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Harry J.Dean

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Everything posted by Harry J.Dean

  1. Terry, You ought to post this to alt.conspiracy.jfk (the un-moderated forum) it will be read far and wide, and Martin perusues regularlly! Just put his name in the thread title line.... David Hi charming Lady Please, what is the latest on Judyth and her book? I find your explaination above very important and interesting. I thank you. H.J.Dean ************************************************************** Oh well, I guess I'll just have to do it myself.
  2. John Yours to Wikipedia, is "totally" excellent. I thank you for it. Harry
  3. Thanks for starting this thread , Myra, this is a hard few days for a lot of us. I am going to get some links to some of his best speeches. Rice and such. THE THOUGHTS OF MANY Mr.President, J F K. What were our thoughts of you Before death stole you from us today We gave our love, hope and admiration too Mourning now, we of all the world Know you ask not-but gave all for your country Of your strength, through accusation hurled As you stood undaunted against that enemy You were the stalwart laborer of a stately nation As America weeps it shall not forget The burden, the pain, of your trying station And your words and deeds remain with us yet. H.J.Dean [c] 1963
  4. Mr. Bush and group, recipients of the theft of the GOP by past extremists could not fool all the people all of the time as seen in the outcome of this election {Nov.7,06}. Finally, the nation has an effective loyal political opposition. More good news, Rumsfeld another wicked person has just now resigned! H.J. Dean, anti-Bush Republican.
  5. WAR What is ment by; dont live in the past! Even young people reach the stage Recalling the best and forgetting the rest Has little to do with wise age It's outlook that determines conditions, As one reaches back to the years before It'll raise you to a highly contented position Above a world of toil, worry & bloodletting war! {c} H.J.Dean USAAF 1945/46
  6. Excerpt from 1990 manuscript/book, YROJ Connection to JFK Assassination. Before the one step forward, {middle east} and two steps backward, as Bush senior reached the presidency, this seemingly prophetic expose' .... we {as genuine republican conservatives} were unknowingly being used {as early as the 1960s} to help install this present system that is surreptitiously wielding every power of the U.S. government to force the extension of a purely materialistic religious empire that is intent on redsigning the entire world in it's own "communal" image! An effort that includes, brute force and isolation of resistant individuals and entire nations. H.J. Dean
  7. My spies tell me Dubya has just been diagnosed with terminal stupidity--no cure. The good news is that it's not contagious--except for those who blindly follow his brain-dead ideology. Pop the bubbly. A good one Mark. I was a life-long republican until Bush first entered the scene.
  8. It is reported today via U.S. Intelligence and politicos that F. Castro is victim of terminal cancer and therefore a goner. It is sad that anyone suffer such. Once my admirable hero, and since, an enemy. In any case the now 'poor old guy' has run out of steam. Even with his millions in world tourist trade and the total assistance of the various socialist governments of 'canada' {1959/2006} he and his great betrayal will bite the dust. Harry J. Dean hjay1212@wmconnect.com
  9. It was my impression that even under Ike the idea behind the BOP was that US involvement was supposed to be covert and it was meant to appear as an autonomous group of Cubans and was based on the premise Cubans on the island would rise up against Castro. The amount of troops need to take over Cuba against the will of the people would have been enormous, I doubt even Nixon would have done so without a casus belli. LDS as in Church of the Latter Day Saints? You think the Mormons were involved in a coup plot with the Birchers? Hi, Len To answer your question{s} please see Memoirs of, Harry J. Dean under JFK Forum Index.
  10. STEPHEN, WHETHER THE ASSASSINATION OF PRESIDENT KENNEDY WAS A RENEGADE CONSPIRACY OR A FULL FLEDGED COUP D'ETAT IS ALSO A MATTER OF DEBATE, WHICH REQUIRES ITS OWN THREAD. BK From my 1990 Manuscript JFKConnection THE CIVIL/MILITARY COMBINE President Kennedy once stated "the very system of government is in dire peril and may not survive my term in office." Kennedy was describing the severe threat posed by extremely powerful cooperative civil and military sedition at work. Leaders of the {LDS/JBS rebellion were advising their legions by the following; Finally, and probably most important of all courses of action,we would put our weight into the political scales in this country just as far and fast as we could. For unless we can eventually, and in time, reverse by political action, the gradual surrender of the United States to communism, the ultimate alternative of reversal by military uprising is fearful to contemplate.... we are opposing a conspiracy....our determination to overthrow an entrenched tyranny is the very stuff of which revolutions are made. Their long twilight struggle {5 years} against the elected government of the United States was for world power. That power lay within an almost impotent United Nations Organization. Control and direction of that body would be realized by these subversives upon first neutralizing, then seizing the U.S. government by shock force, the assassination of President Kennedy. Further,...."the result of our failure in this fight most positively will be concentration camps, or worse, and soon....we must all stick together or we will certainly hang separately...." These, and their present-day heirs that weild this stolen power {coup d'etat} intend to continue for hundreds of years in control, under the titles of either major U.S. political party. Harry J. Dean
  11. Hi, Bill I did not intend to comment but will repeat what someone once said; "the deeds of men whether right or wrong, will live after them" Harry
  12. Peter, Thank you for the update. Robert, sorry my post was poorly stated. What I meant was, it is to bad I could not place blame on Castro and gang for assassinating Kennedy, and not that they are any continued threat known to me beyond that one 'unshakable' 1960 torture session. Harry
  13. Has anyone a recent report on Castro's condition ? In any case. Even with the bitter, endless memories of my 1960 Castro G2/DGI brutal Cuban agents interrogation, with threats of death, can I ever suggest involvement by Castro and his likewise less-brained slugs in the assassination of U.S. President Kennedy. H. Dean
  14. Hi, William O'Neil Excerpt{s} from the 1990 manuscript/book, YROJ Connection to JFK Assassination re; Jack Ruby. ......the upper layer of our network leadership quickly branded Ruby a communist and a lifelong brutal gangster. Every smokescreening effort was brought into action to offset his testimony {to Warren Commision} about the secret works of General Walker and the national intrigues of the conspiracy vanguard {John Birch Society}. This is the lesser price Ruby had to pay for daring to expose the naked condition of treachery in Kennedy's death. It has long been established that Jack Ruby was never a communist, a gangster,or co-conspirator of Oswald. Ruby was ruffian, an emotional jerk,and the killer of Oswald, but he shook the foundations of the "very powerful" select few in the LDS {Latter-Day {Mormon} Saints} Rocky Mountain Fortress,Utah, and their JBS {John Birch Society} apolitical/political headquarters in Boston, with a clearly brave truth,about those who mislead the innocent! .........Jack Ruby braved the odds when he testified to Warren June 7 1964 about a " fearful and powerful organization and some of it's members". RUBY There is an organization here.....Chief Justice Warren, if it takes my life at this moment to say it, there is a John Birch Society.....a very powerful organization right now in activity, and Edwin General} Walker is one of the top men in this organization.....unfortunately for me, giving these people the opportunity to get in power, because of the act that I committed {shooting Oswald} has put a lot of people in danger of their lives. WARREN Yes, they are very powerful indeed! RUBY If you think anything that I am doing or anything I am asking you is endangering you in any way, shape,or form, I want you to feel absolutely free to say that this interview is over. FORD Isn't it true, Mr. Chief Justice, that the same maximum protection and security Mr. Ruby has been given in the past will be continued? RUBY But now that I have divulged certain information....? Ruby died one month before his new trial was to begin, reportedly of lung cancer, on January 7, 1967. And a lot of other people lost their lives? Harry Dean
  15. Che' was a trained Doctor MD. with no clients. Fidel was an attorney, with no clients. During the Revolution Castro forgave a former turncoat, Che' had him executed. Harry
  16. From The 1990 Manuscript/Book YROJ. Harry J. Dean
  17. It will be important to see the outcome re; the accused Canada terror suspects. If or not the Royal Canada Mounted Police {RCMPs} have run amoke after watching and believing, our Hollywood baloney Cop movies, and are overreacting? Harry Dean
  18. Lee Lloyd de Mause and class has it right, everyone should read his " The Emotional Life Of Nations " that you have refered to above. Thats the way things were, and was the free-wheeling drive of all my former former associates explained in my writing. My manuscript/book has pic's of the handbills certainly others must have copies. Harry
  19. Jeffrey Willis {Mormon Bishop} and long time CIA personel director revealed that many other CIA men were also Mormon church members when he sought public relations advise from an old friend, newspaper columnist Jack Anderson also a member of the Silver Springs Maryland church ward. "Sisterhood" Is a term with roots at the CIA where the church is particularly well represented. CIA agents also refer to one another as 'sisters" George H W Bush learned to appriciate the Mormon sisterhood within the larger CIA sisterhood ........ when he served as director of Central Intelligence. Scowcroft had served at the seat of power from Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford, and Ronald Reagan. At that time he worked closely with Gen. Brent Scowcroft. Even before taking office Bush named Scowcroft, Roger Porter, and Steve Studdert, all Mormons to top White House Posts, in foreign affairs, domestic policy, and political schedualing. The "sisterhood" was overjoyed. While Scowcroft, Porter, and Studdert were the most visible Mormons running the government as Bush administration began they were only three among hundreds and thousand DC saints with influential positions in the federal gover- nment. Furthermore, simular Mormon "knots" thrive at state, county, and local levels throughout the nation. The resulting power elite-a tightly knit, almost exclusively white male assemblage of jurists, journalists, FBI agents, CIA executives, Interior Department managers, Pentagon brass, corporation chiefs, ranking White House officials, Mormons make up a substantial portion of U.S.Government management, including some Congress persons and Senators. Scowcroft, along with others continue to serve the present Bush Administration. H. J. Dean
  20. Hello Mr. Dean. That's an extraordinary and generous offer. Are you okay with making all of this information public? Could this be devoted to a webpage, with material made available for future research to all and sundry? Thanks for all of your contributions - here, and in the past. Kind regards, Lee Forman Hi, Lee My thanks for your genuine interest and suggestions. But I have been in discussions with an author for several days re: this offer. Will let you know the outcome. Harry
  21. Please note. In my present thinking there is little more that I can offer to the pusuit of justice in the assassination of JFK. This along with advancing age, makes necessary my decision to offer to JFK Researchers, and/or other interested persons, any historical connections, artifacts, and all rights to my associations 1957 to present, including my involvement with Cuba, U.S. Intelligence, the assassination of President Kennedy, et al. Harry J. Dean hjay1212@wmconnect.com
  22. Your two cents are worth billions in this succinct view above.
  23. John Again sorry, I do not recall mention by Mr. Smoot of the Van Landringham person. Harry
  24. Hi, John D. Sorry, do not know that re; Smoot. Harry
  25. Dan Smoot rated only a photo in my YROJ 1990s Manuscript/book. Now here are some ongoing important details from back then. Dan Smoot onetime FBI agent, and administrative assistant to J.E. Hoover, continued his former connections with certain persons within that agency long after his tour with the FBI. Connections that allowed Smoot to report to RID "Research Intelligence Department" of The John Birch Society re; activities of the political opposition {Kennedy Administration} including the "latest personal exploits" and " movements" of the president. Smoot was well known by me via several 1960s meetings on behalf of J.B. Society. Harry
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