system this is 'the chosen land' by god they could be relied upon for religious as well as 'patriotic' reasons to keep secrets and have a strong alliegance to the Country - no matter what. However, I'm not aware that any were high-level leaders in the Company. What makes you so suspicious of them in this matter? I wouldn't argue about some in the JBS knowing or maybe having a hand, but that they were LDS-connected is new to me. H. Hughes surrounded himself with many Mormons and CIA people and his money {I believe} helped fund Dallas. [and other covert operations] He was a controlled CIA - deep pocket, as Murdoch is today. There are others and were others. I can't see the whole thing as a LDS plot, but I'm sure many were involved. Just looking on the internet now, I came across an account of someone Mormon saying his Bishop was CIA analyst and his other Bishop was a CIA operative....and another where the CIA and other intelligence agencies are hiring them for their language skills [and belief America is God's chosen land]...as the Oligarchy that run the CIA do believe on non-theological grounds and many born-agains also do. Peter As a deeply involved member of this anti-Kennedy operation at many levels, {mapped out above}, and as one of them, even religous-wise, I was/am sadly aware of who and what was in the works. It was motivated by a no-nonsence, but erroneous spirit of patriotism. It did include former military people, and persons posing as agents of the CIA & etc. under what was a nationwide umbrella organization. The purpose, to seize control of the US. Government, an ideal I favored until 'they' actually murdered Kennedy. H. Dean
  7. While all big-city PDs have intelligence units that coordinate with [and some members who are part of] the CIA and FBI, DEA, NSA, ONI, MI etc., it would seem to me that this is an attempt to cover a CIA operation by putting it under the cover of a smaller player. I can't imagine what the LAPD or even NYPD would have to gain by putting spies in the USSR or anything other than local groups. Gates however would know all about the RFK Assassination and its cover-up - though I'm sure he said little that is not the official mythology. In Dallas there were certainly a few DPD 'in on it' [some had just joined just for the event] and many more who were of political persuasion that they would just keep their mouths shut if they suspected what was really up....but I don't think the DPD was 'behind' the main event...they were for some smaller events and parts, obviously. In the roles above, I think the Police Departments were used as 'cut-outs' for bigger players and entities with more power. I guess a person had to have been very much involved to tell it like it was/is. I was so involved, personally, at various levels. At the same time reporting to US. Intelligence. H.Dean
  8. Terry One thing is certain, Castro remains the Betrayer of his own original Cuban Revolutionary ideals, {therefore a traitor} even though neither he or his agents were involved in JF Kennedy's death. It would have been self destructive of Castro's till then, successful, ongoing efforts for total revolution throughout all Latin America. A destruction that came suddenly with Oswald's death and connection to the powerful and widespread Communist-Front, Fair Play For Cuba Committee.
  9. No thanks to you. As someone who fits the same Operataional Profile as the accused assassin, someone who has been through the system, as someone who could help explain some of the tradecraft, lexicons and procedures, who knows many of the players personally, and still being alive, you are in a unique position to help independent researchers interested in resolving many of the outstanding questions about the assassination. Instead, you keep harping about whether people believe you and your bizarre story of being sent to DP as part of an assassination abort team, and nitpicking with those who ask legitimate questions that could help them advance their own research. Now you are doing what TG did before he got monitored and disapeared - making numerous irrelevant posts and responding negatively to minor points. Why don't you just post some more interesting official documents (not the same one over and over) and let us ask you some questions? For starters, did you know or ever meet John Martino and figure out his relationship to Rosselli? And what's your story about the bullfighter? Thanks, Bill Kelly Thanks Bill: I feel I have in the past helped research into the JFK mess. I have given names dates and safehouses.. I have said how I knew Martino, Roselli Hunt Farrentello, and a host of others as well as LHO... If you think I am an assassin thats O.K. too. I have tried to help and I have spent hours answering questions only to be taken off into never never land and hijacked threads that go nowhere and cursed out on this forum. I'm sorry you feel the way you do but I respect that. Yes. I knew Martino and was "an associate" what that means I moved money and flew people around the country Mafia as well as CIA and Military from the Pentagon. I have said Farrentello and others introduced me to Rosellie at Bay Front Park Biscane Bay at the end of Flager St not far from Sloopy Joes". and on and on and on... I was at one time to detailed I was told.... another not detailed enought...... All I can say at this point is read my book... don't buy it... just read it. In there you will find some your answers. I'll send you a FREE copy. As to documents many have recently been declassified and released and others I have posted and some have posted many I do not have. All I can say at this time is read it in my book due to be released this fall "Deep Cover Shallow Graves". Seems the new releases and declassified documents and the release of detailed reports of the Kerry Committee as well as the CIA declassified 80TXXXX and a few 302 and 202 and a few more 104's perked the ears of a reliable and established publisher. Most of the info was stated before the releases and the names of which I allegde years ago are in the new releases..... any more than that? I can't help you at this time..... I recently tried to start in 1952 and bring it foerward, but that was blocked. If I could have got to that point then I would have explain what happen to me after I was released from ther service. I worked for Southwest Airmotive, Trans Texas Airline... Then Riddle Airlines, and Regina Cuban Air Cargo carrier (1955-61) as an Aircraft Mechanic and thereafter Flight Mech. In 1972 some of the companies I worked for proved to be CIA Front companies.... Southwest Aero Charted, Inter-Mountain, Evergreen before it was Evergreen,, World Air, and many which I have already named... but they will be in the book in more detail with some more interesting names. I told John Simkin I would expand on my BIO after he ask me two. I told him I would and I am in process of doing, In spite of what you think I do try to keep my word... some of the info I just told you about will be in that Bio... names and places and dates... In spite of what you think... I am and trying to do my part... Time is an important commodity for you as well as I. small points big points take time some prople do not want to hear or read what I have to say so they block it in many ways...... anyway I do apreciate your honest, but negative feelings toward me and that his O.K also. I wish you the best and I do hope you find your answers someday. Hi, Tosh As one who has also been suspected of fitting the profile of involvement [via several publications} over many decades, mostly in a sinister way, even though laboring to aid the JFK cause since 1965, I understand your own upward struggle. No doubt it was/is the adventurous spirit, that was born in some of us, whose pasts are wrongly remembered but never forgiven! In any case here is a request for your book, only if you will contact me for a 'billing' address. Amigo, Harry hjay1212@wmconnect.com
  10. Harry, Frank Durr names Edward G Lansdale as his "person of interest." Durr speculates that the assassins were Filipino mercenaries with ties to Lansdale. Hi Michael Thank you for the info, much appreciated. H. Dean
  11. Hi, Michael Is it possible you could mention the name of " a person of interest" here or by e-mail? Thanks, H. Dean.
  12. I for one would like to hear your personal insights into persons like Revilo Oliver, Edwin A. Walker, Robert J. Morris, Robert Welch (part of the N.C. Unitarian connection) and even one Wickliffe P. Draper who was allegedly a financial sponsor of the California Minutemen in addition to MKULTRA, The Pioneer Fund, The Mississippi Sovereignty Commission, The John Birch Society, Human Events, The Liberty Lobby, the First World Eugenics Conference, the persecution of Alger Hiss and Sacco and Vanzetti, HUAC, The Draper Committees on Eugenics and Immigration, etc. ad nauseum. Ever hear of Wickliffe Draper or Ulius Amoss or Carleton Coon in your travels? John Among those listed above that I did know, along with others that I did not, I can say most were of the same mind, the same fear, of the Kennedy administration giving the US. over to Communism, or of blending the two systems. The main fear was that our so-called Conservative/free enterprise ideals would be forever lost/destroyed under that international socializing threat. Therefore the deadly serious life-or-death struggle was in the works by a vast number of 'convinced' patriotic people via the 'hypnotic definitions' spread mainly by the umbrella organization of the Robert Welch John Birch Society et al. This reached as well to many powerful influencial, and political persons in place, and some patriotic fringe radical followers. Such were comforted in knowing that whoever killed the internal enemy Kennedy would never be exposed or detected as the powerful 'New Americanist' system quickly taking power would and did, protect their unsung patriots. H. Dean
  13. Whoops... almost forgot one of the major additional oversights or mistakes. Forgetting that philosophical descendants of the first response interlopers like Dr. Revilo P. Oliver, Rev. Billy James Hargis, Rev. Gerald L. K. Smith and Robert J. Morris are or were recently active in posting deflective and defective responses on Usenet groups and Forums like this very one. That list would include the recently departeds such as Nathaniel Weyl, Fletcher Prouty, Philip J. Corso and Marvin Liebmann as well as some hangers-on who were either founders or members or employees of The John Birch Society, The Liberty Lobby, Young Americans For Freedom, The Militia Movements, The Minutemen, The World Anti-Communist League, The White Citizens Councils, The Council For National Policy and The Mississippi Sovereignty Commission (a/k/a The KKK). In other words there are still those among you still posting their BS lines of argument and threads who are card-carrying members of those groups who CLAIM to be searching for the Truth, who CLAIM to be honest Conspiracy Theorists and who CLAIM to be on The Trail of the Assassins who are in fact never going to point the finger at their philosophical brethren. Do you all know who had parents who raised him on the literature of The John Birch Society, for instance, while hosting meetings at this home for a John Birch Society cell and who was once a member of Young Republicans and Young Americans For Freedom? Or which infamous research duo took a young researcher and graphics artist on a "Racist Walking Tour of Dallas" on the way to the ARRB hearing room? Or which COPA conference attendee once said: "Colonel Prouty is just like us on all the n issues?" Well just suffice it to say that almost 50% of "JFK Researchers" are either card carrying members of Far Right Extremist Organizations or have been so thoroughly brain washed by the continual drumbeat of propaganda spouted by these card carrying members of the Reich Wing that they have been essentially rendered into Stepford Wives clones of the Far Right without even knowing it. Sad, but true. And to not know that you are surrounded by the very brainwashers from the Religious Right, the Political Right, the Military Right, the Education Right and the Business Right who were both the Character Assassins and the Physical Assassins of John F. Kennedy is evidence of terminal obtuseness and/or outright complicity with The Far Reich. Hi, John You and the other posters on the subject here are on track. My own past associations prove your direction, some examples are; {1} I was always an active Republican {2} also a Minuteman {Southern California} {3} Member John Birch Society, knowing well Gen. Walker Robert Welch, and several fringe followers of that philosophy with which at one time I agreed {until the actual death of JFK} {4}only 'some' of these experiences are outlined under my name on the Simkin Forum and may be of interest to you and others? H. Dean
  14. Have any JFK researchers followed up on Walkers statement above? I heared back then, that the suspects were some of his own 'civilian' troops? H.J.Dean
  15. Unlike the Catholic, Kennedy, Romney must follow this....... LDS Latter Day Saints Mormon "Political Manifesto" Saints must consult their esslesiastical superiors to obtain permission before accepting Any appointment that might interfere with their religious duties.
  16. At the very outset Gen. Walker stated that he had traced his attempted assassins back to California.
  17. Exposing the 'alleged past of a former US. intelligence informant should not be done only in bits a pieces but with all possible details. What would be the reason for failing to inform the reader of other, more complete, even comdeming information? some of which includes so-called secret items/reports, no doubt of ongoing significance to them. US. intelligence in their efforts to expose my 'alleged' past, after and because of my publically exposing some of our dealings re; Cuba Kennedy, Mexico City & et al. might well have mentioned, {1} that FBI Chicago dumped me because I casually admitted to them that I told CIA agents I was also working with the FBI on Cuba, FPCC information. {2} 1960 meeting, Chicago re; CIA plan for me to get money to sources inside Cuba. {3} also witheld, reports of meetings with Los Angeles Bureau agents re; US, & Mexico City connections. 1963 {4} others Harry J. Dean
  18. IMO, it’s pure propaganda... nevertheless: The Culture of Conspiracy By JAMES PIERESON November 24, 2007; Page A11 American Liberalism began to shatter when ultra-conservative Republican and Democrats in 1962/1963 successfully infiltrated both political parties. Liberalism was forever neutralized by the time of the JFK assassination. This week is the anniversary of the tragic day in 1963 when John F. Kennedy was assassinated on the streets of Dallas. Looking back, we can see that Kennedy's death marked a turning point, when the political consensus of the time gave way to the confrontational politics that we associate with the 1960s. The upheavals that followed -- along with the bitter partisanship that disfigured political life in the last third of the century, and whose echoes we still hear today -- can be traced back to that day in Dallas. The terrorist attack of Sept. 11, 2001, is the only other event in the modern era that compares with the Kennedy assassination in terms of its shattering impact on public opinion. And there are parallels: The 9/11 attacks, like the Kennedy case, stimulated conspiracy theories claiming that either the U.S. government knew what was coming, or that somehow America itself was responsible. President John F. Kennedy and Jacqueline Kennedy riding in the backseat of an open limousine in Dallas, Texas, moments before his assassination on Nov. 22, 1963. Both events were expected to have unifying political effects -- but both soon gave way to intensifying periods of political conflict. The extreme rhetoric of the 1960s, in which leaders were cast as "war criminals" and America was spelled with a "k," is echoed today in claims that President Bush or neoconservatives lied or manipulated the nation into war. Opinion polls routinely show that more than two-thirds of Americans believe Kennedy was cut down by a conspiracy engineered by organized crime, the CIA or FBI, or right-wing groups upset by Kennedy's liberal policies. Most believe the Warren Commission covered up the truth by concluding Lee Harvey Oswald was the lone assassin. Such suspicions encouraged the conviction that the national government is corrupt and untrustworthy -- and also that the nation itself was in some way responsible for Kennedy's death. The reality is otherwise. As with the attacks of 9/11, events beyond the shores of the U.S. played a larger role in the Kennedy assassination than most Americans would like to believe; and President Kennedy, far from being a liberal idealist, was more of a practical reformer who never got too far out front of public opinion. Consider the Cold War and civil rights, the two great issues of his presidency. Cuba was the flashpoint of Cold War politics during his term in office. The Cuban Missile crisis, during which Kennedy induced the Soviet Union to withdraw offensive missiles from Cuba, gave him a conspicuous diplomatic victory in a most dangerous nuclear confrontation. Violence against civil rights activists across the South was the most pressing domestic issue in the months leading up to the assassination. In response to the escalating domestic tensions, Kennedy proposed a sweeping civil rights bill in June 1963. In response to the communist threat, he continued to look for ways to get rid of Castro in the wake of the missile crisis. But the meaning of the assassination in light of these two critical issues was completely muddied in the immediate aftermath of the event. National leaders and journalists interpreted it in the context of the civil rights struggle -- rather than the Cold War. And this utter misinterpretation has had a damaging effect on Americans' image of themselves and their country. Oswald was arrested by Dallas police within an hour of the assassination. The evidence against him was overwhelming. His rifle fired the shots that killed the president; spent shells from the rifle were found in the building where he worked; he was seen in that area before the shooting; witnesses on the street saw a man firing from a sixth floor window. Based on a description, a policeman stopped Oswald while he was walking in another section of the city. Oswald shot the policeman and then fled to a nearby movie theater, where he was captured. For those who weigh the actual evidence, there can be little doubt that Oswald was the assassin. However: Oswald was a dedicated communist who had defected to the Soviet Union in 1959 out of disgust with American capitalism. After becoming disillusioned with Soviet life, he returned to the U.S. in 1962. In early 1963, he bought a scoped rifle through the mail and soon used it to fire a shot (which missed) at retired general Edwin Walker, the head of the John Birch Society in Dallas. In the summer of 1963, Oswald was active in street demonstrations in support of Castro. In September 1963, he visited the Soviet and Cuban embassies in Mexico City seeking a travel visa that would allow him to travel to Cuba. Oswald was among the radicals of the time who saw Third World revolutionaries like Castro as the wave of the communist future. He was well aware of Kennedy's efforts to overthrow Castro's regime. As a Senate investigative committee suggested in 1975, Oswald shot Kennedy to interrupt his administration's plans to assassinate Castro or to overthrow his regime in Cuba. Ignoring Oswald's communist links, journalists and political leaders quickly claimed the president was a martyr to civil rights. Earl Warren said that Kennedy had "suffered martyrdom as a result of the hatred and bitterness that has been injected into the life of our nation by bigots." Martin Luther King said the assassination had to be viewed against the backdrop of violence against civil rights marchers in the South. James Reston wrote in the New York Times that "something in the nation itself, some strain of madness and violence, had destroyed the highest symbol of law and order." The consensus opinion was that Kennedy was a victim of hate and bigotry, a casualty of his support for civil rights. The Cold War and Kennedy's ongoing feud with Castro were rarely mentioned as factors behind the assassination. The reasons? Mrs. Kennedy wanted her husband remembered as a modern-day Abraham Lincoln. Lyndon Johnson feared complicating relations with the Soviet Union. Liberals feared a replay of the McCarthy period, when the Wisconsin senator inflamed public opinion about fears of domestic communism. Among the other reasons: Robert Kennedy did not wish to call attention to the administration's clandestine efforts to overthrow or assassinate Castro. J. Edgar Hoover, head of the FBI, feared that his agency might be blamed for incompetence if the public believed that a communist subversive had found a way to assassinate the president. This obfuscation -- which attributed the assassination to "causes" other than the real ones -- had far-reaching effects. The claim that Kennedy was a victim of the civil rights struggle gave rise to speculation about conspiracies that exonerated Oswald while pointing the finger of blame in other directions. The Soviet Union, along with the world-wide left, encouraged speculation that far right groups or the CIA were the true assassins. The suggestion, no less than the fact, that the assassin was a communist was unwelcome in many circles. If Oswald had been a reactionary rather than a communist, there would not have been the kind of wild speculations about who or what was responsible for the president's murder. Secretary of State Rice asked rhetorically a few years ago, "When will we stop blaming ourselves for 9/11?" A similar question might have been asked decades ago about the Kennedy assassination. In both cases the United States was attacked by avowed enemies, yet many were convinced that we had done it to ourselves. Mr. Piereson is a senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute and author of "Camelot and the Cultural Revolution: How the Assassination of John F. Kennedy Shattered American Liberalism" (Encounter Books, 2007).
  19. MR. PRESIDENT {the thoughts of many} Mr. President, JFK What were our thoughts of you Before death took you from us today We gave our love, hope and admiration too, Mourning now, we of all the world Know you ask not - but gave all for your country, Of your strength, through accusation hurled As you stood undaunted against that enemy You were the stalwart laborer of a stately nation As America weeps it shall not forget The burden, the pain, of your trying station And your words and deeds remain with us yet. {c} Harry J. Dean
  20. Reality Accept it or not it was/is war. Sadly, any Collateral damage was/is one of the fallouts of the ongoing war against Castro and his minions the betrayers of the original Cuban Revolutionary ideals,even though it required the participation/involvement of US. connections.
  21. Oh yeah, it was reported that President Johnson was really madder than hell about the poem thing,and swore a lot.
  22. The White House called FBI to find who placed a poem attached to flowers on the grave of Lee Oswald in 1966, stating the President is 'Very' concerned, so the wheels started to roll to find who dunnit? Four lines of the 8 line poem in the UPI report, by reporter W R. Morris, also caused grief for the author. Lee Harvey Oswald 1939 - 1963 Did he assassinate the President? Was he truthfully accused? Guilty yes, or was he innocent? He has left all the world confused. The intent of this and others each year following, were intended to help force open the achived door.
  23. The Author, Mark Lane, was also an early-on member of Fair Play For Cuba Committee.
  24. Hi, James Right, this second pic with Escalante also is not G2Vega. CIA, after I advised them of G2Vega being in New York City, had me ID him via photos. G2Vega had answered a letter to an FPCC person known to me that was of interest to FBI in Los Angeles. It is not urgent but would liked to have known, as various Castro agents had infiltrated anti-Castro groups in the US. It just now occured to me that G2Vega may have been attached to the UN Cuba Mission in New York City? CIA/FBI first insisted I was to be flown to NY to ID G2Vega in person, I told them that I would not fly in fear of being hijacked back to Cuba but would travel by train. Soon on, a plane was forced to Cuba, I do not recall just off, but am sure the plane was out from here in California! As always my thanks to you James for your amazing efforts. Harry
  25. Hi, James Thanking you for the Vega pic, but it is not my G2 person. Vega was much like the pic, a well dressed,well spoken 'in English', but older by five years or so, and somewhat thinner looking than this one. Do not know possible importance but it was long ago reported that Oswald met with G2Vega in Mexico. James, much thanks as always. Harry
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