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Harry J.Dean

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Everything posted by Harry J.Dean

  1. Hi, James & Tim I checked that list on MFF, I do not recognize this mug shown here, there may be others I would know after seeing mug shots.Also is it possible you or Tim can show "Fransisco Vega" his name is near the bottom of the MFF list. It is he that placed me in hell for a few hours in G2/DGI Havana Hdqrtrs. With my great thanks. Harry
  2. Written as that war still raged. VIETNAMESE We have seen the endless blaze Emitting from your land Watch you crouch in fear Of your countrymen and mine Not French or Yank turned willing tread To slay you or to die The greed of Godless men planned your fate And our own "Our brothers" they oft proclaim it Ensnared us in that lawless horror Your fear is our fear...your death, our death We are the people! {c} Harry J. Dean
  3. From 1990 manuscript/book YROJ Connection To JFK Assassination. Page 12......... President Kennedy stated, "the very system of government is in dire peril and may not survive my term in office." Kennedy was describing the severe threat posed by extremely powerful cooperative civil and military sedition at work.
  4. Torture With Cuba fearing an invasion {that arrived several months later} It was natural their G2/DGI would put the squeeze on a suspected spy in their midst. And so I sat in Castro's Intelligence Headquarters in mid 1960 under open threat of death from the American 45 automatic in my face weilded wildly by a visious Cuban military savage. Their's were fearfilled unforgettable methods of interrogation leading to a firing squad, prison, or release. Even Castro, my enemy, while under threat of invasion, did not resort to the present American PRIMATIVE and EXTREME torture of suspects. Harry
  5. I would be interested to know if anyone else shares Myra's view. If a significant number do, I will of course resign as an administrator of this forum. ************************************************************************ "...I will of course resign as an administrator of this forum." Now, let's not get too hasty here, John. I'm sorry to find things had degenerated to this level, and have managed to stay out of the fray simply due to employment schedules, as of late. I want you to know that I do support your efforts at maintaining forum sanity, and realize the pressures you're under at present. Therefore, if you chose to shut it down, I would totally understand and be in agreement with your decision. However, your forum and its format are the culmination of what I had been begging the research sites [Prouty's, Conway's, and DellaRosa's] to join forces and become from the time I first went on-line in 1997, and was able to witness the acrimony between these particular forums. I didn't quite understand the dynamics at the time, and couldn't fathom why they had to be at odds with each other over something they all had a common goal in fighting for. I was also under the idealistic impression that if they could somehow agree to combine their large databases and work together, the research community would eventually become a force to be reckoned with. You have managed to single-handedly do just that using your own intensive reading and research skills on the subject. Created an impressive centralized database with what you've been able to glean from the different sites, including those of the opposition, or the McAdams and Rahn genre of thought, not to mention the various newgroups on the subject. By doing this, you have been able to encourage debate between opposing views, leaving them open to scrutiny and discussion. Are you sure you really want to chuck it all? Hi, John Weary not in your well doing. Harry
  6. Hi, Joe My ongoing concern with the Mormon subject is that in the 1960s I liked and agreed with their ideals re; the necessity in contolling the reigns of political power of the US. Government, as is the case at State, County and Local levels throughout the US. At that time I was very much a "conservative" Republican. Soon on, to become a moderate Republican after awakening to the subversive methods and actions by an invention and political extention of the Church called the John Birch Society, some of whose followers plotted and hastened the death of "our mutual politically opposed president" Kennedy. These are the kind that have since ridden roughshod over every aspect of US. Society and Governments, mostly under the title of Republican. It is they who have set the iron hard policies that will continue even when or if Democrats are elected to leadership. Such is the powerful subversive influence and action of Mormon Church Hierarchy over all facets of existence in the US. and thereby the world, in their relentless march to bring about a global religious kingdom, at any cost! Harry
  7. THE CRUSADE The Middle East Crusaders are rooted in every crack and crevice of American society, and in positions of power with extreme influences, political, social, economic, over every aspect of daily life, and death. Theirs is the only successful conspiracy in existance, in it's strategic plan {begining 1n 1896} to subversively seize and use United States national powers, in order to bring about at any cost, the unnatural expantion of their world-wide Mormon kingdom of God. The cost to be borne by all, except by their own faithful follower elite in leadership positions. Some of their general membership are slated for sacrafice along with non- member majority "gentile" fellow American countrymen, and others. Each unknowingly fighting, even dying for Mormonism in the Middle East Crusades against Islam. This American invented religion {1830} is now in a final make-or break maneuver via it's semisecret control and direction of the political machinery of the United States with the aim of neutralizing/supressing Islam, the last and only blockade in the path of a relentless global Mormon political/religious Kingdom. Bush Jr. is always a willing agent/servant of Mormon leadership, as were others, especially since the death of JFK {Nov.22,1963}. Greater fear and dread will be realized by all nations if and when, the Mormon candidate for president of the United States, Mitt Romney is elected. Romney will act more brazenly than the usual political agents of the church in in their desparate, murderous Crusade. MORMON LDS POLITICAL MANIFESTO Saints must consult their ecclesiastical superiors to obtain permission before accepting any appointment that might interfere with their religious duties. Harry J. Dean
  8. Hi, Guys This was a huge problem and especially here in Southern California where we used asbestos liberally in the building trades in the 1960s. Multi-millions have been set aside for victims/survivors who sue for relief, and it is working very well and unopposed. Glad to know you are involved in warning people/victims. Harry suffer and sue for relief
  9. Behind the global blending of allies and former enemies was their secret backchannel agreed upon, experimental plan for progress. Mainly put into action with the seeming collapse of the USSR { Soviet Union} A workable international conversion to "Keynesian economics" {John Manard Keynes, British Socialist & economic theorist} and the successful gradual easing of intrenched ideologies {give-and-take} by the major participance ongoing some years prior to, and more obviously since the world-altering deal between so-called American capitalism and Soviet Communism. With Keynesian economics accepted and applied came the since drastic direction away from U.S. Constitutional basics, via legislation and executive decrees. The Russian population having undergone even more direct arbitrary changes during this now almost successful,decades-long, but often disruptive transition.{eg; Mid-east invasions by Soviets, and Americans et al.} The aim of 'the scheme' is to complete an international cradle-to-grave {although burdensome and boring socialism}, an individual and collective leveling-out on every social, religious, and economic plane. It is now at this point that even a 'greater danger' is found, as powerful forces mostly within the United States, both political and religious, vie for the position of control over 'this globalist scheme' by any, even desperate means, if nessasary in 'combination' as is in 2007 presently taking place.
  10. I believe he's dead and they're keeping it private. I think he's been dead a long time. And their goverment is gearing up their military to fight the Exiles and whoever else. Thank you Myra, John and Kathleen. Harry
  11. Is it true that Castro died today? just heard an unconfirmed report tonight.
  12. Hi,From the 1990 manuscript/book YROJ Connection to JFK Assassination. All {JBS} John Birch Society members were quickly informed by special bulletin about the death of J.D. Tippit, a Dallas police officer. Tippit was allegedly killed by Lee H. Oswald. The case has been confused and disputed. Oswald denied the charge. It remains unsolved and unproven. Tippit's death remains clouded in mystery. There is no mystery about Tippit's connections. He worked week-ends in a Dallas restaurant owned by another {JBS] member. Another {JBS} special bulletin also stated; "We were ready to step into that picture and ask our members for donations for the support of Tippit's family...but it might be harmful for us to do so."
  13. A revolution under the guise of a covert restoration of the status quo ante. Hi, Paul Extremely well stated. Here are quotes from the founding leader I once followed, until others of his adherents brought the death of JFK, "...unless we can have enough of an awakening in this country, and enough of a rebellion against the appeasement policies of our government outside, and it's communizing policies inside America, the communists are going to succeed" "...we are opposing a conspiracy.....our determination to overthrow an entrenched tyranny is the very stuff of which revolutions are made" Robert Welch, John Birch Society Harry
  14. Charles While agreeing with your points via an earlier e-mail today, it is true that government was restored not overthrown, and was quickly seized by the authors of JFK's assassination and their since immovable and continuing political descendent followers since 22 November 1963. They, under various titles having an iron like grip and guaranteed perpetual control over all US politics, intended to survive without effective opposition for hundreds of years. Harry
  15. ************************************************************************** "These 'newbirth radicals' intend to, and likely will remain in power for hundreds of years while using the names, republican, democrat or by any other title, or a name covertly indicating a specific combination of religio/politic preference." I see what you mean, Harry. Though, I'd liken them to the "neo-con-artists" of the "1 party - 2 branches" regime. Hi, Terry It's the same ideology, 'newbirth radicals=neo-con-artists=yoke & shackles. Harry
  16. LBJ understood more clearly than JFK the powerful undercurrent that was about to sweep away a dying political age, and of the new one that was coming to birth. Neither President JFK or Vice President LBJ were 'seriously' concerned with the possibility of assassination. On becoming President, LBJ began to serve two distinct political factions, the dying old, and the 'newbirth radicals'. Unwilling to continue after his first four years as president, LBJ refused to consider a second term. LBJ had served both political factions well. The more powerful newbirth radicals had quickly become a vast majority long before LBJ's first year in office had expired, certainly in their steering LBJ's direction in the 'official' { Warren Commision} outcome of the JFK assassination. These 'newbirth radicals' intend to, and likely will remain in power for hundreds of years while using the names, republican, democrat or by any other title, or a name covertly indicating a specific combination of religio/politic preference. H.J.Dean
  17. Hi, Bill Yes, was on his show mid-1970s New York City. Yes he was very interested in a solution to the JFK assassinaton. Our hour long interveiw that included investigative reporter W.R. Morris covered the subject very well. Sadly or not the show was never aired. It is likely that FBI/CIA arranged it that way? But I'd say we'll never know the reason for certain. Tom Snyder was a tower, both in height and personality on or off the air. Harry Could not raise xinhuanet.com mercurynews came up, great Snyder comments.
  18. Hi, Tim Yes, Cuba was subverted, by F. Castro and devious U.S. policy machinations. But Cubans will one day soon enjoy liberty from all domestic and foriegn intervention in their lives. Great knowing you are back, and nice hearing from you Tim. Harry
  19. Chris Thanks for your thoughts also. Always nice to hear from you. Harry
  20. The heroic Cuban Revolutionary 26th Of July Movement was absorbed/betrayed into allegedly becoming part of the official Castro political government. Only a few of former 26 Of July Movement leaders were selected. Rank and file members soon went into obscurity, prisons, executions, or to Miami and elsewhere. Though gone, they are remembered! Harry Dean Former M-26-7
  21. Could it be that all of us who where aircraft pilots had similar thoughts? CHOICE If my plane should fall today If my craft should not stay Up high in the air this day If I should crash and die this way Then recall you heard me say "I would have it no other way" For Tosh, from friend Harry J. Dean
  22. The whole Kissinger/Helms story that RFK was behind plots to kill Castro was new to me when it recently made news, but then I just read the same story (Intelligence Wars, NYRB, 2004) in a Thomas Powers New York Review of Books from February 4, 1999. Thomas Powers, who of Oswald, in the chapter called The Mind of the Assassin, after reviewing most of his intelligence related activities, writes, "Oswald's Tale brings us right up to the pinch-lipped misery and sour odor of the man. He borught pain to many and happiness to none. Anger is what this makes me feel. It was an insect that brought Kennedy down. Would to God he had popped first beneath somebody's foot." Powers then joins forces with Mad Max Holland and Dark Slyd Hersh, not in a search for the truth, but to step on Bobby the Bug, whose been dead eight years when, as Powers says, these words were "written down in the heat of a government crisis, the words of a man [Henry Kiss] in a position to know [bK: and known to lie], recorded on the day, perhaps even within the hour, they were uttered." As Powers puts it (p.372-373), "...The secrets a the heart of secrets are rarely confided to official paper or the appropriate files. The deepest secrets of all have nothing to do with the burn time of ballistic missiles, the configuration of fissionable material in nuclear weapons, or other technical matters, but rather with what presidents want. Those are what ancient Chinese writer about war and statecraft Sun-tzu called 'mouth-to-mouth" matters." "One such surfaced recently when the Assassinations Records Review Board released a two-page 'Memorandum of Conversation' from Gerald Ford Presidential Library recording some comments of Henry Kissinger on January 4, 1975, during a discussion of news stories by Seymour Hersh claiming extensive wrongdoing by the CIA." "According to Max Holland, who is writing a book about the Warren Commission, Kissinger, then serving as both Ford's secretary of state and his national security advisor, had sought a blanket denial from the agency but had been infromed by William Colby that some major secrets remain hidden. A former director, Richard Helms, was summoned back to Washington from his post as Amabassador to Iran to fill in the details for Kissinger at a breakfast meeting shrotly before Kissinger met in the White House with President Ford and Brent Scowcroft, who was taking notes." "'Helms said all these stories are just the tip of the iceberg,' Kissinger said, as recorded by Scowcroft during the meeting with Ford. 'If they come out, blood will flow. For example, Robert Kennedy personally managed the operation on the assassination of Castro.'" "The friends and defenders of the Kennedy brothers say it isn't so; but there it is on paper, written down in the heat of government crisis, the words of a man in a position to know, recorded on the day, perhaps even within the very hour, they were uttered." "Holland and Hersh, still on the case, also learned recently the name of the CIA intelligence officer named to serve as liaison with the attorney general during the year in which he continually pressed the CIA for results in getting rid of Castro - a career intelligence officer, now dead, named Charles Ford." "According to Ford's office-mate Sam Halpern, a CIA officfer also assigned to Task Force W in the agency's effort to get rid of Castro, Ford traveled hither and yon about the country on Robert Kennedy's business, but there public knowlege comes to an end. Hersh's book The Dark Side of Camelot, published in 1998, includes some addiional ancillary detail. Whether still-classified CIA files can fill out the story of Ford's work for Bobby remains unknown but it's likely, just as it is likely no one will be given free range of the files until many, many additional years have passed, if then." "Think of the CIA's files as the nation's unconscious. There you may find the evidence, like the gouges on rock where a glacer has passed, of what American leaders really thought, really wanted, and really did - important clues to who we are as a people. Does this eternal battle over access to the files make sense when few still care what happened at the Bay of Pigs? Does it matter whether we are permitted to haul up the last piece of paper to the light of day before letting it rest? There is no right anwer, just personal preferences: some would rather know, and some would rather not." "[Mad Max] Holland and [Dark Slyd] Hersh, still on the case....." are undobutedly sill chasing down Charles Ford and what he was doing for "Bobby" traveling "hither and yon," the office-mate to Sam Halpern, the sill-alive CIA officer also assigned to Task Force W., who also hates Kennedy. Now that Bugliosi is fizzling out, I'm sure we will soon receive a barage of broadsides from the likes of Powers, Holland and Hersh. BK The note writing, record keeping General Brent Scowcroft served directly under presidents Nixon, Ford, Reagan, Bush Sr. and now with Bush Jr. Scowcroft is only one of several thousands of Mormons imbeded within influencial positions of U.S. Government Administrations. It is urgent, that JFK Researchers expose such powerful socio/religious/politico combinations! Harry ********************************************************************* "Scowcroft is only one of several thousands of Mormons imbeded within influencial positions of U.S. Government Administrations. It is urgent, that JFK Researchers expose such powerful socio/religious/politico combinations!" How are you, Harry? And, so right you are! Is it safe to lump the John Birchers' in with them, or am I just whistling down a well? Plus, isn't obvious how the theory of "Separation of Church and State" never seemed to pertain to these privileged classes, who in reality never amounted to anything more than a bunch of holy-rollers? Talk about Islamic fundamentalists, these Christian guys are just as deadly. Hi, Terry Am in great shape as always, how are you doing? Cant say whats safe, but the Birch Society 'is' lumped in with 'them' politically wise as an invention of, and subversive political extention by 'them'. {see Forum Index re; Harry J.Dean} Until later,always nice to talk with you Terry. Harry
  23. The whole Kissinger/Helms story that RFK was behind plots to kill Castro was new to me when it recently made news, but then I just read the same story (Intelligence Wars, NYRB, 2004) in a Thomas Powers New York Review of Books from February 4, 1999. Thomas Powers, who of Oswald, in the chapter called The Mind of the Assassin, after reviewing most of his intelligence related activities, writes, "Oswald's Tale brings us right up to the pinch-lipped misery and sour odor of the man. He borught pain to many and happiness to none. Anger is what this makes me feel. It was an insect that brought Kennedy down. Would to God he had popped first beneath somebody's foot." Powers then joins forces with Mad Max Holland and Dark Slyd Hersh, not in a search for the truth, but to step on Bobby the Bug, whose been dead eight years when, as Powers says, these words were "written down in the heat of a government crisis, the words of a man [Henry Kiss] in a position to know [bK: and known to lie], recorded on the day, perhaps even within the hour, they were uttered." As Powers puts it (p.372-373), "...The secrets a the heart of secrets are rarely confided to official paper or the appropriate files. The deepest secrets of all have nothing to do with the burn time of ballistic missiles, the configuration of fissionable material in nuclear weapons, or other technical matters, but rather with what presidents want. Those are what ancient Chinese writer about war and statecraft Sun-tzu called 'mouth-to-mouth" matters." "One such surfaced recently when the Assassinations Records Review Board released a two-page 'Memorandum of Conversation' from Gerald Ford Presidential Library recording some comments of Henry Kissinger on January 4, 1975, during a discussion of news stories by Seymour Hersh claiming extensive wrongdoing by the CIA." "According to Max Holland, who is writing a book about the Warren Commission, Kissinger, then serving as both Ford's secretary of state and his national security advisor, had sought a blanket denial from the agency but had been infromed by William Colby that some major secrets remain hidden. A former director, Richard Helms, was summoned back to Washington from his post as Amabassador to Iran to fill in the details for Kissinger at a breakfast meeting shrotly before Kissinger met in the White House with President Ford and Brent Scowcroft, who was taking notes." "'Helms said all these stories are just the tip of the iceberg,' Kissinger said, as recorded by Scowcroft during the meeting with Ford. 'If they come out, blood will flow. For example, Robert Kennedy personally managed the operation on the assassination of Castro.'" "The friends and defenders of the Kennedy brothers say it isn't so; but there it is on paper, written down in the heat of government crisis, the words of a man in a position to know, recorded on the day, perhaps even within the very hour, they were uttered." "Holland and Hersh, still on the case, also learned recently the name of the CIA intelligence officer named to serve as liaison with the attorney general during the year in which he continually pressed the CIA for results in getting rid of Castro - a career intelligence officer, now dead, named Charles Ford." "According to Ford's office-mate Sam Halpern, a CIA officfer also assigned to Task Force W in the agency's effort to get rid of Castro, Ford traveled hither and yon about the country on Robert Kennedy's business, but there public knowlege comes to an end. Hersh's book The Dark Side of Camelot, published in 1998, includes some addiional ancillary detail. Whether still-classified CIA files can fill out the story of Ford's work for Bobby remains unknown but it's likely, just as it is likely no one will be given free range of the files until many, many additional years have passed, if then." "Think of the CIA's files as the nation's unconscious. There you may find the evidence, like the gouges on rock where a glacer has passed, of what American leaders really thought, really wanted, and really did - important clues to who we are as a people. Does this eternal battle over access to the files make sense when few still care what happened at the Bay of Pigs? Does it matter whether we are permitted to haul up the last piece of paper to the light of day before letting it rest? There is no right anwer, just personal preferences: some would rather know, and some would rather not." "[Mad Max] Holland and [Dark Slyd] Hersh, still on the case....." are undobutedly sill chasing down Charles Ford and what he was doing for "Bobby" traveling "hither and yon," the office-mate to Sam Halpern, the sill-alive CIA officer also assigned to Task Force W., who also hates Kennedy. Now that Bugliosi is fizzling out, I'm sure we will soon receive a barage of broadsides from the likes of Powers, Holland and Hersh. BK The note writing, record keeping General Brent Scowcroft served directly under presidents Nixon, Ford, Reagan, Bush Sr. and now with Bush Jr. Scowcroft is only one of several thousands of Mormons imbeded within influencial positions of U.S. Government Administrations. It is urgent, that JFK Researchers expose such powerful socio/religious/politico combinations! Harry Can you recommend some specific sources on a Mormon/gov't alliance Harry? Other than google that is. Myra Just now briefly checked google re; the subject, and can only point out my personal experience and associations as outlined in the 1990 manuscript/book, YROJ Connection to the JFK Assassination, and on the Forum Index under my name. My aim is to direct researchers toward the ongoing, and present powerful undercurrent of this successful subversion. One may well begin with Sen. Orrin Hatch,and/or Gen.Brent Scowcroft etc & etc. Harry
  24. The whole Kissinger/Helms story that RFK was behind plots to kill Castro was new to me when it recently made news, but then I just read the same story (Intelligence Wars, NYRB, 2004) in a Thomas Powers New York Review of Books from February 4, 1999. Thomas Powers, who of Oswald, in the chapter called The Mind of the Assassin, after reviewing most of his intelligence related activities, writes, "Oswald's Tale brings us right up to the pinch-lipped misery and sour odor of the man. He borught pain to many and happiness to none. Anger is what this makes me feel. It was an insect that brought Kennedy down. Would to God he had popped first beneath somebody's foot." Powers then joins forces with Mad Max Holland and Dark Slyd Hersh, not in a search for the truth, but to step on Bobby the Bug, whose been dead eight years when, as Powers says, these words were "written down in the heat of a government crisis, the words of a man [Henry Kiss] in a position to know [bK: and known to lie], recorded on the day, perhaps even within the hour, they were uttered." As Powers puts it (p.372-373), "...The secrets a the heart of secrets are rarely confided to official paper or the appropriate files. The deepest secrets of all have nothing to do with the burn time of ballistic missiles, the configuration of fissionable material in nuclear weapons, or other technical matters, but rather with what presidents want. Those are what ancient Chinese writer about war and statecraft Sun-tzu called 'mouth-to-mouth" matters." "One such surfaced recently when the Assassinations Records Review Board released a two-page 'Memorandum of Conversation' from Gerald Ford Presidential Library recording some comments of Henry Kissinger on January 4, 1975, during a discussion of news stories by Seymour Hersh claiming extensive wrongdoing by the CIA." "According to Max Holland, who is writing a book about the Warren Commission, Kissinger, then serving as both Ford's secretary of state and his national security advisor, had sought a blanket denial from the agency but had been infromed by William Colby that some major secrets remain hidden. A former director, Richard Helms, was summoned back to Washington from his post as Amabassador to Iran to fill in the details for Kissinger at a breakfast meeting shrotly before Kissinger met in the White House with President Ford and Brent Scowcroft, who was taking notes." "'Helms said all these stories are just the tip of the iceberg,' Kissinger said, as recorded by Scowcroft during the meeting with Ford. 'If they come out, blood will flow. For example, Robert Kennedy personally managed the operation on the assassination of Castro.'" "The friends and defenders of the Kennedy brothers say it isn't so; but there it is on paper, written down in the heat of government crisis, the words of a man in a position to know, recorded on the day, perhaps even within the very hour, they were uttered." "Holland and Hersh, still on the case, also learned recently the name of the CIA intelligence officer named to serve as liaison with the attorney general during the year in which he continually pressed the CIA for results in getting rid of Castro - a career intelligence officer, now dead, named Charles Ford." "According to Ford's office-mate Sam Halpern, a CIA officfer also assigned to Task Force W in the agency's effort to get rid of Castro, Ford traveled hither and yon about the country on Robert Kennedy's business, but there public knowlege comes to an end. Hersh's book The Dark Side of Camelot, published in 1998, includes some addiional ancillary detail. Whether still-classified CIA files can fill out the story of Ford's work for Bobby remains unknown but it's likely, just as it is likely no one will be given free range of the files until many, many additional years have passed, if then." "Think of the CIA's files as the nation's unconscious. There you may find the evidence, like the gouges on rock where a glacer has passed, of what American leaders really thought, really wanted, and really did - important clues to who we are as a people. Does this eternal battle over access to the files make sense when few still care what happened at the Bay of Pigs? Does it matter whether we are permitted to haul up the last piece of paper to the light of day before letting it rest? There is no right anwer, just personal preferences: some would rather know, and some would rather not." "[Mad Max] Holland and [Dark Slyd] Hersh, still on the case....." are undobutedly sill chasing down Charles Ford and what he was doing for "Bobby" traveling "hither and yon," the office-mate to Sam Halpern, the sill-alive CIA officer also assigned to Task Force W., who also hates Kennedy. Now that Bugliosi is fizzling out, I'm sure we will soon receive a barage of broadsides from the likes of Powers, Holland and Hersh. BK The note writing, record keeping General Brent Scowcroft served directly under presidents Nixon, Ford, Reagan, Bush Sr. and now with Bush Jr. Scowcroft is only one of several thousands of Mormons imbeded within influencial positions of U.S. Government Administrations. It is urgent, that JFK Researchers expose such powerful socio/religious/politico combinations! Harry Can you recommend some specific sources on a Mormon/gov't alliance Harry? Other than google that is. Myra Just now briefly checked google re; the subject, and can only point out my personal experience as outlined in the 1990 manuscript/book, YROJ Connection to the JFK Assassination, and on the Forum Index under my name. My aim is to direct researchers toward the ongoing, and present powerful undercurrent of this succesful subversion. One may well begin with Sen. Orrin Hatch,and/or Gen.Brent Scowcroft etc & etc. Harry
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